The Straits Times, 18 July 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1894. NO. 18,371.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1071 1 FTEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Prsi.vsrMß Ajrn oriektai, bteam SAVKSATION COMP4NY. Ornci— <"ollycr Quay. |ajM md Oooowks— New H»rl«iur. 1 i.i mail steamers maybe expe'ted to ar- ,it wards and leave Singapore bomewarra m t)>» followina- dates intnx ii ISM. ISM. J.ilj a lUmua JIII7 to ...Mir Au«. < Cl.i, Au«. k The
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    • 1594 1 STEAMSHIP COM PA NIKS. For Borneo Ports via Bawean and Sourahaya. On the Bth of ev^ry month a steamer rnns in .tl'i- direction taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermaasin, Pulo Lant, Psasir, and Kotei. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is despatched to Dongala, Berow, and Bulongan
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    • 911 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TVTOBDDEUTBCHER LLOYD. 1> BREMEN. Th. fast and well-known steamere of this 1!ls run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling en route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. In connection with the arrivals and departures of these mail steamere, the Company's steamer
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    • 758 1 INSURANCES. f^ UARDI AN FIRE AND LIFE ASBURANCF VT COMPANY. Liy.TED, LONDON. KmniiHu IMI. SuDscrihed Capital 41.000,01X1 Total Invented Funds, 4,t1r),000 Annual Income, MB,MO Ths undersignea, agents for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire riaks for short periods of ton days or longer peri' ds. at enrrent rate,
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    • 542 1 BANKS. TJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI XL BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPPTAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OFI |1 0 *****0 PROPRIETORS J .110,000,000 Couar or Dibbctobs: CnAiBHA»-H. HOPPIUS, Esq. DErcTT Chaibmaic-C. J. HOLLIDAY, K»,. i B.C. Micttiuos Kv\. A. McCo.acmii, E»). H H Jo.,™. •>,. J 8 Hot 1. J.
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    • 778 1 NOTIUES. Chafbd Skin, Piles, Scalds, Cuts; Sore Eyes, Sunburn, Earache, Neuralgic and Rheumatfc Pains, Throat, Cold?, and Skin Ailments, quickly relieved by use of Calvert's Carbolic OixtJment. Large Pots, Is. ljd. each at Clu-mi.-»(««, &c. F. C. Calvert Co., Manchester. KATZ BROTHERS? A FRESH SHIPMENT OF AMERICAN TINNED FRUITS, COMPRISING
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  • 519 2 lATEBT MARKET QUOTATIONS. ■OMANML 18th Jclt, IWH. PRODUCE. Gamhior, 7.5.V do Cubn No. 1, li do .lo No. 8. 8.^.. I Copra Uali 585. Jo Pontisnak 5.72%. Pep|».r Black 9.1 V Sign Flour, Sarawak '1S&. do Brunni 2-12V4. Po»rlSAgo. 3.4(). CIT.- K:ili Coffeo Lilwrian 3». Tapiora i.niall Flake 4.15.
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  • 59 2 10-MoftROW lUu»k,,k, Hydm. I i ..u vi«|»rU, SSmt, v.r.^av Rtnah Bnuke. Muir y.a^lla. M .......4 ..irl LiairKi 0.6, tmUh. h unir, l«tor. K«Uutikn via port^, Sri rmnyjan". H ■ii_-t.,u,' nod -I. .iiL'i. n liro)ktt.i.. l'»"« r Fkiuay. M ih>wli. MJM ■>..iirai.j.i.i. .Vim tVuv. HITUBDAT. Ih-li ti« „.rt-, Humatr.t.
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  • 123 2 Kk'im KiKort !!y thu P. ft O. I. a. Suraf .Iv- m SMtu.'Uv wi h d tm to tfa-i J "I. .1.n,.- bbe briDK-t^. to the mail wlicb 1, tt Mn^.iw.r' on tl,.- M M»tKe..» China llyt !>.*(>,. «0,., i« tm ou I'u.-t v. r Mil*-
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  • 155 2 ABRIVALB. Per I. A s. Canton from Slmiurnai (apt. Pslnmr. Mr. and M Messrs. Diim.-l hi .1 J. Harr l'ur M. M I. s. NU from Marseilles Dr 1),,,,r- „l, and Mr. Dooreobrw, Messrs. Hea li. A. M.>ri.>»>D. Tli. MM, Naile, 0. 1;. leu. Earnest, .imi Flensing.
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  • 56 2 »nt*ii'i#'l '*>r '*i* Sfriv** T'lMlt hrtMM '.»> *t ''<-n m. <m» iU< thsfpf only. Hy th* **fUc< »f th*t nmdt. NMMMt it.H.S. mn »,mU4 tfcU mlfht AltwrvtM fc# AU •m^trHmimf msntnets art to th, r<m4«fii>n that ltw» Mr:n4frrm<l)lr.ti tfw tid err t {mm *n nut of t rW jMtj*r
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    Reuter  -  10 words
  • 54 2 The damage done by the earthquakes at Stumlioiil is estimated at six millions of Turkish pounds. Over two hundred persons were killed in Stainhoul alone. The Kbedive i- staying on board bis yacht there. THE ROYAL INFANT'S NAME The Duke of Y'ork's infant son was named Edward, All .rt, Christian,
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  • 218 2 Mb. Abnut Reid, writing from London uuder date of 21st June, siva Tbe viewa of the Colonial Office regarding the proposed British dollar have been materially changed by tln-l.i- 1 that the unemployed Indian miut i- williug to coin such a dollar at a low charge. With a little more
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  • 18 2 It la reported that Mauila ia going to be lighted by elctricity from the first of January, 1895.
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  • 14 2 A Draftaman and Surveyor for the Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur, are advertised for.
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  • 17 2 Mai.k «s baa takeu precautions against the plague at liougkoug. by quarantining v. ■-».-!> coming from that port.
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  • 25 2 The rate of letter postage to the L'uited Kingdom 1 1 oin Hougkong is to be raised next mouth to Wn cents per J oz.
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  • 23 2 The Sarawak Races take place ou 22nd aud 24tb September. There are five evenU on tbe first day and aix on the aecond.
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  • 19 2 The Government invite tenders for .(uarryiug granite at Pulo I' i.i.i for the conatructiou of the Sultan Shoal Ligbthouae.
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  • 20 2 I.adv Mitchell will hold a Reception to-morrow .Thursday), tbe l'.Mh matant, at the usual hour. Tuere will be lawn teums.
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  • 27 2 Tbl Uritiah North Borneo Co. have issued new Und regulationa of a more liberal stamp than heretofore, admitting ot' yeara leaaea and other adrantagea to plan ten.
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  • 30 2 A coManasios of me French Chamber of Deputiea l.h been examiuiug tbe proposed charges for tbe future for carryiug government passengers and material l.v tbe steamers ol tbe Mesaagenea Mantiiuea
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  • 32 2 A TKLKUKA.M was received at .Shanghai on the -irdllut staliug that tbe Japaueae Government bad forbidden tbe export of coala. Tnis, however, only refera to Takasnna coal, other kiuds uot being interdicted
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  • 33 2 This moraiug, a number of Royal Artillerymen were buaily engaged in removing the muzzle-loading gun which atauds near the 8. V. A. drill-hall, and which the Volunteera have beeu MMMJ for iuatru.tiou purposes.
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  • 39 2 An arrest is said to have I >.■.-» made at Francisco for the purpose of obtaining a le^al decision as to whether resident Chinese shall be allowed to deform the feet of their female cbildreu according to Chinese custom.
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  • 36 2 At the Uou|(koni; Supreme Court <>v the '.'tfi mat. EJisou Crowe, late chief officer of the Nova-S .oliau sbip Selkirk, who had beeu fouud guilty of manslaughter, was seuteuced to two years' imprisonment with hard labour.
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  • 51 2 Ihk HounkiMi^ Uoveruuieut ha» appended a couduiou to the jinricksha aud chair liceusea there, uuder which the coolie, when plvnii; for hire, must have the number ot his license l*-^ibly marke<l in Komau numerals on the back of his coat or jacket, and shall uot take ofT such coat or
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  • 44 2 It is currently sttte.], says au Australiau contemporary, iv Melbourne tiuaacial circles that theie is but little hope of pulling some of the recoiistru. t.-.l bauLs through. cut disclosures have shown that heavy losses, uot wheu ieconstruction schemes were passed, have been eipcrieuctd.
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  • 50 2 An v |{eueral iDivluii; „f the Straits llevelopiueut Company, i Limit.-.! was helj at tli company's offices on I'Ui June, tor the purpose ot continuing the resolutions which were passed at the extraordinary uiuetiUK of the coui|iaiiv. held ou June m\ \*:H The weetiuK MaY in mcd tln< resolutions.
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  • 80 2 At a meeting of tbe Ceylon legislative Council held on tbe 7th instant, a message was read from tbe Governor to the Cotincil with regard to the Secretary of State's proposal for compensation to Civil Servants for the fall in eicbange. Tbe Lieut Governor moved that the CouDcil was prepared
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  • 82 2 The steamer omVmj which arrived ut Hongkong on the 7th instant from Sydney, via colonial ports, brought up the news that an epidemic of jungle fever waa decimating tbe populatiou of Thursday Is] hi, l Two of tbe (luthrie't pacsengers, who went ashore at Tbursduy Islaud. were attacked by the
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  • 94 2 At a meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute. Mr. K Abdullah (f.rnierlv Sultan of Perak) and Mr. Alfred Jones (British North Borneo) were elected Fellows. The ei-Sultan Abdullah of Perak who is now in Engluud bad previously petitioned to be allowed lo reluru tn P.-ak, but w*a
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  • 100 2 A I,'ki i i.n'.s tel-graui from Paris. ,Ut, ,1 June 20. says Accordini; to the Figaro, the French Government has decided to aend two gunboats to Bangkok in MM*. quence of tbe military occupation by the Siamese of the territories of B-ittaiiiliang and Angkor in contravention of the t
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  • 101 2 The Society for Promoting ChriefUn Knowledge made a grant of C 75 towards the building of the churrh at Sindakau, Nort'i Borneo, in July. 1888. This graut waa never claimed, and after five years it bad lapsed, The Rev. W. H. Elton has now written, explaining the reasons why the
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  • 101 2 The 1893 report of the Indo-Cbina Steam Navigation (Limited) states that, but for tbe continuous fall in exchange, the net profit earned would have 1..--v catisfactory. the net takin.' of the steamers havine amounted to r >l.sB<i. again«t aiMM. The average China ex< hau^e rate waa 2s. 7%d. per dollar
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  • 101 2 At tbe criminal asaizea yeater.lay. before Mr. Chief Juatice Coi and jury." flaw) Ah Juah for theft waa sentence. l to two years' rigorous lmprisonm. ut Chua ll. ik Vi, for house breaking and preparation for causing hurt, waa sentenced to four rears' rigorous imprisonment; Gan Eng Cbye waa waa
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  • 117 2 A circular has been isiued to the ihareholdera of the l'inte.l Lankat Plantations ('ompuiv. (Limitedi, reifardjnu the progress of the sain of the MM crop, from t>*>4 h'-Lls. which that up to the present 1,754 bales have l>een MM at au average price of 228 cents |*r I kilo,
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  • 123 2 CoMPLAi>Ta are contioually Iwing received regarding the condition of th.- <>n. trance of the Siuga|K>re river. t..wai.U dusk every day. Tongkanifs aud Chinese boats of all sizes crowd into the river and moor very frequently iv the fairway to the inconvenience of other tram.-. Ton.;. kaugs are the greateat offenders
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  • 143 2 Truth says that two tlnr.l-i.Uss Mauler (iuunem ft ■aMfbMg l.ltely MMHmI up coiiraK*- to wild eompUints tli.' 0.-n--•.•ral rea|»-ctiuk' their loss by tl Hi rat« of eiebauge of the dollar, which is M far above the curreut market rate as to make one of them XI »is. aud tli.
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  • 183 2 IMHHU, »v puhlishcd iv extract from the Ittt.tna MtMNNM Q which I .i rt i iil.u- were I,'iveu of au slmml in/, ure of the sttsauior J, m »t Auipenan, by tbi- Dutch authorities, m the n<! that she was all.--_-.-.| t,, have h.i i arms aod auiuiuaitiou M l>oar<).
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  • 163 2 A correspondent, who does not at tempt to bide bis enthusiasm in regj.rd to the proposal for a lake club at t1,.. l a pounding Reservoir. Singapore, candidly suggests that the well known member of tb» legal profession, from whom tbemgg,» t iou for the club emanated, would confer a
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  • 282 2 A SMMMJ of the Debatiug Society w», held last evening in the Town Hall, under the presidency of the Hon'ble W R Collyer. The attendance was small but pleasant evening was «|>ent. The subject of discussiou was: "That the spread of cheap literature conduces to the welfare of the community."
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  • 61 2 Tin lUn.l of tin- 2nl. Hatt. Lin. colnshire Regiment will play the following programme ou the Kspla'nade, on Friday. 20th inst, commencing at p m. I'H.M, i:\MMh 1 V»ls» Etpaua TTrtlilll.l ft Selection C7.W,,-« CurnrvilU Plummet!.H. Interim.,/,, Ariel H,,,,,, 4. Sei.-eti,.,, n,. ttwrnlOhi Worn 5. Polks
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  • 207 2 Thk pligue deaths at Hongkong, 6v last taWafM ll th July). Bt.K)d at 9 daily. ou the -Ih. '.ith, aud Lull instant Ou the 10th there were 7 admissions aud 161 .-as. under treatment The total number of deaths from that dm 'ase sinus the ep'demic
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  • 236 2 With refer.-v,,- t,, the statement Wail in the Ffftm t of the toUl sum ..I t i.tMKi.iM hi obtaiued as au iudemuitv (ton Siam. f 20.CMX) repreaented bad money. II explanation is forthcoming which certaiulv ;i. quits the Siamese from any want of bad
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 734 2 rpHK BORNBO COMPANY, LIMITED. mHE'standardTife Assurance J. Norwich Union Fire Innuranc* Society. Atlas Assurance Cimpsny (Fire). The EquiUble Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual BU»m Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of thewi Companies see the full
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    • 1105 2 NOTICES. I The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and i Penang, throughout all the j Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper
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    • 912 2 LATENT ADVERTISEMENTS. T EG ISL ATI V K OOVIOII Thursday, I'll), July, IBV4. 2.:w p. m. ORDERS OF THE DAY. I Municipal Slaughtcr-liousn Bill Ist Reading. 1 M:,1...n.e 1:.., Msrriaga OrH ITIJITH'' 1 A TP1*"11'1 TTI lit Ml 1! -I'l Gunners' Certificates Bill. do 4— Opium Bill Committee. >
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    • 28 2 17th inst.. at M Algiers Hoad, Vicars Hill Ladywell Street. London, the wife of W. Chukchwakd Lan<.don, of a daughter. 1 <m; GENERAL SHIPPING XKWS SEE PAGE 4.
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    • 42 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. Mr&?'- Established 1831. PRICE: 10 CENTS. Subtcrijit'um raUt and adoerliting ratet may be found on the fourth page.]
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 W KATHt'R KKFOKT kamlaiui Krahau HotpMal, till, Julij, Is:. I. 9a.m. 3'p.i. 9p.m." Biuui. B«r. re.!. :U Kali. 2".:M1 a>.s<i32» 812 Temp W.u »i» S Wn Hall. Thor. l».i 7-t 5 75.2 5. Dir. ..f Win.l g.M S d. W. Hsß.Tsiis>aissais so Mo. .Iv do 77.1 t-i Mm. iv >ni.
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    • 153 2 ArtKANIiKMKMS Wki.nesiiav. Itni Jt iv Hiu'li Wat.-r 111 ».ni laM 1'" Full M..0.1 4JB ii. in. Thursday, I'.'ut Jli.v High Water. 11 4*a.ui 117 pm Lady Mitchell's U.-,:,-i.t,oti. Straits lusurauce Mei'tiug 114.'. Straits Fire UMMMM Co'-ipuiy 1.1 iug, uoon. i*^is].iii\.' ' m i .in p n. Auction ol I«tud and
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  • 2123 3 NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORA TION (LIMITED). p R«rAM I" 'he Hint*" "I Mr. Jtis- Vaugbau Williams, underwhose su|ht- the w,id,..s-u|.. -t> I"' abi.M' bank b, n g conducted, a ineetiug of lln crcdli washeldat Win. In-t. r Huns,'. Lend I 20th, tor th" |.iit|.oM' .I -,port iL.t.-.l N ".I. IBM
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  • 464 3 Mini. riBMOK arm deatb ur mahmat ktl.'>ii;i;v in i am I'ltK late Mini. i. .it Hilaui was oueot the OflMg Kiiva's riglil land uit-u aod was with linu tin in tin tirtl ontlinak cm the I B ii.uitau. vbM it will I"' reuii'inlxTcd he stuck u|> a
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  • 788 3 i 6wfplMMß4»jry In Stnilt T.m,i Trhyram:) (I'M Colony Ml KIiKKBV ANARCHIcTS (XIRKAN ArTAIKN CHOLERA IN RlmiA THK PHMM OF WALK* STAKES ALIENS AMI IIINMVIKATHKM IN KNr,|.ANI> I Kll KK.T tsjattaa, JnlJviy HfJMk Hawli. «litor of n newspaper at ljeghorn. has rx-en aUbbcd to death by an anarchist who
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  • 429 3 .SA.i/iy/i.ii. 111, July. I iv fact that the inteution of Count Cassiui. tue K'us.-iau Minister to China,' to take hi.- leave has been abandoued, and lhat he rdmus to Peking, aud Mr Bf«jt> ber. the Charge <V Affairrt. to bis former |Kist ul I'kar.j. d'Aji'aim at Seoul,
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  • 556 3 P»PK«n i m the repoal of Ihe Oaßtagji KM Ditease Ordinances in tbe Colonies have U'-n laid before Parliament. The Colonies dealt with are tbe Straits Settlements, Hoogl<onK. Fiji. Natal, and British Btcbu..iialanl. Tbe correspondence abows the determination of tbe Home Government lo do away
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 554 3 VMmmVI ADVKRTISED TO SAIL Nf Bm Zealand. Port M. > due in July. B .UBt«»4 and Co. F,,r BeeMkMsti seajaVaj due ioth July. BousU-»d md Co. For Hongk >ng, due July, iu-hn Meyer and Co. For Java Porti, BIWIH, on 23rd Jn'.v. .1 I'i-n.le1 i-n.le and i o. lor
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    • 1106 3 NUTIChS BUNGBTuj()im GOVERNMENT NO. TIFICATION 1. Separate Tenders will be received, up j to tin :(l*t August. mH for the following l»-riods 'nl For three veurs from Ist January, I mS io> For the year. I -if-", sni I I •>!»;. I Forth* year MM, Sungii I'.i'iis, Seremlnn District O]iium
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    • 835 3 BHIPPING. FOR GENERAL SHIPPINO NEWS SE'fPA^E 1 "P O R HONGKONG The Nariguiooe Generals Italiana Staaasr BIBAdhO. MM tons reg., Captain Barabino, having left Bomhay on ths Hth instant, maybe expected to arrive here on the iuth instant, en roni« for abort port. For freight and passage, apply to UO/7
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    • 1208 4 Under thia heading the following abbreviation* are used str— «t«amer ah. ship bq.— barque Brit British IT. S.— United States; Fr French Ocr German; Dut Dutch, Job.— Johore; 4c., G.c..— General cargo d. p.— deck passenger* U. Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Tanjong Pagar Wliarf T. P. D
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    • 83 4 Nanu. Prrt, and Uat» of aWJakj KbOM [x>.tl)<iN. Lidd.«dale, June lilengarry, Juu» Australia. June S; I (iua.lal.|uivir, June 10. Himslaye, JuueJ-I, LIVKBFUOL Oanfa. June I Kii'-rgia. June r H.'ll"ro|ihou June •> I'roiuetheus, June II QIUVt, Antim'o Aeeaine Apl. -I Alieu Mifcajwa. Mty3. Landsoer May 15 9mom TsrUr Apl.
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    • 114 4 I ViuiL'a Nui. Riu Ton». OMMi Fboh. SUILID. CuxaiuNi:> 17 IrU Br.twh. 206 Pmoowke sh«rk, Buy June tt\ Me Ahrtor Co. 17 StiTriMfuo rtr. 81 WiUoc* Tri D g^»nu July 16i(hk K«w Ho 17 Saiihiliw itr. »S3 Cha»»lifr Sk,|(oii July 14 M«im«mw. M»rilMi« 17 i'.i.l'.d P.O. »tr. Ml F«ild
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    • 58 4 ISSIL. X 11l 'l.A'l lull 18 HriUoofAu 18 M.Ueo. 18 Ki.u Ann 18 O. O. Uu4on 18 Hanoi 18 <'»lji»o 18 I lUj.h HnH.kBrit.itr Kuii-IU ilr Um\y «r. Mo« Dot. >tr V»n Rhu llrit.itr. Ibow itr Lowry Bmt. itr. .!■■>■• Teluk Auwn v» porU Teluk Auou i i« purt»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 885 4 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OP JAMES WATSON Co.'s CELEBRATED SCOTCH WHISKEY. (THE DOMINIE BRAND.) Ask for tlie Dominie Brand (Black Label.) GUARANTEED 10 YEARS OLD. PRICE $10.00 PER CASE. McALISTER Co., 80LE AAunts.k nts. THK LATEST INVENTION. Awabiw— Oold Mndsl, Paris Inhibition (IHHH.i OoM Medal, World's
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    • 334 4 NOTIOKh. I McALISTER Co. EARTHENWARE DRAIN »PIPES 1 Honfrkan^ Brick and 'lenient Co., Ltd.) 4". 9", 12", 15", 18" bore Firehricks and Fireclay Large Stocks always on hand McALISTER Co. SAFES. SAFES. SAFES. CYRUS PRICE A CO.'S. (ELEbRATED FIREPROOF SAFES. Jewel Safes. Trwurr Bafes. Book Safes with single ur double
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    • 1415 4 IMM'KS. THE TAN.TONG PAGAR DOCK CO LIMITED The iir.miw* of the Company are situated at TanjonK Pagar adjoining the town of Singapore. Tne Wharf *it*<nti* to "*v* t 3t?~* ■mw m uiviaea by the entrances to the uranng Docks into three parta. The West Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 912 4 NOTICES. Eetablishet 1865. 11l I.X V 11 A Hi; RB A V K S A ci) Ehoimkebs, Ibow k Bbabs Focn hebb, BoI'.KRM AKKRS, BBIDOB BUI LDBBB, BBIT BUI LUKES. GBNBBAL COHTBACTOBS. SINOAPORE k KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM VBSBBLB always amler construction, from 38 ft to
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    • 110 4 NOTICES. I PBBBLK BPECTACLEB i. FOLDKR& O I f t t I i I IS I §,i J.BB > S3 2 > M 31^ '58 I 1 IS S 2 J Slt I S 8 5 P BE j o 5 I ESTATES A HOSPITALS SUPPLIED w. k f. AECfiIDB
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    • 372 4 NOTICES. THE STBAifs^TIMEs^ The Straits Bddobt." The price of the Straits Times la follows Daily issue per year 30 dollar, do do copy 10 cents. Weekly do year 1H dollar, do do copy 40 cents. At the*, price*, the daily issuit is deliver^ pout fren anywherr. On the we*klv \J?
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