The Straits Times, 3 April 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1893. NO. 17,981.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 997 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PKNINSULAK AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Omct— Collyer Quay. WBABVBsand Gonoww*— New Bar! our. Im mail steamers may be exported to ar n T«. ontwards and leave Singapore homewarrfr in th» followimr date. hoiniui tan. April I M "> I Msr 3 May 17 The above daUs are
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    • 898 1 STKAMBRIP COMPANIES. KONINKI.I.IK K PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Tinier contract with the Nethcrlamls lmlia (MiviTiiinnit. A.iKNls AT SlN.iAl'oKK SllM'B AiiKNiV LaTI .1. Daknuki s A Co. K'u:inBon Quay. !n-.\no Messrs HrriiMvn Likhert A c.i Tka Oaanaaj haa a fleet af l>s Steamer*. with iplnMUd anciMßlßOdtliißl f..r first clawi, ten nd c'ss-. aad
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    • 696 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES^ Sink, Bengkalis. and Edi will he calltxl at only once evory four weeks. Bantts trij v in lit a taa and Sonralmy*, ev.ry four weeks a steamer runs in thin direction Inking ilireet cargo tad ]ui*»engi>rs to BanjerinMsin. Poeloe Ijiut, Passir. and Kotei. Oum iTtryii/ iri'i'frs BKleßiiieriidixpatclinl to
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    • 770 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Brutscljc Dainpfscijiffs Kljtiimi Zu KINGSIN LINE. FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE BKTWEEN HAMBURG AND THE STRAIT 3 CHINA and JAPAN and rice rerta. THE following steamers will probably at aWaaatM b«tl Singapore for Havre an'l Hamburg Dee at Hambubu. l'rink on L'fithMar. 18.4:1 Bth May 189.1 Daphne on llilh Apl. ISit.TL
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    • 765 1 INBCBANCEB. THE MARINE INBDHANOK COT., LTD. Established 1836. CAIITAi. /*1.008;69gU XOOH.UO). The undersigned haring been apjfctfk* l A B«' l at Singapore for the abo»e Company;^ P r pared to accept risks by First Claes Stokfi"" and Sailing Vcssol*. i UEO. KING, Agent. POSniVKOOVEKNMENTBECORITY LIFE ASSDEANCE COMPANY. LTD. CAPITAL AND
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    • 468 1 BANKS. hon<;kon<; and shanghai banking corporation. PAID UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSKKVE FUND 8,600,000 KKSEKVE LIABILITY OF >tionooono PROPRIETORS j 10 000 000 Coi'Kr or Dibectobb: 11. liort-i'l"?,. Eug. Chairman. C. J BaiiimsT. Esq.- Peputy Chairman. I.ii. James J.Bell-lrrinf. John 8. .V»'»'«. E*!C. J.ntien. Eeq. J. 8. Mom, MM J. Kmuer,
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    • 711 1 NOTICES. Jolm Little b Co. Wing and Provision Department. I'ommery Greno's Champagne. Moslcy's SLerries Fino, 1 Manianilla." Tino d* Pa*to." Moyniac's Bordeaux Clareta. Sparkling Still Burgundy. Deinhard's Still Hocks Rhenish." Niernsteiner, Hockbeiaitr." Marsulu. Madfini. MoBlpy's very old Tawny Port. very superior old White Port. Carlowitz, Max Greger's. Vermouth, French and
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  • 485 2 LATEST MARKKT<UDOTATIOKH. SmoiPoßß. San. Apbil 18*3 PaoDjoa. OKtaWcr «.ii do da- Jfo. L 10.70. do do Ne. 2, 8.10. Uopra Bali, do Pooti««»k, S.«. Cepper Black. »75. Sago Flour, Sarawak 9.*0. PaarlSa^o, «.70. Coffe. bsli. M !*.«> Oofe* Lib*rian lU »t«< r T ?fe..,.u hAa.;:::.:::::::::: do do lit quality
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  • 53 2 r*r r*r *r. n... TO-IfOBKOW. '.>nt..n. 1.;>~,h, Ounhnm. n H V M larauar »i. pwta Mi ins, Itmirun »i» port*. 0« raifnhtr, ti« port" •<««» t VIMMMI. l«u».« ti« porta. Oodartry, 'rraiilU in fern AlUrfi'i. Am c *1> W l^ofciio via ports, /"*•«•>. *n»w..k. RijaA Bfo<>t«. jp.». 7
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  • 395 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. APRIL, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. EfITABLISHBD 1831. Mm 10 Cent*. For Straits Times. The Expclsiuk or OnttAK i'• m► r s iikkts raoM Pabis. London, 10th Hurth Tha NordH'uttcke, iv mi articli-. views with apprehension tb« recvot expulsions of German correspondeuts from Paris, and aucuws French statesuieu of
    Reuter  -  395 words
  • 18 2 Thb A pear steamer JtMM is. il is stated for sale at Calcutta ou tbe Ist June n*xt.
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  • 16 2 The N. L. sUainer Oldenburg has left Colombo and sb* is dv* here oo Thursday night.
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  • 16 2 Thb returu of visitors to the liaffl s Library and Museum duriag th* waok waa :'7:<
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  • 18 2 Ta« mail steamer Sutltj left IVuang at 4 p.m. oo Sunday aud tuay U- expected oa Tuesday morning.
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  • 22 2 Thkei. Ins beou issued in British M >rth Borneo, a procUtnatiou to provide for tbe suppression of traffic iv couuterftil Postage dumps.
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  • 23 2 A OBjMBaW match In-tw.'.Mi taaaM of the SiD«a|>ort- C C. aud tbe K'.-creation C. C. i* beiog played to-day ou tbe Recreatiou ground.
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  • 23 2 T«a blue-fiunal Ivwt sVJaa whs signailed broken dowu off Aahaaa tbe other day. Her damage must bave bei-o slight, as abe duclioed assistauce.
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  • 34 2 It is rc|»ort«l that the Dutch Government intends to remove a floating do. k from B.itavia to Pii'mi Way. This dock is said to be capable of taking a aVMI ton*, steamer for repairs.
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  • 28 2 The imporUtioQ ioto SrUugir ol all copper aau bruuze cuio* issue.l by tbe ttovarnments of Britisb N Nth H >rueo, Sarawak, aud Brunei is forbiddaa by official notification.
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  • 37 2 It is reported now tbat tbt* BSBjajhaaat of tb* Pall Mill Oatrlt* is Mr. illu.ui Waldoif Astor. the (treat Ain«ruan milliouairf. He, it is furth.-r said. ba» aflvMsl to buy the 7V«i»4 at its own |.ri. t
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  • 34 2 Thb biaruwf Kovnl vacbt I l>on Hurntil withH. K. H.PrinVe BidyaUbh oo board, arnv.d her* yesterday monniiL' fr.>m P.nii<Lok. 11. H. H. kaa MM to meet H K. H. Archduke Francis K-rliuAii-l of Auitrim.
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  • 34 2 Tm Rev. G. M. Reitb, coutiuuing bis course of Lectures ou Biblics.l Criticism, will, on Wednesday at i* *i |i. m lecture in tbe Presbyterian Church, th» subject b*ing Modern Theorie* of the Pentateuch
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  • 39 2 Latbsi advic** from Rangoon are to the effect that tbe le«*ees of the MahwuD township are iv full working swing, and the first gang of imported Perak Cbiuamen have commenced sluicing operations in th* swamp, below the Koiuanu lode.
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  • 43 2 Mt F. A FiTZJiMES. cadet sutioued at Singapore, has had an attack of cholera which has endured for upward* of thirtysit hours and from which it is believed that be is now recovering. Tbere is also believed to be another case of cholera.
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  • 47 2 H. E. Custodio Mi.ii'KL hk I'. Portuguese Plenipotentiary in Cbiua, Japan aud Siaui and Governor of Macao was rip*cted iv Bangkok by last a-1 vices. H. E. intends to remain there ouly a few days and after presenting hi* credentials to the King will leave tor Macao.
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  • 68 2 Anotbik Penang grievance is that solicitors aud litigauts tbere oulv git on tbe '2;': b Marcb, from the newspapers, the notice dated 23rd March that (bo Court of Appeal would sit there on the Mah April, which means a loss of several days to them. It is pointed out that
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  • 58 2 On Kaster Sunday, the servitv* held in St. Andrew's Cathedral were Urgelv atteuded. There was an increase of iommunicant* compared with last Easter. The interior of tbe church, notably tbe chancel and choir, were appropriately decorated for the occasion with fl iwers aud plauts. Tbe prea. her in the evauing
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  • 67 2 Th* Commissioner of Liuds in British North Home.) says that about Mi acres were planted with Libcrian Coffee by European* during 18<»2 aud that pre|>arations are in progress for plantiug athaf 330 acre* in \sm. This gives a total of tf*>o s<r»* for the two yeas* not including land planted
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  • 66 2 OaaVM pUutingis b*iug pushed ou the W'fl Coast of British North Borneo by Mr R. M. Liltlr the R-sident aud by Mr. P. K. Wise who are distributiu^ liilx-rian •wds and seedling* among the native*. Tbe system adopted in Java ensures the plantiug by each man of at least fifty
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  • 67 2 H. N. Majesty's turreUhip Cmhm ,<.,• AederlanJeu. acting Commauder S.ciiens arrived here from Acheen on the 31st Marcb and is docking and repilriug at Tanioug Pagar. Ou tbe < v 0 day tbe NetherUnds ludian Government sUsamer r CapUiu Hauet. passed lhrou K b from Muu' toktoDeli, and tb« N
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  • 125 2 A Rtpo«r is U-iug circulated iv giugapore to tbe effect that aeveril Kuropeao* and twelve Dvakj hare beeu murdered by a marauding Wod of native* at Labuan, British North Borneo. We understand that tbe report waa brought here by an officer of one of tbe ship* running to a British
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  • 55 2 On account of tbe cn.ket match bein^ played on tbe Esplanade on Baturd*v 1 the tennis fixtures in connection with th« 1 S. C. C. Tournament were abandoned. I possible they will be played this after noon, aa tbe cricket match fixed for todar on the Explanade will lie played
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  • 68 2 Bishoi' TiiuHt kn. of tha /kataricaai Methodist Episcopil Church, ia al in Siiiga|Hir.% aud preacneif iiV moruing aud .''.uiug at the Cbrisliau Institute. It was announced that he will preach there next Sunday at both ».r\ Tli.' bishop comes here to hold the iiihl Methodist Conference whicb m throughout tbe
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  • 77 2 0a tbe "2'Jlb Marcb, the IVH4I Court tri.-'l tha MM "f A r. P charged witb bigamy. For Ihfl defen. 1 was pleaded |.rii.uicr. ut tli thaaaaoad ■•rfiaam b.i.l laaaojpjhia *r to baaWtl hi« wife wai deaoT The j.irv fouu.l him guilty, ami tin- Judge, adiniti tiug that tbe
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  • 107 2 Skvbk v iiitciestiiiij gulf iuatcbe« ban bocu plavt'd during tbe holidays on tbc Sin^a|.c.n> Liaka. 0a Kriday, I>ri. Mug I itoa <tud Kerr. the rsjoord holders of the Sing.i|x>r<" (J.lf Club, were boaH-u by Messrs. Gill.s|uo au.l J. It. 1M»: two u|> and diiu to ('lay. On Satur.liv. twenty-i'igbt hhmiilxts
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  • 93 2 T— Ji ilial .V/ 1//1 aWnaa* r.iM anBBtMOM tbat tbere are proper aud ade. .|H»t.' n.ff.f gardeus iv tbe noighl. ■ir hoo<l of Sttid.iL.iu <>ii the Dkjvawpu Oorpotmtioa laud aa the Byte th now n.mie 1 Mt i aam of youug faxoroui ruff.-.' |.|.ints in all IBagai .>f g«\>wtb from
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  • 141 2 'I'm Hotaui' < i ir.l.-iis Report for IBW shows reieipts iiiiioiiuling t.i 110,490 against au outliy af '.'7l. Mr. Bidley notes that tbe number of visitors keeps steadily bwya, aud that tbe mooalight baud oerforumiK'cs prove bi^bly kU The zoological aud botanical taUaetieoi bave beeu aMai ti>. but the animals
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  • 96 2 We bave beeu iufonueJ l>y tbe local a^ent of tbe Mcssa^eries Miritimes Ob., that tele^rapliie adviccj have I ceived from Col uubo stating that tbe mail, carried by tbe steamer Yj, ra, was expected to arrive at Colombo on the 4th iustaut, to-morrow (Tuesday and will probably
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  • 134 2 Mr. P. J Hallifax, Uattat, reported i,> arrival iv tbe Colour ou tbe 2\tk March IMIM if li-ru.ird in F.iir- >n v., is Maagaiaai as m alaiga sj| the l'..rItaJMM Consulate at DiaaaaiiCß dunug tbe ahaaaat ou laaaa af Okvalian f .1. Ooyzueta. Mr. K.
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  • 131 2 The uew Station at Tawao iv Bay BfataaaM t.ilie ;i success alrea 1 ral euterpnsiog Cuiuese traders L.i>opened Imiiuli sli..(.s aud established ly nIbAbMM with tbe natives of the adjacent rivers. Tha tiiot r.nx'o arrived.ou the 9th February by the s.s. Wmmuui»tit
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  • 135 2 A match was played od tbo bpkamtU on Saturday betwwu teams f roiu tbe Buflapore C. C. 'aud tbo Army aud HMf Officers. Tbe weather was wet aud uufavuurable and tbe unit, b resulted iv a win for the officers' team. Tbe scores were as follows kaumi c HeClsak]
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 848 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India exceptei. It circulates in Singapore and PenaUg, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siara, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widospread a
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    • 1031 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL KOTICB. NOTI'JB l« b<r«hv given, thu t4ie Revised Liain of persous duly qualifie<l to I by elected Munic pal Commission 'ra for th* town of Siugapo-e. and of persona duly qualifiel t* vote at Municipal Rlertion* for the aevnral Wards of th» Siugaporo Municipality hay. (»>.n pobliahed
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    • 990 2 LATEST A DVKRTISEMENTS. THE KING OF TYPEWBITERS. REMINGTON STANDARD It In thr best tlerk to be bail. Ik forty t<> fifty thousand iinirartaut houses iv tbc jUiiiU-d States aud many thousand* in E.igland aod tbo Continent of Eurojie fiad the tyrwwriter of great servicp, and the number is fait
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    • 881 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TOWN HALL. 8. V. A. AMATEUR DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE. Monday, April lOtb, TiiMdty, April llth. AT» P M. "TH3LATB LAMENTED," A Karcical Comedy in 3 Act*. (By ki. il mission of Feed Hobhbb. E«j.) Res r rd S $2. j Unreserved Seate, Plau .f Id* l.'sll at Me-sM Jolin.,l^
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 632 3 Ranyoor. Gatettr.) Amongst the deaths aiinouno-d during the Sir Andrew Walker. ewer, and founder of the I herI. is believed he has diind res millions sterling Mr. r of tli,. Colonel John Tulloch. of the Royal Madame Qrevy, wife of the Prnridenl af
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  • 1071 3 m.. _T. f:: wing i* th* I the race for the Lincolnshire Hanlieap 1 (way .1 The Queen has for Florence The latest bulletins respecting Lord Salis- M :-nip is umkiu/fatour- During the debate on I'gandn last nit'lit. Mr Balfoor accu--d Mr (Jla.lst.,l f minimising the
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  • 1364 3 Soli February. Ad article on the colonies written lv the' Karl of Meath. who lately made a colonial tour, has jii-i bees published in the Nineteenth Century Lord Heath a-s.r!» thai the wurkiii:; man taada*potic kinc in New BralMtnV in which capital is weakest, owing- chiefly
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  • 593 3 Thk s.-cond onlinary annual general nieet- isf llm rtwrtnliltn nf lln Bltltwil Bank of China, Limited, was held at the offices of the UanV. Hoiiirkontr. on the J:Jrtl March. The Chairman -aid (ientlemcu. in laying before ..ii the acoDmrt* for the j>a>t six months
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  • 197 3 The Muuiiipality of Bombay have decided upon adopting the Shone Draiuage Svhtetn to report upon which Mr. MacKitcliie went to KtngoOD. Lar^e tanks will be constructed to receive tbe sewage wbich will be discharged into deep water by iiu-jus pipes. The Sboue Bfttrai which has
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  • 190 3 faUwwVfMW Oj§bU lias aiu.tber long ami affmcktif* ICfMd l.v M <]o liaueaaan on tbe general IitMMM in. Toukin. It covers tbe Matt by M. Clifvassieux, tbe Superior Resident at lUuoi, wbicb sbows thai tli" p'liU'iil nituation is satisfactory, a fact ou wlii< li M. <le L:iii' ssau dwells. In
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  • 35 3 For Uongkung, KuUanf, on loth April, bou« and o. fat Pstxaag and Calcutta, Xudttta, on 6th April. bou»U«d and Co. For W. Australia, Halo.lin, on 7th April, W iliii.tii-U -nd Co.
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  • 162 3 The Bombay Oatette, in commenting upon the Legislative Council debate on Home Rule for Penauy, tars The (iovtrnor. Sir Clementi Smith, was nut quite magutuiinous in his comments on the memorial. He had. he said, increased the representation of Penang, but it was only ou rare
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  • 1906 3 Mihutis or Pbockedinos or thk Musi UIPAL COHMIHSIONEBS AT AN OBbl«Aur Meeting on Wednksdat. 15th Mabch. IKI3. PKEBENT— The President, Alex. Gentle, Esq., the Hou'hle the Colonial ffnsllttat Mv ior McCallum, BE, CM T. Sohst, Fsq. W. Nanson, fe'sq.; the Hoattl* T. Shelford C.U.0., ill Hoii'Lle A I.
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  • 318 3 Per s t. Han WktH U\n from Klaug via Ma MM -Mr. and Mrs. Laurbe. Pcrs 1. ITllllftlfl from Batavia -JJ. rs. Uirholitv Dumbrell. I'r a Lfjhlnu,; fr,.m Calcilta Bishop Thonurn. We»«r-. .1 Iwi, W iwMB, s P rimi*T. staik, hmk v. id d^o.l diot. B..cliwer. Mr aul
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 TIHLKT LAMIU:." ABRASIONS. Bums, and Wounds heat rapidly under aiiplication of Toilet 1 l.auoliiic." which used constantly clears the complexion. «nl i» especially usef ul for the dinting of young children. In eollapaibl* Tab** «!<1 in elegant boxes 3d., fr ,m all Oheatfetsaad Drugget*. Whatttas* Daft*, t>7, Holhoru Viaduct. The
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    • 886 3 NOTIIJE^ ESTABLISHBD 1865 RILEY. HARGREAVES GO. Engineers, Ikon A Brash Founders, I BOILBBMAKKRS, BRIDOK BITILDEBS, SHIPBOILDKRH. (JENKKAL (JUNTRACTOBS. BINOAPORE KUALA LUMFOR. Ship liuilding Yard. H Kill class STEAM VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British
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    • 1419 3 NOTICEB. EITABLMHID ItHO. siMPsoisr Co. 201, Mount Road, Madeas. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT Carriage Builders and Harness Maker*. TO H. R. H. Th« PRINCE or WALKS. a". <»., a. c. I. I. OIMPSO* Co. having bestowed then special attention to every description of carriage, which they construct from the beet seasoned
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 110 3 WKA'HEK REPORT JfawJany krofcau H,»p%tal, »> Mm*, M'.< 9 km. 4 p.m. p.m. Uivoit. rW. red. 32 K.h »JNM.rilMJM £kj Tomp. BJ 86 8 77 Wet HalhTii-T. TT.-i 79.4 A.I l-a 0 Dir. of Wiul M N W S. W. C»lm. "lit Mu.Trin|>. nit:i»de .1 fl ji Min. Jo. .l.i.
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  • 1000 4 Mil IT I >t. IS PORT. (jndor tlii* heading the following ahhreviationa are ua«d: «tr— «t«amer; nh. uliip; Ih|. barque; Brit. Britmh, U.S. Unitod 8tat«ie, Fr .-French, Ger. German Dut Dutch Joli. Johorc 4c, G.c. Ganeral cargo ;d p.— deck puaenfreni; U. Uncertain T.P. W. Tanjonff Pwrar Wbarf T.
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  • 175 4 I'ATI D»T« Vh.ii.) N*Mt. Vaaaai'a \k, kw Hi. P»mn I>IBTINATIOI>. la* 1 Milh V.jirunbis I Sri Hoot Aaa > H«D*k«h. PkrslbuU I'hom Klao 1 Ruby 1 N.«bu,. 1 Volt* I BUaTuD V Ow .t,-. 1 Baa Tor PiliUn. iJfhtaißg *'»|>« Coaoi in Hum Howl I ill*Ml( S Lt.a S
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 626 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS' Tailoring and Out littinir Department. 18 now completr with all the Uu*t its. roinprUiui: PLAIN and KANCT \TINOS iv Blavok. Blue, and Colours. KRKNt'H TWILL for Kvuiug Dress Suit.. BU7I .SKKOK, for rough wear, .i >|.. cheap Hue. UOMKSPUN SUITINGS. MAT PLAJTNatU, .{int.- uew iv
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    • 230 4 NOTICES BENEDICTINE. DE L'ABBAYE DE FECAMP i Skin f. -I.vh riiurk > /-f» K.sifl ISL TOMW K. LiJ MMRt J V vi. w. k t. to 7/4 J. LAWs-ON. Conscltinu Engineer. Subvetuw ahi> Ma> MISERY VALBKB. MARINE CLUB. DBAVVINIiS. -iH-.'ilicatious. »nd estimates given for the MBswBM or repsiring of Steaim-ra,
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    • 502 4 NOTICES. THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. EXAMPLES OF THE COST Of AjßMßas* te a man aged 3U next birtkday JfcI.UOOSrG. deatli. would cost at ths rats of £7 10 :> pvr quarter (a) If premiums arc payable for whole of life; or i 0 (A) If premium! are limited to2o years;*
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    • 412 4 NOTICES. GRAND DISTILLERIE. C. CUSENIEB FILS AINE Cie. CAPITAL Fb». 6,000,000. Highest awards at principal Exhibitions. CURACAO, White and Red, MARASCHINO, CRKME db MENTHE. MAZARINE. MURISETTE, Etc.. Kt<:., Etc. COGNAC Fine Champagne, CROWN BRAND. Three Crowns $17 per case. Three Stars 11l Best Italian Vermouth, MARTINI fc ROSSI, TURIN. Per
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    • 335 4 NOTICES. BENSON'S WATCHRB. Manofactobt, Ludoate Hill, Lokuoh MAKER TO H~M~ THE QUEEN. Specially manufactured and recommended or use in the East, BBKSOH's SPICIAL rrBBHOTH. "FIBLD" WATCH. A Oold Keyless English Half Chronometer, «S2 BENSON'S LDDO ATE WATCH, A three-noarter Plate English I<«ver folly compeoaated Silver, Oold. £12.124. Special siies and
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    • 201 4 NOTICES. JAMBB MOTION A OU. CUBONOMBTBB, WATCH A. CLOCK Hut. AND OrTICIANS, FLIMT STBIET Have »lw»y» n h* 11 1 w *«l«e«ed ator of Jownllory. Warohiw. Cloeka, Diamond J«w«, err. and Nautical Instrument*. nianilate Uold. iMrten Cloeit. Dluoi*M I'Kim-i'kii. Karrinira Diamond. Marbi* Clo«ki. Ix>okaU. D«mwin» liutrumanu \^,lim' Rinin Diaraonj l'knii»im«lm.
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