The Straits Times, 14 November 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The St ra i ts Time s ESTABLISHED 1831, SINGAPORE, rtTEDNEBPAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1804. NO. 18,471.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1039 1 S..v. II NOT. Kolr/I Not. W Iw pa, ■-■i «■>■».».. \*r. n T 1>..n,«1«r J.»r. <t*t»s are only »ppr"rrlt »|isiid d«r»rtiir« may br ith^r «-i, n r «r PAHSAOE. Ti*f*rsto M*r«eill*> and tHsai Loedoo I* th* mmc as to London nj rtCTAL NEW SKKVIOK HKTWEKN XirLKB AND KGTPT. Hoaeward bound
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    • 1353 1 STEAM8HIP COMPANIES. jy: KONINKLIJKB PAKKTV* ABT MAATOdSAPPU. Under contrast witk U» NrttMrUwb bit* 0»>w—t. 7">'« «< Bingapon, ***** Ao»»ct, lam J. Dintlu Oo, Count Ovat. a< Pnumt, Mum. Imintci Lnmmt Co. TwTRtfimn Railiwq» ahd Eiraowp Abbitau o> th« CoMFAUrt drautrM- Destination. Bteantn WUsaO. f BtßipilFwn" Rhiu. Mimtok. BataTia, Che-) riHr.
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    • 443 1 STEAMSHIP OOMPANtBS. NOBDDBUTBOHBB LLOTP. BBBMBN. Ths ftrt *ad irtfl kasam stoansn tt nto lias raa WfwMjr aatwani Bnasrhavwa Mi bala iimsiUsb wHk Iks snlnJa sai is--I*™^*™^^* "WMjs aMB ipnann^^to) Onß* TtoiTkn)Bau^^nMna^MaT— a7±tjA»jj S**nß iw ASMM BiM Xaß *Wjy aSßsjssnat^ witk Iks Csaasßiy^satwßfd uniward aajl steaans. Ths CoaaßaVB ttoaaor tatin kssas
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    • 496 1 INBUJIANCEB. b rmanx fibb otsitbance cox' PAHT. (BnAßiMßan aj>. 17W.) Th* nadtrsfgß < Issß.itor ths shars Coa pa»y are pwas^d tgtnyt^ir* Ban at th. Oastoal *~fvr''~ ityifT fu^rsulßJM'jl I _Tl nnniaaa*Mn*iß*B n* Agaßtola tht LniA»Mjtoitat WHBB A Co. Hillirilß -•■--4bbbbl QnßJnl Ammbbl laoaao. M BnVMI ThawsltnlaMn. t*nßtotortattktnO»a l^inl wMtB BBnHMd
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    • 348 1 BANKS. OB9XOXQ AJTD BaUVOKAJ BAinDMO POIMMUnp>T. PfnvPP CAPITAL JMyOMIMO Oowat or Dnaswosst— OBiiaaas aJ. BOLUBiAT. Bss. DarwrrOßiaaiti f >■ MOCTa, Bta. nnia^jni. StnftWßMM»w>aJl« /MBMnBk anM MaSSAtalnW BBTM.awa, LoMBOMBaBIBBS LSMBtB AM» OSwMW BaJTBIf i BTsTOtFOnB MBBBMI AJXBfIBB. rf" >* «*>* anVn*ln\ I *V» tos*nw7«ito»Zn> ajsjavianV Oa Pnaa Dsaosnsr- ftoM> BwrAaata,
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    • 272 1 cured a cam of Acute Red Mange, and that the Soap could not have had a more gerere tert."— Uaed in H. M. Kennek— 1 and 211,. Jan. at 1*. and ti. etch 4 and 71b. tint at 3«. and 5«. each, at ChetniaU', &c.— P. C. CaWert ft Co.,
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  • 170 2 riwi>ui to. Qamnsr, S.ii. Jo Cane Me. 1, .1185. do de No.*, m 8.%. Oo«ra Bali. ZL I Mfc Pamar Bmsk. 1085. B^tTht^fcmwah. I*o. PasMl WjHy, m SL9O gsfrejyi.--- > KM. t =S"&EEr:tE trl.Hn. skm MUM. OIWHL eaVtawMskaatt M. ?¥il!l ja n BwfctuTT. r..*ir 0a fVwMs—Baak i^....JZ:Z""'/tM Prhatt m/. 'iM.
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  • 20 2 ■»k»a, ftpiaaisi. Hu. gTLfa STL*. u .tZ: SkTvJsf ifes**- in ■am, fltiihlln, t,2. •taaaak. ,JNillmli. *IZ ■tackek, «hnt«.
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  • 15 2 or r i tbsamtma s.s Mms Ttmm Taaaa or- Hans to loaaosr.
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  • 85 2 PASSENGER S LIST. AmUTAU. *-S SoaaAaya^Messra. Uttaal aad BeM. w*VLi*?Tsfr" ■■th'h^-Mr.sad Mrs. Bashat r, sad Mestat. BWtaa, ■stata. .gare. fc Ut~t trem *W Umaea Or. 4-er a. c, JattmNa. tmJ*w!^£££FZ Mmm. W. WewBMB. eta P. V. ttarahi. Mia. Lewveast. aad Mr. cad Mrs. Oi^^T sWkareV (TO ▲BJUVB. Far P. *O.
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  • 16 2 The S traits Ti mes. KstAßuaauax 1881. PBI0I: 10 OtHTS. lUUutfMn tmtm mi adetrWwst t.Jm st^y/waUealae/lNw^ywat.]
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  • 123 2 THIC OHIMAJAPA* WAB. no -turn- oa na amtwi. Tbe limm reawrks that the utter collapee of Uhiaa ia the war ratoe. troubletome peHthml orebltmt. That journal meiataias that Japaa atoA aot suppose that there are ao Hants to her eipaasioa attheeootef Ohsaa. 'J* ll* mmrtdf fraas te'teMaftyepe e*4njaW JCslaf
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  • 770 2 Ntn practical jodgment waa yetterday tilimwl by Mir. JnsUe* Oollyer on the ehiw> »poei a salvaye agrmment preferred by tht) ttsamer lujrmb-i* againtt the •tMsaer tfrnrnfuf. The etee wat simple indeed, to Me the word* of taw learned jpdtj*, the ekiei wat for sorely ordinary tawafe tervieet," TW
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  • 22 2 A public meeting -ill be held Exchange Boom, on the 220 d imtsoi appoint Kdmmittrw for tho New V*" BporU. lt H
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  • 27 2 hni ha. b^n a U. ri,,. «j a business, iv opium Uu-lr. OneBiuif»n. mtn it Mid to have m«de lari/elv o.i" also have done well. PJ> J
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  • 28 2 On the 12th of NovemW, at 11 in Banka Straits ia Lat. V kX) 8. tad v 105' 87' B. the l*ck p«M British ship P.T.D.F. bound tattward
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  • 30 2 T«« tevere cold weather gme »Uv v in tb. Gulf of Paebili thk moih I! Ja|WMM papers expect that another rngageannt will Uk« place b.;ore th. teaton bat advanced aiucb.
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  • 34 2 Thi north-western portion of Jap,,, wu visited with a very bad earthuu%L on tbe evening of the 22nd October v teemt that at least 400 persoat were kilU in additiou to a« many iojurel.
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  • 32 2 T«« King of Biam, on the Bth in.Uoi made bi< nrst pvbMe appearaom Bangkok for many months, to attend v sob* ralicioM celebnti'iM. He it mid" have looked much improved in health.
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  • 37 2 TwaXTßyoars a<o, Japan conuionl on one tvinaiog mill. Tbe latest slaiistiu from tW country tell of no less ih,,, thirty^igbt now in operatiou with oor,, r 880,000 •piadlw and repntMtiov a .unit. 1 of ow •10,000.000. P
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  • 45 2 Tmi first public performaaoe, by amateur t*lent, of the tiraim of Pmuance, (Gilbert and Sallivaa's) coocic opera, will tak pU,» ia tbe Tow* Hall on Monday, the ISti, instant. Then are to be three more p. r fornuivee. Booking at Mrstrt. John Little Co.'s godown.
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  • 47 2 At meeting of tbe Knala Lumpur Sauitary Board on tbe 15th October, there wat read a minute from the Britith Reii. d«oc, io rtply to tbe petition (rota the Cbinea* lor the conlaeotent of leper, pointing oat that the British tuthoritir, at present object to compulsory trgngati«n.
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  • 60 2 Thiei ia now on vi«w at Meant. John Little's godown two fine iptciamu, in bloom, of Hew Guinea orchids IWro•mm PkaUtaopni Sckuadtritmmm, and Dtndnbium Stroiloetru, baknging to Mr J. DA. Pereira, a collector and exporter of orchids. Tb«y art splendid and rare varieties. At Mr. Pereira's nnrttry it Orchard K
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  • 89 2 Thi chief officer of tbe German steamer tfsayany %»s charged at tbe Hongkong Police Court on the Bth intttnt with obstructing some excise officers in the execution of their duty. Tbe Nanyang wu boarded by half a dozen excise; officers ia Ibe company of a European constable. When they made
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  • 98 2 Thi question of re -model ling lh« interrut on«l naval signals is being diaiuited by tb« English and Trench Govermiwnti. and Admiral Bawton i< now in P«ri« v representative of tbe. Admiralty and Bocrd of Trade to confer with the Trench authorities on tbe steps to be taken. Tbe Admiral
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  • 103 2 A cobbbspowdbht write* compbimag alwnt tbe very insanitary condition ut Tnnjon(;Khu; and also complainiag about the enenabranoes on the beach juit beyond tbe reclamation by Clvdd Terrace Market. He snggeati that both matters are for toe Municipality to deal with. At to Ttnjoog Bhu, tue entire abevace of any wuittrr
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  • 100 2 Tub appeal io the recent Juan Burn*" Pe'ge Arm* Exportation Caw tv taken btrfore M- Acting Puiiue Judgs Colljrr v»sU.rdav, in the Supreme Court. Mr. Nauau'i appeared for tbe appellant, awl Mr. Dunaldsoa watched tbe case behalf of tbe Dutch authorities. Tbargument of counsel for the appelUnt waa band on
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  • 119 2 Hem Lbist formerly Deputy Go»*mor of tht- Cauwruons, wai tried, oii 16th O' l at Potsdam charged with baring by kit cruelties provoked a recent revolt sbhmw the Dahomrvan soldieri there, and «iw bavins; g^only ill-treateJ Dative The Disciplinary Court orJered tb»t li» ■alary should be reduced, and tb»« J"
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  • 497 2 Ah atrocious c»»e of to A"* l animals was rtiKirteU to the police •Jay. It appear* th»t Mr. Ch»t«r'» K' 1 ia the. ab«em» of a svet •*<••££ discharged, bad been looked after b.v K*rdeuer until the 11th. wbeu w syce wai engaged. On the da/ folio"'* it waa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 764 2 Tni aqniutnis iuiw amnaw owm/ Tke (tewui Maria. Imaraac Company. Th. China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy Th* Tottenham L*|r.r Be«r Oompuiy. Tb* MariUms Insunnet Company, Limited. Por particulars of thes. Oomptaie. «r» tlui fal! .dvsrasieisnt ef THE BORNKi OOMPANT, LTD. AjreP**^ THB STANDARD A Nrettuh Life Ofice of 05 year,,
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    • 741 2 in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, tile Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation, AUCTION BALBS. IN TBB SPPBBMB OOUBT OP THB STRAITS SITTLBMBBTB.
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    • 836 2 Bitibi Übabob or HsoaaiMm GREAT BUCCBBS OF LAST N1O&T. Harty tpaltaa from all pans SlCO»-D AmUBABOB Or CAKARW sJfS MISS O. BKAUMON f Whose apt Mrawe «as rewifwi with wuaderfal ttakaaaa. CANABIB WiU Bwaat to the t«Wie the moat abet aad ww faaians ef hh teat ttha the bast •tar
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    • 3 2 i^ ea TK'.Bf««»ww*|
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    • 24 2 The 3traitB Times has tho largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India ezcepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 42 2 WBATHMK MKPOBT. f anitam Jbeaev awaasi. JMa JtMeaar MM 'a.m. »».m. tpj*. laum tun. ni TW. 7i» Iji I ■ft saMbMhwt! S.M I "all WBATHBR TBLBOBAM. amm£Ztl* Wi 9 HONGKONG. BsromiUi... Wja. Daattsaefwad. ZXm\ fa-srfw-d.^^..: HT.TT Mas. am*. 5U*..... aa MABTLA.-TW, Caa.tiW
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  • 221 3 Im the collection of Uhristm s* ami N..<w year cards issued by Messrs. K-;lly Waleli there is much to admire S>ine of ihese cards an: very pretty aud urntnv of them are originally di:signe-l for t.bis firm. Tin- liaud-painted cavils sint from Tokuhinii sbew much artistic tast The
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  • 212 3 MIXKI) PAIBH HISM PKABER WINS Ykstebday, at an early hour of Ibe afternoon, and under a very hot sun, tbir-i-fii mixed" pairs drove off successively at tbe Golf Links. Tbe last foursome buiihed at six o'clock, in almost absolute darkness; but all tbe others bad fair vi
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  • 128 3 At ill- Assize Court, this morning, Ang Si, who is undergoing a sentence of S months' imprisoDuieot for theft, was sentenced to two months imprisonment, (lhe sentence to run concurrently with the oue he is undergoing for attempting 'o commit suicide in the gaol. Thomas Bacon, late warder
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  • 63 3 The Band of tbe 2nd II it I. Lincolnshire liegiinent will play tbe following proKfamini) ou tbe £aplauade. ou Friday 16lh, > ummeuiiug at 5^.01. PSUUUAHME. I- PoUsiss Im Brm,ttch,»*nd u <f. PaulJvmt PUnquette. y* 1 Nohlohr Ludtr Gungl. 4 Election La Fill, dt Mada, M
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  • 2126 3 i hi absorption of silver by the OrieDt b» )a noticed by travellers and economic w m«r. for ceuturies back: Bernier dis- «we,l it in hi* letter lo Coloert but until ™-u,i.ra,i.iv e )y recently no accurate stotis- """•<> kept, »nd tb« mort discrepant f*"***. Of tbe
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  • 659 3 Is th* pnamt lliiuhlib ot tke aUrer quetioo, (aaya tk* Bri isk < one- in hie Repot) there are as aay aalsi i naajja* _oa*r in Chiaa tkat I ahaU be entuiadtfi atoto We toe wall-known f.ct that tka ataadaid of raise ia Oaatoa, ac all orer
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  • 283 3 (Frost Uu ColUttm't Mt/mt/mr -»<Mi>,r. Ihn iaport of *praa «ariar tk* mouth w«K-Port Diokaoa. faar ehaata j *rka(W Taua*. Mera lLoh t;b*aa- Kaav** Cmmi-bb), oae «h«*t for J*_ka. tkiae ah-to far fen_b<« etc.. 13 eheeta. It i* awtarobable that aoaw of tbe lat *r war* Mid fir eo_
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  • 829 3 27t h OF GOLD TO THB TON. n-*t A UAMBSS HUE. It is aoted ia a Paris paper Uiat U»j ■haves ia Ow BiaM WiWaait tlias at* »a*h wort» S0.000fr»BM. The a-aye of ow from there ate _>id U have «i»ea IS kHoa. p«rloo,oria_Ofl-h«ei«wt,B7lbe.raaKbly ti tb* too. It U stated
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  • 120 3 Wbobbsdat, 14m Nutbhbeb. Hi*- Water. 11.18 pa Qeraiaa outward Mail doe. T-CBBSAr, lin Notbmbbb. Higb Water. 10.47 mm. 11.66 pa. Bijow Coops*/. Towa Rail. 9 |mb. Fbidat, 1«t« No tembeb. Hi«h Water. 11.86 s.a. Iteal retato aaetioo at Cratw Broa. 2p._. Satwbdat, 17t« Notbmbbb. lligi Water. 0.41 «.a. 0.7
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  • 198 3 VESSELS A DVERTISE MEN T TO BAIL. Far (.Mm Md Jasw. _Hks«. «a* ltd ltr«a «v, B ka M»jm aadC*. for Jara fe t» JiaMl-a. 4a* IMb Ku«*a. hM. W. Ma «lUaa csl J p ii__s__s!*"-**~ bar. UiiaadC*. meaos of which toldien are forced to sarre, a good rnanr who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 FOB G-H-BAL BEWI, US FAOfl 4 I
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    • 459 3 X'MAS PRESENTS FOR HOME. JOHN LITTLE ft CO., LIMITED m**r M si«*diWh**B V l-.s(___Baad Ofcb-e* Csadrarats srit Jl* te X preaaaU. cad wUI have n4ae»ate In uliatteg aad desaatchtes; aarrlag* paid If d«str«- te say ««a>»i»H_Bt_ad er slaswh***, eaak aaa-•Mtesftkefelkw-ffasa-y be re^ataed by at- i<hasate, Fna P. Tiß-rsakilhna. ss_ Xajssb
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    • 938 3 i U Kj LONDON. 1 -dj-a-Z-O-IS x_r o_ac__i_sS «aO. _iC. j COBStfIaMBBTS BBCBITBU. 'i a. w.As. 27/8/05 Q H I N BS GIVES' 8 0 BOOXi' Th* asaai Half-ysariy Sale ot Useful sad fsaey Ariielea, ia aid st the faads of the abave Betool, will tak. stee*. Ged willla*. ia
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    • 812 3 SKS PAU_ A. |»TOBDD«Ut"80H«B LLOTB FOB HONGrONGAKD BHANGH4I. JAPAK PORTB. _Tfc* o i»iP"l«l Gera_n Mail stsaasr BACUBXIf, Captain Snptner, having Wt Colombo on the kh instant, may be expected tn arrive ben on th* 14th ineUat, tn rout, tot th* above ports. u/Ir^V-Jr^KT'i^-g^ to- I_N_HG. BAKOOOK. A CALCUTTA. Tb* Ueaasay'*
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    • 80 4 SHIPPING FORT. Oadw (*a lMBdB« tha foUawiac abbrarUtUw ara ml iar, toair; *h.-ahl Pi aa.-har.aa; Brit-Britl*: TT. 8.-t7aitici Bto*M| Fr. Faanhtflß. Qaißaai Dat— Datoai M. fajaai, .W. G*--Gownl aaafo; d._p. Wlk aaaaaaWM; TJ.—XTa*artß*;T. K W^t»ga7K» Waarf,T. P. D.-^taaW iCIHk raTw.-B«M Wwrf.7TZjSXw.Wwrf: H.H. W.How Harhaar Wharf, H. It rX—Vawaaraoar OaakiP. aV-Tal*
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    • 971 4 Ibbjtau tool >ooa or Tmibbbat. i«*MB, Ow. atr. 131* tow. oaa4 Dawar. 1M Har. Fraa Haw Oaiwa, 38U Oet OA.aa.Wd.Bw BalM MayarftOo. For MWOwb*>.>U-B. W. iaatialiaJ, Brit. atr. 553 toaa, Oaptaia lUk«a. Uth Wm. Fraa W. Aaatraiia, «hH-T. o<L,aa4lld. p. Boaataad ft Co. Wm. AwtnKa, U.-W. rmi 1
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    • 167 4 N**w. mml DaU of HaUinj Lobdqb. Ul.nfruin. Oel. 14; Shanghai, Oct. U, UfMKA Deaealmu. Oct. v Palinaru, Oct. 10 Nfaurebow, Oct. 14; B.llerovhou, do* Nor. 27 KMlor, Not.*}; Mtmn. Rigcl.Bapt.l3; Beatrice, S»pt. IK Krwio fciekraen. £ept. 18 For.laad. Oct. 10 MUMM Palinnru., Oct. 3 GUMOCK. Bonthwold, Aug. 21
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    • 4 4 ,Co T LU.
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    • 7 4 IK. DI.TIHiTiOH. i h Bku«kai wdM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 992 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Go. FRESH SHIPMENTS just -a.n.rti"VMii> A BHTPMBKT OF JAMES WATSON A SONS' CELEBRATED 3DRI3STIC 3STO OTSTSXt. PRICE $7.60 PER CASE. (WITHOUT PASS.) MoALISTER Sm 00. TBE BOONS AND BLESSINGS j "Tk*y oom* as *b*on and h blnasiDx to men The Pickwick, the Owl, aud thn Waveley, Pen." MACNIVEN
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    • 802 4 BBBaara^Uii^'awwj^BßVOam Mwaßa^kwa^yafaMtMßjaiw^g BteCm*Mftatap2^SS3^ A* WaBWl IwT wWfltaMaMat rf WaWwfc taVt taw Ww»ghl«*t> Wwbb \tj^*mals*nmt*momt. X^TbbbbbbbbW bbbbbbbl bbbMbbßbbMß #owVbb*B*WbT VbbHbbMHß r.g^BwEr I*--*'--?^-^1 Bl I "ll waTafßra* aal raat wtth w at MMBBBM* mm, mU stm JlajaßWMlf*ajTr-| it f— ri •he WwH to MB* of OmaaV Ure^aaal BMaat fa asf b^bbV bßßbbbbbbVlbbbT
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    • 540 4 ta aaaaar Mdnrf am By ■Ik I pt m waft MlwattfiWfi&ri ft* toa*. ■11KXI aafat jTto la *x+m+&SmZ+z?mVszz «^i— fl^fa* vwm- T amw A aLaaVkaw Bat Ilk. llitlMJxfc J Ua* i»Hioirfi SaM vfSP VaVßjaaT aSal Hr IMVf aTawBBMBBV tfeart hk •MflaMflaaM aaaaat am... vm i^^Hmw pn mb hp iwm. Ann
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    • 57 4 i VOKTQBbV I lli S HUaaHS-y****^**' I aB^BBBBBBrBttvB^BBaVB^B^na_ PbbDob. Thi ii'l fata Al* Hbm fIM I In. Qaarta 150 jliimrfgMi«ial rW ITS I Bbbbbbbl bbbbbbbbbbbW VbbbbbbV IML »a. Qaart* MS i I OUar Am L 7« I P* Qaarto ISO iMMßilOlajiißwr Pbw «JS ©a. Qaarta LM aTBiBBa. JOWK MTTLB A
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    • 52 4 HOUSEKEEPER'S BAZAAB AMD WASHING BOOK (thttmi tdititm.) This book W arrunred for Uty-two wash. Tta BaMarjaw* grr* th. Mir bM uaa *f *n aatal artieb* A Sw.Su ra<lHai«, aad ow far tb* rrs*uT\J ilI wwk'a oariar. Thar* I* w aWeaaraall!! w.y^ke*7*Vth* awat, TSf aIaSShS thaabyaaiatr thi. book. Prlea: °^>oUiaß. TBB»8»B«ita»IMBI)"OrFI0B.
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