The Straits Times, 28 January 1893

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 The Straits Times ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1893.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1010 1 MEkamship companies. ooKPun Ornc*— -(Vllyer Quay. H'hakvik nnd (Jo Downs— New Harl our. "»»1 steamer* ism be exported to sr riTC outwards ud MTe Singapore horaewar.h--•n the following d»te. t— .'OTW*»r»» lIOBEWABD* 1»»- MM. M.rrl, a The above <lat<-« we only approximate i.ue I .IflltJ*. Uid departures may be either
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    • 887 1 STEAMSHIP KOMNKI.I.JKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'mler contract with the Netherlands India Government. i AOENTB AT SINOAPOBB SHU'S AGENCY LATE J. DaENDELH k Co. 3, Robinson QtAV. I at Penano Meksks Hdttenbach I.IHIERT k CO. The Caanaay has a lleet of 28 Steamers. with uplemliil miuoilation for first i-luss, ml i-lasv, nml
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    • 734 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Siak, Bengkalis, and Edi will be called at ouly once every four weeks. To Borneo I'ortt via Bawean and Souraliaya, i v ry four weeks a steamer runs in this direc- tion taking direct cargo and passengers to Banjermasitin, Poeloe Laut, Paaair, and Kotei. Once erenj tix xretkt
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    • 769 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and Passengers to Japan, Canada, the United State, and Europe via tb<Canadian Pacifio Railway and other connecting Railway Line* and Steamers. A steamer of this line ii intended to be despatched from Hongkong on or about the following dates F.mpren of Japan
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    • 581 1 I INSURANCES. I Hongkong fire INSURANCE COMPANT. LIMITED. Capital subscribed $2,000,000. Amount paid out 400,000. Reserve fund „1,056,049. Head Office, Honokoko. General Managers, Heaan. Jakdihe Matheson Co. j rpilK undersigned having been appointed I A Agents for the above Company at this I port are prepared to accept risks at
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    • 581 1 HONGKONG A^« BANKING CORi .800,000 n PAID UP CAPITAL '.".fitli- KKSERVE FUND f: A RESERVE LIABILITY OF 1 I t I PEOPBIETOBS j 10fl0l '> Court or DiKwn^M: T. K. Davies. Esq. Chairman. II. Horrim, Esq. Deputy Chairman. J«m«J. Bell.Imwt. E«|. Julm. knmrr. K.o. J. touldaj, E.q. AWi MeCnmrhK, Ks<|.
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    • 375 1 M Ic -Clarcl..^^ Fino, Manz2*gM{ Meyniac's Bord«S d -BparklingA Still k PP ;j'. Deinhard's Still lI(K-ks VI Rhenish. Niernsteiuer, Hockheini< V\l M:irs,il:i. M;ulcini. 4LiM M(islc\V very old Tawuy Port. vt ry nperioc old White Port. aUrfl Carlowitz, Max Greger's. Kom Vtniidtitli, Frumh and Italian. USHER'S GLENLIVET WHIBKIEjj. ,M Special Reserve,"
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  • 477 2 LATKST M AKKKT QUOTATIONS BIHOAPOBI. 28fH JaNUABT. 1883. t'HODOCB. CtAnilnxr. I 8 '4 do do No. L.....J!.Jn!!!i m 100U do do No. 2, v -,n 'mira Bali. U Jo Pontianak, I'epiw Black... inM-i *Nfo Flour, Sarawak 30,, Pearl 8490 jj Coffee bali, i'lNi Coffae Liherian, Tapioca small Flak* 4
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  • 144 2 mm Pit tr. Tim*. TO-DAT. ■M folk, W»ru.-. Ipm Malacca »v I Man*-, &ippa«, p m. D*li. H"-. Malacca. H-,r,h»rml,. 3 a.m. Maamparl fm Braw rim p-jrl', .N»»r«, ««.'wr lia i- .rti Me.ilitltr. ;i p.m. Co-ir via puta Sri Pfitnu. .1 p.a. Surabaya ti p..rt«. A 4,.
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  • 18 2 From Kur>r«. I'.rVJ ud th. tat Frk. Fruin Cl.iu.. H> LU,ur Ob Urn 31it Jaa.
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  • 111 2 STRAITS TIMES Established 1831. Price 10 Cents. SATURDAY, 28th JANUARY, 1893. Thk EnrrTiAN Dikficoltt. KmbWi '.'UIi Jnmt ■try. -The Egyptian Cabinet wilb Ri.i/ I'aaha as Premier is workiug cordially with the Europeau ofti- cials. Tbe native Press continue to attack Qreat Britain and to demand the recall of L>rd Omsmb.
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  • 289 2 liv s.iiist',i. t..rv turn t iken l>v ,\.ut> in Egypt, the mouieut the British Govern- J m.-iit st.~v,| tirm will BMkaWJ n-flct as detrimental t<> French influence then- The pMM »howi-<l suchioy at the Khedive's .1. ti.iuU^^jß^Bß|niiii'ii'l.-'l ■pea UH «^BWers, Bnr- j|ii must MM proved -i
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  • 15 2 A R« RAH H II.H k.V Iliatcll Was |.|.H.-.l oil I In- last eveniu.-
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  • 15 2 Thk return of visit<ir» ko Ml MmW Libnirv anil Museutn duriuL! the nwt wat> S»4l
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  • 18 2 The fr»fhii|d luiildin^' »it.- «t Cavriuy^i I R<«d X..M l iy Messrs I'-.w.-ll CtfToo i Thurwlay. $l,:jiM).
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  • 19 2 Hu UMJM tin- Siiltan mV Jobon 1.-tt PMaMJ on Ml Htt U |,j. |l t P'lutxe f,,r flfciri
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  • 17 2 The praawad All India" „,,,,1, lt AllahaULl with Lord FU^,.-. „,in, i> Us-n pncticallj a 1 ian.l.^^,l
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  • 28 2 The .Mi/;,|,," w |,i. 1. bi l-n runniijK Hur.y^,,,!], at T((WI1 H ul to U- |.ut lt M ir ,i. lL a M t. .-niurlit mJMhimm i.ui mi
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  • 26 2 1 1 1- ■iluHMll tint the otti..- of the Hand.-l Miuits, h.i|.|.ij I Netherlands Trading BocMtv 1 will l»- removed on Monday to No. l^Ooor/arQaaj
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  • 28 2 The M. M. Company's steamer 1'.ih.1... >umt left Colombo at 1 p.m. Testerdar, tbe 27th instant, aud she may l»- MBweoM lien on W.-.lnesdav ereniuj{, the Ist February.
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  • 25 2 M'.mhy. tii.- »>th K.-hriiiry. tl..- an-nn.-rsari .-t the MMbMMI ii Siiiira|«.r.-. will l»- .l.serv.-.! as a Pul.lic HoKdai 111 the Settlem-nts ..t |MMI IM M
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  • 32 2 Thk >.-• niitin.-nt ..t nativ.- ..1 [mm for pobec tones tin- ni.->. except tlir..ii_'h th.- agea« 1 M the QorcnniMl M India, has l»s-n f..rlu.ld'ii b] th. .•>•< n-tarv ■•f Stat.- f..r the Ooaoaiai
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  • 39 2 H. K Maj .r-fieneral Sir Charles War-r>-u. mjl, R \V. D. 0 Master. E.A.. will deliver a lecture in Lxlge Sf. G.-orge. to-nigbt. no his researches in tbe site of the Tempi* at Jerusalem. All M. M.'s are invited.
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  • 34 2 TnMaagn QatrummU Oiz.ttr n..tiHes that Mr William H.~-l Tr. li.r. M appointed British Resid.-nt ..f S.--MMMr. with effift from the 17th Mar. li. rrived ill the Stat. Mai ilutv ..ii th.- 11th Jauuarv. 1893
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  • 46 2 Thk Brlaaapr -it.itiit.- 1 >U has Iss-n ,i.|--d.-d to bi K.-unlati..ii I af MM Io provide f..r tin- 'l.-iiring and iii.imtainiii_' lootl«ths and »ms in ptiljii aliwli. and R.--.nil.iti..ii II t.. provi.l.- |..r Me |»-ri■Mml MMMMM .>t St. nil Mkn and Prim.- MoaJcn I laaWaTC
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  • 53 2 Mr. J. B. M. Ltr.H. Collwtar and Magiatrate. Kintd, re|xirta th»t tbe Kinta tin revenue for the month of Decemlwr amounted to $*4,17-2.92. the lanrent »v re< ord for any one month in any district, and $8,941.93 more than in November. This revenue was derived from MIMM piculsll cwts. of
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  • 50 2 Thic homewards. M. steamer \l,IL.urw with Yokohama raaiU of Lit I,. K..U- 1Mb, Sh*ncli»i -U 1 Hongkong 2. r >th it expoctal t« arri" at Siiipin to-dav, and will nail from tliere early to-morrow. 8be should arrirc hi>tv on Tin-fclaT iDornini; and will moot probably be despatched the same erenintf
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  • 76 2 Thk English mnl m ta Ml I <th\ l.v the Hiiiialiiya is timwl to arrive at ColoMbo ..n Tuesdin n.vt Tli- H,hill* will k ii|. th- m.iils th -re .in. l sh, may Ik- aspMMl here ..n Tues.Un. 7tli Pebnian \ni<mgst the |«-n^ers for Sm-_'.i|«.rc iireJPrin.i- and PrinraM Bberhav
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  • 112 2 Thk siunkeu hull af a slii|.. Sara tbe Rnngixm (lairltr, has l>een found very i Ins.- to Tenaaaerim Island in the M.-rgni Arcbi|ielag<i. whiib. ninioiir bax it, was wrecked about 10 years MJA, wbeu on a voyage from Kngl.tud to Mitiluiaiu cousigned to Holiuan and Co. Two hundred and odd
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  • 132 2 Mb. Lawvkk. tli* district officer at Ulu l.iugat and 1 »r. Trafers (have beeu aboutin;: ele;ih»nt» whn b ha-l bMI 'lauiagini; crops in SeUugor. 0a the Mai Da. tviuber l»r. Travels iMMaI ooe and wounded two others liadly. They sent liaik two in. n to Seuieiivih for •x.h.-s Iv a
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  • 17 2 To-di»v. ou Tauk Road at \> in ill.Royal fcngiliuer* nievt the Eui^uiera' Aiavcioiwu in au AavocintMM aM«MMaa|
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  • 138 2 hfRIMI the ens.linu' Chines.- N.-K Veal. crackcrn may he Brad, Bleep! in the stn-ets iiaiin-d In-low. mi the following <Uvs and hotWMB the hours mctßSd ThurMilav 1 *>t li February, from II midni^lit t<> b" a. in 17tli id. in Friday, Ntt Pobraary, from Ifl im.i.
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  • 78 2 KOWO IIANr; of Singapore and c|.v.-u other Chinese of Kitimi are <'a<li taking a 2"i-itn.- minium lilock iv the Suutfei Lvi valley. BatIMJOT. They at first want^l largar Uaeka, bal as that would havo acaaiattatad r.-t.-i-.-m to GkrfanuMal aod unavoidahl" d.-lav, they pn-f.-rr.-d tn take the
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  • 55 2 < OKI'S (iKIlt 11. Head Quarters. Siin,aj<;rr, Ml J'liiniiry. I >nl.-rly Offi,- -r for ll usiiiiur week. U Davi.» Orderly Sergeant for th- Baoaaaf, w.-ek /ty-r^t atafcrpeaee II Pi M-.ii.l.iy I", phi WodneadsW Fort Kull.-rion TbatoM] v 7 K M. L. PrUay J Oaadril] W-.1n.--.lny. in Le.-tur.- te i)n-«
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  • 173 2 Is I>. -eink-r. the S.>nior Kistrict ObbMT nt Kaala LaMjat, paid a riait to K'ija Mon. the villa.'.- headman of Morib. That BOmM \f ou the scacoast. some >;' v mil.-s from Ju^-ra l.v s.-a aud a miles br road. an 1 is well adapted for
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  • 725 2 Thk amiii il ftMml BMtlMf of tbr tu.inben th>- Singapore S|-.»rt in^ Club took I hit Brrhangt Kmw at .j o'clock yest^rdiv afternoon. Mr. C. Sudden occupit 1 tin- 1 tad UmM wereal»o preaoiit^ Murray, J. Omhani% S. K. O*rr. tk» brotbers E trio, t'.itto, H.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 319 2 Wn\,\.u>s STKRLDTGjn paid in Death Claim* ye* XDS IN HAND amount »< ards of Soven Million Pomnda St-rliiig an. ..ara inrrw*. Synn W THK ii, nrp 11 lu »ii, r ~pU<*d hy Mor wmU r froah car, THE B( )R.V Xi i( i'm I 'A V LTD., The Marititnr Emruee
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    • 573 2 B^Tthe i...ur of H||r^..l arliawM t.. .At. 1 t'"*t .-.Mnj»ri-..'.i 1 <. U. ami IA of for B 9 years from Urn WKTi- "> Annual quit n ill ■PF^ 1 tii.. Imm«m and stabUt Broatoi i Irt i-: .i of t oi 1 1 1 ..r on porttoaa ■r l^
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    • 655 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICJi. LrpHE K-».linadojy mr -will he I X clojuLJß^l^^: from Monday, 3(tth itice. *Wm^T J IMIi 'l A>: "■^^^r^ v th« Municipal Commission."... ■Pr ,|«l data, Bihtauß Bbbo, \T rapara, Jtith Jaaaary. IMS. v. c. Ml MCI PAL NOTICE. Ratepayers Taxpayer* and ths Goaaral I'ulilic are hereby
      655 words
    • 801 2 LATEBT ADVERTISEMENgI The Mikado, F" TOWN HALL, SINOAJKI, Last Two PißruaM^icEs. aWawaha, Jan. HU, ANU MnH'tlUJ, J.IH. Will. (Imlrr tin- itatroniiicc and in thr PTCHBM or H. K. (he UotcrnurJ REDt (ED PRICES. On Saturday and Moudiy, the priest of adiiiis-ii.u will be i li.-serv.-l Front Seata, $2.00. ti.-.rvei second
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 999 3 \iiw!..-C|,invs. I on his l.ft In MrI. ami "M lux ri-ht l,v •""1 Mr C K ('..^ tl 1( «*i;riiw!|.al of the Anglo-Chine. 1>. including influential memben of the I ntv au.l the hall 1 filled I v the tchoUra, who wen I rincipdh Chinee* I>r
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  • 639 3 Tr..iti.- ..ii Ibe «i.ivi-iuin.iit Railway to lli.' ..Ml li.'l.N in W.--.I Sumatra, which had coal millions of gnildera, baa Im-.mi Hopped ilenarre floodt carrying awaybridgca on the line. Tba in ilic 1. 1 tin- :t iiiipru.tuablo. au.l iauIbt UHXt six m.ntlis. mati riak bare bat ordered
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  • 347 3 The First Decree Under the New American Copyright Act. T V TiiEtir-i derraM null li«1 under Ida an Cupyriynt Act, by «hii-li Kmrli-li pahUakan '.•I in obtain aopnighti in His Initial Static, liavi' just (sea rat Had in i (amH I I urt for of N.« .l^r-i Tin. miibt
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  • 806 3 i M.J7H n, 1)B. Mix Kai.k contributes an Iml»i— lilijt chapter to r.mWiMi" r»r\ liir-tory liv the liiihli,l on (bath of afar, 1877, by Count Juliii* Ai"lr.-Hy. ili-n Minii-t.-r <.f If'ur. it'" AfT.rr- t.. ('..nut Bcu-t. Amtrian Aiiili-^nii.'r in 1...1..1. n [a this remarkibla il.
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  • 427 3 i 5: 1 1 kh it it on record tbat a Indira' l>n!>> match «u once played in India, happily the practice liai Dot become universal, keen as some of the f.iir gex are on all sports* where riding is an essential point. A g*me
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  • 250 3 Akbivals. Per a U fr,,,n IVuantr via inirN If r. Mr w Hv.aad Mr.. Bri^ow. Per s. i. Jaiaaar from Liverpool via ion-. —Mrs. Budd Par a. a. Jialaiita htm i alrutta via Pen«ii)f Meaaro. SUnif nl. Joicey, Ander-., Ha'hourlioin.-r. and Capt. Ruddork. I'.-r 1;,.,,,j,,., from BniiilwvviaP«uaDir
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 w miiwi cmni ■men I hurrh «r belaid. 7 a. i«^iiT »:il S*rmv>n. ArrMrtton l'erbaM. uV'bV. HMtsa. nU 3 «i y. lu Soli .ol .0 I Hltl» 1 luw i.3U|.. m, K>ru> nir. «D'l SrruiMU K*T. A. I At the H'umi v bMM Uwa SsrOT Limb*. 4 p.
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    • 632 3 j"l. Motor Koai^j^ J^^aJp BT BPEOIAL APPOIN^^f'-'i'^r" Carriage Builders md Harness JIaICT^FN H B. H. The PRINCE or WALK, k. a., a. c. i. OIMPSON Co. having bestowed lln-ir I' »peei:il attention to tvery description of carriage, which tlioy construct from ilm b. »t •eaaoattd materials and workmanship, anil suitable
      632 words
    • 242 3 "^Jk ATIO W°^sl^B Mrs. ROOKE. l.l\. KAFFLKS PLACE. tu. th.A A. M. GAZZOLO f'O. ITALIAN' GENERAL STORK Hill Street. No. 48. HAVE ON SALEI T.U.IAN Winef* 13 (a $I&SU per doi. Vino la I'a»to. Chianti. Mos<-atol. HarasJa, Tanaaatk F.-rnet. Sirop. Pngliaoo Itilinn Tainarindo, Maccanmi. Vi'miiri-lli. TTlilm. Blark-Olivp. Wliitp-li. ,i,k Kii-i.™
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    • 201 3 Viih^s^H i v^ if, 1 1,794 ton^^^.T Clarets. Calcutta on the I'-S, to arrive here .n the :ir* '*idy. have quii-k despatch for th»W Fnr freikrht or pvHatre apn. i ::j BOUSTBAPiCo, *-t Vkß i. \\m CAUTION TO SHIPOWNERS ANIT" »^W CAPTAIN'S. KAHTJKN'S ANTI-FOULINO COMPOSITION \1 VTHEK makes than nut
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 82 3 WKA 1 HKK KKPOKT. «sM,a J p.m. p.m. Kiiiih:Bar. rad. 3-J K.h 29 Ml U 775 s:Ui > r«mp. 78 v SIS 75 8 "3S Wet Bull. Tb»r. 77 S 7ti S 718 Oir. of Wm.l I U N \v I" Mai.T»uip.innb«-U SS H Tit Mm. .t... .lv. 71.0 o|tstr.iaa.TWsi
      82 words

    • 134 4 Lnd«r tliin heading the following alilireviatione ara uaed etr.-^t«amer *h. ship; rx| barque; Brit.— British; U.S.— United Statin. Fr.-French G«r. German. Dut— Dutch; .lull. Johore. ir 0 r General cargo ;d p.— l.^ck pafwngurs; U.— Uncertain ;T.P.W.— Tanjong Pagar Wharf. T P. D— Tanjing Pag»r Dock bTW—
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    • 719 4 Abbital* since Kooa or Yb«tkbi>at. i gtvumert r>iua«d throuub Harrow, and torigiihi. H»H—«. Brit- ktr. l!« 5 t,u«, > .i|i M y 27th Jaa From Kotie. tUnd. c, and 4d. p. Wee Bin* Co. Fur Sulu via ports. Rd*. Bru Hanf Ann. Brit. *tr. 106 ton*. Capt. I
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    • 126 4 Vessels Expected Namt, Port, and Date of Sailing. Fbom London. I ' Deo. I<< Manila. Dm, 17. OnioM, Dm i'; Myrmidon. Dm -1 Agam«mn»n. Dec. :il Munut Kiliffi'iimlH-. .It u l"i Benlomonl De< H LIVEKPOOL. Santo Domiugo, Dw. l!' T.-lamou, D»<- 21 Clkhlii. KiD^r-Uuil, P Eastry, Dec. 1W: Glasgow. Ixion.
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  • 77 4 TASSEL* SUHDA MKAU3 uiv AltruviiiJ r\ja uniiriw, Kl.»n lUTK p.--, D»TI. AND SHll-'n Kirn COMHAKDIH. Or F»O« WIIKI UUTIHtTI** C J,^., Kl.l StILIN.I. IH 5G«r. hq iT^iy He.« f ui»iiii I*l Z\ <«.«nn»h 8«U. BOcr. -tr XV 8 N«d. »tr. Ptidm-. Sophie Bakkor J»o. 7 <uuru| Tjilitj.p ■<Bnt.«tr M.vh.1.l
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  • 96 4 D»T» VMILI N*»l. UK ■mil's I rt.m Ri CArTAIN PIUTIHATIOM faa. K Aaunpoors tl .il.n.arn 117 Harrow 38 Imtm Apcar U Swatow Stupfcc Aitenor N 8. •)<• Lortto S hnw \«m S McAllitrr 9 P«3tak«tW« Brit. sir. .tr itr. IJ.T. .tr Bnt. itr. Hut utr Sp.. rfr Brit. »tr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 w |BCoap MM »Uk MI ».,< si,i, b JJT Milk..! ri>i, n >■ h»i sicsb ..a a«Mii. sa>i <"J«r» tkr <lQlkr> or BssaMl *>M«as ol Women ait now m ■SUNLIGHT" II r»0 h»« not KAT2 BROTHERS' Tailorin- and Oltitttwj Depart m«iit. I S rv?7^^& lete Wltb aU tb lAt l
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    • 59 4 simply W^^K IT P■ H Hk^.'.'V aie a treasare." Standard. Xowspapers recommend these pens. i. .iii.l It. per Box at all Stationert. I Sample cabdof all the kinds 1/1 By Poet. MACMVEN k CAMERON, Warnrley Works. Sdihbcbor. w.As.l Sole i I SWEET SCENTS 1 1 I ILOXOTIS OPOPONAX|i.2 jjlj
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    • 294 4 MUNICIPAL NOTKIJ-^ MUNICIPAL XOTIfMI 'pilE IsajMkMWJpa*' tt, R5 D.y /per MM Ila \U till It f^ -1 i>ti....Slb\OO 4 „i 517.00 JAMES WATSdV k Co. V V. O. Whisky (HT case ...86.00 do Special Reser^ e i>er caw- ...87.00 WiTumi Pas> i Kron Priu/. Lager Bver |ht case i iilo/.
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    • 1441 4 IX)CKB. Jjl THE TANJONQ PAOAB DOCK CO. ijfxT The preminea of the Company "are sifcated at Tanjor.;^ Pagar adjoining the town •■^Singapore, ateain tram-cars run at short pwrralu carrying passengers and good* from to destinations at low rates. The Wharf extends to one mile atnl quarter and is divided by
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    • 881 4 NOTICES ESTABLISHED 1865. RILEY. UARGREAVES CO. Ehoinkkrh, Ikon k Brass Fudniiebs, BOILEBMAKKBS. BbilmjK BuiLUKKM, BHIPHiriLDEBB. UENEBAL CoffTRACTOKS. BINOAPOax KOALA LUMJ'OK. Ship UuiidTne Yard. TTIGH clam BTEAM VESSELS always J-a- nndei construction, from 38 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of best design aud finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms
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    • 341 4 NOTICEB. j THE MOUNT AUBTIN HOTEL, HONGKONG. I.4UU r-BET ABOVE BKA LEVEL. "Telegraphic address ExceNior," Hoßfrkon*. I A. B. C. Code. Telephone No. &V THIS m* K iiihn-nt Hotel b situat M in the I mimt Ixautiful jwrt of t1,.. Hill Metric!, i» providi-tl with ev.-ry modern comfort, ami a»
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    • 212 4 yOTICBS. cTBf (rntral (fuernslaaa Meat Eiß«rt *> J 1.1.1.'- TlaafH Xeatn. ARE THB BEST IN THE WORLD. Packed from Selected Prime Fat Stock Only. f Beef, assorted Muttiin, ilo knmpBleak» Onions Slewed Ox Tail Beef ii Kidneys Ox Palm--. k Min.-«l c..11..i» I Ox Head Brawn Mm tun Triiw hikl
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