The Straits Times, 29 March 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 T he Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1898. NO. 17,979.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 922 1 LM8HIP COMPANIES. I I 4JTD ORIENTAL I .NAVIGATION COM I Orvirr ollyer Qua;. IV h .< Til buI steannn tui l.f rive omtwards and leave Singapore homewardp •n tba following iiiniiH 1W3. Thrabov* daUsare only .1 rivals and departures iiny be either eailier or rhe fare to M..r.-eilles
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    • 720 1 STKAM Mill' COMPANIKK KONINKUJKE I'AKETVAART MAATBCHAPPLJ. rjadar contract the NtthorlaiuU India OorarnaMaJ, us AuEKi-v Dabhdkli BIWBOa QUAT. 11l' IIIN BACH I Limai kt a i.\>. TbaComp nybata ft I t H BNaauaa, ndld .•■'■•.■.in.iii. ilaii-ui for tii--t asaaa, sr.- ml i-'a.-i-. and deck pasocngem. Mini for tinneater parl provid.
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    • 693 1 bTEAMHHiP COMPANIES. Siak. Boi-gkali-., ami Edi will bt called at only once every fuur weeks. I To liorneo lurtt via Bswrau ami 9< urabays, iv. ry four weeks ;i ataaßMC run., in thii din ction taking ilir.i-t enrgo aud piumengi r> to BsDJeruiassin, Poasoa Laut, Paseir. and Koiei. Once erery
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    • 793 1 STEAM BH IP COMPANIES. Dtutscljc Dnwpfscljtffs Kljcijcrct Zn 12awburg KINCSIN T.INE FORTNIGHTLY SERVICE BKTWKKN HAMHtlii; AND THK MIi.UTS CHINA ahd JAPAN aud rict rer«i/. THE following steamers will probably bs despatekaj from Biniapore for Havre an I Hriiiluirs; Dva ai' Ua.mhlki.. l',i..k ..n Mar .!>:■.; RtkMarlKM PaaiUi n MikAp)
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    • 780 1 in>u;.\m^ THE MARINK INSURANCE COT., LTD. Established 1830. Qaaaaat xi. 000,000. Kbsbbtb JE&iO.OOO. 1 he undersigned having been appcinted Agent at Singapore for the above Com pany, ta Bia. par. d to aoci-pt risks l.y Firnt i uuw Stuaui> rs and Sailing Vessels. OEO. KINO, Agent. POSITIVE UOVKSiNMrNi SK< UKH
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    • 469 1 BANKS. HONHKONG AM) SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSEKVE FUND 8,000.000 RESERVE LIABILITY OF I.joooooof. PROPRIETORS 110,000,000 Coour or Dibbctobs: II Hofi-ii-8, Esg. Chairman. C. J. Esq. Deputy Chairman. Hon. .'«me. J. BelllrTimr, Jutiu 8. Launik. Em. C. Jioum, E.g. J. 8 Mom.. K~. J. Kmni.r. K..
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    • 651 1 NOTICES. NEVER BE WITHOUT CALVEBT'S CARBOLIC OIHTIEHT, a awar- and wmemm bemiot fob Priaklr-haat, PUea. Ohafad Bkin. Mo,. Jtjm. < ot~. luwi-t Htaa, or Sting», aad most Skin Ailmsuts. rr.-.. from Aiii.nal Fat— Keeps Good ia »ny Climate. r ■aid in large Pot.. 13|d. each. f. C. (ILVCBT Xaaeke.t«r. Awarded
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  • 490 2 LATKBT MABKKT QOOTATIUWB. ;-«ihoapobi. «tb Matca. 18M Phodjcb. ObmHw do do So. U X',' odo do No. 2, ».W. rßali Pootiaosk, PepV*! Blsek Sago flour. Sarawak Pearl Sano. J?}'Coff«. b»li, SJ-W. Uoffea Liberian. 36.00 r»pio«« small flake, do do lit quality 4«0--do mod. flsk*. do small pearl, ♦•♦> do
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  • 65 2 t»r Ptr tr. 1 To-Mobbow. Japan tia p«tt, Si/., mlmi *jb b*c4i <»r-*« Buflok. Pakau Tin («.rt- P.iin... < «Iru!l« T>» t-Tl- />>Wifuß. Malacca and Lin.f.. 0. C. ««»<», Mu«r. Mala«-. and KU;. < W ¥%f, ladrafin K>nn,l, D«li ria aatta, .4nwc'ni in. KaraaranK »i« i nl> <
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  • 109 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 29t h MARCH, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ■HMMMi MM. Prii-o iv t>nt«. Fur Strait* Time: < Mk. 8i imMI anii Tomt Übstrdoiion. balM, .'stl, M.ireh. -At a Liberal j meeting held at the Koreigu OKce, the Uight Hon'ble VV. E. (iladstoue complaiued of the obstruction of the Conservatives,
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 71 2 CH OLERA AT M ALACC A. I /'.iy'» Uleyram frum a Curr*,pc,id>,.t i U,il,ie,;i. HVrf»ir,,/,iy. Sa in. Munug March, there have beeu thirty proved cases of Cholera. There h»Te beeu I tweutythne deaths among native* The j majority of these were only reported to the authorities after death had takeu
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  • 375 2 M. CMAtLBMII. LaOOOB. to whom lla^ fallen the honour M In' Pn-sid" nt of MM Preneh Senate, ix a prominent meniU-i 1 I MM Kepubliran |»rty. He NMMMM tl»Int.- Jules Kerry in that |~«t for which he was indeed candidate nt the tim. of M
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  • 290 2 The Ch olera Scare. T«l aUnuint niniouri iv ireiihit aU>ut elmlera in Malacca uauaaj >•■* t< 1>Xraph yeitinlay to a IaaaMHNMI ptt— fora full account ot 'the uutuUr "t .l.ailiTheanswerin>rtele>;ruiu ist..-day pnlilisli.-l; and it will l«- t.rn that, up to Mghi o'efeek tlus morning, tin- whole uiiinUr af .1.-.itli-fnilu holvni
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  • 11 2 Thk Hou'bl» Tan Jiak Kiiu m. |> c. goes to-morrow to Selan^or.
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  • 9 2 11. M. cruiser Pall** returned from BaUria last oi^ht.
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  • 10 2 Thi Italian uruiser Cartu bw*M today for China via Biogkok.
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  • 16 2 H. E. THE UivrtuiiH will be present at the uerforinauce of the I>°Kimem Dayll Company to-uu{ht.
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  • 18 2 TKLt..BAFUii a<lvices from H. H. the Sultan of Jobotv re|>ort Inui a> HMM .it Cairo in better health.
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  • 22 2 Tan M. M. steamer ukVMMMM with the homeward mail 00 lx>ard arrived this I tnorniug aud sails at 4 |>. vi. for Rajpaaa
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  • 18 2 A Methodist Hc-rviee ou Oh>l Kriday will be held iv the "Christian [aatiUlta" Middle K v.l at 7J»a7V
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  • 25 2 MIRH HhMNIh DiITI.K, the HollUlst Lit the D'Euieui D.ivle Coiii|miiv. )>\Yf MM |»t--fonuancv hut ni|{bt under ureat difliculliea, •he luiug very unwell at the time
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  • 13 2 Thk Netherlaudn-ludian Uoveruoieut steamer Il.icit, CapUin Van Stuvvenlx-iv, arrtfed here from been yi-«terdav.
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  • 24 2 Mk. Micbie af Tientgiu, who ban written with vivacity 00 man* Cbine»e matteri, ig a |f «*>n>p-r hoiuewardu by the M. M. steamer to-day.
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  • 26 2 Thl Perak Uo^erniueut advertine for an Ku»{ineerforthe|. „Jf, M( an j al) v He tor ot Uoverumeutiv,.,,,^ u^, nin ei¥ and aluo for au aujintant eni(iu.vr
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  • 31 2 MuHl lUu ht f.v niiiii who had arraDKod to ro t,^ M .U«» from BW for the boUdav. Ut« u|) idea on acoouut of lt c cho er cari Up lDt
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  • 19 2 T>hi whiob .bould U,, tampon, for Peu«ug to-d*v .v found; v«tenUv to l»*»e broken er»ok .hit which h" I
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  • 13 2 that the eurroot rear wil/ u vo ur«.l.le quarter oa tb* au.picwl. uwilrio|li
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  • 28 2 Th£ D'Ensem Doyle Compaur »i|| _j a musical enWrtainment in the Town H thii evening, when an entire chant* programme will be substituted for t|, girta last eveniug.
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  • 25 2 Thb Sbau arrir»d k--morning from Swatow mil report! a |*s»en(rer jumped overbonnl 1, ashore. A DMA wan lowered in made but these efforts w.'iv onsui
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  • 39 2 1 s I 1 1. lay, Silur.lay. and- M..11 1 the pulili ojkai aud tli" li.inks will X, ckMM. "11 flidaj and S.Uu, I, will be no issue of the MrwM Tim Momliy the issue will be as usual.
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  • 28 2 h ii prop I to establish a -liv.-i OHM in HMUMbau. Tbi 1 p:irc.-l« eb*r>ad l>y tli" 1... r li.ive Ik-«>u wdinod, powibli in ooni of the proposal.
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  • 35 2 At the Police l.'oiirt this MOrsJ Klmirs ap|M'are.| to 1 MMlll 1 iillinltte.l 011 til" Ltoyh'-- injured MM wa»as«iilledwitli -I iron liirs. ami tli"doi-tor re[Hirt. .1 tl iag that his eoudition was very 1 1
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  • 40 2 A QoLI initili wi~ upore I afternoon I>i- E«n i M i.'liston. M--.1 .in.l l>r llui.l" i.i.l CapUiu II ami II The match resultil :u w j 0 for tiie Army team by two bobl iv t|^ r I favour.
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  • 45 2 Mk. W A Mms. bipaoto Cii it i.r.-ll l> ink of India, flvliatn China, arrive.l at Singapore tlnfr. 1111 Chios, and will rein.iiu for 4 rt Ill^'ll' O! ral of the Netherlands. Mr. Mai hie wriy bo 11 t 1 K i^l md to tak-
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  • 47 2 Thk 0n,,,' M.nt takes noto thai suit of th" utt"in|.t to p-t MJoatbi luoteer Force at Hongkong nui wortbf of the colony i-au hai'll. to indicate iniioh volunteering MBMMJ Ik* JTOBag men of the eolol total numliiT enrolled is 87, win. -li sider^lily under the reduced estiuu'-
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  • 55 2 A .il:l:h-l-.iM>KNI sends tile til- loHotHbh bom of tti" tUaged ibtokooH of tcado, I the Colony are dilti-ull to obi 1 within tli" last three months th. iiii.-r.-si on mortgant* of bud m tU. Coloin baj is-ii to >• aud per cent, |«r HUiiiiui, and tin n- M •'till I
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  • 48 2 Bu> Mbtu Co mv .it the North Uerinau 1,,.,».| ittaaMn. "v tfct Ixiiiaaul leliw-r lll*.' in. ill al N.lplei inPort Sail Krom NapM the uini will Ir Orwatded l>y ipcdaj traiu. I «i,u.' this port on the 7tb A; li" In 4 -t".im--i liaoVt th" new drraii.v. llelit.
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  • 53 2 Tax Stnitt I»4ap*m4»mi mj result of the Chit* I P( I'll ol ill" ■hrn II m K'i!e IVtitiou id iwi ibti ilK.iit uiue-1.-utlm of those ci 1 Mof"»>.'i| tut ir-- il the liUnk aMHJta tt MMOT which tbrf *"i" induced to viftn. All llm •TheTowk.n told iu>- to kaow wby
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  • 58 2 H.I H the Anhduke Krau* Penlnuotj 1 is el|Htt«<i to ar Amtriaii erMBM Kiifrin Wedueiday of MZI ».-.-k au.l 11 Bim;a|H,re about tin- days. The four■('l v a Ht.vl .'orv. toua aud was lauutbed iv l£ I tt 10n... ly ft. b.-*iu. audJJ ft. dnugbt ot water and ia uouiaiduJrl
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  • 60 2 QOLI il|.|-;tlli to I)" Ul ■UUm 111 th.' favour of the U IMil Um4 .veuiu^. a very l.i >'i" pMMMH 011 tli" hull BMQ if wlloln eUl,'aK>il I" 4 J ill" lift i.ut 1 lulu iv eapit.i new ..f the iiim— ilia popabu BkMMUBOafIBI the fair wx, t' Bolf Ciub
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  • 53 2 I'm P. A O *taMBM v up th" Lmmln mail of Inn* lomlxi and |'iolial>lv liruiiritu: tli 1 < ...mlio at I lay. aii'l she 111 iv arriv I'Vt-uiiii,' or Tu.-ml.iv moruiiii^' C mipauy's ItMMMt CwtkaM with th.'Jii'it homeward mail is efV 1 ti-.i tolaave H MMg to-morrow, Ul ii
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  • 86 2 Tan KaV OkrmtkU say* that the 1' 4 O. Co. lias reiustated the Ja|«u. M pilot Voshibei in hit old poMlioOi tbt 1 h*WBMJ l>."ii brought up bf bim oa her last voyage from Magataki. It must Ik- some ttaaalatiaa to a man "ho bat been wry hardly treated by
    86 words
  • 87 2 A t KI.K..KAM Was I on the K'.th lust, from Mr. ill" Bberidan Ooiewlidahid If in with Bmk. K.'init iniiii.ili,it.-h t..|- i> to Ih' [.ivvi'iitr.l. K 'in" 1 l«' ban .it I ili'st mi ihi 1 iiiorin g ttiHtML" O.i th,' WU iii't.iut tinDirector* th*j BhariMM Cob* Mi 1
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  • 216 2 I'kksii.lm tvnioda iv s|»Mkni.' al "i. liall-v.-arlv ui.ti nit,- of shan-1i.i1.1.i--IIMIHI S|... liuik, saiJ tiial t! Jifffred from other bsnks in li.n mat.' ,*****. linns with tin- iHWfI I lli«- couulrv. Iv An. lust, wliou tlie Kivatrst aitivilv 111 Irtir was suown, foreign bauks I' MiiMi'iilv reluctant to Innl. v
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 531 2 NOTICES. The Straits TiraBs has the largest circulation of any nevnpapjr in Asia, British India excepteJ. It circulates in Singapore aud Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French ludo-China. j No other Eastern newspaper has so
      531 words
    • 816 2 MI'MCIPAf- NOTICES. VI 'MCIPAL NOTICI. NOTICE i< h'retn given, tint the ReMr I l.i.t- of 1-r.oii, duly .|..%lifi.^l t" I Muni, pal OoBMffMMMMM for the h,»ii of Singapo-e. and of permms duly qualifi.llovol« at Muni.' till Elections for the Mvanl Ward* «f tha alkjnaan Municipality havr In 'ii published in
      816 words
    • 1012 2 AUCTION' SALES. I 9IL*B OP LAND AND BOUil3 OKCHARI) ROAD TUB unditi>igned are inatrui-t d to sell by aurtioiiat thi'ir Mle ro nn. o i THIUS DAT.SOUi MAX ;H. at -2 :i Ip> m All Himo twe BSMfS of freehold bind xituili' in the district of Cltymore in tli- Inland
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    • 1027 2 LATEST ADVBRTIBBMBNTB. THE O'ENSEM-DOYLE COMPANY, Being enroute lo Chicago under spec al •iig^g-m-ut fur Ike Wnrl.r,. Fair will give Til Mi; F.tMWKLL Still PKtWM.UCEN AT THI I(M1\ II til H|>t.«l'Oltl TO-NIGHT. Doumi <■•n.- »t 8 p in. D jom open at *M». i..ii fur buili |> rfonn.iu.c< at MSSSOT John
      1,027 words
    • 71 2 rnr General >bippin> Hews Xcv par* 4. »U>d«d /.r tk, Kr..l. Tim- BknU b« <nf>n H.MlUlflt.wiKlv. SytlUuyl.ct./llMlon.d. ""iJiSi r,jmut tKt m^U Htm. v All ajMrtuutf Mlruli «rr nl>rt v IU nnUitU. lUI tk» mt^l—f Ih, .< > .r<M«» J »l nK/lbp.p. k "M". KM mftmum llu. C.r i» y The
      71 words

  • 219 3 The Press Wants Mor e Information. It im i.ABt itkiif a Kbi>.ni> to thk VRKMBHT ■Kilntl. "t I'ell.lllg. lit to Hiipplv fuller tin- preai ami public 1-1 lie Illollthh !>■- i.i.l.- iii the van. .us 1 i Mken ,n th itlvmg stations and from rarioot It .isk- trh.l .amiot then.Ml.'d
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  • 276 3 En tertainment at th e Town Hall. 1 HI D'Etmem- Doyle CompaQT, who «re travelling tit the Ka«t to the Chicago Kx|K>sitioD, save au enteituijiueut in the town Hall last uight I'he piogramuie. with OOt exception, til entirely nuaicai, and several of the songs were illdl in an iuterestiug manner
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  • 157 3 Purchase an d Exp ort of Post age St amps. IHE tolloWlUg letter IS pUlll|Slle,l IU lUe l'.-rak d' M VL S«C»ITABT!l OH E. II roor to inform you that 11 is Bl ell.- hi ,i r.-i.-nt bbM hi «lii h MM il !>• the Crown Agauli tad Cuaton Hooae
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  • 209 3 Th e Bu lk Oi l Trade. A i.Ak..i: oinp.ii.i lasrmlilrd on the tlth March, at Wa.U Puint, K..U-. (or lb« puraitaaaatng Ilia tnaugaimiioo tA Urn i tsaki whi'h have been erecti 1 i.ii. I S.iiihm'l an. l 110 Shortly aft*-r noon, fjorcraor Sutu rPßK>rad i silk i loth fro,
    209 words
  • 79 3 Passenge r List. Or „i l),-!i ria Amlimi Mr Mr- aud two M PMt, kikl M. I. IVr S,.ik fruui Deli via i>ort«: Mr« N W,, Per a Uhuurlnry from LaMM via PcMr B.mlwi.ll. Mr Carp.-.wll. aud Mr Baatl ■</ from Samaraug -Mr. 8. Martlirru. ivr > fro,,, Hoogkmm BM
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  • 612 3 The New President of the French Senate. Paul Abmani> Cbai lemki. La. oi a. n.wlv .i|.|K.,iil.d President of th« French i iv born -it Avrautbei (Mam he,. I>JT. studied at Pone la the L%. <■■ of S.iint L'liis. entered the Normal School in 1846, and was first in the aOflapnilioa
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  • 203 3 co lies in Japa n. i! .t.-l« the sirue oo the i »bich isay« «ld ii. 't m i oat ..f .I. I Mr. i I," in inaffer, two iigi. w.rk for him. On the bill I ing i' Miti .1 be [.mo 1 that the .rlnUnt ..1,.', nt.d
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  • 71 3 Thi lullowi Ita \.--ti-r-li. I mu Tennis tin pkjed <>u the KiCaAVFioauiip FlBAl I II Knrnmn r KIU..I unliiu-li .1 lhaaawc »i pn-M-m hviaft Klli..U. K..rnuin. km It ill Hnixh-.-.I 1. -l«v u,.| tin- wii,n< rulll ufan III. rhaiapioa Mr P <•«.„ RiMu Bakmoah f'l.ASfi
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  • 32 3 >i\..ik lafMOy B IH--ButHaad J Haughi.-u an M.-Dougall -,r r r.11...t It Paovaanoi I'aihf i > i BfaaaVl rlll4 l>- ««> BUM I Harrington Muni Haof r< I W..ldell ripalH, >OwS M"
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  • 52 3 I'K.iFKHHIOS PAIII^. ((>«.,, Hiaddoll pality I H,-.|«r j HUat. MacUggart t l)o«ar M r W.,dd.1l > U '"< < Harrington l>..i K\.k. Haniucap. '""""> >j. I MeD.iugsll Qiabaa j K,.1«n,,.ii II ANlili AIV hM) :H 1 i- Poar.-e M This tie cannot bo played if the Muni.i Iwlity
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  • 22 3 K.r tSe M»»ev-t. it, IHbMMMI on twth Maich. W M W& ■Al,''i:u. fulitaiia, un .unii .luo 31*t March,
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  • 171 3 Th« Return of Imports aod Ki|nirU for tbe quarter ended 31at December 1892 baa >• I. publ.sbed. The appended ruuipara- live tables give the following result* i 111 poets Kxrlmirr of Tretuutr SIN.tAI'OKI MhQaartereilSßa, aaeoana— tahQaarteraf 18*1, t\.*Hol *.%42.*!8 MQaarterof 180S, ll.mi.alW kUMM I'kn t\-,. Ith yuarter of
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  • 316 3 tnt Jfaraa.— la the aaeate so the Army r-tiin«t.- th. Baaaa ..f C,,mui..ulast aight, Mr CaaapMl Baniierinaii aajd he n th,.t 1," aid beta aileaaiieietaiid ie- eardnan lac Arn,\ Corps Sj-t.-m far locekn i s.-rvi.e Ii n;i« u..t intend. -.l. ba -aid. to -üb- -litute a
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  • 732 3 Shanghai Sumatra Tobacco Co mpany. Thk naaiail ■aaafaJ awetiaa ol -Imr.--boldan m tins OoaanMsj was held "n the Mth instant at Shanghai: Ti,.' (I. airman said tiut as the report and accounts had BaM iv the hauds „f tli.- shar.-li. filers f..r soaw ilay- 1,. BfBBBBB«l th.-v might Im' taken
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  • 640 3 FINAHCK Tm« utual comparison iv the Muoici|»l President's rt-jiort for last roonlb (fires the fullowio^ figures for the first two months uf the year: JaajAav, JawMv. R«t^ .WM11.17 5103.4595.-, Taies. I.S 6ti«i..V> 88,822.80 Licsn»*« and Frm MM.7S S,8»l 13 Mark.-ti lir.Tiilti 9,h88.72 Hri Wat«r Supply 18..W2.19
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  • 133 3 okls OKI. I li» H.,.1 Quarter. ojfayaasi i. KM afarei Orderly <,m.-.rf..r nsuinir <'„pt Q Bniee W.'l.-t.r Orderly Scrircaiii br n-uing Mat Srgesut Mak. |-i. 11 -Parade. M.,r,.Uy 1 iii Mmim irmiUrill ff»jM4] Slip >» 7 H M I, gundnll Tlmr-day :> It m M.uiiu gundrill. Saturday p. lafif
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 t»iu;t lamuu." A BHASIONS. Hums, and Wounds lieat x\- rapidly uuder application of Toilet Lanolinc." which used constantly clears the eiuupli-xiou. Bad U c-peeially useful far the rhating of y..ung .hildreu. In collapsible Tiilm lid iv aaafaas baaae :U., frail all CaeariaUaad Druggists. Wholesale Depot, h7, HollMirn Viaduct. The genuine
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    • 995 3 JTOTIOKB. Singapore Sporting Club. SPHING MEETING 18JU The Spriug Pace Meeting will h* held on Tuesday. 1 hu^Hay. and Saturday, May '.•th. 11th and 13th. Prtsrißßlf. FIR T DAY. TUESDAY, MAY!*th Fust Raci. THE MAIDEN PLATE —Value a»i. A Race for maid, n horses. First Class to I carry list.
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    • 891 3 KOTICBB. ESTABLISHED 1866. RILEY. lIARGREAVES CO. Emoinkkks. Ikon A Brass F»ondb»h. BOILIBMAKKKS, B,BII>UE BuiLDKKH. ShIPBUILDIBB. GKIf EBAt. CONTKACTOKS. BINOAPOBE A KUALA LUMPOK Ship Huildinc Yard. HKiH class ST KAM "VESSELS always under construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading
      891 words
    • 775 3 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPAJrT. FOR 801-RABAYA, BALI. MACABBAK, ANDMOLUCCAB. 'PHIS O 8. 8. Co.s steamer FLIVT L SHIRE, will be despatched for tWe abore portaon Wednesday, tbe 2Mh taetant For freight or pasaage. apply to W. MANBFTELD A Co., Agents O 8 8 Oiy. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVMsJa^fioN COMPANY. LIMITED.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 91 3 WKA'JUEB KKI'DKl p. ««p.B. Hllliut. fUr red. W ftfc '-'13 76i Ifi j T««p Wet Bull. 11.". »l > IM Dir. of Wind N W. t K CJ» Mu T«mp. in 4 k Mid. do. do. 71" Mm. id Snn T»rr. rwi. Ther (j^.P (UinfrUI in 1i Ko«r.. Nil. *i
      91 words

    • 178 4 I ii lor UHt lii"»iliii|f tlie following »l,l,r»vi»timu are un(>d «tr— «t«m»r; sh. sTiip; b<j. b«rqu«>; Brit— Briti.l, V. S— Vniu-i Stat»». i Fr.-Frenrli Or. Gorman; Dut Datah; Joh Jolj'ire, Ac, li.r. (ioueral parjfo (>.— <l..M-it |»««*n(THri.; I'. DmmWi T.P^Vf.— T«BJO«| P»»f»rWh»rf;T. P. D Twijonif P» k
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    • 813 4 T RADING VESSELS. Abritals 8inc( Noon or Vk-ij.k iai Steamers itaaaed through kM t'cl«fi-il. lint str. MB t-i... Capt. Killl.-n. Mh Sotu»r»a k J'.tl. Q 19 d. TM Kiiu Tian A S. n-. r r ,l,,i H porU. anh.-KI-T*rk .Si-*} 'Juan, J.ili. «tr. IS ton,', K t III
      813 words
    • 80 4 P'Tt. ,md Date of Sailtui From London. Poruioiia, Keli. 16. s.ui.j. Kei.. Liverpool. S»n Ignt,-,., J.. LcyoU. Kel.. II Qlamou Ui..m. .1. K. I.. Jt BlKKKNHKAH Aj«. K-li M ft irMw, IWk -l Niuffrho*, K<-1> J7 Patliku. Mnr; Bauuv JV1. t \>'t. Oldmbarf, M»r l;i. Praussen. Apl.
      80 words
  • 54 4 NiM« Li«*Kt< IMfWI Rtta 5?' B BuWkaltSouu ,t r She S» Pruug C^Udoui.. tiu.Z 5 fcsir* Si H.r D t lirinir Bute flu .im Han' Ki>ni umaul Tl» poi t« Pa>l*D|[ rut pori> billitos tad PoaluuuU Paiui ud Cakuiu B«Mtkok ClMnlMHl Md BtMTU| MumUlm <U parta i
    54 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 313 4 NOTICES. V- tM J >isssssßt 1 Haa stood taetaMofOi IIKI'KKN IBABS, ia tan asukei. ALWAYS THK SAME IN QUALITY. ALWAYS THK SAME IN FLAVOUH ALWAYS Till: HAMI IN PBIOB. Kacu lx«ttl.' gaaiaateed to ooal tin ooe-aiiUi of aa [aiaanal < •.ill>>n Tin- heari fill in Exchanga titan boi oar P
      313 words
    • 202 4 NOt ICES. BENEDICTINE. DE L'ABBAYE OE FECAMP -I.N. > KIKI'KK §i:s«l |SK. T«M((I L NaflHllt m. w. Af. tt 7 I CHUBB' S IRON' SAFES AND LOCKS. '1 hk I' in riiE World. APULLIXAKIS WATER, tfj (JTJBBW ttT Tll*l WaTKKS. I>EHUIKH-J()ri'*T K CO.'S <ii%mi'%<>m:. A Bsfß alaw »iuo ..f .x--.-11.-nt
      202 words
      483 words
    • 1383 4 NOTICES. JAMES MOTION CO. Chbonomitcb. Watch A Cloc« Miii«» i a!TD OrrIOIAHB. FI.IWT STBBBT. Have always on hand well selected stoc of Jewellery. W atches. Clocks. Diamond Jewel cry. and Nautical Instruments. umj.-ataj.oi.-~-Sr Sr w t- Sas ""(^ronom^rs. Watches and Clocks carefully cleaned and repaired. Chrouometers carefulv rated. J M
      1,383 words
    • 553 4 NOTICES KATZ BROTHERS' Tailoring and Oatftttlßg Depart nient. 18 vow complete »itb all tsM BOftUin, BMapriaiag "[,.\l\ ud KA.V y COATINGS in BUck, Blue, and Colonn. ntntOH TWILL for Kv.nnik; Dtcm Suiu. Hl.l'i: BXBOB, for r..iigb w.-.u-. ,i ipieial caaap im,-, HOMKSIMN SI MINUS. Hal KI.\N.\KI,s. quite »<■« in
      553 words