The Straits Times, 16 April 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1881. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1895. NO. 18,597.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1015 1 VMSWP COMPANIES. c '-^llyorv)uay. WflABTa. and g<MJ|sm« iUthmu May BJMMa IJ.J 15 Th t "»"eill« and thence b, Hailway to London i. th. m to u,^ COHtIOBBIt of oerso b,11,i. Con,[» ny stoamere will pi,.*, not thu m JJJ f^ heen removetl from the godown, ,t New Harhour, and that
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    • 1072 1 NOIICES. MILKMAID > m BRAND JZ** CONDENSED MILK l^".T**^f I<! i.ii:i:::u(i Brafttl is guaranteed to ff^fl contain all the cream of the original milk. In M'jJ the P»'oce:::< of manufacture nothing but water Sfc'' *Vr 'fwar i' s remove d. nothing but the best refined v»VsW I -A. void low-priced
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    • 1219 1 NOTICES. W. ROBINSON 00. (EBT. 1875.) HONCKONO AND SINUAPORE, ETC. PIANOS, for Hire, Bale, or Monthly Payments, niailo socially for the •limat" and OUARA.NTEED ABSOLUTELY. PIANOS REPAIRED c <o new, ami work warranted. PFANO TUNING by ncn uainec! i I tij bast Factories. M.USIC, String, Fittings and Musical S>, n«'iicd.
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    • 487 1 BANKS. HONOKONO AND SHANUBA] BANKING COKPOBATIOH. PAID-CP CAPITAL |10.nnO,(KK) HEBKRVR >'TJND V l^''* BESEKVK LIABILITY OF) iioikmmski PBOPKIKTOBS I v Couar or UiascToae:— J S. MOSES. E*! -Ohaibsui.. J. KKAMER. K»,. I)r,-, t Tfal—llli E. V. '1.... X-, 8.C.1M...M. i.j 11 iiii-Ai, Bay, n. n. .-i.--,m.b u™iiif""'- N- A fcl.M.
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    • 664 1 NOTICEB. AND WALSH, LIMTnD. 6. BATTERY KOAD, ■IBOAPOBB. NKW tOnUB NOVELS. Heavenly T«ins 3.00 Ebb Tide by BteTenaon f 1 .mi Buperrlous Woman S I.. r ,n Onr Manifold Nature j M Tiie Maniman. by Hall Oaine 1.50 Jolm March S uthern»r. liy Cable I 1.3$ Tim People of the
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  • 468 2 COMMERCIAL. LATEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONH. Binoapor», 16TB April, lt«S i'HOUUCE. Oambier, «■*>■ do Cob* No. 1, 1- do do No. i, „».»(>. Copra Bali 5.52,4. do Pontianak 5.35. I'eppor Black, IU-75. 8V" Flour, Sarawak i.711 dv Brunei I'earlSago 3.50. Co(f..-e Bali. «.W. Coffee Libarian. Tapioca small Flake, n 4*. do do
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  • 78 2 MAILS CLOSE. hVlittiu, >v |^.il'. <;y, II a. haaaaafitaHaH, i. m Kar.,,,1 port.. fstia, >p.m. Uaaaa *ia aaita, BaaM, :ip.m ■|Vl..< .\i.,,.i ri. r .ii.. Nssasss. :ip.m. I Ii .'tfWMI IjltU'lllpH, i\> 01. t. Aaaa m parta, Aakwst, :i p.m. I ..:.j. mi ,-.ii. nu rt- .s.i /I 1,, 3i,ni
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  • 76 2 MAILS TO ARRIVE. XX..M M X..X -:.y til.- MM. AY..I. ,i» on 111,-- a>. ill,- J :i I in- I i m i M M Mar 23..1 Mar. «t P. *(>. Apiil lili Mar. lull April M»r. li li MM. A|iiilt;tli M.r. Vfltli P. AO. April mli ><:.r
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  • 196 2 PASSENGER LIST. ARRIVALS. l>er s. Ch'.ir l'h,,,i from Klang :-M.M.»rs I A. It Lake, (i. (iunln. WU-.fonl, I, J mn I mett. Hi- Mr. ami Mi-. v»n dor StraaUn P«r s. a, 11,-1/ of ftmlm from Manilii -Mr Kiowt, Per s. n. UUugyU- from L, ndon -Me«rs (ir.-gory, Al!i«>u and
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  • 83 2 The Straits Times TUESDAY. 16th APRIL 1895. REUTRER'S TELEGRAMS. KrtTASLISHKII 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTB. ISubKrifttinA nit* and adoertuiag rain miit fa*rik paije.] THK CHI THAI, KXPEDITION. MM April. The friendly Khin if l)ir Ins capt.ired Umra Kbaa'l l-iother. and also Ma] fort of l»n. A force under Coluu»l Kelly hus
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  • 201 2 GOLD CURRENCY IN RUSSIA. Ii the newspaper report, inenlione<l in t'l-ilayV telegram, i« to lie credited, uuother blow may toon lie dealt at silver. Silver has latterly \fven recovering uinler the Fi}*ctation that the heavy in.icaauity d inanilwl l>y Japan from China w,,ii|,l MHtrfkN a silver loan that would MM
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  • 475 2 ON "SEEING OFF" By to-morrow's mail, tber* depart from Singapore, on leave," many prisons ot ■•iiiinence, Uote, or populaiity. The nf J.ihure i« aiming tlioso M|s| and tbtit we do not iiarou any of the .'ln ih in tin- artii-le i< liecauo- to uuitiu tluin all wuuU Ih- to
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  • 23 2 I. M.i Mi i. iit.i.i. will recvivi. ou Thurs. day. of tin. w«wk, at sp. vi. Th r, will be litwu i. iiui-
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  • 10 2 Mi; I i mi. k I, la. ii bit* urnved
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  • 13 2 Tmk liuuiewurd mail liy the I' t t.t. /Vii» at <! p. in. to-utorruw.
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  • 105 2 Ht late«» Pnhang adric's. Mr. Clifford bad pushed on through or round Kelantan to Tringgaou, where be met tbe Siamese Commissioner. Luang Viiudh Parihar. On Saturday tbe 13tb, Mr. Clifford, with the 9iame*» Commissiuner, were at Kuala Tringganu with the Sultan of Tringi?auH. Nothing waa known of 8. Rahmau. Mr.
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  • 15 2 A batch of Australian b.irae*, exi>e< v d shortly by the sleArocr Anjtu. ia ■sWswWa*
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  • 18 2 As Arab horee. the properly of Captain A. W. Booth ia ad»erti»ed for sale at Mr. Abram's yarj.
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  • 18 2 A rtw sporadic ess -s of plagu.- are r,ported to bare occurred iv th- Chinese quarter of Macao.
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  • 23 2 Thk Kin.ian tramp Jrt S>r,,l,>c; arrived to-day from Odessi with MM tr.Hip«. and <Jl paVugers on bvarl. She leave) for VladiToit K.k to-day.
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  • 31 2 Thf Ptniite BuJ r t wan |ii')lished at no n i.-d«r. To the copies to 1« a-nt b the P. A O mail, tbele will lie added supplement containing to-day's news.
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  • 32 2 Or MO coolie* recently brought up from Singa|sire for work ou the rii way lin", only 2i ar« said by the MM i'rtu to baie reached I heir destination beyond A>ulhia.
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  • 34 2 Fi»R Cbiiiamen w«re prosecuted at the Police Court this morning for telling unwholesome fish. They were fined H each. For a similar offence several huwkers were c ,in i.-t-d on Saturday, and similarly fined.
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  • 40 2 In a laraiiraph in a re.vnt letter from our Pah^ng correspondent, it i» at»t .1 thai aa the 2:»rd al Mmch the t-i'/.v bMsfabw grounded on th- Pahang Bir. That is ;m erriir. The torfy Ln»a<le* w.n th-n «t Triogga-.u
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  • 38 2 The Governor a:id Mr. Stiven yester--Ijt afle'UiMin plav«l i-ff tl"ir ti-- I tin Se|ioy<-« g.df bandi,a|.. with the lesul't that Mr. Stiven won by out- hole ap. His Kxc llenc» r.,,- v,-d IM fIaMSM tbe eighteen holea.
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  • 44 2 Tib ««rcurv of Ih- Punj-nn Mining Coni|.iDy has reieived a telegram fiotn tbe nines t» th* ft.- -t that, durii'ir the monti of M»rcb. tbe mill ran 28 dayt irusbing '.'< D tons, yieldiug Ml M 1 K-,1.1. iii,l besdinga, Hi tona, for 40 ounces.
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  • 42 2 Ma. |nm Collier who leave* tomorrow for home, ia granted months' leave of absence. h»lf of which will Iv on full pay and the lemaiuder ou half piv. ProUiblv the leave «ill b» eiteudel. Mr. C'ollyer has l^-en luuih liked in Sin^ai-ir.-.
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  • 43 2 Thi Hrn Hrn Prra hears al ,-,n«'itut complairjU againat the veiatiousi deUys whirb inio.irt.Ti are subjecte-1 to wh-u their goods ht'e to paai throu.'h tin- litn.U •>f the Customii offi -ers at BiDgkok and tbe high values a', which the goods are assessed.
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  • 44 2 The bou*.' „f Mr. J. O. Alili ili-/. n' Tuiu-liu. W4spntere>l last B%M »«<1 a.'veral small artules. of the valuf of 574, wee purloins] from the diniuit room. No arrests ba»« yet been inadv. There ha»e been numerous little burglaries recently on Mouut Elitabeth.
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  • 50 2 Anvuu from tbe interior of Si.nn It I of h.ile'a *pi lemii-4 in various districts. Siamese astert tbat several fatal BMBs have MBBjaal in the Palace at Han^k.vL. ajaji fir.-i^u prart'tiou^rs ate said to >n'.itiiii fears that th" epidemic will be felt much more severely before the enl of April.
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  • 53 2 Tin. l.Mth return* i>f th.> ex|»-'lil i"ii to Cliiua, ccnipiksl liv the Japanese (li>vi-riiiiieat. show :j ..ili. «nl men w.-re kill<>.| in the ti-M. 131 oilier. .1..-.1 ( «,.tiud>. „li I 1»81 i.. .1 from s'.-ku.-s .l.niiii; the r...| from Si-|.'. tl*t, MX to M ii. i- MM. 1
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  • 46 2 Mis. U»aci H*<rTHut!<t:-> Coui|*ny piw th.-.r f*ivw.-ll |»-rf..riinu<-r io thTown HhII t.,.n,..rr .w ni^ht. »h.,, Mr. Piu»ro'« pI»T "The Proßupite will be produce!, uuder tbe )»ir»oa^ of MajorOeue»l J.>ii.-»-Viii.' C.B. The furmaoee will 1> for Mia* Hawtborur't benefit. T»-ni|jht, tbe Company will p. t. form Lekb."
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  • 73 2 Tut tppoal of the owners of theOvrman s'eiinshi;. Kin against tbe salvaite award. of «20.U0f1. made by tbe Ule sWMaMaaa Acting Obitf Justuv'i Mr. K. J. A k'rovd I in favour of the owuers of the British steamer Vhra i'Ao«i KUo. was i le 1 iv th., Hou|(koug Aduiirally Court
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  • 74 2 Ma. Kmoon Chabno, a brother of I'hv.i Sunt.ik. who is a imdshipmtn on board H. M 8. CrnturioH ol the Chin* sUtiou. arrive I at the olhnr day M bwx "f absence Mr. Khoou Cli'.nii.- was present at the attack on Weihaiwei aud sptaks highly of the Ja|«uese method of
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  • 73 2 It will ui-t be lootf MaW cousiderabU iuipritreiut nt» are Uiken in baud at the Nagasaki L><H'k-yard«. If the reports tbat reach us are true, the Mitsu-bishi Compaoy iutenda largely iMHMaasj the ta, Jities at the southern |x>tt for all dookiay and re|iairiii|{ work- A uew dock is to by
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  • 109 2 The Blue Funnel steamer Polypktm*: which arrived from Siu^apoie at Hou s >- koug on tbe Btb instaut. had the mi,l\,r. tUD« to run axainst a xmall rock w.->t „f tbe Oap Rock. OBM arrival at Hou K kouif, she dmcharm-.l h^r carjjo preparatory toeing iatodock. Tin- Jainiijfe dove to
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  • 77 2 COURT OF APPEAL. The Court of Appeal appointe 1 )V t 'i.» Cbief Jutti will assemble lo morror. The following ll* tbe ewt set down for hi- mi i- Heard s T*u Odk. M.ili ULimm Kwoiij;M' l ll Bt'h«u)ir. Bt-hu Meyer A; Co. Pullv i' c'umpbell. Jan Osmau i, T»n
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  • 140 2 A MUTIKT occurred on board the 1; it ih |in- Launberga, at Iloilo, Philip, .me*, ou the night of the 24th Match appears that aome of the crew, re-nlted against the Captain and tbe second o:8 e'. for not allowing them to go ashore. (> nna
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  • 209 2 THE ARMISTICE. The Ja| au Official Oatette published, an aunounceinent ou Saturday, 180 th ult.i t'liit »n Armistice bad be»n agreed u|,i n between Japan aud China, duly signed l,v Count Ito, Vscount Mutsu. anl "th.Viceroy Li. Tue Tn ay consists of 8 MTtielatg ail Military and Naval forces i
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  • 195 2 PAHANG NEWS. 1 1-lU.RIIfAOK 1 t'rou "ur CorrttpontUht. i Prknii, I IH: April. On baj omri day. a Mtl*y iiauii.i (Jli.AbtMl .v,i S brou>,'iit before Mr. BehVld f.,r unliiwiul |Mis«iisicn of to «rit a aboaaaj U.ik that Moagrd It the lat Mr. I. >vis Stewart *h i was iv
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  • 293 2 PETROLEUM AS A PREVENTIVE OF BOILER INCRUSTATION. PtMOCMfI v euployed ia Auierick ts MNM ivc -os .itiou, i-il his I. en -I-- 1 for tins fmf&m siuee \ii~b. Iv >i, was made sBsM faily kuowa by -„in|.r-b-eusive ,-i .,-i in; \j>, a- tbe workt of th« Electric I.icbt t_'oui| ii
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  • 397 2 GRACE HAWTHORNE'S COM PANY. THI NEW BOY Miss (track Hawtiioknk's Company I tut cvcuiuj:. appeared iv Arthur IjkSSMBtaj .>aifjv Tbe New Hoy" with einiueut MMM There «v a good hou~ which was v.M slow to testify i!s .tppiv. -i ti n ill Iht |»-rfoiiii;iuce tliriiugli Hi io.iii M i HMI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 771 2 TBE BORNEO COMPANY. LIMITED. I j TBB Standard Life Assurance > Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Eqnitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. j The China Mutual Bt«am Narijation Coy The Tottenham Lafr«r Beer Company. I The M.-itlme Insurance Company. Limit«d. Vnr ntrticulan
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    • 725 2 NO 1 10ES. 1 The Sti-aits Times has the largest circulation of any newsj.a' er J J in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and j Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain. Borneo, the I Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China.
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    • 759 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, j towiTliallT" > LAST SIGHTS I LAST SIGHTS I j Leube A Dibkctob— 3avii.le Smith. Miss Obacc Hawth )E*r. huppobtid sr k POWBBPDt.CoMPAHT IH A SELECTION. TO-HIOHT TOESHAY, APBII. InTH. Last Night But One I WBi;» BY SPECIAL BKJUtST WILL B* «1»E» TBE BEAITIfOL AUD TBaOIC PLAT CF
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    • 43 2 Aawauuaaav-ttaaißßMraajL^AtikaOb-j th.-lral by laa Vmipra If lllßJlll P.-r ham. on las. l.'.ih instant, Thom>« William mily sou of A. J. Ahcumannb. E»q., of EIMIH»HTON, BIBHINOUAM, to Kiuih Mili>«ki>, ham daughter nf J. L. \i.i iikmvnkk Esq., Singapore. K»K onikU smrriNUH nkw IBI HAWK <
      43 words
    • 63 2 US X .st^^'-l i*r^" ftmit h»".K i* wvittm an w«l< »l lO'Vf" •■"V. i.» Ii »f Hi* ma. %~Z,.* k.»Jf. m r«iM ',^u Z&* *«k«*W U l ~Ju'wiiT»'»"* amitrun, j, tut IH> M—f ""****Ti •*"f.—^»< tV i,MMOJ r"*^ kH »»»'> The Straits Times has the ianjest circulatiou of any uewjpaper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 97 2 W KATBJtI KKPoui A.;., ha) \rjf/a» 1:..«|U1, l.'ill. .l/,ri., UM I* a. -If m. ' UiKtKk-. U»r. U ■£>. i) 17 -^!si!i JVmj,. IM HJ 7i.8 -VI tt«i liv.ii Tlwr. 77.1 i TUB 74.6 3\i T Oir. afWia-J M. H. >»l». L.i *-fJ .M-i. lVu.|i. in-,. ■i. I Jl- l^
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  • 1925 3 MR. PINERO'S NEWEST PLAY. III! \<>Ti>|:lol yi;s ilii-mimi AT THK HAIIIIK K 1 -..lllhrv. lowcrilii; .1, Ar \i ■> '■-»»< 1 tint bUki ai.ii.fir. ,.i ,j| v lir-t im|.,-.s. |f,* I'm ri,il.t~i ii:us!it|i j t c.,i,,|.let» what IhtOntkl Would hm .all. da trilogy "o- Problem Plum I he Profligate
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  • 591 3 MR. JUSTICE LEACH. CKICKET DJNNUK TO THK HuN. A. J. LEACH AT HuNUKONU. Ox III- evening of tli- tifli iu»t. ibe I coniuitt r of til.' OrichM i'iui', In., th. r ■Mka i' w ot ilmst' immU'iM nt UtaOMkl wiioc exploits ill thi> inehi't ti 14 iu the pu'wm an.
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  • 17 3 THEIR FEMALE RELATIVES. (Aw** J '"i"' A\i, s ,,fiiii:^ M »!""V7;; present rrigaiMJUMMj lv „l our tOBMMtOM.
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  • 61 3 CHINESE ADMIRALTY BOARD ABOLISHED. Bqm4 m A.inii™n.v l ""'Jj" t I A,!,,n..:.v BiMTf. T..-a»-ir» tiur,..,. W.u- Kunl. Win. «rl, tl- iyji l l in X':i>'-' 4diuinlt;aalkoritiMMaaUMi v mm iv! 1 1,, MM«a Uiokoj „..,,.-ih.u »..r lUll I IV t1,.. Ml|l"<t". Aimiwllj .tr.,..,1. I t.. L'H-j' 1 7,* J m«« forlb»irowo
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  • 449 3 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. (Via Ha nob* > SHIrTTRRCKOPI' THf. < APK TIircBITEAL eXPISUITIOS rHt SI'KAKU'S PARKWEI.I. SPEK.H THE PAMIRS London, mii April. Thk Dundrennan, from Chittsgong tobu^ dw-. hs" Leen wrecked in rounding the Cspe--he is s total loss, anil only three lives hsve been ssv«l. Simla, »»> Ap*l Th" -nil
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  • 446 3 THE TRADE OF JAPAN. In the aiiuuil repirl of mTmjMM Cl amliert f Cotuuie'.e an interesting a. in if the ImmM trade of Japan it MM*. Til- HIM ot e«poits and ilup.Tt-.foi all Ju|an durii'K theye.irs UMtM MM was u» Total HMM and MMMM MM MM.IM/Ml. Tolnl HSMM iin.l
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  • 55 3 NEWS VIA AUSTRALIA. Ml Hmm. Tie Ksrl of Kiiitnr- MMMMMiM 1 1..- licit (ji.vt.riiort.f .lsinai<-» Uf H...rv 1....1,. MM hM just MrfMMl IhCimOW |MMM>(ll ,1,17 i 11,,- Mta (ti.veruor Duff in M Ml iMV TUMMkbMMMMIM Mm, Sulliuot. MM noted M«iUs<-gMJIJB^ The |M li "..■rnin.iit MMM»«»MMMm IPS 1-1 UafMl
    IPS  -  55 words
  • 222 3 THE PESCADORES. C&TTAU llathnivl. tl»- DoMIM Mat* fU.ilrt wh'rli nrrivrd at H»ui{koag ll i'i>wauio> (l%rlii<>i)a) aud •,m..> M tlr loth iintant. »<-» 'l>»t v/.u/.'« '.K hiwuifa tl il t a r»imilnW She Hij.'ln- I -v— n.-u-.1-waraiiativu tia«»port* tacWd pA X" l r W»»''- Th<> I Uil i!. 1. 1
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  • 1245 3 MR. HENRY NORMAN'S BOOK. (Time:) The Far Knit h truly. M Mr. Henry Nurinan »ay». "the KHM »f a inul'i-' of n»w p .liiinl Mi" All Him i Hin to know num.- li;i-u' 'fill" nature it the toil and the probaWl MMM uf the crop now nmturiui; will tiu.l
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  • 132 3 BRITISH STEAMER SEIZED BY JAPANESE AT TAKU. .SAaiiy/iui, AMIL lufuruiatiuii ha* ben rwwired th»« ll» IMo-OUm hLhiiht VMMM '»P' 11. BrmllfM Mi M ««iw<l *'> *I*—— MM MMM Ml The NMMf "i. I MfMKMMdIMJMI to Ti.-iitxin with »li >• w«'» U'lii'Vi'd tuh.' L -.-ii.-rnl ,-nf" "ii heinjr it m fouud
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  • 1191 3 . Who th« dirkens it. Smith will prnhaUy bp I the firat t|iieitit,n sakml. Areordinir tn'the C'rylon Obtentr Mr L. O. Smith is ra-member nf the Fen«te of Sweden pomiibljr setnsl niemhcr nf thx order of thn watte pa'ner ban- I ket. ainc li-< niove< shont with
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  • 426 3 SOCIAL LIFE IN CHINA. IiKI TURIN. I *t T.'V uln- hill nil "The 1 > .it v 1, I ihrOhiMM !<»!> Sir J.dui (brat, M.l.. i-iid that study of tM lili- .1 th«- <'uine«- was MMMftUs ti>. ftil tv nil »ln> were n,u»imia about I ;r*#i and ».l!-l..iug in
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  • 457 3 THE FUTURE OF CHINA AND JAPAN. In the Cotmnpolitan Lord Wulsel.y. who has always been a Kreat admirer of tbe fighting qualitiea of the Chinese, discusses tbe chances of China rallying and aswrling her proper position in tbe world. He nays It ieerns to me t hut the future of
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  • 136 3 ARRANGEMENTS. TnniiiT, I«stii Ap-iii.. tlmh r :t.31 p.m U-..1. at Town Hall. VmMMMS, 17th Aim i :i, k 'ii Water. tMmm. IMpm. Mo.iv I«Mt (Quarter, til" am. Ih" PMMMM" at Town Hall M-et.n.- Apiell Court. Homeward P. O. mail fl.sws 2 p.ui Thcbsuat. 18th imk II i^'h Water. MA
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  • 119 3 (TO ABBIVK. I IVr V M. iMMMM, «ar«-il|... IMr mil M.». >. MMtM ainl ildr.'i. Mr and Mr*. K K H H'V life-. Mr ul Wr.'. W. K Anuusaud «">■. Mr J. K«h». I OmihlU. Ml" 1K».,n... < olMl'l IVIIM. |*.l»r, Mr. Kah'«. Mr. Ksmoiid-, IVr U.ilUrol from L0ud.....
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  • 101 3 PASSENGERS FOR HOME. The following p*s.-.eutfer« at- '.nxiked i»-r I' A O MMMM l>.-r Prki* t.i-in-rr,.* H. at th- MM! "f .lohore. l>,i<.. Al, Jla|. Mob Ka,»lu..''.p'.,»|l. Ve.e Dr. OMMjy. Mr. -I. AM n. M. .."I Mi-. MJMM Will.iu»"U. Mr and !><<> C. ft. S Kvnu-rsUy. Mr.. 1,..V"11. Mr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 l-'iii; tJKNKKAI, aWTTUM NKWS Mi 1-AtiK I CLAHKK'S ■ATRXT BROWM LKATIIii: l'.)l.l>il. t.AOR MMMM "'"I l"-'---ni"« 1 sll Brown I. I.i" > l: MMjtMMT, r*o»T»AlfT««»*. L n-ll.-kv sl.lM:. I, SMI M 111....... lin Mif.-rior l..'Slher I'oli-i.-. and STtti S l-.-t>. 'i. .ihiectit. liable slid BMMBWs smiu' *B '■>■- surface of
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    • 898 3 SHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPINO NEWS SEE PAGE II 11 O B HONGKONG Messrs. Apear <fc Co.'s staainw VA THSKtNt! A re AH. 2,716 tons. Cspt. J. (4. Olifeat. krft Csleutta. on th« 10th W. snd is da* k*r* on th* 19th ir,.-., m roato for *b»n> port. For freight or
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    • 1392 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. I Un<l«r thin liradinir tlio following at.lTeyii tioiin ar« niwi str.— stmtiwr ah. »hip. hq.— barqaa Brit Britiah U. S.— rnit»l SUt«i; *r.— Kr»nch;(i«.— Garma.i; Dut.— Dutch; .lob.— Johoro Sir., Qjt- Omtf) cj»rifo; d. p.— <le-k pa»iwn(r»« U.— Uacer tain 1 T. I". W -T»njon(f Pag»r Wharf
      1,392 words
    • 121 4 VESSELS EXPECTED NM, I'irl. auJ Put* «l H<,n hj LuKUuN, f'rlaln. im Apl. 1 4 Mil>l> I. ►>»..!•..! >| .Slniu (I Sim h LITIRPUOL. tfollarophuu, M*r. 10 Num. UolumbiM. K ti Baert Richard Rickinera, 1 iiiaimri lNoi» Mailre, del 1J N Daa. jj Hottr hiokrosm, F»b 17 n. -Iru n.i
      121 words
    • 99 4 Km. *■"<>* IMH* (MHNM IS M»... ,v ,tr. j,ij i>.i, y l«iid,,u M.r In Ho»to.,l Co. [j iimpie .tr. wL A 1 *H l^Stamito Slwukip C.j. LU 1 .tr. »W Me!ir A P' U Hun Hid* Co. 1» 'iulf o f Venict nr. I8W) H.^l?,. vr a^ w A
      99 words
    • 60 4 U«T! VwiL'a fen ■H 4 Elu OArTAI*. HksiiNA. .•'■> W. 13 IS B li; l« B ID 10 16 i 1« Ili Sullu K.I I H.,,.1 ry— Umj Branch MrittoT B»j*k Mi,. k tlv* Leouif Ki>u Vug .iljwo Hull Pull 1..,.,. ribi* P I I'Mnu puru .s
      60 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 278 4 GRIMAULTS SYRUP HYPO-PHOSPHITE of LIME FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST All siilTiM-in-' from Catarrh, Consumption, Obstinate Coughs or Colds ami those affected with diseases of tlie Chest, Lungs and Bronchial Tubes, should lake MIIiOLmjRDPofHTPO-PIOSPIITEiILIIE PrescriWd hyflio leading medical authorities in all countries fur the last tweniynve years with the greatest
      278 words
    • 216 4 NOIICBB. ScALTSTKB 4 CO. 1 J R1MI: AMERICAN MKSS MET. I K.IIII 111 Mil »i froiu to IMfe nt 17 cenla jwr 11. In St ]t». Kep« «t J li.Vl. In M It*. Kaaaa^MMC. i FA IK HANK'S WKHJIIIXU MACHINKS. sAI/reil'S SI'HIMi bALAXCESAND KAMII.T HJaMaTH < KOS.--C UT ANII HAHO
      216 words
    • 739 4 AVERT Sarsaparilla IS THE OB£AT Blood-Purifier, HERVE TONIC, STRENGTH^-°BUILDER. if \r\ restores I*l r^¥i I I'""' 1 1 1 any ailm. Nt •rMBf trom inipui I>lih>i, ihould take Ajer> ftanaparlllii. It Rives strpnath to ally. H) I" uso ( i, mnilc nou'rlshli's alcrp it-f resiling, ami life eujoyable. AyeKs
      739 words
    • 120 4 NOTICEB. r\rch i n h J. D' A. PEREIRA. Horticulturist awf Ki'«ribt. Collector inn Expobtke of Obchihs. Ordera for Bouquet Spraja Ac, Ac. ('arnfully and promptly Mecuted. Cheapest Houm in tfie Trad*. NURSERY. OXLBY ROAD. a-. rirtrwia 2«-18. Orchard Roart. Tanclin FRENCH-BAKERY. 208 to OBCRABn boad 2*W to 20!». BREAD
      120 words
    • 123 4 NOTHJE&. J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. ajajtAißi tßoimxr tuuuiam JOSEPH BAKER. oNUCCTIOMFK AND VIENNA RaKKR BKOB to inform tin \M\<-* and G«nt!». ir.«n of Singapore tluit hn haa c.|»..,..,| a('..nfectio(i»ry anil Bakery, it No ti, Victoria ntreet, next to the Convent. Weddin? Cakea at moderate chariro ami all
      123 words