The Straits Times, 26 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. OL. XXIV. NEW SiiltlKs.j MxNGAiOHE, WEDNESDAY. HBtu DECEMBEK, 1883- ISSUE.] \<». 15.10?
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 425 1 *tram *hip (Somrantre. ■TAL NAVIGATION COMPANI Oktice— Collyer Quay. Oodowks— New Harbour. I L &^y> j LINEB. demoted are the dates on wuicn •'ipany's Mail Steamers may be ci ;,ve at Singapore during the 1 aaa IS«4 (U-TTARD. HOMHWAIin. Monday Slit Deo. Ith Jan. Nth Jan. Zftth tlth inth Mar.
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    • 600 1 tfan *!)fp Companies. THE Vr^SAGERIEH MARITIME COMPANY. I which M >ritin,e B may be Tp «-t*d to arrive here d'urrent few On-WARD. Homeward. Monday I-ith Pec. Monday 14th Jib. 1884 7th lan. Slat Alltl en Outwards and Homewards oall at Colombo. Tbe C.-Dir.iny's ateamer Meinam leaves Sirgapor, f,, r [<aigon
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    • 676 1 strain *t)tp Compantrs. DF NFDERLANDSCH-TNDISCHB STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, I Hfad aofnct Batavi\ The following lire the dates on which ■mpnny's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O S. N. Coy., may ba
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    • 770 1 *tram *I)ip Companud. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaire in i one month vis Prisman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Pilioira, Baros. Sirgkel, Goenoenu-Sitr>elie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acbeen via AnalaW. Ooenoeng-fiitoelie, Singkel, Baros r Padsng. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis. Natal. Pib jga, Baro*, Sinpkel, Ooe.
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    • 555 1 fneruranrr. i JAVA BBA AND FIRT! INBURANO** 'ANT Head Office, Ratatia. The undersigned, Agents for the aboveCompany, are prepar.^d to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing Teasel on the customary terms. o discount allowed on all risks fcoasting voyages, and 15 o/o oa all risks Enrope and America.
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    • 602 1 fnsuratur. THB HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOI" COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-np 400,000 Reatrve Fund 564,202 Obnbral Manaoers. Measrs Jardine Mathasa* k 00. Hongkong. Ooßenlting Committee. A A n.l r.. y.^ lUt^n. M.10h.n., Co. 1 3 P. him m Hun. HollldaT,W(*n 00. ii,","!". fl»««T..r>on.tta*,X«r'«'»*''" i* 1 'Botbw Covpaav Lid.) L?" R*" l^
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    • 533 1 fnsuranrr. LANOASHIRB INBURANOM OOMPANY. Oaktai £8,000,000. OFFIOBB OF THB OOMPANY. Manchester— Kxohaaj. street. LrvBBFOOL— 4, Manohester Buildingi. BißMiNOTaji-Oaw- Straet. London— l 4, King WiUUm Btreet, B. 0. I Glaboow— 133, West George Strait. Bbwtol— Corn Straat. Lbbd»— l2, Bast Parade. NBweA»TLB— 40, MosleyBtreet. Dubli*-». Lowe, Sackviße Btreet CHAIBMAN IN KANCHBBTBB.
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  • 171 2 THE STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 26th DEC., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SmoAPc.BE. 'Joih DictMßEa, 1883. <lamWe.r 7.40. rtlack Pepper 17. Whito Pepper, fair quality. >i num. Sago Flour, Bar 2.60. Pearl Sag. J 95. Coffee, H..nthyntf 14.30. Tapioca, «in.. 1 Flake 3.40. Tin J6.25. 40a. Mule twist *3. ■Si lbs. Sbirting.
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  • 38 2 fFor S!riit4 TlmetJ Fras< k am> China. Undv», -IMh Dee.— Tho Marquis Tseng is about to return to London. There has, however, Wen no rupture of Diplomatic relations as yet. General Millot has sailed from Tou-
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 92 2 We learn on cnauiry at Government House, that yesterday, Christmas Day, His Excellency's lever had increased, and he paaaed a very restless night. To-day, however, all the symptoms have moderated, and we are happy to gay that the ftver is disappearing. It is unfortunate too, that at the time of
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  • 203 2 A RATHER novel experiment was tried at Thaiping, Perak, about ten day> ago. This was a lecture in the «cr-onl room by th.- Kiv. J. K. Tt-ni-in- Woods, 11,-;. The attendance included all the KurotH-an resident*, and a number of Chine-e, either in attendance at the school or speakiDg English
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  • 27 2 Mr J. 0. Anthonisz, one of the newly appointed Cadets for the Straits Settlements Civil Service, arrived last Sunday from England by the French mail steamer Diemnah.
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  • 33 2 The in»Ullation ,<( Hro: John P. Joaiuim as Worshipful Master of Lodge Zetland in SOS, will take place in tbe Freemason's Hall, Coleman Street, to-morrow at S3op. m. AH Masons are invited to attend.
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  • 35 2 Thi M. M. Co.' steamer Ttnau, which wan recently replaced on the Hongkong at.d Yokohama line by the Co.'s steamer Godarery, arrived from Hongkong this afternoon en route to Marseilles to be thor- .uglily overhauled.
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  • 31 2 On of tbe White Star line of steamers, •upposed to be the Oetmme, or Coptic, a huge founnasted veseel, passed through the outer harbour last Monday afternoon, trnm Hongkong for Liverpool.
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  • 40 2 Mb. Georges Vladenas, better known a Captain Georges, late commander of the Yellow Flags, has, we notice from tbe French pa^ri, been proposed for the Legion of Honour, on account of his brilliant in the fight of the l«t September.
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  • 56 2 In mh a brigade, composed of 3,600 men, should be sent to Tonquin, it is very probable that General l'lsle, of ne Infantry, will be appointed as Mgftdfer of the expeditionary corps. The command in chief of the land forces will, in all probability, be give* to 1 eral
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  • 61 2 H *M*s. troopship Orontu, Capt Andoe, arrived last night from Hougkoog with the relieved crews of Her Majesty ships on a* station, and some time-expired men from the China forces. She will also, we hear, take some time-expired men from Singapore, and after coaling and provisoning will proceed on her
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  • 67 2 A few days ago Mr and Mrs. Wilmot, living in Waterloo Street, after locking their room, went out, leaving the house in charge of the servants. On their return th.'V found the servant* missing, their looms broken open, and some $500 to 8000 worth of jewelry abstracted, the boxes, almeirah,
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  • 55 2 The usual Chrirtmas Midi the Roman Cathuli. <■ Oood Sh.phir.l wj» very impresaiveK |*rformed by th* Right Ui-v.l. Kdtmvd <Jasnier, Bishop of Kucarpia, an eloquent sermon b«ing delivered by the Key., J. K. TenisonWoods. There was a large number of communicants, and the tine choir sang Twelfth Mass in a
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  • 94 2 Wb note from the home papers by the last French mail that Meurs. Caird Co. of Urtenock, launched on the 19th November a new steamer for the I. > Company, called the Faletta, of 5,000 ton* and 5,500 hone power. The VtUtta is expected to be the fastest, as well
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  • 125 2 Mb. Abthib W> 1 Peel, who, Keuter informs v«, nas accepted the offlee of Bpe«ltT t-> tbo Honne of Commons in succession to the Kt. Hon Sir H. Brand, 0.c.M.0., is the youngext son of the late Kt. Hon. Sir B. Peel; he was born in 1529, and in
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  • 236 2 The Independent de Saigon publishes the following two telegram* to the Governor of Saigon from M. Blancsukt', the Deputy for French Cochin China.— l'ari* \^th Doe.— T. ninin cred'tt voted ye-trd.y by a large ro j^rity. Tn of <■ rfid-nce irdicato* tbot the Cb.unb-r will accept crar with China if
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  • 245 2 The London and China Bxpreu of tbe 23rd November has the following paragraph:— An Engliab company, under the titlnof Dennvi Anti-Fmlmg Faint Company (Limited), bu been formed and registered fur tb.- purpose of purchaaine th» wellknown |»t oti for anti-f..u'ing invented by Dr. Oennyo, of fHags|>im The SsL lowing gentlemen
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  • 247 2 The Home .\>u* raises the following question, in connection with war between France and China, which is of some local interest here, especially as the Messigerias steamers have the status of men-of-war It is pointed oat that the opemti' n of coaling will present the chief difficultly to the French,
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  • 191 2 A Calcutta paper gives the following account of the eitraordinarv re. accorded to Lord Kipon, Viceroy of India, on bis arrival in Calcutta by a p..--the European community, all on account the Ilbert Hill, giving criminal juris, diction over Kuropeai vilianu of a certain rank. The introduction of this Bill
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  • 319 2 Wb fiml the toll item* and telegrams from I Australian paper?. Ouintv Departure of I** i rni Expedition.— Vmm Mr ("The Vagabond"), <■> tuin Armit's place si Kxpedit. *%*i f ">' v Fhursday Islai forwarded by teleirrai fi 1 .oktnirn'" Thurtdmy ltland, tv« Irving, my been taken Mrioutly
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  • 397 2 H. E. Sir Arthur i rdon »pr*ant<) have begun his rule io n and promise* to be as popular in that: j tie island a» he v as the revene in MmI ritius and Fiji. In his very first apeech i he was able to announce wry good
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 998 2 •Htto aabfrtttrmtitw. IN THS BUPRBME COTTBT OF THE STB A ITS SETTLEMENTS. BBTTXBMEHT OF 8l»OAPOBE. In tbe uoods of Khoo t Boon Sbmo. Deoeaaed. PnmarjAWT to tbe Indian Act No. 28 of ISA(S, intituled "The Trustee*' and Mortgaged Power* Act, 1866," notioe is here. by given that all creditors and
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    • 820 2 /Uto a&brrtttrmrntd. ARMY CONTBACT3. TbkStbaitb SettlementSealed Temdibs will be received st this Office, until noon on Thursday, the 3rd January, 1884, from persons willing to contract tor such SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, aa may be required from time to time for the use of Her Majesty's Troop* stationed BINOAPORE A PEN4NG,
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    • 724 2 #rto ?>ibrrt;«ffmfiii6. NOTI E SUBSCBIBERH «r« re<iu.»'ed to i...iui*U as early as possible wh.ther th-y wish to pay their subscriptions in advance f..,- the ensnine year. »nd th"ir ntter 'or pested tn the terms of subscript which are as follows 1 IXXML DILIVKRT. I* Adtamce. Oailt Edition I W»» ki
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    • 317 2 TOWN HALL. SATURDAY, 29th DECEMiIEB. KKLLAK CUNARD, Thb World famed BOYAL ILLU?IOM3TB. Who have j.i-' .ncluded a FOCB TEAKS TOUR, .1 the W .rlj, aogeeiß*)' i^d^by Vu PBBDUOK W. 0 ilUe .vel d URtnVMUnaT, iv tl.c n.o«l I'Mit'JK uud Marvellous EnlarkaiamosH of ihia c utu y oill.-d a Nicur
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 74 2 WEATHEK REPORT. aTcScadanf JTnrtow Hotjntal, 24(c\ Dtctmhtr, 1883. (a.m. if.a. »p.m kmiaaa. Har. I«l Fah. W»SSS» »-»M Trap. HO MamiDcanr. I r of Wind N.MW H. N ul«ht c-liar iocu. la eh.d. M> alia, do do Mai. In S..D Tacrr, nd. Tkor. <W v aafatatuuat kaw e*iuy, Z&IA iHctmbtr.
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  • 1153 3 •'rom Manila neic* mm Manila, to the -r, 'reparations were act- r the ra<vs there the Diario thus noticing f repairing the Course on the i] where it is undermine! by a -iled by bushes and earib, has pening of tl con rse for the I the hur*es
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  • 1675 3 {From our oicn Corretpondent.) London, Urd Sovtmhcr.— The new* idan, received here yesterday afternoon of the total annihilation of Hicks l'aaha's army, ha« been a terrible blow. Thank* to H* letter, of Mr. Edmond tbe special corre.-<|>oiideiit oi written from .iea < .|'i:irt«r», we were led to
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  • 128 3 Hollovay't P\\U I^et g.x-<d dige«ti n uttend .n appe'it." H .'.I .w.;v'" Pi U ar are universally Hcknowledfc-rd to be the •, ni^edieit. and be«t r rrwive '„r indiifestioo 1,4* of appetite, acidity, fla'uleaey. »nd n iuki arr a f-w of the invonvenienoe* which are remedied with «aa» by these
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    • 246 3 t Vwn'i Nin. »xn Cinm. Paoa. Siiuo Connm. J_ tor. V--24 Bentan Brit, rtr MOOiIk Malacca Dec. 2S K. Yon* Broe. U Shannon Bri th. 1*99 »-d«r»on C» ditt 4.-T- MC. Wood* Co. 24 Ban Whatt Soon Bri-. itr. l&PCockburn anak Dso. Jl Ban B»ug k Co. 14 Bu
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    • 64 3 Dat*. Viiul'i Nun. Flao Bio. *Bio. i. Cattadc. I DwnxATioa. Captaih. Jet. M Dnchenfela M Chateaubriand 15 Sindh 26 Emirne 25 Comn M Ban \Vhatt Soon 16 Rainbow Oer. atr. Brit. bq. Fch. «tr. I Fch. atT. I Fch. tra. Brit. itr. I Brit. atr. Taree Kobe Edward* Shanghai
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    • 690 3 "~Captai»s and Agent* of r***el* are requested to wounuuieale wftfc *aa osVss nfMng aaj error or osa iasion in th. abov. Skippin*. la th* harbour. Vwn'i Nam. Cirrta. in Kio. I Ajuutbd| Fbom. Comaaaas. 600 Dec. MJMalaora, Col. OoTernment. BMO Dec-. MjHongkcig Senior NiTal Officer. IKJan.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 315 3 fiotirre. THE SINGAPORE TRAMWAY COMPANY. LIMITED Capital $500,000 in 5.000 Shares ot SlOO each. S5 payable on application 120 on allotment the remainder a* may be required. Dirrcton. Hod. James Graham, M. L. <\ Meatrs. Syme A Co.). H.n. W. G GulUnd, M. L. C (Mraar*. Pateraon. Simons A Co.),
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    • 904 3 flotirrs. SELINQOR GOVRRNMEVT RAILWAY. Tt-* dues are invited for tbe construe, tion of the earthwork* connected with 22 miles of the above railway l-etwcn the port of KUng and the R»*id<"rcv town of Kwala Lumpor in tbe State of S-l .ng..r. comprising a total quantity of 700,000 cubic yards more
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    • 293 3 VALTMRLESAGO ESTATE AT BI'DDOH. Thk nnd*-rsign< > <! bave been instructed tn sell by Public Anotinn. on Thnr»d»y. theS7*h December. 1883, at 2» P. M. at the»r Sal* liat valuable FrerhMd sag>»te si. tuateat BuHrloh. oompri«fj in Government Grant No. 104 General \n. 3,334. estimated to contain an
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    • 261 3 fUitttt*. FOR MARSEILLE^ A LIVERPOOL. The B. 8. "•ALBANY." Capt. Basknrld. ha* good accom*Bodttion for paasmf«rs. Apply t, MARTIN. DTCE* Co. a Agents. Singapore, 14th Deo 1883. COFFER MANTIRst Dissolved Peruvian On ano. prepared by Ohlendorif A- Of, T x>nd"t» Antwerp, Hamhnre, and *J«)mrrioh n/R, RAFTENBERG SCHMIDT A Co. Role
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 iHtstrrllanfOUß. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, Thi Natfbai. Bob*. Wats*. Tat qneen of Üble w^term." BAtISH M^uICAL JOUBNAI APOLLINARIS WATER. •V Supplied aontinnonsly to the Table o H. R. H. THB PRINCB OF WALEB during the last Bye years APOLLINARIB, THB NATURAL SODA WATER. Far swperior to manufactured aeratec water*. Midioal
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    • 677 4 JMorrsf and fHrrrban&isr JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE, S>itoAPom«. WINE AI-T) SPIRIT MER<HA.NTB. Importers ov Pboyisiowb, GROcimiM, Oilm am Storks. Cigara. Tobaoco, Hardware, Qiaasware, L»mp», Sadffler/ and Harnou, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Ooodi, Arms and Ammunition, Ladie* and Gentlemen's outfit ton, Watch and Clock makeas. Japanese
      677 words
    • 678 4 Sorts. Pant limited. Thb work* of Oompaay art situated at Tsnjong Pagar, the n f olyir .v'BABr A if Him.' hertbaue for twenty vessels atone nine with sufficient w»Mr veisels of the heaviest 1 hy a breakwater i (well f-oia th* ro«4« and from tha strength of the tide*. ■"barf
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    • 774 4 refitting ami c .riling ot .teamen, a'ao Shear" ooraplete for taking nutm»*t*. Boilei t Farther information may be h%d at th' 1 Office of Meaar*. Patereon, Simon* k 00-t neral Agent*, wh/> forward Telegram* OHARtjKS WISH ART. Manager Pingap-re Ist July 1P75. (n. c.) f*.ot\rt9. MUNICIPAL NOTT'F. Tkxdhis ar- invited
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    • 666 4 flotfrra* FOB SALE. A F»W WCKKO WITH TH« MALAYS. Price 50 cents per "Strait* Time*" Offi ■<>, BiPippore 26th April, 1883. NOW HEADY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across the Isthmus or Kb a. If ADI WITH THE FbENCH GoYIBWMIXT tsubvey expkditioji. Jamuakt— April, 1883. explanatory Map and Sections, AND idix
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    • 597 4 flotirt*. ROBINSON ft CO. I.I.TKR QCAV, 8ll»OAPOBK. Dr.! rtiahcru. Glover*. and General Ontfl O«'«Tl.'-Mrv'« OrTFIT-ivn Hfpa Every <i.^ riptioa of clothi"(f mideon tbe*horte«t n.fe" byan experienced f!tittor. fit guaranty, a (food attortment o{ twe<-<1«, worsteds, aergen, broadcloth* for •election. O»lf walking shoe*. Shooting boot* and •hoes. Patent and Kid *hoea.
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    • 298 4 &OtUt. F. |j y Has :i! !il If Jewellery, Watch.-.,. rnmcntg, Ac., cccipr ™*oti Bracelet*, Ladiei 1 \a .Br«^he., Oenu'^., 1 Earrin f .Locket*, Ladiea' -In?-. Signet rinifi., W"eddmg r fl^Tchain., fc; Guard chain. SexUn I* Stnda, 81ee^9 But- Salinomrt^. ton. and Link.. Oom^T 1 Ot>ld penriU, Binoi n ar
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