The Straits Times, 19 June 1886

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXVI I. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JUNE 19, HHM*. NO. 15,950
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES tIENT \L STEAM "N oMPANV Omci Collyer Qaay. .rUmr. hah P"^ v XL >Ueh exT.. I.EATE. H.IMKHaj Itth Monday A|iril IMh h i 13th 27th July Mh Juue lith 2Hh July -ith JJnd A hit -s.-|.t 2ad 15tl 17<h 0.1 Ist ■J." 15th Lilli 17th :nay bt oi'hei
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    • 592 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Port Said. Su.-/. Aden. M»he. Laßeunion. Mauritius. Adelaide. M.llMiurne, Sydney and Nrouii:. Any claim for damaged goods landed here haaj the steamers „f the Comjiaguie de- Hatsairerip* Miritime- aaajl U- made tot •«ofore delivery is taken of the «ame fn.m the Compaay'a nodowaa at Sw Haiaoar, otherComp.iuv nill
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    • 960 1 STI.AMM.iI' (OMPANIKS. For Chins. A steamer leave* Batavia on the l~t of e\ cry month for Anioy. taEtjCal BdmJBBOBb, Saigon and Hongkonp, also Swalow when there is sufficient inducement, returning the same way luck. I r. in MacaHsar for Singapore via Ampanan, lioclcling. Sourabaya and Sauiarang, there is a steamer
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    • 643 1 STEAMBHir COMPANIES. Aagaat, Oataaai and DaaaaaW, via Bima. N'angsmessie, Savoe, Rotti. and Timor K<»'pang, and back via Timor Koepsng. Larentoeka. Maoemerie and Bima in the month* of January. March. May. July. September and \..vember. via Bima. Maoemerie. Larrcntoeka. Timor Koe|«ng. and hack via Timor Koc)»nir. Rotti. Savoe. Nangamofwie snd Bima.
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    • 605 1 IXSI'RANCE. SIN FIRE f^FFICK. LONDON. Establish ki> 171". Insurai I effected BBM almost every de. s.-ription of ].ro]»'rty at the current rates of Premium. Total Sum insured in IBH, £327.-tU.7i«>. Singapore Aflßata, BRIN'KMANN A Co. ALLIANCE BRITISH A FORKI'IN LIFE AND FIRE INSCRANCF. OOafPANT, LONDON. Capital f.-,.i«»i.iK«i Rtkrlino Extf.nsion of
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    • 705 1 INSURANCE. NTON INSIRANCE OFFICE, \J LI.MITKD I»CORI-i>kATKl> in Haagkaaf, under the ('oin|«uies' Orliuan f UK, limiting tha liability of the Shareholders to the amount ol their Shares. Capital tMMyOMk Paid up SMmmkhi. A Iloniis will be paid to all ('ontributors. Agents in Sinoapobf., W. R. SCOTT ft CO. Baßßßßtta, sth
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    • 626 1 INSURANCE. PRUSSIAN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF STETTIN. (Established 1545) f'apital eiSO.fIOO. B III! II Fund £100,000. Tlie undersigned Imve appointed General Agents for the hlkhh Conjiany and an preiwred to accept Fira Insurance Risks at current rates of premium. K ATZ BROTHERS. Sings|H>re. Hnl May. bW. LONDON A LANCASHIRE
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  • 221 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoapobe 19th Junf, 1886. Pboduce. Gambier &P74Cubs do. No. 1 8.00. do. do. No. 2 7.80. Copra Marasnar ♦■2.V (fo. Pontianak 3«5BUck Pepper l»20Sago Flour, Sar 2^«>Peirl Sugo 2.fio. Coffee, Bonthine Tapioca, amall Flake 4-50. do. do. Ist quality 4.824--do. mod. flake 450. do. small pearl
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  • 7 2 ■bbjbm. Calcutta. Bannora, I am
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  • 35 2 SATURDAY. 19TH JUNE, 1886. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. (For Straiti Time:) The New Hebbides. SjaJaay; Jfith y»«c.— Tbe French have lande<l troot« at the New Hebrides and hoisted the French flag. There is great excitement in Australia.
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  • 653 2 By last aJvin-n from Rangcx.u. Jae.iit y M •_-aii.' pataMJ up country continues as rampant at ever sr<-unt y U-iug alment save within raugeof the aoMiers' riflea. The long vuntiuuan.e of the kvaajhaM followiug Th.v-l-aw's deposition will not arouse surpris.w'n.!i on.-.- it is borne in mm. l that
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  • 196 2 The Pirarv and >1 m-.1. r at h. n. An este.'m.-d corres]K.nd. Nt sends us the following particulars of the attack on the H»lt DmbJm and the fate of the otlic-rs ami crew With reference to the telegralll published iii yesterday > \>,i\*r. I am in a |M>sitioii to give
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  • 33 2 MosL>ay next, the 21st instant, being a general h.didav in honour of the anniversary of the Coronation of Her Most <i racious Majesty the Queen, there will l>c no issue of this paper.
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  • 20 2 The Marine Police have arrested a man f,,r rolil»rv on the high seaa. The ca*e will be tried on Tuesday.
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  • 23 2 The total return of vis tors to the Raffles Library and Museum ,limn_- the anjak en,). ing Friday, 18th Juue, 1886. was 838.
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  • 30 2 The P. A O. Co's sW-amer S»wl, with the baaMBN mail of 28th May. 1.-tt C. lomlx. at 9.30 p. in. on Thurwlay. and should therefore arrive here next Thursday.
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  • 36 2 At the Cathedral Church of th. Sh-pberd at the high mass to-morrow, the Kevd. Mr. De Booa will be ordained priest by Bishop Oasnier. The mass w .11 begin at 8 a. m. instead of 9.
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  • 35 2 We would remind our readers of Profeasor Sieineu's' iv the Town Hall to-night, A special feature of the |>erfonuauce will be the rendering of appropriate selections of music by the Band of the Buffs.
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  • 35 2 Thk Java fl.«^sa»s that the Madras tiovemtneut hat asked th-- Netherlands India St. nn Navigation C'onipauy whether it is inchn.-d to uudertake to cam OB a fortnightly mail servi.-.- Utw.-.-n Madras aud the Straits Settlements.
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  • 36 2 :,otifi.Hl in yi-at.-nlav's <;>;riii,i.,,t OaJBBBJ that, with the ap|.r..val of H. K. the <}„v. ruor, A M. llacOtagor, Baqoiie, ha, l-.-ii ap|.. mted Indian liiiini-ratiou Agent lot the <i,,veriiiiie-it., ..f l'.'rak. BNlagar, BbbbbbJ DJaaa^ and J.dior.
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  • 51 2 A lusrtii in th.- K-sMen.-v of Paaaruan is endeavouring to intr »lv,-.- th,vine into Java Should this trial veulupth.- aaMfgy displayed l, v him will op.v out i). w and so far uutriidd.-ii li.-ld 01 BBaBBBBM nterpriw. He <-.-rtaiulv d.-- rv.-s to s.s- his efforts in this line crowned with
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  • 34 2 To-nv Mr. Thomson sat specially to dispose of seveu summons caaea brought l.y theCrowu I^andsDeimrtuieut for unlawtullv entering and unlawfully tref>|>aaaing ui«>n Crowu Lauds. Mr. O'Brien still ..utinues tot. unwell to attend th.- Court.
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  • 52 2 A Eukopeah Sailor by name J. \V nard was brought up to-day l«-f,.r. Mr I'. -uney at t he pro.-, cut i.m of Su]s-rintend-ent Bell aWipi with the thett of silk _'.~'ds. gmanmjt, \c. from Uul«»h Alleh Mai i, an \alu. >.;jl The evid.-iic u,,t In -mg Mitlicieut, prisoner
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  • 49 2 W tar,- informed that then-will laarrieaa at < and 11 a. m. in St. Andrews Cathedral and special anthem avwajaM at MO on Sunday, the 'Juth June. I to-morrow baiaW the occasion af the anniversary of the QaW A. i bbbM, this U-ing also the commeuevmeot of the jubilee year.
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  • 67 2 Thk Ja|«u.-m- cruii».'r faaMwaß, t aptain James, arrived vest, rdav evening from Colouilmi eu rout.- to Yokohama. The laaßMaiea is a sister ship t«» ih.- aTaajaaaj Kan whi.h Kail.-d lust TaMaaaM for Yokoliama. The BBMiah |wboal rTliiu. Captain E. Diaz Moivn. Mrivaa] this morning from < arthag»-na en rout,- to
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  • 88 2 Wt have to not i, t a i, e rr..r iv the a.-. ■Hat af the Flower Show |BJ— in our aolumna of the 17th inMuut. It wn* there remark.. l that the moiist. -r Tapioeu Ktmts had uot n.eived a Pru Honorable Menu,,!,. At ;hi' time the najorl waa
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  • 63 2 Thb S.-rg.«nt»' Amateur Dramatic CI of "The Biffs" will perform iv th. s. R<M)in, Tanglin Baim.-ks, on M.,,,1 Tuesday the 21st and Mud iosUiit. I comedy of Jru>y Yrrr at the rV'.i,,,/, r Rrtvri), ).r.-c,-ded l.v Air, I The programme is an na wo have no doubt the phii will
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  • 52 2 In East Java, sugar ihowi uo recovery. Sometimes a parcel moved off at '.>'. guilders a |i vi. ally speaking the hundred tl a: of this year's rop already diapoaad brought no nior.' than"'.' guildi <ul. This years coff.v arofl the baai present ev.-ry appearai ab uti. laut yield uext
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  • 80 2 We note in the ffortfcem Trrrit r, Hbjm of the l.'.th M..\ that tl pr..s]»',t of work ls-iiii sh .rtlv und, rtal at th.- Northern end of the Tn tal a tender liavm- I for obstructing the first Bection, that fn.ig Tort l>arwin to I'm.- Crwk. inland has In-.ii
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  • 72 2 Tm: mm Aimrtmr stat.-s that a pub. lit audi.-ii.e was given by th. Baun t.. CoL J. J. childs, the Mmisto.. on the '.th instant. Y-. honors to a Minister, the Salute guns, the escort of noldiers. th, nnd nobl.-s iv ,ourt iv the great audience hall, the tion of
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  • 118 2 At an Executive ' aweting held a l'.-itli \V. A on l:{th May it »a, 1. ,d.,| t., declare a goldrield :n the Kiiiil--i Ii aud toappoiutMr. CD. Priee'aud I' irrov,- 1! M- as wardens. The OoTernmeol think this will lie sufficient provision f.. r p resent. IM-cause as far
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  • 154 2 Ix these days of ever nearriag tine, particulars of the effectlTi i ant aescribed lielow will assur-l niand attention. It would s.-.n Parsons, a well-known officer of h.-alth. has been engaged in a series of very important .■X|»rimeiits relating to the' itife-tion of clothes by heat. Hi that, with the
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  • 237 2 It is believed that great aim, nance hai bbbbj Lit in Fram-o at the iteM I the Climi. -,.-ii. >\,-ruiu<-iit t,. i- I He,.- legation in Bone, daeaaj th-- Holy 5.,. to s.-nd a N PaUi so as to do away effectually with the French protectorate I ■iaaiaaav TaM l'r.n,h
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  • 398 2 Thk |,r..|H> BobeaM for the I m.-ut ..f N. GhBBMa laid before tl ni-s l.v Mr. (Sriffith liuk U-. -n accepted Lv N.-w S..nth Wal.s .iii.l Vi.t..ria. whkb will join Qoeeoalaad in n gnan 4U.000 v«-ar, tli.- uwant I dhided l»-tw,-,n th.- thr.-- Tl u« ■alotjtad is siilwtiiutialh tli. .ii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 673 2 STORES, UK ll -1 El K Co'i. BAMPAQ N I MONOPOLE, KKDSEAL AND UKlirOll. SK<'. the latter ilj quality is *p>-cially adapted to English con-iimptioli. aajaaai, K A I TKNHKHi;. S( HM IDT 4 Co. Singa|«.re. 7tli Fel.ruary. ICIHARLEB HKIDSIKCK S J WHITE BEAL lIAMI'ACNK. So: BKHX. MKYKR 4 Co.,
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    • 868 2 AUCTION SAI.KS. O ALE OF HOUSEHOLD Fl i; N 111 UK 0 \ti Kir n. rui: asm jink The ara iaatneaid by In-|iee-lor.l H An in. to -II by Auction, at the Central Station, oa Saturday, 26th June, the whole „f the ralaaUe Household Furailuie. eoinprising a Oottaga I'iiii"
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    • 755 2 LATKST ADVKKTISKMKNTS. "TT'ATZ BROS: have newly o|ieiied. Cloth of the baal i|iiality. Carriage Cloth, Broad Cloth, velvet tshlo Orata. Blal.k.t-Turki-h towel, in „11 BBBJB. i.l\T> PBMOIKQ DEPARTMENT. White Shirt- of tl,,- baal ,|ii»lUy. Linen Oolbra, Cuffs in nil shaaaa. Arfaai btaeaa, KL.-t,.- braces. Neckties and Mows of all kiud-Sli.m-s
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    • 698 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES AND OASBiAoaa a. At the Stbaith Hobhr Rei-ositobv. TUESDAY, Hkd INSTANT. AT 5 P. M. lieslnilt lab) .|iii.-t. und ill g.«KI eonditimi. Victoria Phaeton small, in g.Nid nnler. Set of l.rnwn harness. Bjlaaßß, nenrlv new. Also, a SiamiwM- Bull, aalfaaai. iii good ciinditiiin \e
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 72 2 WEATHER REPORT. Ki*,U~) Kmh.<r Hotpital, ml. !»■<■ 3 p.m. !> p.m. Kistlll. Bar. r».l W F.h. 2» S3 l 29 T* Murnu.g Ten.n. BW I -o tni ,U.T Wit Hull, Ther. Itr% JW 7S i rlw, umal'i Mir. >f Win I B»W S 'aim. .hewer t Mai. Tfmp. ianlui-I-
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  • 87 3 i. Wn. O. H rcular •tarhed It slii||. rward "teadily rail? nt th.- rl ir |.ri— s I r the I'hillipim-s for nny other in qnaatit; ir with tol.-r.Vi.lf rigour under roltirafioa for tutiont an- —In (.'iiu- lip 1 [l«rcwt.f.o.b. 1 I.) rl thia raar till
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  • 135 3 1 i_v a ng iii neighUj tn infallible i n-rman M D. ..v.-r in Brazil, writ, •r Im/.t.1» .li.. i rtnnity table antidote, in .1 in r ili I h, ratting »ly to the finger Hint ulbrring to it. 1 .in;i-i| alm .uirht t.i me in
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  • 408 3 1 Narratn. I Enquiry into I itish Barque BomfiU, an Qovenu Nahi I 'ffi-ial Number SO,4SMi regiatfr 1.001, .in-! hailfd from th- part of i. for- the Conrt, it apt>..-,, Manila on with n full earge af eagnr rnool Nothing awaaoal tank hi tin. paaaage, nor was an]
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  • 173 3 The bearing of the* i leontfarar. jraaterdaj m iminir In- for.. Mr. Thonm .hi \>r \--ist.-in; Baperintcndcn iqaim de f 1..1 iaatka of T.iy B ih In. Chfa ■table 428. rontiutuxl ftjr Mr. Cdscaden. Th. mill asad ware T'l-r- •.1 I. quick .-im-si him He wji- walking
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  • 837 3 iphicil r. .I.i bjf a i paper prepared tain Stimchan on N- Ghiia Alt. r .1. ril'in.' tli-- ihape, grapbicaJ i~.siti..ii of the ialaod, th ■i Hew .r.- tha Dutch i- rritorr, bol »,i- isimi u:il..-s be cwntented to reukle in India aad take ..m nation.
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  • 453 3 Tli 1L..11. tli.. (1..;. n I 1 lull in tin- beginning I illowi to the <• .v.-riitn-iit l.v t. i. _T.ini ,'itli Mr.. irriredat Cambridge Omit via I).-rl.v ami landed ererrthiag «-~t of tli. I ranu'.- v. -i,ij, ran 'I to theshure. 1:111.1. -.1. :it i,,il- tli--
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  • 740 3 g>mrom *'a wif. by did \.w tlelai aeadina tot bm until on! nf hW iiiimi:-" \Vif,- "Oh. dot* li- awa in hi- right miihl ha irooJdi ..i.'«pii for you." •An- v..v foii.l „f looking at tha Mnn: it,,. m ;..y of Qmy. w.n. '1 rn^:l^iii(f ynlllli; Him. "mhii
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 241 3 NOTICES. NOTICE The int.--,t sad rwaowibiliiy af the aadafabnad, l.m BvcTlova, I b f l.m c c... chop "Swbs .1 .m th- tth U sihar U-i. I.I M BMO TIONG Biagßßore, "»ih .Inn.-. 18M I 7 CIDF.R. Taylob's Riivai. CHAM PAOMI CIDE li Bias .in.l Dry. 11l Quarts ami
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    • 916 3 NOTICES. rpHK HANKIJI l-ICY OKDIN I 1870 In ih.- Sti]>r.-m.- Court of tl,- Simile flitllwh MUmml ..f flijuin In 11,.. i,,.,t!.r,.f Ym- Hi <•„,-, aMtyiag oa hnataaoa Trader ud Hi.- Finn or C1,,,,, Tvi Hi-. No. l&TeUa A».-r' 1,-,,,., A liankrii].' Wiii.kkam mid. -r a iNinkniptcy |H>tiliun pr 1. 1
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    • 735 3 i.l v PKBBLI BPBCTACLB I AW B I HO I M ITO OPHTHALMK OPTIOIANB, "TOUII i mi PSmOIPALOPHTRUi ■i toioiri in in in 1 v "!.D BOND STREET. LONDON KA.MCMtT BOW, BOMBAY, lIAItK STKKKT.' CAM I TT If v..i. «,,,,1.l -tr.-nirili.ti ami ptaaatra i ekfbt, aac UmMtiM Kayo'i perfect I
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    • 771 3 FOR BALE. POBBALI f-» SMfc bmMiv I Bhwi |)iv,|. f s 'nin>|«>r» Tramwa Shnrt"* M baM |"-"Miiinii i ii 1 ->^«« ll vi»rv. l sh«Z 111 WANTKI 1 '"l T 1 Shat~ WANTKK n Hhgipnw Insur.,,,-. >lnr,,s L .|.,r<J ■jTh ACu.Sh.r-, US Tanjona; Pairar d.^.), .Sharvs N PW i H
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    • 97 4 nu, KaHi I Fan. Captain 1:1.. Jun Dut. -tr M lUliaak lint \*B RA-Um ix r»t.. woo J»ni« r, feotl Hot >h U«H I>ou|fU» I* I.uci l>ut.-rl,. (Jrrf N,.r. I-, Ml NUIM llnt.-tr CM Kollttt -tr U7l -h»u NO* I:U.-khurnr 19 i>,,h.r liut -tr IM Hi.utboff 1381 lirrmniT It
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    • 76 4 Dati Date VcHaiL'a Nam i VmsiLS Niai I Flao A Kl. Captain Dt«TIMATIOS. 1!> \V 1 m K.I mmi r-t ■Warn Puh Ann fjmtm 111 Vrnic* ilnt. -h. -tr. -tr. -tr. -tr. >lr. -ir -tr. itr. K-.U-rtMU Burr Tbnm-on takMt nionii.. K .1-1. .11 M l Cboaari Blix-kl.uriii'
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  • 480 4 r I.AU M V«mel» Xam« Caftaih. axd g Akbivii. From. Cokiioxih. D'ati. ft I MKN-dF-WAI: Daring- I>..<>. H M .1-. M»; .1 ul« > Ilromo Spaoyaanl hut. fb. JSS Juni- I >1.-1,1.-h Hut., iruentl Leio lU.tarr.vli. Spa gfc. .m;, Jun» dnaia Spanish Cnn.ul Mamli nlio J»m<.»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 836 4 DOCKS. THE TANJONG PAGAR I»<m K I'x.W I.IMITKI) Tail i»ti"d st within one mile of the town ..f Singapore, and comprise taafoUi UhlishmenU, i Wuvkk -Affording herthsge for twenty tt one time with siiln.-ient water alongside for reseela of the heaviest draught, and •well from nreagth i. the tides, inder
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    • 748 4 ENGINEERING. .1. M I. YON &<() Cllll AM. Ml' II IM. II Kn "IN. Mil 1.11K1..11 is 11:..M.1 Ml Bl im. c..\ n li roai \i Btoa Basin W Boab Omi 1 un Bai i boob r'lint Street, mar (ieneral I.-l Ofßes. Sll.. 1 11 11 11 Small St. a
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    • 431 4 NOTIGBB. POWELL CO., 1 UOnOWWMBS, BINGAPO BE. KI'ISNITI UK. A.-. \-\.\t Sill Mmeirahs IceChe-ls Bedsteads (boa Jewel Saf.-Bed-rooai Suites Japanese Sereeaa 11.X.L 1 l«ini|.s Book Steads Linoleum liillianl Tabl« Matting Csrd Tables Marble fflaba Cliairs. M.-ai mi. Ohamber Caphoenla OffieVDaakl labiu.-is "Ih''" < 'hairs Chests of Draw.,- Paakaki Clothes Stands
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    • 1072 4 NOTICES. g AIM Of TOWN LAND IN BOSQUB i> STItKKT NOTICE i- berebi (tivaa, tint laa under-in-lltlom-.l I.IM, will In- offered I- "It SAI.K vi AtiTi.'N under psragraphs Jl loSßof Urn Hid- made by H. B. Urn OoveTBOT under the •Cn.wn Land's Ordinal- .0 1888 at th. Salo-r.K.m of tin-
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    • 843 4 NOTICES. t»JOTICE TO MARINERS ADMIRALTY CHARTS or THE I.ATKST BURVEY, NAI'TICAL HOOKS. At Mokkratk I'm KKIT POB SALK at the SAILORS' HOMK Prick or aVaaa Alinmmi-H l.<>o Charts, de Double Sheet LM (Single Sheet) 1.00 Barafla' Home, Singa^.r.-, Illh S.-pt.. 1878. TAMHKKT BBOTHBBB begtoaaaaaaaa J that they have a
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    • 391 4 NOTK EH I J MOTION CIIBONOMKIKK. WAI. H A.M> CLOCK Makkk. *ni> OrtMl Ui Flint Stkki:t. Hah always on hand a well selected st.«-k of Jewellery. Watches. Cl.x-ks. Nautical In- j slninients. Ac compri-iii.' MrsceletH Ladies gold Hatches HnHK-lies. Qeate' ditto. Earrini,'- Sili-r vataaas. Loekaes. Am-ri.-.-ni .-I.h-Ivs L.idi.-s' ling-. Carriage
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    • 348 4 NOTICES. ROB IN SOD a ■2.; Cm. 1. ikk Qoat, Bimu v ojpjpoaite the Cluh I)rs|H-rK. Milliners. Hilk Mi dashers, Gswrera, ami General I OCTHIIIN.. I). p A ■very dwauilptlotl of clothtng mai shortest notire by an elpsiteiKi saaiaatud, a goad ssaoctuiiul Worst.ils. Bargee, Broadcloths for Calf walking BBBM. Baootiag
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