The Straits Times, 8 December 1877

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
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  • 43 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 8th DEC., 1877. LATKST MAUK SISOA.POEE (iambi.: I nominal Blaok Pepv Whit* Pepi do B»n.m Pearl ityne... Tin..... 40..Mu1, twist 8i lb.. S: :; 7 do 6 do T. Cloth 7 do d 1 Beoar Btjik I New Harbou 4r-
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  • 856 1 ivcrlaild Amrnal id providing him with i'r«•- c 1 1 1 in and keep him li uliitd til! 1' the indisposition of 11. I.. r, wild has been suffera slight attack "1' fever. i tr for Friday in\t promiscH Tin- Acting Chief hie T. I. Foiti)
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  • 743 1 The Chinese Que stion in Qu eensland. Thk Chinese .[notion appear* to Instill exciting the very strongest feelings throtiflMfcfc Queensland and t" have cnterecWEpnu a new phase. The Immigration A<-l, imposing a capitation tax <»f tl (l «i t >l l :tt n mmigrant, has been passed and is law,
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  • 931 1 The Co unci l Mee ting of 16t h No v. Tins was perhaps the most ml iog meeting of the year, ami mv be allowed to be forgotten n some Further eomraertl on what took place therein, although it mi l>e now somewhat late in the day to refer
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  • 618 1 I tOhave t uarr the to am>!y a tly adding in no recognized come The i tairly ask and manner as but H priraili a requir. ated table here, and tli If* on*" ltli^lnu what the aud \lamtary I OOTof an maa of ar, he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 295 2 Ent erta inmen t in the Town Hall. Tn tinnient last vii Hall Theatre, which md reflects much crvdit upon its promoters. The Hall was i to ejce«s by the members' friends, nti of standing o front row. His j ellenoy, or, had accepted an hw which he has been
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  • 782 2 Encr oachment on the Esplande Ihm paragou of ugliness v libel upon architecture— erected upon (be Esplanade, was the subject of an interpellation at the Council ing of yesterday. Mr. Read, in ing for tin production of any i upon the subject, took ex to point out, incoutrovertibly, tliat the
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  • 1217 2 H. E. Sir William Jer vois in South Australia. Tiik following particulars of the aay■<■nd doings of our late Governor in j South Australia, taken from our ex. by the last French mail, may be i ing to our readers. His Excellency held his first I. Friday the sth October.
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  • 262 2 H.E.Mr. Pope Hennery and the Hongkong Community. B\ the Indian Hi tion wm W v, proH H'.nau ia B? ItanchaK P been h the f y. The production of K at 0 picnli i uuraa mid The from Iod BK. i i: on thereBT. than doub pa import. ?Jm which
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      • 95 3 i remind ratepayers of the t Municipal Commissioner, Bxed by the Sheriff to mi Thursday next, in the between the hours of ten five p. m. Voters must at- uallv with their voting i BO more important 1 :my than that of Munioerj even that of Memincil ia not more
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      • 239 3 ia current, which baa H vv hi being oorreel tain Speedy baa resigned h atment in Perak and leaves for I md all at the end of this month I DOt to put too tine a point I ia n i> said to be sheer I the treatment he has
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      • 181 3 wing notitications by the dated .iHfh October, which no* of the 2nd »r, are of bom 6 local interest id connection with the Huh Knot ami the disturbances in the Peninsula: t in,,, Poor.— Major Romm Tbbolailßt ami Captain Wiii.i\m N\>- m \v ii mia, retire oa a pen- 106
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      • 146 3 Tiik Following is a List of Articles presented to the Raffles' Museum, <lur- i iuj,' tiie fortnighi endiny; ;'>nl December, 1877. Di. T I. Ri.weli.— li ralusaea Keteoroto. B;ical Bulletin. .1 B. McDonald, Bag —1 Ohrjaalis. 8, Camming, Bag. 1 live Snake. \V. HelWrkne, Bag. I Kl.phant tooth tag. 0.
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      • 356 3 A OORRSSPONDEHI has sent us for publication the following original e§uaion by a Parsee gentleman on his lc; ving Kng-latul for Bombay To i ii k Qmat Mkitain. t well i 'if. 'ti old (ale, A- I dap it from I tnd productive .::!ieui'iu>; n. irorldly (tod. On the Map
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      • 58 3 \\oihki; adjourned [nquest was held on the same day, on the body of Lee Ah Pang, a Chinese gardener, living at the 9| mile stone, Bukit Timah Bond, who was wounded ia the bead by thieves, on the ni^'lit of the 1 I tli September, last. Verdict,— "CulpaUe homicide amounting
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      • 88 3 A QUAMSJL too! place on Motidai afternoon, in a garaeci in Thomson a, between s St rait >-l ioril Chinese and others, which resulted in a light, when one man was stabbed and another got a fracture in the skull. The police arrived shortly afterwards on the spot and
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      • 161 3 Ti'h 11, 1, 5 i,,, barque, Captain Brown, from New York, \l^ days, bound to Yokohama, y,,t ashore on the Urill reel, 68 miles s. W. of Macassar, on oth November at 1 o'clock in the morning. Captain Brown proceeded to Macasnai in the losjg boat to procure assistance, and
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      • 231 3 A KoitKKin ol diamonda and jewellery to the value ol S s tm was committed on Priday last, from the premise* I Roll San Lee, 6H A.moy Street. It appears the wife of the occupier of the house, wiahing to have a quantity of dumonda in her possession set in
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    • 230 3 Th e Coun ci l Meeting of Frid ay next. < Men of the day for Friday, the 7th December. The Moifl'le W M. Bead's questions of which lie gave notice at the last meetThe Acting Chief-Justice's question of which he gave notice at the last meeting. The Hon'l.le W
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      • 44 3 An adjourned inquest was beW yesterday at the Coroner's office bj A. Cousins, Ksij., on the body "t a male Chinese n annul Tan Ah Boon, who died from an overdose-of Opium administered by himself with intent to eaose death. Verdict, Suicide by Opium."
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      • 77 3 Although there are about 3 1 disengaged vessels in port, their Captains refuse toaeoeptthe low rates oi freight current for London and Liver] 1 and prefer to await the advent <>t better times, which seem slow of arrival. Tbe last fixture for London was t ln- •/</.« I nntwmkt freighted
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      • 37 3 Tiik performance to lie given in the Town Mall, on Saturday evening next, by the Misses Ford, a-M ted by Amateurs will !><• under the patronage and I ill the presence of H. H. the Maharajah ot Johore.
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      • 64 3 A special Court of Assi/.e will be held in the Supinnc Court on Priday, 1 1th instant, to try the charge against the steward of the British barque M. A'"/, who is accused of shooting a Negro, one of the crew, on board that vessel, ia the Harbour on list
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      • 161 3 ()i k readers may be interested to learn that, with the permission and under the patronage of Colonel W. K. McLeod and the Otli.fis, 7lth Highlanders, the Athletic Sports of the Regiment will be held at the Parade (Jround, Tangtin Barracks, on Monday the 17th and Wednesdaj the instant,
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      • 58 3 li may interest the members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps to learn that the Hold Cross, the prise awarded to the highest aoorer in the annual j competition ol the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, uliii-li came If towards the end ..fla.-t month, was won by Sergeani Dunman "f the Mih-bo-loong Company,
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      • 150 3 Tiih Mbwtag tliegram, received by the Northern Line, appears in the Hongkong papers. The Daily pithy oommeat thereon ia that it is much to be deplored that there arc bo many meddlesome people in the world who cannot be happy unless they are poking their noses into affairs which they
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      • 203 3 Tut Gmtette of the *9tb November states that the village of Durian Babatang was nearly burnt down on the '-'tli November. Seventy-five out "i one hundred houses forming it win ooneomed, and property to the value of |55,000, it is estimated, was lost. The fire was eanaad through the oareleaaneal
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      • 531 3 Tiik following is a full report of Sir William Jervois' ipoocb in which Instated tliut South Australia possessed the key to Australia. Anthony Trollope, it was, w« think, who twitted t\» Austruliana with their tendency to WOW." It will lie seen that II celli-ncv senna in some sort to have
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      • 278 3 YwnwxDAi, the polling for the election of .Municipal Commissioner in the place of Mb. K. J. Wbxlb, who retired From the Municipality according to rotation and sought re-i-liition took place in the Town Hall, before Gh K. Bvana, Esq., Sheriff. Only small interest seems to have been taken in the
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      • 294 3 Tiik parents of the children attending the Christian Brothers School are, we have reason to Iwlieve, anxious to know whether or not there will be an annual examination of the school. They are not satisfied, we have l>eeu informed, with the usual show yearly made in the sha|R: of Dialogues
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      • 56 3 Thl total cost of the suppression of the late rebellion in Japan is said to amount to 51 millions of yen. To this, says the /apan Herald, may be added fully half as much more for the destruction of huildiugs and property and the paralysis of industry. There were perhaps
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      • 181 3 HniiKiMo the soil and resources of the Nioobari and the Andaman Islands have not been much thought of, Cocoanuts having ben their staple product, but it would seem that both have been under-rated, if a report by Mr. T. L. Wise, Forest Officer on the Andaman*, can be depended upon.
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      • 132 3 li is a custom in Shanghai, after ever] Race Meeting, to hold t»a le of the Race [ionics, and the last N. C. Herald received contains the prices realised after the meeting in November last, which we publish as likely to be of interest to members of the Sporting Club.
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 469 6 or deThe finest m neni little n is That a certain difficulty und in be kept under is been used in almond and olive oils, in fiilphuric substances, but however nd iv all the h to known m in, certain irr rienced, us to neglect it for inly in inn
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      • 738 6 Browne (<*■> :>Q d so 1 id it has baffled all atl.v the first Chen> v. The method and secret of the preparation have never boen published. It ,us. therefore, that anythin? sold under the name, save Dr. J. CoLLIs Hkowkb's Chlo*odtne, is a spnrious imitation. mON— Vice-Chanoellor Sir W.
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      • 615 6 uipanp. bour. tf\lL ONES. Tkk toUowtng are tne dates on which .be Company's Contract Mail Steamers m.y be expected to sn rive 1 tre in 18// 1— 1 Tueslay 9th Jan. Wednesday 10th Jan. 6th Feb. 7th Feb. 2nrVi 11 lßt 2 St m«. > (l(n 21st Mon'iay "'2nd April
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      • 615 6 but fi dily yields to its in A CERTAIN CU ;'R TIP. DIP' 1 THROAT For Curi bronchitis, ssthmn. tightne--and pain in the side wi ment alone prevei more serious malac 1 ♦he same powers ov< a blister possesses, with. rleWHty. Old asthmatic 11 derive mnrvelions ease fr« tbis Ointment,
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      • 37 6 1 "i up K2£;a D p r ''KBB. 1 Bi irtii ■wing J p TA L ID. I I rendering tli^ ience •»;SB. See Ti'i landßuildaonials on a; I] WILh M'ln CLLM hi* of it." varilln INOI-
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  • 246 4 The Chinese Government will not have railways at any price. The work of demolishing the Woosung Railway, says the N. C. Herald, goes slowly but persistently on and the destroyers are now engaged in taking up the track itself, rails, sleepers, and all a portion of the work in the
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  • 480 4 Singapore, 7th December, 1877. Present His Excellency the Goversom. His Honor the Acting Chief Justice, (Mr. Ford.) The Hon'ble the Officer Comg. H. M.'s Troops (Col. McLeod.) The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary, (Mr. J. Douglas, C.M.G.) The Hou'ble the Attorney-General, (Mr. Braddell.) The Hon'ble the Acting Treasurer, (Mr.
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  • 116 4 —If pec pie only knew the important part which the teeth play in the economy of health, they would be more careful to preserve tLem. Thin annot be done more effec tually thrnj I'jr the regular use of BowLAN Dm' Uipiisiii, or Peir] Dcntrifice, an elegant
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    • 520 4 Saturday, Ist December. British steamer Menelaus. 1.500 tons. Scale commander, Lnverpool 18th Oct., consignees W. Mansfield A Co. Sunday, 2nd December. British steamer Cleator, 317 tons, Cholk commander. Labuan 26th Nov., consignee J. D. Ross. mo ,,,iw Danish steamer Kjobenhavn. 701 tons. Jenehau commander. Swatow 24th Nov.. consignees Rautenberg
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    • 204 4 Saturday, Ist December. British ship Marathon. Halliday, for Callao. British steamer Bentan, Moppett, for Batavia. Monday, 3rd December. British steamer Busheer, Hutchinson, for Calcutta. Dutch steamer Banda, Van Loenen, for Samarang. British steamer slenelaus, Scale, for Hongkong. British steamer Minerva, Peacock, for Foochow. British steamer Chow Phya, Tweddell, for
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    • 1235 4 Ship's Nambs captains, A Rio. Dati or akRIVALS a'hkke From WhkkeLiinu ONBIGNKEB OB AGENTS Destination. *rrv QV WAI Palemba'ng" '.SUkman H.N.M.'s str. Oct. 20. Acheen T. P Wharf H.N.M.'s Consul General. Acheen Hart Evan* H. M. str. 588 Nov. 24 Raiang Ro i d v°m
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  • 9 5 m I P j. icfia&lltOCf- mpora the Band plu\
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  • 360 5 tL>- I the exhibition p Q., ami th. nng, many irly natives, were The '■(I expense r more numerous iind ompet i nft music made an ibition ex| "U a future occasion, the stributed until a and a more du- the public be popularize and public in the
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  • 2009 5 commencing to trim their cruaadd against the viewer for nitry from I latter has I ring .-mall wli.-n the Republic he governed by Republicans. ls the clergy blessed the trees of they will be prepared 1 ins when Crew ia elected President of the Republic. The cemeteries were
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  • Correspondence.
    • 152 5 TH E WA TER-WORKS. lo the /-.ilitor of the Daily 7 Sik, Any one who has seen lately the numbers of natives, 50 to 60 at a time, waiting rouud a stand pipe in the early morning in the Teluk Ayer district, for their supply of water, will agree with
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    • 184 5 Zfa the Edit,.,- of the Daily I Sir, Will you be so kiiui I me for I have a difficult problem to solve r My Guardian says that 1 d bttween two things either have ;i new bonnet for Christmas, or take occasional drives to the Botanical Gardens
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    • 4 5 th«
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    • 29 5 columns. ueral This lovers they d tain the grnt and Id 1 1 the abi .served and examined b\ there will be follow H. Your obeditSingapore, (Jth i
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    • 32 5 To the Editor of lh Sib, Pu ment in your Ov ie a hulmci time, prominent ai Alexander DuH', v. still hope to I remain Singapore *<77.
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  • 68 5 The following is a precis of yestei Govern The averag f t lir> three Banks durin red liauk The sale of I S 1 respective Light island vrishna I'oorei A rnheld o Port ol Rules and ..'ase of soi It i.Oftice i the hours of
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  • 9 5 Thk I. C). Peiuiuy; at ■> v. M lien- 10-m<
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  • 13 5 11. H. the Mahara; presented 1 .rdl'US ill be i* l 1 1
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  • 13 5 bei the g to [>orted the owes her* are requ<*t«d t" stand lirni.
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    • 200 6 i from as cou- |l'h refers ljpervois in r after his ii wmeh 1. •i) that it -tront,'in Archi[H'lago, and inprebe meiitionv. or Prim> Henn to make himself so unpopular with the LegislatiTe Couucii, that the members would any public private Morgan, should introduce all new bills into the Council
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    • 4 6 concludi u i f
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