The Straits Times, 5 October 1878

Total Pages: 7
1 7 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times j^JxxxivT PUBLISHED EVERY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER .">, 1878. SATURDAY EVENING No. 2,927
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  • 154 1 J^M made known I f. >r t-mi' periods loaa will lw dso in K X, H. H n Me-tsrs. „i sptM-ify, in tin ■<• pj, the r*H>na r< I, lie all ■•■.I till countermanded irdingljr. X, V i| bfullj n >t.-<l to ••tii tli.> proprieL."il:nity in the IB W
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  • 18 1 P during the night 8 by v ljentully D FOH« C.VMI'BtI.L, i ••i.-in.vr P. W. D.. India.
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  • The Straits Times
    • 48 1 i >XI STH OrTOBKK |U» I J- quality 13.601 r Straw. V t V i;:t;,. K. 17.n0. I "no. l.:.o. f 425. din. lOd/s. 829. "I" paid)ll«. Dock Go. ($lOO paid) par I DM fl lA. par. d D 17 8 and £1. Ida. "1
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    • 668 1 i»g luminary of the week's in our Overland Journal' issue of the overland bad Saturday, the tiie I. and steam* g despatched on 1 1 nit wf homeward mail. of the monsoon at this .11 necessitates a change ol the homeward mail '!><■ present is the
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  • 3928 1 I'hosk of our readers wlio remember the days of the great Indian Mutiny will have read witb painful interest the details we published on the £6th ultimo respecting the sudden rising, of the Natives, or Kanakas as they are called, of New Caledonia, against
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  • 4947 1 THE JOURNAL OF THE STRAITS BRANCH OF THEe ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. We have to acknowledge the receipt of the first number of the Journal which the Straits Branch of the Royal Assiatic Society propose to publish here every half year. It is a tittle long; of making its appearance, July
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1587 2 IMsroNTKM against the Police in Penang has culminated in a public meeting, presided over by .Captain Bowkrs, a tUI 1 account of which appears in tbe Pimmmg Gaceffe of the 21st instant. It was held on the 21st in the Office of Messrs. Bi n Chin Hon<;,
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  • 201 2 Mini tks of proceed eipal ('(Hiimi". Istli S?pt, l^T* Com Hon'hle W il Ke«d, E. WelU Tan Se!:.; 1' M I" I' S The Minute* read and confirms i Ut-uJ the fortnightly from the Awistanl M Taadan I 2 invited. Head petition from the Terrace Market statin* sustained
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  • 566 2 By ti'l«'i*riiui *5 01 Aobe/n and depend* Padan*. the futt lir-'ii ,i\<-ii s day. stb SC-Workdg L/mUru to Aoak Friday, 6th. 9 day. 7th. A a recommit- > 1; panics of infantry without meeting >N e%eryt'.iin({ there "> V on- appointed, or is it another „i thow idle
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  • 855 3 _^> MALACCA. vm our own OorretpoudtiU.) M UO.CCA, Wtß Skim. LB7B. I ii k It 1. S. N. Ce's steamer Bmfhfid, trom four Port in mute to Calcutta, ten ate ports,) arrived here yeseek, and proceeded on her voyage lie satne day. I s N.Co'g steamer l&vpbrutet, Cs itta, (vil
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  • 77 3 Coatri nti n to Polioe Puree tot la>t month s: 1 rommisvionert an IC v* rvancy l>'iii- ::l for do. 1182 I li rk "to the Re-i>:r.n II „kn.y < 'ages for do. I D raenl tor do Icl 226 Contrao or for Etepairioi roads 4c 150 Di. Sweeping do.
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  • Corrrspondence.
    • 419 3 To the Editor of the Dnilii Time*. Dxab 8lB Training formally opened tliis morning with groat animation. The attendance was imt M hwgS M 1 have seen it. but it was v. r\ atfeet. The Clerk of the Course, baking as bluff and potsly asever, and ssveraiof the
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    • 189 3 Id Iht r.ihtor of flu- Uatlu Ltnte*. siu, w ith reference to tbe value of dynamite v an explosive agent in nibmarine and subaqueous works of all kinds, I think there can be but one opinion, aiul ■eeing thai you noticed in your impression of yesterday its advantages, I
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    • 276 3 T«ll,r l-:,lit, ofthr l)"il\ Timr,: Mkvi; Siu. When in Singapore, en mill, for this country, v<>u asked me to let you hear what Mr. Christie and myself thought ot I'erak. at present so little known even in your (tort, far less at home and elsewhere. 1 am not so
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    • 103 3 Tin. following new notification appear in to-day's G+netU. The Secretary of State has extended with half salary for three months, commencing from the Sth November, the leave of absence granted to Mr. N. V. TiiKVKNKN, Passed Cadet. The average note circulation of two of the
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  • Aims of the Week.
    • 40 3 11. I?. M.'s Meain corvette MpdeiU, i 1,984 tons, Captain F. (J. Meade, From i Hongkong 18th, and Saigon 88th inslant, arrived here this morning, where she will be stationed until further orders are received from Home.
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    • 42 3 Tot Python, whose escape from its cage was noticed in our issue ol Saturday last, has, we are glad to state, been recaptured, having been found in the stable of the Rattles Museum, coiled round some planks which had been stored there.
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    • 87 3 Til k present year has been an unusu- j ally wet one so far in the Straits, but it j seems to have been still more so in Ceylon. The rainfall in Colombo in the middle of fc\ugust stood at 101.06 inches, or nearly 19 inches in excess of the
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    • 39 3 An Inquest was held on Saturday the :JMh inst. on the body of a male Chinese named Kong Ah Seng at the Sepoy Lines Hospital, by A. U. <)nl i;~ 1( 11. M. Coroner. Verdict. "Accidental death by Burning.
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    • 166 3 I'nsr cards, according to the Indian press, are to be introduced into India on the Ist April next, aud evidently the Indian Post OtKce expects to do a brisk badness in them, for au order has gone home for no less than 40 millions of cards for Inland purposes, bearing
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    • 184 3 Mi.Ti;<)i;oi.o<;i( \i. Observations for i the week ending SBth September, 1878, taken at the Hospital, Kandang Karbau. (Sd.) T. IItVINE KoWELL, M.I). Prin. Civ. Med. < )ffieer, S. S. I: mi Kkdui-ed. Datkh. (|u n) jj( |v ;lli ]rl iuchos. inch«'.s. inches. ttaffßapb IO9SO 38^88 2!i.;ms Mrd -77:* >17 •_'itii
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    • 255 3 Wi have to acknowledge the receipt of the first number of Th" Sini/apnnAuction Gazette, anew weekly publication, which promises bo be very useful, started by Messrs. PowtU Co., Auctioneers, to contain an authentic record of sales and transactions in Land and House Property, fee. The lirst number c tntains the
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    • 99 3 A paragraph is going the round of the Indian papers to the efeet that it is in contemplation to depute Mr. A. O. Hume, it., Secretary to the Government of India in the Agricultural Department, on special mission to Siam upon important business connected with the English Foreign Office. Ho
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    • 125 3 A Rangoon contemporary gives the following "recipe for a drink in hot weather, but sagely ad\ ises any one who may venture on it to have bandy, in case of need, a couple of pillows and a lusty punkah coolie Take a tumbler of cold tea, OM Mblsspoonful of port,
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    • 148 3 "1 1 is rumoured in Melbourne," wye the Mail i- •>< Mail of the Ith September, that his Grace the Duke of Buckingham will succeed Sir George Mowen as Governor of Victoria. Sir (Jcorge Bowen's term ofoffiee will expire this autumn. It is understood in Madrat that the Quean, on
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    • 203 3 Wk have been favoured," says the Ha a a T'niirx, with the perusal of the proepeetus of a new company to be formed to develope the Coasting Traffic of India and the adjacent countries, to be called the ASIATIC Stkam N.uii;ation Company, Limited. The capital is fixed at £600,000 in
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    • 468 3 Thk Indian Expedition has' returned from Cyprus, and all the troops haveby this time been landed in Bombay, the last transport, the Citadel, having left Suez on the Hth September. The Hiii///,,!// Gazette of the 13th September chronicles as follows the return of the I six thousand." On Friday morning.
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    • 58 3 The tsth Madras Native Infantry reached Madras on the Mb and '-'th September, and the men wen entertained afc dinner by ColHearn and the OHioeraofthe Regiment, every allowance being made for eaete. After dinner the men gay* the Colonel three heart y cheen. In the evening there was a display
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  • 97 3 A petition, numerously signed by EUing Trailers, has, we are informed, been presented to 11. K. the Governor, praying that Mb. f. H. Qomm shall be retained aa a Police Magistrate ia Singapore, and not be sent to Pinang, on ihe ground that he is intimately acquainted
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  • 151 3 A\ impiest was held on Saturday bat on the body of a Chinaman who met his death in a house No. I LB, North Bridge Road, on Friday afterHOODj under circumstances of a peculiar nature. It appears a can of paraffin of an inferior quality, winch had Keen Opened, was
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  • 254 3 Thk Govermaeut Gazei, last Friday contained returns of work performed in the Police Courts and the Courts of Requests in the three Settlements during the first six months of the present year. The tables show the number of oamplaints pending on the first of every month, those instituted during the
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  • 352 3 Thk I'iaang Gazette of the 25th September has the following singular paragraph respecting another assault case against one of the Inspectors Newland. It would appear that these two gentlemen badly want a Sir Andrew Clarke to give them a talking and bring them to their senses. What was the object
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  • 380 3 A New Fibre. Now that the cultivation of the soil seems to be attracting unusual attention in these Settlements, the following paragraph from a Home paper respecting the discovery of a new fibre in Mauritius possesses some interest and may deserve the attention of our planting friends Small quantities of
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  • 431 4 Tin si/k tn tiik Mai.w Pkmnsii.a. A (iKKKsl'ii\l>KN I semis Us the following communication with reference a paragraph which appeared in our arerland summary respecting the interior of Barak an.l the view to be obtained from Moint Robinson. The paragraph is apt to give ac erroneous impression of the extent
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  • 169 4 No possible excuse can be given by the Municipal authorities for carelessness especially when life may be endangered by it. The slightest reflection should convince the Commissioners that when an old bridge is being repaired or a new one built, a light should be placed at night
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  • 215 4 ('<>\iri.\> among members of the police force are loud and deep regarding the ill treatment which it is felt by them they have lately experienced at the hands of the Senior Police .Magistrate. Mr. O'Connor, it appears, has initiated a system of fining wholesale those of the constables who he
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  • 619 4 lift, ftmmmum Bovun Ilinwi, iit-l.v Depatj Regwtru nd otli.m! Awignee of \k» BaptWM Court in HoOgbMg, as UDOwd been committ«d for trial" al the next sessions on a charge of baring embezzled various sums of money amounting in all to K10.5v.i.7'.!. This is only one of many other
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  • 165 4 Thk Mtdrmi time* <>t the 4th September publishes the official return of the wild beasts killed in the Madras Presidency during the years IsTti, 7, from which we make the following abstract The total loss of cattle and human life by wild animals and snakebite iv the Presidency during the
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  • 253 4 Tmk following paragraph from the Ooerland Mmii details th objects with which tin* Alert, under Captain Sir GeOIg* Nares. lias been despatched on an exploring expedition to the Sorthen seas. It will bfl seen that Australia, more especially Western Australia, will benefit largely by the expedition After examining themii'r wati'r
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  • 68 4 THURSDAY, Sed [OCTOBER. Wk arc informed that H. K. the Governor and I/dy Robineoo, aooompained by Mr. B. v 7. Howard, will leave for Malavia in t lie M. M. steamer Eiiiirne next Monday. Ax inquest was held on the Ist inst., on the body of a female Klino, named
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  • 50 4 The cable between this and Penang is temporarily interrupted, since Monday last, which will explain to subscribers the reason of their non-receipt Of Renter's telegrams, as well as there being no word of the French mail having left Galle. The Java- Port Darwin cable, we hear, is also interj rupted.
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  • 69 4 Wk arc requested to state thai there will be no General Meeting of the Straits Asiatic Society held this month, and we are further asked to inform members that the first number of the Journal of the Society should be received by them before the close of the present month,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 323 4 ..Berkeley, Sept. IBW.— GeotiMM, I feel it a duty I owe to you to aOM gratitude for the great benefit I have derived by taking Norton 1 Camomile Pb» I applied to your BMnt, Mr. Bell, B( for the at> ivenamrd Pills, for wind in W stomach, from which I
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  • 410 4 PARIS BATVBDAT Ni;mt Messrs. A. Rowland and Suns. ,f d cassar Oil celebrity, haw. ,t,. T fg ing, made a sucieesfol eempaignhi Parin against pint s of I prodool which w e know on the authority of I, Byron be "ineom-KiiuMe" MIMV have been in the hah t of mlHu*
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  • 101 4 The second nnm»,..r of t1,,. S, Aact** Gmtette, paUiabed t,.-,|,, v tinues its wyator of the 5;1 an( j dorillf the last six months, an tains, in addition to other useful formation for merchants ami tin- i Ml lie, a brief article on boundary mar^ worthy of attention. In p,,j,
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  • 59 4 Tm Penang -able „,nt, ni|l> more or less interrupted, •Uhouifh 0 J" or two me—y catne throoirfi n morning. The Telegraph IS r ,Jl\ that the cable has been now cut by U repairing ship, and tbej A|l t I"' in communication with her this aft noon, and that it
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  • 32 4 A iKKKKi match took pwoeal T lin yest.nlay ■fternooi, between N. C. Oifioersand men r,f Port C niny; MftM the N.C. Offioer v I at Tannin, the brmer wn,,,,,,'^^ runs. B v
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  • 26 4 SATURDAY, sth OCTOBER. The Daiush .steamer Kjortnhant, Captain Grove, which arrived here yesterday morning, brought down 502 Chinese coolies from Swatow, all well during the vuyage.
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  • 130 4 IfAKI have been the complaints made by Government Officials withiu the past three days of the inconvenience to which they have been put owing to the extraordinary circumstance that they can not get their salaries. And why Simply because Mn. Trottkk, the Acting Treasurer, is engaged sitting as Commissioner of
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  • 44 4 Tiik heavy amount of labour lately imposed upon the Protectorate of Chinese is such that Dr. Duns, the Assistant Protector, ha:- found it necessary to apply for leave of absence for six weeks with the view of recruiting his health and restoring his energies.
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  • 103 4 FRIDAY, 4th OCTOBER. TUMUMIC eommunieatio i uit I; I'enang has Ikhmi impaired since Monday last. The line is not broken, but though the most powerful batteries are used here any communication wit li I'enani,' is but imperfect. A lfemmg« was received to-day from there dated j the .S()t li instant,
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  • 354 4 Thk Hongkong Government appears to l>e in the habit of being more communicative to the public in many matters of interest than our Government here can j claim to be. As for example the Hongkong Dai li/ Prei* gives the following rmmmS from the Government Gazette j of a return
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  • 387 4 The sea serpent has Iwen once more heard of, this time in the China Sea, heading towards Hongkong, where its arrival will perhaps be more welcome than the typhoon which the weather prophets there have been prognosticating for some time. The China Mail of mamwmmi the 21st September gives the
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  • 224 4 Skyekai. important decisions have lately been given by the Recorder of Rangoon in re the marriage laws and partition of property of Chino-Burmese i alliances, which possess some interest as having a similar bearing on Chino--1 Malay alliances here. In one case, a Burmese woman had married a Chinaman according
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  • 361 4 I 'xwahxkm by defeat, in and out of Parliament. Mr. Gladstone continues 1 his war against the present Home Government in the magazines, and he must be credited with having the courage of his convictions and of being ready to give expression to them in and out of season, although
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  • 380 4 A raw steamer line has been started between Trieste and Calcutta. According to a contract recently entered into between the Austrian Government I and the Austro-Hungariau Lloyd's Steam Navigation Company, their steamers arc to make six voyages a year from Trieste to Calcutta and back. The subvention to be paid
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  • 386 4 Thk number of cases brought under the notice Of the Singapore Society for the prevention of cruelty to animaU during the quarter ending ol'th September I^7^. was SI. Of these 8 were for cruelty to omnibus horses, lit) for cruelty to hack ponies, 1? for illtreatment o| oxen while landing
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  • 62 4 Wk understand that H. K. the Governor has ordered that an otlicial inquiry shall be held into the alleged ill-conduct of Inspector Newland in Penang. Major Dunlop has already forwarded copies of ti.e Straits Time*, containing the report of the public meeting held in Penanj; to the Superintendent of Police,
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  • 840 5 I'KS'AMi. (From our own Correspondent..) I'i oc. 23rd Skpt. 18"H. BDPCI tuy last to you, one of tlie aristocratic Police Inspectors, to whom I bneflj referred, has been gaining a some'vliat unenviable notoriety. He has shown an inclination to take the law into his own hands, by belabouring a respectable
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  • 1527 5 I\\ \MM\ in IIoNCKOMi. An extraordinary piece of news ftus pome by the French mail steamer S'nidh from Hongkong:. On the morning of the 25th September the ,commnnity there was thrown into a considerable state of astonishment and excitement on learning that during: the night the fown, though jfiianied by
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  • 1016 5 Kxioiii Don OH Hick FKOM SAIGON. Wk have received from Miners. W. (i. Mai.k Co., the following Circular respecting a duty upon the export of Rice from Saigon, which the French Government have decided to impose on the Ist January next For the information of our friends, we issue a
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  • 920 5 Hkii i;\ 09 H. K. Sii; \V. J kiivois TO SotTH Al STH \l.l Piik steam-ship titimi, arrived in Adelaide waters on the l">th September with 11. K. Sir \V u.i.i wi, Jervoh, Lady JraTOV, ami family 00 board. The So"/// Ain'i-tlitiii mtaitief {jives the following account of the landing
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  • 965 5 luffutt 11. i w rains in Plontinii ii-en riv. -I- in *w !!i-n M.'.isnres have betM i higher irro«nd pro 1 aiiiiiiunition. in cisfl of a rterday. il repairing* the eamna that i p utially removed. T irable weathee. FioaHnj; i \ii.k < raluni; repaired. WedI Ith St-it" of weather
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  • 284 5 question his troubles, was nothing ny for the vessel int. own accord. The his department, at one have been greatly praised pers, but I, as well as many that the work accomplished v, inverse ratio to the amount of its v and Wuster. The weather with us, for some days
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  • 750 5 Fe.vajto, 80th Ski'tembkb, 1878. Since the date of my last letter, the leading topic 4ia* been the indignation meeting of the Chinese Community held on Saturday last, the 21st instant, at the office of Messrs. Banehinhong Co. which I briefly referred to. There is no mistake that the Celestial- mean
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 769 6 ittisffllanfoua. THF PARIS EXHIBITION OF U Wk I. lof Me-sru. Bat- 1 ton A Sons, the Queen's Pcedsni' n. ar 1 seedsmea by -ppoi^l warrant to H. R. 1 The Prin.-e of Wale^. will be of th of Horticnltuni' and Affriculhi Pro mm ever brought her. Takini,' advantage pf
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    • 823 6 iflisfrrllanfous. OXYGEN IS LIFE. Although the modern Materia Medic includes many valuable remedies for hi man auctions, it is a mattej- of certaint that in all cases where the animal vitalit 1 is failing. Phosphorus is decidedly superic to every other remedy at present knowi Tt. will work effects such
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    • 837 6 iHftfrrllantouo. D r j OOLLTS RROWNES' CHLORODYNE. 'is THF OrIHIXAI, AND ONLY GBNUINK The Public are Cautioned against tbe nnfonnded statements frequently made naf" be composition of Chlorodyne is known X Chemists and the Medical Profp R «on"The fact is. Chloeodynk was Severed and Invented by Dr. J. Collis Bno'-VK
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    • 939 6 iHKfrfllanfOU*. HOLLOW \X'S OINTMBNT. OLD SORES ANDjOLD SKIN DISEASES. Tbe seeds of these disorders are afffc tually PTfr" I 'l* > d by thiß penetrating TTn. puent not only from the superficial parts but from tbe intenal tissues likewise. An 3 case, even of twenty years' standing, apee dilv'vields to
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    • 651 6 ittisrflton ron?< RIMMEL's rifr, T < r t Ihlang, Jockey Club... Toilet Vinegar of To.h-t Water, Larandor w I Wat^r. Eau de CoKgte, i (Jlvcenne for the Ff a r f;,' Windsor, and other. So,,,;'; powder, Aouadrntine fo r [h Singapore, 23rd Deo.. v sporting ISSrovrriov Tlv attention of Snort,,
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  • 433 7 Saturday. .'>th October. I M M..nurr Ava, 5.600 tons, Hernandez, Marseilles Bth Sept. M IUMMT Euiirne, 727 tons, Pichtt, Batavia 3rd Oct. Sunday, 6th October. A:" l>ar[. ■■aort.CM tons. Watevhouse, Penang 26th Sept. British steamer Vidar, 206 tons, Barrow, Sourabaya 25th Sept British sleamer Pearl, 7O.'> tons, Munk, Saigon
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  • 248 7 Saturday, sth October. British steamer, Stewart, for London. British steamer Euphrates, Pateraon, for Calcutta via the in- termediate ports. M. M. steamer Sindh, BiuuH. for Marseilles Dutch steamer Sunda. Van Neef, for Muntok 4 Palemt<ang. British steamer Anchises, Jackson, for Hongkong Shanghai. Sunday, tith October. M M. steamer
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  • 631 7 'ATI Nvmk Oataivk. Flmj a Rig. IF«««1 From Wheke Lyin C nmgxkks ok Auksis. UtsriNAnos 1_ IVALS II .VAi. ELN.lL'aatr. :{•".<•. June 16 Acheeu T. P. Wharf H.N M.V O.nsul General Crni.--:I.N.M"s. str. 203 Sept. 9 Acheen Do. H.N.My Consul General. Repairing McNeil H. Ms. str.
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