The Straits Times, 17 November 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED i 1881, SINGAPORE, FKIDAY, NOVEMBEB 17, 1893. NO. 18,172.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 519 1 rnua Osi*r« r fe»«*~» •ea»>"»a»>-4»e*» Nss* ssa f __J ma*« BiK*ka*kS^H>w w —^^^^^^^rw ■.■^s^aaißß •Mlc-a-ea.. ■■MB :J *»|sil*»ss may asestßT eat list «s ay. Bi*f»ttss* sa4 tlssaw* K»i ',4 «*tii'.l*ti« 1 ii'K xrrwEJtV s,i Tien %i lia for t .»4/u th. lacal *-**> t X*pl*a or Mskftsi. afttAl RKTURX Tirtm
      519 words
    • 490 1 S »H J < OMPAMEB. I) Vmd*r e<w«nM-< with th« KvtherlaiMl* Seat" "^IJZI^- ra. a, I rme,l»te port, of J.v. "•tely direct or via .-..1, lie steamer* of the P and O. o. Ft. < nv run termedUt. port, of Sumatra's ■sad aoaat pJ[2W ly D— tU SUk Bengkali. ..a«
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    • 779 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES riMo /'uri< via Bawean and Souraliaya i in the M of ev..ry month a steamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and passearae to Baaiennaasin. Pulo Laut, Pa*eir, and Kotei. Oner rrery mimth oa the &ird a steamer i* despatched to Dongala, Berow, aad Buloogan also calling
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    • 839 1 [NBURANCEB CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital an ascribed 12.&U0.0U0. Amonnt paid ap ,V)Q,OOi). Reserve faad 730,000. Head Office, Honokono General Agent*. MMara. Jabiinb Matbeson A Co The nndersigned having been appoiuted Ageate for the above Company are prepared to Marine Riaks at current rates. A Roau* is annually paid
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    • 501 1 [NBURANCBS. 1 rjARDI AN KIBE AND LIFk. ABBCRA N( K VJ COMPANT. LIMITKH. LONDON. E*TAtLt*HBD IMI. Bnh*cribad Capital JUWO.OOO Total Invested Fund*. 4,»l«,0U0 Annual Income, 9M,000 The underngned, agenta for th* above Company ars nnia*i*d to accept flre riaks for short periods of ten day* or longer period*, at current
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    • 511 1 HANKS. UIAKTKKKII BANK OF INDIA J AUSTR4LIA AND CHINA. INCORPORA TED BY ROYAL CHARTER CAPITAL £Hoo.'">o RESERVE FUND £250.000 SINGAPORE BRANCH. Interest on Fixed Deposits. For 12 month*, s°/ per annum. 6 n 4°/,, 3 3°/,, Current De|H»>it Account* are opened and interest allowed at 2 |«r rent per annum
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    • 755 1 I X MeadßT. th* 2ntti Nnroarasr. r«t at the Coioatal Serretery OAas, Kssaaear*, a ad at th* tUsWetn OmmeinfT OaWSama, aad Malacca, fraas airssaa isstnai el r«s trading for -upplie* for th* teonwasaeal •< Sisgapore, Penaß« aad MaUtsa, tsaai eUvmli. for oae, two or tkreo years, for ths seat reef*
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  • 5 2 MAI LS CL O SE
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  • 22 2 Passenger Lis t. Akkivau. IVr 11 R,.tulciui• from 8y Itiey via ports: —Mr. ami Mri. Wood. M*wr<. Bowen, <' Mini. r. G. Maiw,.,,
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  • 142 2 Ve ss els Advert is ed to Sa il. Kor LoD.lon and Havre, /'ai Hag, dv. 17th ■otMMMKj Borneo Co. Kor Chiua and Japan. oUenhu,j on 17th uiU-r. Behn MeyiT nnd C>. r r Eurupe. iloy,rn, dv* ISth November, 11,'lni U..JIT ami Ci,. For Java Port*. A»U»or, on 19th \ov«iul>er,
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  • 532 2 \!.KKI gC<>rATI-)S> Biwo*fobe ITra sWMMJMB, MB. Pbodivb iMMt S «-3i S 1. .1 .1.. 12. 8.4 V Coi.ra 1L.1,. 5«7%. do PsatissMk, Pr, M .-r Kla.k. Ml BafTrhar, hmmmm MS< do Bn»ei iM%. OsHsTaG. CoCn Libsrtsa M7JI TaaiaM »nall Flak*. 1" To do l-t quality 4*» do Hake
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  • 20 2 STRAI T S TIM E S FRIDAY, 17th NOVEMBER, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS K- r vki isiiki. 1831. Price 10 OnU.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 438 2 The Budget Discu ssion. III'INiET .|ls.llssio|i>i .ir> lie .ss.ltll\ s. MMMMI in thfir S.-..JH' lliat they art' not MJfJ inl.T.^t hilt to lifan-rs at n-a'lfr>. imr MMjMtarday'i Maeaassoa any exception to that rule Th,- iMMjMMth* < ' at \f»t«-r.lav'» imi'tin^. tu nut 1 its attention .ilin.iKt mil.-Iv to thf Mu,l_-..t
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  • 11 2 hTmHBB. Vai.tkinv vnii On rem..v,.| t.. Ni. a Koliinson K,..vl
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  • 11 2 H. M. S. E'jfria retiirne.l Ir Ca|»' Kachado vesteniav e veninu.
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  • 12 2 fail— at «;..lf. l>.irl., W....1--wird. Th.-re will fail MM play tomorrow.
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  • 15 2 A Tiffin will be «.rvrd in K.itH. s I'lttiu Ivooms to-morrow (Saturdavi at IM \>. m.
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  • 17 2 ISv lan! aivMCt from IVMMf, Mr. Kiccaril, wlio Mkl Ix-fii in luwpital there, h.i.l returned to duty.
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  • 19 2 The cricket match D tbe c*rd for tomorrow is S. C. C. v. S. Keorcatiou Club on the Esplanade.
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  • 20 2 These is to be an Association football match ou the Esplanade tbi« afternoon between the 3. C. C. and Garrison.
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  • 19 2 A m< i.\<i Ilif lUKsengers who arrired by (t.'Miian mail from Kurope is Bign of Ooy/n.'i.i. tbe Italian Consul.
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  • 21 2 Thkhk is to be a meetio); of the ineni- l>ers of tbe Singapore Swimmiug Club this e»ening at tbe Warerley Hotel.
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  • 24 2 It is said that the Tou<juiu piraU* tleniand a ransom uf $I(H),iki<i aMM for tbe three captives they vow have iv their MM> session.
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  • 16 2 The giii^Apore I'hillmriiionir latMii advertises some partiuulars relating to their Orchestral Concert 011 the lit! instant.
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  • 16 2 Mbi. Maxwell's reception veiu-rday wu numerously attended. Among thove present was the Minuter Resident from Bangkok.
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  • 24 2 The Chief J untie h.u take tbe houte of the Hon'ble B. K. laeuiou^T, and will i.ii.ive there from tbe BttM-s Hotel, ueit MM
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  • 26 2 Km tbe eicursion of the Singapure Amateur PhotaMMMM Society in a strmsn launch on Saturday alt. rn.-.i! Mesnhvrs BKPt at Johnston's 'Pier at 2 p M.
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  • 24 2 Mb. K. J. R<iß«nTmii« will gkwa tern Sli-lf Kihilntion at the Pnn* Chapel t.>night at I •'•ls* t. M wilh the Chine*- Christian sVmMHMMM
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  • 24 2 The ftuyrn. t<> sad on Saturday. Uk.«. lor Colon. Bir Chail.-s W.iri.n and Mi^ Bonser. and. for Kuro|.e. Ci|tnn .1 C I mill lUui;LoL
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  • 25 2 Lieut. H. 1.. Tiiiil MM lofal Lai canter Regnutiit, has MMI gMMtMsJ tlif local ami temporary rank of CipUin, while servirg witb tbe Perak Sikhs.
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  • 32 2 The Bey. Mr. Murray of P. nang tali s the i-ervioe iv tbe Presbyterian (' here on Suuday ucx'. Hf will MMI MMdilcl servi.-e ill the MMMsI Institute iat9a. in that day.
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  • 35 2 Mb. A. C. «f«MM has l>c«'ii Mkaj, and has council ted. lo •'and an a tan lid ie for Kallaug Ward scat on the Mum. |*1 Board. The iioiuinalion will ( Tie *<>nt iv to-day.
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  • 38 2 Thb Hongkong (ioverinneiit have beat authorise! l>v the MMtafJ State to offer to all 10, al Ml MMs, ii,>< .1 I in the 'olonv. llif HMM b ii'ir I IfaakHM which have U-^-u MMMMI I" IsM HMM officials.
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  • 38 2 BaVMMJ and^tani. the two Malays wbo have lieeii arrested on sUKpieiou oi Mag tuit'i'tued in the K-iliau swad iiiiinl.r "I .i rikisba. noli.-, have Ueii ea*«gs)d Utoif ihe Magistral. Formal evidence was adi ducd to justify a reunud
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  • 48 2 At tbe A»»'i to .1 iv, the jury MMwd tbe case against K.olri. r%aiMsl with a rash act. causing the sWatb J Obea V n. In- alleged n.'ifli^cn, in a nailwaf coilisioa at KlaiiK' Tie jirv r.tiirn.d verdnt of imt cuiltv, willioiit hearing the < 1-. for Urn defeuce.
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  • 47 2 Ft>K tin- MMstMsl of S." rtarv to Ihe Haaaasr Ctaa and atMßrMaatMc baasia. there were applitat ions fr mi P, naug, (longkong, the N line Slat.s ami loeallv. Itro. MMlr, a N CO iv tin I; I) was HMMM I. ami he has l»> 11 ap|M>iute<l.
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  • 53 2 Meskrs. Ka<7. Bros, advertise that their a^les room al t' >■ lonur of Boiihain and Klmm si n-fts will ai aaaaad taartlr. A» thfi inlenil lo close thfir furniture di|..irtinenl. their sI.K-k of fiirniliire will, aril week. U> offer.-.! I „.sl pri. c. T'nir offi c will be at No.
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  • 50 2 A BPKI 111. MMMMg of the Haaietpal (.'oniiiiisHolii'lH will at hfld 1.-d.iv o'clock, lo give ,-ff .ct to thf. i..|,i,r.'in.iits of Im 71 of mm staairiaal OrliaasMw, The meetiug is merely la lav the |m;i t Estimates on the table iininediatclv this is <lone, Ihe li<*rd «in-» int.. nuniit t.
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  • 69 2 Mr. Macliaktv's wo,k m the Ajfint Ih. CUmMJ is on sale Ht |1 JO C"|'V, I but tbe rice set ii|H.n Mr. Huttenliai h's pamphlet in reply is l'>. Mr. Hiittenlut. h I explains tha". the MsMfMMt, Mag MIU for the MMatl of the Peuaug Kr.f S. ho ,1. those
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  • 141 2 < >> the Ciiiniual Assiz» Court remimiui; its sitting* this morning, tlie Chi.- f Jnal referred to the case of the tiv.,i\s who .rT.ete.l the .a|.ture of four of !i MMf ■>t Chines.' roul»-rs. it ***** Ml r. m. ml ed that l!ie gaug broke int.". a
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  • 135 2 Mr. Huttenbac h' s Ca ndidature. The naaaj a<iz,ti, „t ti,,. 1 ii iMMaat, |'iilili»his the first of au iuteuiied aerieH of arti.l.n adverse to Mr. Hultenbatb'H candilature for the LegigUtWe Council. Tbe article which pur|>orta to In ,1 Member of the Peoai^ ChainUr of O«aV If. *eek« to show
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  • 7070 2 THE LEGISLATIVE COUNC IL. pur- ti Mr Mcbbat. Mr. MiRk»T V bind I _-.r did I I li.-th-n pro--with mk h there klioiiM I'lM::: ll' it AU.I I be tin uld not the I I itler tile M not "M.- of i ibat. if the they BOMld ii.ii and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 603 2 rfWI MTMU/E "Ml-aW I.IHITBD TH a Hiss as r« 1 .f. A ian as ■flab I'sssa PVs las bibb i gsristt >HSItSM <'ISS»SST r TW. B««iisMs Ufa Aiarsasi Hsns4t TW <i-ss-lia«s» Ismtssm. ('—pay ■tea ■■••al Bli si MssHfan TV. TMSaabass l-a«w B— r Ctiissiar. TW Htm... Im-wi C«ss*a«y. L.s».i-H tm
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    • 907 2 sun The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any nawsuper in Asu. British Inlii eiceptei_ It circulates in Sinjipore and Penanj. throa?hout all the Protectel States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands In iie3. the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 712 2 i >k\ii:ni"B. i eg. THB nad.r. k-e~» U«w r»««T-l ra«>« to X B»»iraasr> As«at«n fs>r i IT II Om. TAI.TKIS n Arrival Tirrii houhs. A «|wri.l T.ron will ho asrrrd st tax sbors r>asßs tOßismtw. «t IS' .Klr.S BK'iTHKRS A' TI OX SA L F TKAK PLANKAT THE Oa«
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    • 7 2 V*r Uraeral Shi»pla« Hews ss« sag* I
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    • 63 2 MILS. »M UI IU I. .k»«l< rr.llm m mtmtttf Uurv« <* tk *—<~>y er> iijiVCl IKtt m*U rtW~u« U illl liwtlaH •~l'«.l» nlial s> lk« (IMS IU Mtl— la« sSilrtilHaiiil mifl>»w« mi <»- y r"~ v .■■<■'. **> —> Wlmt ik~ f" »wk MllV Tbe Straits Times tvs the largest
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 WEATHER REPORT. KambiHt krabau Hutpttal, 161), aWMMMSj 1883. ta.m. 3 pm. it p m. Eimu<. Bar. r»d. 31 Fah. JP.aU *.78l 29 SOU h T*mp M.J M.» 70.8 \V*i IJulh TUer. 77.8 78.5 7i.d 6Dir. of Wind NW. W.iW i.'alm. -3 Mai. Temp. iaihaH* 8i.2 Mia. do do Ti.B \lt
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    • 186 2 ■ttMMJMMMMa 17th BJothmmb. Hi^-Ii H in Moon. Ki.hl Quarter. |J d Hind. Qa*daas a, m. Linl.rii Kiitertaiiiui.iil. I',, .>, CbjaaaL ha. Swimming C'lnli Haatiac. Hotel 8.;J0 p. K.H.llwll. S. C. C. r. (iuriv.ii. BaBM ll.l'l. Satubiiav. IHtm jN.ivkmbkk. IliKb Water 4.;,j Furniture An, t,..,, ■/.riaaa Mill t
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    • 174 4 SHIP PI NG IN PORTL. Under this hxading the following sahrstia tioos are used I «tr steamer sh. ship, bq barque; Brit.— British; U.S.— Unitnd Statm Fr .-French Oer. German Dut Dutch Ms. Johore; Ac, G.c. (reneral cargo, I. p. d.«-k paassafsn; U.— Uncertain T. P. W—Tmi jong Pagar Wharf;
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    • 1098 4 ABBITALS SIHCB NOOS Or TESTEBnAY. Steamers passed tbrougb £«»«*<>'". Brit ttr. 90 tons, Oaf*. Bruit-. 17th Not. from Muar via Mala. m. 10th aad U d p W.- Bin Co. For Muar and Malacca. IBth— Rds Ptj* Brit. str. MOton-i Capt. IVawnAsj, 17th Not. From Venang via porU
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    • 127 4 Name, Port, and DaU of Sadmf Fbom Lonoow. I »,-,..iuic, (Vt. |S| Manila. Ott. 21. VirlorU. CM J7 Carman h«n»liin>, Oct. Bsasßtsc, (tat, tS; (il gi". O.i I-(ilnnshi-l. 0.-t H <;aii({i"t. Nov. 2 fllaafiiaaß. Nm Uomluiy Nov. '.< Arcsdia Nov In lilKkKNBIfAli Kintiirk, Ort. 24 PingSiiey, Nov. 4;
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    • 66 4 I>»t ViutL'n Nim. t'Lwtß'i' Captain DimDiTiox I i lor 17 Pi-tral Tliow Sulu via porta 17 Di.m.m.i itr. Kill. Admit »ia port* 17 WiUU'tb«Wup .tr. arot.i Mok An«.n »i« porU 17 Shi Ptf»Ua Dut. ,tr. Van d«r Hunt Klanf ti» port--17 lialxlla firit.ttr H«4mo UjaaWi. Bamatn Mr. Zaratlnu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 305 4 i tinl.\l!(,l SI PPLIES HAVE AKKIVKI). M oALI ST I! I! A tmr IhrToiln. i^'^W^ ssf^ Mi. i i -m.i.,1.1. il I i. tin. *8 E it. skinv vyy li.>n il FLOR \i \Mi M.-.I ,-il. Hl' kH HIATI BAVKI IT, J i «rd.r-. wlii -h far w-seia, it SBMBlly
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    • 840 4 SHIPPING ]kTOI>DDBUTB< HKK 1 I FOR H -HANiiHAI AND •RTB man Mail SteaaMT Shi Ri. r.ptais Cathsaisan. havias; 4osm*j tU I2ta instant, may be exp^risd to arms hsr* sa the 17th iaetant, BBrsJ |«>rts. Knr f night aad rassasrs. apply U. 17 11 BEHN METER A Co. Ageats. X' .iKlili
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    • 1442 4 DOCKS rTIHE CAOAR DOOI 1 LIsfITBD The ssssitsss of the lomsaay are ■•natsa at Taafoas; r*agar adjoining the town of Siagapore, itsta tram-oars run at short laterrals oarrriag fasssansri aad goods from Wharf to itioa* at low rassa. The W h*rf .-steads V> one mile and qw»«r aad is divided
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    • 256 4 NancM. mrcALISTBB AMD OOMrAKT. a PSTRALIAN nnnii l» OSB BUD gB.KI) A shipment of the shove favoriU batter just arrived Acknowledged the naest oa ths atarket It i» now pseked la asw air- tight tins snd is absolutely pure. la consequence of the fall in K.rhange we have had to
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    • 235 4 NOll -W-BBOBS. O. R LAMBERT I Ornea now TBklß ABTISTK A1.1.T DBaiaMKll V' MA v /<AR D 8. Kok Sai.c. Ab early iiiapertioa i> isviled al our studio B«tl«ry Ksmml ALSO AT KELLY A WAI-8H ABD JOHN LITTLK A C" SINtiAPORE INBURANCR COMPANT LIMITED IN LIQUIDATION NOTICE i» hereby given
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    • 263 4 liKNSOK'B WATOBB* M«Nora«-roBT. Lcdoatb Hiti, awßlaui. MAKRh TO B~U THE QDBBM Sfaemlly maaafaetursd aad miss < i ur asa ia ths Bast, Bbrsob's Sn.uL <tiisst» •FIKLD" WAT' A iold Keyless Baglish Half Chrr« nmst, r> BKNSON'B "UTIMiATB" W« A thrao-qaartor Plata Bajrliah Laws* |,n, e..mpe»ated Silver. A*.4*. 3oM. «11|» f
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