The Straits Times, 17 May 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times LV. M.w SERIES,] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. 17th MAY, 1883. DAILY ISSUE.] No. 15,005
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 I )tu Companies. A 'TAL I>N O M PANT U Quay. BrTHs— New Harbour. I LINES. t-Ti..:. winch By'" M11:! Steamers may .^apore during IlinP I ■sasflhrt- ■W ■M Veil:< ysge K TICKETS. I I AND BACK. UKM:.'-- I mi T Mar-? IFI j I ■BBBV N < jfsa imsfor
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    • 638 1 c *tram »t)iv compamnf. place during this year on the following dates: Tuesday 22 May, lit I,,ne, 17 July, I Auifust, r, 0 October, 8 Nobember, 1 December, 1 January, 1884. 'Any claim for damaged goods landed here from the steamers of the Messageries Maritime* Company, mu*t be made I
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    • 822 1 £»tram A»hip Compantat. pas«»Titfpn» visit the higriitnd n^or-rv of Stimntrn from Pudnno 1 LINF.* IV OPFMATTON FROm <STNOAPORE. To Batavta vfa Riouw »nd Mun(/.V, and bnck in < with we jfiil Been of the P. A O. Oimpany every 14 l*j I Macasrar Imd Ihe Moluccos, via Oheriboo, Sftmarang.
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    • 623 1 £>tram »f»p Companies. For Phiva. From Batavia for Samarang Soerabaya, Macassar, Manila, Macao Hongkong and Amoy monthly. The dates of departure are subject to alteration from time to time. Passengers and cargo can bo booked throncrh from Singapore for other ports in the Eastern Archipelago besides all those mentioned above.
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    • 535 1 Insurance. THE LONDON PROVINCIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED Capital, Onb Million Sterling. The und ersigned. Agents of the Company, are prepared to effect insurance on current terms. SYME k 00. Singapore. 2nd Oct. 1882. (to 2nd Oct. 1883) GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE~ ASBURANOE COMPANY LONDON Established 1821 Subscribed Capital £2,000,000
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    • 601 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andn, E»q. [Mann. Meloher., Co.) J. P. Bum (Mmn. Hol!ld»,WiM a Co. A. T. Mancr, (M««r«.rx)n«lM,l*pr»lk*<.-o. H.Nioaiij. (Born»o Company Ltd.) J. J. do* Remedio^, (J.
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    • 585 1 indtiranrr. I LANCASHIRE I NSPRANUM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFICEB OFTHB OOMPANT. Manohistir— Exchange Btreet. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Birmingham— Cherry Street. London— lt, King William Street, 1. 0. Qlasoow— l33, West George Street. Bristol— Corn Street. Lbkds— l2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mosley Street Dublik— 9, Lower Sackville Street CHAIRMAN
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  • 166 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 17th MAY, 1883. LATEST MARKET. QUOTATIONS, Singapore, 17th Mat, 1883. Uambier I 7. Black Pepper 17. White Pepper, fair quality. 26.50 Sago Floor, Sar 2.90. Pearl Sago.... 3.40. Coffee, Bontbyne picked... 14. r O. Tapioca, small Flake "..30. Tin 30.80 40i. Muletwist 96. H lbs. Shirtings 1.57
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  • 33 2 To-xouow. For ptr Saigon, tf«inam, 11 »ro. Dell Mercury, I p.m. Malacca and Penang, Japan, 1 p.m. Bangkok, Hecvba. 6 p.m. Rhio, Muntok, Bataria, Sainarang Sourabaya, Oov. Qtnl. Slyer, A p.m.
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  • 35 2 KUI'TKK'S TELEGRAMS. (-For Straits Times.J France. London, \6IA Moy.— The Chamber of Deputies approved the vote of Credit for the Tonquin Expedition. The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that no danger is apprehended from China.
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  • 50 2 We understand that a match bas been arranged fox to-morrow afternoon, at halfpast 5 o'clock, on the Racecourse, between Shiraxee and the* Penang favorite Simoon. The match is for 8200, and each horse to carry 10 sione. Mr. Suga\i will steer Simoon, and Abrams will do his best on Shirazee.
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  • 39 2 We are requested to intimate that the second series of Clubs' Lotteries for the last days' Races will be drawn in the Tanglin Club to-night, at 9 p.m. punctually. The lists are on the Singapore Club table for signature.
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  • 13 2 H. M. S. Champion arrived at Bangkok on the 9th instant from Singapore.
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  • 22 2 The M. M. Co. 's homeward mail steamer Djemnah left Hongkong at noon to-day and is therefore due here on Thursday next.
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  • 37 2 The Saigon Independant hears from i France that financial arrangements be- tween the various houses interested in the i creation of a Credit Foncier for Cochin China have been completed. The Comptoir d'Escompte will make the issue.
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  • 118 2 Bt private letter, the Saigon Independant of the 21st April learns that M. Le Myre de Vilers is to be accredited to Peking as French Ambassador in place of M. Bouree, whose conduct of the Tonquin affair has been disapproved. M. Le Myre de Viler* was the Governor of Saigon
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  • 94 2 The Sydney Morning Herald of the 21st April publishes a telegram dated Perth, Western Australia, 20th April, stating that an offer had been received by the Government from Messrs. Bethell and Co., the shipowners, of London, to run a steamer between Fremantle, Batavia, and Singapore, making six passages per year,
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  • 98 2 Tns Rev. Father Dechevrens, S. J. Director of Siecawei Observatory, Shanghai states that a typhoon passed South of Manila on the 24th of April, and travelled 1 in aW. N. W. direction. After reaching the continent, it turned Northward through Central China, but on it* way thither it divided, one
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  • 120 2 O> the afternoon of the oth May, we notice that His Highness the Maharajah of Jobore, accompanied by his Private Secretary, Mr. Hole, arrived in Hongkong in the French mail steamer Oxut. His Highness was brought on shore in the i Governor's barge, and landed at Murray 1 Wharf, where
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  • 230 2 The athletic sports of the 9th Battery, Ist Brigade Southern Division Royal Artillery, will take place at Fort Canning, on Monday and Tuesday next, the 21st and 22nd inst., commencing at 4 p. m., each day. The list of Stewards is as follows Judge*.— Capt. J. R. S. O. Hewitt,
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  • 185 2 ,t s lures. The following are the handicaps declared for to-day's races. These weights include all penalties The Maharajah'! Cup. St. Islington 14. I Bas Blanc 11. Grey Palnier..lo.7. The Prophet. ..10 7. KodliKht 10.7. Boanerges 10. Premier 9.9. Shamrock 9.7. The following horses have been declared run for this
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  • 103 2 The tea steamers were beginning to leave Shanghai on the 4th May, for Hankow. The Hetperia, (Mr. Pilot Popp) left on the previous Sunday. The Olencoe (Mr. Pilot Pike) left on the 3rd. The Qlenogle (Mr. Pilot Fibenj and the Olen/ruin (Mr. Pilot Clough) were to start on the sth
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  • 204 2 A Collision occurred at Saigon on the 16th April between the steamers Benalder and Atholl. The Inde'penddnt gives the following particular* The Benalder arrived on the 15th and anchored off the Port de Commerce. Between nine and ten o'clock the following evening she was run into by the Atholl, which
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  • 211 2 One of the victims of the Marquis de Rays' colonising expedition to New Britain was brought before the Sydney Water j Police Court on the 18th April. He is an j Italian boy, whose name was given at Momo Keekie, aged between eight and nine years, charged with wandering about
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  • 719 2 The following telegrams, which appear in the Sydney and Queensland papers, dating down to the 21st April, and received yesterday by the Queens* land mail steamqr via Batavia, to some extent anticipate the news by the mail due to-morrow Cooktoum, 13th April.— The steamer Essex, bound from Sydney to Calcutta,
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  • 238 2 The Annexation of New Guufl The following is the proolamM read by Mr. Chester in presence M Europeans and about 200 natirfl Port Moresby on the 4th April, ll I, Henry Majoribauks Chestefl sideut-raagistrate at Thursday Ilfl in the colony of Queensland, acting!] der instructions from the GovernlE of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 924 2 Gxto SUJbrrttermrnt*. 'RE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING MEETING. SECOND DAY. THt:ii<DAY, 17th MAY, 1883. First Race. Tii Maharajah's Cup.— Value 9150; Preaented by H. H. The Maharajah of Jo. bore. Handicap for horaea that have'run in races No*. 1 and or 4 on the fint day. Xntrance 910. Once round the
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    • 821 2 #tto ?.T»brrtfsfrnunw. FOR SALE. A handsome brougham, very light and in good order, built by Lambert Bros, about 3 year* ago. A very fa«t trotting well bred m»re. A Grand Piano, by Broadwood, in excellent order. The property of J. J. WINTON, E»q., leaving the Settlement. POWELL A Co., Auctioneen.
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    • 839 2 SRjbcrttsrtnfntJf* THK BANKRUPTCY oiiDIVAV X, 1870. In the Supremb '"ourt of the Straits Settlements. Settlement of Sinoaporr. Ano Ttb See. of No. 17-1 South Canal Road, Bingaporc fc carryirjg on busines* under the style or nrm of Ano Ttk Sef A Co.. chop "Ho Leong." waa adjudged a bankrupt on
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    • 569 2 HRMTDRE SALE ATKILLTNEY LODGE. Saturday, 26th May The undersigned huve 'received instnio- I tion* from A. W. Stivsn, Esq., woTing, to cell by Auction, at Killiwbt Lodqf, on Saturday, the 2rith May, commencing at 130 P. M. The whole of the Valuable Houeehold Furniture Ac, compriaing drawing-room couche*, lounging chain*,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 26 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Karbow HotfiUl, IStK May, 18« W. int. 9p.m. Biiiiii. B*r.r»d. M- Fah. t» ®d W 783 »BdB I«BP_ 830 ,884 0 Morniof- <w.
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  • 700 3 H I ■■V j_ I pleasure at i Government and statthe Imperial ling Bwph the Victorian Derby that concurred I" y nsland. Mr. (as re. Hue&eral to promptly a* regards t the has I e*t Tbe V R days, hursday Inland to Port ■^^^f^l m seven days. I tof the
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  • 1596 3 Paris Lliieb Paris, Uth April.— The French feel, very keenly, the triple alliance, which means treating them as suspects. It is a warning note against any hand-in-hand arrangement with Russia. It throws the solution of the Eastern question more completely into the sphere of Austria's policy, and which is not
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  • 528 3 Corrrspcmornrr. Perfection of Ststmi. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, On perusing your issue of yesterday's date I observe in your extract from your local contemporary, the Penang Gazette of the Bth inst., that the Municipal Commissioners of Penang have declined to accept without further consideration the proposal
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  • 468 3 Sirtki Work a the Stbaits Settlements To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A crying evil has long existed here, with regard to the way in which surveying work one of the most important works in such a Colony as this has been carried on. That evil, which entails
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    • 113 3 Plao Vigil's Kami, awd Cap-taix. > F«o>e. SAttiD. CowwoKMt. a Rij. ii IB IsladePauay Spa. str. 2331 Bolle«ui Liverpool Mar. 31 E. 4H. H kjndt. IB Somer»et Brit. itr. 6M Ritchie S»m»rang May 13 Urn Lan 4 Co. 16 K. General Read Dut. rtr. 427 Padua Pa'bang May 15
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    • 64 3 Daii. i Vihil's Name. Flao k Rio. C A FT AIM. DISTINATION. May 17 Lucy 17 Kainhow 17 Han Yong Seng 17 GuiletU 17 Siak 17 Zambesi 17 Brindiii Dut. sch Brit itr. Brit. str. Jtal. bq. Dut. str. P. i. 0. str. P. O. «tr. Woudstra BoielU Patterson
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    • 442 3 Flao I I Vissel'b Name. Captais. akd Arrived From. Cohsiowim. D-atioh P FVxho"und War McQuhae H.M. str. 455 April 1 Malacca Senior Naval Officer. Station f efu 1116 Flint N. B'nec 186 Jan. 17 Put Back A. I.. Johnston 4 Co. Laid ud Wm. Macklnnon Dut.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 886 3 curity of ii 1 manlike plans attached, and the fewness of legal complications with respect to boundaries of estates, Ac., there. The registration and license of all private surveyors on proof of their qualification would put a complete and immediate end to the state of things now existing here, with
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    • 498 3 of China Office*, by encouraging contributors with *ts liberal a return as circumstances will allow. It 1* therefore not the intention of the Straits Insurance Com' pany to attract speculator* by the alluring promises of large dividends, but rather. !■>• tie payment of a dividend which will represent only fair
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    • 353 3 WANTED. Bt an European, marri«-d man, able to keep up the correspondence in language* (English, French, German and Dn' thoroughly versed in Malay and understanding bookkeeping, a situation, either as correspondent or as assistant in a mercantile firm. High salary no object if prospects are opened. Address Letters C. A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 946 4 DOCK COM PANY LIMITED. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pagnr, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water Uongside for vessels of the heaviest draught, and protected by
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    • 696 4 iHfertnanfotiß. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIS WATER, The Natural Soda Watbb. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. CV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medical
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    • 662 4 RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions. Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars. Totaco, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps Saddlery snd Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Ac Ac. Wine Department. Shfbriks.—
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    • 719 4 ftotirts. RORIVSON AOo 23 Collyfr Quay, Sinoapobe. (opposice the Club Drap»rs. Milliners. S ilk Mercers. Haberdashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. Gfhtlfmkn's Outfitt ijco Department. Every description of clothi-g made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadoloths for i selection.
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    • 695 4 FRIEND OF'ALL, "Never Drspub." HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leadine necessaries of Ile These famous Pills pnrify the Blood and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on the Livkr, Stomach, Kidneys. and Bowels, giving tone, energy, ana vigour to thew great Main aB o^ Life. They are
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    • 890 4 flotxtt*. NOTIOB. From and after the Ist January IPR3, the following changes will >>c made in the publication of the Stbaits TIMBB. The subscription to the DAILT issue will be considerably reduced. The Weeklt issue will He published in fl time for transmission with the homeward j mails, and will
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    • 650 4 Chbohometbr, Wa Maker, an; B i m Has always on hay' h^H f Jewellery, WltlU instruments, A Snsßltkfl, "^B brooches, iarrings, RilyHH Lrf>cket*, lm«r.|S ladies' rings, Car^^^H Jignet rings, Marble bedding rings, Ohronr:_| keepers Then (Jpj Libert chains, Baxo £M ■Jnard chains, Sext r m Huds, Sleeve Bnt- SalinS^CM tons
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