The Straits Times, 22 March 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. INTABLISIIED: 1«5J1. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, l»9tt. NO. 17,97 a.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 607 1 STEAMSHIP OOMPANIKr-. i:a.m IVhh whs New Hai Iks mail n.»nn"s maybe (aaaoeaa teal ,r.' outwards an I ewardp iTTai>''< IWABM I" 1 I Isp::. i.l w approxiinit' B ny s.'a BCTWaUH I IT. l( I in:iilia for BPK. .n, the •pntinea^t:.! inte i .-.hate ports. m t travel have ■r.
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    • 508 1 VMSHIP COMPANIES. K( i.M N X 1.1.1 K I I'AK KTV A ART '.ri'l.l. Hwrtanrt* KnlllNXiiNyUAT. \i Ii s \n.i IfasiM l.'n i bIKBI i. J O, I for the krt. i.-r p<i-t pnni'l-.l with electric li^lit kiul ■lit--; ii operation fr. Sii iHin-. and all .tl. r ii Wedneadaj
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    • 707 1 MKA^'SUIP COMPANIES. Siak. Bei gkslix, and Edi will be called at only onii. every four ks. la. a ../If via Haw. an ami ur.tUya, i\.ry four wri'ks ht. nm. r tuns in this din clion tnkii.g il:nrt aargo Bad i Baiiji'iinnssiii, 1 .--ir. an.l K.'.i. I -ti-nin. r to
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    • 695 1 INSURANCES. Tl,e Standard life Assurance Norwich Union Fire Imiurah.'.- So.-i.ty Atlas Assurance Company iFire I The Equitable Life Assurance Society Tin. I iiemi Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Sixain Navigation Coy. Tho T.iti.'iiliam Usgai Bwr C mpany. The Maritime Insutaiii-e Company, Limited. For particulars of these Companies see tho
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    • 750 1 INSUBANCbS I mi. MAUIinE L»8I b>AM< r. (.u*., LTD. KsTARUSUBD 18SG. Capital 41.000,000. Kshshvs XBOO.OOO. The undersigned Ui-viai; b<<en app> int^d Agent at Singapore for the above "inpauy, I* prepar. d to accept rinkb by lir^l L'iaas Steamt-r* and bailing Veaaul*. OEO. KINO, Agent. POBITIVE(»OVEKNMENTSEi UKli'Y LIIE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD.
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    • 500 1 I BANKS. lIONliK'oNi; AND SHANGHAI BANKIN(i CORPORATION. PAID CP CAPITAL 110.000^X0 RKSEKVK FUND I 1,800,000 RKSKKVE LIABILITY OF i. 1O oonooo PBOPRIKTOHS 10 000 000 Coour or DiaBCTOBB: T. K. Davibs. Esq.— Chairman. 11. Hoi-ins. Kxg.— Deputy Chairman. I Junta J. BelllrrluK, Eu) Juliua krrnmar. Eao. I. J 11..11i.|»j. X..,.
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    • 520 1 NOTIOHB. CALVERT'f CRItOL imiFEmiT til riiirm. "'gSi'T.'TiM 4'"*** l mim w Ilk r»fl 1. .t,»,i 1... f. r w t pMian. This fluid nines readily with water in aay prop., rt mn it i> much stronger in dieinfeetin|r P"Wi-r than other loratli H nonniimwu HniAm and leas expensive. It i.
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  • 555 2 LATEST MARKKT QUOIATIUNB. SmnAPOBS. 22hd March. 1893 Pkodjcb. (lambier. t 6.87,. do do No. 1 M 10.70. do do No. 2, m 8.75. Copra Bali, 6.20. do Pontianak, 5.65. i'epper Black 10.40. Sago flour, Sarawak 2*>. Pearl Sago, 1671Coffee bali, 32.00. OoSee Liberian 34^0 Tapinoa umikll Flake, U\ Jo
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  • 95 2 tor P»r §tr. To-Muiio*. IWtu P»wt. 4 tHf i,,,, lUnj.niiM .l ti» port«. tin B»ij U»»f«»* »>r,. R.;«* Bro.iHoof koDf 1 T ik»h*nw lupnii, M»lkc. ,vi LiD.g.. f. C. fSiith. P.k«n port. /'aim. IW rfi |«rt- H.n;/ tl Mklarra »u<l KUdk. 11/..I 1 it P».vu N'oas. ■ipm 2
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  • 26 2 ATClnvellyoiith<>in<iniingaf th*'.M»t March, John Mckuat Hutu. .1 >«t -m of the lat* John Purvis of OsMMM VToxl Road. Sv.lahlisiii Hill iv his «iity tint year
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  • 96 2 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED 1831. Price 10 Cents. WEDNESDAY, 22ND MARCH, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Strait* Time*. SILVIK in SILVBK StO'-KS DbFBRMID. London. 'Jlst March. Iv consequence of the new Indiau loau, silver and ail ver stocks are depressed. Mr. Gladstone and Uuamda. In the House of Commom.Mr. Ghvlitoue. tlat.d
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 220 2 A BBcßirr eiercise of the Governor's veto [xiwer in Singapore Huaicipal affairs has aroused some adverse comment. The other day, the Municipality decided uponcontinu- nig the dog regulations within their limits for another year, including tbe tnuizliog clause. The decision came before the Government for
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  • 14 2 Lii'T Cleiueuti Suinh will no/ Im- •At Horn," on Thurwlav afternoons till further uotire.
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  • 16 2 Ths U. S. corrette Mirim arm tenJaT fvciiiurf from rrui*e l» M tUi< a and f'--u.iii^
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  • 14 2 A comhittkk uieetiug of tin- ttagMWN KiH- Associatiou bas Im-.-u po-.t|Hin.-.l till Thursday i-vouiug.
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  • 57 2 Mi H. A. U'Bkikn 1. ft for I'enau.' Uy to-day* mail. It is uu lerst>> I tin' M goei to enquire how to expedite luitl arrangements there. It is advertised that MMata. BMB Jm»> kirn of S-,ural>avrt. TlnddeiiH PVmI of Singapore, and M.A.Edgar of Bally adaMMai as Mftaofl iv
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  • 32 2 An Associatiou football matt h will lie playeil this evening at tive o'clock on the Stamford Uoad ground. U-twe-u a team of the Lincolnshire Regiment aud a team captained by Mr. Norton.
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  • 30 2 Pkkak is laughing consumedly at I'enang. The Perak people thiuk they are perba|w as impoitant as tbe island that would annex them, and they make their remarks with great caudour.
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  • 37 2 Tbb iutenueut of tb- reniiiu* of Mr. John Purvis t,xik pl.n,- iv tin- C-iuuterv last evening in the presence of v,rv in mv |K-ople. The Rev. G. M. K.itb.M .V. conducted tbe service at the CVm, t.rv.
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  • 40 2 Tat, examination in bankruptcy of Mr. Frank G. Bernard, which was postponed from last Week by tbe Chief Justice for to-day's list, has l«-u further )>ostponed owing to the Chief Justice baviug jmm M hold the Ami.- Court at Malana.
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  • 40 2 A i.'Hi«i»i. Police-Sergeant *asrei.utlv i'hari{e.l with attempting to exU^rt money from several |iersons. He was aaqaittaa, and on meeting oue of tbe wituesses who appeared airainstbimyesterday, he gave tbe man a severe tbrasbiug. He was charged brfure the court to-day
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  • 54 2 Thk P.H'inj Gatrttt note* tbat a notice dated Singapore, I:4th Marub, of a legislative Council meeting to be held on the l'itb. reached tbe Penaug members only on tbe ltitb. Tbii sort of thing, it says, is not at all unusual sometimes the notice doe* not come to band till
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  • 51 2 Mb. F. N. McL&btt of haaag mmli v* a very long letter that ori^'iuallv appeared in the a*MMtJ <iat*ttr. aud which was theu briefly summarised in our rohi in us. In aaking us to print it. he sos "you may think tbe demand on your MBM uureaaonable We do tbink
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  • 48 2 In a few mouths the Wtr ith.-e wil) issue "The Army Hook of the British Bmpire." It wilf explain tbe growth of various customs in the Army and is designed for general as well aa military readers. It ii being edited by Gen. Ooodenougb and Col. Dalton, r.a*.
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  • 51 2 A solemn requiem high iuu> will be celebrated in the Cburcb of tbe Good Shepherd at 7a. in. to-morrow. f..i tbe repo»e of tbe soul of tbe late K v Brother ltronius. All fricuds are r*> vested to atteud. Tbe school of St Joseph's Institution will be MWMaI »Q Kriday
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  • 58 2 Tb« His., S|, who had been ou trial at the Asuize Court for nlMM*] bnjmrj of d. livery order* of Messrs Houalead and Co., wai discharged yesterday a.- not guilt v. it l>eiog found that a Ixmk Iwariug outbe evidence and referred to with tlie d.lir. rv orders bad been
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  • 52 2 Tmk ImmM <'"iincilloaiof I'enang. tbe I'oatmaster-Ueneral. aud the Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commenc have, so the Fiuaiitf G'ti'tU- states, been appointed a Committee to reftort IBM the several pni|H>aala t'oraeeelejatiiii; the mails there to and from Kuro|>e M ludia alternating with tbe P. A O. fortuightly mail rin
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  • 79 2 Tun manager of tbe IVuaiitf Tr4lnw.iv baa offered to sell tbe whole mot t.> the Municipality there. The Munici|*l Pr.-si-dent aaid that he wu opposed to tbe idea of purchasing it. He believed that they could j^t it wry cheap, iv fact for an inauv dollar! ai tlie lim.-eru cost
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  • 76 2 A OWHWWIQI avrvice wax li.-ld in St. Audrew's Cath.-dral lait .-veiling, in the pivseuce of a Urge MOfNfatsaa. Tbe service w>i choral, th,' hoir MMf augin.iitfil for tbe ixxasiou Tliirtv-oue caudidatei were continued 1 2i males, 6 females) by tbe Right H»-v. Hishop Hose, who wai assuted by the Key
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  • 83 2 Hithkbtg, observes tbe Xi/».i« Mmii, passports have only been grauU-d to Japanese subjects ou coaditiou tliat tbe applicant! rould show a de6uite |>rocpect of earning tlieir livelihood our 1 arriviug at their declination, or were. |«*eees<d of a sufficient* of fundi for tb«/ trip. The policr of colonitation latr l
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  • 112 2 At St. Audrew's Cathedral, Siogapor,', resterday, Mr. Henry Tri-gartben was married to Miss Alice Littlefleld who arrive.! from London 00 Sunday last. The cereniouy wa« [^rformed by tbe Vimut ,1,1.Arcbdeacon IVrbam, and the bride was givi-ii away l-y Mr. K-id. After the marriage tbe guests adjourned to Rumak Fr* U»k,
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  • 93 2 The flinaisl of Brother Brouiua, who was drowned while batUag M MOll--,|.i\, t.ioL- pUoe last MMMsI, Tbe tirat portion of 1 In- K,-rvirewas read by tin- Bish> op in tbe Cathedral of theflooJT Sbe|.l,.ri| in the pr.-s.-ii. af miny iiiiiiruir*. ii.l thi- i- illii wlii,!i was covered with wreath 1
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  • 98 2 As important change iv tbe .>f iostics 1' /iu/.il>ir wu sitd« hv Sir O. Portal previous M bi« MUiag >iit on MeaipaditMM SO Uganda. Hith.-rto the British OoOsOaM C mrt oulv 1 jurisdiction iv MM iv wbiub tin- Attendant hatipaairf «0 M i British subject. Sir Gerald lias now
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  • 120 2 Thb pr«i|Mj»e<l Kxtr^litiou Treaty Iw. twiru IkaJafjaMM <iinl Bagflas) o»>trn-iiii-iits has soms to nought. It Mtass, MTCtsM l'h,<n Shnnh'l,l, that tlu' term« ol tli- Iraal* SJMI arrauKe.l at a roul-i. ence beld between tin- Miaistaf of tVreign Affairs aud tbe Britiah Minister, tut wan sabarqaeotlr aatended l>y tbt rrifj Coua,il.
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  • 87 2 To tub Bonoa or thk "Straits Timii." Sib. y\i l-liiiuiid oodbouae has iorlectly giu^'e.l the r>-<{uiremenU of Peuang in the way of im re.iso-l fa. ilities for baudliug BMfB, and raOMM awaits a well managed company based ou bis hues. I' in iv bafoaadtaml a powerful tug
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  • 231 2 In Ins powerful Book "U \i'. and Char it- r, M I IVarson takes a very dark view of tbe future of mankind, aud oue ai the grounds of hi« pessimism is that few tropical regiuus cau -ver Ik- made habitable for Buropcas mm, It bippeni
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  • 319 2 iVw I'rtu.) I'kk KaMM* A itliorities seem drlertuine.l t,, draw Hi.- t.-wb of the rulers of the Malay l'-niusiila. Tbe policy now pursued will reduce whatever atate of Mai MapasMMMl ejisted among tlie Mtlav rUjdtis tributary toSiaAi. a KIMM i".ai( ..t' i,-w tliia ih good
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  • 88 2 Per i. s. ll.ii. P,,h Qmm from Macassar tis ports —Me »r- |s4ssen». Lyou, ami S Pit a. MM WktM Bin f' Telok Auson via port»: Dr Kerr, and Mr. Onttippe. Per s. v Gtinum?,!, fr.,in Pulo Bran«lan Mr. Wsddell Per Lmi;,H., from Hamlnirg vi» ports —Mr. Jobu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 520 2 NOTK I The Straits Times has the target circulatio:i of an 7 uowspapar m Asia, British India exempted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so
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    • 704 2 MUNICIPAL NOTK I MINICII'AL MUTIOaV NOTICE is h-rebv given, that the ReUsM of persons iluly ipi»litied to seeleetsd Maaie'aal Osmmmssbmb for the t,.\rn of BhgßfßT Bad sf persons duly qualiti,.,| to vote at Muni.!p»l EU-tiom for the -feral Wards of the Sin/spore Municipality have 1.--n pulilishixl in the G,,icrn,n*nt Cssirtl.
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    • 1064 2 AUCTION SALES. SALE OF OFFICE FI'RNITI-RE.\... THURSDAY, 23bi> MARCH, a i j:*i p si. rpHE umlersignnd ars instructed hy the L Li.|UMlator- of the Siugapire liisarsaca OaSBMSJ to sell hv Audi in at the Compaiiv'K (iffi-H in las Eii'lmnge luiildiiig. on Thuniday. Aird March. SMMMMMg at 130 p .m., thn'
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    • 994 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Thurtday, 23rd March. 1893. AT > .»i r. at. ORDERS OF THB OAT. I.— Civil Appeals Bill Sr 1 Re»liug. i i.-KvM n« Bill. Committee A. P. TALBOT. Cl«rk of Conncils. Com, ,-i i. inli-r Sin>f.i|. IMa Marfh. MML I APOTHECART. Al7 a:• I for P^rak
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    • 140 2 On ili<- Hal inat at Bukit P»rmii>. the wife >f J F. Vinukmt, o( t ton. TUL.. M: H K\ 1,1 riLKFIELIl At SI Ad4rav*l < »tli.-lr il, BfaMH 'in Tuwlav, 21nt March. MM, hv lh« V«oer*bl« Arrbdowoa i'-rlitm. Mr Hksky TKt'.AH HFN. to Mim ALICK l.i ri i.tnti.11, ycmngest
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  • 496 3 M a. Hi'TTKnbach, who receutlv lectured i 1 Institute at Singapore on *vs a| |K'ar to have with rather more eiithuthey were heie, and pathy with Penaag ia the preseat unt for thai i article to the lecture, which mm. 1 with the admission they ar. not accustomed
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  • 189 3 n< f the interment "t tlie John Purtis last evening, the Lawn Tennis Tournauieut I I itponed, md those that were tixe.l for issttlday will :>t Lh' following are th>' titures To-dn>*H Tlrs. < liianomip Devi* Mak-i- P«*i A I,«w *mt r. 1..-IHOII re* B Stevens,
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  • 95 3 hi AKKIVK Par l 1 a v.,i.ii.,. f,,,,,, Leaden, Hare*, 3, Mr. and Mrs Ones**, Captain Barter. Mr. VidMrs Baifd, l'i-1 Laii^lsiids Mr I. H. Bell. Per Jeaeaj faem Loadsn, M.r.-ii. .MiBuckland Per I .i London. March. 111. Mrs. MarKitcbit). Messrn. Stuart, and Brown. IVr rVwmaVa, from LOBOOB, April.
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  • 1097 3 Ths Krr«CTu or thi Fal«. m 8ilv«« I Tvs epir* Teade 11 Makkkt. I 11 k 1 hin-se Customs annual report has bees published. The followiog nol tbe AVi* C/,i«.r Ihuh, AVir«.— It is nut ea*y in the Spaes at our to irive utytamf
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  • 29 3 If. lra, ..11 241 l I 1 i di W JJth March, •aaf.oa -Ml. I ''j. on -Ttli .t,el.\||'l.-o. K..r the Molu.vaaMr' v MaivifleldW' 1
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  • 1554 3 (from our Corrttpondtiit.) h'i'inri/i;,, Hth Kkrwifi (AM Ki'-iled and misguided as usual by their inmiually reckless sensation-huutiiig Press, the worthy people of the United States have been worked up into a high etatc of national agitatiou over the lateat during scheme of a haudful of povertydreadiug American storekeepers
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  • 496 3 Pum BaSBI of OiMH, wbo actompauied M. Bunvalot iv v tri|i tbrougb tlie Frenc-li colonial possessions in t*M Kast, has published iv the PeHUmtt (Ma. niaU au article ou the qMatioa ot' the Mekoug River. Iv the course of thin article be says, putting
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 7 3 f»t Uenwal Kkippiac N'ws see Pate 4.
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    • 150 3 MB l.\\i>l.iu ABRASIONS, Burns, and Woun.U heat mpidly under application of Toilet Lanolin.'." which used constantly clear* the aaauaasisa, bb4 is asa^sial* aasCal far tas chaKng of young children. In c»ll*p*ihl« Tubes ikl., 'in elegant BSBS* 3d., from all Cheini-ti mil Druggints. Wholeaah- PsfJOt, tiT. HollHiru Viaduct. The, genuine hears
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    • 469 3 NOTICES. TYPEWRITINO. ALL descriptions of Typewriting undertaken at the shortest notioe. Mining Conce-wion. Reports, Drafts, Leases, Agriements. Af&davita, Pleadings, Specificstio ib, Manuscripts, Ac, copied. Apply to A. K. CRABBE. ta. th. A*, it 16/7 */o Me Ali.ter A Co. NEW GOODS. Uloves v-,. Drew Material* P.r.*ol. ROOKE Flannel, Umbrellaa Kreneh
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    • 746 3 NOTICES BENSON'S WATCHEB. MaMUrACTORT, LflKlATl HILL, LoNDOB MAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN. Specially manufactured and recommended or us* in the Eaat, Binsoh'* Special stbehoth. FIELD WATCH. A Gold Keyless English Half Chronometer, £2 BENSON'S LUDGATE WATCH, A three-quarter Plate English Lever fully compensated Silver, i\V5«.. Gold, £12.12*. Special sites
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    • 994 3 SHIPPING. INDO-UHINA STBAJf NAY. 00, LTD. P©R HOVOKOVCr. THB Company's Steamer CHKLYDBA. 1.7 M tons, Captain B. Caas, having left Caloutta on the 15th instant, auv be expected to arrive her* on ta* 23rd instant. Shs will be d**pat«k*d for tk* above ports on the 2-ith instant. For freight or
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 109 3 WKAiUEK KKPOKT Baaa> ."i i■•v MM 9 a.m. 3 p. n. 9 p.m. HcMAßas. Har. re.). Uttb .»M i< T.ii BJ -;t Ji. Temp. s^ -i a I W'l Hull) Th«r. 77" 7" n.» fc 'J Dir. of Win I H.W.I IT.Calsw A Uu. T*mp. in 88 0 Z Mm.
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    • 151 4 I hi..: 11 U h«». iiun the following al.lirevia•i in- »'<• ii-.-l «tr. Kt«amer; ak am; Brit— British; U.S.— United Stat<* Fr.-Ftaueh Oar. Qmnmmt Dut —Dutch Job. s .10i...ri- Ac. < jr. General cargo ;d p.— dock saaaaßßan; I'.— l'iicertain T.P. VV— Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P.
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    • 702 4 Akrii»i.« Since Noon or TMriBDAI •i,.'i pMHd tLroiiktli /..,r.i I /-atan. lint. «tr si t..,,,, „pt 1(: I Mar Fniu I'akan r,j Suk, and Bau^kaln. l'.ith. U. c. anl :fj J Wee Bin 4 Co. For Pakan Tia ports, I". Kd». GanymtJt. Brit. «tr. 236 ton*, Capt. Uubort.
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    • 118 4 P.,rt. tml hat- C Kk.iM Ihi«II>ON. I M .Mint HMhk K.I. l).-i.l.,^l,sl,,r... (ileimrtliev. f*h II tanum, Hb \<i j Siiitl.j. Kel, Bj LfTBBJ BH IgMlll 0> 1..y..'.5. r*b 1-i fll ssMJQSJ Dli Mii, X.-i. M BlKkfcNHKil Qlaaeaa, ftk. Wj Polyphaaraa, Fel> |3 j I I'ri«iM. K.I, IS; Sikh.
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    • 61 4 D Mi Kl.. i'»rTiiM DMuun* 1 Tibra M M >tr l.'oliilli H 0 >tr »i O;b P i. Brit. Mr Oim,Ai« .v. Hjlr. tr M 1 ord Ch»r:. nwnl «r. St j Chaw fby« >tr Hl«>kl> ,ru. K.ui.u, M>uritiu< ll«BKk..k Siuiron Bumb»jr tin purU Ha|a i >• i»-n.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 557 4 NOIK R8 KATZ BROTHERS' Tailoring o»<««tfttlng lh-parliunM. with all Urn lateal aoreltira, ■.ipr.-.n..- I'I.AIN o*d r\iN«7T I I 1 1 |NO9 in 1. "1 Colonro. FRENCH rwn.i 1:1.1 1 HOMESPUN si li MA I 11. INNEI MAT FLANNEL-" Patteroo, II \.\NIT, SllllNiiS. 111- tti t Kiection id tbe StmiU, >l.l>
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    • 1061 4 KOTICES. BENEDICTINE. DE L'ABBAYE DE FECAMP I I I Kll IKE #f"«M HP!, WHJIK. HI«r;sT»K. 111, w. 1. lo ,4 DOCKS. TJIK IANJONU PAGAK DOOK «.O. U 1 1>. The premisea of tbe Company r li,nj..n< Pagax adjoining the m»n f Sin^ipore. Steaui tram-cars run at s'n.rt latwrrstti .'■iiiyinrr passengers
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    • 901 4 NOTICES. SBTABLISHSD 1865. RILEY. lIARGREAVES GO. FWOINKEKS, iROM 4 BRASS F«)DWI>«KH, I! .lI.KEMAkKKfI, rlKlli.iK BUILDKRH, BHII'I rti.Tims. (Jknebal Contractors. BINOAPOHK KUALA LUMPOE. Ship Ituililiiii; Yard. HIUH elas« STKAM VESSELS alwajs I under eonntni.-tio... froir 'JS ft. to 150 ft. j l..ii)(ih ..f keel, of host de»i(rn snd finish. MACHI.VERY fT..m
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    • 306 4 NOTICES. ~The Cnm M Hotel," Penance Hill. Elitation 2.2«0 Ttr.r. rilflUfl esUlili«hinent is most besutifully 1 iliaoa»<. aflatda Ha ooeacacto a aasrailieent view of the town and harlionr of Pelisug snd other sarrounilinn OOSSBOfIoO, OOWn every .-..infiirt t.. vi«itors. anl i* liiifhly rwoininend.Kl to invalids for tho baaafll ol their
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    • 323 4 NOTICES. THK PRTK RIVKR DOCK Pkhako. rpiiK ihaaa D.<ck. oUaaotl r 1 Welle.ley, at the eutrsucs of H River.haa lalelv i> l-nirllii-ned and decpeuM) ami ia BOW of tin- f,, Unwind .limensiona Lr«gthaaibaUeako t-U) fort. Hresdt). at eiilrm 50 I)e|»tli of water on aill af> nnlinarv nprinir tides 1.. do.
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