The Straits Times, 28 April 1884

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXV. NKW BBEIBB. SINGAPORE, MONDAY. 28th APRIL, 1884. [daily issue.] No. 15,294
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 418 1 *tram *J)i,i «ompai«.r«. nhulab and oriental navigation compant OKrics— Collyer Quay. sis New Harbour. I.TNEB. -.-d are the dates on wnico vny'« Mail Steamera may be exmcu4 to arrive at Singnpore during tbe <KD. TIOHKWARP. May. V..n.lay !lst Apri Friday Snd May. Thursday IBth t'lr..-. 2!Hh 12th laaa, t«th Kth
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    • 573 1 *tfam *I)fp Companits. Rurmah A Straits Service. The C. nipany's Mail Steamera are des*t hrd from Calcutta for Singapore via Rsrgoon, Moulmein, Ptnimg and Mnlaoca and tbe same way back iry f p night. The following arc the dates on which they ni*y be expected to Arrive from CslcutU k
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    • 797 1 *ttam *i)(p companies. Children between two and fifteen years Day half theabov* mtea, if travelling with their parents one ohild under two yean free, when more than one, each child addiI tional will be charged one quarter fare. The < Molucco* Islands is made monthtv; the voyage to and from
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    • 636 1 *tratn *hip Companits V. Bobneo's West Coast. From BaUvia via Rillitonand Pontianah or Singkawang and back on the 15th of very month. VI. Bobsbo'B Sooth East Coastl From Soernbaya via Bawean. Bandjermassin, KitUlwroe ;Poeloe Lsut) for Ko.-tei and via tbe same places back on he 22tid of every atonth. VII.
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    • 534 1 fnsuranrr. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIF* ABBURANOE OOMPANT LONDON. Established 1821 subscribed Capital £2,000,000 4<otal Invested Funds, upwards of 3,000,000 Annual Income upward* of 400,000 Tie nndersigned have been appointe-Ag'-nts at Singapore and are prepared to issne policies against Fire on the usual term*. PATERSOV, SIMONS k 00. Singapore, lit April,
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    • 629 1 fnsuranrr. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT. Instituted 1803. Capital £1,600,000. Paid-up and Invested 700.000. Funds in Hand 1.200,000. Directors. Richard J. Aaktoa. Esq. Alfrx) n.. nr ar, Ba,. riionaa O. fcwli,, WlllUm Hawthorn, Robert C. L. Bvtsb, 'lonrs* Hlhb«rt, ParriTaJ Roaaii<|aat, Samnol RH>, JaaMa Brasd, n William I.rmll. Charlaa CaTa.
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    • 493 1 Intfiirsnrtt THE SCOTTISH IMPBRIAL INSURANCE OOMPANT. Lira. Oafital OKI MILUOW»o. tWsKiac OHTBF OFFIOBSf Oumow m ff 151 Win Gaoaos LowiH)w fsKiaaWnuAßißT. T.ivebpool, f MaTxcwAjr««B». ■act. ISO Boon Bibbbt MoifTBBAL, f 8 r*AMMU XAVIBB STBBBT Mblbocrnb. ELIBABBra Bt. LIFE DBPARTMBNT. Thb Director* of th* above Company having arrived at the
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  • 152 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 28TH APRIL, 1884. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SmoAroai Mn Apuil liauibier 170. Black Pepper J6.:*<) Wbite Pepper, lair qaalitv. 35. Sago Floor, Sar |je7|. Penrl Sago 2.67*. Coffee, Bonlh/ne Tapioca, small flake ;1 Tin »0«. Uule twist !5 H lbs. Sbirtingn 1.524 7 do do LaU. 6 doT.Olotb
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  • 70 2 To-DAV. For y*f Sarawak, Bantt, 6 p.m To-mob*ow BaUvia, Em\mt, 7 a.m. T"p*. .Vifil 9 am. Billiton A Pontianak, B WKoUSenn. 1 1 a.m. Hongkon A Yokohama, O. o/Lnrns, p.m. Peaaaf, Moulmein, bnrmah and ''alcutta. Pvnlim, I p.m. Mi.lnr.-a. Klans;. Perak aud Penang, Wslfn. 1 P ">- Hongkooi;.
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  • 72 2 R EUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Strait* Time*.) The Sonus. mWMi ii>/i April. Osman Digna vml his followers are encamped within seven miles of Siiakim. 11. M. S. Britou and Rangtr are in i port and prepared lor ev.-ry i-mer^ency. The Sot dan. >», Utk April.— The British (iovrrmnent has replied to
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  • 14 2 Thk l'ortugu**e corvette Dona Ettr. Kama It- ft the harbour jettefdij morning .r M.i
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  • 20 2 Tut Italian rorv-tt«- CamcioUt arrived at I'entnff on tbe 21>t instant from Singapore, on her wmj to Oleb-leh and Europe.
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  • 27 2 l'BoretiOß W B. Wtiuji will give a performance in jugglery at the Town Hall to-night, which, judging from critique* from Australian papers, ought to be very attractive.
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  • 70 2 YestebdaY being tbe titular feast of tbe Cathedral Church of the Good Shepherd, a solemn high nut was celebrated by the li, yd. Kather A. L. Daguin, assisted by llevd. Father Tourgis as deacon, and Revd. Father Rivet as sab-deacon. Tbe usual half-yearly collection for the relief of the. poor
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  • 84 2 be celebrated. Thk tine Bind of the li'nnal ccrvette Leiptii/, thma^h the kind permiasioo of Captain Herbeg, played on the Ksflanade last Saturday afternoon. Although the Ban 1 numbers oaly 13 musicians, yet the produced oy the brass instruments beats most other naval bands we have beard in public here.
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  • 71 2 limit. Apcar and Cos. steamer Arrantoon Apear, Captain Mactarish, from I Calcutta I9tb and Fenang '20th instant, arrived thi- morning, and leaves to-mor-row at noon for Hongkong. I'aSIKMGBKH f r Simj port —From Calcutta: Mm. Bterocher «Dd ct.ildeo, Mensrs. Gosswlin, Caodon. T. Mag 11. J. 3. Oalstmn. and 8. H.
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  • 72 2 lit k. li.urth druwing of the Loteria Saeional Filipina took place at Manila on the 9th April, and the following tickets were warded the highest prizes xo. i'mim <wuw .to. mm lfiOU 12,00) lOSM 196 6.000 ***** MM l,0O) 10*91 181J l.o>O 11H83 I."' 1*477 W» 1.000 17»7» urn i.ono
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  • 89 2 The following Inquests were held by l>r. Muifli-t.Mi Coroner. On the 26th inst on a male Chinese, name unknown, at the Sepoy Lines. Verdict, death from natural cause*." On tli.- MA inst., on a male Kling named (iopaloo, at the Sepoy Lines. Verdict, death from alcoholic poisoning." On the 2Uth
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  • 111 2 Wi; have lately had, says the Pinang Qazettt of the 23rd April, a party of French Civil Engineers staying in l'enang, who have surveyed a new route for a ca.ial across the isthmus. They propose starting from Trang on the West coast and finithing up at Singora on the East
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  • 109 2 Mb. Mahal's, a local prentidiyateur, gave a performance in jugsrlerv in the Town Hall on Saturday night. The audience wan not large, bat very friendly, which win plain Iron) the manner they received tjbe. majority of tbe tricks. There is apparently nothing new under the ami in regard to the
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  • 153 2 Tn Kinfaun, OattU, of U» Outle Line of Packet* between Knglaitd and the I Cape, *ay* the London and China Exprrtt of the 2Hth March, wu taken over in the ■Ml India Dock on the 2tth inst by the Kuwian authorities, IkftffaM i»'-n |nrcha«ed for the >MT»ict' of the Volunteer
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  • 158 2 The M M itoam I'/rmnnh, Captain Baron, from Haneillef 80th ultiniu, via X., Aden, an.l OmMMBj with thy l< mdon mail of tiie March, arrived alongside the Borneo Co. "a Wharf yeeUrday morning and left for Saigon, Hongkong and Shanghai at 5 o'clock th.' same a«sjsjias|. 1 m: Mr. and
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  • 283 2 Hi- Excelleocy tl lvcincd^on tbe itJtli n.sUnt, lul'ormation regarding the Aoaditioa <>( tho Xitero uulortunates \>y m.aiis of tvv.» letUn ad'lreaacd ixwell l.y tin' putl of tiie crew on the 18th ist ultimo respectively, •tale- tliat their provision* bad U-. v lasting well with the esoeptioo
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  • 456 2 A OMMMMMR MM to us a* follows, under date 2Mh April, from Kwala Lutnpor, I'lu Selan^ire, and Pahang A slight dl.inn tm caused herr a day or two ago by a nun .ur that M attack waa meditated by PfehMg men on f gore. Fortuuatvly. however, tins t'lrn.-d
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  • 453 2 i tr»m Crylon and Indian I' London. Wlk March -The t. pany of tlii.ty adventurers wh ing organized by Mr. A K New Ovine* I doubtful if Mr ci-<l with IB K»« <i ,1:1 ,i ir, i r Ha Royal UwgNpUcal Society. 'Hi.' |.r tua has been" issu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 810 2 SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PBOPEBTT, TAN'GLIK. The sadersigned are instructed to sell by Public Auction, st their Sale rooms, if Raffles Place, on Monday, the 12th May, 1884. at 8 o'clock p. M. DCKDONNACHIE. Lot I.— All that piece of Freoh. Id land described as lot No. 27, on Grange
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    • 904 2 fltto STObfrttefmnU*. SINGAPORE BPORTING CLI'B SPRING MEETING. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY. 27th MAY, I.— Thb Maharajah's Cur. Valne 9150. Presented by H. H. Th.' Mshsrsjih of .Inhere, o c mo., icii. I A Selling Race for all horn, be entered at a declared value from 9-<> I to 9400. If rnteredat
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    • 723 2 flrto f»ibrrtt«nnfgt*ITIVKI V THE URTWEEK RKDCCTION OF PRICE*: REDUCTION OF PRICES! I As the Company Isasss at the end of this month for Mandnlay by special orders fr m thi ir Majesties the King snd Qnoen of Opp«"r Rurmab, it is rtqucst^d that ibe Nobility and Gentry of Singapore will
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    • 436 2 fitto <3Hbrrtisnnnito. NoriCß. Temjebs are invited f.-r the supply of t.- t II r MaiMtj's Ships st Biagapors, f>r a pen..l ol Three years from l.'th Ootoker next T. nder* to be lodged with the Senior Nsv .1 < >ftV-r, S'trMitt Settlements, not later than the Ist of June. Firuis
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 78 2 I.UHKK KEPOKT K*Hd*H t Kflow Haapiiat, M4A AyrU, 188 i. Bar. rad. U fkk. a>«M a»7M 2»531 Taoa. tas •> IC 0 l»u Mnreiac parWat BaJb Thar. 7*u A,mij. l>.r. olWmd N K Cairn. L^iia. imj dsar, til. Temp, la ahada Wl aawll dritala, MU.. do dv 71 7 at
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  • 1333 3 m raging I nation in 1 1 MTiiment vernacular laed in number in 1 beginning n of Malay females lal»lii I '■■Ink Hlangah, II for the f it pi tobooli i rell the paal year, ami in marked improvement mmber o( 10bI 3 to the gambling,
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  • 1174 3 POLICE COURTS T HURSDAY, 24TH APRIL. I J. If. Jtfurfc)B Kythe, E.-j. 'md Magiitrate. JlUn waa charge! with wasting witer md pip< in Viet in* street, and hiving pleaded guilty, was fined ii, or in defau r iv. imprionm (liik M »h K were charged wi:h fighting i i. oa
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  • Correspondence.
    • 266 3 To the Editor of (he Straits Timet DBAS Sib,—You will, I trust, excuse me reasarking that I think it very odd that ia such a well-to-do, go-ahead place like Singapore, there i* no covered band pavilion, and not even any stands for music. Any one present when
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  • 180 3 Quantity in medicine is no mdi *tion of value. Ayer's Saraapirilla is conc-strated and powerful; require* a smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, than any other Sarsaparilla. It i* the best of all blood medicines. HoUowag'i Pilh —Dysentery, Di.iribcei and D.sordt-ied Bowel. —These lu.iUdies are even (resent,
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    • 177 3 Vmul'i Name. in Captaih. Feom. Bailbb. Comma f|^_ j A s.imhaw. Dut. rtr. B49 Bowbie. Suuu| April Bo«iU«i C«. K Eu« O«r. rtr. l47H.Moller Ordiff 1*0. Woo4 ft Co. t* O»ll«y of Lome Brit. «tr. 18»" Pomroy London M»r. 14 P. StnoM Co. ifi IWhel Oer..h. 7«7 W upper
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    • 92 3 D*t» i Vmb/i Kamb. Pi^b Kw. »i-rilN DvnaAno*. Ili.TIKAWOP. April *S Bin Ho* Fch. tr«. 27 Donna Eatephania Por. cor •7 Diemnah Feb. «U. _'i Spaniel Brit. itr. Kmm Brit tr 28 R«piJ Suk- L'-i Ch.-ang Hock Ki»n Brit. itr. l>s Kuby Brit. itr. Z8 luo atr. 2^ Glenlyon
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    • 761 3 JAm. „nsaadAg.afe^T****!* ar* r«yi»wWa M«iß»B*a«>* wtta aai* raf-Ag, aay error or omuwioc Ta th* »bor* Shipp*** ia Ue harbow. V >S hl Nam.. OiFTim. «n> g v. «rrs» F»o«. Coniora.. Bte. SK""3eB WM1 rbecke Out.w* «9*ar OActa-i Dutch Con«l.^ ■gg*! hM Bickford H.M.rtrU*>Mar. *> PenMig Senior
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 249 3 TO FLV^TEKS. n All.nn, Heun. 811 veil .t Co, Singapore, will be happy to receive, ordei* fir R*ute Tool*, Uaohinery and plant of every description. 0i Cm Machinery. Tea Machine' y, le.Ac. JOHN WALKER A Co. (Manufacturer* A Fu>iu« E.taU Tool, and Machinery Colombo, Ceyl'.n. Singapore, Tih April, 18S4. MCNU'H'AL
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    • 1047 3 itotirrs. I SATLE AND CmfPANT, LIMITED. Capital $200,000 i» 4 000 •Jhabfs or •*VI BACH. 500 Share* are Reserved for payment to tbe Vendor and 300 more bbnr. wII ><c purohawd by him tbe balance is offered to the Public for Subscription. Panama. IS Pir Shar. P.y it.le on Application.
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    • 275 3 jiotitn. Cimrmny wil| he applied ia thi first place in paying interent to the Shareholder* upon heir Capital, at the rate nf 10 pwwni por nnnnm. and the balance will be available for division amongst contributing Phnreholder*. for the formation of a Re. serve Fund, and for such *?tber purposes
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    • 230 3 THB BANKRUPT 0 ORDINAI'CB. 1870. In tbe Supreme Court ot *.h* Strait* BrttlraMßt*. Settlement of Siagapor*. In tbe matter of Alfbbs Albbbt Scvllt, of Sta. gaporr, a bankrupt A meeting of the creditor* of th* ahcrve. named hinkrnpt, adjudicated a bankrupt on the 3rd day of M.rch, 1884, will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 689 4 jtuOTfnaltfOUS. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLIKARIB WATER, Ism Natttrai. Boda Watstb. Tke qne-jn of table waters." Bimn Mbdical Joubnai APOLLINARIS WATEK. ssT Supplied continuously to the Table c H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five year*. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Fur superior to manufactured aerate, waters. Mbmoal
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    • 690 4 ♦torts aitft ißfrrftantiiw. JOHN LITTLE A CO. RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, L Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Storm. Cigar*, Tobacco, Hardware, Olaaaware Lamp*. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery of Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen*! outfit tera, Watch and Clock
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    • 1019 4 Borfc?. TrJE TAN'TOVO PAQAR HOCK COM- r PANT LIMITED Tub works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Piigar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, »nd M Tiprise the folpwing establishments, viz i Wharf— Affnr.hne herthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tlonjreide for vessels
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    • 679 4 Sorts. refitting and coalingof steamers, a'to Shear* complete for takinr out masts. Boilers te Further information ma? be had at t>ir Oflne of Mmrii. Pafceraon, Simom k 00., Q»n«ral Amenta, who forward Telegram. to th« Dook free. OHARLES WISH ART. Singapore ltt July 1875. (a. c) fiOttffS. FOR SALE. A
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    • 717 4 TAN.IOVO KATONO HOTEL' This Hotel i. now open to rece»4i boarders. Oreat care has been lie.towed on the i building of these premises, which will be < i found on iuspoc'.ion to be airy and mmmodiou.. Being situated on the sea-beach, it command* an extensive view of the Harbour. Town,
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    • 756 4 HOBT\SO\ A CO. I LTBB QUAT, C !WO»POBF. for>r>"*ice the f'lnb Drapers. Milliners. Silk MrTeera. Rabei dashers, Glovers, arid General Oti'fittern. GBWTLrMItN'S OTJTFIT1 INO D»PA»TMENT. Every description of clothi- g the snorteat notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of •weeds, worsted*, serge*, broadclotba for election. Calf
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    • 639 4 flotUt. J. MOT! OHRONoMKTrR. lf 1T Maeib. ant. f) PTr Fl.lN H.A^ alw»y« on hand well I, Jewellery. WaUhes, nstmment., Ac., comprising BraoeleU, t^;,.,. rf Brooohe., Oent.- Rtl Farring., p ilTer Wket.. American Ladle, nnga. Carriage clock. Signet nng.. Marble .lock.. Welding ring., Chror. Keep,,, Therm Albert chain.. Barometer. Onard
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