The Straits Times, 8 June 1894

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. NO. 18,338.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1150 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PKNINSULAK AND OHIEKTAL BTKAM NAVIGATION COMPANJ. Omcs Collyer Quay. ttßASvasancl Gonowws— New llarlvour Tub mail steamers may be expected to sr--ITt „u t wards and leave Singapore homewar. s th» following dates ..ttw»s»s Uoaswiasi ISM. ISM. C.r,.«« JUM II «•«>„ JIIIM It •L 7. J,iar K S.fl", Jan.
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    • 1526 1 STKAMSIIII' COMPANIEB DE KONINKLUKK PAKETV^ART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netlmrlands India Government. Agentt at Singapore, Ship Aobncy, i.ate J. Dakndels ft < o 2-3, Collteb Quat. Agentt at Penang, Messes. Huttenbacb LIKBKBT ft CO. The Company has a fleet of .10 Steamers, with nplendid aecommOaWtioa for Bnt clans, saesad
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    • 881 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. ■\TORDDEUTBCHER LLOTD. 1> BREMEN. Th* fast and well-known steamers of thi* line run regularly between Bremerhaven and Shanghai, calling nn route at Antwerp, Southampton, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, and Hongkong. la connection with the arrival* and departures of these mail steamers, th* Company* steamer
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    • 784 1 INSURANCES. riUARDTAN FIBE AND LIFE ABBUKANCK \J COMPANY, LIIT.TKD, LONDON. faTAZUSBBS 1811. SuDMrilMd Capital *3,000,0n0 Total Inverted Funds, 4,51(5,000 Annual Income 9*8,000 The aadenignea, agents for the bore Company, an prepared to aooept fire ria a for short period* of ton day* or longer peri Is. st current rates to
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    • 627 1 BANKB. HONOKONO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND 4,200,000 RESERVE LIABILITT OFT aioooonno PROPRIETORS J J10.000,000 Cocrar o» Dibbctob*:— Chaiuar— H. HOPPIUB, Esq. DipcTT Cbaibkah— C. J. HOLLIDAT, E*q. 8. C. Mi. >•«! Esq. lA. McCosicais, Esq. H. H.Jo.,™. Esq. J. 8 Mosas.Eaq, Ho». J. J. Easwica.
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    • 544 1 NOTICES. K UPPER'S BEER CHOP "PAYONO." The only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'S Ikon Safes and Locks. The best in th* World. APOLLINARIS WATER. The y ueen of tsble waters. A most healthy and refreshing driak is tropical countries. 515.00 per case of 100 gla.a
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  • 498 2 I -ATKNT MARKET QUOTATIONS. BIMOAPOKB STB JdKI, IWH. PRODUCE. Gambior, f 7.50. do Cube No. 1 1L75. do do No. 2, 8.«. Copra Bali 5iS. do Pontianak, 5.72%. Popper Black 9.25. Sago Flour, Sarawak 2*7(4--do Bmnei 2X». Pearl Sap, 8.40. Coffee Bali 36%. Coffee Liberian, 41 Tapioca small Flake,
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  • 144 2 fur P*r -it fasM 10-Hoaaow. I'b'ii P.kst, HHltana II Dj.,1,1,,, K.u.i.1..,., Nooa. Sk.i, ir;4iiir \i» jM.rt f*U*tMl, I p.m. Kutntan ria port*, Qympie, I p.m. I sagM*! Ban Sxn'j Ouun. 1 via ports Wiiuf Saiig, 1 p.n. .V-..JUB »l« port., 7'liiur, t I.iiiUH'i via ports
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  • 112 2 Fikim Xi U..IK By tin- I. *11 a >. H.,,.,,,,,i .In.- on Mimiay with datci frum Kuropr lo tbe IMb Stsf Ms lirim.- r.-i.h.i. to 11,- m.ll. which left m ,i.- on tbe 18tli ami .'ltli April. Kinm China i -Uy the P. (I. lUamer Casflßl ilue
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  • 155 2 AEEIVAL. IVr h .\,,hn,, from Hamburg Mr.Thiel. (TO ABBIVE.) Per P. A O. s. s. Britannia, from Loudon, May 11, Lieut. V. W. Stringer, Lieut. U. f. B Pritchsrd, Messrs. HcCresth snd T. W. II), le. Per daaaaa. from London, Hay 25, Mrs. MscHardy Per M M. s.
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  • 115 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY. 8th JUNE. 1894. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Established 1881. PRICE: 10 CENTS. lBuUeriptio» rates and adoertinng ratei may be found <m At fourth page.] THE CONGO TREATY. FRANCE BEFDBES RECOGNITION. TURKEY AND GERMANY PROTEBT. BRITAIN WILLING TO RECONSIDER IT. Dnamo a debate on Africa in tb* French Chamber
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  • 407 2 To-hat's telegram points to the Congo treaty difficulty growing in seriousness), and probably giving rise to further complications. The whole trouble springs from the efforts of tne Congo Free State to extend iU boundaries towards the Nile Basin. A pretext readily presents itaelf in the need
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  • 878 2 Thi finapcial situation into which this volonv has been plunged liy an exorbitant Imperial demand, and depreciated silver, is reeoWing itaelf into a very grave question. The debates that have taken place in the Legislative Council, and the official papers which have beeu laid on the table
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  • 12 2 Thi s.s. Dntmhurei arrived to-day from Hongkong and was placed in quarantine.
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  • 13 2 690 more slabs of tin have beeu recovered from tbe sunken steamer Sgapnota.
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  • 28 2 Tumi was a very Urge attendance at Lady Mitchell's Reception, yesterdsy afternoon. No further telegraphic news concerning the plague at Hongkong has been received at tbs Colonial SecreUnat.
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  • 17 2 It is reported tbat considerable modifications are to be introduced in the administration of tbe French Colonies.
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  • 19 2 Thi Ceylon Government bave consented to tbs tramways in Colombo being worked by •Metric traction on the overbead-wire listen.
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  • 28 2 It is reported that the gri ffina for the Autumn Meeting are to leave Melbourne on tb* 12th instant and they come here by way of Torres) Straits.
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  • 32 2 Thi Homeward P. A O. Packet Oam/n left Hongkong at 1 p. m, yesterday aud may be expected to arrive at Singapore about 1 p. m. on Tuesday, tbe 12 tb mstant.
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  • 31 2 Staffa. winner of the Uoadsten' Plate and tne Roadsters' Handicap at the recent nwrting, is to be sold by auction on Monday, by Messrs. Powell A Co.. at A brains' yard.
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  • 41 2 A obbat scarcity wf rice, was said to be experienced at tbe Bangkok rice mills by last advices. The dealers state tbat there v plenty of graiu up tbe country, but few people will sell owing to insecurity in the interior.
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  • 37 2 Statistics sbowiug tbe tr.i 1-- of the Philippine Island* have just beeu published in Madrid, and prove that the commerce with Spain, which owns tbe island*, is insignincaut, the bulk of tbe trade being with (.treat Britain.
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  • 51 2 Tib opium crop iv India, it is reported, this year, v the wont on record, at lout for twsuty jean. The immediate result will 1..- a rue in tb.- price uf I lie uiauufartured drug, but, next year, tb« revenue of toe country will suffer srriously as stork* will be
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  • 52 2 An order was received at Chatham Dockyard on the 4th May for the A</m--court, cruiser, which ha* been repaired at a coat of £34,1)00, to join a division of the Medway fleet reserve, which certainly duet not look as if she were goin g <o Clima, as reported a little
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  • 45 2 An Amsterdam correspoudcut of the Tobaeeu Leaf (New York) states I hat a further examination of tbe new wrt(. tobarou shows that, if the tobaccos coutinue a* so far seen, the manufacture" iv want of light colours will have to pay higher prices than evsr.
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  • 97 2 Thi most striking feature in the import and eiport returns for I«U3, issued uy the Siamese Customs, is the great iMMM in the trade of Sunn. Exports hare grown from $10,084,077 in IUV2, to t.H 337,b'yU while imports are 17.489,t>41, as compared with I'.'J iv 18U2. T«« Hon'ble W. C.
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  • 45 2 Tv« seventeenth ordinary K»ueml meeting of tbe Straits Insurance Company, Limited, will, it is advertised, talc place iv tbe ''oinpauy's offices on tbe stb July. An eiuaoruinary meeting is to be held immediately afterwards to consider proposed alterations of tbe Company's Arti- let nl Association.
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  • 64 2 Ikoia-bdbub is said by a German technical paper to be coming into favour iv Germany as a covering for house Hoots and stairways, in place of carpets aud tioorcloths. A coat of beton is applied to the floor, and the rubber, cut into pieces oue metre square, is laid upou
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  • 60 2 The Straits Independent arges the Deed of a pettoleum Ui. as being more i n TT interest of the Colony than most of th! retrenchment schemes hitherto propound m th t *Ux of thi C would reach a great many people. I(iaw whom poises, very Urge income*, wbo do not
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  • 55 2 The German Emperor is now titular comtaander of no less than seventeen ~oi menu, made up of eleven German twri Austro-Hnngarian. two RussUn one Portuguese, aod one English regimen. His Majesty is also Honorary Admiral f the British Fleet, an Honorary Adm.r. of tbe Danish Fleet, and la tuile of
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  • 71 2 At Marila, the Government has «»ub lisbed a Press Buriau to supply the new* papers there with official information" The Comercio says that the heads of th, different departments have been instrurt^j to furnish a specified official with sll such information deemed suitable for public*. tion. Tbe information will then
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  • 82 2 A decision bat been given in tbe Barbadix-s inahidministrali ,a justice i»»-, the ariiou against the re maining defendant in the case of AiiaV r son v. Gorrie and others." This was Mr Justice Cook, late judge of Trinidad. Th. jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff Dr. Anderson,
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  • 80 2 It is already known that the Oil Company of the United Btate« aud th« Russian Oil Companies Trust have agned to suspend the com |>etiti on they have hitherto wa)jed, and practically to divide the world between them. The American organisa. tion will take over the territories of Great
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  • 85 2 Thi Trade and Navigation returns of the United Kingdom for April show that import* have increased £2Ht<,Boo ou tbe cor. responding figures, and exporUi;iH2,L»<iii. These respectively are gaius of about i» per cent, and 51 per ceot. For the fnui mouths thus fur expired the imports bav,risen loj percent, and
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  • 99 2 Tan Cm«w arrived yesterday in the s.s. Melpomene from I'enang, and on landing he was noticed to he. liebaving in a strange manner. The Police consequently sent him to the hospital where be was found to be suffering from tbe effect* of a dose of stramonium. From information received the
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  • 96 2 Onk of the [.ill..- sergeants ha* beeu ths victim of a robbery committed at the Detective head-quarters. The ser^ciut in question yesterday missed a small bui from his quarters. Tbe box coutaiued }7<> in notes, a gold watch, and a silver watch The result of a search this moruin^ discovered
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  • 102 2 In the Board of Trade returns, the n^urm show that, for ludian tens from January 1, to April :<(). mi compared with MM SUM period aj MM, the iluty has Ihvu paid this year ou H.i;-Jm,ihm Ib. of InlUu tea against 34.727.000 Ib.. and ou 21,806,000 Ib. of Ceylon tea
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  • 90 2 Thk Secretary of StaU' for India sal sauctioned. subject to a few algal iharsaiMa, rules proposed by the Gonrnment ot India for tbe graut of eipln iog and prospectiui; licenses and of ■asMMJ leases. These rules, which will be isxued shortly, permit locil Governments to ({'ant licenses and leases subject
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  • 99 2 One of the founders of British North Borneo— Baron i >»--rl» k. a n'u. ancier died iv Uradon on tbe Bth May. In 1878 and 1879 he went to Borneo, and acting iv conjunction with Mr. (now Sir Alfred) Dart M 4 Mi concessions from th« SulUns of Brunei
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  • 99 2 In i-onnertiou with llif pMBHsI B.C.C. athletic sporU. the secretary has issued circular MtiM <• MS l; lhat, judging by the IV win si entries up to the preseut for the athletic sfIH«J BfOfMsXl I" be held ou 4th mid 7th July, then- is .-viy probability of tbfir fulling ibiougli
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  • 93 2 Yehtkrday, at their sale roomi, Messrs. Powell A Co.. sold by public auction lbs lightship Aja-r, as she now lies in the liar. bour, forBl.rt7 < Vtlie 1 .i:r.'1u,.r1..,n.-r Seng. The British twin MM »>•'■• Fantte. with MB* and MMItNMMB, MM 1" MSSSW RtsM ll.irgr.-av,-. for s_'.:,iMl. The British l>ar«|iic
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  • 118 2 Ik a work just published foreign JwliisV* 1 ""<"* <r, r the author makes the following al!u-'»u to Protectorate* T1,,. SSJSMSS MBMM B» Great Brilaiji 1»r.,1.-.-l .riles IN HsW»Jarh (MisSA l 11 f,, r ,n Z Iv C MM..V V. M-k debits totsdistka Is «p|.n,pn»i-.1 tl r "!j; la tsjsjssa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 860 2 rpHE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. mHE Standard Life Assurance X Norwich Unien Fire Insurance Society. Atlas Assurance Company (Fire). The Eqt itahle Life Assurance Society The Oeesn Marine Insurance Company. T> China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies
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    • 1005 2 NOTICBB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1053 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOB S ALB.— To the highest bidder over $300. the Br. a. m. Staja. (Is a (rood jumt«ri. For further pv-ticalara apply to H. PAYNE OALLWBT, 14/6 No. 1 Exchange Buildings. "CIOR HAMARANG i. SODRABAYA. The British -t.-ain -r ARDOAY, 1,080 tons. Captain Thorn, having left Swatow oa
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    • 24 2 The Straits Timea has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India exceptei No other Eastern newspaper has bo widespread a gradation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 WKATHER REPORT ■sjaSSSSJ Kraba* Jfofpttai, 71* June, IBM. a.m. 3 p.m. < p.m. Rim a»i.. Bar. ml. I. Kah. 3<>.8W».7«8» .848 JM-' k Tump H>.3 ks.ii 81.0 Wei Kulb Ther. .78 5 77 3 77.S IstJ l'ir ..I Wui.l WHW. W. 8. W. tl?" Mai. T.-u.p. in KV.s fc
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  • 1460 3 TBUBIPAT, 7TH JUNE. 1h« LegitUtire Council reassembled „.,11'rdajr afternoon, at half pait 2 o'clock. r|,,. following members were present His Excellency the Govbbnob. Sia i 'HAULER RI'LLKN HUGH M ITi'll XI.L. K. C. M.O. ii V llic Qeaaßßl O(Br»r ('i.inmmiiliuif tlir H rroop-. MaJuiOaa— l H T.
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  • 147 3 At the ajattiag of tba f««iaUlira Ok*ja> iil this afternoon. H. E. The (iov. rnor said that he bad to inform tbe Council, with ntnaaea to tba miliij.iv contribution and ia reply ta Mr. Sbel. fonl, that. In- had Neaifad I telr«ram from the Secretary of .Si
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  • 116 3 At an iu,|ii,«t held at Portsmouth early !,im in, .nth on the body of Captain Boms A. Ouuderhen. of tbe Norweijiau ship £V ii-rfirite, ofTanabara^ »ho diad when off the S.-illv bUada, it w,s atetad that hisd.-ath \>.is eaoaed by |aiasit.» conveyed iv the wal.r bieb had I
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  • 125 3 Bum BMnkaata Ifadiag with tbe Kar Kast are he omin.', says tbe Financial Hi so ulariin',l at tbe ile»tru< live effect ul the fall in silver on our enmniercial inte.rcstn tliHt they n aditatt a .l,'|'iitatioii to the lVime Miajatar to .»pUm tbe situation. Tbe biaiitbeK of the
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  • 366 3 Mmlri.l., Map. Tlir Kin*'- birthday Insjaan in.-lv.l.- the remission ti n fWtw "f I MB*BBBM M .ill eoniiiioii iti niili.nlMh .W.i./. '111.- ii.w t:.rilT for the r>ill|tlm will Ixready by June Ut, ami «ill nil he |TBs% altered from th« hut, KM Jf./y. I tiii;iiiv
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  • 250 3 A cricket match was played on tbe I Esplanade yesterday afternoon between a team of Royal Engineers and a team captained by Lieut. Hariugtoo. Tbe match ended in favour of tbe R. E. The following were the scores R. E Ll. Sargnsnnt b. Harington U 1,1 Haig c Davies
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  • 235 3 I'hk latest blue Book issued by tbe Labour Coinuiissiou concludes the series, so tbat any student of the social and labour problems ol Europe has access to cverwhiug that is worth knowing. In spcakiug ot the general relations between employers and employed in Russia, it
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  • 322 3 I In chrouicliug the arrival of 300 Japanese in the colouy, tbe Fiji Times ■MM us lollows: Tb.; iudeuturcd people amoug tbe ten tie us in I, or no, ot Indians who are in tbe el" ii v. i .'in the staple of tbe agricultural
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  • 199 3 ii i a long delay, the Eastern aj> ,Ii in.'., l.n.k.s have aaaej informed that their alaiaM iv respect, to silver in transit to India when tb- mints were closed aa >t be enlerUined. The Financial Mntl does not know whether this extraordiiniiv decision of the
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  • 217 3 l.iht r. V. Hoykk, of the French Navy, colihibuk-s a short article to the li,i -ur JfailWil a) CWaasall on tb* 1 proposed emplovini'iit „i an electric light projector on Ixa'd all last-steaiuiug ships, in order to avoid the danger of colliniou. One of tbe dilficultiea at sea
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  • 1355 3 Minutes or Proc'edihoh or the Mlni CIPAL>COMSIIBSIOIfERS AT AN OBDHABT H(ETI«G OX WIU.NKM.AT. TIB £)bd Mat. 1894. Priseht— The Prmident. Alexander Gentle. Era.; The Acting Inspector-General of Police, E. H. Rll. Eeq; O. C. Wr»r. Esq. I The Hon'ble Soali I.iang Sesh The Hon'ble T. Shelford. C. If.
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  • 32 3 Apulv Sulph.'llll. 1...t1. n It .Inv., a»av pimpled, bloU'hus, rouglineKu, redneiw, ami nil .h-ti-in in. mi. Sulpholine develops a lovely skin. Is. bottles. Made in London.— m. w. if.
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  • 29 3 Lockvw'a Sulphur llan- Keatorer, Sjsaakaat, •siust, ■aetaeas the BUtllial mast LookHrt, Mm peal Knglish u»:i ■eakaaar, laiae ■.■in. is. iM. wsejabsse. bb, m. kI.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 409 3 NOTICES. McALISTER Co. /-\DB WELL KNOWN AND CHOICE SELECTED HAMS. A fresh shipment just arrived. From :<1 to 13 lbs. each at 55 cents per lb. IANNOT BE EQUALLED. McALISTER Co. pHAMPAGNE. IHAMPAGNE. Perinet and Fils. Dry Verxenay Per Case Quarts $21.00 Plata 523.00 Hslf Pints fojoo McALISTER Co, LOOK
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    • 921 3 NOTHJEb. JOHN LITTLE CO. PROVISIONS. FRESH SHIPMENTS. JUST TO HAND. DANISH BUTTER. P. C. Bunch and Sons Fineet Selected in 1 and 2 lb. tin*. FRENCH 'BUTTER. Bretel Freres, Specially Selected for Exportation, 1 ana '21b. tins. BACON. Lask's Finest Wiltshire in Canvas Croese and Blackwell's in tins 2 to
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    • 869 3 BHIPPING. FOB OENKBAL 8HIPPIN0 NEWg SEE PAGE 1 TjV)R PENANO AND CALCUTTA. Messrs. AncarACo/s steamer AR&ATOON APCAH 1,*2 tons. CspUin J. E. Hansen. left Hongkong on the 2nd instant, aad is due here on the Bth instant, ea route for the above ports. For freight or passage, apply to 8/0
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 161 3 AKKASCF.MKNTS Pkxn&T, 8ra Junb. Ulijll Wal.r. QJO .1.111. 1.41 I'mHIH||l[lllfl Ipottiu Club Oyiiikbaua Ifwting. BinhMf 1 p. »> AmnKi»li"ii Kooilull. S. 0. f. Kt's;i-nu-i.l. KnpUuadu '■> in r.uui. Q>riiM I p- Satihpav, 9n .li II lli«li \Witi-r. 1 u.i.i. 2.:{+|'.m. Km nil uk' Au.iwn ;ii -M .mil Kii/uli.-i h Pow«U
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    • 164 4 Under this heading the following ahbraria tiona am used str. *t**mer sh. ahip bq.— barque Brit British U. S. United SUtea; rr.— rnoeh; Uer.— Oermao; Dut Dotch; Job..— Johor* Ac., O.c— Oennral emtwo d. p.— -de«'k passengers U. Uncertain ;T. P. W.— Taajon* Pa|rar Wharf T. P.
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    • 1134 4 Abbitau Biaci Nooa or Y«Bti:bday. Per.., Brit. str. 131 tons, Capt. PaUett. 7th June. From P. Brudan, 6th June. Oil. UoogUndt 4 Co. For P. Brandan. Sth.-Sds. fiaw Ann. Brit. str. 101 tons, Capt. Angus. 7th June From Diambit, Uth Jane. O.c, and IS dp. Wee Bin k
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    • 86 4 Name. Pert, and Dot* of Hailiw) Fbom I <i\i<n Oli'nshiel Apl. ■> Canton, May 2 I Caruiarthenshini May 8 < Oceana, May Denbighshire May. IjIVEBPOOL Aii<-lii-». May .'i Energia Mar. Mj Kemnuu May Bakkv VinurgiaOct.:); Craiglee, Dec. 7 Incharran. l>.- Vi Hilaria. Apl. S| CARIUr r. Hera. Marrli
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    • 95 4 Viuili Kmi. A Km "OH!. CirTAIN. rBOM. -ill. li' C'ON»1UM«««. Ju 7 8m Belle 7 A»l.» 7 Pen* 7 KiuAiid 7 Kobj 8 Sri Boat Add 8 Bu Hin 8 Danakuit Col. itr. tit. Mr 11 .lr -tr rtr. rtr. .lr -lr 500 Murphy ISM Pitaim 133 P.11.-ti
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    • 101 4 I'A V^kml'. Name. Flao*Biu I Caitain. DUTINATIUN. Jim. 7 TordanakjoU CoatuMoUl S.Ullf.". Ljei* Hu Wk«tt Soon I •.ball. Hri Ph>ui Will 0' U» W»p A«Ui« ■E PaUr Rickaian UajLoM<l»» Nor. utr. Kf<" Out. air. S.-h«ll 0«r. itr. Chriatiwuen Allan atr. M.-.N.. -tr [1. 1n,™;. air. Hii.l.mii D^l.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 179 4 SANTAL-MIDY The pure Essence of Ssntsl ohtainrd by Mil v t process from the best Mysore wood. SANTAL-MIDY -v Z rent from the santsl oil of the Indian linurs, is tnperior tv Uopaibs, Cubcb. or injections, un<l free from all bail 8ino)l or other inconveniences. SANTAL-MIDY Kimente of the urinary
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    • 626 4 NOTICES. THE BRUSH ELECTRf CAL ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Reddaway's "Camel" Brand Be. .ing, the most economical for power-transmitting purposes. Uhubbe' Strong Rooms, fire and burglar-proof Doors. Robey and Co., Lincoln, Portalilo Engines, pumping and mining gear. Pulaometer Engineering Company, London. Beldam's Pateut Engine Paokings. SOLE AGENTS HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED
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    • 1403 4 DOCKS. Tin TANJONG PAGAR DOCK 00. X LIMITED. The premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar adjoining the town of Bings> < pore. Steam tram-oars ran at short intervals carrjlag passengers aad goods from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile and a
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    • 887 4 NOTICEB. EsUblishec 186"). JJILEY, HARGBBAVIB AGO. EhOINEBBS, iBOIf A BBASiFOUNDEBB, BOILEBHAIEBS, BBIDOB BUILDEBS, BHIIBOILDBBS. GENEBAL OONTBACTOBS. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPOR. SHIP BUILDING YARD. HIGH class STEAM YKBBILB always under construction, frost 38 ft to 140 ft. length of keel of bad design and brisk. MACHINBRT trom landing British Itras with Board
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    • 202 4 NOTICEB. TJOOB SANA CO., (Chop Bam Joo.") COMMISSION AGENTS A GENERAL BTOBEKEEPERB No. 10, Mabeet Stbeet. Kuala Ldmpur. laroasaaGoods, Tinned Provisions, Londree and Regalia Chiea Cigars, Australian BBitor, Salt Pork and Saltßaaf. Bretel IS^'L l!^' °ff l 0" T *»> Hnntley aad Palsasr-s Biscuits, Adi, Gram. Crashed Food e<»tahnß« 180
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    • 256 4 NOTICES. FOB i»>4. rpHE HOUSEHOLDERS' BAZAAR j X BOOK. ""AAR New aiid Improved Edition. .i. A co T tl T "ranged hook in wait. the cook can enter dairy all hons»!,nld penses, with a separate column for each H in the week, a separate page for earh waski j the
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