The Straits Times, 29 November 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. i:sTAßLlsni:i); 1881. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1898. NO. 18,182.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 610 1 •"aaaa-^ jbblbbb' Qsaay. aad giai— >n Hart Tf "f" -r. taas ■saaww.i*. ti aat**ara aaiy ill ,u,t m.y a* artaar aulm oc P4M- aa4 i'«ms hf Bat .««<e «ac aaat* as W LsajAaa »y asa kbtwbk« »yd soTrr. B^isaflV— r J g -^-f^- via* as «*w taa- *raaaMr al liaiaiha
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    • 699 1 VMS, IN- COMPANIES I i NKI.I.iKK PAKKTVAART I MAAT^t HAPPIJ L'ntUr contract with tk* Netherlands I ..>verna»«nt. (ti ttmftmor*. Ship Anmrr, late J. DABHbftL* A LTBB Q«AT. LIEBEBT A Baaaaaf ka. a a>at at 40 ftaaaiara. with spUndid ana»mmodati.« for fir-•wa-rrlaae, aad *>ek paaaeager*. and Im the greater part provided
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    • 808 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. for Jaraao PorU via Bawaaa aad Sourahaya thi tk* Bth of every month a rWir-r run* in this direction taking direct cargo and pasMBfirs to BaajereiasHin, Pulu Laut, Paaair. aad Katei. Once erery mo atk on the J:trd a stesaier ia .1. spat, lied to Doivrala, Ben.w, and
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    • 844 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES BRITISH INDIA BTSAM NAVIGATION COMPANT LIMITED. TO PKNANU. RANGOON CALCUTTA. One of the Company's rtnamcin is intended to leave Taajong Pagar Wharf *very week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the ab )ve atiaaurs at through rate* to all port* in India aad Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 431 1 INSURANCES. Tax UNION INBT7BANOB BOCIKTT OF CANTON. LIMITED. Hbad Orricß, HoavKoaa. Secretary,— N. J. Cdb, Eaq. Tne at iursigned. Agents fur the above Company, are prepared to aooapt Mariue risks at current rate*. A boaus of A>\ ha* been declared on contributions for IH'.n Baking the average bonua for tk*
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    • 738 1 BANKB. <H ARTKKKI) BANK OF INDIA \J AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORA TEDBY ROYAL CHARTER CAPITAL «800,000 KESKRVEKIND fiW.OOO SINGAPORE BRANCH Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 month*, s°<\ per annum. o /o 3°/ o Current l>.|s.sit A.-couuU an- and interest allowed at 'i per cent, per annum on the
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    • 1100 1 NOTICBB. T7"ATZ BIOTIIII' TAILORING DEPARTMENT New Ooom Abbitimd bUotlibli Tweed Sditimo* i Haanipaa* far t'roareaJ ar kaa, wear OVEBOOATIHOI, New DttlOll Twaad aad Caahaers Trowaariaffs. aaad variety Black aad Bla* French TwUla, Coatings all eoloars, excellent Illlitlwi Tb» nis Clotki aud Flannels The f.naner wanraataa BaahriakaU*. aad taa latter thoroughly
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  • 452 2 LATKtfI MAKKK-1 QP<rrATIOH» HIKOarOBB 8»TB »OTB«B«». IMS Pboboob All' 3» 1, Po.ti.aak. Pepper BU«-k. CosTes Uhsriaa. T,X Tapioca *iuall Flak.. VJr To do Ltoaalitv *■*> do ...e.l ftake do small pesri do i-ed do 4UU. Stickler. Bia» a C:k.v«.. Amboiaa Opium. Benares. do Pata*. m Rice. R»ng."» I. p«r
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  • 104 2 for Pt Itr l\mr To-DAr Sfiuty Tia perl", I. < Jp BjrJn»j .ia |«>ru, KUy.lmt. i To-Voaaow. Scarak.ja i !<« l.» Ban Uin fmam, 11 s A»oy ti» s-.rU. ClKtmnm Ckfi 2 p.m. M*Ucca «nl Unf(i 0. C. Bmith, S f m I SsaasMl 4 B»s«n. Ham
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  • 241 2 AaaiVALS. Per s. a. D,,ra- in from BaUvia aad Port Darwin —Mr F. Bu*hell. raaaeacers. (TO AJtRIVE.I Por P. A O. s. s. Arcadia, from London, November, ll», Mr. E. E. H. orydge*. Mr. A. Cameron Mrs. Bott, infant and maid. Per Valttla, from London. Nov., >3, Col
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  • 247 2 STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY. 29th NOVEMBER ,1893. RETURE'S TELEGRAMS K*tabli*hei> IH4I I'ii.. in ObU. Infrrunl «>rkilsir Hrsit ft* Easfrsr of *.«rsa«in. Sent rnun KaAHcB. An infernal marbiue. identical to that sent to Count von Cap-ivi. was 'Dt to the ■ssfafM Willi un of Oerminy. Owing to its suspicious aspect, tbe boi
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  • 267 2 Tat I^-iHliitive Counril of Ceylon has (nuuted a resolution approving of an outlay of jK-V.T.ihki »n works for the further mtprorement of ColomUi harbour— a matter which has long been under discussion and for which Sir John Coo-it.* had been consulted. He drew up plans framed v v
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  • 46 2 A hfK. in. meeting of tht- Muui<-i|iul Commissioners was to have Ix-eu held this afternoon but, owing to there Iteiog uo quorum present, after waiting half an hour, there was uo meeting. Only the President, the Hon. T. Sbelford. and Messrs. Sobut and Merer were pr«t.-ut.
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  • 20 2 The s. s. bWsjm arrived from l',,rt M.trwiu yesterday afteruoou with \f>7 htjL lotLs for the North Australian Butchering Company.
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  • 18 2 D'Ahc'm Marionettk pert'oruiauce tomorrow night is adveitised to be under tbe patronage of H. E. the Acting Governor.
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  • 32 2 Mr. A. P. Adams goes to Australia, by the Saladin. ou Friday and Mrs. Adam's goes to EugUnd by the next P. A O. mail ou the 12th or 13th of December.
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  • 32 2 Caktaisanu M««. RoKERof the Salvatiou Army will bold a servioe in the Methodist Episcopal Church on »t 7.4.", p. nj.and al-to in the Christian* lus'.ituU; on Sunday, at the same hour.
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  • 31 2 Thbouoh the Govern nienl, the Presideut of tbe Munici|ial Commissioners has received a list of questions to be answered for the information of tbe K >val Commission on the Opium Question..
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  • 75 2 Mk. Tau Keoug Saik, who failed to atleal at the Criminal Assize when summoled as a juror aud was fiued $10. sent iv a certiticate yesterday and bad then ue remitted. It may be remembered that Mr. Tan K*>ug Saik sent in a letter of excuse on tbe ground
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  • 43 2 Or till uVUi i in. afWrauoa th. r. wA* bo furtWr oos»iaat ions of 1 v for sml* oo tb«- Mum. <|v*l Board, srai* th*t are tibe r» *l«l at the rod of Ihe ymr. Tncr* is alrmdy osw caudi each s*»t.
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  • 70 2 Mb and Mrs. Huatlv «^> to Ppaaag l.v a llntisb India st«aost»r on tkie tita nf lie,vmber and C..|. IO W Huntlv return* l.t tli- Iritb in tins* for law prupossd tsrewell dinner t.. Major O tiormaa Mrs Huntly will remain at Penan.; for t ln week* Major O Uortoaa
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  • 78 2 Wi in refereuce to tbe Baakiasj of tb. Ajxi li^bt. Captain Craufud v |>(imuikg lU'estigati ma in the Butter, and.** far he is af opibioD tbat tbe best BSjaMaBI light at present is oa the Sultau 51i..»l CapUiu Field, of 11. M 8 f.>n,i, differs from hioi aud suggests auotli.-r
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  • 52 2 The ftssMsJ Ossßßi Uv saya tbat Mr. A. K. Adams baa giv.n that he would apply for au iiijin. to restrain tbe Coininit'., Cbaiubi-r of C inini'Tce from boldiug the meeting wbub tbeCiairmau has i fur Wednesday for the purpose of decUr iug Dr Browu tbe
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  • 63 2 Al.l. offie^rs wbo enter or have the service of tbe (ioveruuieat nf IVrak kubatquent to tbe Ist Jauuarv. ISM, "v, draw bmbJbsj at tbe rate ot >• h,/. 0 uh dollar. Orfirers transferred fioiu vice of tbe Straits Settlement t.. that i tbe IVrak
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  • 52 2 Si-k. ial services will !>•• b^-ld iv H Ai draw's Cathedral to-morrow. Thur.l,. tbat ildv 1 eing th< t.«ast ot th.- l'«tr Saiut. There will lie a low atM tbe Kiii.harist at am, ■sTVsM of inter lessioti lor inissious at M am, M eveusong and Serioou
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  • 53 2 While the United Sutes au.l I tralian colonies are framing regulation for tbe curtailment ot CsUBBM numiicru tion, British Qu-ana is offeriug a of 7.' dollar* p. r hea.l for these p.. to the uatnber of 5.000, for BsXplr/sMal un tbe plantations aud iv
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  • 140 2 THRKK Mk'V KAROED WITH AjHOt At the Police Court, this inorniug, rklM luru whom tbe Police arrest. >\ weie charged with arson iv conu.itiou wilii the late tire in B >übam Street Mhl Iml Quay Tbe men iv custody an. l h*r^- 1 with being the cause
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  • 215 2 D'Arl's marionette troup<- provided an interesting eutertaininent iv the Town HiM again Ust ereum^'. Jhv atteu.lann- fa| not so Urge as the eibjliition dcaarfasl, 1,,! probably the TTtfirV aMMai at Tangliu b«ij some L-uuuection with tbe eiu|>tv BMt| Tbe programme was a loug uuu aud >'4ri.-t| from
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  • 330 2 Ms: A. E. GiK* M!., x i k.. lati I Eugioeer iv the Chief Locomotive an* 1 Carriage IVpartu). ut, hjgyptiaa Governineot Railways, writes from Gloucester Bank Chambers. Newport, Mun., to th<SUiiidard of Ort. 2H, to offer a few abatf I vatioua and suggestions for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 632 2 •TUIE BOBUfBOOnaPAXY I.iv 1 Osjsbb ffWsj lasssaan Bsviaty AUas AasawsM**) C PW* TW Übsbs aWaal aasass Matiawiian < «j TW. Tisliblib Lags* B*~ t pa> v TWa Msralai la—f-. l«s>**r;. Listit-I far sswtsralars tl tWsw OaSBMBM* th* •rtiwMSt THI BOkNr Ag-,t. THI-TANDARD A atoaftaa !..*> "P— 1«• year. fuMW«.«il. f.issW
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    • 900 2 The Straats Times baa the b rge3t circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protactel States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands In lie 3. the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has ao
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    • 424 2 1 NOTM I I i/ r o r (i WHAT a Kre\l disappointment it would bar* he*u tv oar little Friends, had the flawww of the late fire at our premise* not have >pent 'hair fanr. or rather had the efforts of "vwthl* SINUv^ORB FIRE BRIG4DR •a* BEST 'THANKS to
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 WEATHTR RBPORT. limlkm Krabau Hotpttal, Oik Surrmbrr, 1803. tis Xpaa Vf.m. Kiniu. Bir. B»l M Ksh. 2'.»19 Ju.M9 2a.Mtt 'j Tesip 77.1 74.S 74.0 J"i Wet tolb Tk*r. 74.4 7J.8 TS.i ;I Dir. of Win I K. W. K. W. N.W. jS? Max. T.iiip. lasaaO* <«.» T Mia. do do
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  • 50 3 •t.-rd*t oa Ik* mBBmSBBi MSB BSbYsBBB at arrvata w «»rl -1.4-tlt t Ud .iwl'-W"" BB»» MM tUt i- Tu. ..-<*«■• was) •■arm iv Ai»m wberr lac •od watt tb.-ir ,1 luak-d out brfovvuaoo- Tbow- wttlr. >uk«i U«e uam at Ik* tiae ol 1 au
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  • 32 3 rim ateat twltfut IB tbe j ■i -i k. I bat mutt bare a ra[«i in Dot iv ißsßiirn <>f uuiii >L.- arv al.U* issistauw a pt 1 41!
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  • 45 3 OtmUt uke. tbe tbat iiiilitia. i i- r irther M iQ a Crown C.»loM at home. Tbat caaaot b» doa* in this Colony. Tbe Wprived i»e of war, ba deprived of iv MaM priv. l--r an» must their .> not I In-11l Kill
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  • 73 3 u'wi may roar readers, con- lifs me tiiur Tbe following A th- if ot of tbe American it !i >e«tio« ha« bad a moat M Br k. n Hill Mine.. had to close down have already l>een .lli>w." ■'Ill,' liUJr *i{", tl lit I r tl.ilitv
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  • 141 3 I ssr» Oalbraitband i. b |*itnlr« rfmkim, law tin ore MiMaa 1 it* !io areas oo the V istralia, and they I 'h i' i I ti i t _v r, .-onuiuii valuable -uutry lv tfe world ivi 1 already \f> il las liuti i »bi.-b
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  • 1493 3 !•«<>■• l.<*|< •-i Kirn. H»— atral. MmWJ '> v i.. an 'v.- bW| i~l W. WI..H U<w ac. Tk» ufjro« a >■<> |-aiulu tbe !<•-. o< 4irvfuU»t *o*. OiKr dritiuK 1 bur.t bUU-r te«rt au4 aot<U .-■A at vi» dmr l^a.J i I IwkeJ out of tbe wiuduw,
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  • 246 3 I I Mb) Mimm GtirriTß Fakran i Co »•<•*•- lish a novel entitled Ai, A<i»pt"l WU'. from tbe of Mr. Arthur Keyscr, who in Collector and Magistrate of Jelebu. Tbe work v ni.vlv 1 riute<l. on roUk.'b-ediT'-'l paper, bound iti an unusual and pn tty pat«r
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  • 329 3 The towu of Havre, a corn-spoud.-nt of tin- Btmmdmd (Oct. 2H) expi^io*. is just now the MaM of some important sanitary etpauaMata, outcome of ex|ierimenl« which M. Hermit.-, a»nist-.l by Mr. Cooper, conducted iv July, 188 f. in Kouen. Tbe inveiiti^atious of Faraday on tbe eff-i-t
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  • 1412 3 I DtTius or ra* Matabkli Wai I BBAi.rcu Suunim »t Mac hik > T*m«'»L«?< tUKS ATSAHT4IIOBB Tub DsririT atthb Wcbld's Paiss. Tut Cost or tmi Colliibt Stbiki RPAIH AT A Loss IH MOBOOOO. Ah.vtheb Poi.ab Disabtik TkiMihij,. A*bitbat:om Lo*i Hth SjtfHh,, j Portlier detail' arr v. Baud
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 540 3 rTWILaT LANOLINB." 4 BRASIONS. Burn*. *nd Wounds heal i rapidly uaasr applieat.on of Toilet Lanoliue," which and eoaalaaUy clears the completion, aad is aspseially awfml for th* rioting of >oung children In eollsßsihto Tabes Kd in elegant boxes 3d., from all Chemists and Druggists. Wholesale Depot, 67, Holtsirn Viaduct Tli*
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    • 147 3 NOTICES. VfcALISTBR AMD COMPANT. A UBTRALIAN IREA M C R T DDTTIR nUBIBCl) OKA N I A Shipment of the above favorite batter juet arrived. Acknowledged the finest on ths market. It is now packed in new sir-tight tins sud is absolutely pure. Ib 1-onaeqe.ence of the fall iv Exchange
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    • 878 3 BHIPPIN FOR ADELAIDE. MKLBOURNR. AMD BTDNIT. taUaf eanro for all Aattraliaa aad New Isamaaasrw TW* steamship BVCMPHALt% Caataia Hay. 1,818 rssj. toa. left C«leotta m Mm Ma iastaat, sad she may U .iperted her* aa th. 27th idem Bn* ha* ftdly ljijii cartf* and has gooa irrns— lisMis fer mafaMi
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 186 3 \rr.i 111. ui«. Wwmtmmtx, "^vth N..vkimtii. Hurb Water, l.+ t p iu Manouette MmMM Tuwu Hall. W u: Muuicij^l Nowiuatious «lftM R.jwiutf Club Kao.-«. Tni'U9llU, NutKM*KK. Hi*h Water a lU a m. Ml \< in Moon. Lut Quarter 4 3 p. in. Salr-ue Sile. Powell X Co. K >w.u< CiiiIi
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    • 91 4 t'u.l«r this heading the following abbreviations are used:— str— steamer; sh. ship, hq. barque; Brit.— British; U.S. United St* as. Fr.-French Ger. German Dut —Dutch; Job Johore Ac.,— G.e.^^Jeneral cargo ;d. p. —lack (■aseengers; U.— Uncertain T.PfW T»njong i'agar Wharf; T. P. D Tanjong Pagar Dnk HM—
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    • 100 4 S*a 01. str sfV> ton.<. .V> BBw», I M. 140 horse-power Capt Murphy. Mill O. t From I'.-nani;, Uth. Colonial Oovernineot. Station.— T. P. W. P.illat, H.M'«. l.lTlßSaß lllasl. 1 iiun. 7.50U horse-power. Capt. McLeod. Itth X .v. i From Bhio StraiU, 84th. Senior Naval Officer. BUtion.— Rd*. 1
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    • 888 4 Abbivals Since N'oom or Tctemdav. Steamer* passed through Darw>», Brit. str. *7j IaBB, Oaf*. aWwanaa. I .-.itb Nov. From Port I)nr»in via Hatavia. 19th Csttl*. N'.irth Australian Butchering Co. For Port Darwin, V.—S. a. W. Yo-nm*arU, Uut. str. is til tons, C«pt. Koninir sMth Nov. From Bataria, Mia.
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    • 157 4 Name. fort. a*J Date of *n/i»; KbOM IjOMDmN Victiirin. !<•! J7 Beularig, IM i;i«n-iii..|. Od H Monmoutlitliirn. Bloi GlenfUloch, BTot Bombay N Arcadia Mar 10 Beiig!,.., \,,v. Ifl aVaaaMßsT, N'.a BIBKBhBIBAU PiugSuey, Xov. 4; LIVKBPUuL Imlia, (»^t Mitidtn.i i, J.t, Palinana, (>. AehUkt, O,t 17 PatNdas, Ost. 38
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    • 92 4 >1T- VlHlL'l \a«« I'LiUARi, CiPTAIM UnTIMiTIOM Not 28 M. U U« f Woof An. 29 Kiu Y«uf I NrrbudJ." Heb. K 1.1 j.toa.' 2» t-ittern 2» Buccplului 28 Voorwuti* 29 Kirn OuuVac It MaUeea f Dnt. »tr. (Jrejory Bnt.itr. full^n «tr. N'Mod.b Ur St Cron "tr. P.| T rtr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 390 4 TICKS l» e«aa*«jU'-ai>- .>f tke U > I" 'I" !,\IK,i: SUPPLOS HAVK ittITKA McALI S T K \l Co. "J t fttt rttft't rel mUM I Safest V Mi U lul »..f IhrTnilH. t^^^aa^ aa^faaaliW t|^ .^aaafjav^ I 1 I I I •aMafaaTaaaaaaaWaaMaa, w W Vj^y Aa ideal sua» d-lightf
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    • 434 4 NOTICES. CILTIOM TO SHIPOWNERS AND CAPTAINS BAHTJENS AUTI-FOULINO COMPOBTTION <Ha*r aaahas thaa eai original saaaufaeture are bow sold Tk* gjsaaass aad oaly T'lisiasaitnii with wUak M*. Rahtjxk himself has sbj iibbbii ti.ais Habtmahr's Rahtjbbp. aaal paskaa;»a ars bbbtwib with taeas word, aaa trai. saark aa osjsa hand ia Bad. Rejsrt
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    • 1413 4 j DOCKS. rfMIE TANJOMG PAGAB DOCK CO L LIMITED Ta* sOTsaiasa at tas Uo*»aaaj ar* ataatea at Taajnaf Pa^ar adjoisiag bY» io»B of Ma«apor*. a*iU tras^oir. r3 at aaotr tajsrrals oarrriact gin sad gooaa frosa Wkarf to J stiaaHoas at low rates. Tk* Wharf .'xteaas to osts mil* aad qnartac
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    • 899 4 ICES. toteklvhal im. RILBT, HAHcTaIAVIS* CO E>«1«BBM. IBO» A BaABB FOOHDBM. BOILBBMAKBBB. BBIIHJE BOIUDBBI. 8«IP j BCILDBBS. GE»BBAL COWTB*CTOBB. 81N0APOBE* KUALA LL'MPOR SHIP BUILDIXQ YARD HUiH class STEAM VBSBILS alwajs under construction, fron: 18 ft. U> 150 ft. I lenfrth of keel, of hast de*i|m and Jaaafc. MACHIXBBT irom leading
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    • 186 4 NOTICED pfRB IARUGS A pIBMICAL* BstaTl sad HosriTAi. ladaat* execated •aaa* dsy as received PATKXT »I.»H IM.H. I I'". Gersndsl'n Pastille* Brown's Bronchial Troche*. Clements' Tonir Wsraer's Saf* Cure Clark's Blood Mixture Dr. Lalor's Pkospliodynr Towaasad'* Sarsapanlla BaMMaf r—H. IwclnsllllK Benger's Mellia'.. Neave's. Nsstle's. Ridge's Savory A Moore's. BaftafJaaaaaWaV Folders
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    • 278 4 88. nIDIIID roou Tbt it ami Too win. aa>*Uns»i Rt) I R RBLTLIOR aegs to tsfora tv. i.uhllc that his rartory far pi tL {'rushed Food, at 34. DaHHaa lUai/u*!. .(»-n«xl F'r.l (Has. Craaaaa Poaa, tsVJO a> kaf sasa UkwaOate **.*> Ii dian Hran IS.*> n n To bs had
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