The Straits Times, 4 September 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times I-:>TAHLISIIKI>: 1«H. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER K UWtl. NO. IH.HK>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 348 1 ►-.Al^rvr-.v i tt. aU. n > «tt *f» wawaat ff^- '•••I t aatanmaiawt.- a.T. J a|.f.i ■mj a* wtawr 1 -.v»' h.rr tbe tostfcss to ...1 t—m Itlis Iii Jaaaa, ji I As tra is, :ir,er». iodtnr traai i.rmt»d <*tsrr r- mo.l ->; psuisr J|fel -l»ti r ha- k.. .•■»•>
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    • 955 1 STEAMSHIP UOMPANIEB. Baraal l orU ria Hawaii and -Varahava. On the »th of ev.-ry mouth a steamer runt in Nwwaß t^kinif .lir.ct esrgo and ssifi'i to Panjerma»in, lulo 1 aat. NaaaT, b 4 a -lonxr to Douirsla, Ken w. ami Hulougsn ah railing a' Itnnj. rmas-iti Puio 1 jint
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    • 812 1 STEAMnHIP COMI'AMi;BAUTISH INDIA STEAM RATMATIOII COMPANY IsUUTUt, I.NANO. HANIiOON t CALCCTTA. f tiie Compuy'> aaaaMM i. tawaaasd .•rer. weak Pweengers and Cargo are bt^leil by the ab ire rinaini-n at through rates t-. all ports in In lia and Ceylon, aiso to East Aluoan Torts, Mauritiuo in- I-.nd. n TO
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    • 596 1 INSUiiANCES. SOI'TH BRITISH FIKK AM' M\! \V l\>! RANCK COMPANT OF SKW UUI IMB Oajajßai .43,000.000. Fire and Marine. Insurancv elected at current rate*. »0 °i Cask diacuunt allowed on Marine I*olicie* in lieu of anaual Bonus. Wa. McKEBROW A CO. AgenU. SUN LlPl ABBURAHOB OOMPANT Of CANADA. i aajtad
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    • 813 1 BANKB. (IHARTRRED BVNK OF INDIA J ACBTB M.l v on china i>-i;mi ni:y uin.ii.ciiAKTSU capital MMM BBBXRVB UNI) i: >INi. A PORE KRANCH. laTHmwM on Fim Drro-i B] For IJ m.'i.lliv |>r annum I t I I Nt DaaaaM Aataßatt arc opened and 1 flowed st -2 aw cent.
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    • 334 1 woncifc. jyCcALIBTIB AMD COMPANT y >h bali THE BBITaaVI SOatOOKBB (MM A HI IM toaa Baariatw bmUt in >.uckmad ia 1878 of Kauri Piae, Laarth W .f«e« Braadtk U feet I" ths. Depth 11 feet laeaa. 5/10 ta. Carrie. OuUain a mean draft of I ha, two howports. aad is
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  • 585 2 LATEST ADVEIU LAI KST M AKKCT QUO I I U»NC. »ib*apobb. tra Sarraatsßß. INM Paoowoa. (iaiaaac f a* ac We. t 10-*'» a* a* N*. 1 »*> OearaHali, 80 ao PuatiaMß, 4-7 S. fepper Blark, 40. jaaToriuair ."Ura.ak Vtk S Braaei 2-i^i-Paarl ta<.. 3.49. Joß*. b.l »Mk OaSH Überiaa,
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  • 92 2 For Pit ttr. lu-atuaaow lu>. r»»_ iM«4a>, <•*.■ Hoof koe« Japau, MacD»g. m Saigon. 1.k,.. i p a KIU( via aoru, Sm n Scull, 3 p.m. I- t 3a Maar, 8..^U(.«, I c.a Paaaaf ria, perU. My < Ia Soa abaj. ria pa. v, rap Dwad... 4 f
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  • 121 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 4TH SEPTEMBER, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS Established 1831. Price 10 tanta. Pasiibq u> tii Homk Kn Bill. l^ondon, V«rf September.— The third reading of tbe Home Rule Bill baa taken placs in> the House of Com inons. The numbers were three huudred and one agaiust two hundred aud
    Reuter  -  121 words
    • 63 2 Tliiti- i* reavuio to believe that Kn^Un.l LomtUm. M Stf4 Th.. Margins uf Puffrnu iiaa arrir«d at Paria M. Mvre d« ViWra ba< ifivpn Bwio thr.-r months to coo«!t]<*r a rn-w trratv. which i* Tirtuallv ovrrriJing tbr (wtnmercial treatirs with otbur o.uutnt-s aoil Fraooe are Tirtutllv at;r>«d
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    • 18 2 Iv tbr wi-und ImIIoU. Measieurs 'Irm.-i--tvau nu'l Kli«|net hare been d<-f^«ted and y Goblet elected.
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    • 25 2 Kullv our tliouaaod persons have \--r--■abed in tbe rroent crcloce boH tidal wave in tbe Btat«a of Carolina. (J.-o'ijia, and Florida.
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    • 13 2 flic WeUh miufif strike ii rulla| tioit. I
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    • 43 2 THE EMPEROR WILLIAM AND EUROPEANS PEACE. III. Klii(.. .'I .'f •Tlll.illt «|h;iLiii_' at Metz, said that Met/, auil it* Army Corpt wen- til-- comer stone of <i.riii.iuv'n Military Powrr. and were deatioeJ to p«"■erre Ruropeau peaw which he wu firmly re»<>!ve<] to maintain.
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  • 1087 2 A i midnight on Friday la*t the Hulls* of Commons divided on the third reading of mM Horn.- Rule Bill, with the result that the Bill [.ass.-d l.v a majority of 34. Only 664 members voted, thus sbewiug an absentee rword uf lir-J Of course most
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  • 317 2 I'Hk joiiriiaN aflSaVaag li> rtMH "U that portion of Mr Hwettenhana'i h|n^-. h. at a r«x-<'iil ltaiii|Uet. wh.n on l»'halt i of IYr.ik h. exprwiaed it» williugneiu aid Mm colony financially if tli. I .l.m\ U.-.-.1.-.1 aid The I'eiiHUg uew»|..ip m convert that Mi.ggestioii. an .■■mvert.-.l it. mm
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  • 275 2 It iua> U- aaaeTva*] atta. l.c 1 1,. the list of entries for the nnx.-.l tmMtmmm a' golf, there in a new rule *tii,uUt:: the player shall continue to strik. at tli.- gulf ball until it ha* awM m»te<l The rule ia au iuvention of the B>injMi<t»re
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  • 41 2 Thb >Seuior I'u'aue Ju Igp, now ap| oiu- ted to a* Aitorney- General, did uot ask for or iul;i;i st au iocreaite of the judges' salaries, nor did he remonstrate agaiu«' the AtU.rnt'V-GeUeral having a larger salary than tbe PwawM Judges.
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  • 15 2 Mb*. MaXWaU "til hold an afleruooo reception at rt.rerumfnt House ;a Tliuie- lay. 7th BVpteaibrr
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  • 17 2 This moruiug's HoiigkoQK weatli.-r telegram reports that the typhoon in noiv felt over the Sea of Japau.
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  • 19 2 Thk mail despatched from Singapore to Loodou, via H'iudisi. ou the b ultiui > was expected to be delivered to-day.
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  • 18 2 The Chief Justice goev to Peoaut; by tbe mail this week ia order to work off arrears there
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  • 22 2 Tub HvhiUu. with tbe aVatVaa mail of the 11th August, left Peoaugat 1 p. in. yesterday aud is due here to-morrow ma>ruiD|{.
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  • 24 2 Tbkkk seetu* to be very little pMBMri of any member* uf tbe Howiuw; Chili goiog to Colouibo with the .n. k.t. -r» next moutli
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  • 24 2 Tbb publication uf Mr. Swett-uliaiu's book About IVraL is autumn. •■<! lor i Saluiday. tbe HOtli iustaut. The prices will befouud iv our advertising cluuiii'
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  • 30 2 Os Wt-duestlay ev.-uiii^- al MO llio Herd. (J. M. RVilh will give hi* aext lecture uu Biblic*>l Critic-iam iv the Pr.-s--bvtenan Church the subject beiug the Wisdom-Literature of tbe Jews.
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  • 37 2 Tbk P. A O. Havtnna i* ri[>e<'tt>d frutu OUaa on Tuesday, and will tail for Eii|(land ou Wednesday. Tbe paaaout^-rs for Peuaug iucludu the Chief Juatii-u, accyui p«>Dwd by Mra. Bouser tba Municipal Eurjinvwr and Mr. K--i>l
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  • 8 2 Ta« I h OMSpiar-- Rilji. P, I'al'-m 1
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  • 44 2 Mb. J. 11.«..*4 who. f.>r abwit tfUn. ye*r« baa btwa au ct rutir. dcwilv every FrwaiMoaa' Lo4(|a ia Stags 'ii.- Sbbbbsm this i M Mr laaaajM aamai wuh hin thr Mad 4 all M«.u. wlii b«», their appr.ii«ti..u „f 1,.. s.rvioa» in k I
    44 words
  • 41 2 TfcJi Si Aaajaat aaatfta ib«i M I.- v haa tel.vr.lpll.-l t r. >m Itm/V .k imp 1.1.. t I IMR <>l BM irnval. i,. aaya me**- U iv..riiiu..ii > oaly ae»t him gii>'» au.l a I", l.'ian diplomat ll<- de< 1 ■•>•—] I
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  • 47 2 Kiti, Ukuthbb Abba*, tl, ill.- In lelt for P.-u i.iif. M .iilnieiu. *n v l.v tli- a I M iJurj ou S,a toir „f iaaaaatiaa H return to Singapore alvmt tbe U of n, it in mtli. »l,.ii li.. will proaaad to his lica.l qii.irt.-r< in aWagkaaaj
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  • 44 2 FBI I it ■< loii'tb »iiiiiv«'s.i-v iii.^tin^ on r'nUt a 'ii in tli,- I 1 OafXi I'll pr..^r4Uim oro|" kad Imu I i-I in Milay by M > ail M K«aaaaTrt lak.Mi. and tbo pr »-e^.|ui;, wi!l I a b viii ii in 1 lirm-li. lion
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  • 59 2 i I'uitH- pad givvn l.y til' pupil* m\ St. iwMpk'l 1u11, .11 ..II lit,, A,|^i|,t. prove) kflM M ut Ball fur a n patstisa ea aaj hat, mi I.t Urn ptlruaago at I ban i-, d Ur^e Bttaa nut*ilaata\adiaa] tlie Ui.l w-»tli, r Btw§T*ja>wM »*> aim Ml tlie BBBJ bayi
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  • 69 2 BbTSB <i rmau aailora lr Sdkmim, sCBm Hickmert. aj BM liroii^bt arl .re llie (J mi Mi iaaj i b n_'.. will, tr.-.- 41.1 iii N ,ri!, on Situiln. Il ,i|.| in i| M > .iit.rt-.l tli.- yanl aa*] wi-r.- ar»Vrad away they Baeta*) the syw?« with r.».i in.-tal an.
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  • 79 2 Mi Uc'.m Ci.iitoKD, Actiin; t; al Paaaan aao i tiled oa I n >•» wuli Mi >*■■]!. tiln'ii m t h« rVrak It <\ ruiuetit Yacht iirui. returSingapore on Friday, baviug Ut-i I I p_\ .4 Usqgraai from tat <t.,v.- ii. .r. It h ii n-1.-r-t v. i Miia'll aVaiw*]
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  • 150 2 I! II iii, m ui> AbimadMu BJ L >lx,k Baaidaaaia m Suiuitra. under tL« |.ro'-Mti..u ot tU.- N-tbeiUuiK Iv i ernii.iut, li.ta arnnxi io iSu li.w i.'»..liiii; al BB C.»«i.iiJ SaNMI Ifi are lut'H'in I tint, it tbe i f\-*l AbimaiKab. a aulmtur uf aßaaja| -l.i-dd* totwd.j.l |a Mr \>
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  • 58 2 iii»iv.i!,.ili.r.iiiii alay iii lbs Cuii. eoaru im Iht I in ill.' l'»i.'ii Pain, nrigiiaJl* ar■Mgaja] for 1 1 1 -'J id lustunt. m u<>» |Kiue<l nutii to-iimrrow, i h Tic for I»•W or row Pit I-KBSIUN Palß* FlMl Miiu L. Wishsrt aud Mr Forman .ship. uiiik-
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  • 221 2 Hamui'M' i gat lajkar'i < 'u|' Ha^i.kap r<>K U Holss Mr". O'OawaaSß and Captain BareM I>,- aad Mr- K.Tr Mr- WeUeak] Barg i ,|.i Bliadr atroki Mr*. Taylor aad Juaca Mr- AUinaqo and stiveu Mr Mid Mrs El.iun Mr. Habaftaaa and Gilleepi* Mr- Richardn.,!, tad I)ry~lsl.- Mrs B.m-M-ran.l BtriagW
    221 words
  • 37 2 Takiutf with vutiUi'ntigattlu mCa Sat.mliv. Mr Wm SilCBDAT'i MM, H w OmUitm, \V (Mm Tuvlni .1 w H IfiJUni .1 0 l> tan, ■>. r gtrianr, .1 1) T«vlor. J M Aliiii~.i,. 1 I.! I'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 619 2 rpflß BrtBWaWXVmrANT. I IMltßa*. l^Baiatsa Cbbbb PWsj iasawii Sansty Tas B| HiiTTLsfa A Wc»s«t TW Uaaaa Banai laiarasH Cmany n.(V.a*t*Htt*» -"W-0.1 Tka TMaaaaaaa Lafar Baar Uasasaay Tto Marrtta** la*..sai. 1-osbsm) f.'-i-J f llTii iiiiiiaaiß- af TBBBOBXBO COB*4BBB«J I' I i K r I la or TM a coMfT m Aaaarwaaa)
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    • 587 2 Tat Straits Timw hxi the lar*je st circalatioa of an/ n-JW33a?er in rVsu. British Iniu exceptei. It circulaias in Singapore and" Penang. throughout all the Protectel States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands In lies, the Philippines, ani French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has ao widespread
      587 words
    • 1017 2 LMisr APVERTISEXENTB. will as rrniiiiu o* nIMT. SZPTIIIBBR. Una ti*i i riiii. •Wiaff a lasi a f Artialaa. Social. Ad eiii-trativ* Oe-iarn|4k» I aad BaatWsaaL MT F -W .TIKSHAM •TaßjatwM loalli. Strxt. MaW Price P»p r C>vrr. «l ur ii. <U. i IoH. 9140 nrJ*. M. Half UaatWWara*. Ts«- |>t-
      1,017 words
    • 76 2 S.N. fwr li, *'<,l. rnuiitoUWimlln m.mtni,*/ tW r*f Mil,. By llw a«tUcl 1 lut oxtaW K-. jaaaa a H.l. m r;:-u* Iksi mifKt atUrviM U Ail aAMrlinaf conlrtru mrr ntjttt It IK. anxlitwm lU4 lk< l«a«»iu|l«« tkt Ur>4um/nl •>U/IW|< r >T f prm*/ nalto, h.l *rt tfinm law Cour «a«a
      76 words

  • 1087 3 «f\ ».NTH M.TI- t I lib. f» ••r* fc H t i wtfti k« 'lit a— fcM ittw lil ii. Mill tk»l m tkr OMtW >4 TaapaßK. ri«fUMll« Unit «*r loag atrwt b«'. •*»•■•> 11. I ami rvlnult tir.i in Hi tW« a lei.l Kn«» tkr niwa
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  • 143 3 b tli- lotteries ou the I'erak Kao. the value of n.-ailv .very r».-e was ot.-r S.'.tKi, two „ur Wti. 9m the first rat-e th.-r- were two lotteries, as «Uo tor the t'ourth. Touehnot w*a the favourite iv tbe s«<'oud race with 111 >. Iv tbe fifth race,
    143 words
  • 318 3 Muaas K Ltmut M .fun be^n a r f.»r retaark lh«t Siurfajs.'e did not jKisswaplK.ti.tfra paic eaUbliahsjteni iv thr cowsaercUl I i«rter „f th- t«wu Tb#»e ia Dot Maiahji h-ie that is iv other p<irts where there a-e so many |»isiat[ils p«saiii K tbroii-h, aod wb. re
    318 words
  • 264 3 Death of a former Singapore Resident at Hongkong. A famai Fai i .Mr llu^h M-i. /askill Sk. ne. ai..sii-t.iiit. UooarkuM Lind luvestineui Co L *****1.1). wan kill- d ou th. Jlli Aiiiru-t by falling o»er the r.- audah ..I tli.- I'liirlei.-d .M. 1 cautile lituk l'iiildiui;s at Hont;kou^. Au.iu hall-past
    264 words
  • 312 3 Ftw „llld hate autuipated tite 01 M w. .1, a^.i in su. b a it ho t tiui. Bllh w.itilj r. ->-r th- it. 'lit th-y bate I dove. r/ I 'ii> ICHt <>' to f_ .1 .lit slwuiii;.' .i 1 "I X7 1"-. a Bbjatsj
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  • 413 3 A iMMm Fim (>'/«)/. our CorrujfiniUnl < h'ual<i Luiupir. ttft, A mt hre broke out iv the "uU" til. In.-.- <>t fu iuh. at aliniit 7 uMiH-k \e*Uc da> NMil| Kullv miv l.uildui>is uru -.nd to lj.tveU-.-u d. roved, iikluliu^ a i.utiil.-r of mh.ill kli..|.i aud a Imge
    413 words
  • 422 3 mtnlarf, lo IM Tiat** TrUfram* Aiti-Fkimcb Fkilio.i la (tali The Silvkb Thi ornn <'.)M«taaii>!« Turin in ItfMtU^l I'IMHT Trnt BaiTi-H Cbofh I <","' Franc 88l Italy save -.-|rrrti. reira'dinir the unfiirtu' nate outbreak at hate promi*sl to 1 msk- inquiries int., the matt-- In the mean tim-
    422 words
  • 195 3 Tm Fkan. .1 Itam** T«i>tMi.t Sia I>ii.kk ash Sum sVuaaw Si.. ov M. il Tium y,u,,i ti,- s,i.,j i..i. r .,,,i,,.,t M A taken pln.-f l«t*mi Freneli and Italian workmen iv the 1. It work- at VlsajsM, U MH kili-d and t" -1 mail I MM Mmfmd
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  • 1476 3 I il A^tr.,l-, Kakih^imki. in im >rr l>.-l 1.1 Tn IHti I UHS i'l. TlliK. hmm in sm..» Stkiie Movement* Kill.l HE <>F THE WuELD'I FaIK. g«kat Fist at Li> kii Dooam laBLZ IfA I I'll'K HIY.S A ('A! I Mi.v Kit
    1,476 words
  • 424 3 Rakh.ks Hotkl. Allan, sir P. Pssrntl. Mr A Mrs. An.lrrson, Mr. B l'.-t.-r, Mr. Q. Arveors.Mr lorwo Leonßoaa. Mr. T. K Chard. Lieut -Col. v.c. Uomeny, Mr. S. E Daunt, Mr Ii Sarkies", Mr. M S Uowdall. HwjorL, R. Smith. Mr. N.inuMi Dudnr. Mr. H. H. Munh. Mrs.
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  • 71 3 Abhivai.-. I'er BUaaM Bjasj. lUtt Anson r!l patli Messrs hen/i.MJr.K.i,, Kwk. VTinler and Katahak r I'.r M. at s I bn timm BabjH A Ma C,,,,d..r —Mr. and Mrs Burger and child, and Mr« Chiellaul IVi s /f.i,., from Soiirahaya Jt Baweau Mr. Bebipperaa Ho.MiKON*; WEATHfclfl TELKORAM. {MM.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 660 3 GOVH{VMKNT OF NORTH BORNEO Turn roacsoAOTAi. Steamkb Skk\ i- r. will be received by the under Bigßjal BB to noon of IMb Septemh,.r, 1*:. I. for insiritaiu'iiif regular steam comiuuuicafor twely»m.iuthi from the almre date between Victnrit Hsrliour, Lthuau and Sandaksn. N.rth Borne, The principal conditi ins are th»
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    • 636 3 SHIPPIH t P0 1 IQMIOI, Meoor* A Mar A C. stoaaMr CATWK KINE AHfO, Oapt J Q iNMsa*, k* < aleatta «a th* tfttk A ogiMi. mt to *M hare oa th* «th ia*t ea roaU t. Hiiibiij Por rraifht or fssaajs. •a* r 7. l y BAN STEAMSHIP POUTAsTT
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 209 3 Ciiniii..m.ulMundat. 4ru Ski'ii-Math High Water 3.21» \>. 111 Oajriaga aid Harness Sale. Powell A Co Abiaws's Yard, i 16 p. in TtLSI.AY. :.!U IbWIW Huh Water I J4 vi 442 p m P. A O outward mail due. BjQHaßg P. A O. homeward until due. att.-ruuou. Oolf. Play for Messrs.
      209 words
    • 53 3 WKATHER RKPORT. a^aaaaf a>aaM ff»*ua<. M F t.Mb*.. Ibm asLlpsi (pat Ksii.ii. B.r. red %1 Paa. 1P.87 1 tti.VA DtTK JL T»«# -mS. Ws labTser. r. :t 77 H 77 4 "Zs llir <rf Win. VV W Cain, U.i IWp iaahaai Ml "'~S Mm IVJ Uu i. Ttrr. rsd Tasr
      53 words

    • 169 4 Luier Mm headiu^ th« MIaMMU aHhr»t»ia tiomi ar« used »tr. Htoarner; nil. barqne; Brit.— British; I'.S.—L'ni' Fr.-Frrtiioh.ller.CJerinan Dut D it.-h Joh Johore; 4c, OJa, (ifiieral i i pas-tentfMr.; I.—U ncertain ;T.l' W Taajaag P«p«r Wharf T. P. D Tanj M it > r l> 8.W.— 8-.ri .~.\Vharf..l.W
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    • 692 4 Abeivals Since Noon or YK»riK .»i. MaajM j.i>>-4 taWMRfc: r,y,,,,,,t. raaatas, I y ifllflr. /'«r»*. and PraAjg, i. fjni«y, lul. »h. I^M t. fr-1 S-j.t BMafbak. Mml Ais'. ■ai 'i. Uaadaa A- Oa, I'M Bruman, U.— II \Y Flinith.rt. l>nt.»tr I <, -lik ur. M >•"!■• i
      692 words
    • 137 4 ATa»>«, i»or<, ami 0 Kkom [iMDOaT, Java, An*. 17 Clyde lax -I; I a I i« 85 Rvln,., Partnwl i BatUj, s kdm, s.> .i 1 1 KlllkK\HEAl' July Eu»rgU. Titan. Au^r I. Poljrphenua, Aug. 1 1 Pak 1-inK. Aii){ li. Ijivkki'o.h. I N.i da Pamay
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    • 54 4 n*T- Vimil'i Hun. V I St. A»|>h 2 Bam Tor 2 O.rm.u I Biliton 4 Amber -t i Kn nun I l'r v 4 Cyclop. 4 Pint 'Lid Km Cirtll' ilrit -tr. W.,,1 .tr. W.hl -tr. N I rarlwoldl I l...i>> .1 vr. r'fci I rit «tr. ll»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 534 4 LAKi.i: M PPIIES HAVK AKII1VKI). M c A LIBT i: B ,v Ca f«a*ta*eif ta* (set lair Drseuaf tor ttreaftlieaiag. Beautiryi.-iic. Presenrix Urn Hair. KDWAHD'B JL "HARLENE" W v T*v )M <^hk -afl X l r> 17 if^mmmW fro« »tal«wi BM-» X .^H .n.l X'nte.'kk. i i.*. mmt Wm 3hk*W^aa^
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    • 1042 4 NOTICES ■OTK'R B '•ENKKa.I. T-lIK letting ..f I Haiahling S|. 1 and Pawnbroker." Farm* in the Aaoisi for the jrv will take pa i Tandj.Mig Paudan on the Mk SopteaW artt. at Iv a. m 0 LAI Coaeul Ueaeral for tbe NetherlaaiU in tt.e Straits SettlemenU. Bings|«irr. 21«t Aiiiru.t. 1-
      1,042 words
    • 1432 4 POCKS I LIMITED. The aremlae* of tbe Compsij are n>u«ied at lanj -nrf Fafar adjniointt th* town cf Singapore. riWaa trMSHMtr* ran at ih.rt intervals earrvißK paes.-afers an 1 K -.wdi from Wh irf te us »t I"" r.:-M Tbe v '*rf it-ende t.. nee mile aad quarter and is
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    • 1057 4 ICK3. iroi] BPOKTIV< OLUB ill' \f\ MKFTISH T1... Ant. linn E«.-e Mectinir will »>' held on Tuasday. Mkk, 1 hurnday. 'Jtith. and i S-a>unlay. Wl I bar, 19M. n;<>,.i; {MME. FIRsT DAT TIESDVY. OCTOBER 2HH First Race. THK MAIDEN PLATE -Value $iV> A Rare fnr maiden horses. First ('las* tn
      1,057 words
    • 335 4 i S H 1 D V O <> I) Tbt it m T«.u will bb Sirnrit,. I H. 881.11.10S ke*> to inform th* public that hi* Faetorr for prepariajr Crushed Food, at SI. P-lilioa ReeJ, is bow j Trsit Class Crushed P.»d, UM y b*«, eaah. Clean OaU IU liHian
      335 words
    • 238 4 Ix I J fronaac, ''ha'oaa )'itraa. Cfcateaa M II M Ser*Harhl^r,fer Uetteaheiaar. A«*Um. WIIISKT Arii. Scott i i Sole Inpoiien for (he Bt.»iu lilUb, l BKHK 11' H v\ l\\ Take I itUH> tl s' l.\ an nrl-r n., da« of A..|fiist lr»3, iv sn >!> I wlieissi,, W l>
      238 words