The Straits Times, 22 April 1884

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times XXV. m:\\ SEEIEB SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. 22nd APRIL, 1884 [daily issue.] No. 15,289
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 n *hip eompantts. ■NO ORIENTAL N C< ".PANT Uyer Quay. N.w Harbour. van 111 CD 1 re during the th Pbi: ,<■ 2nd <'U»*. J AXP BACB. I BbiN' I ipany's whilit I Har- the 1 that time, a h pack- und f "H niiiter I at the tram-
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    • 558 1 strain *htp Compamrs. Bi-rmah A Straits Sebvicl. Tbe Compai ISMn arc d.'»- tta for Singapore via MBf and Malacca and tbemuie way back every fortnight. Tin- following are the dates on which tb<y may be expected to Arrive from Calcutta A 1., r* f Calcutta 19H. April JKi April 21th.
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    • 791 1 *tram »biv Companies. Children between two and fifteen year* pay half the above rate*, if travelling with their parent*; one ohild tinder two yean free, when more than one, each child additional will be charged one quarter fare. The voyage t<. the Moluccoi Inland! 11 made monthly; the voyage to
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    • 645 1 *tram *hip Compamrs V. Bobneo's West Coast. From Rntavia via Rilliton and Pontianah or Singkawang and baok on the 15th of very month. VI. Borneo's South A East CoAiTt From Soerabaya via Bawean, Bandjer. mansin, Kottabaroe (Poeloe Laut) for Koetei and via the mmc place* back on he 22nd of
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    • 533 1 fnsuranrr. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE ASBURANCE COMPANT LONDON. Established 1821 qubicribed Capita! £2,000,000 ■potal Inveited Fundi, upward' of 3,000.000 Annual Income upward! of 400,000 The undersigned have been arpointeAgents at Singapore and are prepared to issue policies against Fire on the usual terms. PATERSON, SIMONS A 00. Singapore, Ist April,
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    • 610 1 Instiranrr. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PANT. Instituted 1803. Capital «l,«i00,000. Paid-np and Inveited 700.000. Fundi in Hand 1,200,000. Dibbctors. Rlfh.rd J. Afhton. Esq. Alfrad (k»i(«, B*l. rboau 11. Ha-oU WilMito Huwtfinm, Ralwrt C. L. Bmn. G*orM HihhMt, PmlTiJ RcManqut, 9uiml Hrd». Jim Bnod, Wiui.m T' T ,n, Chtrlm C«t«. rharlw
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    • 494 1 fiisuranrr. THE SCOTTISH IMPi^^^l INSURANCE OOMPAHT. LIFE. Capital ONB MILLION Sthu»«. CKairmam— Alexander Ronalmow.B** Connlhmf Aetuarf—n. AMB bo* 1 Shibt 0HI3? OFFICES, O jisoow f 151 Win OMMi Edinbcmh 54 g^omTbtbbbt. Lo DO (2Kino WillxabiSt. LITBBPOOL, f2S EXCHANOB St. East. »>—-»• isrKjrgzss Mo ST SZ&f' Mblboubnb, f 8 Eliiabbtb St.
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  • 168 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 22nd APRIL, 1884. I.ATKST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. SINQAPOKI -J.'ND A PHIL MM (Jambier t rilack Peeper IkVM White Pepper, fair quality. Ml Sago Flour, Brun LWt Pearl Sago... Coffee, Bunthvne 14.50 Tapioca, small Flake H 15. Tin 28.45. 10s. Mule twist Si lbs. Shirtings Utt. 7 do do
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  • 67 2 BaUria, H«ni«ran»j and Sourabaya, Oml. PA, BaUfia, Oune Phyn. Tu-MORBOW Hilliton A r.mtmniik, P»»<t<ia<it I'-naoK and Calcutta. Japan, Malacca and ICUng. Rainbow, lVn»D(f and Calcutta, traitor Thiejdat I'i-nani; an<l Ix>nd n, St,-Uhi<rly. Malacca, Pcnang Iturmih and Cali-uit i, Uaghdad. Deli. Mtrcitry. Bourabaja, VMj. 11*1.leng Ampanan and Macaatar, Poh
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  • 42 2 fFor k'rai/t Time*.) Tiik Soidan. LomioH, i\sf April. General Gor- don has telegraphed to the British Gov- I ernment admitting the failure of his undertaking, and desiring the Government henceforth to act at its own discretion without reference to him.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 30 2 GaKAH I'mriii.vs, af the United States frigaU- Trentoti, has courteously 1 to rllow tbe Band of that vessel to play on the Ksplanade to morrow afternoon, commencing about 5 o'clock.
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  • 25 2 Yestckdai afternoon the Cortan Ambassador from the Trenton visited the Richmond, and on leaving the latter sbip was given a salute due to bis rank.
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  • 45 2 A skw ptrarl-nshint; ground ha« been discovered in I'ort Darwin waters, and a schooner which was fitted out some tune since from Binga|K>re is exploiting the locality. Arrangements are now being made here to equip two other schooners to prosecute pearl fishing in Mm grounds.
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  • 50 2 Tiik Debating Society holds its usual I meeting this evening in the Masonic Hall, Hill, Street, at 9 o'clock, when tbe subject of debate will be That the policy of Russia wfth respect to her rrcent annexation in Central Asia ought to be counteracted by the British Government annexing Herat."
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  • 47 2 Thk following appears in the London Qazettr The Royal Inniskillin*; Fusilier*. Lieut. Col. Arthur Hales has been appointed to command a battalion. Major Doinville M. Taylor to l>e Lieut. -Colonel, i on half- pay. Su[K-rnumerarv Major J. W K liuxton to 1* Major, vice l> M Taylor.
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  • 63 2 WiiH reference to tie scandal noti.cj iv a paragraph in yesterday's paper, which has b«fu current 111 town with circumstantial details during the last fortnight, we have been informed on good authority that there it not a syllable of truth in the whole »t.rv Wt puMish the ontradiction »ith pleasure,
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  • 84 2 A RATlikB serious case of contempt of court is now occupying the attention of the police authorities. A wealthy Chinese from I'enang was defendant in a recent action and received a writ commanding his attendance at Court. He coolly remarked that tbe business of tbe court could wait, as. he
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  • 77 2 A most audacious robbery wu effected yesterday about noon in Middle Road. The hcjse occupied by Mr. John N'onis. '.i/..i!i.-' Kugineeriug Works, was 1 by the thi.T or thicven by the back door, during the temporary absence tor an hour or MM af Mr« N-.iiis, and notes and filvcr to
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  • 94 2 Mb. A. K. Colquhoun, who hag been msjaml correspondent of the Times in Tonquin, hat, says the China Mail of the 9lh April, gone to Peking. Col. W. H. Oildor, the special war correspondent of the Xeic York J{..alJ'\n Tonquin, was a passenger homewards by the M. M. 1 Hindi,
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  • 67 2 M > >^ks. Apcar k Co. steamer Japan, Captain (iardner, from Hongkong tilth instant, arrived here this foreuoon, and leaven lor Paaaag and (.'.ilcutta to-mor. row at '1 p. m. PASB(Muk,aa. For Calcutta.—^Frum Hongkong: Mr. T. M Tb»ddeu.. From Singapore Messrs. F. Obeiatiaa, a. Ko>>in»oii, E. Bajma, M. Zorab and
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  • 147 2 Tiiost. af the public who visited the Ksplanade yesterday afternoon were vary agreeably surprised to lind the small but splendidly trained Band of the I'uited States frigate Richmond there, discoursing such music as it is seldom our lot to listen to here. It is to be regretted that tbe fact
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  • 210 2 Tmk annual report of the laapwl .r of Schools (Mr. K. C. Hill) for ISs:i, M iioiiines new departure in the programme Rh UM in the education nf aiaUys, this Vicing an attempt to rdiicate the Ifalaj «p--men of the future by the e»tabli»hinent of Malay Ternacular girln' »chool«. The
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  • 638 2 aVmane Sports Bf thk Cricket Cm h. Seco.vd Day, Saturday, 19th Ai-riu Thk Athletic Sport* of the Singapore Cricket Cluh were concluded on Saturday afternoon, in the aammjai of a large assemblage of spectator*, Kuropean and Native Tbe I'.ivili >n was crowded with ladie-, and the aVplaaade was thickly fftagad
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  • 193 2 Th k Govern on ut, an account. CUaam capital. Our last adrioes 1>..,,. v.-rv our; to the political tit ial on the fall of Racninh v M of the Tamen ward lign of pertarbal titude hai since l»-n ■araMa reposs. The v to hate dm I prita that the mboa
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  • 460 2 t' tlio main incident late Calcutta Kxhi>n! made Ibr AaotraKan trade, and aa ttbriag the Coloniet »od India into int iniutt- trad* relations. It was shown tliat l>.-t w.-.ii i.ur [odian Empire ami tb« Vustralian Colonies a profitable to botll I pnnci|nl jonra .v gentlemen, tli
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 805 2 BALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. Tha properly of H. F. Maack, Esq. Wednesday, 23bd Apbil The undersigned have received instructions from H. F. Maack. E»<i., to sell by AUCTION, at bis residence Woodcot, Grange Ro«d, on Wednendny, the 23rd April, commencing at 1.30 p. M. The isehold Furniture, Ac.
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    • 928 2 SRitjertfernunts. BINGAPORE BPORTING CL 1 SPRING MEETING. FIRST DAY. TDESDAY, 27th MAY, MM. 1. The Maharajah's Cup. Value $150. Pres nt.-d by H. H. Th* I Maharnj ih of Johore, G.c M.0.. ki-s.i. A Selling Race for all horses. H to b». entered at a declared value from $4OO.
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    • 743 2 j>*4M j '^""""Hll^lff. REDUCTION OF PR10I* REDUCTION OF PRICES A i the Company leaves »t the end f tbis montb for Mandalay by special orde-s fr m th'ir M«j mien the K>ng snd Q-i.en f Doper Rurmah, it is rcq tested that the Nobility and Gentry of Singapore will n
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    • 573 2 B A LE OF MILITARY STORED The urdemigtied a-e instructed t-> w'l by Acctiov, »t the Arsenal. Pearl's Hill. on Thursday nex>. tbs 2lth instant, ht Noon. A .(nantitT of Military Stores con- I siting of rew Ir.n Bedsteids, Hanging Lmnpi, Wall Lamps. Tumbler". Old M.i.,1. Hlankeiirg. Ph^eting. Cordage, j
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 20 3 a. nt on leave I I to be )ia« k lor I ■li« of I Chips.
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    • 409 3 7b tar i been down once or twice to the Kace Course of a morning since the training began i weak ago, and wan glad s> iee i ndtaber of new hor»e.« along with the well known Krftle.lrum. Gamin, time, Islington (very lame singly, I am I
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    • 93 3 rnu'i Same. Q Flau ajtd Cirrim. Fmoa. Sailsd. L'oniwni. 21 Poh Ann 21 Uutmj XI Siak n Sumatra 21 San P»Mo 22 Rainbow 22 Japan ik Bourabaya ipnl 18 Wee Bin Co. -a, tin Deli AniM 19 A Co. Dut. «tr 847 <ie Blinde Rhio Api.l 21|Bon«t««d 4
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    • 102 3 Date. Vnm'i Nun. Fu« Kio. Captaik. DurrtMATiOH. DIftTIKATIOir. April 21 ha P*Mo Am. str. it Raiabow Brit. atr. It i Dut. itr. Ueneraal Pel itr. it Japan nrit. itr. 22 Ca.marthnuhire Brit. bq. 11 Supedon Brit. itr. t* Bentu Brit. .tr. 2i Perwin Empire Brit. §h. a Dwtj Nor.
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    • 785 3 rtnltliii and A (rants of Ttttslt an nqoMtad to maummi wssbi ■my "rot ot wlwlwli th* above Shippiat l» tat hat-betar. Vnni'i Nasi. Captaih. a^d f Vkbitbd Fao». Comanm. D*atio« Rio. r- Men-of-war lknkoelen Tbecke Dut. war 489 Mar. Acheen Dutch Con»ul. Ilepairiaf FtaHM Bickford H.M.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 #ottrrs. r >R BALE in in (f'xxl order, nearly new. Apply to T. MACK IE. Pilot, i. tl6M*y. WANTED Bg tiMn if if. n>d character .1. -im ntlriu n pri». mil during th- in h A. H. 0." < ■;•> Tm .«ini{»pore. 5th April, \HH t5May. roB .-a i.e.
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    • 826 3 na in I he Col ny. fi i^hod Mriw in Mar II M r. pad Ifaat the house w I i>, v '.fninish-d ad suppli d w ih nil moderu conveniences and an EleTator. A» aoon as the aboye are cntntilpted the h. Qm will be lil.- t.> i.ff-r vantly
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    • 757 3 FOR s A First Class Billiard Table, with cms. Billiard and Pool balls, in cxc llont order. Can be seen at the R. A. Mess Fort Canning. Singapore, Ist April, I<-81. t3o*pr. FOR HOVGKONG. (TAKtKO r»KO'l FOR) KOBE.TOKOHAMA AND NAGASAKI. us. Apcar t Ci >"» ate* mer A i-rnrwm .l/.rir.
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    • 1026 3 ftotirf*. LIMrTKI). Capital 1300.000 in 4.0n0 Shabfb or $50 iach. 500 sb»ret are Reserved for payment to the Vendor and 300 more Baarri II b« purchased by him tbe balance v offered to the Public for Subscription. Patmixts. V> Per Shar rVjiMt ..ti Appli ition $10 Payable on Allotment III)
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    • 360 3 ftotitt* Company wil| be applied in the first place in paying interest to the Shareholders upon their Capital, at the rate of 10 percent. I I per annum, and the balance will be available for division amongst contributing Pharehildcrs. for the forma'ion of a Re- serve Fund, and for such
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    • 275 3 THE BANKRUPTrT ORDINANCE, 1870. Is Thf Pvpiixi Oottbi ov thb Stb* .1 Sittlimkkts, SITTLFMIHTOF Sm<J\rOß«. In the matt, r of Phoa Lbs Lti and 8-ah Chb*o Kii. chop Nqhee Long, of Singapore, badrnpts. A dividend is intended tn be declared ia the matter of Phoa I,n Lti and SlAal Cmiii
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 664 4 iMfertllanfotie. .XATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTS WATER, The Natural Soda Water. "The qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATKK. MT Supplied cm innonsly to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALEB daring the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior t<i manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 692 4 *torrs ana fßrrrfcaribttt. JOHN LTTTLE CO RAFFLES PLACE. Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers or Provision*, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crookery Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery Perfumery. Fancy Goodt, Armt and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfit tare, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1009 4 1 I Sorts. TfTE TANIOVOPAOAR TW7K COM. i PANY LIMITED. The workt of the Company are situated at Tnnjone Piijar, within one mile of the Singapore, and comprise the folI iwin^ establishments, viz i Wharf.— Affording berthagefor twenty ye"els at one time with sufficient water tl mgside for vessels of
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    • 663 4 Dorks. refit t ing and coaling 01 steamers, a'so Rheart complete for taking out masts. Boiler i te Fnrther information may be had at tho Office of Messrs. P»t«rson, Simons A 00., Qpneral Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Dook free. CHARLES WISHART, M*uage r Singapore Ist July MM. (v.
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    • 664 4 flOUttQ. TAWJOHQ KATONG HOTET/ Thih Hotel is now open to reces*; boarders. Oreat care baa been liestowed on the building of these premise*, which will be found on inspection to he airy ami modious. Being sitiated on the sea-beach, it commands an extensive view of the Harbour. Town, and neighboring
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    • 831 4 fMM. nomxaoN A CO •I I.T«R QtTAT. ropposice the f'luh 1 Drapers. Milliner-. Kit kfrroers. Habet dashers. Clovers, and General Oatfltl OEtTLFMBJi's OUTFIT! INO DfrAHTMKNT. i F.very de«eripti hi of elothi-g m ule ..n the snor.est no'i,-. l.v ;> n experienced Cntter, fit guaranteed, a good nscortroent o{ tweeds, worsteds,
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    • 240 4 J. M ''HRDNiIMrTEK. W I I 1 V If Jewellery, W enstruments, Ac Bracelets, i^[, Brooches, Earring*. watehee. Locket* Am. Ladii* rincH. Carr Signet rings, MnrM. Welding rings, 01 Albert chains, Baton, Gnard chains. Studs. Bleeve But- Salin.n tons and Links, O. Id rnneils. Bin Waistooat bnttons. T iery, Sp.
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