The Straits Times, 15 February 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times ESTA BUSHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 4803. NO. 17,945.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 822 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. 1 MAL STKAM NAVH.AI l.'N COM i t Wuay. Wha>vb>. and UoDowm Ne»' our. Imb mail steamers may he eipe t-<i to at rive oatwitrds and leave Singapore «B tli uasam* lunntut isn. Ft*. JS I I'hr above date* are on.y and departures may >>c
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    • 614 1 BTEAMBHIP OOMPANIKH. Kn.MNKLI.IKK I'A KET V A ART M ATsrHAl'l'l.l. CTadar eoatrae* with the Netherlands India Government.'ore Ships Aukn. i .1. Daekdels A Co. X RuniNs.iN QVAT. II I'lSlSi,. 1 -I- HIIIKXHACH 1.1 MH 11 .V C". Tbe Coiiip.-iny aaa a r!.--t of iS Steamers, ndid secommndslion f..r fir-t
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    • 664 1 MH-AMhHIP CUMPAMEB^ Siak. Bei gkalia. and Edi will be called at j only once every four weeks. T; Worn.-,, Parti via Bawean and J rnraluiya, ev.ry four weeks a steamer ruim in this direction taking direct cargo and BBaaMgata Ht Banjerm.-issiu. Poeloe Laut, Paasir, and Kolei staaaaarbditpaießad to Donga'a. H.-r.-w.
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    • 759 1 BTEAMSUIF COMPANIES. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and Vuasengeni to Japan, Canada, the United State, and Europe via the Canadian Pacinc Railway and other connecting Railway Lines and Steamer* A steamer of this line is intended to be despatched from Hongkong on or about the following dat«s Kmpn-it of
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    • 654 1 INSURANChS HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital subscribed 52.000.000. Amount paid out 400,000. Reserve fund 1,056,049. Head Office, HoNoxoNn. General Managers, Messrs. Jabdine Matheson A Co THE undernigned Jiaviug been appointeil Agents for the above Company at thin port are prepared to accept risks at current rales. A bonus is
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    • 634 1 i BANK. f < l()NGKl>X(i AND SHANGHAI Ranking corporation, paid up capital $10,000,000 RESEKVE i\UND f 3,300,000 KESKKVE ty™^ 1 0F $10,000,000 T. E. Davh^L Es Chairman. H. Horrros, E« s V'";» >llt J' 1). B. SaMooa,^^* Chikk lU>Atlkt Hongkong.-F. ds R-V 1 Shanghai— J. I". Wim (»ibi\["' UnrDoa Bunas*
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    • 505 1 yoTicfes. (AlTBirS rUCKLT-UAT" MAT. H.I. and 1/- Ban. (Used by H.R H. the Prince of Wales duriaf hi« Indian Tour.) O**tv«wW M «iui-n<».i|uiio" tM>«p, 6d. Tablets A 1/- Ban. I'LfASANTLT Ptßrf BTID So»rS FOB BATB OB ToILBT US*. Each containing l"% of Pare Carbolic. Very serviceable in Warm Climates as
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  • 508 2 LATJSBT MARKET QUOTATIONS. Si no* roan, 15th Fiuuabt. 1893 PHODOOI. Garabier. 6.75 do do Mo. 1 M 10.624. do do No. 2 8.55. OopraBsli, 5.37*. do Pontiauak 5.0O. Pepper Black 11.00. Sago Flour, Sarawak S.00. Pearl 8a«o, S.60. Coffee ball, 32.00. Coffee Liberian. 34.50. Tapioca small Flak* 4.05. do
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  • 54 2 Far Ptr tir. Tim,. To-Mobbow Maria via part*, Mixrv. v .V S d.U'4l. 10. > in I Ji|«.l.p> Ifurd./t. 11.. Bs'ivi.p.f. Han tfi.i C^a... lisa. Ki.uif vis t<>:-- B.ui IT/uifl Bh.. n p.m I>*l>. Bwckot H» «h t p.n. SiIIBDAT. Of HtU. 3.. MiacnU'ikaii. Happko, Jp.m. MOSDAT. Macxatr
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  • 10 2 The Straits Times Established 1831. Price: 10 Cents.
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  • 282 2 WEDNESDAY, 15th FEBRUARY, 1893. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Fur Strait* Times. Thk Hume Xii» Bill. London, Nth February.— The Bill for Home Rule iv Ireland, preheated to the House of Commons on Monday, ha* for its object the establishment of a legislature in Dublin to admiuiater purely Irish ,»tUir«. consisting of a
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 970 2 T» Home Rule Bill, which has for so bng occupied tbe attention of the public, both at home and abroad, aud which is to be the |>rinci]>al ff-rt of the Party now iv |K>wer, has at hut beeu presented before tbe House of Commons. Its iniroductiou has
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  • 12 2 l.iDi (lbmbkti Smith will be At Home to-morrow at ti' p. id.
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  • 21 2 Kmi'Air and Saturday Ivm*; I'hiuew New Yatir holidari, theiv will lie u<> luur i »f th.- Utraitt Timm »v tb»«t- ikyt
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  • 19 2 Do 5 a Margarita d* Borbon, Duchess of Madrid. wif a of Din Carton, hat 4M »uJJ«nW at VilWrcAj,.
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  • 12 2 Tie mall steamer O*%» i* eipe< t«l here to-morrow morning at daylight
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  • 22 2 Mr. Hkkmann Ratz. thp bend of the firm of Katz Uro* Ix-rr. is a paaieogrr I.t tbe Or mm arriving tbi* afternoon.
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  • 22 2 There ih to l*> a Bwfbl f.xitl>*.ll nuN-li on tin- KH|ilatia<l<- film aft«Tiiinin In Ml C an. l 11 M S flifflfnil
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  • 23 2 ImlU-k cart Jilrin-r va* this morning Hiuml 320 ami rosta for working hiM biil)<M-k in an unlit condition OH the 10th iunt
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  • 22 2 Thk nutil dtfamer Carthage left OolofJtM at 1 |>. m. mi Ttifsdav. th.- 14-th n «he may U- KMStavj kSN "ii Mnn.liiv hmM
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  • 24 2 A Mapuas ti-Kyram to tha states that tbf Miuistvr for tM Colnine* is atteotively Mtu Iving tbe qiiHstioa of c-urreuiv ivfonu for the Phili|ipiae*.
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  • 33 2 Thk 8u.1k.'.-t o* India ia not likely to be this v.-ar Bwtan tlif 10th (if Mar. li. It will U- 1.ii.l U for.- tli.. Legislative Couucil prubably nu tbe '.3rd of March.
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  • 37 2 The Si.iul.-v (J|. R.i C.)ni|«iny wen- st th.- .n.l uf last mouth to jd.iv the Turf at en. k.-l in C.ilciitlß, a UDV.-I feature of the ■UM bMMJ the a|>pvarauee uf aa Aualraliau vuung as wii-Lct-kevpur.
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  • 34 2 A MOM t mi.- .I^o we stat.-d that a new Hue of steamers Intween Liverpool, Hircelona. ami Manila was to lie establish. -.1 The Otmtrms now states that the I'r.i.i 1 baa fallen through
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  • 36 2 Thi lufanta Isabel will according to a telegram iv the Manila papers remaiu at Madrid mid tho Infantes Antonio and Eulalia will go to Chicago, ai r*pres»>ntative* of the King at tbe opening of tbe Exhibition.
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  • 33 2 A HfU (kootOsg mitch i* arranged to take pMM at four o'«look this aftem the Baleatier Bum l>etweeu sii sMthen of the Singapore KiHe AsAxiation und sii men troin H M S Im/vrifutt
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  • 33 2 Thi pre|>arations for the representation of Jobore at the World's Fair, are rapidly gonit; forward. The Malays who are ■MM wit Ii Jo*Mt**l eihibit seem to be delight. si at the trip. f
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  • 34 2 A CoM.Mtk. iv Kichaug.! for Calcutta api^ars to ba within measurable distance of estalilisbtnent. The idea waa mootetl loaf tfa, Hu.l there can be no doubt that au Ikmmi would be of material use.
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  • 33 2 T OoUHHMi hotel proprietor (it 41 B nth Bridge Boad, hai ban tine.) Sin at the I..l ice Court for iierniitting ■Iriiulieiines, ,in. l .lisorderlv Uhaviour iv hkbotel The chid fntpulor ofpolin proaac
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  • 40 2 The I' ah itwiwi Ad*n, which i. dneketeto-aofTow from Hongkong, takes fr..m that port to Londasl aKxit oue hundred troop*, being time expired and iuva-l''l-l Htm from the various Herviivn. Lieut K.' K K M M .harp' of th.- men
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  • 40 2 Thi U.n,,jk,k Tiiuf assert* that owing to the anujuueemeut that the Austriau Archduke will not arrive in Singapore until the H ln March. H. R. H. Princ*> BitlyalabU will not U-ave Bangkok to meet him here until the Ist proximo.
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  • 54 2 BtMWCOsM ha* a Dairy Farm Company which, according to tbe sixth annual re•Oft, for the year ended 30th November last, made then a gross profit of $10,879 but this bus beeu more than abnurlvl hy then,.,e^irv writing off from cattle SB.«'JO. aud from liutter making machinery ,iud other dairy utensils
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  • 48 2 Thb h.K'kcv match Jvbich was arrau^-d to be. played on the Esplutiade this afternoon lieiw.H-n the S. C. C. aud H. M B, tmmnimm is pu»)tp—»jd till to-morrow (Thursday). The following members will ttii.ciub: Barker Oml Boopcr, Maetßf Hilton. Freer, K>ss, %Bmdks. U*, M,..1v. Xort.iu. W 1. I'-arc.
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  • 60 2 Thk Hougkoni; ha ilyPrett has received a letter sufhed A CfcsMM Merchant." the writer of which enclose* his rani, complaining that a Chinese eiuplnree of one'of the unofficial members uf Council is takiug rouud the address <o the unofficial and touting for Chinese signature*. The writer says bis countrymen's sense
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  • 61 2 It may be regarded as a noteworthy eveut in geography that Greenwich time was adopted during MM in Belgium and the Nethnriund*. Austria-Hungary, Ger. many, in |»rt (the whole Empire will .onform in 1893), Luxemburg, Servia, West, em Turkey, aud Sweden have n«w all &!i>pt<i.l us a uniform railway time
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  • 73 2 A PfJlßim MMMltfc of loth January says: La KIMJ J«k, Lh Jot, W«Mj Yii. and Won,. Xin k celestials who hav,e been in the eouuty jail siuce September* '.Mil last, awaiting a Mftruty, have lieeu fouud (tJUty by Commissioner Grave* of being unlawfully iv this country. They were MtOMMI to
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  • 75 2 W iih ttmii to th.- Kowin,' Club Coffin Challenge Cm>» which have been won and an- now li.-1.l In- ;i i r.'w stmk.-d by Mr. K. N Klaud, it is advisable, if any cr.«w ■a Immmj ot mmmmj for the Cu|<. to do so aa early an possible as tuu.'
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  • 81 2 I'm: iion h 'koD|{ A»jeut of tbe IV ilk Mail Co, Uhm i hi' Hou^'koiiK |>ivm that he hat rei |kt loMowiM l>y ratilr from New York i Tlm Gafj <■/ Kmm arrived iv Sau FsMMM) "ii Kebruarv 6th. with her (haft outboard, or BMBMM Her sailing from S.iu Frauciii-o
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  • 119 2 The origin, of the reoont fire mill rvmaim a mystery, tbe poln-e having failed to make any further diwovcrie*. Police CousUble Mtdii.h was on duty in Market Street on the worniuK of the tire, and un lie li.-ard tboutiut; iv No. C 7. He weut to tli>' house aud saw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 510 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspap3r in Asia, British India* excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siara, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 891 2 AUCTION BALE 3. SALE OF l.oc iMOTIVB ENGINES. Etc. r PI'K un.lernuirMl have received inal ructions J. from the Tanj mg Pa.g«r L*nl Co Ltd.. to tell hy Puhlic Auctiou. on the land belonging to the Company, aituatrd at Anson Road, on Saturday. J.'.th Kehruarv. UU, a» noon. 1 Tank
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    • 631 2 TENDERS^ OOVERNMENI OF PERAK. Tbkdbbi fob Pobt Wkld-Pksaro Stbam Sbbticb. RENDERS will be received at tha oflii-eof L the Sifi.-'fcry to Government. Tail. ing, Perak. np/o noon of Slat March. 1*93, for the enndact of the Port Weld IVraki- Penang steam msil and paaaenger aervice for a ter.n of three
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    • 687 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED by an Englishman (33), •ituation, whtre a practical knowledge of book-keeping, warer-ouae or shipping routine wou'd be n-.eful Good refHr^neev. For »ddrea«. apply to K. Y. r/o Straits Imjmi lift FOR PENANG AND BOMBAY. TH E Naviga/.i»n« Oenerale lUliana Steamer BIBAONO. L« tdiisreg.. Captain Barlmro, having left
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    • 68 2 x-lniti f t^» < n«wa aWnM »< wmmm .•.mii/H.p.^ri.:,. By IK. uiUtl ./lUI «mi. tzsst -J lk- rtUf 411 aAwrliMaf Marr*.-t> an ■■!,<« la th, mdilni laal l\» *>M«R»<tl«n U. aawtwaual i.i,/i'^,« 1 MM a/ »~»o; <a«it«r, h»» ul ,/U*~ tkm, (»*r Uf j Mk awalV The Straits Times has
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  • 61 3 nfternoon a large nutnbei wttaaeeed the Association made Ix'tweeu b ami the Iniiv waa antici) l.'a favour. The naval men, how. if form at the start, with viu.nir and, at ihe ,n.l <.f the float half i' c|iial two t- .sis each. On re*nmniK play the lmprri- win.) in their
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  • 105 3 MaJOB FncrsHiJiA. who by last re|Hirt had re* tde from IVerlin t.i Vladivostock. will, the JtaasM Oamtte annonu. is. hi a. I OtsM ennsidemMe her..-wnrshi|' on Ins return to his native lav.l In Sbiirsi Ken, we are told by the Qovamor »n.l the PltAetafal Qoframenl onViale pted a i.
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  • 130 3 Hi; ..K Johobi intends departing for Borope oa Wed need*? 22nd instant l>v the P. and 0. steamer fkawtm. H H. wiil a. rompauied bj [i sini. who will act r.larv who will actas A.D.<J •lie Snltan'a r Mr II Lake also tciH'S in the same ship to Enrol*!
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  • 105 3 Tux i of tbe St rails ill Association will be h.-ltl in Batarday next lejtfa February at the Club ground iT.iuk Ayer) from I to 1 p. in. for Natives, aad in the in. inl-'i- of the aUive Club. The programme for Natives eoai| Hat iii^Ship's Biscuits; Climbing I war
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  • 152 3 'Ihe iiv." 1 of tbe Compagnie lea Mrs■aaorioe .Maritime ,le Franc- received a this moruiut; from Shanithaj to that the (-'.uni-am's ma A'y.//iry,iliie at B i lir'iari J" li. waa ruu into b* a Chineoe somewhat eerioaalf danamril Tb.- Sydn.y was lyios
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  • 133 3 Thb ajaataMn of Calcutta have ptaaca. te.l a memorial t.. the Poat-Maater-Geo-eral. Hiikinx for Urn I en.-v. ••■1 vMth their work. I li.t -in ill that they find it .1 tfa'.-ult to lite, vet. contrary to the rul. applying to all other lie it on a..
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  • 309 3 The freight aud shipping reports from all ijuarters cutniiie .i melancbolv tale. wriUsj the Iy.ind.Mi c.-iuiuercial c O rri»|s.iudentof a Bombay paper, l\e latwrt froai ■I tbe otbei w,-.k deeawao that th.year 18M will loaf he WD»eaiber«dae one of 'lisa.strna- t.. I lie lhippißf< iudus- i
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  • 54 3 ndon, Waaffla. In., lith lasaraarji llou»te«,l and Fa Java Port*, Vat «v.. .4. t««li rebraary, I .us. .1 4a**r. da* loth Nio«.. ■•jr. «>*"•»». due Ma if., Jful 8.1... on tlet February, i'vr Hooifknim, p r.«uk, <luu 2»th Kebruarr, B»hn Meyt and Co. far ♦■eawsj
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  • 332 3 '.iri-.h ORDEBS. Head Quarters. 'in, M*M*f Tharadaj Mil Ben and kiinwr l »t Tnaaatii's Pier at 1p ta pf* I i.v ram to New Harls.ur officer in cham of entralalnf Sad-ueat. Kal.ris. S Friday 17th— Camp officer. OsfMsl Bruce \V, h»t. r. S V Mn-akfast a B
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  • 405 3 At .i in.etin.- t the Hongkong Ir-.-is-llllVe (' "II tile Att..rii.v-it.-ner:il mored the aaeoad roadBUI entit I An < »rJinprovide Cor the eatablaaknmaßi of a Viilimtiw Forot and to empower the Governor to r i Defence Volunteer* ffl the .-v.-nt of an- had baaa Ugio. tike subject already
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  • 178 3 TuHoagkoag Police report lor 1898 tells how tiie Cat uiti-- f..r l-.i\niu' t ti.- C.». louy au.l tli.' j.r ..xiiiiiiv of tlie i,. ...,i m.l of eh ma. added :< tae rsiacU "f rtapi eta> hi.- peopla to li j iaforaaatioa ojainoi ori nnials ..r to .nine
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  • 219 3 Thi ei|. ir. trad.- iv kaaafc iv C.vlon is of very rec.-nt ..riL.'iu. probably not older thin t.-u year <. I'r.-vi.ius U) tbis list prolu i and .Mil' .i|.in iii.l f. r tli.. purpasM of stuffing pillows, cusbi.itiau.l tins .It'ii: and M M small it .li.l nit
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  • 1211 3 i From the Egyptian oat,lit,0 at, lit, Jan. 16 to 18.) Cotr«, 16tk January, 10-38 His High n.-s tbe Khedive came to Abdeen Palace yestinlav morning and granted private audiences to Their Evceilencie- IlsjWM Pasha and Kiklrv Pasha. Mr. Koraoder, Diplomatic Agent an.l Oataal-QaMW for the C/jr
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  • 239 3 Thi Hongkong Government Treasury have resulted iv the following Legislative Council u. it ices there: Ho,, 1 P. Mat I beg t give notic.. that at i. m ui-tiiig if <"uucil I shall ask the following questions lit Whit i« the t>tal amouut h far
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  • 179 3 The Indian Agriculiuriit writes I There are premonitory indications that the days of auiliue dye* are uuiubered, for though cheaper, and having tbe advantage <>l lieing capable of concentration into smaller bulk than those furnished by the vegetable kingdom, they are found to be impregnated with deleterious compounds
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  • 290 3 A Tfßt remarkable check has taken place during tbe past year, says a contemporary, in the increase of the tea export trade'of Ceylon. Between 1887 and 1891 'lie s!n|. in. 'inn uf tea rose by increments of Tt, 37, aud 45 per ceut' from about 14
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  • 701 3 As iut,r>-stiuu' sapott trmu the British v iv BafM deals with the differtot tralMM graduated taxation iiistiug in SwuzerUu'l. ItMM vary pwtl* iv differ•■nt (jut.'iis. and iv Kuuie tho priuciple has uot yet Ik-.ii u|i|i!ii d. Iv five cautuus Zurich, Vaud, Geueva, Uri, aud the Onsous
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  • 100 3 (TO ABBITE.I Per M. M. a. s. Uxui. from Marseilles, Jan. ft, Major Day, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons, Miss Begemau. Per -Wu/. from Marseille*, Feb.. 5. Mr. Latham I'm Per Urn, from Maweille.. March Mias Purvis. Per P. A O. Manilla, from London, Jan 19, Mr. Lang, Capt
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  • 1543 3 Maliwcn near the Ij^undary between Britub Burmab and diam of late bwn attracting attention, owing t^ tbe reported discovery there of a tin hiNpck. Tbe place has become a seat of mining adventure and was recently visited bY Mr. K. II Parker vho gives an acoount^of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 733 3 Singapore Sportinsn^ 11 The Spring Race Meeting will b.\'y" Tuesday, Ihunulay and SaturdatV*^ Bth, 11th au.l 13th X rrtgriiaie. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. MAY 9th Fiiist Race. Value 8250. A Race for maiden horses. First Class to carry list. "lbs. Second Claaa t<. carry the w-ighta at whi :h they are
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    • 552 3 SHIPPING. FOB PENANU AND CALCUTTA ME3BRR APOAR k 00/8 *t*am*r ARRATOOS APCAR, Captaia J. I. Hanson, having left Hongkong oa ta* 9th inst.. pty be eipected to arrive her* oa the 15th inst!, «n rout* for the above port*. For freight or passage apply to 15/2 SARKIES A UOSEB, AfeaU
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 WKA'JHKK KKHOKT ttndmni Iratmu Botyttal, 14th fttniar*, MS Va.m. Sp.m. Ran a til Bar r*4 M l*»h .*> 907 *> Sii 20 sM -9 Tsnp. 80S 85 2 TM 3 W«t Bolb Th.r. 77 0 7S 8 74.J J. DirofWind N K. NNB. N. K. -I. 87 2
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    • 181 4 DasVst tail (mailing tlie following nlilireviau bb* «r.i w-'l »tr. steamer; sh. ship; bq. tu»r.|UH. Hrit. Bricsshj D.B, Paltod St»t~i. Fr.-Frmiph ;Ger. 'ierman; Dvt Dnfrli Johoro; A,- 1; (ianerslrargo.i p.— da<-k j Uncertain T. P. W. Tmijong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
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    • 232 4 Abbivals sidci Noox or 1 estkkliay. miners |>aBsed through: iskl stassaoMa, Pidnuru.. Brit. str. 1 IMh Fob. Fntss ffhanghal. Ist O. an.l l:ti .1 p. W.'l 4 00. For IVnang. 16th I. P W r»»«r, Kith Fab lYaos L'nl ial I -V. II W. Hn! Sk
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    • 681 4 VESSELS WHICH HAVE PRE VIOUSLY ARRIVED. AND ARE STILL IN PORT. Stoßf Ann, Brit. atr. M 6 taaa, Oaa*. PoHsat. Ittii F.I Fr..m SaniHranj;. lutli. O. nn.l '.'.l .1. p. Tan Kirn Tian A, ■088, For Java -Kdn. gsrtsr aal fficsr. Ilir sh, I^M t.. n^. Cast, i Hallor. IMb
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    • 123 4 V essels Expected. Port, and Dale of Sailing. Kk'>m LosjMß), M > 111 1 t Bds^ustbs, Jaa. 1"> Kn'lnor^liir,\ Jaa. II Blsator. Jmi 12. Carth m .Inn l_' a, .1 in 17 Bomlmy. .Imi 19 Owataa, M I; fllffllOl IsJi MiiuUnai. Jan M ..>w. Os'ifa. Jan. J". BIKEKNHIAI* Palnwlu". II
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    • 67 4 Datk Vnui'i Name. Dim ITla.» Kiu i'imi» lIEKTINITION F*)i. 14 TocV to li Sri Trinf K*uu IS IS P.r.i. |l iii.n« Abu IS Tsnjonv 1'«q»«»' IS 1J l.r.ud Joh. «tr Bnt. fir MM.«tr bnt.Ktr. itr. Put. atr. Brit. >tr. Nor.rfr N.o. .i.l, VV uL.-k N llUvktiiirnf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 528 4 NOTICES. KATZ BROTHERS' Tiiilorin^'mid (Miltittini; DepartiiHMit. IS bo« Mth all tbe DOfdtaaa, ewupOßtag PLAIN ud KANCY 1 UEKCB TWILL for ffianit l>r.h» Suits HI, I I mmskb wmx, .i ipadd tssssvp Uac. Ht'Mi:>iMN sirriMis. MAT KI,\N.\KI.S. \iit,. ni-w in Ih- HAT FLANNELS, various- Patterns. FLANNEL BTJI llNiis. th- tin.-i
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    • 238 4 NOTH CHUBB' S IRON KAFKB AND LU( K& The Nil in TBI World. I af^HLaflßVaS^B^Baa APOLLINAHIS WATER, Thk C^cekn of Table Wa 1 1:.-PERRIER-.TOUET CO.'o 4 iivviimgm:. A high rls» win>> of i>xr«llent rcpulati .m at a moderate Bftoa, Uuart* Wl por caso. Pint« JJI RKAD BROTHERS' Mat; wwr. ysf^
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    • 1321 4 iXWKfI. THE TANJONO PAUAR DOCK CO. LTD. The pmniaes uf tti« Company are ntoatod at l»nj nif Fairar adj> iiiin^ thn town of Singapore, dteau) tram-cars ran at *bort intervals carrying pa**ens^r* and from Wharf to destinations at low rates. The Wharf Hxtrud* to on« mile and quarter and is
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    • 344 4 NOTICES. HONOURABLE MENTION. BXHIRI TION. LONDON. 1882 PAR 18 .1867 Silver Medal and First-Claaa Certificate Calcutta Exhibition, 1883. Gold Medal, International Fomtrv Exhibtion, Edinburgh, 1884. Bronze Medal Adelaide Jubilee Internationa Exhibition 1887. JOHOR STEAM SAW MILLS CO. TimW for Railway, Honse, Ship-building snd General purposes. JOHOR Nkak Si noapobk. li
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    • 268 4 NOTICES. J MCALISTER CO. 1 JUST ARRIVED. MURRAY COMFORT SPRING BUGGIES. (Ugfct, cnnifortalil'-, and sajsa runniuK now on view at our Godcwu. "ECLIPSE LAWN* TENNIS MARKERS. Simpl.-t ami best no rubber Iwiid to cli.jf the wheels. NEW MODEL LAWN MOWERS. In two sJbm BABfOBD A PERKINS WATER OR BANU BALLAST
      268 words
    • 426 4 NOTICES. POWELL A CO. SINGAPORE. PI.BASB REAL THESE FKW LIMES AMD BEAK THEM IN MIND. OUR FURNITURE FACTORT ia in 1 In-lianl Koail. and ia tlie largest aud innat <••. in). It Is aiipplind with stoar* BOWBf tn ilrivM nur W nodworkinjf Ms pliinix. S»w«. Lattii'M, *0., thrrwfor* '>n-ir«i-t» anil
      426 words