The Straits Times, 3 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: IJWI. SINGAPORE, .MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1896. NO. 18,839.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 811 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. OFFICT.. Colljcr ftuaj. S\ WHiBVW. New Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION fOUPANY. 11 i iawriM* I'rh. ■ail Uu<- OVTWA.D HO "IT K 1,.n- I -vice. IHWI IS M n^SooaF ih.'.t» only. i alUag »t M»r ;::;;r, y/ 1, ,r :r thai I' I the Hood" hare „.1.r..n,t1,.-,..-1..«n-,tN.»"-;' „..|tb:.t ,«-k»«.- >
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    • 698 1 N 1 1CIUS. MILKMAID BRAND JZ** Condensed Milk The "Milkmaid" Brand is guaranteed to (IKis^^Pa contain all the cream of the original milk. In tmwn'ridt-rn JTff| the process of manufacture nothing but water M is removed, nothing but the best refined Q* M Avoid low-priced brands from which the KfpJ*^--?^
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    • 252 1 ■IbIM KENT HOI SE. \/t H. r'< NSECA. who bH b*aa cliarjfe IIX uftliiH .^lalili-liment. be** 1., inform i».it. ,r- kiiil BtlMta tliat bl lias lit |ir.-s.'i,t v'"""' i i m. i.lnt on for tlii-m. Wine- and LbjMM f lir»t .Ia»- i|im!ity only nrc wrvccl. 11. C. ROBT. LBNZ 00.
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    • 794 1 INSURANCE^ I CVNTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. OBBMaI t—ifc-i n— A.MOU* I«ld up 100,900. l«n' f.0.l ZHZ mtJKV. ,1 Ornca, ■o«»tu*i.»i,», 1,. .mi htmtffotmtm Aa*a*B( «a* I >.■!•„, .r- r.,«r«l lOMrl Maria* MUatf ■nrnmt imtei. A »>aua I* aanallf aaM to all mart. 1. r. cf kaalau* .bkU«r .tafteliKw 01
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    • 342 1 I INSURANCE&i. THE BTRAITB INBDRANUB M»» PANT, LIMITID KSTABLIBHBD 1883. H ka ii Orrica, Simoapokk. Capital Fully Sobseribad I3,OUU.U«'O Capital Paid-up fi1.0,000 R***rr* Fond I 291,230 Balance of Working Account to 31et December, 1894 54*»,195 CaahAweth t1.460/.>lB A. S. Mi: It RAT. B<cr*tary J, MOTION* 00. i W ATCHM AKEBB,
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    • 483 1 NOTICES. Mi %ri»h. hri«. 1878 IBBt. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Ol HifJhest duality, and, HaTing Or atot rur»hilitr,are'lherefor* CHEAPEST. NOTICE. !'RKN( ifHAKERY. JriHt Aitlvml. yUFNn,I.»MTBDKFH».BAI-..ltFltAN< IK»K. <:«Lf.lC OR VIANI)', PURJ.K I)K rOIC •iK*H, SARi>i(tEn Tmrrici>, A Haih ah Wink. BKRAII iii:i.h HKKIi UP T.I THK JTII MILK Always in Stock a
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  • 504 2 LATJSBT MAKKKT QUOTATIONS r fll— I !!>■■. Hbh Fbbblabt, l>li»6. ,i i'HOUUCE. Uambior t MS. do Cube No. 1. I'i.t.V ci do do No. 2, 10.01). i Otmm Bali,._ 5.85. Jo Poutianak 5.:i7^. I PoiMwr Black Ml Sa*-.. Flour. Sarawak J.!"'. do Brunei £50. Pwirl Saj;o, 3..V>. i>»ffi!e 8a1i,...
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  • 83 2 For Per $tr. Time. Vo-Mohbow. haujuniDtf via port*, Jcipara, 7 a.m. MaiiuMr viapo.t", l!.-.i<y .n, ByU.flt, l<>pni. Bugiok, Ban B*iu) Ouaii. 11 a n. Ho if. 01^' 4 .-lumihai. II a.m. S..uraUvu. Mmmm 2 p.m Kiauu I p *it-, Ami" 3 p in. H m ka f,
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  • 112 2 tmam Eaatw* ;'■>• th.- P. ao. ■basyww, In., on lie :> .1 l-.-l'. »ith.l»te> Ii tlic M'tli JiiU. slic lii-iti lt- replien t" the iuhilk which lef t.Siuffaponii t i l ii. Bthsad 'th Dts Kkom i'him: i:v th- r*o sa MskatMT. .i Thsstejr. Tm 1 vulk
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  • 58 2 I KSTABLISHBD 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. S'llnti ri/ihfin rate* and iiilvrrtiim-, rale* '/i i bt found on the fourth p<V/e-] MONDAY. 3bd FEBRUARY. 1896. BEUTER'S TELE (J RAMS. THE SILVER QUESTION. London, -ml Ftbruiri). The Seuttc at Washington has adopted a Free Silver Bill, in aubttitutioa for the
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  • 499 2 To-day's telegram forecatts a conHiot between the two Houses of Congress on tilt- silver question, which, indeed, was impending at'lhc date oflatt mail -'■I vicesThe trouble arose from the measuret Uken by the House of Representatives to me<t the deficit in tbe United States Hi That deficit wat
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  • 6 2 [hi Sulun of Pahant; weighs $2,862.
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  • 9 2 Ski A.s.tnK offi. I.i!» swear well, *j« our corrospocdent.
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  • 13 2 Fhk Ii iin.'vvari mail Iw the ttuhawur closes at 2 |<. m. ou Wednesday.
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  • 19 2 Am armourer it required by advertise- inent for the S«'lani;or Police at a stlnry of <Brt |ier n onth.
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  • 22 2 Thk k s. .Mirvipof left IV "v at In a. in yesterday, and niav In- cxpt>cted here j at 5.30 p.m. to-day.
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  • 26 2 Th« S. V. A. 8 in. Gun Drill, fixed lor Thuradav ueit. at 3.15 p.iD will be held on the next day at tbe same hour.
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  • 23 2 Tut mail despatched from SiuKupore lo j LuodoD, via Brindisi, od the Bth Uitinjo is i executed to be dcliv. r. <1 Ui-tluv.
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  • 19 2 On Thursday, tbetJtb iuslunt, being the iiuuiveisarr of tbe Settletueut of Singa|H>rc, t In- exchange bauks will be closed.
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  • 28 2 In i lie .'ollikiou MMfll Bangkok, 1..-I v tbe >i.-iui. r- Donar aud Koifjttf, a MB> prumite bas been arrange.! by •luck (lie MHMNOI luv Donar \m\ Sl'i.n.'ii
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  • 19 2 Ihk NetlierlauiU-ludiaii Clover. iiuent tUauier "SagkaVMg" CupUin do Jough arrived li-re tu-di^y livin ICumaud returo* a^*m to Khio to-ui.>rron
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  • 26 2 Wuli ill. Goryun left Bangkok oo tbe -JBtb Jauuarv, tbe French gunboat F«JMM was i win; iv the Meuaiu river uo.r the i Fr. tm li-K»tioo".
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  • 23 2 H. M- S. I'mlaunUd. 5.6U0 tons, 481 rrew, 12 guvs, B,i>Uo borsepjwer, Ojib- muni' r Hail la, arrived this morning I nun Malacca.
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  • 27 2 Tur I>utch Kteaux-r BnStalMp, par. i '..i-ci hi Sunirday by Mi Oiovainn U»,'- iii\ is now uuder lim Ilahau II mi. l ih n.iiiie.l the Fur/ulla (hutUiflv.)
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  • 24 2 Messrs. I«aok Chin Seng A Co. idvertite themtelvet as the sole importort )f tbe best Malacct Tea from Durian rnuggal Estate, Malacca
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  • 30 2 T*i monthly medal of the Singapore Golf Club was won by Revi. G. M R-ith od Saturday. The pad""" h familiarly ctile-l. was heartly congratulated at the usual after-ueiemcnv.
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  • 33 2 Ntwt has reached Penan* that Mr. Emile HutU-nbaoh died io Germany on Brd December of heart disease. Mr Huttenbnch was partner in the firm Of Messrs. Huttenbach Brothers and Co.
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  • 24 2 N«w provincial ccourtt t are understood shortly to be instituted for rcorganitmg the administration of Justioe in tbe Siamese provinces.
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  • 30 2 On Saturday, a home i" coume of constructiou io Seranijoon Road. n»ar tbe Pauper Hospital, fell down, and a man •ngaged oo the works was injured.
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  • 32 2 THE LAST OF THE ST PANCRAS." It has been reported to the Marine Office that the wreck of the Bt. Pancra*. formerly visible on the Samarang Shoal off Labiian, has entirely distppeared.
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  • 34 2 Mb. J. R. Kirkpatrick, tbe Legal Advi. ser to the Siamese Government, is to 1 c made Commander of the White Elephant. 3rd Class, in recognition of his services to the Government.
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  • 40 2 Mb. J. W. Norton Kyohe will pms through Singapore shortly en rouy- to Hongkong to avaume duties as Re.' of the Supreme Court there, to which he wu promoted from the Sheriff^bip of Singapore when on leare.
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  • 43 2 The Govibhob's obdkk from Iheexecu- tion of L m Bun Sick, tbe Chinaman wbo was sentenced to death at the Penang Assizes for murder at Prangin, ba* arrived at PeoaDg from Singa|>ore. Tbe execution is tiled for neit Wednesday morning.
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  • 47 2 Mr. Marks is succeeding beyoud his expectations at tbe new skating tick in Il.ttt Square. Tbe attendaure ia nureaMtiif, and on Saturday e'euing the company numbered between three and four hundred. The list of monthly kubs- > tribers is also rapidly on the upward treud.
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  • 57 2 So unsatufactory is the xlaughterirg system at Bangkok tint the Siam Obiervtr cries out for adopting the abattoir syst tern at Singapore, to ensure that the cattle ars killed and cut up under Government supervision, and tfc«u eu-h piece of meat marked wilh a "chop" changed daily,
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  • 62 2 Me. L. M. Woodward is daily bbbmbb* tram Penangto talc up the Bheriff«bip of Smgspure to which be bas just been appointed On hit arrival Mr. Rodesag. the acting Sheriff, will revert to hid own appointment of Private SecreUrv to the Chief Justice. Tbesilaty of the" Sbenffsbi|i,
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  • 51 2 Liim. Colonel R. H. VV. Plunkelt. X.A will command the Garrison from the i 4lh mst., inclusive, during the absence on duty at CbaDgi of the General Officer Commanding, S.B. Oo Thursday next the 6th inst.,the Head Quarter Office will be closed except for business of an urgent
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  • 72 2 The I'mmiij OatelU sees no harm in tbe Chinete starting a chamber of comi inerce at Singapore, provided they affiliate j it with tbe existing Chamber of Commerce. But that journal poiuta out that, for any section of tbe community to infringe ou the prescriptive
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  • 67 2 H. E. the Governor arrived this morning i at seven o'clock on the Stabtlh acoiiipaniedbvtbeHon A. M. Skiuuer. tii«- Ho*. Major MoCalluin. K E.. C.M.G and Ca; tain Herbert, A He line axhore in a Mteam launrh, and wait received by the Hon A. Sw.ttenlmn and
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  • 93 2 Mb G. K. Bird. the District Engineer I of Knau. in Province Welletlev, ha* just lugged an el.-pLiut. It wan a rogue stand- ing 9' 7 and had tu»k« 5' loin;. Mr. Bird came upon the elephant at Bagan Serai, where he had done a ureat deal
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  • 117 2 Ok Friday woruiux, a (ieruian sailor, lj-el.»n^inj{ to the German nailing shi). H'<7/y iiickmert wslward bound, juiu|x>d overboard, wilb his l>a.*ga,;<! anil tea boots hlhjii' thie.-.fouribs of a mile from the K.iffl s l.i^ht. ll> iwaio safely to the I.iiili'. altbouga cnuideralilv ekliuiuU-.1, -iii.l l.c mta
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  • 171 2 A SCHOOLBOY (BABUF.D WITB| Thb Assixes were resumed this m,, r ing before Mr. Chief Juttire Coi Chep^,' Kirn. a schoolboy aged l;t. Wtl charged on two counts wilh culpa,b|p bom cide not amounting to murder, ao.l w ltu voluntarily causing grievous hurt. r P. Joaquim, wbo
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  • 273 2 TO THE P.niTllß <>F THE STRAITS Tmrs Sib,— You d<fcerve credit for taking in, that si-auiU.uus affair of puttiog a i, rill^ man in ad»al bouse at the Qeoenil Ho«. pital, but your writer on the V.nn.l»ii made a mis' alee last Saturday about Furasian
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  • 304 2 Thb PtiM \< esooted by Mr. A. Ste|ilieDs, of IVrak. for the best sii scores id Jauuarv (Haudicap) Wat won by Mr K M Merewetber. Scores E. H M«r«wHh r I, 47 4* U 4>. 17: M M J. BIcudi U U li »l U O M
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  • 222 2 IKLB.iBAPH CD. V. S. S. i This ma'.-h was played on feluffcj it- few, uud resulted ia a victory I >rtli< a.l.C, In au iuuiu^s, til wicke s snJ +truos. 9bmh: s i J. Cook.aad b Wright (i .P. Meiens.T WrigltbßJ. Wright Ii J. G. Martafgar c Warreu b
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  • 203 2 Par.j, MM The dehal i tin. T.mquiu loan coutiuu«l ou Thursday, ll u M Hubb»pl proponed that no additional public mri b« nodcrtakeii in the colony. M. Ron**'" was loudly applauded by the OfcfW.aH 1 di-livoreU a v%tMM HmMMM Ii »!>•■■!' insisted on Ih,' uei-.--aity of Ikt T.'i"l"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 756 2 NOTICES. rpHl *****0 COM FAKtTITmITED Lj i ci rpHB Steadard Life Assurance. I UJ X Not.ich Pn.nn Pin. In.oraaoe Soeisty Atlas Atanranoe Company (Fire). Tke fe|u>Ul>U> Lite ttrntM S.K-^tj Thf Oosu M«».o« ln-n.»noe Company. r TtnChiaa Mutual Bkasss Wbwjilhb Company. TWe Tutl»«l.»« L»<«r l^»r OtBBBBay. p ikaMaiituo* lßauiHnc(il.oin|«iit \Jmtm% For
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    • 757 2 NOIIOEB. |L Fhe Straits Jimes has the laigest nrculation of any newspajer in Asia, British India excepted. Et circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French Indo-China. i No other Eastern newspaper has j
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    • 871 2 LATEST ADVBRTIBBMKNTS. I Hlf DIPTHONO TROr^E OF H M.S. X.01.1 s ASSISTH" BY NKVEKAL I.AHV ANI> Jen i i.kmav Amatkuks WILL HITK 'I 111 IK Empire Entertainment Under the distingui lie.l |*tronaK« of the Hon'bln J A. Swettenham. cm..;.. *T THK I TOWN HALL. On tne 4th and sth February
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    • 250 2 PASSENGER hIST. ABKIVALB. IVr f Hi/nip fr«m I'aliaiit; M"«ir» K. A. Wataon, m:il l.utyKiiPor k. OMN from Bangkok i Measn*. I :i. Baird, TroK«uiof{. and Dilkx. I'it s. s. ban 8(M Uhih from Bangkok i Mr*. Domhi.e. aud Miss Donuhne. IVr s M'iK'itU from Hou^koujr Mr. L) K. Kamsav. Per
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    • 65 2 M.S.X. mtxiiM /or l>.« iMh I'lUiivMlun t. m«n<bo/ tk«|«|MT nly. l->. nr,Ucff tUt -ion ir.vit, if.g.«. raj«4W tluU »i|U .«K»r«-u. W k> U***i*r m«,U«-« 1W 4i«rt»mnl oil >k«p*r>T a ow 0/ pr«» 0/ »«(trr. k»t m>< «ln« r»»r <«(• I fiie Straits Times has the largest circulation of any aewsDaper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 WKAIHKB REPORT hattdatw Krai,.m Hotpttal, tit.l fmtmuj, IM Sam. 3 p.m. 9 p.m Bshakk>. Uar. red. J3 Pah. S>.?l44».;MJB.»l<i rssa Tv:. sti.o 80.2 ni i w«t tiu.-. rur. ;o.i :-.s 7" s 2-fl Oif. o- WWW. V.l. (.aim. Mm. r P in«h..if J U<o fa to |M pit? U.i.
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  • 135 3 Vesterdav moruing al five o lock a lire (Hfl I UMM Sti.-el, a build iv tli- .Htupatiou of Chun Ten Kee, a mill- inert hint. A cunstabVon tlittv itt llral Static* «nr flu leaping i r- .ugh t h>- ro f an s I trin was
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  • 556 3 LESSONS FROM THE COURT OF APPEAL. TM till lags af theCoiirtol" A{ IK.l..- |-'»i, will b- rrnwin beredas tbe triangular ■ittiag, Speaking roti«hly, every it||«al ('Ol. .1 ai.d Ijeaih, J. 11J- t Law, J., wltde Oat, C, J and Law. J.. *< -h. J au.l l,aw and I<each. J. J.
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  • 532 3 mi:i.. mi. ..s MMfooaoaus i-,, 1 n.i« MattlM KKI.iAM.\..K The Cwarrwr .rilmphonf ..f tac Mtli .lanuary sUtesthat drought now tliii-itiens :!i>- grtiwiug rn aMM m Tonquiu. The J drougbl prevails iv the very piuvm. s j ■ban the secoud lice crops, last jair, 1 a failuie. That jouimil
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  • 1208 3 t'nnn our Corrnpondent THK MMAffOMI visit .Ski. amu. ik'k ikßMaMi having Iwu a. cept.-d by Singapore, the football match i has been arranged f>r the 13th instant (t he tfUnaM of the day of arrival), and the crickut on the Iwu following <liyn. TLe 10. il u-aius have
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  • 40 3 THE SHOOTING AFFRAY AT BANGKOK T«l <a»<- at BMgfcitfc IfilMl UM D* BUUH fill ■hrtHt'lM; uewspi|er ivp-rt.-r l.ani. .1 Jiii-A .5.i. I t..ln>- l.i-l |.r..inis.-I, IMM IMHVIBg 600* H ..ui| i-i.s ition, .mil having his iii.-.l .ii ehugi I'-n-l
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  • 55 3 TH E KORA T RAILW AY. The I'"- Ul X..rat. »ii» tli- Si h',;. In,,, in in^ tulistiul. rv |.i<v"^ MOOfdßsg .I'lvi'-.s hit .n-d Loin u ...iiulrv Tli.-n- on v i.u:aiu» the »ci|<- an ii.-t >ti.- ol ttJ ti-- Ur({«-r l-ndgos to M fOSHtilsUd. when Iraiua will ha run
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  • 1290 3 (From onr Corretpondent Vekan. loth January. Thb following is a list of tbe minerals exported during December last Imm the Ulu Pabang District Gold. 867 ounces smelted tin, 66 slabs, weighing 32 piculs I tin (ire, 17 bugs containing 12 piculs. Tli- first item abjve was obtained from
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  • 78 3 Tac iii.'.tit.g of the Singapore Bar wa* held ou Saturday last at the Supi. -me C.miil, the Honourable lu.\i loiu.-s -lieii' lal in tin- chair. Ti.c hoaorarj secr«tary. the Hou'blc J. Burkiu- haw, made lac uaiiil rrpoil ot the liar I Committee, lioin which it up|.uiel that
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  • 169 3 •Starlit, the billiard prof«»s*ional, and a lih il am it.-ur met on Saturday nifrbt ,at tb« Waverley Hot 1 and payed I 1,000 up, Stanley conceding hi* opp. nent j 500. There was a large attendance, and the I game <vas wa<ched with considerable iuterest- moio interest, indeed,
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  • 863 3 Diking the a'cenoe on leave of Dr. Wright, Dr. Whtel'-r will »ot a. Statv 8-irgeon. He will aim) have the charge of the Yenjf W»h Hospital. Colonel Walker's wedding «-a.- to come off to-day in Kntflm d, and tbo Perak Sikl.H an- hating general holiday in honour of
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  • 1104 3 TELEG RAPHIC SU MMARY. V.<* Hangvn. I Ijondon. 18th January Reuters spe<-ial correspondent telefrrapl.s from Ac-rs that the war in Ashanti isendeil. Genera] Sir F Sr.itt has orenpied Coomasrie 1 without opposition and the king hss agreed t* the Britiae demands. The troop« are now i returning to the roast
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 799 3 FOR BALE; KMPTiOYMENTS; TO LET; AKD PEIMONALB. [In timb, lo cents a line lad and 3rd time*. 10 c.'tits a line 4th to 6th times, 5 e«nrs, a line, 7th to 18th tinea, 4 cents a Mat afterwards. 2 cents a line hat no chargs l««s than one dollar. Thus,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 148 3 \i.i; \MiK.MKMS. Moniiav, :iui> Fkbkuabv. Higk Water. P. <). outward mail due KjH p.m. TUKSUAY. 4iH FkBRUART. High Water. l.'JH|iui. l.*» p.m. Camp at Changhie. .KU** Euteitainmeut. Town Hall. 0 p.m. Royal Asiatic Society Heating. W'bunkhuay. In Fhbkuaby. High Water. IJ a.m. 1.-il |..iu (iolf at the Kace OmN
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    • 191 4 Uuder this heading the f.'lloWinx *"brevitiona are need:— etr.— eieamer ah «li.|. bci.— barque; Brit— Briti.h O. B.— L'ni«e.l State.; Fr.— French ;Ge*.—G»rmaii: Dut.Dutrh; Joh.— Johore; *C G.c.-Generni cargo; d. p.— de-B passengers; U^- UnCl tain;T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf 1. P. D.-Taniong Pagar Dock B.
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    • 1292 4 ABBIVALBBIKCBNOON OrSATOBUAY Moieottr. Brit. sir. '2,018 toup. Cap. Kos-«, Jn.l Feb. r'.om Hongkong 2l>th Jan. O.c. Sc id.p. Gnthrie A Co. For Sourabaya. tith. MRds. r;..m/.i..M. Brit. tug. Jo tonf Car.t. Robert--..11. I 1 Feb. From Tyre, Mai Jam. J d.p Bo"-t.«.l Co. For New Ca-t!e. 12th.— B*V
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    • 164 4 Name, I'ort, unit DM t Hoi.i <<i. Londom. i F.i- ui. »i. due Feb. 1.3; Ayr. <;i«norch_v. 'arinartheusliire. Litupqoi IMmk Dm, t2. IfcWßMaj Jan. N-stor, .In- Feb. 2 1 Laertes, duo Feb. H PioIX. .Jaaon. Glasuow. EaaßMav, Kirkdale. Dardanuo. Qtaair*. Caradw, Oct. 17; Bf Hickmers, Xov JJ RivcrsdalKobart
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  • 26 4 f f jJ- SSKI) SUNI)A STRAITS OR AHRIYKD W K OKDkKn '--4 „,'.W,. 1,. 2«|Brtt.-.». Thy™ 1.,, JSJ".. E auLfcOTTiw- w. r S j£g^ j^-,.
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  • 134 4 ARRIVALS 5 vu.ii. 1 Bum. 5 Vuiil'i bM FL.O Ton..' Catmjb 1.,,. F.-b 1 Champion I i.jn 1 llorneo 1 -inKkrp 1 l!«».an 1 l..|fr.Uu I At.. i, Al»« ■i lior/on A mherat 1 i: k. Atj«ii 2 lUn S«n» (iu»a I Ma-.-otte I' •i Udy LonyJeu .ru.iu. ■4 Juno
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  • 81 4 CLEAR ANCES. «r» \iuwkL'« N.m. m.*u a Hi.. TAI.X 1 1 rww I B.llrmpl.oo |,7,i'. .tr. Ht.-.t. M j r •I No. tor ttr :t Itu Whntt*.oi. ■nH^fAiiti lr i !m,; I'oli' HnUiiaa l\r i: uajr tr i S v. r Wait* A- ,111 h I'rluuik.'.' Hu.1..,,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 856 4 r .^MBBBBBBW I Relieves the seall i^JilVJ JT^arTi din^ pain at once ISbbbbbbbbbbtJlbbl alK %ZtT!%W CURES M distliargcs Irorn i obtained J^^^ lhc B ellil from jKHHttk U aiV the 4ii*lAlsß*B*BßU*a^ an> H1 c ier best WMsj Bfifl vm JuWnmW 48 HOURS Unhkethesan- is a dal oil ot .wWICTb^ s
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    • 216 4 NOTICES. 1 K ATZ~BROTHEM J General Store. MESSRS. KATZ BROS. BKc; TO AMKJtnrCa THAT TllElrt ANNL'AL (HKAIM ASHSAJiE will take place in the premises they at present occupy IN BOafHAM STUKKI OUMIIaWI IN* the 26th day of January, AND FINISHING ON s 1 the 15th of February. r i Silk
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    • 679 4 NOI'.UES LABI W-IioUNEO. IOMMIS3ION AGENCf. Tho Borneo I \J Minerals Company. Limited. London and Ijabuau. are 1 n-| .ir.-.| to render special facilities tv Manufacturers and others desirous of being represented iv the Esst. in. w. i h. v. c. LIPTONS GOLD MEI) A L PEAS. \V.)l<i,D KKXuWNEH. r, M
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    • 912 4 KILEY HARGIIKATEI COY. NEW STOCK. SAFES. ELLIOTS SAFES OP VARIOUS SIZES Ai.L K1TTBI) WITH Cill'llß'l IXiCKB. VmOHIHG MACHINES, FAIKBANKS AVERY'B Weighing poouds, eattiea, and tcilne. BELTING. LancaM.iio, Kuiher, leather, and Uandy'a of First ClasD Quality. PUMPS. RoUry, 1 ■••ntrifiigal, Fluometar, Steam and Hand. ENGINES. l'orlal.le=4, 6, 8, 10 HP. V.r.ieal=l«HP.
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