The Straits Times, 11 April 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, IB9f>. NO. 18,895.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 656 1 NOTICES. Ml Inlak rank. Ml INVI. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Ot HiuhK.I «.i«lily, »iil, Hav.tiK CHEAPEST. \MSllli' COMPANIES OVnOa, Collyor Quay. WllAhVES.Niw Hi, JT8AI NAVIGATION COMPANY, mi lor rlilnn. Jii|ian. I'maim. Inn. India. \n -I rit lisi. Allen, Ecypt, HnrHclllea, Mbraltar. Malta, itriiniiM. Voatoe. ri)inontii. :iini i <i«.n. Throajrti BflUrf Lading
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    • 1900 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIE». T\K KONINKLIJKK PAKETVAART MAATcSCUAPPU. I ruler runtrACt with m* Nrthorlands India <ioven,m>»nt Aomin at Wintinjian BMIF> A»a»CT, i.*tf .1. Uakmubui A i ;n., J-». ''uixtkb Vuav Btaaanr. BBaaatad kVanj Will be Deapatcnod for <m luth. Swatow. Haigaa. 12th April. 0 0 Mill. Bonmbara Sourahtys, Bili, Atnjwnai. MacKsa--, aud
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    • 397 1 i H <' HI l> .1. D A. IV UHllV HoBl ICl'l.l I Illsr AND Fl.OKIsT. uiuoni ami bMMi 09 Oioitii < Inl.M- f,,r Hon.piet PMS, A-v. A<". ('(ir.fiilh Jin. I roni|,tlv etaeuUi. Ii.'i(n~i Hoiim in tin- Trad*. M SEKY. OXI.EV RoAI). c I Mm H>lli C rrliard Ro«<l, 'l'.un;..i,
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    • 813 1 INSURANCES. C1ANTON JNSUKAMCE 0PK1CK LIMITED. Uaattal Subacnbad..... $.',*«.•>■ An. .iibt toil t>p H.. •r^.■ fuu.t l.»'.'«». H<'tHI>i< >:. Ho»..«o«.i. Tha mi iKual.lwtinir htfa>i>H>ii.t<-l Air.ui i th.I iknl .»n.|» i.jr.nre prrparaMa acoapt Maria* Ki»ka al urn i.l ABoiu. u UWili paid tn til cun<ri I Miti.raof Imi>ii«i>, Tko II nua
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    • 1031 1 INSURANCES. '7'HE~STKAIT8 !Nt>DRANOB CO)Tj I PANY.UMITBD k-i aiii.i -M i ii 1883. BiuOnm Bim*fom, (npiial Fully Suh«criU><l W.'hii.iK l':i|>l!.i 1'il.l'lij. j til.ll.INI > Ri«»rv« Fuml MMM Hai.ttw* of Working Account to 3i«» r).-..mi.T, l*®* f C'MhAsMta f I 480.1*18 A. 8 1ICKRAY. Seeretay EtlTIII M O R T O
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    • 384 1 BANKS. (1HAHTERKD BANK OF INDIA J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INVOBPORA TED BYROYALCHARTEB. CAPITAL £800,000 RESERVE LIAHILITT of Proprietor* t'SOO 000 RE8ERTE FUND 4325.000 ("Bank or Enolavd. [land. HANKTSR8 National Bah k of Scot(Thk Cnr Bank Ltd. IpTEBKKT ON riXBD DEPOSIT!!. For 12 month* 34°/. do 3 s 2°/ 0 anil
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    • 980 1 FOR BALE; EMPLOYMENTS; TO LET; AST) PERSONALS. fl»TTmi!, IS ront. line 2nd and 3rd tinxw. 10 ™nt« s lino 4th to 6th times, 5 n U ft linn; 7th to IHth tim-«. .1 will |I M: aftarwnnl*. 2 Mat* n lino hut. no rharffn la#« than one lioUar. Thu«. a
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  • 452 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTAT ION B i oiMOAFOBC, Him Apbil, 18H6 PRODUCE. (MHm 7.7:! 1 do Cuh« N->. 1 1-i.OO. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra Bali •">«.■> do Pui';.-.uak,. ■>''■) "epiK-r Black M.70. Sago Flour, Sarawak do BroiMi I M I' -i.. 3.05 '"offoe Bali. ipi.kMl) :».M> Coff«e Liberi»n,
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  • 147 2 To-DAT I '«!i via |«»rt-, C'lltfptv, p.m. Trin.'ira n ii»|Hjrt*. Sultan, p in. SUIarat 4 Kinnr s,.,.,./,.., 3 p.m. i> fcnjn, I if. ladnniri, p.m. Pas > J..i.i»ii mrn/m. I p.m. 1 a p t H I p.m. Swatnw \ii |«>ri». lk',,1. 4 p.m. Con friPonl
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  • 121 2 Kk.>« KiKni'it :-Ky the P. (J. ■> IhmM, .In m Mm lav w tli MM t" tl>e >'th March, .-h. Ii-u.l— In- I., tin- mail wliu'h left Sinmporr on i'Jth Pab. tmom iiina lif the I'. *o. A-,n««r./. Bind, .In 1 I lev. TAULI Of M .11
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  • 244 2 ITO 1K1UW (fbr the Far Eait.i Per F. A O. s. Virttirii, from Loudou, Mv.-h IX Mr- .hi I Mrs. Huroliin mnl throw thiMreu, Mr and Mri Buck, Mr. W H. helton. Mr. n and two <'l ildreu. Mr, Oiinii'i. Mr. t.n I Mr<. M i\ hi. Mr A.
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  • 24 2 KBTABLISHBO I 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Sulitcriptior rates and aAvertiring rale* mrv Ite fntinil »it the fourth page.} SATURDAY. 11th APRIL. 1896.
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    • 208 2 London, I lth April. K "j Humbert.attended by the Mar.juis di Rudini. tb» Premier of Italy, aud the Marquis di Sermoneta, tbe Minister for Foreign Affairs, has arrived at Venice to meet tbe Emperor William. THE EGYPTIAN QUESiION. An official communicated article in tbe French press announces
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    • 26 2 In consequent-" of the prevalence of piracy iv tbe s luthern portion of the Gulf of Suiiu. the French gunboat Vipira has .i,.-|i*i. l.i-'l titmice.
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    • 33 2 Ii Hl.l, Um.l.s c. THE Kksi This match commeuced yesterday after. uoou, and when stumps were drawn for 'he day. the Public Schools who went Itatj compiled 4.1 for seven wickets.
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    • 46 2 Thk ombMmM with the outward Engli.-h mail left Penaug at 10 a. ra. to-day, and niiiv Ik- Oipaalai to arrive h-re at .laylij^ht on Mou'lay. It is just oaaßMoa, however. that she may be able to L-,-t in before dark on Si'udiy evening.
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    • 42 2 Thk consecration of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, fixed for the l'.tth instant, its titukr feist, has. ou aecouut of Bishop Gasnier's death, teen postponed to a future dite, of which due notice will be given iv these columns.
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    • 42 2 ii.ii i -ai.k arrests of foreign compradores in the camphor districts of Formosa were beiug made at i Ii- end of last month. Hongs were being cloecd, the contents confiscated, and the books seized by the Japanese authorities.
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    • 42 2 < >N the :<lst March, two Euripeaucbildren developed symptoms of plague at Hongj koug Out- of the children died the next il.i\ Ii is thought the dii-cuic had been conlr:t..te<| from some of the Chinese chil- dren in the nvi^hb'jiirlioo.l
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    • 60 2 St. Job"|iIi'» I ils'ltu' ion, wliicli h.i'l to hi' cloned ou Wi i|uf»i| iv <i«'iug to Biabup i-..: r- i 1 r.'»|HMin 1 this iiioniin^. The v\jl»»v» at tli.- Kuffl.M Iu8litutn.ii. ami tbi' St. Aiith'iiiv'g liuvs' anil SirU' Schools will Im! rf-i>|nn.-<l M th<.' niuniiii^' of
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    • 62 2 Thk Revd. MoaOOfO Gregory, formerly BMBOOOM of the Armeuiau Church of St. Gregory at Singapore, is here at pres.-ui, having arrived from Calcutta this moruing iv the Chrlydrn for a trip Ut the In v. bt of his health. He is a guest of the gold Uarcor
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    • 88 2 THE LATE BIS HOP GASNIER. Thk brickwork over tbe vault of Bishop I Gasuier was clotted yesterday, and tinI uumerous wraths were iirrautted over it iv tbe form of a cross. Batata the closing, tbe vault was viewed by a^e uuui- K-r of |i«ople. The wroath fiom Goveinmint House
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    • 84 2 THE NO TE ISSUE. I UK KKHEKATKII sTATW TO I'AM ICIHATt Thk follow m.; is a copy of a letter just receive I liv the Chamber ol Commerce 1 the Se.r-'arv re MM mpesed lim. inineiii Note Issue. With reference to my lettc of iinl .M»v 1 last.
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  • 336 2 THK TRAGEDY AT PENANG. FURTHER DETAILS. (Special Tilegram to ike StraiU Timu.) j Penantj, KnlurrLiy. Mbs. Pbbct Stkphbns caught a severe lull while out ridiDg and acute iufUmmaion of tbe bowels set in. Although receivng unremitting care, a collapse occu ire lat nidnight on Thursday and death su por veued
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  • 131 2 Allahab,!.! MM Mar, I, Tut Pionetr't Londou correspoudnijt t.']' _-ripli», under date 27ib March, that [■rivAtt" ti-lt from Pretoria stale that tbe mil thfre inmost .il.irm:?. 1' dt'Dt KniL" r i* nii'1 to li.i v- c<mi ludt-l i i>ff''i)nivi- aud defeuiivt- illl.uio' with tbe Orange Fne SUte.
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  • 151 2 Mb. 1 >k. Sp'enter, a Belgian, I- a. retail liquor liwuue house at 57 Nurtb bridge Road, where he aUo MRiM on the business of a |?eu«T<l <le*lcr. Ye»terJay three Chiuameu entered th- plaee anil one of th.'iu, on the pretem-e of buriii^ certain goods, d.Ttrted Mm. Dt
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  • 148 2 Ykstkbdat afternoon, the police received lUl 'Till Hl'lU tll.ll a till Ml Ixl of iW'iliji'i valued at 8442 bad been stolen on tue pi! vi.nn night from several toa^kaugt WiDtf at Taujong Kim. Ini>}«ctor Morris, witb a party of detectives went to a house in Tanjnug Kbu,
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  • 218 2 loth A,,.-;i Mr K. V. Uikiiks. I'.isHnl O.l.t. In ill _T,Ujl.vl li'iHe nl atwUc-. W|tl) haltsalarv, fur twelve uioutbt, to be taken alter tbtiw tnouths' vacation leave mii -in in;; (iu llic tnl iustant. Mr. K. J. Hallifax, is appointed Artif Dilliul OMoil. Nibon^ Tebiil. 1'ioviu.* j
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  • 85 2 PASSENGER LIST. ARRIVALS. P..r h h. Nrtra frum ToluL An.m i» |«rt«— M>- urn. How Kn«k, H*Wfill. K|S <>|> W.irren, Mn. (ioinn*. Mr ami Mrs Ji>m|iii n. mi i Mr. nii'l Mr*. Wi—'.t I;oui Per (NUWm from Calcutta Mr. A. I Tayler. tmm IVuMig Mhimim A. Hilvsrt- inu, 0.
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  • 952 2 This other day, I said something the MlviMlnlity ..f l. avin(f 7l£* club, not for amusement hut I,,' puipose of repairing aim I Mleve that ule:i has now up by one sf the jKjroonv at Wf^U in the hiryde trad,., Bl|l Umjt r, who M also efrfit,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 736 2 NOTICES THB BOBMXO COMPANY. LIMITBD 1 c rilBI Staadard Life Amttw. X Norvtch Onioa Fire Iniuranoa Society l Atate Ihuiium Company (Fire). 1 Tha BquittliK Ufa AMuranos Society. Tk» Oohd Marine laiurance Company. Tke China Mutual St*am Navigation Compamj. Tba TolUofcam La««r Company. J Tfca Marituae lnauianoe Company, limited. J
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    • 1309 2 NOTICES [he Straits Times has the largest jirculation ot any newspai er j n Asia. British India excepteci. [t circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the j Protected States ot the Mulay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Intio-Chiiu. No other Eastern newspaper has
      1,309 words
    • 943 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PARSEE THEATRE (ini)d Talii-manie Performanc» The N. E Theatrical Co of Bombay. Will m>i><>»- popular Drnin.i TILE-MK-SITPMHAR. An adaptation from Diek'-i Kuirli-ii Drain*. "O!»« O'clock." ~\TOT[CE is hereby iriveu that we are iN pleased id appoint L.h Tchand Lukhiniclmnd k* Mnm>f«r (if our branch firm, at Hngapore. under
      943 words
    • 63 2 .U.S. oUnuUi ,">. 11^ mmtft T<mn iSoMld M -mtln I I.,,, w.i r.j«:t^ tk.1 -ivM rtk«r«.. t. •w.;i »i. AU iU«w(int^ nntn.'te «r» t*i.,fA tc I •0«.l.»">» lk«i ,n «u< l-»«.o/ ««l(*r. «U IU, (tor U,t •ek m-nlk. The Straits Times has the largest c circulation of any newspaper k
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 81 2 WKATHKK BEPOKT tmtttm k'ruUu Htipttal, loth Apr, I, HMk 9k. a. 1pm Jp.m. Rbmukk.. tW. re.!. ».t. M.8iMi.7US.ttl T r»in;i. »".'i IM 7< 8 WMMkThcr 81.6 7B2 "i.:! ■>\r of VTiad N W. X W. C»lm -I >!.n.T.. u-i.ti ,-S \lic. no li Tii fi Mm. in Mr. 154!) Itor.mllW
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  • 1509 3 ,m: away of tiik PMBKKJH |;»ki.t thin month, the bopM tliat affair* |ehM i ir "l"' r «"»>* --i':>t>uu'li fell through 6j n<"»« that, the ullu's >'! tii>- Dutch liad >nc over nfinv. Such wu the result of i> ihm veari of warfare there. i
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  • 87 3 Mil S H. Sailer, au Avihlmlitu trader who Ins ju>t rcturocil from Ja|>m t<> New South Wal.s, Hint.-* that tlic JafUnm I ■ii\.'nillnMlt ll.lM \',\ri lkn» ■jllJMI Jf (it is no* worth tot iu improviuiout ot I In- liri-cil i.l' Iheir Ii.»rs.-H. Vurjr k<mhI xlalhoiiH (in b(
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  • 106 3 At KUfwwiHW of Australian. ;>reuiier« In M nl, U*t mouth, it wh <i«-« i'le.l Hot lo rci .iiiiiuiiil (lie Australian Qttfanin.ills I. j,, in in Hi <• tn-.ilv ni'irrd into L.'lwi i'ii (iri'at Britain iMd J.i|'in, .is it u.i* I. it would lx> follow. «l
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  • 212 3 Thk t<.iio.viiii,' an- tl.t. 1 rfsnilt* of tbe Annual S|>ort» lull .i> I J f '>u Good Kridav. :>rd April 'I) Throwing thk OMOTI Ball Tliouis.m. i"><> ft I. li»w, -J. CnnUy. :l ■2 MM Yards Flat Race— \V. Ephrauius 1. Murlin. t Gow, 3. ;i lu.^1
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  • 430 3 thk scuar mum SIM KlolS COIN. Is EihI Java, the nu,'*r |.l.tiit.-r« in. I in eoagHM at fjmrdhiv*, at th" end of last mouth, and their dWil* rui us tptm/i ov.r tlirve dyiys. A|»art from >|... Kiii.-t and (••( to|.i(B. tin- .lutnu■MMtanMd<iv M lh..- u»'«l lor the
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  • 1122 3 The most liinl in^' and majeatic light •■i' mrili is to Ma soul turn round, face t In- li^'bt," con lew* -i sioit, and acknnw-i--'i^' Christ a* a Saviour, even though Um llesh rebels, the affection* clamor, the ili-vil if nipt", and the wi.rld sneers to
    1,122 words
  • 788 3 Ma. Algernon Turner. C. H. the riuaii.ial Secretary of the Post Office, ia .cry proud of j one thing, asys a gossip, an.l that is that I.a ha* always, from s you'h up. woru a wig. and when at Eton ha would, wheu about to engage iv a
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  • 2766 3 Mi.m it- ok Proi'keuinus or thk Municipal CoMMlNttlo.NfcKS AT AN <>»m SARY MlRTINO ON WEDNESDAY. THK ••iVrii March, 18»t>. 1'rkskst -The Prosicloul. Ale». Gootf*, Em... lit Mure. E*. T. Mm*, Im,; Tnn Jink Kim. K«i.; M. M-yr. E«,. T. Shelfonl. E«| C.M.I). A. 0. M EiH| 4 bsknt
    2,766 words
  • 146 3 .-lAllfcllAV. HlH Al'llll. High Water. 1O.;( ]i.m. Hindoo New Y«ar ItkiuCricket. I'.iUi. S,ii,,,»i., v. !C«-st 8. V. A. Annual Inspection 3 p.m. Sl'NllAT. 12TH Al'BIL. Hi K b Water. 10.16 a.m. 10.27 p.m. Low Sun I.h P. O. out k.u.1 mnil <!ue. §atk MoNIIVY, MM APKll.. High Water, in. A.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 to-mokuows UWJUUtl SKRVICKS. CHURCH OK KNOLANh. .ST. ANDBKW'tt < V MKIlK 1 1. um mMi t Lk, I. ..i.-l Harmon. ..m..H..I. MaM Mi A<Mrw. Mi p KveuviDir ruiI SeriiiOM. I p.m., haiSiHlkaaa KO.MAN CATHOLIC. Cimu m iwanM \i, ,..«m nun IK.-- |W1 |H» '.I... in., Lo« Km I Ki.*li.l> M«u
      289 words
    • 925 3 N0T1CB8. iROBT. LENZ~&~Ca ART PHOTOGRAPHERS. CORNER OF .STAMFORD ROAD. AND hii.i, MM 8ITT1NO8 FROM 7 A. M. TO 5 P. M. MARIE BHIZARI) AVJ) ROOFE BORDEAUX. Brandy < iirarno U^niilr. Aniwttl. Maraschino I Supcrimirx. Liquoiirn J Sol* Agent* for the Strailn. tii. 'h. Am. MOINE COMTK A Co LOONCJ HINOT"
      925 words

    • 1248 4 SHIPPIN G IN PORT. I n.^-.r tlr.s h>».lm.' Ml* IntWMrin^ >MI j iir» u*»i:— tf.— «tnim-«-: si— shil, wi.— Urque: Brit —British V. H .-"ml lEaMi Fr.— French; tjor— i-mn^ Da*. On trh Joh.— Johore; .to., I>A.-O«wn wren; il. p.— <Iwk paiwoiiK«r< (i.— ain T. R W.-Tanjon* Patfar WWf T
      1,248 words
    • 272 4 I N'lntf. I'.irt, .(II, i:. r .,l,.l. LoNlliP'. MkUivn, Apl. I'. p Manil.. A|.l jr.«U B.-iilo n I. May. P faw Benkrii;. P Simons, lilen^.trry, Boustotd. LlVKKI'OOI.. Hector Tii»n. Apl. l.i Chanm. >pl. Maii»ti-M ItllMlli. Apl Ajax. A j.l. MimKi'i'a 1 M v.\. Kama. T.Mi.or. Apl W Min^a-i.l
      272 words
    • 145 4 lliIlA Tons. Captiik. Rio Kkoh 1411 IP 1 1 pl. I Kri— MM u.t. .tr. MM foot I" P M. .I.t.N i—im US on MM Vu M I' Paaaaa iirii. »u :tx; Tmlor l» »t'ierii,«|Ai.,.ir Kir. 17.11 OUtal In -»iii lor ,tr i 10 I>*nte li.r. UM 11
      145 words
    • 91 4 I A I •MMIii \»M« ri ,v .1 i: 11 II ii ii u u ii n ii n n n n u >'«|.pl". llrit.-tr. H .tr. »'lt«n tr Him lr w«i.i 5. C.IJTMO r k »n Ywiu tr '•■> I I 1 .tr. F«rf»i:«. lul .tr. ufifei.l o.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 59 4 THK i BO( N SAM) B L ESS LN GK (pic v J^ RLr 1J Tbm i. hi aai liooi. »ml a klaaaaaj ta men Tka nakalaa. (lv Owl, and tkaWaTwbj -iv. n CAMBBOV, BBtaaaaaa, I :'.l j f J I 1 y a^'^k JqmVJ rha Xi rPH*.NT Mbanh of
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    • 616 4 NOTiOKb. McALISTEK 00. "FAIRBANKS SCALES. |Ta i- Ik n \>. .iv. i, tint ji,,i. r j.,iw. r of a't,.i: .3 1 .1 I2lfa I>,-,-c -It. lH'.C., I. 1 T. hi b oki I Co Johotbrni. Ve in lit, r 0 v. int.a j Kranci- U;rr 1 tail A l--x i-.l-
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    • 444 4 .NOliCiSS. COLDS, oMGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral fit Will relieve the most <linJ trensinn chhrIi, Mw t'"' i>'il"'""l membrane. Q',^J indue- rrfri'shiiift sleep. Ht™ For tlM ena of Croup, [■T Whooping OMgk, Sore El Throat, ami all the pnlH monary troubles t<> which I^^^J the young an' M
      444 words
    • 599 4 NOT1CFS. LABUAN-BOKNKO. (miM.\1I>-K)N AOlVOr. At Bmmm .Mineral- ('om|iMiv. Limited. London ami Ltlniiih. iiro |.repar«d to render pperial facilitiei to Manufacturer* iturl xtlici" di-siron* of being rvpri'M-nlcd in th« Ea*t. m. w. ,t h. a. e. C1AHTION TO 8HIPOWNKKS AND < Al'TAlNS. KAHTJKK S ANTIK"l |,IM, O.M POSITION. < tier mile
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    • 80 4 NO'liChS NOTICI FRENCH~~BA K EEY. JumI Arrived. Vl -KXKI .I.ESTK! -V y t I'. S M l FlNAN<IKRK, I (Jri.KK iif ViANi>r. I'i'Ri.K i«k roiR I G«A8, Sardimes TRirrRD. A Rai-maki. WlN«. I!RFAH nSLIVIRKO UP TOTHK '>TH MILE Alw»y» in St»vk W«t nnH 'ompletr anMortmeut of FttBNCH FROVlSIdNS WINES AND
      80 words
    • 47 4 ii. UMIThh. I bMun Whiskt Di., 1a; I QuAMHUi Dwutai Briciiik N. b. BOOtOB CREAM. Tin rf M| BmM Whisky. ROVALBI.END. A, t T»i.- Irin.-.- ,,f W»l«.. THOMSONS UtiDTOL u uanin Blen.1 of «b the fillwi -j WhiRkie* I Sole AkpiiIm for *hiKn|>orr. |u«. II. JAMES oy
      47 words