The Straits Times, 8 November 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. i:STAHLISIIi;i): 18JJ1. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1892. NO. 17,864.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1213 1 STKAM8HIP COMPANIES PKN1NSUI.AK AND ORIENTAL STKAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. ollyerguay. WniBViK .n.l Oodowkii— Now Hjrl«,nr. T«« mail «t«nniri m»y ho oipi. i.^i i,, *i riff ootw.rd. M-1 i<-»To Sinif»i«.r.. humewartlp w tli. following ll i.r-»i"» lioamiin 1WI. Km Ulltonl N..». M y »> I ll~ II I.. .1 I, lUt.- Illy
      1,213 words
    • 1072 1 STEAM Mill' COMI'AMKS. bTfeAMsHil' OMI'AMES. KnMNKLLIKK PAKETVAART Hi.k. He- „,.1 Kdi will be railed at [j MAATSCHAPI'I.I. > «'-ry f- ur weeks. Inl.-r contrnct with the Netherlands r ll rnr /or vi 7 "'™li*v«. -v-ry four week- nM.-nr tuns,,, thi, dir. c lii'lla i .overrun, nt. t If iti
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    • 503 1 ir.'l 1 INIIIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LIMITED. TO PENANO. RANUOON CAIX'UTTA. ON K of >h- Company's >t.nni.-r. is intended to leave lanjong l'agar Wharf every P- ss.-ngers a-nd Cargo are book<-d by the ove tteanu-r* at through rates to all ports in India and Oaftaa, also to Hast African
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    • 779 1 INbl HASVt.>. The Standard Ufa Assurance Norwich Union Fiee L.-urance Society Atlas Assurance O -mi-sriy The Equitable Life As-iiance So<'iety The Ocean Marine lusuranc Tom! any The China vlutual Steam Navigation Coy. Tbe Tottenham Lager li. r C mpany. Tbe Maritime ln-.ii> an- Corapary. Limited For particular* of th-s.i
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    • 720 1 INbUhAM L 8 HON(iKONt) FIRE INSfRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital .uU.-ri.~l «.'»«i Amount paid ont 4"O."». Rmwrve fund 1.U56.049. Hbai> 1 'n-n-f. 11..N..K..N.1 IJ.-iieral Manager*. Messrs. Jtiiisi \I .Tiirmis k Co THE under.igtie<l having been appointed Agent* for the above Com|*ny at 'hi* port are prepared to accept risks a' eurrei
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    • 634 1 HAA At. HOXUKONO AND SHAN(JHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID CP CAPITAL $*****,000 KKsKKVK TURD f MOO.OOO KEKKKVE LIABILITY OF j., 0 *****0 I'hui'KlK lOKS j I' o 000 000 c.o hi or DiaacToa.:— T. K Davib.. Ks.j. chairman. 11. HorrtL'., K-.j |i.|,,iti chairman. J J lv I 1 .1 i,™,,... 1.
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    • 925 1 WOTICBB. NEVM BE WITHOUT fALVEHT'S CARBOLIC BIHTIEHT. Prickly -he-,!. PiLs.. Chafe,! Skin. Hole RyM. Cuts. Insect Bites, or Slings. *.d most Sku, Ailments. hat from Animal Fat—Keeps Oood ia any Climate. Sold ia large Pot*. 13« d aMk r. CALfBBT C... Maavhntar. Awarded M (.old and Si Ivor Medal* aad
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  • 451 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. PltODJCB. '■».u..i-r. 6 do Oak* >u. I. ..»<*>• .to io No. X, 8.l«:oynUmii, <io roiuua. fJ* IViifwr black. V'lOl r .r. l'«ar: -»< •uffo. bll. -«•<«• Uoffas I,ii«-n«u 3S-W-l'«[.i -a.m Uo do Ui qualil.) J do m»J. Uaka, ♦■*>• liounall pearl, do uw>l. do SUcklae, biata
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  • 93 2 Mr i°«r air. To-Moaaow Aa-:»..i. j>.rta. s«u.'a afa-i,. n» HxtMjx < A,,, U*.m j.p. (;;ui»r F.i«.(..,,,f .i«. ii m- r.j.uf r ar r....-^,,, L >Vl»( j/__. Itanrtot. «»n,«, J B T A n f ,»rta, MaUrra. jj. &■*!■< I MBa, |S k.aOK •>. ftx, n n B
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  • 18 2 from rjr .p». aMMtj r,n U lr.f T Far liem-rul MufuinK |bmj s«e Pace 4.
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  • 144 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY, 8th NOV.,1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Times. bBMMHH I IX3I. Mm n» Onto \l I lit- r«O« THt OCILUMALL M aVa, -Sir William Har. •oiirl .ml .Mr. Join MoiL-v will both tw 1.-.ii! luiu MM UuiMball baoijuet. km in i.*N. viHimi Siity.thoiuaud >'|xrativet bava (truck roil
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 14 2 i.lll (Wednesday), r-ing a pubhe bolKlar. there ».M be no ot tbe StraiU Ttmtt
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  • 14 2 H E tbe Oovernor and autte are eipe.J Tto-mom-w from Klaag -v tb- $m
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  • 13 2 Thi Selangor Uovernnvnt MMTttM not.« to mannera entering the port of KUog. Selangor.
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  • 12 2 Tbillm SeUngor Railway K«U-n«.on wJduly o,«ned a? H K. the IIMM yeaterday.
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  • 17 2 Tbi M. M. mail tteam-r Sil«t>' •"•> tbe London maila to Utb ultimo «el|*cted to arrive to- morrow.
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  • 17 2 Tn« mail deapatcoed from via Maraeillea. on tb* loth ultimo waa delivered on tbe fjlb mat.
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  • 18 2 It ia aaid that it i. probible the N*t.oual B*ok of Chica w.ll tb)rtlv commence to taaue ootea.
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  • 17 2 Tn complimentary dan.* to the Sergeanta of tbe Mtu R«gim-nt Ukoa place in the Town Hall to-nigbt.
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  • 21 2 T»« OWn liner UUnyt/U hat. it la aaid. been aold at Hokkaido (Japan) and her name changed to tbe MaMMM X"*
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  • 26 2 M aaWUM baa aent io a Utter replying to M. Kigole. It la held M till Tni.mdav. owing to ita baviog arrived tiK> late for publication.
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  • 26 2 Tn« Gold Field* of Siain Limited advertiaea tbe date up tv which ahareboldera mar apply f« >r preference abarea which are being laaiied by that compauy.
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  • 31 2 Taa a a. Txtw ou tbe :>r.) Noveuilx-r in Lat. 5 IT N L->ng I-" '-4 K.. paiw.l the «.l,ug vcaael J. W. V O Olaagow. Signalled K-|K)rt me all well.
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  • 24 2 M. ForEte. Se.reta»>.<i-ii-ra!..f<'.'. liinChina. who haa bfaa acting f->r M Da*l •im-ethe departure of the latter for rran-v. baa been ap|".iutrd Lieut..<Joiernor of Cochm-Cuina.
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  • 35 2 At tli- auction naU- of raoeho'.-^ at Hollev't Yard yeate,d.iy afternoon. BMW waa a larife att.-n.Un.-e. but little or no done Hir.l a/ /'r»y went iaf *lini. aud Brml 'Ur waa aoid for HML
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  • 39 2 A MHU general iue.-tun: tt niemhera of the Sin^a|K>r.- Onskal UWBI will be held in the Pavilion on Monday IVb mat. at hp. vi to ducina tb.- pr..--(..■ee-l .nntrihution toward tn iiDtaiuiug a Towo Band, aud reviae the rulea.
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  • 33 2 Mauamk Ol»a Dcboin, tbe fatnoui Kuaaiao i-iaoi.t. arnved here fmmtitf iv the t,..1i-,r from Java wb-ie ahe haa been on tour. Madame Duboiu laßMi tbia evening [>er Sim for Penang. K*ugoou. and Calcutta.
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  • 52 2 A fo»tal notice anoouoiet that t.>. m... row. the '.':li ni.t int. Ma a public holiday, the Money Order aud Parcel Post Brancbea will be" clo*-d aul only th. moruioi; KipreiH will be h- 1 The l'.«t Oft,- will 1— at 4p. m. ml the mail for Jobore at th.
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  • 81 2 C«>AL w.iuld n.rtli t,. l»- Itn -11..l 1 liuarilv cheap comiuo<lit.v io Japan. A JapaDew native p*|»r aay. that, notwilbatandiug the afMai ii ot the cold weather. the pru-e of eoaU at Tokyo ia aaid to be declining in rouaeq'J. n.e of over-aupplv. The Tank.. Ktilwav Co. ia aelhng ita
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  • 89 2 A lIMM atU.uded moetiuu .if I, -tli plavinit and buuorary mewbera of the Suaugbai Cncket Club wa> held on the Ml October at the Shanghai Club, for tbe pur|-o»f of conaideriog what MafJi abould by taken toward, erectiug a tnouumeut to tbe. memory of the ni.-inl-r. „f tbe Hoogk-iog team
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  • 108 2 Thi J, r Mail „f tbe lmb mat SM i II waa runiourrl. with trnlb we U--laaa, H M S CaaaaaB 1 w«» uu.l.-r „r--d, r. t«. paaanj North for tb.. pwaaßS -f rfvri»ing aod carrying In, k the crew, af twu Britiab at-bouovni <aptun-d by the Ruuian autboritira
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  • 90 2 A TILI..EAH waa fe.'rir*d it Shanghai on th.- <)<-t,.li.'r announcing th- d,Mth ou tbe -JOth of Mr John Riach. who waa formerly a partner m i|,e firm ct B,,»l ,v Co., I'ontiinir He went to SiagaMN iv lHsri aud retnaiued th»-re till Tli-u he ime
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  • 101 2 Penan Wanti Tim. (By T-Ugram from mwm I ■•> r I'enan.j, Tu,,.<<i, t ff r A larg-ly attende.l p,,h!,,- mating wa. held at Pen..,* lllll.j on ,h., 5,. h me rn-«t,i.» un.n, reaolv,..! to r-.,u*.i v v po-tp"!!. the ■aPMaiaa m Mr Vermont motion.
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  • 26 2 if a t ,|<-ara tlie irrHul t,, II V fuiiv „ui.ii.ii.,i Klu American Je«,»t, b Hum^HSuvi-inS,^
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  • 28 2 AccIDENTS TO SIR CECIL SMITH, GOVERNOR OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. ;;i:i i t r rl v"" P.r.k 11,. ,l,,ur,tiT f th Sull »«<'l Wfrndrowu^l rv oluJ Vm Mttaw
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  • 296 2 \\....i.tia»'« Kojal Aualrahan Qm •1 a brief aeaaon in KaaiaT^ laat night „t, the ground under uing. ju.t „p|«.ait- |kt I.* Work. r B t-ouriM-of their lengthened travel nearU all the vanoua coootrie. Far Ea.t. mot- e.p«-i»I| T n Swi t where they bad very undeairibl- the ahow
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  • 332 2 Mt Matthew Wtlik. wh re». ue.l two Jarauctc who bad I <iv> r|^.w<-i.'il by foul air in tb. a iviiud.-r in. Umm baiag an ii,-tti,.u with I'uUn Baigaa Bridgi veaterdav altern., |,r- -.nt- I with th» Silver Melal of the K'.val Hi:.i 'I'll.- fun iiiirii
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  • 447 2 A .iKKE»r..»DEXT tl llie HaaskoßJ Daily tmm*fk baa fail tl,.- I 1 dorrs a vi-it IaMM T nh Mr. Wanaj, Uritnh r.,miii ii, Tanmm. Ma tbe Cbiii M m Urui "Ct., pr,.ii,i-.-.l Mr W.irn-u t,, bril •1..-, Ii .in t.i.. aMpjava ii|. U .Mi for iut.-rm.-ii! in
    447 words
  • 68 2 M. Mr. A. p Mbot. Dt 1 <"}*? Smith. c,.:... Hi,, shakeapaaw l'-r lit, London 51.H|U1.,,,r. |;..v II 0. M 4 M !l «> Q M li. Mii,. Mr .1 W B I Mm CbrtM. v Par Ballaartt, from l.oud.'ii. No* I V. HatM, Mm. BnauY
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 596 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any new3?ap3r in Asia. British India excepted. It :irculates in Singapore and Penang. throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1213 2 AUCIiION SALES. BALI OF HOI BEHOLD FUKXIIUHB, «TC. WEDNESDAY »t> NOVEMBER. AT J P. M. THEunler.i^nrd are ir..tnje'e.| toaellhj Aur-'i.n. at Waverley."' AblK,'»f.»H Eatate. Orenard It.ia.l. on W~in"«lay fMh commencing at 2 p in th* hou«*hold furr.iture coa«i<'r,ir of .►•eauonal tab!*.. c*ntr. tablaa, rtNaa loune ug and ea«; chair.,
      1,213 words
    • 691 2 LATK.ST ADVKKTISEMKXTO. Re Af-IIN A <■" 1' Ii E* ree-ived iiwtraetiona to sell by Pnl.lie Auction, at Mr. Clark* 1 gtaalia. j.ine;ion of Victoria ftreetaml SUmlorl H—l. mi THIRSUAY. th« Ml .MiVKiIHKK. 1892. at 1 p m An Engii'h-nxle BmoKham in X'""' orler. Tr«M«— Cash I>U i i:
      691 words
    • 850 2 LATEST ADVERTISE* ENT8. KOTlCl To aU»i>tM E»TW*a the Poet or Ki.av. IHUMB ON and after»day. Ma Norember. narigati m if lh« river K\»ng b»twr»n the P.,li— .Hution .1 Kuala Kluti* tad tha Railway wh»rre,at ih- I'.rt of Klanc will b« worked und" the hi. ij-'rai. A »irnal met r.rrvitr
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    • 24 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia. British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 2112 3 M ,MHI Till N..IKMIIKR. IK. I'm aaaal (ortaiabtt; BMliag <>f tba Municipal Comaueaioatai t.Mik alaaa ia the Town IUII i -t.-r.l.iv afl-rm,,i,i. nml. r tli- prcaidam I ol Mi aJai ii-ntl- Tl wrWabw preeeol, M« Bobat, W. Nan■ea. tba Hoa'We* Major MeOaltam, Taa I ,l,ak Kitn. Bad A
    2,112 words
  • 629 3 torn the San IV in Votning Call of Bapl bar, 28th. him m: Smiun So. imn SUCCBMWDLLI I'll D..WN IN THE MAIM. l'K rtn Id.. is Um. Sot OCCOI PtM HKAIUBH VM' Di POBTATIOI I u s Si r. l.l |i h I I l.l
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  • 3123 3 Thk Paiaoaaa Diacaaavi (Btfon tk> <:i,<! Ji>i:. 9ii ft it^nir, I ii,iu_- ..,1 Ih* Cl,i.-I .|.,.i,..- i..k1111.' lii- -tit on tli- I- in li th- •■ilra.lili»ii C I Mi,.' r aa*. eaUai tm, an.l Mr. I»r-w lakad 1 1 1 In mi; 1 furl her ii.i befon
    3,123 words
  • 266 3 Int.. ri, mil. 11 *a- r. -iv.-.l I.i » II .n«hong froja tfaigan oata*3l*tOH fr Cap lain .1 M MaelfHla f ih* Kip or, Vu-.n X..1-111 itmiir SaMa afawa, t, 1!,. ■I) .-t tin l during I. i- 1 -ii vi r^»n| 11., ,f. 1...,.-
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  • 237 3 At Urn llia,-li,, k ;..f th- Miasi.mi.iv l-i.-inc. 1,-iat uiiflit. (lit- H'Hil I'rrb r.-ii I .1 MM mi tin- ,|>ii-* Should ih. 1. aaV m\ .-.>im. > -t batfjaai Oataraa an.l Tli.- »|--ak...r t.-.k til.- tint ;i Slat.- I'liur, h ■kaafa imitr it, l ror- liilitv
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  • 313 3 ON l>i. -Jl'tli Oct. t1... \iii...i.-iii ..-1...0ii..r ■jjafa Cna <«pi H J. lltad* put b» -k to llmiifkoiiir for r-piiira 51,.. Ml H..|i( S.| i..,n1.r U for Vn|, in th.. Carnliiitnam IhnaVfi «fi.-r l-»\ njr »li« •■*•■> MM a typhoon and -prui,|f a Irak and
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  • 120 3 Par».«. /■■>. H*«/< .S'.i.,n from Pontianak Ma—. T. S Voun^. T liilxun. A Mr. C. Hmwn. I'.r UUUUm fioin Maca.-.,r. A. Mr Mil.-lii-11. and Mr V.m Ni.-rop I'.-r a. flaw I'lojii from til Mala.-.-n Mr Obntaa. IVr Vaattam fr mi lloiurk, Mr J 01i..r, Mr. aud Mrs. (ir.-..nou(fh.
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  • 24 3 I'-r K S'K/halu-H for < nlninno -Mn. Morn-,..,, ami Mr. Ix-vi F. r Mar.,-ill.-, Mr Kl-1.-1 Ili-nll. Mr. Brandt For Airt■udria: Mr- Nit han.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 THK MMI-NT AISTIN HuTKI.. HCMJK'oNii. i.f<. ran abovk bba i.kvkl Maaraaawj aaaaaa Kiee!-i,, r ahaghaaaj A. B. 0. Ma, IU |.l. .1..- N... 'ITH lin .-ni:i ■,t II I i- ritaataal in tlo--1 i i „".,,tH.i part of ih- ilni l>,.tri"t. i. fimUui nrlth -i --n- 4 if -n and
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    • 362 3 NOTICKS. Krlly k Walsh Ltd. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YKAITH CARDS A large .election m-w on riew fromtbi leading Bngliah an.l Continental Manufar turera. Alao. Chin— c Card- with r*r*a* in Pidgin Engliah Japane-" Hand piinl-,1 Canle liana canl«,.f Singapore Seen«ry, Ar.. ml A.XXI.I.V I VaMmVJ LIMITED. MISQIITH n CO. PIANOFOKTK
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    • 802 3 BHIPIMNO. OCKAN STKAM-iHIPCOMPANT.'" Pf)R RATAVIA. SAMARiS'II. AND SOfRABATA THE O S 8 Co* ••.amar ULAVV.VH, Captain Hannah, ia due her* «a Monday, tb* 7th in.t and will b* daepatehaa for tbe ahoT* pnH* on th* Mb maUnt W. MANSniLD a Co. -II Agent*. O S R. FOR TOWNBVII,LI. NOIMKA BTDSKY.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 94 3 WKAIHKK BaWIMB, aaaaaa i aVaaaa anoßaal, W bm ■aea, urn. ii.i.. I.i ij K-h •JtaS.ntaMßl IViup. I 71 <• w,-i im-. rti.-r. ;m ;:.i ,"3 Dir „i Hiv l N K. N. V\ .S.W :S Ha*.l*n#.ia*aaa* W.S '<■ i ■ia, .1.. ,io. "i ia. ban* ItU 1 IWi mi. IBM
      94 words

    • 163 4 I u.i,.r thin heading the following nhhreriali ma arc UMd «'r utramor all. ship; b<|. barque; Brit.— British U.S.— Guit«d siv«.. Fr.-Freueh ;Ger. German; Dut —Dutch Joli. Johora; Ac, (i.e. General cargo ;d p.— deck paueniren; L 1 Uncertain ;T.P.W.— TaojoBfr IWWhuf; T. P. I) Tmij -mg
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    • 810 4 A»ai»»i.« U>ci Noon or TisTEkUAT. Sr.aiiirm iduaetl tbrougb 8.,..J.a,. IkMBMBj Cataaf Hue* a. in, and Safaalun «<n ir/.,id a,,,,,.. Brit. «tr. 19H tons. Capt. Deliuairc. 7th Nov. From fontUnak. ith. U. c. and *v d. p. >Uo feny 4 Co. For Billiton and Pootuuuk. lltli.— h.T« Jf. AUittr.
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    • 132 4 .V. Fort, and Date uf Sailmi From liONiioN. Suti..j. o.t r.. Henalder, Oat H. Teleiinrlius. O.t H Shanghai, 0.-t. U FboN LIVKKi'O'U.. I -I* Paua\. (>t. Ml Shields* Peinptoa, Sept. BUMM Kirklauds; Num. R. C. Hi. -Li. ..-I- 8«l>t. 12; Somali, Sept (.nil (.1 Bothnia. Sept. !t
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    • 6 4 a Ki.. Kr ■<»"•'"> Cv n
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    • 86 4 I>* UM B— mini siTiJ"* Brit s Hecub. H,. U* J>ut. ,lr. «r 'it. 11. 1.. I '"t .tr M.-,», Hut -lr Wfb.tor Nicol m»,-m,iu, N'xlenfulir II .r>. FtT|{UMiU Murui Inv'ux'.--('.nu11,,,. 1..k K.">|.,M KnJor. ll«k. i Rautrkok ll«n K kok Au-lr»h« tw |H>rt» ll»U«u via (KirU M«c*»»r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 466 4 NOTIfFS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Messks. KATZ BROS. I)K(, ta >"f..rtn their Customers mid 111- paMh tlmt tli-y will shortly u|«o I A High-class Tailoring Department, „oder tbe -x,*,,-i.,,-l ..f Mr (»-orge Moukl-v. lat- ..f Mews. Say I.- A C<». An Entirely New Stock of tbe l*it quality and tbe most
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    • 145 4 J SWEET SCENTS}-- 0 Iloxotis opoponaxl-2 OJiJ IfBANQIPANNI PSIDIUM/ jpi. SANTAL-MIDY The pttre Kssonre of Santnl obtained by s pr..c.Rs from the best Mysore wood. SANTAL-MIDY nut baa il.c K.mtul .il of the Indian Haziirs, i< xuperior to Copaib*. Oabab, or mj. ftimt.mi free from all bal sin. II
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    • 1361 4 |;Oi K> I .IK I ANJ«)N<i I'A'.AK IXifK 09. LTD. The premises ol tbe Company »ro *)tu.te<l caiTTim: passengers »nfl from V, '.art kj destinations at l»w "Vs. The Wharf extends t. one mile and ')iiart« and is divided by !b entrances to tl "Jravinif i l>"k. into three ports.
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    • 897 4 NOT( > KSTAIII.I.-11KI) HBk RILKY, IIAKGREAVKS GO. Enoinkkrs. 1«on A Bra»»F.>osi.k»h, ».)U,i:k>iakkii«. IKBM Bnn.r.E««, ShitmUssWb Genekai. Contractors. BIWOAPOKE KOALA LUMPOB. Ship Knilillns Yanl. nloa«tM Utiili f>MBJ always under rnn*tnictior.,froß! 'W ft. to 150 ft. n.'ii nf keel, of l»>-t il-siirn and finiah. MACHINERY leadi-g British Firms with Board af
      897 words
    • 1066 4 Thr I rag Hotel," IVium: Hill. Elbtatioh 2.280 Fkt THIS in BMI Leant if nlly »,tn»t<"l. afford, it* occurett. magmtir..n> view of the town and harbour of •'<■ nang an-l other surrounding *cenerie*. off*r» T'-rv comfort to visitor*, and in highly r.v..i,,ni-ml.-.l to invalids for t1,,. benefit of tli.-ir
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    • 208 4 WATCHKB. M.KUrACTOBT, LC^ATE HILU LOKDOI. I MAKKR TO H. M. THB QtJBEN S^iallr mannf^tnr^ and r~omm«.d.d or im in th* East, aUo lU^»Ud 8 t^7^ v JOHN LITTLE A Co, Bli*apor* j Bass Beer in Hogsheads, j Kilderkins, i Firkins. Sole Wholesale A«tmU. PATERSON SIMONS A Co.. Retail Agents. HOON
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    • 285 4 NOTICES. CRUSHED FOOD Tbt it 111 Too will re Sati,,.,, T R BBLILIOS beg, 1. public that hi. Factor, f or »i Crushed Food, at 91, Belilioi H.JT"^"" opened ni> First Claas Crushed Food, Xl Itfi sj i__ Clean OaU ..JM»^* I> Indian Rran «j i,, To h, had at
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