The Straits Times, 23 March 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, xMONDAY, MARCH 23, 1896. NO. 1«,879.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 868 1 STEAMBHIF COMPANIKS. I OFFIOE. Collyer Quay, i\ WUABVU, New Harbour STEAI NAVIGATION COMPANY, Strain ror hlim. Jnpaii. IVunim. aU-BVJNgg-SK ■n,p,,,,.M«.11-l i-n.\ ,f\-. n,-,[f,,r Pet fin I .4,,-. M;iil Uiic ()UI«ARD HOMKWAR > A|..,1. 1 Alili I* Mnl U l,,torni(Mliato Direct Servhc. JiX.-iWin' inliHtai furslin,;i.Mi aaaiWr »f 1 a.«.inr>-r- i-' r
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    • 790 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I \K KOMNKLUKK PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. I 'nd -r eontrnrt with thn Netharlauda India OoTernment. At/tnta at BUfupt** .Shtp AorwcT, lat« J. I>abwd«l« A Co., 2-3, Colltik Quay. Will bn Deepatched for On I! i, Htftr. HtlTJa. MnL BatavU, Choriliou. FamaranK, aud tioarabaya. 24th M»r. .'.Mn. l'»r«h, Bila. Axmhan,
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    • 215 1 J. MUTLUN CO. WATCHM A K E B 8 JEWELLERS, OPTICIANB. »i>ai»i raonfttT ixieiTi». HEIDSIKK CO. I MONOPOLB. Pirreyorn to th» IMIKHIALand ROYAL JOUBT 07 GERMANY and W the IMPERIAL COURT OF RUBBU. BAUTENBERG SCHMIDT 00. SOLI AOBMTB. ir»iaw> BABTKRN~iroRT^roT INC AOBNCY COMPANY. LIMITED. Antboriaad Capital Jl.floo.ooa Snbeoribed j ano.Sfia
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    • 756 1 INSURANCES. Fl I ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE \J LIMITED. OsfMsl iI, ■ftTTrsi Amoo». »,,l up t^jm' law., rand BMuSML Tkeinilenirraj i,.,,,,. f a«.a aaeiilets* l<ea«ats«w*s Coiap. U7 .n. „f,n* to HMut M.. 'v Elsks~ UOTAL INBURANCB COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. wmtTSiJßfiStimj*!. O^*sT Wl BB#Va\awKal«OSßl '^BTBBM bn .sasaasa w"*w^wßr«wa "JowrraAPwOo. aasasa. XHK CHINA
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    • 792 1 INSURANCES. THE BTBAITS INSCJRANOK OOV. PANT, LIMITBD RsTABLI.iHKIi 1883. HKAHOrn. > SIHOAPORI-:. Capital Fully Sulmeribeil ■S.OOn^O Capital Paid-up I n Reserve Fund stl/M Balance of Working Acoont U> 31st December, 18J>4 t M 9.195 CaahAsaeta J .Wi'.JlH A. S. MUIiRAY. Secretay JOBKPH BAlJtat, t, jNrKCTfONKR ANII I'lt.vsi BaKKB. BKIJS to
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    • 459 1 BANKS. /IHARTBRBD BANK OF INDIA > J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCOBPORATEDBYROYALCUARTER. CAPITAL 1800,000 RF.SBRVK LIABILITY of Proprietors «900,0t>» RESERVK KIM) £32S,0t«> flUsk nr Kn.II.ANI> [LAND. BANKKRS J National Bank or B<:ot(.Thk Cii v Bank Ltd. Intkkkkt oh rixcii Dkpohith. For M montlw 3J°/ 0 H do a°/ 0 and
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  • 478 2 SiNOAFOHB, -J;tKI> MAKCH, PUODUC& QmbMm 7.«. do UuU No. 1, IMO. do do No. 2, 10.00. Copra Bali, do I'rn.tUiink 5.50. Pepper Black. 10.50. 3»ro Flour, Sarawak 2.7O. do Brunei tM. P.iarlSago, 3.WJ. Coffoo Bali, 40.00. Coffee Liberiiui, No. 1 X>%. Taoiona .mail FlaVo 3*). do
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  • 131 2 For Per itr. Time. TO-MOBBOW. Itni.w- QttrgvH, 7 am. i«r-kok, Hy./r.i. 9am li..i. K.'hiir.'. II > iv V..i.,!. r.u. l\ II a.m. Cl-rribon .V Sanutrauir Pr,..i,.., Xoon. M.. im. via tarts, Mna, ->pm. hsthmttpaa Jhm, Iv Klaii Ti»port». K.HIM &i.. J i. i... Kun.,l. va|,,u. MHTts rnr. I^SI
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  • 101 2 Ton Takihoi Maii.sDik Kk..m batn Hy tlie P. O. s. P.k.n, luc mi Suii'liiv. uith .|»tvs frum Kuniuv to tli. <;i!i Har. Fk..»'-hin\ Rrtka M.M. MUhssMM, LsM -iii)j:»|H>r«. l>uc in 1..11.1..11 An,i. i K.I. .Ml. I>. *I) \l USB Mar. '.'ncl Kb. KMli V li I. Mu-.
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  • 201 2 AKKIVAI.B. Per s. s. Amktnt from Teluk Auiwn via p-irts Mr. Jeffrey, and Mrs. Pr«ntie». |>„r I i- IfltlslM fr m Bargknk Messrs. A H. Vmi Bi.-iim. K..njsfi«ld, aid Gray. i'.t s. Hojih Brmtt from Sarswik Mr- Qf4ll. Por r. UgUmimt tnm Hougkong Mr. MitelicllJami-. „-.1 Mrs. M.-
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    • 41 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. THK WAR IN ABT8SINIA. London, $Hrd Min-ck. Tin It.ili.iii Chamber of Deputies ha* voted a credit towards the war rj|*n«. in AliTSHioia. THE DONOOLA EXPEDITION. Sir Herbert Kitoh«>nr>r, the CouiinaDder "t the Dongola Expedition, ba* started for Wady Haifa.
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    • 548 2 Thf annual report of tba <rorkins; of the Registry of the Sapreme Court, which appeared as a supplement to the c'lrmit <ia:elfe,cnmf opportunely when public attention is being et-npcallr drawn to the condition of the legal machinery of the Settlement*. There ii .i _mmi a large
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    • 45 2 We wh'l.tsUml that ili- busiut'M of Memm*. Ouwaiu Alexander aod (V, aerated water niaout'aL'tiireri ami I r bottler*, has l»-.-u purobased lir \1 Barugb aod Co. (if Hill Street, Simlmi-tp. aud will be coutinued h_v tln-m 'I'll- prive I .v.l ih mid to be 540.0U0.
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    • 10 2 Thk reiovery of a strayed fox terrier it advertised for.
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    • 33 2 Thk Straits BudyH will be publiibal »t MM tu-iuurruw. The homeward wail b_v tbe a. M'lhourne clmm at i )>. m to-morrow. Thk Ii troVuin Bill C'diuiiiill.-.- <>f Ciuucil ttoiihed its tilling ou Saturdar.
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    • 19 2 Tiik ninUt,.im -r P- kin left Colombo at I (i.iv. yesterday, aud mar lx- oi[>*rt«J h"re M noruiug ueit.
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    • 20 2 A nil. lint ill burnt |>a»b>ngt-ii bj lhathm mail t'ouipauiis will bi- 1 nuid j ilnt'wbuie in our colutnoi.
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    • 26 2 Thk in. i;l ili'i.|.ii'rlji-<l f n in SiiiK-M r> 1. .ii.. 1. in. til M»rn-,llu». cm i k. ■>"•( li iiliimo. ■M ililivrrix) oil tb<- 20th in«l»n<
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    • 16 2 Mr. Justice Latch goes to Malacca I to-day by the Sea Belle, for tbe Assizes there.
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    • 18 2 A HOTICBto shippers and owners of car- i goes by tbe Celeilial is adveitised in our columns to-day.
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    • 21 2 H. E. Marshsl Yamagata will land at Johnston's Pier at 8 a.m. to-morrow. There wiil Ik- a salute of 1 guns.
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    • 21 2 Trb papercbtse meet on Weduetday will be at the corner of Orchard Rrcid and Orange Grove, with the finish Ml Tyorsall.
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    • 19 2 Traban. a jockey from Calcutta, who wan previously ridden here, will tßtjtil Sings|«ore tbortly for the Singapore race meeting.
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    • 23 2 Mr. A. Mii-uiK. wbo returuid to England from China a few months ago. left for South Africa at tbe commencement of last month.
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    • 22 2 Ow Saturday next, a meeting is tix-d to be held at Kuala Lumpur. '<> ronnid-r the establishment of a Central Planter.' Association there.
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    • 27 2 Mr. L. P. EMen. Collector of L*nd R venue. Selangor, will slim t ly be going on long leave, rendered necessary by 'he stale of bit bealtb.
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    • 25 2 In. tieiin.m Colonial So'ietv p-oposps to open a great bazaar in Berlin, for the exhibition and sale of the products of Ihe j German Colonies.
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    • 31 2 Tub M. M. s. s. WUmWM left Saigon at a. in yesterday, and i< due here to-morrow at. daylight. She will probably be df-spitched at 4 p. in tbe same evening
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    • 56 2 In tbe House of Common*, on 21nt February, Major Rascb, by a majority of lt>7over 100, obtained leave to bring iv his Billfor shortening tbe duration of speccher. The matter of the P. A O. steamer Rnkilla reports having spok»n the fourmasted ship K'nlmere of London. Lat. fiO.W. Long. 90.0.
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  • 28 2 At half-past six this morning, the de;id body of a <'liioain.ui "■■>» foi^ud in the canal on Alexandra Road. It looks like a case of suicide.
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  • 30 2 This morning, a detective arrested a dud in p-ws -union of a simpau load of dried fisb and rice, of which he could give no intelligible accouut.
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  • 37 2 JaTah in issuing l>..n.K to Ibe .mi unt j of a.>,(XKMIO'J yeu for eipcutes eonnecled I with tha l.i'e war. The bonds U-ar bye I |er cent, interest ni-.l are for 100 yen I •acb.
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  • 38 2 Thb North Borneo State Cigar Syndic »te, a small formed to intr.Mluce Borneo cigars to the English consumer, re|M>rls a fairly good businens hut year, with the result of a dividend ot 5 per cent.
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  • 40 2 MR H .T .MACKENZIE. Tbk death is auuouuced of Mr. Henry Turiug Mackenzie. furiKerly of Java, aud recently partner in tbe Eiiteru obarteriug firm of" H. D Blytb and Co which toolplace at Las Palmas, Canaries, on .'.i I February.
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  • 45 2 The disease that bas broken out ainoni; tli- cattle at the Hougkoug Dairy Farm is considered to be true cihiA rjf*t or t plague. The disease has taken such hold that the Dairy Farm ban bad to stop the u).!l Kfipply
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  • 44 2 YsMrmnT. a coolie picked up two Dotes of $1" aud •s■"> re<pe-.-tivel\, in the New Bridge Road. He was boufst enough to take them to the Police Station, aud they will become bis own if not claimed within a certain period.
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  • 44 2 In connection with the fountain tbat is to be erected in Old Market Square. Kuala Lumpur, Messrs. K ishei and Co.. of London, have been asked to furnith a suitable dunigu, to cost not more than -Co' -ip free on beard.
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  • 40 2 Tub RejK.rt on Tan Tock Seng's hospital for 180. r > shows an expenditure of $2!»,834- over $:',.'hmi in excess of the figures for 1894, mainly owing to new works bfing undertaken. The receipts were slightly under the outlay.
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  • 41 2 ARRIVAL OF THE TERESA The UeAlift'r arrived here yesterday from Macassar with the disabled" steamer T~reto in tow. The T<r?ta had hrokeu her prupttllei shaft al Ampenau, from wheui-e the McAU'tr, towel her to Macassar ami from thence to tbis port.
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  • 49 2 Int. Postmaster-General is of opibion that tbe lighting of tb* General Post (tin., at night is so bail tbat it is with ditti< ultv the .lerks can sec to do their work. A proposal to introduce patent incaudescui gas buraeis was rejected ou tbe score of ex|Htnse.
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  • 48 2 Abbahubmemth for supplying Colombo with an improved meat supply are Msi to bt Dearly completed, a local iom]unv haviug imported the necessary llMgHmliag machinery from England. It is intended to import troxeu meat frum Australia for the use of the military aud the general public
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  • 53 2 Trb formal opeuin^ of the Kuala Lumpur Waterworks will take plare early in Apiil, most probably on the 2nd. at the Impounding Reservoir. Aui|«n>(. Mm. Rodger will perform the tx-rentouy of turning tbe valve which permits the |>u«tage of tbe water from tho man ir to the
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  • 52 2 MoHalitt returus for the we«-k» eiidiiL' 29th February aud 7th Mar.h. laid before the Hoogkon^ SaniUrv Board, nhew i twentr-uight deaths from plague there duriiig tho former weuk »v.l forty-one during the latter. Duly two cau'et of pU K 'i" *'f >oport«a to tho |*.lie«- „v the
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  • 20 2 Tn« British steamer llnmb.r ,t,. rerently s'randed on Sand i.1.,,,]' JTI h FVscadores. km tmnimi th-r.. hauds were rescued.
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  • 36 2 A Report by Dr. Rennie on the ihm at Outoa liillin .he f,.,, W*** dis.-.iM- is U'.t a hi^lilv ronta K i., u< and hM seldom lieen ea— mimS t' [i-..|.1e of western origin.
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  • 55 2 Thk l!.-UKali. who was fouu.i w i in the Roohore an»| r IT on S,i uri troroitic;, has bw-n id.-utitif-d as tlm v,, v 'I of an officer of ,1,,, Nor-huml^C I-iis.lK-rs. TL- oft,.en.,Mi|,,tP,|,,, ljr MMnaiaff tN limn, as he was in Mm| of his master's key*
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  • 52 2 Thk so-called suppression of tin- M.bum me.lan rebellion m Northern Chiaa. «Oem« lo fat only the retirement ..f JlI relx-ls mix winter qaartan. Tbe Ri«ju officials on tin- frontier are conriu. -.1 lj lt the Mahoiiimetlann are preparing tmn the whi- in the Hpriii,' m ,i |ftater tula
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  • 62 2 On Saturday, iv the New Brill,'. Km i th'.e in. n MgKd 10 pick up a bilk n,,i,. in the road, and, approaching w hi r to j{ive them WOud i ,|,j rin,' in mhngt f»r it. Tho w.nnau aftervrards had the note examined, ml
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  • 63 2 COMMERCIAL LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS In i hi- Uteri published r«|H>rt t H.-ilih of tin 1 British Navy, H'ni(.i| „r.. a ineDtioiifd as ono of the places in tin- Ftr K.ixt ill win. h v. in n aldiso.isr n prill, iiw'lr .ontraitf.l. The officer of ih« imprtttiKf olw.rvis that the
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  • 59 2 Thn Cuiiiii A«s(H'iation i^ave a 8n uinn.-r tit I, in. lon tnwurdii the end uf ]„,i mouth. SirCt'til Smith, th<> Preiid-n', to.iL tike i li.iir. an 1 tln-re UN Ut pOTMM pr*. ■•■ut. ii embers .in.l in. lii.liiii; Mr. F. A Sm-tteuhaiu, aud Mr. \V. A.laiuiou, Cbainuan of
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  • 59 2 Uovkkrob Mai well km returned to tlio (ioli! Coast I rom Coomame. ami wu culliu«..Lsti. :.]l_v reieivel. H« Iml c»u- lul'-.i tivutiv* with the Liii^k or lnef.suf ■.veil lilies iv Asli.inii-i-. aud the •••rerlitl M.ili.imni. .lin Cbief, Sauiorv, had written him a Irti.r roiitniuiut; MftlMMdM "i ti lilitv
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  • 73 2 The Rossiiiiu SwMHMII hat l*gun liiiililm/ m-w docks at SebasU>|wl. which will Im- targe enough In tha count ruction uf irouclsds. The Miumii-r •f Marine lias MlMftd for jailors ing t<> tin' South HinM.m uaval rftrrnt to be ftmti into the Voluuteer Flwt cruis-rs, K<> thai
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  • 79 2 Tae Vladiv. Htuck uov.j.ijx i. mi luum-e the arrival th.f ol the a^Mtool an AnK'"American comp.tiiv, jusl fuundiM! Titb I cicitilof five millions»tfrliui», to v. rLthe alluvial |oM dfp>»iitj of Ewtiiu 8 kMth The agents reijuest Mthority 1 1 >mi t'lo Qoverutii.-nt U (iir.h.i-,.- < Uiuii
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  • 75 2 Kari. liruy. who 18 to KUcceed 1). Uiucsou as Aduiinistratur ol the Cbarimd Company's teintorien. when Mr. \ii»"rt Qttf, li.'lore IllH mi to lll.s Illl'l' title in Ih;iI, nude mauv journ>'v« i Mi the Zambesi, and it is not nine h ui"f thau a year a^o tint he
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  • 84 2 Mk. Registrar cl.'c. iv kit luniul i.'l aft, hnueuls Mm uitcl p| a I,il.riM4o»t theSupiuineCourt.Thewaiil.b<».iy. is»i-r>" much Ut,mftmUj when Iki stack m liir IMMN books dining the pio^r>'»» 1 was given to mi.Jcrst.ih'l," Im ooatiW* " an arr.iu^.-inriit Kid Ih.mi mil' M which the JadgM* gacntami w
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  • 77 2 11k VinuT, M.P. hM i >i|~m the Order txioli <■! Ihi H"""' < i he t.-niiH of tli.' Bowrtall motion. Hhi.h hemlcnlcl |0 WW 17th iuHlant Tl.ev run ;ii tolloifs T.i cull Ktt.'i.tioii t'.th- wMtttti ren.T mid ie, mm Tim' I ..(•iin.mtliiitll »t«Mfaii—■ ..t int/-rn.ti»>'«,et«llH,i, woold !>• boiiHti.-i.l
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  • 67 2 Wmmi iha >.' 1 1 i Viis.n K pM afM in "'"i'; ••"■-K- .ii.|.|....«i "'-I" i- 1"' ■fUMI this m« competitor. >•■» it ban been de..d.-.| to .1-1-"" IW Mr* At Km,1,.1, v,l Kr. steamship oomratuies fuitht* the N v h .n.i i...v, ■■■i";';j their tr.-i-ht boa
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  • 83 2 •J'HKotb.T day. Mr. Aii.ii. V r 'i T.l 1 trader frou, H^koa,, W I**" *t I the UIUMM autii....l.«-* bow lr d U j that hi* h,k..l> wo- Labi.- W due* be bad refawd to j-.v m couwv to treaty. I'll, V,,v,..v <* Bl uphoia. '.I.- b>i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 804 2 WOTICRB TES BOBHBO COMPANtTIIMITBD fTtHB Maadard Life Amnna. X Norwich Cnit.ii Fire Insurance B**tata- Atlas Amirence Company (Kire). TV* BquiUbt* I .if" A .Mirincx Sticirty. Ifca oam Mmiim loMimnce Company. 1W Cilia* Mutual SU«m Navigation Coapaay Yt* Tottenham L**«r ■<"•«» Coin|«ny. IVt Inauiam Company, I.nnitod. 9 For particulars of *h'*»
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    • 898 2 NOTICES i'lic Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaier in Asia, British India exceptea. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Mulay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Phiiip•nnes. and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 890 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTFI). TO RhartH A «lc»njtr loadiiig i:-n> picnii •if Rice Ctti r.iiiiumption, 4 tnn« per day; i.p**d. 8 to knot*; classed. UK) A 1 LMi Apply to J. TV MI.IKR. No. U, H.,1?l mVI Europe. STRAYED from CUrelj.ove. m wiling of yjml inst a »mall fm terrier Mich,
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    • 8 2 FOR UENERAIiSHIJ'I'INti NIWB ■II i-aui; 4 1 1
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    • 64 2 Nil, UIIKM Ik.flr^.f I'ltUHllwiHiri'l'l If.^iJu/Hii,,..., /I, ik, thmiooutx- I Um> m.ny M.S.S. in nj**M Ital miftU «<k«f«4M U (■stbsWc AH md—rUwi't rnutrarb «rr ««1. #<■< Io Ikr m.^idoi. <M <■ osu if prouo; m«ll". WI <uA mttntrr t\*% fnr i*f mck rnoKU. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 89 2 WEATHER REPORT iBSaBSM* Krnhau Hotptlal, Ihrrfi. I-: li.a 1p m -..p.m KsuAiLkftw. rrd. .ti Fan. ■&.'.«■>>, ».76»2».»18 >■ Ti-oip I-5.S 87.7 7fi3 4i:=_ Wet Pulh Ther. f*J ;«i.7 Tli i.'l*| l>ir. nf Wind nxk Ka.t. C«lm iff I ■as. Tfl.iJ.. v lr W I fl3 I Via d.. <U T.-.7
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  • 56 3 I ,r (JbiMM authorities at t 'a ,l->ii Imve (jprMMMaIMM MNrMJ Ibearresl of n ..ioen IMM* ''".'"I 1 ,|^l ,]..M-r* i« offer.-.! for tb- capture i he-.- pr.x l,imal-,.ii« lesul- I I from -''I- mA»« hv the BhtMfa an 1 .-,r« at Pekin. who complained mad.- iii Canton
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  • 229 3 i From Our OmVMMMMMMVI K%ml,i phmV i.iih Mmmk The Kideut arriT(.| from in 'I ih un ruing. M-ssik WitktMM and Co.iteg and Lieut Paul left for Pa«oh last, evening on a viait t.. the tifcaHMMl «J. II M.i In. in there the partr pr.c. c I with
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  • 51 3 knvICM Ir"111 PmMi under date 12th :.,i the new Chinese loan hundred million ta.-ls lias I n ■ritfc OerwMi .....I Horrt.Bg 11,,. i- lor 616.000.01 ii. ;iiei „,1 with the Eoglisl, nmi -.r.licate repre-euted hv Ihe ii nkoDg ■°d Shanghai Ittuk and the Aiiati. Bank of
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  • 83 3 fa. LoiMn o«aaMt iiotilie« that I„ .Culuii-I W Kit/A. Way, of I lie .rUnd fualliaw, coaapltlMß i,,, ptriod ot torriea aaiaiaad i,itt.tliun. h pteead ..11 ball paj H UvU. from balf-MJ, rioi W. PiuA. Way. M <; II I»yke. who h'.s the uiiiiidiid of tinS>rtliiiiiil)^ri«iid Ku-ili. rs ,",,.in
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  • 120 3 |HK anuiial Report ol tli (jcnenau.-ht V'rlirißaty BaMBOB, .Singapore. Il 1895, M little iiu| ort*. mainly v the pieviilenie of foot atiil-in.uh imtm i» 'Snui. »nd aU<> in eat llt npoiti lolVli Ann-gar.lH tlie Infer, the rIBvH ri .l, „,nie to Mi fr..« Biama|o>« tad tin- -ii'l.-are now
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  • 143 3 lin tb» J7th Keliruary, at the HoBM I'.iI.UI.'IIH. I 11" 'lialleplliu ol tile Klciie^UlT rf, -in .l a deputation r>|iii'!ieutiuf; eoffca ij.ilerc. lUercbniitH, and l.roLeis who, JDtrudnrad by Mr Low, imp. aakid fc* in| te r.-iiioral of tlie eii^tnn; .In 1 1. 'ij niilr ineaim of |n>- rvim; 1)
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  • 161 3 hi Vkm lw--»* af Iha IHi ;u«uiil eim furtber particulars ot ||m Sw.i. ty Dgkliag m ('bai)i.i- IppaßH the tmwUt Wuta 11..11 dispute! bttmi tin- CMmm 111.1 <• l'..u.;| .1 li I Allied lII'-ll fr "11 lII.' 11l I p threat. 11..1 Clmi.UlKj.ii., 11 |m
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  • 190 3 Pod <>;)i,: R,p,,tl 1885.1 The h.'»i Forrit(Q Postage" exhibits tv in. ii.»hi.ot si. 204 which, linger existing tMCtW, 1* hardly a inatt-r for .l.ition. Foreign PuMa^r" ri'|in'. u'. tli,. sinus received in }i >vim-ut in I transit run Si|Hinde.)ce for .'Vuiiil tin' Straita S.'tll.'ui.'iili. in tin- mails t'.ir
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  • 229 3 I" Moving tbi; adoption of the report i i < 1 BMrtiag iif the South Afri■•OoldTnul (limited), bald m K.i>. l a Oannoa Bum) Hotel, 9ii H M s look tbr .h.iir. Th.' W—it of th.' [JI «i>rkin^' thai they had i u 1 i
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  • 195 3 Sik Claude (Jiiampion de Crespiguy a-id Mr. Charl.s A. Sintb, dracribed as i.f the Whil« Lion, Cobh.nn, w-r.- at Kingston. ,n K.-hn.Hrv. chirged with fuiiouslv riding a. tan.|e.|i h eve'e al Cobbaiu. I nape, tor the v, f. n lantH down I'.iin's I ill at the
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  • 256 3 Thk l*..Ktiiia.-l. r QnMTtl, in his report for 1806, thus Matt With letter Un postage on boa id ship It w»s not the practice in I l.i-( olony to NMNM a» valid for ).r-pnynieiit of BWMIMI the siaiups affixed I irr-sjioudoncp r, i\ed ontsid- the orti.-ml nmils from
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  • 618 3 I hk IV>I I >|ti<e IH'|.HrIiiuutal r. |...rt |..r list \eir uol.s in. reuses in nil articles I nii.l. I hr Ii.m<1h tf .if c.irris|H.iulci!.-.-. wi in p.ilt rns ..ii. i samples; I lif .i.ll. .Iv.. iiiitnliiT ..I articles iiailiiun 6,768,940. h' hundred iiud
    618 words
  • 1378 3 THE EDITOR or 1 HI "MTKAITH TIME* Sib. I fear lite geutlcwau who write* your "News of tin: <"" it a bigot. Hi* noto on Stlibatb ..l.» -i v m- in your isiue of Saturday, would n dis.'ii'- 1 the in 'it vigorous eiponent uf I
    1,378 words
  • 177 3 SATURDAYS KESUI.TS. 'Ih- rain made the gr und on Patu.-day slightly dead, l.nt oth-rwise the weathe' did not interfere with the game. t'HAMrli.NsHIf <i P. Owen beat H. Fo-t. A Simulih. Tearce beat V. D. Mactaggart B SmoLCR. Koolle ls-at Wild, owes 15. Stevens best Bryant.
    177 words
  • 139 3 Tub Spring Meeting of. the Selangor Turf Club will take place on Saturday aud Monday, 281 h aud 30th of Maicli. I; i- i i.y wi I .alii,, iic- Ktch day at 2 30. ll is proposed to celebrate the birthday of His Ilh km m the
    139 words
  • 298 3 i yVo«i Tim, -i oi Qrfhav" i fastisa, Ulh Marrh The Timtt corr.-s|Hiii.lHiit at Cair.. slates that two lar»e d.-r\ i-li f..reo« ,-ir- fldvancig on Kaasala, and thit the r.i.liuv |uirii- at Doiil'. .la are pn-piring f 1" s il-s it oi Fgypt. Tha same correspondent »t«l-s t'.iat
    298 words
  • 506 3 Mr. C. Tripp read a paper, on tbe J"tlj February, at the Imperial Iustitutr. .n "TWT«kMM Iudmtry of India mi il'f Far East," tbe meeting (ovt-r wi.i >, I. rd Hairis presided, in Ibe absence of Lord Loru«. M. P.. «!)<> is on the Coutiu.
    506 words
  • 42 3 Tib I'liiij-.iii ihareholdei». amartm; from the failure of their cvaoidfl preparations, console themaelvea at Hongkoui; with the aaaurance thai tbe results of th-- rvauido procesi cl»ewh(-re, e»pe<ially i>. Auitralia. are of sm-li a Dature aa to con man.l the ni|.|-i.rt rapitalista.
    42 words
  • 54 3 It it ruiniiiin-d that, in July neit. a erand Durbar will bo held in Kusla Lumpur to inaugurate the Federation the Mala? .Sutei. All tbe siKiiatoriei to the Agreement of Federation will Im" )>re»cat, together wUb H. E. theOorernor. ihe Retident-Oenentl. and the British K.-i.U-nts of thu
    54 words
  • 87 3 \r HiiiiL-ktm^. the other day, a CMmm doctor was i..nTided for lianni; failed tv notify a caae of plague m which he wan in attendance. The Madical Officer of Health has suggested that tbe Houiikon^ Government should formulate a Bill to enforce the registration of Chinexedoctors. Thewe
    87 words
  • 110 3 Thk report of the directors of the China Mutual St. din NaTigatimi Company < I.iin i:•-• i i for tbe year ending Dec. 31, 1 states that the net profit amouuts to 46,535/. An interim divideud of 3 per cent, on the prefereme shares was paid on
    110 words
  • 111 3 Instructions wore rereiTedat Devon port n Feb. U that tbe ilpmimt an<l Iht Ph>ti.'x, sloo| v. were to lie prorideil with stores hiid tittings for Her»i. eoii the ChinaStnt ion 1' is believe.) that they will take the oi' tbe't,- guuboat* Ktk. Lieut, aid < .inn.
    111 words
  • 164 3 A Rti-<>n ul the working of "The Bauki upti.-y Ordinance, 1888," duriug the year !■>:'",. is published iv the current issue of the ou;<tie. From the tables given it i p|iears that the roueipts of tbe combined HankiupH-v aud Registration Departineuli at Singapore were $11,327. and
    164 words
  • 202 3 SATLKIIAYs l:fcsl I.TS Whxlr Black. o,«n,n<,. Wm I»j. ".^U-r^cn Hullutt liiiiis-coPiauo lliill-tt. Is.lday Mcintyre Do bfobtrre, K.i.i- i Mil... Do. I. H- ii i.-n- <i Rrut-ns -utn- Counter Ciaiul>it R-ii-teus. \.r-fonl Cordein. V ienua Openiu>r Conl-iro Koßo/nrioMilfs I Knights <;»■-.. Mil--. I- Rmit-nsMelutviu 2 Kuight
    202 words
  • 881 3 I Dr. Mari. C. Homer. Miss M S. Davidson, Mr. and Mm. <}. Henoeaaey and three children. Dr. and Mrs. Parry aad five ehilrtr..n. Mr A. Young, aril Mr*. Roaa. Mr. P. Hat .r.-K r (irant. Mr. .1 H. Hioulhurat, Mr W .lack. Mr. H. E. Bndd. Mrs. Brnwn
    881 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 LABI AN-BOKNKO. tOMHI^IUN AiiKNCIT Tli.- Borneo \J Miner..!- OmMV, UmMml, London sud Labuan. aro prepared M render special ■MMMM to Manufacturers and others desirous of lM«in({ r»|ir»-*nted ill the Ea-t. m w. As. a. <-. KOIHNSON 00. Ait now showing ,i large Stock of DINNKK SETS. IN ■UYAL SKMI I'OIU'KI.AIN.
      174 words
    • 936 3 FOR BALE; KMPF/>YMENTS TO LKT; ASD PEIMONAI.S. Isttimk. U r.nts MM) JnH and :tnl HMMj |it.-.-ntsa linn, tth to rith timM, S eaaU a line. 7th lo IBtk limos. .1 rents a MMj afterwards, i <--nts a lin- but no eharg* laaa than onn dollar Thus, n thrrt linr wlverManm«ut,
      936 words

  • 112 4 Tky it and you will be hatiskibd. I. H BELILIOS begs to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crunhed K>. d. at 34. Belilioa Road, is now o|enml Crii-hed Food s v M)Ci rMn ludianOaU tHO m Bran s '.6o To bn haul at 19, Baffles
    112 words
  • 357 4 TH E STRAITS TIMES. T» Steaits BaDarr. Tib price of the Strait* Tim* is followi Daily mm per year 30 dollar. do. do. copy 10 cent*. Weeklydo. jeer 18 dollars, de. de. copy 40 cento. At thtea prices, the daily issue is deliver' I |K><tt free anywhere. On the weekly
    357 words
    • 69 4 Htatoa Fr.—FrMK'li ;<}«. i JBnn.iii Dul.— D»tch Job— Johoi^; *c.. G.cJZ, .'a p._d*k i*n.n)nri U.-i: lain T. P. W T»njonjr Pi»f»r Whurf T P D Tunionir P»«r»r Dock B. W.—^ >n,r-, WWf J. W.-jJaißeS Wl «f:NH. W N.w Harbour Wh«rf N. n. D.— New fli. I boor
      69 words
    • 130 4 Sen Belt*. Col. atr. 500 tons, *> 'row. no Bun, and UOh.p. Capt. Thorp 1 'th M»r From Pmiang, 3rd Mar. Col. Govt. tl— HnV j H. M. S. cm. 3,600 t0n»,27:» ci«w. 8 gnus 7,000 h. p. Capt. Groom».'2«tih Mar. F»iin PensuglTth Mar. Senior Naval Offi.-or Station.— W.
      130 words
    • 1485 4 Abbitals Since Noon or Saturday Svjhatitn. M M atr 2,083 tons Capt Ual>. 2»th M»r. From Marseille, J.»nl Feb. M M For Saiaron. to-dav— B W. R. K. Atjrh. but. str. a r .W toii^. Captain Blomn^rg, 21st Mar. From I'ailanr, 13th Mar. G. c, aad 16 d.
      1,485 words
    • 262 4 H >IMIU NiMl Ton*. C4IT4IK. f KOM ,>«ll«l> CoNM'.«« Rl« STr 21 Dml.te Om.ttr. IM! Aiii.% 13 Aim Ho U l(. Koninc Atieh Dot. «tr. 3M» H«*n IWhw Mr ISHboa Ho» O« M Saghalu-n lON J.e<iall MwmUlm X.l. MJMl— nriw 21 PioIX H|». itr. 2>is.'» I
      262 words
    • 108 4 DAT. Vbuil'i Nim. r li.. Bin I>»«tination. CUrTAIN. lar '.'I iiLlilh XI .Writ.--11 5.,,, Tor 21 i in in 21 < >..|«. k M Kant..V Pnk.n 23 Irtmi S3« 23 Uorjoo 33 LmbtniiiK 23 I-.1..1U 33 K un Vu| tS KuiFuSun I Utt 23 I Bri PontMiwk
      108 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1000 4 NOTICES. j McALISTEE Co., HAVK JUST KECEIVKU A FKESH SHIPMENT OF WATSON &Co 8 j/^3^ m *^A. V V< i&v^ CELEBRATED g^Jf'r P" ce $11 F 1 t«red Whisky to bo S^aM *w~^"w SaT'^aJ'% tt^M had at the money \S\ Ndkf BeHm Ye Price 113 per Case \KiC^t9M T. f&i
      1,000 words
    • 501 4 NOTICES. I^^fl B^k Relieves the seal/V^ljTim ding pain at once lEsmmmmVml XtZiTlliW CURES all discharges Irom the geni toobtained unnarv or,he fUllbM K a ns In """er best HH BM lx tim f»|lf 48 HOURS Unlike the san- is a dal oil "i J^RVo|§^lW s F ec c Baza:v.:- _^^UAkUIX^
      501 words
    • 644 4 NOTlClib. mcalistiM"& cai '•FAIRBANKS SCALKS. Nolire is hereby given thai inder |K)wer <.f attorney 12th Deoiuib. r. 1895, M H<ii. X.' AT. Fairbanks Co ol St. Joi.i •sl.titv. Vermont, U. 8. A.. Hppointed Fmu.-ts VVa-rackand Alexander Cummin*?, Bngapor* 1 juintlv and reveralK to 1<• the ttne sufKcieut atlornevs to
      644 words
    • 463 4 NOTICES. rnijEYIIARGUEAV&S COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAFEB OF VARIOUS BIZEB ALL PITTED WITH Cirmi's LOCKB. WKIUIUNO MACHINKS. FAIRBANKS AVERY'B Weighing pounds, catties, snd kilos. BELTING. Lancashire, Rubber, Leather, and Candy's of First Class Quality. PUMPS. Rotary, Centrifugal, Steam and Hand. ENUINEB. Port»ble= 4, 6. 8, 10 HP. w
      463 words