The Straits Times, 10 July 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED WiU. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 10, 1898. NO. 18,062.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1087 1 I.MBH.P COMrANIES. DCNINBULAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM J NAVIGATION COMPANY. OrricE Collyer Quay. Wbaevbs and Oodowmb— New Harbour. T*jß*»ail steamers maybe ezpeetod to rive oatwards and leave Singapore homeward* an the following date* >»I••l^e UoauwtiDS UK. J»l> 10 I Ko*rtl<i J-il. H J.ljll P.. L.i r Jut,* La* Aug to Sitrel
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    • 1001 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. DX KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aijeni- i/ HsfasOTß, Ship Aoenct. late J. Daendelh Co .-3, Coli.yeb Quat. Pwaaaf, Messrs Huttenbach LIKBEBT A CO. Tte ('..iti|..-ni.v ha* a fleet of :tn Steamers, with splendid aecoiuniiMlation for fiW class, second e'a»*. and deck ]i*wtciiger»,
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    • 758 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. For Borneo PorU via Ba wean and Sourabaya. I >n the Mh of pv.ry month a ateamer runs in this direction taking direct cargo and pasHengftra to Banjermassin, Pulo Lant, Passir, and Kotei. Once every month on the 23rd a steamer is 1 despatched to Dongala, Berow, and
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    • 865 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT LIMITED. TO PENANO. RANGOON A CALCUTTA. One of the Company's steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every vek. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African
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    • 616 1 INSURANCES. rpHE QTJIIN INSURANCE COMPANT. 1 HOW HSaoEtl IN THE KOYAL INSURANCE COMPANT. Home Office*. Queen Insubancb Bdildinos, LivsaroiL. The undersigned, AgenU for tLe above Company, are prepared to tmb* risks at current rates. aOOOLANDi' A Co. mBE MARINE INSURANCE COT., LTD. 1 Established 18S6. Capital X1.000.000. Besebve jesoo.OOO. The
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    • 782 1 BANKB. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up CapiUl $10,000,000. Rfwrvi. Fund S 3,«OU,000. Reserve liability of proprietors 110,000,000. t'ouur or Dibbctob*:— H. Hoppirs, Esxj. Chairman, c. J. Hollidat, Esq.— Deputy Chairman C. J.Dta«i. J. 8. sfosea. Eeo. J. Krmmer, Esq. I). B. Saaaoon, Esq. John 8. Lapralk. Eaq. Hon. J.
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  • 551 2 L VI kSV M A KKJtT gUOI'ATIUNB. SiHQAroai. 10th July. IW>3. Pkodjob. I Gabbier «.«2* do do i*o. 1 10-W* i do Uo No. 2, ».00. ,irs ball m 5.1 W. no lool.auak, 4«>o. t'eppel l>.a.«, W. 87- sago r darawak 3.1 U. fearl rag.. 3.65. Uoße. t>.»...
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  • 81 2 i'o/- Per «rr To-Mnita .w Ba-uPui.- .li.if.l Mi.. Da!i. «.i«»m»dr. lOa.lß. s«uo- ii im kJM r.crr. II BiUit«« »4 rnuii Hull 1P» Hor»konf ml im.y, CkMnf If Km.. >p.n M«r. oU..«t<. S pm. P»]«»!...or Mfa 3 F Bandj»rm.« 11 Tim porU. .Sri ««-j 1 M>lum u4 tiuf. ff».
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  • 109 2 MON DAY, 10th JULY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. STRAITS TIMES I. -I tHI.IxIIKK 1831 Mm 10 (>nt«. I'm: Kiuts in Pakis. London. Bth July.—ViUy tliouuud truups an- •now in I'.ina tbe rioting coatiuue*. The Indian Su\tn Qcmtion. Tbf Kttrl of Kiailierlev «Ut« tlwl lie i« u uable to promiie at preaeut
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 232 2 Bt to-day'a teisgraJß it will lie aeen that tbe long apparent tension of feeling that ha*, exiated the Liberal Party ou the Home Rule fiaaco nan broken out in |«rt The eauae *>f aakak division has U-..H the forcing mi of the until
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  • 15 2 Labi Clembxti Smith will be "At Home" on Thursday, tbe 13th, at 4 45 p.m.
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  • 17 2 A telegram via Saigoa atates that the Reichstag ahowa a majortr of twelve for the Military BilU.
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  • 15 2 'I'm question of reatricting Sunday labour in 'lie port of Rangoon ia now uud.r cousideration.
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  • 19 2 The service last eveiing at St. Andrew's Cathedral waa (J'egorian, owing to the a licence of tbe chujr boya.
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  • 16 2 The Netbei lands Consul Geneial ad. vertiaea tbe lettiug of ceitain Government Revenue farms iv Banka.
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  • 19 2 Six Chinese women were before tbe 2nd Court to-day ou tbe charge of gambling and were fiued $2 each.
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  • 19 2 lin Mail denpatched from Siugapore to London, via BrioJisi, on the 14th ultiiuo was delivered on tbe loth instant.
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  • 21 2 MasaKS. Puwti.i. .V oa\ will hold an auction aalo of *alva<p\ to-morrow, at 11 a. in at No 7. Almeida Sti-t
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  • 17 2 b MaMBOTMMa of tbe fall iv silver, tbe Anierieati Metbodi>t missionaries want their salaries raised one fourtb.
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  • 18 2 The Kaiiec of Sarawak during ber stay 111 England baa taken Saint BrendaD's. Winiblcdou.Surrpv. for the summer uioaths.
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  • 27 2 The French Consul at Singapore will bold a reception of bis compatriots at 10 a. in. ou Friday next, tbe feative day of tbe Republic of France.
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  • 34 2 By laat advkeg from Bangkok, the men of tbe 4>'"-iy'r bave decided to give a concert in aid of tbe widows :iu'l orphana of tbe seamen who have lost their livea io tbe Victoria.
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  • 27 2 Thi: Pabaog Corporation reporla tbat Hi »cvuteen days' work 455 tous nf stone weie crushed, produciug 444 cwt. of black tin; 20 Ue.iJ of stamp* runuiug coats
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  • 29 2 The M-.-i.ud auction aale of salvage goods beld by Meaars Powell Co. in tbe burnt-out premiae* in Battery Koad. _ou Saturday, resulted ia a «uui of 11,700 being obtaiued.
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  • 29 2 Th, Misk'9 Cleuienti Smith aud Mr. H. A. O'l.rieu arrived yesterday from In tbe Sxrut. Mr. Cofllu. B.E. waa among tbe pasaengers leaving for Hougkoui; 1 1» tbe Surat.
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  • 34 2 Mk. Vk.NHi».J, of Solau^»r. wbo was coiuui'SMunetl to tbe Cm-ua aud Keeling Islands returned to day. lookiug all tbe better for bis trip. Tbe ibUuds are still tbere and tbe pvwplv seem rerv bappy.
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  • 40 2 Ladt-kiomt, a Cbinatuau reaiding in HareliH-k Road attempted to commit suicide by stabbing bimaelf iv tbe abdo-ini-Q, tbe wuuud eiteudiug aa far aa the |wlvis. He waa removed to tbe Hospital where be is vow lying in a precarious state.
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  • 38 2 A MiaicAL tribute to tbe Royal wedding ■M uotiivalilc ut t-veusoug yesterday at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Tbe opening voluntary uu tbe organ was a remarkable oue— it was n coinbiuatioo of Meudelssobn'g Wi-Jdiug March" aud tbe Naticual Autbem."
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  • 50 2 ■VatVMM from l>.li to tbe slb msUut state tbat tbe Achiuene hmda bave ■> treated I'otn Liugkat, au.l tbat, at T.iluiaot; on tbe 3d luataut, tbe truopa took aud deatioycd .iv Acbiueae foit without rvaii>t*uce. Tbe situation baa so improved tbat a portion of the tield force baa returned to
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  • 51 2 Naiai., which ban been a Britiab colour for 50 year*, has entered upon tbe final atage of colonial independence hy the adoption of rea|>oDiiblf government. It t» expected that thin atep will U-a.l lo a rapid development of tin- reaourcea of the vountrj, aud a considerable < Ueusiou of iU
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  • 67 2 I'kivaie letters 10-day Irom 1.-wujLt! Oil Works re|..rt tbat tbe A. Inuew arc on the coaat at Pangkallan Siatas, near tbe Arvo Bay. and that they have taken p W.-M-SSIOH of tifteeu prabtis, and threateuud to go rouud tbe coaat aud up tbe liver to attael tbe oil works. They
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  • 58 2 Obbtain documents prepared b? Mr. MacLartv iv tupport of the Penaug Hoiue Rule «(ietitioD bave rvavhed tbe Secretary of State through Mr. Ltboucbere. Tbe Ketideut Couucillor of Peuang baa iutiuiated to tbe (ignatorie* of the petit iou that tbeSecrt'tarj of Stat.- baa deferred a replr to tbe Utter until be
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  • 84 2 The China Sxftrtiu, iv vouiuirutiug ii I «ni tbe li.ii in .Inut by tbe Aibeeu war to tbu trade of. the Strait* Bettleiuenu, biul. tbat it baa loU|{ beeu »v opru bMN( that tbo A. liioe»e would wel.-oiue a Kritiab annexation, ai..l it urn«* tbat tbe VWaiai i > rti
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  • 146 2 On Saturday afternoon. H. E. Sir Cc il Clemeuti Smith,- accompanied by Mr. Talbot, tbe Acting Colonial S-icretary, aud Mr. Bruce N irton, private aecreUry. paid a visit to tbe Cbinein! Medical Institution in Wvang Street. Th- institution is established for
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  • 55 2 Co ffee Lands in Mex ic o. I>urihii the paat twelve i«Mitli#. the Bureau of American K-ptiblici is in-form.-I, more tl an a million acres of coffee lauds in tbe Slate of V.-r.i Cm/.. Mexico, bave been sold to purchasers of various nationalities, including Americans, <i -r. naaus. Frenchmen, Kngliahiucu
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  • 418 2 A New Poem by Mr. Rudya rd Kipling. "TIIK Ml K. H4STMUN In tbe Pull M-ill li« t,j.t of .luu.- loth Mr. Kudvard Kipling contributes another poa-iii illustrative of t Iff- life of laMaM tbat go down to tbe ant iv ship*." Tbe pam is deOicalid to the vi Toll.
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  • 164 2 Tele g rams in Th e Ti mes." SUMA'II: I iftf Ti'mrt, TWs.i.i;/, M* Jk... Singapore. 7th Junr.—lHu- LaugLit Oil work-. *t««f have returned from ;.u.l |it appear* t lutt Mm van'" wa-> mil »urn' I ciently justified by the f*cts. The Straits knUHUS If* IaMB, 7'neMiay. Ml JaM.
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  • 325 2 Singapore Golf C lu b. Sunn interesting games took pi*,, i Saturday afternoon when most members in tbe second tie for M Gentle and Kerr's Cup pUyej o(r "J* two rounds. L x.kiug at the r».,.i. i most., s ,lwmbef o t u h (J 7 b^"«' gam.-s must have
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  • 207 2 la the House of Commons ou the I i>i I June, Mr. Henuiker lieatoti aakaa th I'n.i.r-S. < -ictarv of Sute for Urn I j in view of tbe facts tbat Urn pc l'.nti»li oil. tines w ,.|-e| af tin- niuin tariff 011 eiitenug
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  • 289 2 Penang Racin g. I tauaf a i-iri a/ an Brtied m tk* I math mm ranng iv a good inanv odd e»l«in ai tbe world, at Y'.LohanM. al BasfßipMßk Pt-iiatig iud..-.1. at IVi .n._I once beld tbe proud oflsM of steward. I love I lie little i.slaml with its pain,-.
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  • 154 2 Cr icket A cricket match was played N .lav mi tin Esplanade iv eotiutv'toD with tli,"- S C. U-tween :eamsof tbe l> I>l. s aud UM Ke-it resultiug iv viitorv IV the latter team. Tbe scores wen- as folIsaM TaU KkM MJlfllllj Mi a Morren 1',..1i. St.-v.n I. do I>a*
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  • 113 2 Amu. Per r Oiiu'jiHeilt from BabaU SteVl'll Per* Stim-lr.i from [Mi:— MrIVr I I'iiii-hc/m* from Liver, 00l via p-f' —Mr. Duder. P»r /'.W.iimcoilu fnmi Rangoim :~'J r U. Woll, «ud Mr C. U. Stewart. From I ■Mff -Mrs Pluukrtt. Misi SWpheii*. Mr lT Hare, Ur. Taylor. ...ul Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 636 2 rpHE BORNKO COMPANY, LIMITBD. THE SUadard Life Assaraaaa Horwieh Union Fir* Insuraana Society. Atlaa Aaaaraoee C >mpaay (Fire 1 The BqaiUble Life Aasuranoe Society Tbe Oeeaa Marina Insurano* Company. The Chiaa Matual Steam Navigation Coy "Bie Tottenham Lager Bear Company. The Maritime Insurance Company, Limited. For particulars of th«« Comptniee
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    • 1102 2 NOTICES. T ie j Trn33 hi? th? largest circulation of aa/ luwjnper in Asia, B.'itn'i lui'u ex33pted. It ciroulat3s in Sin^j-pore and Penan^, throajbooi all the Prot33t3 l Skates of tha Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, tlie Netherlanls In lies, the Philippines, ani Freuo'.i Indo-Cliina. No other Eistern newspaper
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    • 973 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. IK eCou-ul de Praia* a Singapore B I J • dlftto iv r ee.t sduiiuiatrea qu' ii 1' occa ioa He In fete uaUaavl il laa rocevra le vndr.di I juillet a lt> keuraa dv matin fe. dk (IASPARY. NUTICK. NKniEKLANUS CONSULATE UENEKAI. m kaits sern emb.n is
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    • 89 2 Fur]Gen,ral Shipping Nein tiee Pag* 4 M.S.B. i»Um«W ft a* »t»il. Ti«M. .W«M k< vnlfm •.Miiai/tlvmaii.ll. B y llkhilkl «/lk«( mJi. ho. V X.B.S. it, r. ,..■>.* tut »ifkl tllMnru U potlUktfL I AU *d—rt<wi»t cmttrttU *JS nljtd t» lk» /yn-4.N«> llu( lk> Mmmmf, sx«U— la« **Wriu< a >«»l ««t
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 210 2 Irraasraaeafci. MuNDAT. IUIH Jt'LV. Higb Water. 7:1 \> m Horaea aud Carnages S»le at Abraius'a V*rd Powell I Co. '..15 in Pbilbarmonic Six-irtv. Cboir Practice KJ| ru. ii K.«nii l"i H Jt I I Higb Water. 8.53 a. in. 8." \> in. Salvage S-ile. No. 7 AiluelJi Stieet. Powell A
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  • 566 3 A Soldiers' Cl ub House for Singapore. To IMB BUITOK M THE StKAMS TIMKS Sit,— lt i* >urp rising ta what an xleut prejudice warps tbe judgment of men, eveu those who. onimoulv. ;irc industrious in ferretmK out the fact* and among this class are found editors. Tour editorial .>
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  • 66 3 O-li Coini.nT C. 1 I.V) Ule* In 111 ,n.i. E. MB ■< y.B. >-'' -J-.-; tan Ma 333 S»n«.m«t Co. B.K 5Ni lUi SB. 3b I 14«! .1 L D«li iO-J I*'- U. E. Langkat H"»il N S. S. T. Co. B
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  • 627 3 >f)>pl',amtary lv Strailt Tiitut IW«fnuU.J JLmbbicai Komi .Salahibs Mr QlaseTO: l>n i kminatioh. Till Vl. |c>KI DlSAslhK Thk in mm Quant)*. AI'.IIAN AtKiIK.V AHuhah.,,l, :"itt,lJ»ur It i~ 1 .-ii.-v llmt Lord Her—hell will «a -.1 Lord [iirfilll Lard S|»-n.-er. it la oaderatoad, k oUmi ul romiag out to
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  • 3047 3 Tun Gold I' in the (Thiti v States. The Phoi-osed Iskur or Gbke'nhacer to RCPLIItiaH THK TBCASVBT— THI Legal Aspect. A Washington despatoh, dv.d Juu.- :t. says At as prrM sruea afcettn payment* wen- n--iiiii<',l „n January 1, I*7!*. ha- the net gold iv the Treasury „f the Patted
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  • 75 3 Kor, ever/ SaturUy, R. J. HUM K..r Au.tialliill Tortx, Jf.....1.<i«.... tlue 1' 111 July. Boii«teii.i 4 o*. Pat HoaKkonK. Sa»y. <lv.- 11th July, Ko.Kt.-a.l and Co. Pat I', n \ag and Calcuttu. I aUmcolla. on ISth July. Boiut.-ad anil Co. K..r IVoajw and Boiulmj. Bormul-i,
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  • 438 3 1 Frum our Special Cnrrtnyoiflent Bamjkok, July li. Tbi-te ia going to be a preliiniuarr iiala- 1 v.-r before France and Siam come to blown, •itti-r all. For tbe lust day or two it baa li.-.ii reported tbat Admiral Huniitiiu has li.-,-ii deputed by M. Lauessiiu to
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  • 252 3 A ffairs in Siam. IYwh -ur Special CurretynnUitt I Bamjlcok; M§ 4. Thk uiissi.iu 00 nbicb Admiral Huuiann was expected bait U-.n cuuutertnaode<l. It seems tbat I bo Fr.-m-li autboritiea would uot agr«v to Ins asceudiui; tbe river iuaDV'luiig but a Ki'uiicb aud us the Uuveiumeui <>| •j.os.
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  • 485 3 The ban arrived off Baugkuk. The Siam Free Pret of the I'll instant bears that tbe Sevasti Mission to Paris baa been abandoned. Tbe sele.-tiuD af tlm vuuuj; Princ »m« s.. par] uii|>o|.uiar witli tbe np|«r aaW ti the Siaiuese that wisdom has 1,, .n -h"«u iv
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  • 3530 3 1.0r.1 Utmiiii;i..ii in baa BaaM of Ijord-t on the II h .lun«. nme to a*k tb« aVtatarv f.r Forei|(n Affairs whetlisr StunyaVaag a-id Klmm wiii.-h iad baaaj i^mtmf (H'cu|>i«d by the F.rurh, did not lie to the north of the' frontier hrtw«eu Sum and Cambodia, aa ah
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  • 52 3 fO ABKltlf. Fir I' k.O h I from U.udou.Juae, 2, Me*.r- C au.l K II. Mr.. Bell. Mr P«r.-e Per AreaJifi. from London. July. T. Mr. and Mrs Purday. M' and Mi« Roberta Per M M. a >".■' ..>. from Marse^llea. Jnn«, 15, Mr. MurcliiPxr Omhhh, fr,. n Maiaatllo,
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  • 402 3 Ho tel Visitors. lUrri.ts Hotel Anderson, Mr E Martin, Mr. k. 8. Allan. Mr. R. Martin. Mr A Mrs Attsrbury, Mr. 1 H Papasiaa, Mr. P. Bell, Mr E. H Parkinaon, Mr. P. 0 Baldwin. Mr. A. C Peter. Mr. O. C. Bailey, Mr. W. W. Py,, Mr. JH. Chard.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 Far -iearral hblpplaf Mmm Ree Pa«» I.
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    • 488 3 NOTICED. rnHESINGAPORfi LAND COMPaVNT, J. LIMITED. NOTICE. Is hereby K>' en thst th* third ordinary General Mc«tii|{ of the Sharaholdar* ot th*, Siuifap ire Land Company, Limitad, will b*> h*ld at th* Regiittred Office of ta* Comaany, Kn. 1 Priue* Street, Siiifapor*. on Saturday, l.'.th .Inly. IMS, flf-»uo>i p ecisely.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 WEATHER REPORT. ffiaeiM sTmtu,, naasfasl, Wa July, I«*3. S a m. a p eb. ('pat. BaatAUi. Bar. I*4, U Ksh. .29 b»l SB 850 i. Temp 80.1 80.1 ft W.. IVI, The.-. ;&.3 7i.^ 76. i »5 Dir. of Win.l WSWWBWB. W. "tS Hal. T-u.p 10 -h«,|. 8O.« "i S
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    • 160 4 SHIPPING IN PO RT. Lnd«r this heading the following alibmvia tiona at» uaed «tr.— «team«r »h.— «hip; bq harque; Brit.— Britiah; U.S.— United State*. Fr.-French Ger. German Dut —Dutch Joh Johore; *c. G.p. General carjrn ,H p .lock niiMagiri; U.— Uncertain T.P. W— Tanjon|i Paear Wharf; T. P. D— Tanjinij
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    • 930 4 TRADING VE SSELS AiuitLi Sjhci Noon or Tertckoat. St«ameri paaaed tbroufrb: Sural, Kottromtr. and IM HtH} Guam. Poh Ann, Brit. str. 481 tons. Capt. M. (.)>• Bth July. Krom Sourabaya. ith. <i. .md d. p. Ww Bio 4 Co. I.— Kdi Pmtrutlut. Dut str. 1.509 tons, Capt. i'ultor.l. Mh July.
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    • 160 4 Vessels Expected Name, Port, and Date of Hiihtfj Kk.m London. Glenearu. June. Oceauii, June Cardiganshire, June, Victoria July, 7 BIBKKNHEAIi Ksiaow, June; IIfMMH Isla de Mindanao, Juue 5; italTeru. June, b; UIWsW. (Jlenfruin. June Tartar. June 14 Babby. Emu, A|,l. 1:«. Alice Ru-kmere, Apl. Jo Erwin mmmmm, Apl. Brand, June,
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    • 117 4 Dati j Vmml'i Nami. July t loabrlU 8 Spuß.hlu. 8 Bin(ke|, 8 H»noi 10 Sri tiuUutf 1U K b«r M.l ■I HfOtfk.l,, 1* \«.l.r.i l» Kuidmt H.U«... 1" M.1,. V.jinuih. U> T»ck Seat (!ui. 10 fW» k in Kotroa. In tLwUimt f la« R v QtHMi Brit, tix HaAm>»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 536 4 NOTICES. K atz B ros WK HAVK TOM 1 I!K< KIVKD FROM 8c ii H l l ni: R N 1 1. si; Tuns. The r.nowu.,l Nor^im. rmiirm of Kbll. I. .Mowing delicacie* Per Tin MKHCBD DXI.X lols HERH I v r o MABIHATBD DELICIOCd HERRINGS FAT, HIRRINOB 12 in
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    • 1204 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. Mt NICIPAL NOTICE THE Muni.-il>il Comiiiissiooeri. of Sinfrap#« r^|inr« the »ervi«» of a Sn|ierinUndent of Town CwMataf. Tm salary of tln> (n^t is 5<5 per ravuaera i with »3fi por in.-awm allowance for two p»nin». I Can.liilatos can swertain I lin nature of the ilutii'- on U<
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    • 862 4 NOTICES. FOR^ 1,000. GIOOD business envelopes at one dollar a r th'.n>and. forCaah. JOB-PRINTING DEPARTMENT. Sibaiis Times Omen, M June, l«'.i Kmtahi.i«hki> 1840. nmPSON A COMPANY. 2i)l. Mount Koad, Madbab. Ht Sn.'iAi. ArMinmsi 'arki«o>. Hi n.i.liw AND UIUII Vm«<. TO H. R. H. Thk Pbiwci or Wales, v o. c.
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    • 60 4 NOIICEB. W o H D• M W a b (fl P M b o 0 h 5 CD IS 2 c H aj H S b 0 <j tn < I H < H b h x m Z 0 On D m ih ■J i p 5 J ra
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    • 297 4 NOTICES. LADIES' OUTFITTER The following New goods are to hand French Delaines and Lawns Guipure Zouave Jacket* and Belts Ladies and Childrena' Vests Shot Silks. Gloves and Hosiery Merveillieui and Rurah mm»(Uml and navy) Fstameue Serg** I black and navy Valenci*nu'« Gnipur and other Laces Buckles, Clasp*, and Slide*— a
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    • 179 4 I NOTICES. IROV SAPBB AND LOCIB The Best n tkr World _V ttttj APOLLINAiIS WATER Thk yo«K« or Tabli Watim. PEBRIER-JOCET CO* A high clas.-. wine of excellent reputat,,,,, at a moderate price. rU S23perc^. P'»'» $24 READ BROTHERS' tv: a Mm i The undenigued Sole Agent 1 for ths
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