The Straits Times, 30 December 1876

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
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  • 22 1 Domestic Occurrrence. DEATH. On the 23rd iu-tant at Telok Blanirah. E] M BighMSl I'mikii iUll< i in Il>ral mi. aged 41 y
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  • 94 1 STRAITS TIMES SATU RD AY, DECEMBERS 30 1876. A.PORB. DKCEMBLK oUIH. MM. Qambu-r I 4.40. Black Pepp r lift. •Vint-' Pepper nominal. r our, Saraw.k 2.7.!$ Pearl Sago IJf| OoftV, Bontynt: 1^. Tin I t''s. Mul.- twisi ltH». BJ lbs. Shirting 1 70. 7 do do 11" g do T.
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  • 1336 1 Ol i: last Overland Summary was dated the 1 Ith instant. The M. M. imer Mtikoßf from Marseilles with dates to the ll'tii ultimo, bringing the London mails of the 17th November arrived here on the r.»th instant. The 11. 11. steamer Effmmni from Shanghai Mil, Hongkong 14-th*
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  • 823 1 [r tlie Council is not to l>e dosed tliis year there are two matters that mi^ht form subjects fur interpellation by the unofficial members subjects which Mr. Read or Mr. Adamson might take up notwithstanding their nun eacrinm toe other day. One is tin- deplorable eoafusioa into which
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  • 976 1 Tiik Indian papers received by the mail st.amer are mainly occupied with dmnueaias: the warlike situation in Europe, the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi, accounts from the famine districts in Southern India, and details of the destruction caused by the storin-svave in Eastern Bengal. The famine continues but it
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  • 624 1 k extract from our China exchanges the following jottings of news ol more or less general interest. The Hongkong Government decided not to press the case against Low Ainan, ibc cousin of the coolie ssith a diseased spleen svliodied From the effect of a push or kick from
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  • 1609 1 THE MA LAYO AR CHIPELAGO. Wk have received an interesting lit tie pamphlet, written by Mr. P. C. L. Hartog, and addressed to the Sourabaya Trade Club, containing short extracts from the report of the voyages of the steamer Hi/eron to the South Western Isles, the South Eastern Islands, NessGuinea
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 202 1 mtmU ataa* known I into f,.r 1 i ■abacriptiona will m klwia II Stkkkt. 'dkmii i.i.. l. tabard street, city; i OU Jewry i ta Qat,A| rft Oo ifj in th. oopy tlie Mr rUoSM required, els.- ■0 rted till countermanded anted for aooordiagly. BS \M' COEBKSPOHDBH -ted to u.itioii
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1211 2 Thk report of the meeting of Council, on the 22nd instant, is interesting, fiom the information it contains upon two points, the recent riots, and the strange retrograde sentiment-, ventilated under the gave "f superior wisdom, by the llon'ble Janus RmMRJ Mac-Arthur, a legixlator, young in years and
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  • 1548 2 (Trmutlmttd for the Strait* Tune*. It \t re (nested of our contemporaries that in repro daeiag tbe*e tren»lations their original appeurauce i:i Mm SV.ufa Tim«\<, may be ackuowlej..' 1 Fbon Java papers to the 16th inst., the lollowing items of intelligence arc translated Rhio On the 9th ins'ant.
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  • 1361 2 (Translated for the Straits Times.J ilt is request. -.1 of our uuntoniportriea that iv reproducing thene tr:iii«l.i!i.inn their original appeumuc« in the, may be acknowledged!. I how Manila papers to the lb'th instant, the following intelligence is tr:i;:< '"ted At the close of November last, a hurricane
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  • 3051 2 NINOAPOEK 22N1) DecEMBJR, P tsmi His Excellency thk OoTsaaoa. His Hou.r the Acting (lii.f st TheHon'ble the olE£ Bfi.^ the i 'olonial 5.., r t u ./^P'the Attorn. y(,. > the Treamnvr. the A :.lit r-' i.-neral. >• H. A. K Whauipoii \l 1 W. H. Read. Wa,
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  • 391 3 Sin(,.u'ork, Mm Df.ckmhkr, Is~o\ PItKSKXT His EXCELI.KNCY THK GOVERNOR His Honour the Acting Chief Justice of I lVnaiig Mr. Ford/ The Hon'ble the Attornev-Gcneral, .Mr. Braddell. The Hon'ble the Treasurer, (Mr. Willans.) The Hon'ble the Auditor-General, (Mr. C. .1. Irving.) The Hon'ble H. A. K. Whainpoa. CM G.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 Holloicti])' t Ointment. Sores, wounds, ulcerations, and otber diseases affecting the skin, are amendable by this cooling and healing unguent. It has called forth the loudest praise from persons who had suffered for years from bad legs, abscesses, aud chronic ulcers, after every hope of cure bad long pasbed away.
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    • 977 3 NOTICE. A NATURAL MINKRAL WATKR With le fercnce to the Apollinaris Wat- r. which is bo well known in the Straits BettlesMnta, we liear that professor Wanklyn, the eminent Analyst of London, his just returned from an inspection of the Spring itself, arid reports: —1. From the Well issups a
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    • 766 3 plotters. KMJLISH GOODS, i Via Suez Canal, i At cheapest rat«s. I). NICHOLSON A i O. SII X, WOOIAra AND MA.M'HKSIKK WABS HOUdEMEN. INDIA. COLONIAL AND FOBUQsi OUTFITTERS, Vi to f% St. PAUL'SCHURCHYARI) CORNER OFCHEAP3IDE, LONDON, ESTABLISHED Is7t. Invite attention to their Illustrated L£U page Catalogue aud Outfitting List •!>>
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    • 507 4 Sunday, 24th December. German barque Herrmann. 484 tons, Davidsen, Bangkok 18th Dec. British steamer Arratoon Apcar, 980 tons, Peters, Swatow 17th Dec. Monday, 25th December. British str. Jupun. 381 tons, Guan Hin, Penang 22nd Dec. P. A O. steamer Khiva, 2,6<>9 tons. Lee. Bombay 13th Dec. British steamer Pakniui.
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    • 254 4 Monday, 25th December. P. A O. steamer Kbiva, Lee. for Hongkong. Tuesday, 26th December. British steamer Arratoon Apcar, Peters, for Bangkok. British steaiuer Glenfalloeh, Hogg, for New York. Spanish steamer Panay, Goyenechea, for Manila. Dutch steamer Patoeah, Tiiumerman, for Deli. Dutch steamer Amboina, Vermaas, for Batavia. Dutch steamer Bromo,
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    • 830 4 Ship's Names. Captains. flag Rio I Date of ab- Whebe From Wheee Lying Consignees oe Agents Destination. KIVALS MEN-OF-WAR Juno Poland fl. M. str. 2216JH0V. 9 Acheen Roads Senior Naval Officer. Station Moorhen Hope H. M. str. 4i>4 Dec. 17 Porak Do. Senior Naval Officer. Station
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  • 1200 5 December, Ut Is7i>. (Frum oar own Correspondent.) Iha Governor is away, supposed to be visiting parts of the Colony lie lias never BM U-lore, on his return from his visit to Melbourne. The Ministers are all away i in different parts, busily employed in securing their constituents for the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 500 5 To the Kililor of the Ihuly ffansV. Sin,—With a view to the recent excite- I ment anioniT MMM of the Chinese and the measures it appear! Sir William .lervois wished to take, might not some way be devised to execute the project in such a j way
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    • 109 5 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sir, —Wishing to make known to the contributors to this year's collection in aid of our Institution the result of yesterday evening's Drawing, and also, to tender our grateful thanks to all concerned, we respectfully beg you will insert the
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  • News of the Week.
    • 568 5 Thk British steamer Arratoon Ajtcir which arrived from Swatow on the 24th instant, has imported from that port BUU Chinese coolies. The S. S. Eastern hies about wlmsc safety some anxieties were felt, has we are jjlad to announce arrived here safely. Her late arrival was due
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    • 334 5 S. C. C. v. H. M Fleet. The above match was played on Fri- j day and Saturday last, and from the annexed score it will be seen re-sulted in drawn game although virtually the Fleet won with several wickets to spare. The additional attraction of the Band of
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    • 796 5 Owns to pressure on our space we are compelled to hold over the verbatim report of the last meeting of the Legis- lative Council, our Sydney letter, and i other matter until to-morrow. The A. If. Co's steamer An* t/u/jore, Captain J. H. Peake, from Sydney 2nd
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    • 1345 5 The British steamer lliwluxtiin, Captain Gardner, from HoaghoM with dates to the 21st instant, arrived alongside TaOJOOg Pa^ar wharf yesterday morning and left tor Pinang and Calcutta at :J v. m. to-day. Passenger-. For Singapore.— Ur. J. J. Nathan and I son. For Calcutta. From Hongkong i
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    • 374 3 Tub programme of next Monday Sports has been published and it is a comprehensive one races of all descriptions, and under peculiar disadvau- I tages, gastrononic accomplishments 1 at i the expcti-c of ship's biscuits 'first done', treacle dipping', walking on a greased I fonkang boom, and
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    • 682 3 Tut Colonial Government steamer J'lu/o, Acting Commander Huddle, from La rut, with dates to the 2-Uh ittSBMKj via Perak, anchored in the roads j yesterday. Pastengers. Captain Howard and 85 men of H. M. 80th Regiment. K-ijah Dris and 7 followers, Syed Marshaw and 7 fol- i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 667 6 V- Ccmjjanp. PFMNSUIAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Officib— D'Alnjeida Street. Godowkii— At New Harbour. MAIL IL.. LIKES. Thk following are the dates on which the ntract Mail Steamers nvy W exj-ei ttd t<> airive here in 1P77 ovtwarp. Homeward Tuesday 9th Jan. Wednesday 10th Jan. '.:<rd 24th r. I
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    • 856 6 iflisirrllanroHs. 'To ths Qttefn and Royal Family To H. R. the Prince of Wales (Special Appointments And to several Indian Potentates, Foreign G overn m ent and Rai 1 way Comp anies. Established 17 W. J. W. BENSON. Watch and Clock Maker, Goldsmith. Silver-Smith, and Artistic Metal Workfr. Prize Medalist
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    • 887 6 PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO Dissolve^ by OHLENDimFF <k CO., at their WSrks, Plaistow. Victoria Dock, London. by virtue op a Bpecial concession eranVed by THE PERUVIANvGOVERNMENT Under Mess. J. Henrjt Schroder Co.'s OeMTOt Gennral Agents for and Sole Consignees of The Peruvian Government Guano in the United Kingdom. GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN
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    • 947 6 iHtSffllanrou*. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. OLD SORES AND OLD SKIN DISEASES. The seeds of theee disorders are affec* tually expelled by this penetrating Unguent, not only from the superficial parts, but from the intenal tissues likewise. Any case, even of twenty years' standing, speedily yields to its influence. A CERTAIN CURE POR
      947 words
    • 924 6 Protected by Royal Letters Patent, Dated October Uth. 1869. Under Distinguished Patronage. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODTNE Ozonic Oxygen The new Curative Agent, and only Reliable Remedy for Nkkvms and Liver Complaints. ibis Pbosphatic combination is proonunced by the most eminent members of the medical Profession to be unequalled for its power
      924 words
    • 714 6 *Hferrilaitfoug. dp.,™ t^ o v otlorodyvp IS THF ORmiNAL AVI, OIIT Pr THEPubhcnrorArTK^;^' 1^ nnfonnded statement, f rpn ";?">'• U fh»t"the composition „f H I" known to Chemist. :.n,l :i,* v r Til** i( sionrThef^ti S .c HI .o R h or) f i il^..f.., vered ;md Invented by
      714 words