The Straits Times, 22 September 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOI. XXIV. M.U BERIEB, SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, 22nd SEPTEMBER, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. No. 15,113
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 450 1 Atram £>f)tp (ffonuantrs. NMI.AK AND ORIENTAL STFAM NAVIGATION COM PANT Office— Collyer Quay. GunoWNß— New Harl MAIL LINES. T.IK imtfernoted are the dates on wnicn (■any's Mail Steamers may be exarrive at Singapore dunng the HomtWABP. Friday 21st Mb Oct. Monday 22nd Mb v imb 80th 28th MARSEILLES AND LONDON.
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    • 673 1 strain &>t)fp Compamrs. THE MKBPAGERIER MARITIME? COMPANY. Thb following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritiirn'B may be expected to arrive here during Ike current y<ar:— OUTO HOMKWART). Thursday l«th Sept. Thursday 13tb Sept. 27th Monday lfrth O,t. Monday 11th Oct. 2fth 2f>th 12th Xrv. l»th
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    • 737 1 strain &>ntp Companirs. DE NFDERLANDBCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. Rkad Aoknct Batavia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in oonmvtion with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 779 1 *tram £>f)ip Companfrg. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenocng Sitoelie,
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    • 557 1 fnesuranrr. 1 JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANO* COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on he customary terms. 334 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks
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    • 614 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consnlting Committee. A. Andra, F.tq. iHmn. M«l«h«n. Co.) M—n. HollM»T,Wtss Co. A. T M.nwr. (M«MT«.DoaTlM.X»pr»lk*Co. Pj*'"s (Bornw CompMiy Ltd.) iv R mwll< *> (J. J- to* R»«rfio» Co.)
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    • 541 1 fnsfuranrr* LANCASHIRE INSURANOM COMPANY. Capital «3,000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHH OOMPANT. Manchester— Exohang* Btreet Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Street. Londoh— l4, King WilrtawiBtwet,mO. Glasgow— 133, West George Street. Bristol— Corn Btreet Leeds— l 2, Bast Paiado. Niwcabtle— 40, Mosley Street. Dublib— 9, Lower Saokville Street CHAIRMAN IN MANCHBSTIB. J ohn Todd,
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  • 171 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 22ND SEPT., 1883. LATEST MAKKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 12hd StPritMBKB, 1883. 'iauibier 6 U5. rllsck Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. 26. <■«#> F1..H1-. S.:r 1794. Pearl Sago HH Ooflea, Hontbyn.- 1J .7 Tapioca, small Flake JI". Tin 29 55. to*. Heletwiet *i Hi lbs. Sbiitinpi 1.55. 7
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  • 33 2 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAT. for per •< Saiguii, /-Vr/i Tovnr, fl p.m. j To-morrow. Ijontlou, ■> -in. Hwagkuiitt,. Us**** i p.m. Hauvwi, Cheriboa aud S.un f\SMS| J p.m. MoNHAT Bangkok, II a.m. TnsßA*, Sarawak, Rant,. Norn.
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  • 60 2 fFor Striits Time*.) -I KAMA. L'iniloH, 21*/ Stpltmktr. A ooabremc of all the Colonies is to be lieM at Sydut'v at tlie end of November to 1 adopt scheme of federation, with a I view to ilie amuiatioii of New Guinea and utlier islaudi. Great dis-a'isfHutinn prevails id
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  • 137 2 Wl learn that the Government have j received information that the Indian Government have, Upon reconsideration, consented to pl.i< r !Si lan^oru and Sunghie I'jong upon tlie same footing as Peruk in regard to Indian Imtnigratioii, which was refused before. This is oulv a< it sbesjid lie, hut it i*
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  • 23 2 a total return of vUitora to the Kit" I fle» L'brarv and Museum (luring the week t'Prifay, 2 lit Sept., 188.3, wai 5S4.
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  • 32 2 Thi P. 0. U. Sutlej, which arrived here yesterday morning, brought another party of surveyors from Ceyiou for Borj neo, including Meurt. J. Robertaou and K Jeffreys. Their destination in Sandakan Bav
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  • 34 2 Isfobmatio* having been received of Ike death of His Highness the Sultan of Linga, the flags ou board of his steamer, the Afjhmood, and at the Dutch Consulate I General, was half masted to-day
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  • 40 2 We understand that Mr. Clieaug Hong Lim, who intended to have left for China by the P. i. O. sseil steatier to-day, has, owing to family circumstance*, postponed his visit to the land of his forefathers for a short time.
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  • 51 2 Mk James Mcßitchie, the new Municipal Engiueer, arrived by the 1* <). mail steamer Sutlej, and will assume his duties on Monday, Mr. T Cargill con- tinuing his functions till then. We unI H K. the Governor decided to confirm Mr McKitchie's appointment a i day or two previous to
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  • 54 2 Ay Extraordinary General Meeting of the Tsnjong Pagar Dock Company, Limited, wa* held yesterday afternoon at the Company's offices inCollyer Quay. .1. Finlaysoti, Esq., in the Chair, for tfi? purpose of electing an Auditor in thplace ot Mr. Alex. Gentle, left for Europe. Mr A J. Gumi was elected to
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  • 64 2 Thf Central Police Station is to be police now there re- movin_' I i tie „;i Criminal I'rism, while the p 1 i and station are to be deniolisli'-d and rabaiH. We understand that tl,'- M,. r!> will also have see* to 1»- transferred to another locality. a< th. Central
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  • 101 2 MbS> IV and Lee Cheng Van, two well-known Chimes Straits-born i who have lieeu makin; A trij. to England, I returned yesterday, by tbe P.iO. sU-anier Sutlej. Tiny were, we Mieve, the first Straito-liorn Chi: tleinen who have ever visited England, and 1 express themselves very much pleased with their
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  • 95 2 We notice from the China Mail of the I 14th September, that the steamer Afghan, bound from Swatow to Singapore with coolie*, has had to be quarantined in Hong- i kong, cholera having broken out on board, and ten deaths having occurred, one of the victims being a European quartermaster
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  • 386 2 JOEOBE pLANTERS' aSSOCIATION. A OE9KBAL meeting of the above Association was held at Messrs. ltodylc and Davidson's Office on the 18th instant, when there were present: It. W. Fowke Baa (Chairman), Messrs. liodyk.Liddelow, and Stringer, the Hon. the Datu Muntri of Johore, Tungkoo Abdul Madjid, the Datu D.ilam, Inchi Abdul
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  • 2254 2 Carey's Murder. Thb Cu/je Argun of the 3 1st July gives the following details of the outward fDJTIM of Carey, the Irish informer, which appear to be the most authentic account of the circumstances leading to bis assassination. There seems to be no reason to think that his death was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 882 2 fixto a&brrtidrmrntf. I >RE SPORTING C! ArTUMN MEETINi. FIR^T DAT. TUESDAT, I«th OCTOBER, Fibst Racb. Our.— Value A selling raoe for all horses. A I U bs entered at a declared value from S2OO to MOO. If valued at WOO to carry 1 1 st. 7 lb« with an allowance
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    • 696 2 iftfto ?.fcbfrtis>rmfni£. within n quarter of »n Ivnr after the race Horses entered for the Roadsters Races are not allowed to inter for nny other I is Meeting excepting the Hurdle Boohore I late, and Winners' Handicap. And are not allowed to train on the course li. for. Monday, Is
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    • 805 2 &t\v 9&brTttertrmits. sj»r UPPTR BOCMM .-rt OK TOWN lIAI.I. The celebrated Professor of Physics, Mb. WILLIAM DOERINO Regs to announce, tint he will have the honor i if giving on SATURDAY, 2 'Nil SEPT., 1883. HIS FIRST GRAND OPTICAL PERFORMaN< K consisting of OIOAHTIO KOYABLI Dissol.vts VIEWS. IN A DIVMETER
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    • 520 2 #rto atjbr::;sfrmrnW. FOR »N0 J I/'UTTA. The s. 8. Claymore due here from Hong. Kong on the 'J~i|i inst., will U ke cargo and passengers for above y rtH. PATBRBON, SIMONS A Oc. Agents. Singap 2i» ISB3. (to27ch inst.) KOTIOB. Divink .^brvick will be held the K'irnnk, i>n Sundiy morning
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 57 2 WEATHER KEPORT. Kandang Karlme Hotpital, lisa September 1883' 9a.m. 3p.m. 9p.m. Kkmakki. Bar. rad. 32' Fah. »1 887 »15 Tamp h.>o HSO MIO Morning parWat Bulb Thar. m »0 780 rtalljr cloud T. W;. S K. 8 K Jaj aud Ulgli i Max. Tamp, in ahade 87 I --laar.
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  • 1750 3 Geimany and France. nctdest ot tin week, when the •lie 24th August left London, racted inordinate a' v an article iv the 'ie, said to be. innaarclc himself and it threat to France, respondent of the Time* tig to a trie, i Ifrsn from Berlin, to-day's North Gbrman Oa%ttU contains
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  • 2920 3 Outburst i.v Suxda Straits. {Trantlated from the Java Jiuile.i Bataiia. \sth September. Another k bus elapsed since on previous au'U. m.iry, and we are at length in a i briefly what bis happcne-! Nt Telok B-tong.regirding which town.t week ago. we c 'ill give
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  • 124 3 Hollo wa/s Ointment and Pill*. Sudden BhugM >f temperature sot-sly try all pertoo* p.uce to rheumatism, sciatica, tio dolo>vux, and many similar maladies scarce- lv iess painful, though of shorter duration. On the first attack of stitfooss or suffering in any inuacU-, j nut, or •t.'ineer r '"jrse Bbou'd iuiujidiately
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    • 87 3 j Flao Vsssil's Name. ixd Captain. 5 Rio. lept 21 Mahraood Mai. str. 106Orton 22 Fathol Mobarak Sar. s. h 122 N'acodah 22 Dioined Brit. atr. 1 796 Jackson 2! Lennoi Brit. «tr. 1327 $cott 22 Espaca Spa. str. 1400 Corderu 22 Afghan Brit. str. 1659 Stewart Kroic. Sailid
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    • 101 3 CLEARANCES. Date. Vimh.'h Name. Klao A Rio. Captain. Dbstination. DjSTINATlOH. Sept. 21 22 M 22 M 13 13 21 21 22 Eupbratoa Brit, utr Mitchell Lord Warwick Brit. itr. Pottinger Lennox Brit. »tr. Scott Cele«ti*l Brit. str. Gray Penang Brit. itr. Courteney Ferntower Brit. str. Eullcy Taichiew Brit. »tr. Jordan
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    • 815 3 SHIPPING IN THE HARBOUR. Captains and AgenU^Tveasels aro requested to communicate with this *fie« rsfardiaf nt error or omission io^Ee above Shipping in tfc* katkeitr. Turn j Vr«sii.'s Nami. ''apiain. and z \rritid From. Consiovim. D*atio« Rio. D*ATIO« Men-of-war Aline Kirk Sar. g. b. 175 Aug. 28 Sarawak A. L.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 ftotfrr*. MUNICIPAL NOTI E. Applications for th" appointment of Chief Inspector of Nuisances will be receiv ed at this office np till noon on Thursday, tbe 27th instant. Salary One Hundred Dollars, and Horse allowance of Dollars Fift-en per montb. All applications to be ardressod to Tbe Secretary Municipal Comaaissriners,
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    • 391 3 fiOtltt*, POSITIVE GOVERNMENT SECDRITT LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. 1(4 Clivb Street. Calcutta. Proviiionfor old age combined with Family Provision incase of Death. EXAMPLE. An assuror, aged 25 next birthday, wishes to l*y apart a sum of about 80 Rn. a month in such a way that his saving* will be
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    • 317 3 Mr. F. C. DANENB'cit.t. begs to inform I the public of Singapore, that he has this I day established a Pianoforte and Musio Warehouse, at 35 Orchard Roid.nextto the Photographic Studio of Messrs. Moses 4 Co., where he will receive Pianofortes and Harmoniums for thorough repairs. I All works guaranteed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 707 4 iflisrcllnnroues. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTS WATER, Thi Natural Soda Watm. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLTNARIB WATER. (V Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mbdioal
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    • 667 4 Jttorr* anfi iKmt>«ifi(*t. JOHN LITTLE CO RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigard, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1022 4 Sorts. TFTH T»vtmro P»n*T) pofiv OOM The works of the < 'ompany are situated 1 at Tanjong Pagnr, wi f .hin one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the folHwinar establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthnge f twenty ,i r.e tin,,, w'th sufficient water !s r.f the heaviest dnught,
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    • 930 4 Born. refitting and coaling ot steamers, also Shears c implete for taking ont masts. Boilers to Further information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Paterson, Simons A Co., G >nera! Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Dock free. OHAHLF.B WISHART, M%nager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flotuxs.
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    • 649 4 fionrrs. FOR SALK A number of good T«ak word build Palanquin r«rrl*ge«, unit -ble for horses or galloways, and are the most suitable oon* < veyances for this climate. Prices moderate. Ar>plr to P. P. HOCHSTADT A Co. Carriage ruildere. corner of Hill Str. et A Stamford Road. Singapore, 24th
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    • 787 4 flotitti KOBTNS r N CO. .'3 Cr.T.i,T*R Quay, Pinoapobb. (opposice the Club.) Drap-rs. Milliners. Silk Mrrcers. H-»her flashers, Glovero, and Oenernl Outfitters. Ok vtlfmen's Outfit- iko Dfpahtment. Every description of clothing made on t>ie shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment ot tweedn, worsted*, serges, broadcloths
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    • 667 4 rflotfrr. J. MOT! Ohronomktkr, Watch ai»d Clock Maker, and Optician. Street. H Ait always on hand a well selected If Jewellery, Watches, Olocki, Nauti «i. mstruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watorrt Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings. Silver watches, Lockets, American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks. Signet rin^s, Marble clocks.
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