The Straits Times, 7 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: l«ai. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1896. NO. 18,816.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 653 1 3TEAM3HI? COMPAKII IOFFICF.. Collyr Quay. i NVIIAUVKH. N.-v Harbour sm i NAVIGATION COMPANY, r *nZ3S2. aHar. at*** Brln.H-.V,-.,i«M-1M>H.«..t1.. iiikl l.<m<l<"«- Hail Urn l-#» Jib. lHteri»«jitet« ;-i,,vi mi,-,. .'nV-r-'a. -I'--- only. llarlmur, ,in PRAMS Xl CHIK. Ac iri NOBDDKUTSO&JtM LLiOTD. IKM. I eaa an ol iliU leare hi^ on or al»j>a
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    • 940 1 gOTIOEB."" No Dentifrice Equals CALVERT'B Carbolic Too lli I* <» t» <■ •r, 6d 1 1 G. and 1 lb 5 Till?, or Carbolic Tol> I li I'aMo, 6d, I and 16 Pots, FOR I'RKSKKVATION OF Till. lI.ITU 4 TO STRKIfOTHU. TIIF. QV^i Each is i 1 with OaiVkßT'i HH
      940 words
    • 801 1 INSCIiANCKv 1 ANTON INSURANCE oi'FICE \J LIMITED. Oapit. •jti*crlfc»d...^. i i B^ Amuil'l* Jai I Up wmmmma MO.'IOO. a. I ..,.i aso'.uoo. ,li. "1..1C1, HoiMo.u. 11u»M1m,i«,... hartal b«.n.pp.,1.1«l l(.nUr»l vSf iiv*Cosi|Miijr •>. .^ralto ux»pt Slska T? .irront rmt™. A BMI v samiallj p. 1.1 lo (II eoatotutoraof biuißsv. «l,k;bw>bt»boldOT«
      801 words
    • 298 1 IKBUBANCB6. nt^Hk bTHAITS INBURANOB V' >U PANY, LIMITED BSTAHLIHHfcI) 1883. HEADOiriCK, SIHOAPOBK. I'upiml Kully Suhscribed W.tHMi.iK'O <:«l.ii»l l'ai<l-iip mAfitto ■■H Fund MJM BaJaaaa of Wnrkinir A.-.-cnint to ■:Ut Dpiember. 18»4 8 44»,195 Ca.liAi.wt* f1,Aft4),218 A. S. MURRAY, Secretary NOTICK. FRENCH BAKERY. CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! OilE IMI I LMTMMQ ('ERKUMEItIKK. KXIIIHITIUN Of
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    • 453 1 BANKB. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND 5,500,000 KEBERVE LIABILITY OF") fiooiiOOOO PROPRIETORS J 10 WK 000 <'oitp»r or DiaacTOßS: J. KK4MKR. Rsq.— Chairman. A. M.-CONAI'UIK. Kkq.— Dbputt Cbaibhan. I>. B. 8>i«oon. .i M j. BsLulsnae. f-^\?" f M n Biiiiil C. Mi. ...i v. B.
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  • 8 2 LATEST MAUKKT (QUOTATIONS. biNOAPuRi, 7th January, ls:«i
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  • 106 2 Gaml.i«r K.i >■ i do Cubo No. 1 124.-. do do No. 2, lo.O"i Copra Bali 5 .55. do Pontianak, 5.2 1 Papper Blaok. Sv" Flour, Sarawak 2.7.. do Brunei 2 40 Pe»rlBago 3.40 Coffee Bali 4o(N Coffee Liberian. No. 1 4t%. Tamoea «raall Flake Ooii do do Ist
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  • 397 2 0» London— Bank 4 m/s 2/itf to 2/1%,. Demand 2/lH««-/U Privata B m/s 2/2' A. Do. 3 m/s 2/2i\, On Germany.— Bank d/d I I^. PriTato 3 m/s J.J Do. 6 m/s ..2.-M. Oa Frarte*.— Bauk d/d Jri!». Privsti> 3 m/s 2 74. U.). «i m/» IK /...I,'...— Bank
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  • 69 2 for Prr »tr. Time. I UoilKlK. Kll U|H' VU |H,|t-. It. II. f, t. X.1,1 KsflfMkj Hij'lot. 7am Port Di.-k.oii, kVaMMft, lo.ui l>:..nii. A..i.. Jm. 1 1 a.m. import*. lu.u, >/>,•,! II | IVnanK ft OolsaW, c.;,/.m, :lp?M KlMf, J....... .Ip.m. I". Al^uii w.i |> it* V'it'i"'t.
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  • 78 2 I-'K.-H Xl K..|- t -I 11,. K r .I. laknaV. Ptwa 'him IU t man :n»il g,,, las on SnlurtUi. Tuu Tabu Maiuto fmpaoa. -mica s I >iu- la l.oiii"ii Arm.'l Urn :ii l' a o !>.-.•. tf.h (>,.,• r .l Dm M. M Dm.**k l>.-. Mtk
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  • 259 2 AKKIVALB IVr I' I'ekiu from baMMB.I— Mew* v. K y,,,intf, W. B. Gil s. Pattillo. tad Mr* Kobinsun. r' Bombay —Me*r» M M r.-mvi.l... and .1 8 M«odo/«. Krom Brimlis :—Messrs. Hose. W. Meting .i Sir.itb P. Clemoi.t, and B. Orill.«. Penaiig: Me*«r«. A M.inijn. and Bam
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  • 23 2 Krtablirhbo 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [SuWri/irion rates and advertising tutt* may be found en tkt fourth page.] TUESDAY. 7tm JANUARY, IW6
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    Reuter  -  2 words
  • 125 2 THE TRANSVAAL CRISIS. RESIGNATION OF RHODES. THE SIIUATION AT JOHANNESBURG. 7th January. Mr. Rhodes MM I'-icu.-.l the premiership of Cape Colony. Sir Gordon Sprigg has succeeded him ia th* prvuii'rsbip. The news|>a|K>rs unanimously dtclare tiat licrniim > claim to intervention iv the Tr.iustail is inadmissible. PiVftidtut Kruger has annouu.'ed subst.ntal
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  • 464 2 Mr. Itli.-'.f Im- adopted the only 's-iiilt- tmurce liTi open to tbe Premier of Cape Colony. Uhoden, the financier ami exploiter of South Africa, the Kmpire liuilder, the diamond king" and the ':i cliitect of a cnlofisal fortune, has 'i. i In, Mi«t as Prime Minister
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  • 17 2 Bt to-day's uuiil, we have recriv, d fr.-iu Mr. Clifford alditioual chapters lor his! Coast Kichiu^s."
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  • 21 2 A m. im K-iiir uotite of Mesurs Uil.v, j II ir^,s A Co. will be found in our i advertiaing eoluuius.
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  • 21 2 The Governor of South Australia, Sir i T. V. Button, has declined to L< MM .i lxtlrou of .my racing (lubs.
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  • 20 2 Mtssus L H. Clayton ami K 5...H have beeu appointed Eastern Cadets t..r ■tftai in HuugkuUK »"d "he Sli.nt, Settleuiculs
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  • 24 2 Mk. \V A Pickkbini. has written a pap.r ou "Tho Karlv History the Stntits Settleuieuls," 'iiiUtntlnl to appe+r in oue ol the January reviews.
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  • 23 2 Jmmml at Bt. Joae||,-s In.'itution itud ill* SI. Anthonv'. 11..VH and tlirls s<■ MMI re.o|».UP,l roreu.Kin «f|, ll.e fhristinis and New Year (MMMNW.
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  • 13 2 Mb. JusticK Liw and Mrs. Liw arrived this morning from Peuaog bjr mail.
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  • 16 2 Tm£ Volunteer Fl«et sU>amer Tambov is due h<>re oi Saturday morning fron OJessa for Vladivostock.
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  • 19 2 The German mail steamer Sarhien having left Hongkong 10-day at 9 a. m may !>• i-xpn-trd toarrive be.'c on Sa'unliv.
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  • 27 2 Ma. I>. Bsnlt, Consul for AustroHuogarv. p.nd an t.fficial visit oa board tbe Austrian Corvetta Aurora thin ■orniug, and, on leiving, was accorded tbe ii.ii J salute
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  • 33 2 The deal body of a Chinaman was found near the 6< mile stone on the Buddoh Road yesterday morning, very much decomposed. He is supposed to have been drad for about ti day*.
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  • 26 2 Thebb is a technical paper on Chinese Ojijiii by Mr. Frank Browne, r.c Acting Qovcroment Analy*t of Hongkong, in the current number of the Pharmaceutical Journal.
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  • 38 2 A Chinaman was arrested yesterd.iv morning, while engaged in stripping tbe zinc from th» roof and IWmVWc the I'liiti himi buildini; in M^gazue K >:i.l He hid coll-cted upwards of a <wt. of metal MMN he wjs detected.
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  • 40 2 Thi Strait* Budget Wat published at ii. '.vi to-day. It contains, among other vi i icl.'s. the review of I v< ar's trade aud commerce. That review, which has attracted some stttntion here, is worthy of general reading elsewhere also.
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  • 41 2 Can. T. I). Pilcber is secondel for sertice on the Staff; Lieut. R. W. M. Briue. from I'll Bedfordshire K i," to be S ■> on'! I. nut. n in*, iv succession to Lieut. O. L. S. !>',>. ap| ■■iiit.'d Adjutant.
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  • 41 2 Ni«s ban replied Cautou that Kiuchow, Port Arthur and Tali.' n» an were I. nualiv taken over from tbe .1 ip v by i representatives of the Chinese Qou-rnineut on tbe 21st, 22nd, and 25th Dicr. respectively.
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  • 49 2 Ir is stair. l that Mr. Deuison, the foreign adviser to the Jaiiaucse Goveruin. 'Ut. his been rewarded by tbe Government with IIi.iHMJ y,-n for L is s. in .oun.clioii with the war aud b s ad vie; reg«rdiug the framing of ihe Shiiuonos ki T.e-ity.
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  • 49 2 Rkpobt I i ah it that the order for tbe balame of tbe cible for the ojn.'Ctiou li- I en Japan an 1 Formosa has be«u given to the Silvertown Couipauy. Thu fiist portiou of tbe order v beiug executel by the Telegraph Construction aud MaiummßM Company.
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  • 45 2 Thk Russian Qoverninent, sutes tbe OJessa >rrespoudeut of I'l.e Tune*, will shortly appoint military ageuM u> Tokyo,, aud Corea. These appjiutuicuts will be filled by staff officers, who will leave OJessa iv one of the cruisers belonging to the Volunteer Fleet.
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  • 47 2 COFFEE ADULTERATION. COFFEE ADULTERATION. •TmNMmMB reports baviug gone abroad that coffee from Java and Singapore has been imported at Aden for admixture wnh tbe Movba aud Harrar varieties ship|>ei tiooi that p.irl. the Adeu GkIMMW of OmMMMM liaa l-surd a circul-tr dinyiu^ the accuracy of the reports.
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  • 45 2 M"/ art's twelfth MMN wnh HMHtall accouipauiuient, suug iv the Cathedial of theUood ou Christinas Kve, will be rrj. at-d next Sunday, whun thefenst of tht< hp:phaay will be ImmmmMsl Bishop ll.uriou will most probably officiate at the uiuruing and afteru.>ou service.-
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  • 50 2 Thk Nippon Yusen Kauba has thirl vs.v steamers now iv its service, tan beiug foreign ships under jbarUr. Fife Jjpiues.v owned ships are also still uuder charter. The aggregate tonnage of tbe ttiirtv-»n steamer* is 67,759, the touuage of tbe loujpauy'a own vessels beiug 31.1H0, Kvbe Chrumiclt.
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  • 60 2 I mk s.«. Bus Srny (Juan arrived in the harbour from Baugkok this moruiug flying tbe Police tl v It was found she had a life sentence prisoner on board, who had been tried in tbe British Consular Court for Murder, and sentenced to penal servitude for
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  • 56 2 Thi N. I). I. steamer faifclsil-i. v»ilh th<' •(••riniu mail ot laM IM WMWsT, left .iiit.i at p.m on the .Sth iustaut, ami ahvuld arriv.- heie» ou Sitnr.luv uiormog. Amougst her puss'ugfrs I'roui Autweip for Siugiipore are Monsieur <i Koliii-.Wijuetnyu*. tbe |MMBI adviser to the Siamese (iovernuieut, accompauicd
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  • 65 2 Thk outward Spanish in ill f'.MMCf MtHttfrnil arrived yestt-rda^ afterDtOu frxmi with 171 (xiSßougcrs and \42 soldi' th for the Phili|i|naps. aud Ml this afternoon for Mauilit. The Muhl>rr,.,l is tbe luW»t .i-l.lit .n l.y |»urcha*e uf the Oniipaiiu Tra«-ntlaDticd an I is a spleudid aud fast
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  • 81 2 A China boy, servant to Mr. Bos well, late of tbe P. W. 1).. was arrested oa Sunday in a |uwusu"|.. while pavuiutf v •ill sarong. On belli* taken to hi* house and bin box van li.-d, upwards of 40 I .iwuti. L.-tx were fouod, all relation to
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  • 109 2 The French Cibiuet Couucil. ou Dec. In. »|'|inivrd the text of the Sill mm»JM the ludo-Chinuatf loan I'tir I *!■•>( t <>f Anuiiii ami Toiii|iini (my* v Mmw) ix »iiiln>risivi iiv it to barnra HO.tKXMXIOf.. wilb the MMIM of the Government of tbe Preucb
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  • 73 2 A CBTtNn nuisaon- M Bangl, k ■I agi I to ar from the (fame of oln H ii" M having, lt»t>rly, fauijht on with th* Chinee |.>pnfaMoa so that .-n;, „t Cbine.-e shop has its fiout room cost r t.-,| into a KHuiblin« <leo with a table a*
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  • 97 2 On IM DIM. the Om liu.t TanUtl,,, left the ll'iiiilaneuiu D.ick, Livcrpoal and entered the MancbeMter Canal t i for the Straits. China, and Ja|>au. Thr.-." uii'liths bad elapsed MM oue of Mr Alfrcl Ho!t'« "blue funnel" boat* hat I I s,vn in Manchester, aud two siats the
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  • 147 2 In the MrMM Kmm for 3rd January S.IVB a io|iesj.,)iii|enl, I S"C Von .jiiot.. f ru n Ba Aiucnciu journal MMMnMaJ lonl Rip)n's speech at the Liuuean dinner. Th. Leeds Deputation referred to ißelodfd representatives af our greatest tHunu^. iiiduttri.s. and 1 thiuk uone could have' beeu itfuorant of
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  • 150 2 It is pretty g.-uerallv u-1,..., I ta,, Th? W.,rld. that Ca|.tain William M 1,,, at present N co nuitud ot the Ommhmm, |>ort Kuardrhip tit l>i"Vou|K>rt, will shortly return to Cliiu.i, to reorganise the Chim nivy. It will !>• ImMmwmMs] 'hat Captain Lang, while Admiral af the Chinese
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  • 199 2 The I' nited States Co sular reports include a paper ou sugar cultiTatiou iv Piwtiao* W.'licsley, by Mr K. Hpeacer Pratt, the Tinted Slates' OowmMmwibl at Siugapor.'. The pa|«er (MMsibMa nail to the Hou. J. M. Vermoul's plaulatiou iv Ptovin, Wei MM*;, for vbisfc Hi li.. has
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  • 197 2 OUR SUGAR-PRODUCING COLONIES. At a iiicctin,' 'uf 'he K»va' ('..iinial lll^tltllt.' he.l ,lt the Hotel HftroH !>.'.■. 10. Mv Isjaiiai OmmU Willi.i us. ol Mauritiu-, n-ol n paMf on the flit iraoi our shl;,u prcdklctDg colonies. ll' ■.> I st. Lii.n. St. Vini.-ut. Dooiaioa, and iud.c.l, th- major it
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  • 337 2 PRICE HENRI D'ORLEANS AND Tlie Pans MIIMUM "f Ihtnal II mm tivoiv.-d a> In.-.- ..l!«-<t i .11 aaiMUi klllej In l*i ii... ll.ini d'Oil. aM'l I"' .■"iiip.iiiioii* during tbair aawek wsai Tou.(uiu to Vuuuiiu; and at the mectiug ol tli.M..iii., il. M. Miln. J the director ul tli.- HMMMUB
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 825 2 NOTICB8 L The Straits Times has the largest circulation ot any newspai er in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philipnines, and French lndo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has io
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    • 813 2 NOTICJib. TOWN HALL (UPPKR ROOM). ANNIE MAY ABBOTT, The Litt o Electric Magnet, fTMIK greatest phenomenon since BM Chria- tisn Era. TWO HOTRS of Inexpli- cable Mystery Food for thought IfsMMMHM, M MMI Thnrtdnij. Ms Mt& < Intaroating, Eut«rta'ning, and Amusing. What i« this mighty forco tlmt overcomod physical ctroigth
      813 words
    • 1136 2 LATKbT ADVEKIISBMICNTd. TOWN HALL. SATURDAY, llth JANUARY <. m pi i in ii I ;i i- It. mm II .N HKKKD TO Till-: BUriMU TH IHNTON. Who will lie aanisted by several well-known Local Au.a ci.iW. KtKD. Mauajrer. AIUBOPAsUI QftVTLBMJaJf, with ■MMM in Import* hii'l ImMMMM, who is shorily haWag
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    • 8 2 PUH 'iKNKKAI. SHII'I'IMi HRWtj ski: I'Ai; 1. i
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    • 75 2 M.M.N. rfM Im lit. has*>a**SMta K'nlo/ *K«|«}«r B t i»/ i.. l>rl itflkml ~m^.. '■«»»> MB.S. mm t.^ua th*i ml,k( .iiwm i« P.i Ii k«4. iU«imlim( im ln.l, MVMBXSI lit. -n.Sili. Ida! lh> ■•rafn m. j. iv a^mlw^iii „•> -flktft-n in mm wj pr#«. mkmtUr. h.^ ,fiM,H th^n f»ur
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 WEATHER REPORT Kandatui Krabau Honntal, HB Jb— tf, 180 S. 9a.a>. 1 p.m. U p.m. Uiu i r Bar. red. J2 F»h. WMtMMtWMI >■ i Temp M.« »Jk ~o> ~*l Wet Bulb Ther. 7.; i T...J 71 w J j thr. of Wind XX H.B Calm M*i. Ttmp. in thait
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  • 1220 3 Him -I""" «MOV IHF I ITI .IM««» K'Bter's twlej;i4iu in the '/iinm of Cejlm. af dWat laiian, Hth Deemahtr, H a TI Th<-rr»r.' |»r,i«t^nt m «H a .I'diann .burjt of as..r.-t armin(i of ritlander* or foreiKnen HrrKid.nt Kmget J\<u> rfturofdfrom thr.ountrv It ieetatedthai be it f'lHy *Ji»-* «<•
    1,220 words
  • 120 3 ThaJTohfOkfieaieleoftheaial Decembei a,- learn thai ihe three principd j.i, m- eampbor nwrehaata at Kqoa li. i\. ..nt round a fircii'ar to t lie foreign eiiwrtor*. ml 'I-"-'" tllttt v „,,,,1,,,, will be oiered then lorarietbii The n.t tin-.i K<ii m nh» given th*l .ii, i,
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  • 97 3 lilt report that P*h*n/-K»b kng, 11.mi ti i. •>' i" i the*, in cow <|nc:ii.' of th lOHiifti -c .t revolt! nrt wiihat Mvii M in. it was .I.' ided I" BMMMmI o i.itioea. Up to Juue ■<<>. I'irlhcr ojcrriom hid not Is- n iifended with su. Si
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  • 651 3 i from uu, 1.,,-.. aaMdaaJ The Jolion- Ujverument l intiuu M disp ay a great deal of eucrgy in the op i:lOg up of the l!itu I'ahat district. H 11 ia has npajiinted l>it.> Lu.r m Slat.- C'.intimsioDer 1'n....... r..0 Jayahj. tad the Uctet is vow h»rd at
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  • 694 3 THE PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL COMPANY. iI!K liltV-tiltll lIHII lll. ■•till.' olii.o I', hi.! <» St. miii Navi^ijion Company *M 1,. 1 1. iii,- ijrii Deeaahar, al IhnoaVee, I. nli. ill S I. Sir I'll .in ik Sutherland. Ml*. |llwMilg Hi < mall. »h»W«i received v. it l> appfeuae, said thy
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  • 1494 3 Un, Bnaanwar. TI gh several of the membi-r. of the Oeltan'i ihnff hern been MmdmtL Mm ffanati pirty still domiiives Ih- (.overnment at Con- I ui'inople It tranipir that the conceit anmng the Powers only amounta to an ajirw--m-nt that no wijMirate action "hall Ik- taken ia
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  • 637 3 i fvn n tin- Kanaj „j QaaJta. 4 laadnn, aVajmler. l.nte-t nMnm f*em Onia nwni that the insurgent loader Uomei, with a fon-e of twelve tlioDsand men. Inw "iiitlinL-d lienvral Martin"/ Cain|HM. anil now thr-atem the town of Haraua. The d-«th is anuoiiue-d of Sir Edward llnrlanl, lueinher
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  • 178 3 naiMTi 7i ii Jam «ki Hoi, Wa'.r Mftpuau Mom. l*t-t Qaartfr. 16 HB |>.m ('iiuitii WorL AaeeeMtiuei M atiag. Mount S>|>hia ISO |'in I'.av.-r Mn'ting. Pr »t>yt-riau Ciiiinh. B i' in V.,i fty Show. Tan,'lin Thca'r |>.vi. Wkdnkxhay, Hth Januauy. HighWaMT. =5 Ham. X) |>.in. Mm i i|.il Meetaftg.
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  • 101 3 A Moslem placo of worship has juit been open*! in Hnij-.- M ..h um 1 Ool-li-'s hi. us- id London. At the o|«oing 'irniinn Hn addict wa* delivered by Abdul (ibaui, 8.A.. who i.-f.-rr. .1 iv laudalen terms to HenmaMned DnkWt work on l» <>f
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  • 129 3 THE JAPANESE BATTLESHIP FUJI." ii\ order ot the .l.t]ai..-sc < tovi-riiim-ut. tbe Thames lrouw..rks and shipbuilding Coin jam of fdackwall are Imildiuga firstclass bittl.ship, to be uar.i<d, Mnotdiag In au in. despatch, the Fuji. She is a l.irl.'te ship, somewhat after th-.- Beat rruju t\j i-, la t rat
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  • 242 3 Thk NfMti <>f the N.w Dariel Biv (Borneo) Totiacco Plantiug states that the 1894 crop from the company's estate lonsi.ted af MM bales, the prodiicof sUmt 320 field*. The grow arerage price obtain, d at the lecnt sales at Atnsteidim was ls. Hi. r 11. among the
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  • 705 3 Thk Xurrxtut. c-misir. C.ipl.ini II I.i g. aniT.-d at Malta ou IM Deft from 1 ynioiith, and ].r, r t-ded the n. Xt duv to C urn. The Ininiorttililf, < miser, CapUiu 1 Gmnmnmmr a Ivft Gibraltar for China on M l>c(. The naval <t>rr.-B|K)udtut of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 13 3 Tender Feet, Not Fes«, Tired feet hj mCondy's Fluid. SoUl nUm-»*nJ«l Condy's FJuid
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    • 500 3 i BHIPPINQ. Wilt NKW ZEALAND PORTS. JO DIRKCT Th-> B. I. 8. Na> Co.s steamer VHILKA, I.: -H ton.. Captain M. 0. Williams, i, .Inhere on the Bth January, from Calcntta, and will have promnt despatch for the above ports. For freight ,ml passage apply to 7/1 BOOSTEAD A Co..
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    • 997 3 I KOU SALE;" KM PLO YMIHTB TO LET; AM) TKIWONALS. Ist time, II cents a line; 2nd and ,tH time., Uleentsaline; ttl, tolitli times, ,enM i a line, Til. to IM time.. .1 cents a line. 1 afterwanln. '2 cents a linn hut no charge lee* tliati one dollar. Thus,
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  • 1 4
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  • 1355 4 ,1 ■■;.< i..iln; the following BbfeMViii. n« »m aMi -n.— etenmer; »h.— «lvi. q— l.m.w; Brit BritUh U. S— l'iiit liM Fr.— ;-'n>nr!i. Ger.— German: Out.11,.I 1 I J,»ii. o; Ac., <}.<■■— <"-ii«r .iy-k pam«u(ror« 0/— UnMT t'. \V— Taujong P»K» r wWIjT P. D.— Tani<.iv Pkgai
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  • 216 4 Vm.w. P/*i, ami Da m x LuMiu.V. Qloafrnia, 1).-, Ttatalat, Dm i |{..m.«i, Am .Jan !<; Gannt Glemm-li). IdHMiM Livciti-uoi. Oo.ack. Dw I) l)..i :l)Mll line .lull B Ajti. ilu"» Tan. 15 Mk Glahuuw. Sikh i >i-... 11,;. On, i; QBIMOI k, Sm M I Uakkv Faloonlnintt,
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  • 100 4 i **mti ta» i I"X .M .n i -.>»> M<-iii~iimt r i >»r..r» Uv „n i.;,,, v I'ott .okHU ii .*u :..1.-u IM H« .In v 7 H»n lliii tiuan »t-\ 1!l .Sn.ilh 7 Kirn Y«-.,r 7 hu» nn k K»n tr I I rtr. .1 9 I po
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  • 95 4 Dati. '11l 1 ML.I NiMI. 1 11. S NiMI. Flau a Km CWMM MtlM I 6 6 6 a 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 I 11. r In Fufe Tibre Ainu.- -t Aub I H— k Kmn C A|K-»r Hvlr» l-l.r <lion Ku* I!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 NOTICBB. McALISTEE Co., i HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FUF.SM SMII'.MKNT ()l ,a^%SI?BSV v- it n WATBON&CO X^^^*"^^VmsW cklehratei> l^i'. Price *11 per ia s ■TaT ar *^al»^.^ ÜB '?^l a. m^^ m Whiskies /%/v iSfil^ mS\ ULTT PAI D«t* DuTY I>A Mo ALI STBB 0. GRIMAULTS SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITEoiLIME All suffering
      383 words
    • 460 4 AyCP^Q "rg^lrilla IS THK ORKAT -qi j t» isi *****0.- JrUriliei\ nfrw- Tftwir _,M STRENGTH BUILDER. r '''ks /Qrr^vX '■<■'- »1 in'"!'"f^J/^^\-\ i."'i,'.,,^ 1.l irSTi) I I I P2S* V^v^J/ Db? VftsJl->^C>/ mcnlarising from Uniwrv blunl, abould take r o -<'h '■>>■■■ 5i..;.,.;. aaa m aaJajaMs. AyCf'S S 3IS 3P3
      460 words
      161 words
    • 688 4 NOTICES. BUfll BUVawU SINGAPCiii. ii. DMDKK S«W M NAIitMKHT Mus. Pl'ulma.w aaakM to latorm her .irons aad tin- BfIMM generally that Mr. lastuer (of "Don I ha« oeeu wlmitted m nanaging partner of Iks ab>vefrum this date. Che Miabhshuiekt in ti.j futjru vrillbeconI ,-ioi under their jSB tixoellent accmnn
      688 words
    • 982 4 NOTICES COCO MIS. riOIAI IV I CTW) FOR PLAP 1 A 7 .m«a "PSYCHO CYCLES." b: ami Bbo»' Newest Suapbs. PNEUMATIC AND CUSHION TYRED. A Ktoek a .way a on hand suitable, for LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. UILEV, lIARGKEAVE3& Co., 13, BAIIEBY BOAD. ■n .w. f. THB PBTB RI VKR DOOI
      982 words
      30 words
    • 45 4 i NOTICES RC H I D J. A. D. PEREIRA. HOBTICULTCftir/ AND FLOlItT COLLECTOR AM) EjPOBTKB Oi O«o»». Order* for Hou,|ii«t .Sprit,, 4« A. Crcfully 1 -iu,ily,. lB<at J W fln,,,^. II,,,,... Tr.,1, NUk>KI;V. ox;, y f AD m^. Ad.lri*. li i'. t.ul,«rJ lo '«'i(rlii,
      45 words