The Straits Times, 21 January 1884

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. XXV NEW SERIES, i.NCAi'OHL, MONDAY. 21st JANUARY, JBB4. [DAILY ISSUE.] No. ir>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 417 1 *tram Jfrhtp eorovatme. W i AB AMI OIUKNTAL IYIOATIOH COMPANT Office— Collyer Quay. OonowNß— New Harn,,ur. LINES. ..demoted are the dates on wuiCp puny 1 Mail Steamen may be ci arrive at Singapore during tbe rABXt. Hmtiwun. lay, mk J»»I! IV* W J Mar. 7th Aprl. list May. Vn.t»T Thursday
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    • 624 1 frUam *!)tp Tompantfo AJi STEAMSHIP COMPANY. AdAMEaftfON. PaTKOCLUB. Ajax. Antenob. Achilles. Deucalio*. Diombd. Glaucus. Nectob. Anchisbl. PkiAM. Orestes. ?abpe[ion. Stentob. Hkctob. Tf.ucnb. Mevki.aFO. liABBTBS. < h DsVOM, i'kLEMACHUS. Bellebophon. Jason. Ui.t«Tho Coy'n St uoi'Ti arc despatched from ',ivert>o-i! mtwards foT StraiU and China! fn t ?hanph;ii h^mewardi" for lon don
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    • 879 1 -tram *>hip Compantrs. As will be seen from the movement* below there are steamers running between Batavi.-i and Pudang three times a month and from Singapore onoe a month calling at intermediate port* on the Eiist and S. W. Coast of Sumatra, a fortnight will sumoe for passengers to visit
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    • 576 1 *trr.m *hip Compantfg L Int. From Macassar via Bonthain, Boelekomba, Saleyer, Sindjay, and Boeton to Kcndaribaai and back in via tbe same plaoes on 12th of every month. 2nd. From Macassar via Ambon, Ban. da, Gisser. Sekar, S'Kroe, Doellah, Dobo. Larat, Sjerra, Tepn (Rabbcr,) Batoemerah (Dammer,) Letti, Kisser, llwafi (Wetter,)
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    • 546 1 fnstiranrr. GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE ABSURANOE COMPANY LONDON BSTABLIBHBD 1821 Subscribed Capital £3,000,000 Total Invested Funds, upwardsof 3,000,000 Annual Inoome upwards of 400,000 The undersigned have been appointeAgents at Singapore and are prepared to issne policies against Fire on the usual term*. PATERSON. SIMONS CO. Singapore, l»t April. 1875. n
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    • 598 1 f.isuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOI COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400.000 Reserve Fund 564,902 Gbnbbal Manaobbs. Meesn Jardine Mstheeon A Co Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. aim™, Em| /1t mmn Malakan. Co.) J P. Banas fMaasrs. Honi*aj,Wlaa Co. A T Xianr, rMaam.nm.Tlaa.XapralkaCo. B NloaJsj. lbnnCo.ia.TUS.) ii U. J. «oa Bmasioa a
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    • 695 1 ItHRirUUt. TH» SCOTTISH IMPIBIAL INbURANOI OOMFAJTT. ITfY Capital OKI MILLIOH Snauw*. dmtmUlmf Mry H a^.,0,, g£t HT O^"' OITIOBB, Oumow, f 161 Wbbt Gbobof. ■divbumb M Q.oßew'tCTM,. Lo DOll 2 EiNe William St. Livbbpool, f 281xchanob8t. laN. Manchbstbb, 2,* 0 11 B" 11 11* 111 1 W Boon Stbbbt MOJTTBBAL,
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  • 163 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 21ST JAN., 1884. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SIHOAPOBE, 21ST JASUABT, 1884. Uambier f 7.30. Slack Pepper 18/.J5. WbiK Pepper, fair quality. •>. Sago Flour, S«r 2.60. Pearl Sago 3. Coffee, H,nthjn>' 15.50. Tapioca, small Flake 355. Tin 26.874. tOs. Male twist •ii lbs. Sortings 1.52,. 7 do do
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  • 47 2 3W TO-DAT. Quarailaad kn., Slmitrt. «P» Ep P" 4 H .^k.-n* »nd Shanghai Soykalu*, 6 p.m. To-MOB»OW. Batavi i Smimt, 8 a.m. Saigon, Fen Tov*r, 7 a.m. London, flyM«f, Sarawak, Ratue, 1' m Malacca, KlanK. Pt-rak and Panang, B*nlan, P- m Manila, fanay. 3 pm.
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    • 34 2 London, \9/k Jan.—Chinese Gordon has started for F.tfypt on a special mission. London, iOii Jan.—Colonel Gordon bis accepted the mission upon the condition tha' he shall only be responsible to the British Government.
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    • 17 2 London, i\tt Jan.—M. de Giers has arrived at Vienna and had an audience of the Emperor.
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  • 29 2 M. BorBDI. editor of the Taris Tempi is a passenger by tbe Saqhalitm from Mar- i seilles to Saigon, it route to the seat of I war in Tonquin.
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  • 61 2 Amosoit the passengers by tbe M. M. Co.'t steamers m -re the following high personages i Hi« Excellency Mr. Sprenger van Eyk, Dutch Minister'for the Colonies, arrived from Batavia yesterday by the Emirne, and will leave for Marseilles to-morrow. His Excellency Monsieur Tricou, late French Minister Plenipotentiary to China and
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  • 68 2 At a recent meeting of the Council of yal Colonial Institute, reported in the last home papers, General Sir H. C B. I Daubeney, X.C 8., in the chair, the following gentlemen connected with the Straits, Ac., were elected Fellows "Mr. Noel Denisor, Straits Settlements Mr. John B. M. Leech,
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  • 113 2 Apart from the gunboat Xautiliu, four < guns, 600 indicated hone-power, and 600 tons burden, which hat been ordered to Shanghai from tbe Cape of Good Hope, the following vessels of the Imperial German Xavy are at present stationed in Chinese water* under the command of Kear-Admiral Von der Goltz
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  • 75 2 At tbe Assizes, in the case of A. H. Klyne, lately bailiff attached to tbe Court of Kequests, charged under various brads with breach of trust, Ac., a nrlU protean i was to-day entered on tbe application of the Attorney General. The case against the accused does not, however, we
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  • 168 2 Tbe Supreme Court, ha« to-day been occupied in hearing a uaae in which Tay Kirn Chan and another, the first prisoner the owner of a godown in North Bridge Koad, and tbe second his coolie, we*e charged with having, or the 10th December, caused the death of See Tim Yok
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  • 221 2 A correspondent informs us that the aqueduct which brings the water from the reservoir to town is in a most dangerous state, and nothing has been done to stop the mai<v leaks, from which a Urge volumes of water constantly "escapes. These leaks have shown themselves for more
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  • 413 2 The lollowi ii re taken from tht London t^ ofthe2ltt December. Tht> Qu <-ii has l>->n pl«ascl to ipprove of Mr. Edonurd Qa*selin »s Oonsnl at Singipore 'or tbe French Republic. We nndemUnd thut datin? th.> absence on leave of Dr. L»ys, the Af'ing Governor and Administrator of LiMi tn,
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  • 45 2 Thi M. M. Co.'s steamer Saghalien, Capt. Homerv, from Marseilles 23rd ult., via the usual intermediate port*, with the London mail of the 21st December, arrived alongside the Borneo Co.'s wharf this morning, and will leave for Saigon, Hongkong, and Shanghai at daylight tomorrow. I
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  • 120 2 For Singaporr—From Marseilles: Messrs Hooi>-r, Maccy. Oremimr^r and De loncle. From Pondicbery: Revd Fathers Rene Olemot and F. Buugae'. For Bataria.— Prom Marseille: Meairs BeckiDK. Prins. O.Klard. and Mr. and Mrs. Coi reor. From Pol imbt: Baron Oraaf. For Ba*goH— From Marseilles i Messrs. Denis, Fave, Paim, H.n.F Fillion.
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  • 105 2 PiUXGUs per M. M. Co's mail steamer Are. for Singap ort —From Yokohama: Mr. Emu Nspier. From Hongkong i Mr. A. Sb am reck From Saigon i Messrs. H. Grace, C. F.rbe* and B-ituvais. For Marteill < Fr,m T olfohaana i Mes. srt. A. Owauo. Telfer, Hector H.msiirliani and Mtd'me
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  • 61 2 Messrs. Apc/ar A C'o.'n sftSMM Arra. toon Apcar, ('apt. A. B. Mactavisb, from Hongkong 10th inst., arrived here this morning, and leaves to-morrow at 2 p. m. for Penang and Calcutta with the following passengers For Calcutta— From Hongkong: Mr. Framj-e Arjanee and Kr. D *f «Bi Biljaa. From Singapore:
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  • 1022 2 Thb Ckina Mail of tbe IMh January contains the following; from its Special in Tonquiu Haiphong, 10M Jan —After a xtorm comes a calm, and the fall of Sontai hay- ing now ceased to be even an OsMag topic of conversation, Haiphong has again relapsed into
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 904 2 «H*to 3tjbrrti6rauntf. IN THE OOODB OF '» Henrt Hai.dahi Wilsone, Deceased. Hamilton, < and Compant. Pumoant to the Trustees and Mortgagees Powers Act, 1866, No' ice is hereby given that all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Chablfs Hbnbt Haldane Wilsons) of
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    • 784 2 #Uto afibfrtiemuuta. 985 GOVERNMENT NOTIFJC \TI< Tendebs will be received at ihr> Colonial Secretary 1 Office, up to the 15th March next, lor tbp maintenance of a fortnightly Mail Packet Service between Singapore and Penang, and vice rertt, calling at Malacca I r a period of three yart, Irom the
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    • 749 2 Jlrte ?Uui:-3frarnlf. RY, Raffi.ks ruci. Phtsicians' Pbksc ii'Tioirs prepared with the utmost care, drugs of th^ purest quality "nly being used. Dbvos and Chimicaib are obUined freah every fortnight and are thoroughly reliable Pbivatb Rfcipks accu'a'elv prepared. All thb Liadiko Patbnt Mbdicinbb kept in stocV. Haip, Tooth. Naii. Shaving bbtjsh--18
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    • 476 2 &t\o a&bn-ittffmfnt*. RE SiL" 1 T"» onder*igo«dbave received iostruo. tions from C*pt. JOHM BLAIR, leaving fr Europe. to sell by Public Auction, At his residence, Tanj .n/ Pag»r Road. ON WEDNESDAY, 13th FEBRUARY, CoMMfvcr* o at Noon. Valuable Household Furniture, Ac. Sc. as follows Drawing-room.— Hindsomely carved suite in walnat.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 WKJiHKI. UKI'OKT. ICmndmnt k'arkow Uotpital, V.lh January, 188*. a.m. 3p.m. 9p m. ttiniiii. Har. r«d. Si rah. JO.OUI sTsiS »M 8 Mil Its 735 MoraiafuT.r W.t Bull. Th.r. 74 0 7*o 7S 4 ca»». d»j parr*r. of Wlad NNWN. E.Uala. tlallr olouOj. Mu. id •had. <a night olwr.
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  • 649 3 ".Utl'rre^ntrv^u" f hi- own to New Guinea, that Sag. London it is reported that he r Havre, en route for Now will carry on trading ■r the French flag. 20f» Dee. The sailors and v i_- Maritime* steais have struck work. Is of Sir K. H Torthe propriety
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  • 2018 3 fg snaimary from and China.— Long ere theie before our reader* it will hive rot practiecisive step in the direction of China has bsM t:iken by France, reneh troops have had what is evidently a severe encounter with the Black Flag*. On the 11th of this month they
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    • 230 3 f LAO I E VmmML't Kami. awd I Caftaik. Kro«. Sailed Comnim. 3 Bio. Jin. 19 'Pembrokeshire Br bq. «6S Griffith* Cardifl aug. M. 19 Duiruay Trouin Fch. cru. 1049 de Pagnac Colombo Jan. UFr*nch Oonral. 19 Pleat i Brit str. 317 Moore '•enukte Jan. 9P. Simon* 4 Co.
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    • 95 3 DiTE. Jan. 19 19 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 11 DATS. Vehil's S«»*. FLi'i A Rio. DuW Kangaroo Biit. «tr. Seymour B«mU Morria Bit. 'tr. Riir*ra* ni-l Brit. itr. Mil™ w i Brit. »tt. Carton Oanymede Brit rtr. Button Kory Brit itr Mandoi Pak'tn Brit.
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    • 494 3 CapUini tnd A«nta of rwk are i*i««Ukl to oo«maiu<»u wua iom ncarai. < O ™W or omJMkm t th. ibor. Sh. PP l»« U. U. h-bour. Vmol'i Nak». Cuttm. ajtd A«»mn> F»ok. Con.!**™. 0 Rio S1'ONnIoiria.. D"i r^Dhv? Hope H.MitrH0lu. 13 P»k.hoi Senior Varal Offloer. M
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 857 3 mati-in and Nemalgiu Thun.-b the form. j er disease remorelessly attacks persons of all ages, and the latter ruthlessly select* its victim* from tbe. weak and delicate, the persevering use of these remedies will 1 infallibly cure both complaints. After the affected part* have been diligently foment- ed with Ii
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    • 609 3 NORTH OHP COMPANY, LIMITED. BINOAPOBJt RBAHCH. Thi undersigned has been appointed Agent for the above Company from this date. Office at the Borneo Company's Godowns. By order of the Court of Directors. WILLIAM G. BATNE, Agent. Singspore, Ist Jan 1884. (to 3!it in*U PHOTOS Of the FLOWER BHOW, For sale
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    • 193 3 fiotirro. With Ishhi-iatb E That conven.ent residence. Hillaidf lately occupied by K. Becker Bsq situated nearly at the junction of Sophia and Ed- I inburgh Road* and commanding a fine view of Fort Oaaning Flag Staff, Govern. ment House ground* Ac. Good (tabling and out— office*. Apply to J. C.
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    • 215 3 «y'* Vertical BagiM One H. P. Robey's Patent Portable Engine. One S H. P. Bobey's Patent Horixoßtal Fixed Engine. HARRIS, GOODWTN k Co. Singapore, 2 lit December, 1883. u.e. Mb. D. K. GRIFFITH, Late of Messrs. Dickinson Bros 114 New Bond Street, London, and now of Hongkong, Having returned from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 692 4 flfUerrllanrouß. KA.TZ BROTHERS. APOLLrSARIS WATEH, THI Ka» 'BiAL BODA WiTXB. T»s qneeti of Üble waters." BmrrißH Medical Jocrkal. APOLLINARIS WATER. bT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. K. H. THE PRINCE OF WALEB during the last five year*. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 677 4 ♦torrs arm 4Hrrrt)*ni>isr. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE. SIHOAI-.jRE. i WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Protibiokb, Qrocbeibb, OILMAM BTOBBB. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware. Glassware, Lamp*. Saddlery and Harnos*. Orookery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery. Stationery. Perfumery. Fanoy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and
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    • 984 4 Sorts. m« T" Iwt works of it Tsnjong P»gar. >• hn .ne mite of ««nof Rimr»rt.rr\ v»folowmg entth!.-. 1 m.n's. viz Wrar».— Affording berthairefor twenty reticle at •ne time with 1 r vennels of tbe heaTie** Irsnst'it, i.nrt pr>t< W lij bre *j^!!r Iroin the swell from the roads and
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    • 724 4 Borfts. Further information may b« had at «o Offioe of Mpiim. P»fcer*on, Simons 00., 3en»ral Agents, who forward Telegrams to *hn T)o<iV 'r«». OHARIi«B WISHAHT. Singup^re l»t July 1875. c) j'otirrs. FOR A F«w Wicks with th« Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Strfc: it Times" Office,
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    • 765 4 flotfrti. Subscrib««« «r»> r«"]U»*ted In intimate pay their anbecripti >n« in *dv«noe for the en»ninir year, and th'i- 'loeetrd to tl terma of subscription, which are aa foUowg LiOCAL DCLITIBT. Ilf ADVANCE. Daily Edition Weiklt Edith)"/ i Per Annum $24 Per Annum $lj> I Six Montha 14 Six Montha Three
      765 words
    • 662 4 )N 4 CO. "i.LTm Quat, 9i»r.»poßr. (•>wk'up the flnh 1 r>r. r -r«. Milliner.. «ilk Vercer*. Haher da«her», Ol >ver». and Oenernl Otltf r,ll■■TL^•Ml^N•* OnTFrTMWO OrPAWTMI-VT Every .thi-g mtdeon t>i;< Kh<irt«>Rt notice by an «j»rieiii!«i fnt. ter. fit guaranteed, a good ascortment of tweed*, wonted*. serge*, broadcloths for ■election. Calf
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    • 459 4 J. MOTION. Oheokoikii, Watch MAKF.R. AWD Oi FI.IHT STR« lT Ha* always on hand aw.-]] M f Jewellery, Watches, i instrument*, Ac, comprisini; JraoeleU, Ladi. brooches, GentK barrings, Silver sockets, Amjadies' rings, Carriage clocka, ■ignet rings, Mar).: bedding rings, Chr deeper* Them. Albert chains, BaTor ■Jnard chains, Sextant*, Studs, Sleeve
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