The Straits Times, 29 October 1883

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. NEW BEEIEB 81NGAPOKL, MONDAY. 29th OCTOBER, 1883 DAILY ISSUI No 1 15,144
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 473 1 jfrtram A-hip fcomuanirs. AR AND ORIENTAL \M NAVIGATION COMPANT Office— Colly, r Quay. Godowns New Harbour. MAIL LINES. I»1B undemoted aro the dates on wmcn 1 .mpany's Mail Steamers may be expeoted to arrive at Singapore during the year 1883 *bp. HomwAßn. Friday ltnh 3r.l Dec. MARSEILLES AND LOVDOV. The
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    • 673 1 *tram *bfp Compantw. THE MESBAGERIKS MARITIMES COMPANT. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messagerien Maritime^ may be expected to arrive here during the "urrent year:— OrvwAK-. HomwAßn. Uonduy 2Wh Oct. Monday 2!>th 12th Nov. lith I 2fith Kith Utri Pec. 10th Dec. S4th 24th IRB*
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    • 733 1 strain *t)tp Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDIBCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Oppice, 13 Austin Friabs, London, E. 0. Head Aoenct Batatia. The following ure the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 785 1 *tram £>f)tp Companies. N.B. The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. NaUl, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel. Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal. Siboga. R iron, Singkel. Goe-n-wr.g
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    • 560 1 Instiranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Head Officb, Batatia. Thi undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks t
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    • 608 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANC COMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Psid-np 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Manaobbs. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr., Bsq. 'Mmot. M.I -hrn. Co.) f E, IMmmn. Holll<>.y,wi». *fo vrKuitK, '!«MSV».D<m.|m.,ljlpr«lk»(V Kl !*'tl '"<'ruor<.ii 1 «i.T,U.1 iv <} iom «"«4o« Co.) The "tiMorsigned
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    • 527 1 fndtiranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANUM OOMPANT. Capital £3,000,000. OITICBSOFTHB OOMPANT. MANOHBSTBB—Kxohang- 8tW«». LITBBPOOL— 4. Manchester B%ilding«. HiBMiNOHAM-Oherry Street. London— l 4, King William Btreet, B. O. Glasoow— 133, West Georn Street. Bbistol— Corn Street. Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, MosleyBtreet. Dwblin-9, Lower Sackville Street CHAIBMAN IV MANOHBBTBB. John Todd, Esq.
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  • 163 2 THE STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 29th OCT., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SiaoAPoBE, ,I'jth OcTOßta, 188 a Uambier I Black Peuper White Pepper, fair quality. KM. Sago Flour, Sar Pearl dago Coffee, BoaHarsM HJ3>>. Tapioca, sm vi Flake 3.15. Tin 28.90. 40a. Muletwiat !H "x lha. Shirtings LtM 7 do do \jgL
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  • 51 2 To-KOBBOW. For j>t a Hillit .a i Pontiauak. PotUianal. 9 a.m. Europe Awwont, 10 a.m. ml D-li. />■'' v am I. nl.m, Xr.tor, 11 a.m. H"kong and Shanghai. HclleropKo*. Malacca, Klang P.T.k and IVn»u({. Bmtan. 1 P- m Penang, Karical Ac. PnKyn, 3 P WIDSBDir. Manila Panay
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  • 63 2 f-For Strait* Timrt.) M niiiiim London, iith OH.— Thi Brittah o<wcrnmopt has aeaoptod tsM offer of tlie Freiuli Government to pay Mr. Shaw oik tlioii-iainl i ***** Is -terliiiy I pauinl liy a miswUt aftioff. \U :«.ARIA. Z^fA (Jrt.—Thr C/ir has recalled the Boatiavo Ai'les-Je-camp of i the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 31 2 Tae P. Slid O. »te«:iier Xrpaul which bringit thr I. onilon mail nf the sth 0.-t ■Msba at 5 p.m. on Friday last, and iimv be HBWtod here next Friday morning.
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  • 23 2 V> in.j.i.-t was Mi the 2Sth instant, liv l>r iluglistoii, (oroiier, at I'ulo Tekoiiif. on a lined Benkok bin Uetol. Verdict. found dead."
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  • 57 2 The French transport Tonquin, from I Toulon and Algeria, with I.UOO military reinforcem. -nt« (of 1 onquiu, arrived at the Co. 'a wharf yesterday afternoon, ■nd will leave for her declination after coaling. She is to 'oe followed in a few I the Bienhoa, which will coal at and pass
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  • 51 2 CoLEMAN Bbidoe, connecting Hill wtb New Bridge Road, is to-day r demolition, and that oft repaired and periodically rebuilt wooden structure, now again in a shaky ami dangerous condition, is to be replaced by a substantial iron one, which the improved condition ot the Municipal Fund enables the Commissioners to
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  • 72 2 The following changes will, we understand, take place in the clerical branch of the < 1 vernnieht service from tl. vember Mr. J C l'e f tana, third clerk in the Master Attendant's Office here, goes tj l'etiang as chief clerk of the B .t, third c'.erk in the Supreme
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  • 98 2 A HaVUM of the Celestial Keasoniog Association was held on SaturJav evemni; ttie question for discussion being, Has the hope of reward or tbe fear of punishment "it<T ii'tiueiice on human conduct? Alter an animated debate, in which a number of speakers took part, it was decided that tbe fear
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  • 113 2 Wl r-.-r. t t.. learn from the lilaijoic Ilerail ol tbe 21s1 September, that "after an exi»tni.c.- luring which time la«J built KJ7 ahipa, the .liipbuildiiigtirt .enock, practieallv ceas«tl to oskt vrntvrday on the launch of the U*t vessel which they had in band. Tbe reinaii.iiu' workmen 1 will I*
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  • 107 2 Thk M. M. Co's atesmer Amazon? Captain de Maubeuge, from Shanghai, Hongkong and Saigon, arrived alongside the Borneo Co's wharf this afti moon, and will leave for Marseilles eia intermediate port* at noon to-morrow. Passinokks For Singapore, Vtam Hongkong Messrs A. J. Bodnguea. F. Goodwin, P. Kolueu bua h and
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  • 151 2 C'lHAyiM's ('ircu< and Menagerie was on Saturday night by 110 ineana so well patronized as it deserved tolx\ owing partly no doubt to the exiifencioa of tn;iil work, but more to the very short imtuv of ths j jierforiiiance, the Company BBVtag only I l.i'i'led on Kriilav moriiiiik; and worked
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  • 4517 2 Sh Rthand Report of the Legislative Council. Wi 1 n ctobie, 1883. Prrskht. fll) EICIU XCI THK GOVMHOH His Honour tbe Acting Obirf Ju>ii'ble the Officer Com. tbe Tro .ps. the Act inu Col >nUI Secretary, the He«. Couuc.ll rof Mulicca the AttormyCineri!. tbe Colonial Trtaaurer. the Aoting Auditor General.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 757 2 &tto a&brrtutrmrnts. SAIOE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. At the Spanish Consular, Wednesday, 31st October. Thb nndersigne' are instructed by Don A. Baldasavo i Topete, Consul for Spain, to sellJby Auction, at the the Spanish Consulate, River Valley Road, on Wednesday, Slst October, commencing at 1.30 r. M. The valuable
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    • 830 2 H OLKABAKOH -ALK. Dubino this month, we are offering a large «tnck of Ladie*' Dreas material*. Oostnmp*. Mil. linery. Pilk*. Satin-, Ac Ac, at a great reduction in price. A large stock of Zephyr Cloth, in plain Colors and Cbeckp, at 18 cents per yard. Plain Sateens in Myrtle. Cream,
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    • 662 2 j^rtu aubrrttsrmfnts. OPEN TO-KIOHT. RETURN TO SINGAPORE, OF THE i EVER-POPULAR WORLD FAMED. CHIARINTS ROYAL ITALIAN CIRCUS I AMI .MKN.UiKKIi:. The most Stupendous and Most Costly Show ever brought to this country. Will Exhibit under Enormous Pavilions FOR A KEW DAT! On.l Cobneb of Tank and Rivbb Valley r Roads.
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    • 440 2 #Wd Stlibfrl.dfmrntst. THE B V OftDINANCE, iBm In thu Supbbmb Oovbt of thb Stkaith Sbttlbmbnts. StTTLEMBNT OF SINOAPOBE. Phoa Lbb Lyk. residing and carrying on baainess as n Ti der, under tbe name or chop Nynce Lo«y, at No 1, Upper Circular Riad, liagajinre adj id^ed h bankrupt on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 102 2 WKATHKK BaWOSI KtuuUmg Kaihov Hoipital, 27 th October 1883. Bar. rod. SJ Pah, »MI not am 81 0 HO 7«1 MomloKclsar, Wst Uulh Thar. 'l<i, Dir. of Win I I r.«w i;alm i«r and liicht Maa. Taa>|>. ia «had« Mi 9 oranas*. Mln. do do 73 li Mai.
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  • 125 3 HoOowaV* OMmnti and PiU:— Nevei at fault— ln all irritations of the skin, sores, barns, and scrofulous enlargemenu I of the glands Hulloway's Ointment pre--1 sent* a ready and easy means of cure, waioh never disappoinU the moat favourable expectati ins. It msnifes'* a potent and peculiar power in reatrainiDg
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  • 663 3 come common for per»ot>s who tea wearied out «ith fruitle** tiona to th« Land and Buirey md I repeat thow, think tb.7 are m >at important hmn weariud om with frnitUaa tion* to the Land and 8 or who ban diapeuscd with mob en altogether und then the miaaioner
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    • 64 3 Vbmel's Naki. AJn> Bio- t-_ .7 p..h«a »7 Kmirne !T S*har Bintang XI Sna Muiyan B 7 Dnrj Mm 87 Pe»rl g 7 PyahPeVhet 18 BenUn tg Pontian" 18 Isabella 28 P»nay M C. Hock K«n 2% JVUerophon 28 Tonquin 29 Japan M«.lra« Oct. liKatißrothm. llJlriJ 1596 iroeman i;"
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    • 11 3 DATS. Oct. a» 19 29 m m ~rT~IZ H»»eU Hongkong
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    • 82 3 m v. Delia uusw-u*. tlita regarding fey bat #ttoc or Oaf***^"*"" I *««Je— I NaT »lO«oer.SUUon sr sr k^ :r;r ...::r °EL- as ip: S:E ES "ir" B'th, F J ta*« l i ltor U p 1 antle B*hn. Mey^r Co. j^jj^" lW B»t«m»n rI V-r_
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 jlotirraI JOHN LITTLE A 00. I Hate just opened out. ex "Glenfroin.—" Oashmere ParUieanea, Wraps. Cloak* Ac Broderie Swiss, Digon and other new I Laoea. Cleopatra, Albany and Chenille Fringes. Swede Glove*. Black and Tan. 8 button length $1.25 per pair Kid do. White, 4, 8, 10 Al2 button length.
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    • 854 3 flbtnn, VALUABI E FREEHOLD PROPERTT FOR BALE. Thb naderaigaed have received instructions to sell by Public Auction, at their Pale Room*, 25 Raffle* Place, on Tuesday, 30th October, I*B3, at 230 p. m. That convenient and pleaaantly situated Houae in Oxley Road, known aa Wood. bibe Cottaob. The ground ha*
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    • 896 3 A FLOWER 8HOW Will bk held ih thi BOTANICAL GARDBN& OB THTJBSDAT AND FRIDAT. 10th ud lira Jaboabt, '884. Open on the Firat Day from 3 P. M. until dark and on the Second Day from 6 A. M. till 10 A. M .from 3 P. X. till 6 P.
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  • 7663 4 1 ttnns thereof shall hare I hongh such < 1 license (hull hare expired, or although the the name (hall hai made (ball hare oomi Now, the Hon'ble the Commiss: Lands mud (urelj know, from bin own 1<». wledge. that merely from the tin conditions in a lease a .-ays
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    • 183 4 f Vbul'i Niii. A to° Cii-rini. Fmon. Sailid. Coma***. J ihm me 27 Sahar BinUntf 27 Dory Mm 27 Pearl 27 Pyah Pekhet 28 B«nUn 28 Pontianak 28 laabella 28 Panay 28 C. Hock Ki»n 28 Bellerophon 28 Tonquin t!> t> itor 29 Japan 29 Amaxon* ;p«n Madras Oct.
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    • 42 4 Dati. Vmb,', Nam. Flao Bio. Cajtaik. DCSTIMATIOK. Oct. 28 m M 19 Bangalore S*" 8 i™r dy b^.- ssssr p Brit. ttr. ,'eUT»en Brit. .U. W U cU, Hock Ki«n Bnt. itr. Hongkong MfW n Sounbayft, Ball; Ac. Prnang Deli Hongkong
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    • 306 4 •fSMtSSaSs«?«r 11> V-uu/. N.«. C««» £T f Vk.™ Fho-. Cokb,ok». D^.o. 1 Rio. i-Men-of-war 806 Oct. U Bataria Senior Naral Offlcer. Station Sin XT Fc"tr»>ooOct. »> Toulon French Con.ul. Tonquin HMWH i« i an U I.John.ton A Co. FnrSale L-«» «Batavia Bnurtead 4On Repairing Wm. Mackinnon
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 715 5 ifitßffllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIS WATER, Th* Natural Soda Water. "The qneen of table water*." British Medical Joubnal. apol£inaris water. fuT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the lait five year*. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated water*. Medical
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    • 680 5 ♦torra anU iWrrrhanrjijtr. JOHN LITTLE 00. RAFFLES PLAOB, SIMOAPOBE. WINE AND BPIRIT MBRCHANTS. Importei. i or Provisions, Groceries, OILMAM STOBES. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro PUted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, i Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Arms and AmI munition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitter*, Watch and Clock maker*.
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    • 992 5 ffiortts. K X)M. TANT TTVITBD. THiworki y «,re situated at Tanjong V v mile of the town of the following eataMis* ment». vir Whabf.— Aff..r.'ing bert huge for twenty vessels »t r.e time wi»h s'l^cient water tl >ngside for ve«»*'» of tbe heaviest dringht, and pr .te< t-d *.y a
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    • 814 5 Borfe. refitting and coaling ot steamers, also Shear* complete for takinp ont muti. Boilerj *c Further i may be had at the Offloe of Messrs. Pater*on, Bimon* A Oo f}enmr»l Agent*, who forward Telegram* to the Dook frM CHARLES WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) #IOtIffSLOCAL DELIVEBT. In
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    • 840 5 jiotirrs. FOR S&LE. A Fnt WrFKI WITH THE MaLATS. In pamplet form. Price 50 cent* per copy. Strait* Times" Office, Singapore 26th April, IPS 3. NOW READT. NOTES OF A MMJMII Acboss the Isthmus of Kra. Made with the French Government Subtey Expedition. Januabt— April, IHB3. With explanatory Map and
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    • 700 5 flotirr*. ROBINBON X- ro 23 Collyer Quay, Siwoapobe. (oppoaice the Club.l Drip. r». Milliners. Silk Mercers. Haber dashers, Olovers. and Oeneral Outfitter*. GuTLrsiEN's Outfitting Department. Every description of clothing ni 1 the shortest notice by an experienced Cut- J ter, fit gnsranteed. 11 gnod »i«*ortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broajclothtt
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    • 679 5 #otirr. J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Clock Maker, anp Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well setaoted *t«.-t f J wellery Watches, Olock*, Hair nstrument*, Ac, compriaing Iracelet*, Toadies' gold watohes trooche*, Oents' di'to., barrings, Silver watches, ,<>ckets, American olook* <adies' rings, Carriage clocks, lignet ring", Marble clocks,
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