The Straits Times, 22 February 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. NO. 18,553.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1095 1 S IKAMSHIP COMPANIES. PKVINSTJLAR AND ORIEVTAT. STKAM XAVIOATION rOMP«N\ Otricn— .M1,,., , ntavaaand i|(.pnw»>- f|«i*aai I 1 mail ateauer. »ill l.m. HingH|»n. on or oootooaataMoa tmtx H"> ■ar. 1 1,.,... ,ii.,,i M.r 1 Mar. IK KM, II. M.'. Apl. I R..r-«,,.. A|.l. .1 *I- WliVMa A 1.1. 17 abaa-a M.,
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    • 1017 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIEB. J^E KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under contract with tha Nether' auda India Government at Hwiinpore, Ship Aonct, latb J. Dakki>bl» A Co., 2-3, Colltkb Quat. K Vrmn Wl On Wi D»*P«^l«^ On iti^a" 'j;1,,1. Paneli. JHila. Awahan. and Deli 26th. Feb. P atMoa-jor. Pfnang. 2.lrd. rwurabaya. Am|ai,»u i Limbokjdir
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    • 820 1 ______JNBUEANCEB. I ANTON INSURANCE"' OFFIC E \j MMITED. Capital .lil-. TiW.I »J..-.«...iiii liaouiliuiliir m<i,V«i,. ■eaarrrtuDd 0.i«0. H«n. urn. r.. H.».».,m. 11... uDd— aimiad h»»i > 1.-cv ape luted A—nf ;..i 1.. aboTvCoaipaajr ar« to aee^.t Marine Ki.ta at onrraat rate*. A Booua ia annually 1-..4 lv all -utnIrtiU.r. of
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    • 574 1 INSURANCES. Thi Rtbaitr Fibb Inbubahcb Co., Ltd llf LIyUII.ATL.N merged in THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Fite riaka accepted *t current rate*. LOCAL BOARD OF REFERENCE. A. H. Har-bnrr.. r.., l>ai. Puttfarrken.Faq. I A. S. Murray Km,. FUND-*. rapital Fully Bubrcrlbed «S,6' 0.000 Capita! p»id.up JBO.OOO Life Fund, in
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    • 536 1 BANKS. HOKQKONQ AND BHAVOBAI BANKING OOBPORAnOM. SiSol- 0^" 1 H0.00n.000 RESERVE FUND f ♦JOO.OOO BBBEEVE LIABILITY OF 1 *i nnn n vw. Corar or DiucmuiOhaiwab— C. J. HOI.LIDAT, Bmj. l>»Tt-T C»Aia_AK— J. 8. MDSES. bq. ",'7',"' <■■ Micuataa* aW "l. 1. 1-wic>. I b. B. Otwile. *-T* Carar Makaobb. lojmum-t.
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    • 679 1 NOI'ICES. w*M %rUh. firk 1S78 MM. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S PENS Of Hi(h*al Qualitj. and, Hartac Or*at*at Durahi' T ar* Therefore CHEAPEST KATZ BROTHERS. PROVISIONS freeh ahipaenU jwt to hand Daniah hotter, 3 cowa' hraml, Bneat •elected. 1. 2 and 41b*. tin. Al BTKALIAH BUTTIE 1 AND 2 lb. TIN TI BLEU
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  • 490 2 IiiVTEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Sikoapobb, 22xd Fsbbuabt, I)M6. FRODUCB. Uauibisr »JO. do Oub» No. 1 n 13. do do No. 2, B.}». Copra Hali, «.10. do Poatianak, 54W. Pepper Black, I<».SO. Sago Flonr. Sarawak **>. do Brunei iM. Pearl Sago, 3.80. Ooffes Bali 46.00. Coffee Liberian, «.00. Tapioca moall Flake,
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  • 62 2 l'*r $tr. \+Mmmm. !'niiiljeraiu»ii> \u purtu «l»fnlhjn A StiuAnuif. fenung tuut.u .v I'oj.ti.L.k. Man It IMS PoBti»u»» Ti, |»rL., Ua» Ifdall i/.N, hiiu/ vi.. parta, Happlu. >UI«cc«. s n JVii«/oui.u U->. H.6., H.ucU..l liriuwi vu |Mit r K.i.,.. UuKDAT. M«uu.. ,j r I,,;,,,, s.ur»b..,» vi» j,..,t.. ft,,,, Sltmmit,
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  • 110 2 XX..M VIIKOI-*: By tll^ M M M <■„(.,, will, ,Ut». to the 1.l Feb. Jim oo ilk 37ib F.-h .-In- brin/i. tvp >■ to tin' mail wli.di g atmfotr r«on IHINA -Bjr Uu JJ. M. iff/, Tmii T»ulx or M"ail« t.j Lunuon. l^ll Hmiptiiura li«-iul..i.l..« Am..
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  • 115 2 PASSENGER LIST. ASBITILS. Peru t, Hatamcotta from CaleutU:-Mrs Siiiliim,,. Mis. Tucker, Mis* McNeil. Musrs Aiwille. «Jli ver Win. Sanders, t!hss. Wenvon. r.lnidre. K. Qu.Mi.biu. Mr. and Mrs <Jr..vo» Mr. aud Mnt. Puuciou. (TO AEKIVK. I I'ar I*. Il O. O.'ikki. from Lnudua Ke» '•mar) I. Mr. 0 M»r Arthur. Mr.
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  • 181 2 THE STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 22ND FEB., 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Establishu 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. U-übt.-nytioH rate* and adtertUing rat** •Mf be found on the fourth page.'] THE CHINA JAPAN WAR. 1.1 HI-NO CHANUD MIHNIOK London. Hind Ternary. Li Hung Chang goes to Japau to condud thepwee negociations there. AFFAIRS IN
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 391 2 I Aitaiis iv Egypt have never settled down since tbe British occupation which rescued it from anarchy to tbe detriment of important att iblished interests. Con. linually. untoward eveuU there show the I extent ot anti- British feeling, and tbe 1 fiorce resentment of tbe influential
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  • 229 2 At we antieniated ».-»t.-i,l,i\ tin- reply of Japan to th« request Hint she should m-nd puv,i\h to Fort Arthur to m«t lite fiuisMrifn of peux- from Cbiua. lias U.«n a refusal. The old Viverov, Li I lu tin Chung, in on hit wav to the capital of tbe
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  • 913 2 CONTRIBUTIONS AND COMMISSIONS. Tails .ii'i'i.iooii the i'. 'in, ]„i i. i o( i Ue Siugapore Brauehof the Straiu Settlement. \»vi, iatioii will iui'i-1 for ilie purpose of ,u-ud.-riiit< the draft of a petition to the Houm of ComooDi- petition on the I Military Con' ribution quMtioa. Tbe difficulties in the
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  • 42 2 Tmosk wbo are iv the 8. C. C. team •gainst S*r K eaot Major l>un«-clift's el.voa »re askeil to note tbat although the KsI'lauaJe is now vhtuei to general play this arnDgenieut does not cancel the cricket match fix^d for to- morrow.
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  • 72 2 Tm« Hecretary of State ha» directed tbat etcbaugt' compensation be paid to tbe fbirf Justice, Mr. Coi ami U. Mr. J. O Anthonisj. 2od Magistrate. Holiw Court^ Singapore. The SecreUry of Slat,- oV i lines to enter into tbe question uf tha domiciU) of officials of rank. The views of
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  • 7 2 Mb. Lavihu is daily gruwiuir in strength.
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  • 13 2 A *MW »ud traiuar, weight 7 stove IU lbs, advertises for employ ut-ut
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  • 11 2 Thb ClrarwaU-r l)«irv Kami, l.ninte.l. advertise the mtes of mill »uppU.
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  • 17 2 Im aunual geueral i U(H; i lUs Uogliu l.'luli will W hf,,i 10-uielit in ill. Club Hou*-
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  • 15 2 Tas Straits Settlements Legislative Council JVoceeJinjs for l8!M have just bean published in book form.
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  • 18 2 T«« Stlangor OovernnMot adv,-t,,,, for two spotbecariet at a salary „f $7 4 per month with free qiMrtera.
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  • 30 2 Ma. F. W. Talbot, assistant A...|it Or Perak, has applied for four month*' ei ,J to England, on meJical a<lvice. li, nnK his absence Mr. E. M. Biker will a.
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  • 38 2 Subject to tbe consent of tbe «bare. holders. s*ys the Hyogo A'ems, the Du ;tors of the HougkoDgaud Shaii,'b,n BatA pro. pose to give a bonus o( 10 pur c-.,t. Un tbeir salaries to all the Bank sayltf
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  • 39 2 It is ruiiioui^l that ou Iho ilepurinroof Dr. 8. C. ii. Foi ou lotveeirly in ,\p r j| next, tbe appointment of D, strict H Ltnit, will be filed iiy tbe transfer nf Dr H. A. Haviland from KinU
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  • 48 2 A Bill for j r ii i u _r s.-veml pu,i, tofor. eign trade has In-eu discustel U\ tb, Jae. aue sj House of li.-pr.-s uuiivcs. 11 Bill wan strongly o|ip ised by the Qover'iment IVW«t"« trum MS Navy Department, and wan ti ii.J ly ,li l-ite 1.
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  • 42 2 The A-sr.r. ahould U- tinisbed to-JSr The first d. vision, presided over by tbe Cuief Justice, b ul only a murder case be. fore a special jury t-« lake; while t!i««-. mill division. lx.-fore Mr. Collyer, bml an adjourned gang robbery (vise.
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  • 44 2 Mi: V W. I), ifiii. »s. son of Sji Jobu Douglas, who wax Colonial Secretary previous to Sir Cecil Smith's appointment to that office, lias anfaaj at Penang »v bt way U> Peak. H- enters the Perak OoVeriiiiM nt s- rvice as junior officer.
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  • 44 2 Mas. Dukw's aCterooon re. ,-pn h v.... terday was very largely attended. Tbe ban<l <>f <be regiment p'ovuled uiuni,-. ami tbe ;if>. rat) <v riuisli.-.l with dancing ou tbe Uwn. Mr. and Mrs. Drew 1.-.iv.- for haw hy M. M. \lA!,,,,ini, on Tucsduy nr«t.
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  • 50 2 To-dat is the anniversary of the birth<lay of Qcorgo Washington. Ships in liitrboiir hit-- gaily dres-ted, uud t! •> offi-,-erx of the Mnchias a'e to l>- Mtarlajatd nt ditiuer t i-night liv the U. S. Cuosut. Gcuurdl. Mr. S|*n.->r Pratt. The I' s warsbip M'tchia* tin- 1 a salute nt
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  • 50 2 TM l'.iliau unii-ot-wnr Criituhim (,v Inmbii. with tbe Duke -I'Ali n/./.i j. loir, l, anisssl f oiu Calcutta al Rmgoon on the 13th instant. Her ,1 it..- of departure from thai aari bad not. 1. -en tiie.l liv U<t a,--co-.iut-'. Pen.un; and Si'ijjapire will lie tb» in Jt |«oit-» visileil.
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  • 49 2 Jits. TuurrcK has laMaj invituions to an "At Home" at P.-uaug on 26tb Feb. ruurv. i!d:n iit-4 to 12. It is ssi-1 that tbe dituce is only i'or people ..Ik. .Unit. and uo cbupTonen are invited, an Mrs. Trotter will take the uuuiarrie<l ItJies si-eiiillv iiu-i.-i her own ulurgc.
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  • 59 2 Thi CouiUiittee of the I raits MssN nieots Ass iciation (Singapoiv lir.iu. Ii I will ■Ml to-day iv the office H Jl -as-i. I'at- r■M .SinoiiH .V C -i. Nt IM pin to r,-:i I and. if approve 1, asjaa Ibe draft ol I I'.tition to I'.uli ui.'-nl prayiug tor
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  • 59 2 A 1 tTVLITV occurml ..n the 12iu mst. on tb- railway ,<t Mat Ausou. A coulis aaajaaj tbe roid m.l atu-nipte.l to climb tlie p itloMll till' \tl< ISJSS] |,i b» MMi M» tb- Mills. A Uhiii. which was s'.iiiil.o,-, L,.,.. Led I .in dowu, aud tbe utifo- tiinaie fellow
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  • 60 2 A m MHkK ot' tht-tts of 0|,.-ra gi.i.i--having btfn report«l kt las |-.|ic>-, fattsv. dty bmbml ,>ffi.-.» atssi ssfcial viits u> Siugapoit- |.i*iwli,,|,.N with tbe n-sult tb.i 1 n» less tli»n ut.-cu paim ol o|»-ra ■haM «•!> un-irilcl l',H.|.le who bay« lot i I rj. ].laj>» »b .ull thercfon, aaai]
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  • 69 2 VtMtiam r i.-m «t .M:-vm« I.w ell A (V« taltJ pi.iuiN, two IoU of U>, I on H;u,-1,,,L K,»l. si mi area of 24.1:: 1 ft., witii fifty thr.v yrars to run mi th* baa* hioiighi iv }B<K). Fifty small ..Mot. ni.nt. of i.ui-ls aaaattaW Uarki iv OkfayaM SulUu,
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  • 77 2 OaaaTMau is afraid vow h iu< ovetruu by the Japaueie. The uew 1 1 .it r with Japan pM til.- people ,'f c.i. Ii nation tlie rigbt of free entry into the oiber. aud this is declared on the Pacific anal t ■> be the opening of tbe gates for
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  • 70 2 Msssks. Powell j. Co.. advertise furniture sal..- ,-tt jiliuij f»r three dav-. "ill Bth and I'tli March, beginmug at IM p.m. each day. The furuiture isstidti M very valuable, the artnles l>. .i..- Ihiili for K ir.i|..-ni« aud Cliiuete. The ant|*rty livlongs to tbe estate of tli lal Mr. Cbean^'
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  • 68 2 THKltnl;shK<s,i,leut.lVrak.<wit,- B»wt f r I'.UAiig iv tli. QmsjbbjMSjl fackl 3t'n,i a few day* ayo. It is ruin-iun-l that liin vi, it is' in i,>tiu.Tii,.u witli t Li railway Ulu Sii-Mii >,• Pnrit and that during lii« sta>T is I'eusut; it will at definitely decided by Ike <Jove.rn,ir if
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  • 76 2 Ni'.mi.T a highly MBHtd ami m terested auilien, c h attruteJ t» C'ooki-'n Circuit, and tile countautlv varied |>i" gramme maiutaiuit the rt'put.itiou tin versatile aud accomplished compan.v. Tbe bill now running is purtijulurlv goixl. and the opportunity (JassjiacMahM eiivllent all round perforuianoi' should not K« miixeU. The iiiuliruix-n, Iw
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  • 83 2 OoLriNO with ,ad, (lrs .swuiii to tv <om iv,; iuto favour BMM V«tpnl.u iff uoou Dr. HiuJe went rouud with' Ml "I tlie«.- native wielders of the liiikon »ul wa» only (Mi to ill Ufm his oppontut iv tkj MmHml ul which they both made. Tbr caddi' playiug with
    83 words
  • 73 2 AfIOMMM t» v Jjt|>amwe ualuc '-'l"' r llu- followiug spoil* have UIsM iulo <»' hands of the ,lH|>itr<'»- since the —brals 1 of hostilities (elcliulilli; Wei-hai-Weli: i '.uiuoui. tfl>7 rifles, 7,894 MM -•.1eH.721 of rifl. ammunition. T7.KH.75:. 1 .-.r k..Lu i kaku U-iug .ii;r.iiii MWMMI 18 bushels' pomes, :th"B
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 834 2 rpHE BORNBO OOMPANT, LIMITED. rpHB Standard Lire Assurance JL Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Aanuranee Company (Fire). The Equitable Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Compauy. Tbe China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager B»or Company. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limited. For nartlculars of theae Companies ano
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    • 1045 2 NOTICES The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any news; a er in Asia, British India ezcepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has ao
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    • 897 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKE'SCIRCUS. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, at i) p.m. A POPULAB HIOHT. TO-MORROW. SATURDAY, at 3 P.M. FIBST OBARD rAfcll lOHABLI MATIHIX. Children nnder twelve half pries to all parts of the House. SATURDAY, FBB. 23bd. at tf p.m. A RIGHT FOB TBE MILLION. MONDAY. FEB. JStii, at 9 p.m. 1
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    • 65 2 VfcSSELS ADVKUTISKI> TO SAIL. 9m Penan and ('alintti. Vktlydra. due MJh February. Boiutwui nod Co. I For Hongkong A Apc»r. due 2Sth Pebru ry For OaloutU via porU, /-aUmcottu. on J7th rVbriurr, Hmuti'til >n<l Co. For < 14 ulta via pnrt«. Hundu*. ,.d atth Wbriutri. Bou»t.»,l »n.t Co. P«» K.
      65 words
    • 40 2 ».»n»ir«'W" 1* *»'»<• f^i^iut^u^ Kmm* UA f4MM IM k, Znmtin U M sSliillllM "'->». I >« it. «,ta 1K..1 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 86 2 M KATSHll KEfuU'l A ...>i.i...; Jl'nttM* li |.i:a(, IM MrMM, IV I i.iu. J |>.la. S p.m. UlMABO. »-»t. w.«i a».»w '1Viu|. sj i S7.j 77.4 Wrt Mull. I Iwr 7i 75.8 7».O J Hit. trf Wiu.l N k I N.K. 0^«. -g. Miii. |M |Z| a ,,u MM SI
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  • 1361 3 AN IMPROVEMENT IN SINGAPORE HOUSE -BUILDING. 11.-MTIN.. THE WHITr. ANT an MMM MM Lesiuknt* in the Tannin diatri<-t, and risiUHl who have been along .Scott's Road lat-K may Lave nntic-il a house that baa tenth l>een Imilt ami wcupie.l „ff that 'hooughfare. From Mhl |kar« th-re MB .iliinu'. |-..rlw|.«.
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  • 323 3 CASH v. CREDIT. TO THE CDITOR OF THK hTUAITs TIMES Sit. -The Cashe.Credit correspondence in your columns hai brought out tbe fact tliat. despiie th» fall in eicbange and the heavier ei|»<n<-e of living, (turnkeepiug baNCaa l»- ...udii.t.-d a*, a, 01, a leady inoiiHV system, with MMM 25,, cheapei
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  • 306 3 PASSENGER FOR HOME. Thi followiuff have booked as pMMJM houic by German mail atuuui.T frinc Hrit.rirk due b> r« <.v the 10th Maich: Mr. aVacksaiatk A familr. Mr. Suluiunu A family. Mrs. Mugl slon'A .hi:d, Mr. U. Stalniaun. Mr. Kpher. Mr. \V 8a11..', Mrs. Jirdiuc .1 child. l)r Dohrn, Mr.
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  • 254 3 JAPANESE INDUSTRY. k* an iicstunce of Ja|«aoese nterprise and self-b«>lp. says tbe Calcutta coiria|,.udeut of the OMJisT. it is worib reuiaikiug on the preseuce BOM of two uioicuauts of that natiouajitv. who have been iv other lud'au eomuiureial MMH iih >\x-ll during lue past tew month* ou l.tisiiuss mteut. Iv
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  • 694 3 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. I Via Rangovn IHE UESSATK ON THE ADUBKS> the orttrti ooumsaioN STREET ROW IK ALEXAXDBIA THE KJNANCEB OF INDIA. PVNAMITARII AMNERTT llfllM IN Fiiami. London, ''D' AVsrnary. In the House of Commons, last nif ht, duriog the debate on the Addreas. Mr. Jeffreys, member fur Basinjrstoke. movud an
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  • 370 3 JAPANESE COTTON MILLS AND YARN IMPORT. Tie lotion spiuuiug iudu«lrv of Ja;in improves year by year, aud, as Osaka is the centre of th* trade, the amount of tbe produ. ti >v in 1 h,.- city aud ot impurts thereio Irom foreign c.iiiuti ics mny fairly be taken as a
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  • 192 3 RACING. iiiivH laak plac- at Naaap Ut-ii i baMMM Messrs Hartley and Slewarl's bur, id r,..'j\. a. id Mr. WeIJV A >«<«•/ C«/.. ISOOaat 'i'il'>- o'!»-»opeualtics. Mi IV Ker rode Aicci>.« Cap. and Cave i ii' "li aWMsI t'.i.//.. .Mr. AyWbury scut 1 ili."uibw.iv laagaadMMi and they U-pt MBatMtrlill they
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  • 87 3 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. I Til l,r,i,enti..ii.Hl oftieer. will M hi* baud Hi- I' A<>. »s. tV>/..« «i Hi" M O Wharf at II a. m t..-ini.rr..» to iu-|«'et Mtl r.Mi-iri UDtSJ the aecollllll.Mlilti.Mi ),r..\ Itlcl IU that skip hf H0« S. D. R A iv ae.-o'-,i, pars 3 X VII. y,e-,,--yff-SSJ
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  • 93 3 Vkstkbi'av. lk>fore ih" magistrate, one E. B Moii.-r appeared on remand tv answir a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder in tbe caaa of the death of Hoo Sam at Itaugkok on tbe 2Hth January and. secondly, with committing a rash and ucgligent act. Tbe accused
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  • 104 3 THE S. C. C. GROUND CLOSE. The severity of the dry weather has prevented cricket and lawn tennis play on tbe Ksplanade until further notice. The following notice waapostei in the pavilion this morning. Owing to tbe dry state of the weather and tbe parched condi- tion of tbe Esplanade,
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  • 108 3 Tm output ol g..ld eontinuei ..> increase in tbe United Sates as well as in Russia and in South Africa. The Engineering and Mining Journal baa information which leads it to think that Tieadrille in the United States will Income a yfaler goldluining than it ever was a .ilver-i-rmug
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  • 162 3 A RUNAWAY HORSE Shortly after C o'clock, this luoruing, the well known race burse I'ni. Is-louging to Mr. D. D. Mackie, broke away from its ■yc< ou the s.'a lieacb. where the barM was .riving a bath, and gall. p.-d away at a great rate a. ing Middle lload. A*
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  • 150 3 SMUGGLING LETTERS. A IM stiff in.- MM inipo*d on a Chinaman at the Magistracy thia 1.10 niug for a hiva, b .if ih- P.. -I O.ii a Ra :n--lations The in, 11 iv <|ilestiou. 11 tine. l Uh MsfaMM, is the .-/..>.•*>,.-..' th local steimer tiiibi/ which pli.-" l)etween MMM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 572 3 THE TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LJ). Shh-wbiuhts, Enuinekbd. Ibom ahii RtAsa FuUMnrKx, Wba»h«..i»». A. Graving Dork* up to IN f<'«t in length and 21 f.<et m "ill. Wlmrf frontage mile •>"! <|ii:i<t t -r Sheiim Wl.arf :!.".■> fi»-t iu lentil, runleruiil HmMm hw worked I iy >luu. Kit«n-iv» m-ii{«
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    • 861 3 NOTJOES, WANTED.— A ecnp'ete taraoat-(iig) atsi a saddle, bridle. Ac L." 27/2 e/o Btraitt Time: J7D. A PETERSON, No. 102. Queen li Str. et, ha. establish,*! himself as dealer in ponies, gharrina, victorias, phantom, etc., and sis-, a* Commission Ageut and Broker. 4 3 lOST in Kuala Lumpur, ou the
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    • 632 3 NOTICEB. HADJEE ABDOOLA, 1 No. ".»7-2. North Bbidoe Rd. Hihoapoee PUNJABI INDIAN ET« DOCTOE dk HAD.TEF. ABDOOLA has iuat srrived from Bncland with aereral teafimunials from Australia snd Kngland. which I mar be seen at the above address. Those I suffering from any Disease of th* Kve. and Plies, should
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    • 1051 3 SHIPPING FOR GENERAL BHIPPINO "irltWß RKE PAOK 1. I^OR HONKKOMG. IMneers. Apear A Co. a at earner t'/t VHKHINK APCAR. 2,715 tons, Capt. J. O. Olifent, left Calcutta, on the lßth mat snd is due heron the 25th mat., en route fur above port. For freight or paasage, apply to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 105 3 'vKKANUKMKNTS ruii'Av- 'J'Jni» raasiuaf. tt* i Clihirale e!,.M'.l. Straits Scttl.niculs .Usoci.i.ioii MMJ rt tM ii.e.'tiujj- t.:tOp-'» Un Ki .i. t 'lab Annual M.rt.n* P'" 1.. L. T. C. roiirnaiiieiil Cooke's Circus. tUXI lOAT, '■i' i l> N"* o l |-o>vell k 00. I- Ul Se,',,v Linc>lioirMc,UlU'"'J"''l' SINI.AV. '^IH KKBHUAKV Bifh
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    • 181 4 SHIPPING IN PORT. 0ml«r this hmiling the following atibreTilima are o«eH atr.— ataaasar sh.— <hip. hq.— barque Brit British I V. B.— Unite I Stale; Fr.— rraawk; O«r.— German Dut.— Dutch; Job. Johore; Ac, G.c— 'Jeneral eanro d. p. de--k pansn|rera U. Uncertain T. P. W— Tanjonf PaM-ar Whatf;T P.
      181 words
    • 1290 4 TRADING VESSELS. ABBITAU SlltO N'XIN in VI.MHIJIT .Sri JViayviK.-t, Bri*. atr. 61 ton.. Cap'ain Willock. L-Jud Feb. From Mala.- -a ttai F.h. IJc, and 48 d p. Ong Kew Hoe A Co. For Malacca. -23rd -R.I. Erato. O.r atr 112 U»<ia, Capt. (Xt -r maun. 22nd Fob. From HoiiKkonir, *****
      1,290 words
    • 165 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. .vume. t rt. tmm u>t' ■■> -i London. M^ri -11,,. Übmanj.jM.tSj Li vkkp'k.i A|iv; Tu.u. Jan. 17. TteMaa N: .i- 1.iv.,11. .Ixii. Jo M«- luff. Jau. l!>. (ilaaco*. dii- Mar Bakkv. Kr.» .n Rickmnr*. Sept. Id, Kti.ii Uk-kmer*. Nor. 18 Kichanl Kickioen. Due. 4 Kobort (tirkutira. Dm.
      165 words
  • 71 4 ARRIVALS. k S Vbmbui' IIM |KM» Oai-t»iii. P«um Sin« u Cowuumem. 1 r*b. 11 Ojlo» P.O.rtr lfcS7 Baker Honikoug M 18 P I'om^T -l iAOaentWr t < •if- lla* «il iaiu« \di w->i it a u~~..t s*& r 'v: gss 2*-«-i ft! *Jl!rSicv Xi *iTnnp>» itr SI Wi look M«U«.
    71 words
  • 60 4 tl I 41.\ DUTIMATION. It ■a CjclOlM WiUOtht Wi.p H W«. Ma \Ur>. uu.lra I ..i I i. Brit. .tr. Hulb Or. C»ui«iod rtr. Ma itr Itemuel Dal. itr. Araol.l •■•l* s,-i, Brawn Brit .1- Aanua Naat* v 1 LondM KIAUg VIM pOlt Kl»ni! n> poit" o.rlilch, Colombo tud
    60 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
      447 words
    • 215 4 NOTICES. McALISTEK k CO: i i PRIME AMERICAN I ON HKKK. RoUil in Mk >'t MM I lo 1011 m. at IT wilt* l»r Ib. In US l»w. K»|{» at S U.s(i. Iv M lU. Ktft> at IWC. r AIRBANK'B WKltiilNO MACHINES, j .SALTiK'ti tiPRINU BALANCES AMD FAUILT SCALES. <;BOBS-<
      215 words
    • 273 4 NOTIUKs. JOHN LITTLE &(X)., LIMITED. i I'KOVISION DKI'ART- MENT MOT SPBCIALITIES. Highland Creaiu Pure auil umwevteutxl Highly recomineudni 1 lbt tioi— lB.4o per dux Moir's Table Jelly Powlera aaaorted flavours— pint packet*. Coniiturerie De St. Jameti I'm. si A aad. Jama, I ll« K 1 battle* Wood'a Finest Kentish Jama
      273 words
    • 891 4 AOllOiSb. AVER'S Hair Vigor r\ ■iitorii iL COLOR N| FIOIfOTES ■28H k^?^ /^^a^BWcs, anl ksepa the ■ggjflMitilp cool, BMtit, %WS healtbj. aod free froel VHaSPrp7^^^£v6Sh to itatr. -"IP SEa»~ others, that six rear* ago I lost nearly ball ol air hair, and what waa left turned gray. After umiic Av.r
      891 words
    • 141 4 NOTICES. T^IAIK TTOLLBT'a •aoime, roaoi, comhissio*. t»o run- stasls-s, «o. amiiK arßß*t. Harass shod W T old aad eiperieocea shoaisf saaitha aader tp-cial Bareaeaa saaerTisiM. Harass baaflit or sold oa eomiaieeioa at 5 par eeat lint class Illisialiiiitill Mr raes Cbw a» atllaißf •>• MABIB BRIZAKO AND ROOBR BORDEAUX. Brandy
      141 words
    • 119 4 NOTICEB. ELLWOOD'S WHITE DRILL ON BREEN FllT HELMETS AND HHIK.MtS. AwabdCD tati GOLD MEDAL, 1."X., Li > MX IN, 1884. n.« i>uly Ould Medal iv Class XV., ELLWOOD'S AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS Hand-finished by the hifrheat Krade i .i,,, r OF ALL OUTFITTKRB ANY BTOBMKBf.rglu>. ELLWOOD'S INDIAN HELMETS. m. A th. aOOIXTT
      119 words