The Straits Times, 16 January 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1895. NO. 18,523.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1204 1 STEAMSHIP OO^PANIES. PKIHNSTTUR AND OIMF.NT.U, STF.W NAVIOATION C<tMP«NV O»ric«_<- .liver O'.ht UiKvnn.l Oonowxa— v -w lUri-«ir ii.. aaal » kjsaa Baßflßpaai on ar ml t1... nil.i .n,.nl ...n .lit. SW** I^: J H J^^ Jt.n,»». F.I. IS ««ll>, F.b M.r iv Kant.' M.'.'-. tli tat, 1 K»r,,,,,, A|.l. I TLe
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    • 896 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. T\K KONINKLIJKK PAKKTVAAHT MAATBOHAPPIjr TTnder contract with th* Netherlands India Oovernment. A.ientt at Siuiiayore, SHIP AoBNCT. LATE J. DaBNDKL* k Co., 2-3. CoLLTKB Q.OAT. Ste»mer. aBIBMtBI On WiM De .p, t ,hed to Ob M Vajirunhit. lMth. Pensng, (;lehleb, and We«t ooaat of Sumatra ports. 16th. Jan.
      896 words
    • 362 1 PKHHLK SPECTACLES It FOLDERK O I 11 I I 8P I i li» life si^' Ho i- 5 [i 2 2 3 S SP O r--5 j! 5 ■"2 3 ■S S E» Kw w TO O I 2 I KSTATKS a. HOSPITALS SUPPLIED m. w. t. ROBINSON CO. NKW
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    • 760 1 INSURANCES. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. ilapilal aßbaerlM H.V...1... Anioun' t.aH up MO.OH *»"en.Bd aw.wm Him Otnir, Hoß.rnß.. Tb» uadanrioad harl bj dbb. app late* Ar-i.l lor tho aaoraCoanaajußßreFanlio „.w r,,.. "7«» i A 8..U1. poa to all «».n Mitnr. of hniln-n, whotliar .b.rrhnl >n or uot Tb« B"«u. tor the
      760 words
    • 426 1 INSURANCES. I T>OtIITIVK aoVEUKMSMT SECOKIIT X LITE AaWrBAJfCE COMFANT, LTD. Capital a»d Fuwdb, £567,88 V. on th. 31.t December, 1898. THE INDIAN LIFE FUN DB now amount to or«r TWENTY -EI«HT LAKHS OF KUPEKS IB Oovernment Becuritie* only, held bj Urn Ofldal Trustee, for payment of claiau. TBB PoaITIVI BTSTBM
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    • 534 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital!". REHKRVE TOXD I 4^00,000 ■SSffi&K^.™! M0 m m Cotrar or Diascrou:— <'«aibma»— C. J. HOLLIDAT. Esq. Dwott Cwiui»»-j. s. MOIM, lag. >'• In. Jiuii luin, bq. ifjjrX mm. J. J. luwiri. d, r. immi b»i. Cltir Mmiin. Howo«o»«— T. Jicuoa, bq.
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    • 702 1 Noncits. PBISTOTB TOTTR TJrtfßT~ by usingsny of the Dentifrice, below named calvbbt's CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDtR, M., 1/-, 1/8, and lib. 5/- thia CARBOUO TOOTH PAbTat «d., 1/-. and 1,8 vote. CARBOLIC TOOTH SOAP. 3d., rid., aad 1/- BMtal boa. DENTO-PHENOLENB, l/«, 2/6. aad 1 Ib. 7/« lialln. Bash prepared with
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  • 444 2 LATKST MAHKKT QUOTATIONS do do So. Copra BaU 5iS. do PoatiaaaaV S- 3 P. P per Black. »■*>■ Sago Flour, S«»wak AW*. Ou BnuMfi i». Pearl Saco. U. 15. oX^Ss;::::: CoSe* Liberisa, Tapiuea .mall Flake, 4.00. do do Ist quality 5.00. do mod. Oak* do smaUpsarl, *.W. do mcd.
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  • 92 2 for far «r. l' lm( To-Mobbow. 0. N. GuuMa >ia ports £«!»dk .V. i*. L. a m H.uifkM, Sinfupor. N*W. Poatiuak ria porti, H'l.a» H..., II M.0.1., #,^n.u. 11 ..a. UuirMk, Cvfyon, 11 .a I'j.Mtr., Jf,,,,i .1,.,., II ll«l»i v »l» »ort.. r.!rU>, 9. v.a. Malacca awl Uo«|ii,
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  • 68 2 PEMi Kuaors tiy »l.« V tl. i... au laa .'lit. Not. JMih l\ Al». !>«,. iTth I >•■■■. nil M. M Dm itih 1 i.v. l.i', F. < i Ju. 10th Dr.- l..!l, X II. I.. Ju. Mill D... IHUi M. M. J-.o. 1-itli I •••<■. 'Ji'.tli
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  • 174 2 ABRIVALB. Per H.catr from Haagknk —Mr Dohse. Per s. a. HinUhm from Saigon Mi,. Semel. P*r s. (V. H'Jacob from BaUvu Mewra. d* Bruin.-. J.m.-., snd Dsll.m Per s. Bri Hinting from Pontianak Mr. R. and Miss Eud*r. Per M. M. s. s Snlaiie from Nagasaki Mr.
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  • 103 2 for Europe, rt.ra. lue hit Januar/, Helm Mover Co. For Hongkong, H'my a'*»f dv* 17th Jan it j, Boustead audio Kor West Au.tralu. fiulUa. on l»ih Jamutry. W Mansfield or Kousteal and Co. Fur Java I'.rt.. C. Itku. on lsth January, Mni* A atai Ute D.ieu.l.
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  • 216 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 16TH JAN., 1895. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Kutahlishki. 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. [BnbteripHt>» rota and advtrlirimj rule.t may I* found on the fourth page.] RESIGNATION or thf. PRESIDENT OF Till! KRKNCH REPUBLIC London, ttith January. V mUmI Cmrair Perier conferred, all day Tes'erdar. with the various political leadeis in
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 499 2 THERE i» tmne if.imin iv the SelaD|(or tin-miner*' complaint a« n "l in our iaeue of vril.T.Uv The miner|.'.uiithat the pric- of tiu it low, and tint opium in.l tiu dutie- are lii^li Now in all that there ia truth. Tin it worth oulv about
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  • 577 2 THE GOVERNOR'S CONFESSION. Tub Ooveruor. at tbe distrll.utiou of prises »t the Raft-.' 8oh.«l, made it tonfession that «uiu,,. Hit kkilf iv it uiau uf caudour an 1 couscieuce. Governors. a* it rule, don't mat,, coulemiou they ar* indiscreet if they do *o— but. ou this owasiou. H. K. a
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  • 16 2 Tiik I'nnji-ni Ikildii. .-aliecl. tlewlv i«sueil. •bews the mine an |Htyin^ all working and oltiee c-X|X'DSea.
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  • 19 2 H K. Auaiii;. the uew Jhin HtsMtsM tv Kussia, is a passenger for Marseilles l.v th.-M. M s.s. .V.«/,ii,.'
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  • 18 2 Thk Witrreu Shield f.wtl.*!! tioal (S.V.A c. BEfiEMtw D.) is to b.- played tbi< afU-r--uuou on the KijiUnade
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  • 22 2 UM will U- a service iv Kuglisb, at 111 JohorcClia|iel on Sun lav, at Cls mducUd by the Rev. Mr. Cook.
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  • 23 2 'I'HKfcE luualics lr .mi tin- I .ii 1 1 11.. pital were l«-fort- the maifistrati tbit morning, to be ordtr-d t.i the uhvluiii.
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  • 18 2 Thk third ordinary general iueet"ig of th. Pin. join HWsf OsIMH wastohh Id at HougkoDg ou Mouday last.
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  • 19 2 Mr. fesjMJ Pratt, the United states C'jusul-GeDeral iv Singapore, is cipe t...| iv Bjugkik uext mouth ou a visit.
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  • 25 2 A rM'BLK lue'tiue I- allU'>lllli;ed r tie hi'l.t in tin* Xi inn,'.', ou the J-.ili inst. la consider about hildini; a Flower Show tbw year.
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  • 21 2 I'm i. Annual Distribution ot Mm at the Anglo-Chinese "Free" Ab0.. 1 -ill take place ou ThuuUy. IMi iu>u.i.»t Ml p.m.
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  • 25 2 Thk U-v. Mr. Mor^au, the uewiv ap pomteil uiiiiisu-r uf the Mctbolut Ef*» copal Church here, is a passeuijer tVj next G.rma-i mail trom Kuro|e.
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  • 24 2 Tuk Siim Fnt s*Ms>ak>taß|ksjl kwkjN Im* hr hrn out iv Haagknk. wbor> it h re|Kiitelt> Iw ssjn prevalent Ih sail at the department.
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  • 29 2 A |mm kslsjMd 'fates M Koussran. M ile I, iii.-mii's sin-.-coior in thetfoveriior-lveueraliiliip of French luio- ilrn. is 1 1 st.trt from France for Toui^uiu M February 3rd.
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  • 34 2 Mi: Buckley's speech at the rUOes priw giving wm, in kiilistauce. a .nticism of the proposal to found a St. Andrew's Home fiir Girls," and an argument that sudi a house is not needed.
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  • 32 2 It is advertised that claims or demands upou or against tli- estate of the l.tlV'llliam Hyde, the younger, should l» sent to Messrs. Donaldson aud Burkiu»h*w belore tbe end of this month.
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  • 35 2 Thk annual distribution of prizes in tli.< »I|MNmiUml i» fixed hi r-'ri.l.. ii' it. »t 4M p.m. in Ik f lulwn Hill "I the School on (,'olruian Street Hi* Kiel leucy, the Goveruor will preside.
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  • 42 2 Tut. Se«-reUrv of thn Punjoiii Miuiu^ t.i, !ia* re>-eivei| a telegram from Mr Ulaincv rdadiug During the mouth "f l).i *inl.-r, the mill ran i>i davß. cruihiui: *H) tous yielding Ml ouuees of gold and headiugt, ;{(Mi t,,us, for V> ounces gold."
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  • 50 2 On Suudsv evcniun. the Key. Statili'i I'hrauer, of the 1 a...s Missiou, Siaiu. (Ml t.iuult a patii'Ut into the Ueueral Hospital. He was m a very weak c<>uditiou on his airival here, aud die I u ill. afteruoou of the l,',th iusUnt. IWI Imieral laLe; place to-day at 5 p.m.
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  • 42 2 Thk Ckimi Mail counsels the Hoi^kou-F*-gislative Council unofficial meuil»-rs *v res^n. tullowiug the example of the Sini;a|K>re unofficiak. should the Secretary of State persist in demaudiug ;li" military contribution ot that Colon- at tbe market exchange rate iuatead of a fixe.! rate.
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  • 63 2 I hk Slum Observer reriorts that a meetMg of all th« SiauuMe Princes and uoblo in Bin«kok wan U,.| lat th- R )V 4l IV.a.v there ou tbe <»tli iusUut. to frame a pe'i tion to the Kio>; of Siaiu, tMgKiui; tin' B* would appoint a successor la tin- Me
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  • 121 2 Obtki tivv; constable. No 47W. who oiil.v iv.viitlv revived v rewaM for .-uer,-v in his duty, experienced a little itensaliou m the execution of a warrant yesterday It appears that he had to a OkMMf wooiau for criminal uiisappri.|>iiatii>u "1 pr,.p.>rtv. He went to a house wh.-iv »hr> was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 858 2 rpHI BORN*) OOMPANT, LIMTTBD. rpHB Staadard Llf* A*»ur*aee A Korwieh Cakrn Fire la»ur*nce Society. Atlas AMurane* Ooatpany (Fir*). Th. Bqnitabl. Llf* Asraranc* Sooi.ty Th* Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The Chla* Mutual Bte*m Navigation Coy Tb* Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insuranc* Company, Limit. vl Vat »aHicnl*rs of the** Oompanie.
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    • 801 2 NOTICBB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any news^aier in Asia. British India ezcepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 488 2 NOTICES^ i CLARKE'S PATENT BHOWN LEATHER POLISH. 1708 polUWag, saft.a;ng and prcservinf J1 all Brow* L**fli*rOo<iil.. i.i. ..n Boo tm, Ibwm, Saddle r.r, r>.er*u n s. Etc. I la tai* preparation Iher* are nn ,-eaiay m sUekr sabsUnces, «uch ar* msined in isjEMT L**tk*r Polish**, aud wkich leave *a •Mastßtaabl*
      488 words
    • 1069 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MB. WALTER WINDRATH, is frsss this date authorised to sign our firm per proenrstioa. ESSER'ri TOOL WORKS. Singapore, 16th Janoary, 1895. 18/1 rBK LET— From Ist rebrairy, 1895, honoe No. 2-1, Wilkie Knari. apply to A. f. .-hwhi. 3, Raffles Plice. IS/2 WANTED, Board 11 .1 Lotl/iug for
      1,069 words
    • 54 2 Urn mm* «.«.S. .r. r.^l.i (lul f l t «(a<fw<M I. £UmM*l<*i*4 mlnil. Nt asMMI I ">■»'"■ llw. Mr--| l>' „>i./t k. r«I~» «m yi. ailln, I>hl aUartMMr Ikm tnwr i*f The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India execpted. No other Eastern newspaper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 WEATHER KEI'OKI l>«t«N Krmba* Ho^nUl, January, IM.. Us. »».m. BssiAßO. bar. rsJ. U Yak. 3».»IS» 8»».»*» loan. ii.v 84 7».u «al Wo» t'olb Tbsi. 77.U 77.0 Ti» if Uir. of Wind NX N. Calav li Max. T.up. id .h. l. Ht Mia. do do ;.i.n 72 Uu-iasu It.; g
      85 words

  • 4147 3 Ilik '.l.\ UN..X ATTHK KAKH.H INMTITI T> THE QUEEN'S SCHOLARSHIP. VuiwiuT wm Mm Day at tin- liaffl.-n actiooN, and Hn Ex. 11. ii<v'tli.- OovanMT, *«ompanied by I.»<l\ Miteh-11, vmlei the Institute .n \h- nfteruooi, aid in tin: pre •enee of larj>e galbaaaajp "1 Iht |.upila am! tlii-ir MMMa,
    4,147 words
  • 1016 3 ITS I.MUIM.iri I l;l. I IT WILL I-ROBAIILY STII.I. IKI llli.HKI: Oimitm, the ill! 1 v 011 MHM foriiM a MfMI source of revenue lor India. Mi Striiis BaitMMtMMk alii all the MMI c,io,ic> whether Bri,.i*b or for ;u. ba* ri*ej MM*. mously iv price during 1 1 1
    1,016 words
  • 121 3 lilt. I'UKHS HOHII ■I KAMI I; KXfUMIII.N AT Kin Parii. M Ja,.H,,, H M. Krm-t C>ru..t hiu Im ,-ii ..|..-i-,I ,1,.,, un fur |«M M KriM-t Canmt li ili>' miiiml »vii "f I >••- Li- l'r.-,,1,.,,l „f Hi- fttmk K.).u1,1..' M. i:«r.iull 1.i,-lwr,l li», 1,,-n hwriMMdto ii.' .nt
    121 words
  • 473 3 Tut! ordinary general meeting of th<I Municipal Coinmistiooers was beld a* I 2.30 p.m.. thin day, under the presidency ol I Mr. Gentle. There were present If eon** Naiuon. Tan Jiak Kirn. Fraser, Shelford. Meyer. The miuuli n of two pr.-vious me-'tingx we-e raid aud rontirnird. I'll"
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  • 319 3 FAREWELL DINNER TO A MUNICIPAL OVERSEER. [OrimmHtiirated. On Wedueadav lait. Mr. Palaoiapi* Mudalivar. the mMh ..t an ,-,i... MMftMi .-.lltMl "OriKiiml Madr.s Koh," entertained Mr. Minuvjuna Nhjr, OTernevr i it .M miii. i i! road*. In dinuer nl Mr. K. Dwmiiir'i Pillav'a re«ideote in H.dlowav Liu-. The jueit of 111"
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  • 94 3 Tin: <).<>.('. liv* Uvn plfaKtil to i-,.i,.: IHM •>! lkMM«ta l.ii-iil. H Itn.m. Jul l. m-. |{.-)ji Imm tli« IKih Jmiiiirv t.. i<K\i fVl>ruarv. lH<). r >. <>n privalr ;ifUii In Mm4m« will. ini.lrinti..i,sr.',..»..| l.v t,l, u ,ii fr.on tin- Horn- (luar.lf. N->. C'mi|iiiiv, Suiiilmtii Itiniioo, K..\al Art
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  • 13 3 I'.t M M a. MtMM tc I ..1....... —Mr. W. l> i.rahsm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 840 3 j FOOTBALL. A Ruqbt football match will be played ou Friday afternoon on the ground of the Singapore Recreation Club, tbe side* being the 8. C C. againat The Services." The following represent the Club Back. Foreman, Thiw quarter bark, A. Dennya. Raiuie. Towarad Half hack. Koelle. MaeDoural Forwards. Bnllon.
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    • 1131 3 SHIPPING. tor" general shipping ne »vii BEE PAGE A TNDOOHINA BTRAM NAY 00., LTD. FUR HONGKONG. The Company* steam r-r WINGHASQ I.'ilT tmia, Captain St., having laft C*l r.illa oi. IMM inst, may Im «jmcUd tn arrive Imrr. mi or about' tho I7tl, in«t and will have prompt despatch
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 178 3 AICKANOKMKN Is mmw; Mm 1am mi HmI \V»i,r 1 i.'!» | VMM Shi. I.I fulfill i' i lii.iii hoiiMW,inl BmI tluavk I |'.m 17rH Jimui Mgfc at. i J Iti a.m. tM I'"' A.i. I.o.ih.iI l'ow,.||\. .1. w.-l l.-rv II 4.IM. Ki..t.-. •>■;<> in. Aii.lo Cliiii..,.. l-'nv" S.I....I
      178 words

    • 171 4 Under thia heading tn» fdHmimt wWnri- timu are u>eil :—^ttr.— «(e«iner n'l.^hip. hq.— Urque. Brit— Brituh; 11. S. ii.c- SUtee; Fr.— FreochjOer.— Oeriuau; j Dutch; Joh.— Joliore Ac, G.c— Gen«r« J cargo d. p.— d»»k paaeengnra U. Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wh»rf T P.
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    • 1488 4 Abbitaui Sikck Noom or Ykhtf.kiht I O. 0. 8 Jatob, Dut ntr. 1569 tout. CapUiu j de Bliade, 15th Jan. From Batavia, 11th I Jan. (i.e.. and WO dp. DaiideU k Co. V. I Rda. Siru/apvr', Brit atr. 718 t m«. Capt. Main. 13th Jan. From Bangkok. l'Jth
      1,488 words
    • 186 4 r/. M.J /i.i«e 0/ .*1.... L..N1....V. 1>1..U •ilenoreliv LIVKkPUUI, Cyelo^. De.-. r > ntr...-ln». f>e«. l!l Mynnidou, Dec M »'.U)f Suey. Oc. 1» T*-|-. Ue,- -.NJ; NU 1).. I'.uay, D.M., M, l'erli«ru>, Dei. 12 Makkv Ki.mii Uiekinera, S«|>t. IReuee Ki.-km-rv Nor. IS Elba Klek.ners. Nov. I* iu.-liarl Riekmer.,
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    • 80 4 5 VIHIL', Nam| rLAV Biu C*rriiN. Fnnu. Bailii> KrMuhiM U -*«Ulir IS Kiu Abb I'■ >i«lu..r I Kliut-liir.--15 Sri SinUßg 15 il O. H'Juob 15 Sioftpore M H..u« W aa in W, In n,, w 11l inaertou Iti 1..M1. I'l K. at 111 Sri IVf.l.i, in H«*t. Iti Oblmlobm
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    • 16 4 Dati Mm. l.v IS I U 1(1 ii. It) 18 Sac S: j gL. Sspf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 NOTICES. RIPPINGILLE'S OIL COOKING STOVES JljgL/^ Will d« all that r»n b* dont In tht U^LWl*^^. w.t of eooklnKby compl<*l« R'<-C" ■h^^ %n4 In nor* ri^nnlyßinrt MoaoaMnU ■ult«br« for all tfi'iii'-ir. nU b^b^^^^b^b^b^bl mwW iLm^mm no smoke no swell wtsSmW^mWlmH ■>- li OITJINf D THROUGH HO«MOtIG(«S.M»RIJI>»W Bm IBbV Ml
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    • 314 4 TER a= c?r>. HHEUMATISM i BHEUMATISM. j|j^) RHEUMATISM. M\j BHEUMATISM. *W(ls matisin He hu not nail tlw followinK Mr N Appleton. WollinKton R.wil. Stock- d«-l»r' "v.l many »r ™ll«l Hlicumatie Cures, with no nVt whstofer. I concluded t0 Klve UP ir f'"g nuack rfiunilii'K aud again SStfla: Sri CUn f"r
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    • 243 4 NOTICES. ~PRODU C~ TS~ O AUSTRALASIA. McALlSTUK h CO. AUSTRALIAN PRODUCE IMPORTERS. CHOICEST QUALITY AND IN PBIME CORDITIOH ROSEBUD CREAMERY BUTTER Chal lung.- all »tli«r*. Priroper lib tie 70 cents. 2 SI 35. woon co.'s FACTORY BUTTER, IMhMI Priie per 1 Ib. tin 65 cents a $1.25. CHEESE. Finest New
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    • 897 4 INOTIOBb. PBIIK IIOLI.IM •■osi K4. roitoa, com miss io*. Am TEan. 1110 «TA»l.r<. HO. tBwBBUI STSBBT. llorm-. «I. M U ..1.1 .iiii etrMrieiieed ehaaW tartps^sainMiam^ Hor—t I .''.l at mi.l nn •■••miniasioa at I nar en I. Pi. i class aocommodarioa tat rasa heree.iaUau.ieg. iJOHNLITTLEfkOO^ LIMtTED. i AUKIVAL Of NEW
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    • 1054 4 NOllCfcb THE LIQUOR" ORDINANCE 1894. This Obdikamcb wmu cona« into r.iRcK Ist Jaw., 1895. imposbi a nurT or 18 CENTS PBB QaLLO> Oil ALL EBaIKTID Llvtuosa Viz: BEEK.bTuFTT.CIDgR.PKRRT, Ac. IBrent«per (f^lh.n i« eqnal to 18 eenta psr d'.r.-n, pint -mull, hot le« or 88 cents per dosea, quart or larfr«,
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    • 54 4 NOTICES. j AJA R D FB B BIT Roinuiii Clabbt. Kronsae, Uhataaa Uitran, oha««an Koulk. HOCKS. Viwrlwh'-rxrr. Umaanhohner, Ku.lssheimm. I H 'hl.-n.Hr, it.»lai,>oimer, Ountonhiomer I An«lei*n. WHISK V. A n, i> Scottis. 3«l« 1i.,.-"..r. f,.r thr Bta«'f SottlnltiMlt. likMlt 1 2i. Tk« /iriet of Iht Htkaitm tIM b <"» and
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    • 33 4 NOTICBB. BT DR. JAILLIT. flwpsrior Tonic Tjiqnor. irnsraataaii Ma* mi|r> ■•madjr fur rano^atinfr weak •oa.tffa. liana, ami an mrelleut appetiMr. Tv h* 1...1 .1 all Di-fvuMrl... :~AKKIh:.-5 A UOSm. tn. th 3/4/ Agaaa\
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