The Straits Times, 15 August 1887

Total Pages: 4
5 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 5 The Straits Times. vO L. XX VIII. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1887. NO. 1G,21)«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 606 5 .fEAMSUIl J ro.MI»ANiEB. *S5 Quay. New Harbour. L ffliJ^Uj] LIN I maa»i are the dates on which any*s Msil Steamer* may be ex--ngspore during the year 1887 KBITS. TO LEATB. a ABD. HoMRWABII LBB7 FrvUr Tiuic 24th Ta«rsdayJn,.e July !Mh Jni, TcK M-t Aug. Aug. 4th 25 tBkb Sept.
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    • 558 5 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES: O' KXN oopakt. ■\'HILLER. V I N )BEl?, R g t fell W^ and S^.'r.t:, I^'"*-'""- 'Sorgeon •.re issued for all aaAtamneaa and other Continental booked through to Trieste, < ooataatinopls In.uran,... Merchandise and eWa ahipped i,, t1... Oajr*. steamers. lli.) rat«< Of freigW aud passage money and
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    • 1033 5 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. To Sovraiiay v then™ to Bawkan, Bar m- JERMAssiM, Kottabaroe (Pokloe Lai-t) or Koetei and bwk via tlio aame places, 1 monthly. MAIL SERVICES. 1. Java. A. Nobth Coast. From Baanrli via Samarsng for Soerahaya snd back, on the sth, loth. 15th, 20th, 25th nnd .Tilth of every
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    • 768 5 i STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PASSAGE. The stesmers of this line, whioh h.ive been 1 specjally baflt or lauuaili uotad a* required by and under snnerviiion of thn O<-rm»n Oovrenment. attain a mean spend of 14 knots an hour and nre bound by enntrnpt to deliver the mails between Rrindisi and the
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    • 762 5 INSURANCE. i THE HONGKONC. FIRE INSURANCE I COMPANY, MMITED. CvriTAi. $2,0H0,«o0. Paid-up 400.000. Raann-ed Fund SSS.ihhi. General Managers. Mossrs. Jasmin K Math km in k Co., Hongkong. Cowbui.tino Committee. Hon. T. JacLson, (Chief Manager. Houfrkonff and rShanirhai Itriukini; Corporation. A. P. M«cEw»n, K<q. (Utun. Hollidaj, \Vi.-o*Co.) A. H.dosßomedios.Ksq. J. J.
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    • 442 5 INSURANCE. NATi YEW The nadsnlglied have beon appointed Agent* "..r t! .1 re 'ompany. and are prepared to accept Firo and Mariiin risks at current ratal. THE BORNEO COMPANT LIMITED, kmmm, Singaiwre. l«th June, 1884. NORWK K UNION FlIiE INSI RANCE SOCIBTT OF NORWICH n 17! C COB FIRE INSI
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    • 583 5 INBUBANOB. SOUTH HRITISH FIRE ANll MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. Capital C2/>OO,OOO. Fire and atarJai Ijisurances effected at cur--20 Cash discount allowed on Marine PoUoiM in liou of annual Bonus. Wm. McKERROW A CO. Agents. Singapore, 9th October, 1886. THE OOSTKHI.INi; FIRB INSURANT a OOMPAJTT i.imhkii 1865. CAPTA.L $2,000,000.
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  • 188 6 LATEST HAKKKT QUOTATIONS. BiHOAPp««Wf»ADOUST, 1887. pAalrotc. do. Uab. No. 1 W-*4>- do. do. No. 2 'YX *Jfi /W&). Pontiau»k > eoarlSago. i ii^ Coßoe, Bali 2 850 rupioea, small Flak. tfo do.. Ist quality do. mcd.« Bake do. small pearl 6.00. ■io. mJ!do 6.50^ jiicklao. Siam »fJJ. Ci,.vs*Amboma «00Tin
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  • 89 6 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. 15TH AUGUST. 1887. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. 'For Strait* Timm.) Tesbiule Railway Aocidcxt. Tmk, Ittk Awj. An excursiou train with one thousand passengers going to Niagara while crossing the Vermiliiou riv. r f.-ll through owing to the burning of one ot' the trestles of the bridge over one hundred
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 1359 6 The French Tariff and the Trade of Singapore. Sinica|Mire. I The trade between Singapore and the French «>sseuions in the Far East is of such ini)>ortance as to demand the most careful study of all who are interested iv the ]iros|*rity of our Colony. We have drawn attention in previous
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  • 24 6 TBi outwara r. < v, m.ul Kruidui should arrive h.-r.- on U morning, a« she was signalled at I 1 at 10 a. m. to-day.
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  • 16 6 Thk Colonial stean. tliis noiviag from Malacca with th.. Hon'lilf Se. l-.-l t: aud Wickwar.
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  • 25 6 Thornton Ap will idvertitetii.-n -column, the Criterion Tiffin Rooms. un.|.. .ual manageincnt of Captain 8. r l, will be positively QJMBd JJud uixtaut, (next MondaJUr%.
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  • 33 6 Tmk (l.ivcrinn.-ut ha.-., wi bear, adopted, on tii-- i.-_--ificiala, Dm idea oi SskMries of their employi'H ].n >. Hi 1 of tbe lnonf bo I 1 WCrtill th.- .">Hi or Mh. This iv 1
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  • 56 6 CERTiriCATB* of uaturalis.. ti>h sulijects were granted on Lhi by His K\. .-ll.u.yth.(i..v..nior in uuilcr the provisions of the Natura A.t VIII of 18«>7 "to Mr Manas* Ix'rt Meyer, a Jewish mervhaut uf pore, and on Ike tttb July t.. Mr II mauus Cornelus Verloop. a Dnctl ciiant of Siuga|Hiic.
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  • 61 6 Tut: appointment of C. W Esq., mauaging partnt-r of M«-.^r- Co.. as au UuomVial Member Legislative Ooonoil of theStr,,--menta, meets with general ipprova Coaington is an ffF.-ctivc speahei llu.'iit debater, and bin Inta oaasji iin.l independenoc <.f opinion will rmend him to his unofficial coll< Like liis predei'essor, Mr. Jamex
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  • 51 6 Pehamo Rack.--Iv the third .lav's rs ml,. i three, races were won by Siugaj«ir. I tiz.. No t The Hill i No'!. The Ladies-Parse /f.wot. Wi- an- sorry to hear that whi!uiu,: for No -i. Seymour broke b and had to be lolled, and that Marsh his rider, was seriously
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  • 93 6 A K mn<. man is at {.resent in tl.eral Hospital suffering from hvdjoph.'l.ia He sai.l he was bitten by a small d about 4 months, iim-elmt t.,un,l ii" ill. fl from it till about three days ago, wh-n h.found a difficulty in swallowing, and he i. <• uot Ix-en able
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  • 83 6 Ml.h uueasineSK exist* at ]>r the mm.U of rvsid.-iits owing to a rumour in circulation that the Oove ruim-n' .ilH.lishing the C. I>. O. Ordinan.. It would be a serious matter for morality if persons of ill-fame w. liberty to locate themselves wner. I pkaaad and w.-re to be exempt
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  • 81 6 A CO*KEBPONDENT SUl^'e-iU that I of improving the i 1 canal, situated as it is in a j.r vent locality, a -wall should be either on one tide of it or ou both long as this canal if left state, ita appear.^ to the town. The erection of awa not
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  • 80 6 Captain Hbnkt Ellis, ihe N Attendaut, intends, we are inform. {living for auothoi ten.. I ceed to Europe, at the expiration be will |.r.l.,il>lv r.-tu.- from tb< We !ii\.' no d iilbt that. tboolO foniiiiini Ih- corn-ct. OVI a* all who have air. 1 nth th.- Mister- Attendant's OfiV.
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  • 77 6 The drains are now haviu.- gr. teutim paid to them bj than wait formerly tin" eaae 1' ■.uvfulK irtimiiM titty bmkhu number of Klinjij men. uuH. sarv, cleaned out. TV importance, and it would I- if the praetio* wore made a pernia on*. Tom are now v. nmil drains which
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  • 68 6 We arc bappv U> Me Mr r I has so far tv. oven about aud visit hi* oth< doubt llial tli. .1 MMd Pickering will m fal li f*> MUB uh will pmant ii;. anything of tho kiml. if tins fully Mfted l>y the Polia wered th;it tUe inuu
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  • 33 6 ioat.t sph.-r n,. sntrtf—*" 1 know that altl, K >n i ProtMtau'.omuxiui'v W H t.i our r.-a inuiiev oouU n. t 1. aud uobli.-i «iue th iv tli i sufferm^ fellow en al
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 516 6 STORES. Sols Asixti, BKHN. METER Co., Dtr&n. Singapore, Messrs. John Little k Co. Fmang. Alfred Ltebert. Esq. IMt, Mantra. C. Riegler k Co. Bangkok, Measrs. Moller and Meiwner. Biitima, Maura Houghton k Co. Singapore, 13th October, 1SS5. KRONTHAL. N'itcrai. Minkkaj. Water. WHISKY AND KRONTHAL. EVERETT I Sole Agent*. Singapore k
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    • 595 6 STOBEB. JOHN Lla._.E fc CO. NEW GOODS Ex S. S. BENALDER." AND "GLENFALLOCH." LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Straw HaU in all the leading shapes and colours. Noi lii.s in Mauties aud Cn'tonnes. Bonaeti uid Hats i,, Muslin. 1»i,,u... Silk Handkerchief- in C.iuibric. plain and with border. Frilling* in MssliiwtSiiissc. the latest styles.
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    • 843 6 NOTICES. \TTEAK EYES, the sight in this cane W might be perfect for seeing both nenr ami far but the Eyes get quickly tired wheu reading or writing and are often very much affected by a strong light, these cases are cured bj using Ml. Laiakis' Spect.i.-le-No 31, Hotel de
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    • 901 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. STANDARD LJFi: OFFICE. On., uf the oldest nnd wealthier! of tli« Proviilen' Institutions of Ihe United Kingdom. Premiums moderate. Conditions liberal. Kvery facility affonl-d for trsusactioa of Harness. THK BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED,^. Singaopre. 2nd Msy, 1887. M. k T i DCTION BALE 01 VALVA3LI ■t*- llorsKilol.!) I-'I'HXITI XX.
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    • 18 6 Ok the Hth August, st Parit Buntar. Krian, Perak. the wifeof Dr. C H. Whsbhi, of a sou.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 129 6 WEATHER REPORT. VuHdanj Krahott, I3lk t WW. 9a. m. 3p. in. '■< p n>. BIUABKS. H»r. nd *i F»h. »Ml 7sl -'.J J? i.wii BM :i =*i WVUtalh Tier. Xi JM IM ia X Dfa ■■< Wm.l 8.1 an Cafas ?-j? Uax.Temp. inihaa«| 88S --"Si urn. do. dv. m
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  • 2 7 uid the
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  • 30 7 rli «<W6i lie. entertain f the dei»rte.l. ami their wonW trying to pay than Uw ut. then is no doubt that tl i( th..' tun,-, will iv some OtfcQf «a\.
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  • 58 7 1 l*\v walknu; i,, Booftie and belonging to a well '-■■■in .aim- nposj A ""'l-T which W w "'i tl tint-was Btran k ' The boy ;n:ii 1; pa, and •hoi tbe python ami took it *in order to obtain *1.» th. on- th.t 1,,s if late in the squirrels
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  • 69 7 pol r uv. aJout tii W. ar- informed that driven lmii) md Hiti obatriK-tiou. Hence the in- r.- the Scult to understand they hay. tor •her ir 4BV hardship. For iusta? r.,i,.r MB I*i sell his wares, but i tiou. We > drawn at) >v in ourcolu •> ssiou by
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  • 61 7 en tii.- Club, which -inlay afternoon irt to finish. I D way. and I tw.. in- j made y 109 runs. liny; of th. team was -ua] fon.i. Pr :t the ho secured I keU :n tLinOHaga, .s 1».w1.*l well. Inn| I Ser?«in» P -keta and all p. '.si
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  • 69 7 ...<7 Gautte lith A:i..>t ->antly. and the daptli tiatt in tbe tuburtM I <>.|.,ur m in the be»»j r»i 1 ncea hat Hutting th. ..u J a 1 1;. :ajv wbo wa» proceedioj; to .v!»«v, m-irlv tr.-l :.i!It Ur fe t cobra. The r.-pt ilr> wan at
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  • 71 7 Telegraphic Sum mary. irdcrly ,rv was r.|«.rt--l I" th" -!--aker iiain.'.l Mr. who w M accordingly auspewled •t.-iidan"-.' iv th.- Honae for a f"r'is issued i.n.hibiting foreig ..,s. Knssia. the n-n haa bevu tieraiatent in urg -ll'l.- iv futun- to pUw aD.v reliance Huiwia. July. Ti- ..s that h»ve been
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  • 325 7 Ma l acca N ews. Mai.,., a, J '"-.'litan-n (0 »>^ana br»ai'lrtljer ,-u 1 ese shop ""'ir rooJ. l oro u b'Ufare. by ww.onlv It.,-,.),, ruiuuc.- s 1-,'istraty 1 the tin.- my bemecirS well a. I 'I, I'''''" a "V .loR fou,,,l 1-1 by a rtrintt ■lUr with the .-naraved
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  • 216 7 fVewi I H Ui'lii" ihColonial Secretary armed here abortl; s and hi- r i mncilior. alonf uU-ndeol ol Poli an.l Sheriff, tl the i-ii"! biui. He visit. -I th" aepanii of{ bere until SundttV. Th.- i MnuidMj Hoard, to whom a cop* waa a.-nt by <;..%. -riiim-iit for
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  • 1595 7 ,'ffl.) First l>\-.. Ti shy. 'mi ,\i '.r.-r i lajalrW clourli nii-l a heavy mixl that l' enveloped the Mill, foil I dr,>nehtug nhnwt>r nt nlmnt l-:»o p. m did iiot l"e<ei;. uful opening; but before the hour ffieil for the tir-t event old Kiii|r Sol
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  • 659 7 TH«B*tail.ava (*»r.«/..t the '*Ui nil.. antioiitnvH ill.- l.itfl* few .1 i\ s |.i there uf tbe tinuof D*'nl.!sA had beam carrying on au eiU-oaive Uipping boaineaa, henidea I eing N. ■hi i Umis itiauiHii eompMkJ Th from its ttnexpacted na! up eoaiMofion, Theflm'i ifthari ol j I.i--ti'.ns
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  • 166 7 BPOKT. I>l\i: Sn The iicwi liax b< ■ii |.i>l> \n you sin,,, il,, middle of last u.-.-k must have chi-ered tin- hearta of all yntir K|.ortiu^ r.a.l -IThat SHLpon iboiild bare takn tht Peoaaf Jabuee Cup is a mattet oi satist'a.-ti.Mi. f..r the Penaag folks
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  • 268 7 i tills lull. S th.-tv HP a B tw Liv .honour. I Mi.-li Hbem in l.n i- unknown in The twi. i o 1 The di of .<li I laud outside km>»M thai ivaiUlil.' for fi (•l»u[.tli"Uh tin not i I conul i !i..!i-. lltl value
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 267 7 porting tli" tion-ruiDciit and in lur.plcim ntiiiK<io\onuii. ul action with intelligent interpri*' Pardon tny troubling ■•ng a 1.-tter Yours truly. A Chi mam an. NOTICES. h". I6IIT N CO. ".t;. ii DiningI under. teente in fir-t (Ueation. <'„. a.-.- prepared I i j>ior of buildler the manageF oli SALE Li
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    • 594 7 FOB SALE. L 1 B s A i. i; a < otlaoe piaao by loe loo*, um] In i'iitIIi-ii* Ronnie H. W. u »t nur aala-roniii. LL i. Co-Auctioneer,. Siiu,'a r > :mIi Aug.. 1887. |^"i; lMl.Uimu.ed ,,,.1 I^MM Str.-< s '"g»; BOAT: DRkonx buih fimr nnd nutriggrd hoat-i. in
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    • 187 8 VlMIL! XiK. 1 VlMIL! |MK B. I\>SS I'aFTalK. Ri.i Rio. 1'ki». Siilsi'. Coiiaiai(«u KM. lap 13 K«iiU~ IS H.cnh. 14 11,11,1.,,, II I'.r-. 11 )i>-Lnmf U Shun On II Kam-hiu Ma:w 15 Kim Ami li 1 IS Bruirkali1S May Flow, r IS .V. Brllc i.l. 15 SUk 1.
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    • 79 8 Date Vimil'i Name Flag Riu Captain 'aftain Destination 'ESTIMATION Uf 15 Canxirta 1.-. B>w»n IS Cuudn U oi.-tial li Hy. Ltoac li AnlcDur li Shuu lh> IS Kain-hm M»ni IS Kant.-. 15 SUnd.r.l I>ut -tr -tr. Bnt tr. -tr. str. -tr. J»n -!r. Brit, -tr On. -li. MrKmUj MB
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    • 258 8 VmiL'iNtm Cii-tai* »nd >n«iviL. From. CoHSidNH*. L'iTK > X: MK*OFWAK Orion MM itr«B» July J8 Malacca jenw N>vil OSeu Station E.poir A.laui. HM.«tr. K^. Au* 3 Pahann .lofflrer Station S«-» Belli Thorpe Col ttr. :><R) Aug 15 M»lacc» Colonial lovt-rnment >• BTKUOBb Amboiaa van Uorrum Dut.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1036 8 l)<)( I\S. THE TANJONU PAGAB D"i'K COM l'ANY, LIMITED. Th« premises of the Company aro situated at Tanjong 1'agar adjoining the Town of Singapore Steam tram-cars nm at short inrarrving passengers and goods from Wharf to destinations at low rat-.. The Wharf .<«• mile and a quariilrsuces to III" Hire*
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    • 788 8 ENGINKBBIWO. J. M. LYt CO. ''ivil and Mechanical Enoikebbs. Millwbiobts Ibokfouhdees aud contbactobs. Albion Enoikb Wobks, Beach Road. Okficb asp Sale-boom: Flint Si near General Post Office. Specialities. Small PI us MISTS sad Launches. Kle|.l.ant Land B. Pateat Hie* Mills. Self Acting Tapioca Machinery. (Monial Wood Working Machinery. Mining
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    • 665 8 NOTICKS. POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS, SINGAPORE. FURNITDRE, Ac, Fob Sal p. Almnirahs Ice t 'nests Bislsteads (iron! Jewel Safes Bod-room Suites Japaneso Screens Book Cases Ijamps Book Stands Linoleum Billiard Tables Matting Card Tables Marble Slab* Chair* Meal Safe* Chamber Cupboard.. Olhee Desks Cabinets Office Chairs Chests of Drawers j Punkahs
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    • 1024 8 NOTICES. SINGAPORE CAKUIAGE WORKS 5 AND LIVERY BTA£LES. LAMBERT BROTHERS. Orchard Road, Sinoapobe. Established 1862. tß«g t.. call attention to their present large >ck of new and second hand Carriages, afia heir large and varied assort incut of /tew and mcond hand Harness, composed nf single snfl louble Pony harness
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    • 600 8 NOTICES. ■■aTOIIO* TcT KABIHIES A D M I R A LTT CHARTS Or THB lv**EST SWBVET, and NAUTICAL BOOKS, At Modbbatb Pbiceb. KEPT FOR SALE at th« SAILORS' HOME. Pbi^7o» E«* Nautical Almanacs ,fi Charts, de (Double Sheet) 1-50 (Single Sheet) I°° Sailors' Home, Singapore, 11th Sept.. 1878. CHAMPAGNES sjaaSk^-J
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    • 584 8 NOTICES. m I. < ollis BROWNE'S J CHLORODYNE ,uiet. refreshing »W free fmm bead-aba, ;,lief from pain and anguish, to sate andji. mage the weary sellings of protract. 1 > profession to ba tk* ...ost wonderful and varoa[,le Mas) evr iliscovere,l. OUtMOVtn the remedy known for Coughs. Consumption. Bronchitis.
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    • 543 8 NOTICES MOT \O N iIBOHOXETEB, WATCH AHI) CLOCK Makeb, and Optician Flint Stbebt. Has always on hand a well selected stock of Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Nautical struments, Ac, comprising: Bracelets. Ladies' gold llrooehes. Crents' r^itto ?:arrings. Bilvsr watches. Lockets. American clocks. 1-adie*' rings. Carriaf. .aJocks Signet rings. Marble Wedding rings.
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