The Straits Times, 9 September 1886

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The Straits Times VOL. I SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, !»«(>. NO. 16,017
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 125 1 gVg; companies! p I Qaar. .Ueh \BP. 1.,... Aug. g B U Uy, 18tn N v. 1-' I".-': I^th 27th .■..i.roximate. the ether earlier by Rail- Ini to Londoll E ASD I Class. s-,-,,, «270 NICE M BBlXipanv'n I I I I ."Hva!. I I ::ies I i hieh the
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    • 573 1 STEAMSHIP OMPANIEB. 1 V M. Conipiiin .-t direct ov.Tland tickets from Uaneillea to London, will 1». able to do so on ftp] 'oinniissaire in Port Said, pa) ing cnlv 66. P. BRASIErt. Agent. \N STKAMSHIP Ct)Mi > ANY. \.KMKMN.S PkOMETTBEUB. Ajai. Pai.iscbub. Disdanvi. Patku. r.>R. A\rKX<>R. PBIAJi M.ION. fll
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    • 825 1 STKAMSHIP COMPANIES. r monthly (•<■• tr in PaU>< f BVWJr month for an toi .tA-KoM-To Pr.i e\ery To Ripinr, cv rv foil. ■.ciiniv, Ana-ITOXVO-SITUBU, SISOKEL, Baros, Bibooha, Natal. Ayekbanqies and Tin I rrery month calling also at TBOBMOIi every alternate monthl. TO PADANa Tk PENANOaiId ACHKEN and itericedietn lwrts, accordiag
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    • 615 1 STE LMSHIP COMPANIHB. r ntioncd al».>v... IW f-irther psr*ici.l.iis r wiilinirfrom Sinir*pore. i I'roiglit Ac., apply to tho Company's Aden's BOUSTEAD .t Co. Singapore, 18th February-, 1886. NORDDErTSC 'H.!: I. 1.0 YD BREMEN MAIL sTKAMKRS. Subsidized fv tip: Impkbiau Qrat&a I ;..VI RNMBNT. THE fyjlowi: i r.-n fix.^l f.r the
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    • 477 1 rNBURANOB. sin firt, otfice, lovdon ■rablibjiid 1710. lafaeMaws sHatlad ww slmoat every deof property nt th enrtaai rates of Preminm. Total Sum insured in 18S5, 027^1,700. Stfigapo V.' A Co. ALLIANCE BBTTBn FOREIGN LIFE WStf I B MWJB OOMPAITT, LONDON. Capital Cs.nrtO.onn Brmu«9J l> rajTWOB 0* Limits. One First c'a««
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    • 497 1 fNSUBANOE. n.VXTON IN v 'K OFFICE, \J ag under tlie C0.i.l vii. limiting the Mots to the amount ot tli-ir Shares. Capital MkM 10W. Paid up Is< A BaaSM will he paid to all Oeatrlbaiara. I r.s in Sine.a W. R. SCOIT A CO. Siugap-'re. r ,'h Jan., 1882. HLKOI
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    • 689 1 INSURANCE. LONDON A LANCASHIRE LIFB Ag. SCRANCE COMPANT. Established 1862. SPECIAL NOTICE. Thf Reduced Indian Batis of this Company, which apply also to 8l»OAPOB«. "ill Iw found, on comparison, to be Lowbb THAW THOSE OF AWT OTHEB TIaST CLASS Orric>' Libersl Bonuses and Conditions. Tables ,f pmminms and every lafniiastiiw
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  • 229 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Smairou 9th Skptsmbkb, 1886. P*onuci. Onmhier «-70. Cube do. No. 1 »-42 J. do. do. No. 2... «■<*>. Cnim Macassar do. Poutianak 3-W>. Black Pnpper 24.1-2 J. Ssko Flour, Sar 2.27 J. Pearl Saffo 2.724. Coffee, Bonthine Tapioca, small Flake do. do. Ist quality :1 do.
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  • 40 2 To- hat. Batatia. <;.-(.! -fru. p. m. TO-MOBBOW. M»U. Kl.o-. P. r.k ami P.-n-inf B»/im.,r». p.m. PrnaDK ami C ili-utu. A. Jkftmr, Bangkok H—- i. SATI'BDAI. Ptnauf. XiMrupatam. Kariral. Porto Koto, Pui.Hirherrr au<i MaUlw. K jMaaMy, Ham. Manila. >.'>/-> BOOS.
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  • 1076 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY. 9TH SEPT., 1886. I Coal SnppllM of the Far Ea«t. Is a recent artirl.- entitled the Political A$ t *cit a»d Futyr. P,**ibilitiri of tht Coal Trade Biufapnr<. thi* interesting and important subject m pla<-ed before our readers froiu quite au original ]»>int of vi.-w. coal 1.-iiiv;
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  • 16 2 Ai'tmentii' ioi, hM l»->*u rt>ceive<l of the release of Mrs. Hansen and Mr. John Fay.
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  • 33 2 We are informed that a farewell Dinner to Dr. Rettich. who leaves shortly tor Tientsin, will lie held iv the Hotel' '1.- I' Kuropr on Mouday, the 1:1 th instant, at ".:«> p. in.
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  • 30 2 Wi: are requested to iutimatc that the Pa[»-r Hunt will ni.t-t at the junction of Ralestier aud Seraugoou Koails. near the Pau|ier Hospital, on Saturday next, at 4.45 p. m.
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  • 37 2 Ik another column we reprint from the Stitunltii/ Hrrinr an intervitting notice oi the latch published memoir of Lieutenant Rudolph dc Lisle. R.N.. who fell at Abu Klea. Lieut, de Lisle was a brother of Lady Weld.
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  • 54 2 Nt*s has arrived by telegram to-.lay that two Singaporeans of the Raffle* S. h.»il have taken the two Higher Scholarship of X2«>l» ea.h. The Hrst is Mr. S,-ug Ong Siaug, the MMBi Mr. .1. A. iM BmmAbsj. Th» Malacca High School sent in one candidate. There w.n- none from the
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  • 60 2 Wr understand that a loireessiul aMts> tion has lieen perfonue<l b*j l'rot.-sor Winter on a gentleman here who had Uvu long a sufferer from hanl corns on hix toes, and who fulU cndorHcs the lii-^li opiuiou given by the Java [■.l|»th bj to the efficacious and painless treatment ot' the
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  • 65 2 This U-iiur 'he Hmi tfnyiA Hajji, th. streets w.-n- ln.-lv from an early hour of the moruiug with Hatljies iv full gala dress visiting fricuils and acquaintances in their old fashion. A large |K>rtiou of (the Malionn-<lar IWMq also oliservi- the holiday iv the sum.- manner, and this afternoon
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  • 74 2 Bt kind mmmVm <>t Cohm.-l itUk.-. lf.v un.l Om'.vrs of The Buffs." th.' nyimental luud will weather M-rmif t iiii^ |>lay in the HutauicH.l Gardens i .-morrow (Friday I evening at tM tli' 1 follow nig MJMMJMMM 1 Grand March IWhmW Wsterson. 2 Overturn. Z,i,,.«.i Aulier. I Reminisce, s cif
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  • 61 2 It will beob^T..,!,, ment columns that our i,,n townsmen. Messrs. J. M I T give another of t|,,, r excursions on board tb<-ir fim-l^Sk Saniparril n Saturda. „.V instant. The vessel w,M Ht r •it*' Johnston's Pier at H', ceed through New Harl.,,' about 11 p. m. Th.- r w,li
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  • 73 2 Wk are inform -.1 l, v M r m of Anjer that th,. British I »hir,. Captain Mill. r. witha.Z'N from Batavia to theChannd f struck on the Win.UorK,.^ I on the night of t he -M The Captain •MKMkd sel off, and with hi H having lost Ik.Hi uehon
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  • 99 2 The owners of th..- «.m t up to the present Mcafeed aß^-£? of the loss of that TMMJ Jffi* contained in the t.-lc-nin „f th, uf She is battered to hay, late diMatrom t .j.1,,,.,,, in Ml Iwrquc BM WMloat XVr tain of Bun Hin ,v brought berf from s.,
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  • 100 2 We regret to h.-ar thai tt-Umpj, formation ban been r.-. -iv,d vu££ the death at Hongkong ou the TthiaiL Mr. Peter Aviet Beth, th, latrkixiiu Armenian ■omumnit. „f Sißgmaa»i one of tin- olilest fon-ign r 1.-.-. Straits Settlement. >.., Singapore in 182 W. wh.n mm y or l!* ears, and
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  • 106 2 AMONOBT the MjMtaMM morning for Eunijn- l.i mail steaim-r tntitMf wan Mr J K. B*IM the l.xal M.iv.._Oriental llai.L OecpoMtiM, bom.- for a short bolida) long time Mr. Bmm «v „ih»^ with the late Orintel Baal the brauch hen- WCfeeoodod IMMMM principles, .iii.l happened noni.- Mm. shirht— t .1.-vtri- i
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  • 113 2 \\y rci;n-t lo lcru I another Eurasian IMMMt, Mr Fnu N oiks, the Foreuiau el the OMM Printing Office, aud hnthM Johu N'ouis. whose death Tuesday. Mr. Xoui* took ill on Jfa» of fever, which was at In nature, luit it U-cainc in»re lenm Tucadav when Mt [mticut lktrd j(
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  • 159 2 Hhm win. (i H.i- 1 1 of Hk S,-ptct,,Kr 1--Ka -Tli- '"«k" hi •shMM a ImUw W, in.'Hirre suiiiilic- ttmhg to I i hM Ml luuVit. usu»l MM in««^T our prices s.-v.-riil rt.-nin. r- bag tin- awh and atofb w.-ll draiiLsl n-.-.-' then r .l^innn.l
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  • 179 2 Kkks. h tfatfatki recsrtlj L t show th... then .n- weTtW«rj> ■of mature MUI rho uM rl' cmt.-tl.c (.cauncs ot iiiutriiU|«u\^ nearh -tbarth of the- latiou of France an- Iw ticlcn the H Uchelors. the writer, in **"2«s* incentives M siugluieu. state* that UM M" P"^ cording to* belief .urr.ui
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 714 2 STORES. HEIDSIECK k Col. CHAMPAGNE. MONOPOLE. REDSEAL AND REDFOIL SEC, the Utter dry quality is specially adapted to English con-uniption. Sole Ageuts. RAUTBNBERG. BCHMIDT k Co. Singapore. 7th February, 1886. /-IHARLES HEIDSIECKS. \j WHITE SEAL CHAMPAGNE. Sole Agents. B£HN. METER k Co., Dkfots. Ningaport, Metwrs. John Little k Co. Ptnang,
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    • 959 2 AUCTION SALES. S ALB OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD 1 FURNITURE..*.-. AT MOUNT NARSIS. TAN.IOXI; PAOAfi ROAD. SATURDAY. 11th SEPTEMBER The under-igned are in-tn.ct.-d by N P JOAQUIV, Esy. to sell by Auction, at Moral Narsis. Tanjong Pag.-o uji Satunlav. 11th Scpteinlier. coniniencing at ISO p iii The whole of the
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    • 893 2 NOTICES. SlNii U'Oltr: Sl'oßTl\(i CLl'B AUTUMN MEETING. 1886. lIKST DAY. TUESDAY, i'm NOVEMBER, 188«. I.— Thk M.vii.KN Value $150. -For hor-,- that qualify under Rule XXXIIa Weight as per scale. In the ev,-nt of both lirst ami MMM class Horses being enter, d for thi- nice second class horses
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    • 981 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. STANDARD POLICIES. OF five years standing and upwards may be revived within thirteen months on payment of a small Hue without Medical Certificate, and in the event of death occurring under a lapsed Policy within these thirteen MMMM, the c'aim is binding on the Company. The surrender value
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 66 2 ■M WEATHER REPORT. Ka<.da<y Krahoyc Hofntal, M AmlMsM^ 1886. a.m. Sp.a. 9p.s>. Rbmabis. Bar. red 32 Fab -J9SKS2 BTV DM2 Moraiax Temp. M 8 81 D 1 7ii Hay er.r W»tßulbTh»r. T6S t T4S raat. taaall Dir. at Win.l SBW. SSW. Calm. ak>w*r at Mai.Temp. in<ha.U -4" 5.90 p.m. Mia.
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  • 112 3 Tl-ui*na. the following f,,r 1-inif dnink and <hI .<•' fore* t.. aa* HadH**^ B*«i- Siret "ii the 7th instant, riminal fon-e to ,in Street, was tiiifl 81. drunk aad dlaordarly I M. in public in 1 week. 1 Beach Road. bViiif. for disorrine.l *;t haarkaag lying without
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  • 89 3 I.i To-dar M ..vstratmother UM at ••-r 1.-tnandiui; owing to him it hi- peraon. r Im-uh; m-t at ispectiou. the r-la- :i^' his under v.-ry Mao. Mr N'ouis here the -ad •••nmued ty hriiiL' up i for 1 them was »i I list him 1 The taken remunerated
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  • 525 3 i-\i Sejttember situation of s had -md articled. ■till continually and the .«uks of Hteudilv becora-l-ri Ou' irauiv iv Urp-r uuiu-"MWU-ut1,..,.,-...,, i. lfl T troul,l-5..u,-..nd ll «M ...-r. HaUvia to pro--1 thrre show no l-n.Teiuent. Ith bep. !i_- t., th- last |«>rts, Tunku (Jarnr per whither he
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  • 2424 3 Si-kki.t. said Caniinal N-wniau. in ■lie of his |«r.H hial s-nnoiis. the lit- of soldiers on s.rvi..- i> a v.-ry s.-hool ot lurosity aud ee&negfect, if rii;ht!v und-r--st.N»l. and is us,-,l as su.-h l.v UM BOhio aud hi^h-priu.-ipl.Ml." Su.-h BOMI I I their li\-s has l»^-n made.
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  • 138 3 Ax Extradition Cask. Sir. Kxtr.ulitiou t-as-s u'-n-r.illy liristl- with difli-ulti.-s As a nil-, authori-ti.-s. eOBOtWrj British, are Hot BMO] niove.l. A UlB<-. how.-\.-r. has just .h urr.M in whirh MO r.i[.idity of a-tioii on the [art of MO N.-therlauds India QotOTBMMBI Ofti.-ials .1, noti.v. On Motrd
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  • 299 3 81l 'I'i. liuffs that is wl utIv what has f.t.l.d "Uoldßaf .ir.n.illv \.-ry iit.rtaiuiu_' This old muffs letter is d-li. ions in its hM riaapbi its aVagattal rigof i-'ll a..-.- -it* tu-ht-ta.r' -tur. in.-ut. at tlu- outset, of th OMBM of OBMBOa, and its in.- -T.n.'lit boa the shoulder'
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  • 408 3 Da** Bkm, Will y..u bvgoud enough t.. allow in.- l<i nut ;i I'.w WOM* iilx'iit 111--disuni.-otul so-nci- «liiili t.ikf place daily in i!i>- public slr.-< Is in tli. destruction Of ttaai \.i .in.- will for it moment d.-iiv that liiniiit certain MM "1 the v iir l»illin,- at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 820 3 NdiKK. FDR SAI.K H.-r Majesty's Paddle wheel Despatch -team, i FICOLANT, a- ah* li.- »..ff Kowl i Naval Yanl. feet ill. Ijt* ufrtli bocweea porpaadiealan i->> 0 Breadth mtiiMi H J Displacement. UOll tons. Draft of wat, -r {Jj* I (iro-s registered toiinrii'.- 570 tons. Built at DaToaperl Doohyard, Biaaplatod
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    • 802 3 M)TI(KS. M. Mil. LAN'S PATENT ANTIFOCLi l.\i; EXFOLIATING composition PATNT." Tlii, i.r rier AnlifnaHag Paint, for pr»> ,-ninir th* Itittoins of iron sliip- i,, 1. obtaineil from -■i ME A Co. ■geaM for fwagaaor* awMaaare, 18th aagaat, MBB IS/9 <;. H LAMBERT a Co PHOTOGRAPHERS by special appointment to II
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    • 851 3 TO LET. TO BE LET-With immediate entrr. Two s,.iall ,1, 1,.c1,e,l comfortable hous... Itnated la Etraa Road, anitahlr for two batel.eloi's ur a married couple with a small family. Municipal Noa. 1 and 2 Water laid on. Terms moderate. apply to W. NORRIS. Snaaapore, 7th Baps, 1888. 7/lo TO
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    • 78 4 i."s Nut 4 POM ('AITAIN Fkom i ni A. Noi fuk 0 Baojrrmaioin l'.-»ri CM I {oat II iQw WUP 9 Pikan MM Ml •i. r -tr t;TI S,-!,ul.|t It. ha. M Dim* Brit, -tr Sea CoorUuj An- >tr IT"7 I:Brit, -tr ■-••ll J..lm-"ti Itrit -tr 70S Mask
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    • 328 4 Vek.sll. NiMf Cil-TilW. MAX-OF-WAI; Danni; l>avir, VTRAMKBU. Murtnbu M. I'yah rVkhrt VV..111 Warn Kob| Brag J M.:,urv OmM [«Ub Milt .11 l>iv,u ifa.Tltuu II" liu'u Uliatt Hill i Itac Vi.nif S.n t l\t.r-.ii n«lJ— I'ur.l.v 11.1.. I -i>.ti..» Koktrt II ..iv ..1-iirn I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1092 4 DOCKS. rK TANJONG PAOAB DOCK COMPANT, LIMITED. THK works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, ami comprise the following establishments, viz:— Whabk.— Affording herthage for twenty Teasels at one time with sufficient water alongside for vessels of tho heaviest draught,
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    • 624 4 BNGINBBBING. CAZ ALAS a F 11. B (Successors to ML Cv/ Filb.) t--.ii d 1866.) ■aginaara, CkMtraatota, baa ami Brass Founders. Didlei maims. Ooapar aai Iron Baattka, Ac. HO, 55 VI BBT, Baaganore, -ml July, 1885. .1. M. LTOM K O (IMI. AMI Mi II KM' W. i:\..IN. I M
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    • 569 4 BTOBEB. SIX REASONS TOB DRINKING THE REAL SA.NDV COOK WHISKY. \i>v cook- vrmsKi 1* mil. l. invigorating, and i. freshing. ■SWDV COOK' V. 111-KV Wiih Bodawater is delieions. ■SANDY cooK" W:!i- Xl I* nnenrpaaai d for flaror. SANDY COOK" WHISK V Laares no beadaehee. SANDY COOK' WHISKY I* the real
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    • 718 4 NOTICES. rwmm kakila oiqab store. AOENCY, Co.MIAM (iKNKEAL UK Taba. Kii.ii'lnas. Bai n n Roap. KsI'ANA." Imperi:iles. Kegalia Hritanica. Ooaekaa Vegneros. Regalia PiHpina. Oonehitas Caetlee, Regala Itedia. B>gU» riliimatt. Onlabraa, U ndraa, Fn.m -El Coateta" Perb *al Ortoato. Regalia Chid. Prino mm, Daaaa. Regalia Orieute. S.-iiorit.,-. Nue>.. HaUiiiw. Breras, Viatiaroa,
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    • 548 4 NOTICES. POWELL CO. AVOTIONMMMB, SI N(i A PO H KFURNITI.RK. For Sai.i: Almeirah* lee < (in.lll Jewel Safes Bed-rooa Suites Japanese Scroens Book Cases I .nip* Book Stands Linoleum Billiard Tahlos Matting Card Tables M.irUc Slabs Chairs ,t Safes Chaaaber Cnpboanls Oflea Desks Cabinets otlice Chairs Ch.wts of Drawers
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    • 536 4 NOTICES RaTOTIOI The letting af the iaiiil.ling. .> Spirit. I'ork an.l Pawnbroking Farm* of Billiton for tbe.vear 1887, will take place at Tamljong Pandan BilHton at 9.30 a. m on Satiinlay the 18th Sept b,-r next Further jiaitieulnr* can be obtained at the I Netherlands Oonsnlatc (iciicral. Ii LAV IND.
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    • 327 4 NOTK N^*^ .> tHmate. n S 'I—'-- I" |„-c dm to educate with I em..-* Aaalj hi l "-i».. i I Singapore. :i|-, J n /;uvki:nm,a, oi si, N i r i "2K? CATi 1 it'UM'Ti V\lU Im 1 rcccji Thursday, 3uth > danneaUoned Parnu i ■1 TeadHi mi ■let
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