The Straits Times, 21 October 1876

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 26 1 r inglin, <>\\ Sun. l iv evening, Frieili. the beloved and Eli/.;tH>-tli Suhl. m >n he. I the -"tli instant, J daughter "f Mr. H. li.
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  • 1044 1 'vcrland Sunmiarv wasda:'!i wit. The M. M. itnamar Shanghai -21th, Hongkong Bum the Ith instant, the 7th inst., and left the .M.H-M.11.-.withtl.chome-maile. The M. M. st.a.nfrom Marseilles with dates ""ii ultimo, bringing on the i and Australian mails of the J h ultimo respectively ar- Kb mstant. The
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  • 821 1 A fire which unfortunately eventually consumed property to the estimated value of about $80,000 broke out last night in the hack premises of Messrs. Powell Co., Auctioneers, in the Square. Tboogh the signal gon, warning the inhabitants was aot fired until altout 11 SO, happily a
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  • 1586 1 I have had much pleasure in publishing the communications of our lively correspondent Aemo, and we hope to receive more of them from time to time. Such vigorous and intelligent criticism upon local matters is always welcome to journalists who in a place like this are often at
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  • 1501 1 (Translated f,,r the Strait* Time*. i It v r«-|. i.-st,. 1 of oar contemponriei that, in r»pro.luciu* these tmamUtioun their ordinal appatnu.. a lD t! may I* acknowledged). From Java papers to the 18th instant, the following intelligence is translated At the auction sale of Billiton tin held
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 A. known 1 into for long ptioaa will be 'ttici- ul-o in Btmi r < 'oknhu.i.. Bl 1 1 --t. city Old Jewry; in JOil- ii 4 :fv iii ill. oopj the v required, else all i. inftt>rt<*d till countermanded i ngly. i -.jii-i -tfuiiy reejaaatei to j— tlOß tO
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 701 2 A (ioou deal has been 6aid lately about the representation of public opinion in the place and it may not l>e inopportune to consider what public opinion here 16, how it is formed and how it is represented. It will relieve the subject of all personal application if
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  • 1696 2 Tiik Chefoo Convention continues to be the chief subject ofdiseOMMM in the China papers, ami the dissatisfaction with what may be called the Marirary clause is unabated. Two Chinese state papers reirarilinLr the convention have appeared in the Pek'm Ga:effe, translations of which have been published by
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  • Correspondence.
    • 823 2 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sir,—At last 1 can congratulate the public upon the fact of talking for a long while resulting in the attempt to do something. I mean with respect to steam boilers and lotteries. There has been an agitation going on for a long
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    • 273 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sih, Kead<ng the Rules of the Singapore Sporting Club, 1 notice that one of them provides that not later than three p. It., of the day previous to the race, the owner of each horse entered shall declare whether his horse
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    • 307 2 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sir, There was a good turn out of owners and the Fancy at the cousre this morning to witness the horses taken round, but good lack to see such rain conic down, and on the Ladies Day too. Very fortunately,
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    • 1687 2 (Continued.) To the Editor of the Straits Ti'nm. New York, 2888 At I^7o. The ticket from Chicago took me in luxurious saloon carriages through the richly cultivated regions of Ohio and lVnsylvania in which manufacturing towns were scattered at
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    • 267 3 Ktli tor of the Daily Times. Tie g« tired as your eorres;>on- I tin* Staiul enclosure this to be immed lately, saw that something on foot. Twohonm g throogfc. the liars on to the irteil in company r that evidently meant I'lisi- waa Toxopholite," and in animal
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  • News of the Week.
    • 2054 3 Iip P. O. Co.'s steamer Lonibarili/, CtpUia W. B. Hall from Bombay 3rd, 'alle sth, and Pinang 13th instant, •Hk the London mails of the 15th Ituno arrived alongside the P. O. 1 v wharf yesterday mornin";, and left 'I "iiwkuiig and Shanghai this morn- >wiag notitications
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    • 981 3 We learn by the Scutsman, that a portrait of Her Majesty as the Young Queen Mother of England has been painted by Mr. Tavernor Knott, on the commission of His Highness the Maharajah of Johore, for presentation to the Straits (Jovernment, and the picture will be placed
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    • 862 3 The Inquirer and Commercial News of the 6th ultimo, gives the following narration of a case of high-sea robber) or piracy, or what should it be called, which shows that we live in latitudes, where the rights of property are not rat so fully recognised as is
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    • 1018 3 Tn k P. &O. Co's steamer Deeca n Captain Gaby, from Shanghai with dates to the b'lli and Hongkong 12th instant, anchored in the roads on Tuesday night, proceeded alongside the P. O. Cos. wharf yesterday morning and will leave for Penang, Galle, and Bombay to-day with
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    • 133 3 The Burmah Steam Ship Co's steamer l'j/<i/i Pekket, Captain Joyce from Penang with dates to the 14th instant via Perak, Salangore, Klang, Liugy aud Malacca anchored in the roads yesterday morning and will return to the same ports to morrow. Passengers. .For Sinyapore. Col. Lynch. Lt. Wood,
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    • 421 3 Singapore, 20th October, 1876. Present His Excellency the Governor. His Honour the Acting Judge of Penan g (Mr. Phillippo.) The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary (Mr. Douglas, c.m.q.) the Attorney General (Mr. Braddell.) the Treasurer (Mr. Willans.) the Auditor General (Mr. C. J. Irving.) H. A.
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  • 505 4 On Saturday, several scientific gentlemen, merchants, and others interested m opening up the commerce of the United States of Columbia, visited the yard of Messrs. Yarrow and Co.. steam-launch builders, of Poplar, who have turned tlieir especial attention for some years past to the construction
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  • 122 4 Hulk/way's Ointment and Pills. Diseases of the Bowels. A remedy, which has been tested and proved in a thousand different ways, capable of eradicating poisonous taints from ulcers and healing them up, merits a trial of its capacity for extracting the internal corruptions from the bowels. On rubbing Holloway'e Ointment
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    • 575 4 Friday, 13th October. British steamer Glenlyon, 1,373 tons. Wallace commander, London 7th Sept., consignees Martin, Dyce A Co. Saturday, 14th October. British steamer Bentan, 340 tons, Muppett commander, Cherib<>n 11th ct.. consignees Cheng Tee, Wat Seng A Co. British barque Don Pedro 11.. 242 tons. Carpenter commander. Macassar 29th
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    • 251 4 Saturday, 14th October. BritUh stt-amer Rajpootana. Lewis, for Calcutta. Sunday, 15th October. British steamer Rosa. Chopard, for Sourabaya A Bally. Dutch steamer Patoeah. Vermaas. for Deli. Monday, lfith October. P. 4 O. steamer Lombardy. Hall, for Hongkong. Spanish steamer Paragua, Gil. for Manila. British steamer Glenlyou, Wallace, for Hongkong.
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    • 511 4 SHip'b Names. Captains. Flag Rio B Date 5 OF ARH KiVALS Whkre From Where Lying Consignees or Agents 'Destination MEN-OF-WAR Deli 'Brand H. N. M. str. Moorhen Hope H. M. str. &.line Kirk Sar. Govt. STEAMERS I 'i i. >t Fish Marshall Brit. str. Weazel Marshall
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 NOTICE. i miii i.k i > containing a full report of the late debate in the Legislative Council on the Malay States have been published, aud can be obtained at the office of this paper. Price 75 cents per copy. Singapore, 13th October, 1376.
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    • 776 4 ftourrs. JOYCE'S SPORTING AMMUNITION Established 1820. The attention of Sportsmen is invitsp to tae following Ammunition, of the .a te quality, now in general use throughout England, India and the Colonies. Joyce's treki.k waterproof A f. 3 QUALITY. PERCUSSION CAPS. Chemically-prepared Cloth and Felt Gun Wadding. Joyce's gab-tight cartridges, For
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    • 225 4 fiotfrra. NOTICE. THE ARSENAL, JOHORE. Steam Saw Mills Department. Capable of turning out 500,000 superileial feet of sawn timber per month. Vessels of the largest size can load alongside the mills wharf. Orders received for the supply of Railway sleepers, Beams and Piles. A large assortment of planks and scantling
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    • 199 4 Notices. TURKISH TOBACCO, RUSSIAN CIGARETTES. From La Ferme. The undersigned have just received a large assortment, comprising some of the finest qualities. Also, Amber and Meershauin holders, for cigarettes and cigars. Meershaum and earthen pipes for lurkish Tobacco. French cigarette paper of several sizes, A large assortment of plated and
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    • 188 4 flotttc. LAMPS. We have just received a large iavoim „f the above viz Hanging Lamps, Table Lamps, from > dollar upwards good quality and aooao< inieal burners gu irantee<l. We beur to offer for sale, Best Wcstphalian Hams, f r >in lbs. upwards. Also, a few cases of superior Dutch
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  • 647 5 1 think the nbined 11 i utility. In 1' Kngland l-'th exhibit Well, .1 t.'ll- l>.i|x-r. and to 1 will only an rich and I gnerous .1 tn have I bope the > is:I pi il expert ition. < that nation in its inwit*. tnillKont ..iilv. should now niimlxT I
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  • 391 5 "THE GAMING HOUSES" ORDINANCE 1876. ORDINANCE LOT* f-hturoffi,, OmUm Rate*. ithfe abuvi abort title I repeal and iv.,. v »t with amen nr1 N Mil of 1570," is pubnetted in the leal issue of the Govrr Tbe last Rect ion but one of iht Ordinance has follows: -The Gamin- 1!
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  • 228 5 To (he Editor of the Daily Timm. Sir. I never shrink from criticism, bat I do object to misrepresentation. The I rading article in your paper of Pri lay last, which I only read yesterday, takes me to task for lavishing praise on the
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  • 152 5 PRUMI^ES. To the Elit>r of the Diily Timm. Sir. Kindly permit us iv your opium ns to return our warmest thanks to the num. ben of good friends who rendered such valu-iliV aeaiataaee, aome al the risk of their lives, during the tire at
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  • 245 5 7'. i the Editor of the lltihj Times. Sir. I observe an article in the 1011 Mall Budget protesting againat the unnecessary use of Railway Whistles in the Metropolitan Lines during the night, as a nuisance causing annoyance to thousands living iv the neighbourhood. I think the same objeotioa
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  • 222 5 To the Editor of the Daily Timm. Sir, The stin shone brightly this morning at Rocbore in pleasing contrast to the down pour and gloom of yesterday, and I Urge number of the lovers of Sport eoneeqnently mustered at* an early hour at the stand. Horses from
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  • 682 5 To the Editor ofthe Daily Time*. Sir, The complaint as to the low rate of pay the Police receive has been the theme for talk ever since the formation of the Force. Hut no attempt has l>een made to increase it, though both the late a:id present Governor have
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  • 983 5 To the Editor of the Daily Timm. Sin, -The <|uestion as to what must be done in the matter of Chinese Immigration lias become one of the most important of the uav. It is not gong too tar to .say that it is a matter which affects not only
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  • 144 5 To the Editor of the Daily limes. Sik, You are sadly behind the time, if you suppose that the Fire brigade you suggest, is a new idea. Iv 1843 one was talked of, and iv lt>7U or 3, one was formed, the result of which will be
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  • 244 5 To the Editor of the Daily Timr*. Sir, 1 notice by your account of the lire at Messrs. l'owell Co's premises that a quantity of account books and ledgers were consumed. Now, Sir, there cau be no doubt but that a quantity of most valuable deeds, documents
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  • 86 5 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sik, If as your correspondent '"Nemo" says "we are standing on a volcano, which suddenly at any moment may overwhelm us with disaster," and if we are living in constant anxiety and alarm," because of the Chinese Secret Societies, it
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  • 552 5 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sir, Hotli yesterday afternoon and this morning there was a very good gathering of the knowing ones of the land at the course. Yesterday morning was so wet, and boisterous that training was out of the cpuestion, hence the spins
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  • 263 5 To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sib,— 1 have to report the opening of the betting bat prudence forbids me informing you as to the exact spot where the transactions took place, nor am 1 going to even give a hint to the police as to
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  • 236 5 To the Editor of the Daily Time*. Sir, I quite endorse your views aa expressed in your leader of "the 18th, instant, in respect to the formation of a Fire Brigade. It is much to Ih; regretted that with valuable and effective appliances at hand a start"
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  • 729 5 To the Editor of the Daily Time*. Sir, To a stranger the now flourishing city of Singapore seems singularly destitute of monumental ornamentation, whilst to those who know the history of the Settlement and are connected with it by ties of the past there is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 705 6 fh Si company. PFKINfTIAB AND OBIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Ojtices— D'Ahneida Street. i.i.wwa— At New Harbour. MAIL §r^.- IIMS. iHr following me the dates on which tbe (on'piiuV 'Vntract Mail Steamers nay be expected to airive bpre in 1876 •ctwakp. .Homeward Tuesday 11th Jan. Wednesday l.tb Jan n 25th 26th
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    • 858 6 iHferrllanrous. To the Queen and Royai. Family To H. R. the Princb of Wal«8 (Special Appointment) And to several Indian Potentates, Foreign Government and Rail wav Companies. Established 1749. J. W. BENSON, Watch and Clock Maker, Goldsmith, Silveb-Smith, and Artistic Metal Workkr. Prize Medalist of the London, Dublin, and Paris
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    • 904 6 ifttsfrrllanrous. PERUVIAN' GOVERNMENT GUANO Dissolved by OHLENDORFF APO.. at their Works, Plaistow. victoria Dock, London. by virtue of a special concession wanted l.v THE PERUVIAN GOVERVMEVT Under Mess. J. Henry BcndDm A ;oo.*i QoatvoL General A-jents for and Pnin fTcmeiu ÜBM of The Periviav Govfun-mknt c, rANO in the United
      904 words
    • 918 6 iHtdrrllanrou*. HE MOST RELIABLE PRTBV D HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, i ts DwiirMnfl an( i Healing Properties ar known and recognised throughout the world. The number of years this in vamnwe iOntment Iris stood the teert of public opinion (and the longer known the better anpreciated^ is a testimony of itself more
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    • 945 6 ifl isfrr Ilanf ous. Protected by Royal Letters Patent, Dated October 11th, 1869. Under Distinguished Patronaob. DR. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Oxonic Oxygen The new Curative Aient. and only Reliable Remedy for Milkvous and Liver Complaints. j,bi« Phoaphatic combination is pro. onuneed by the most eminent members of the medical Profession to
      945 words
    • 595 6 R. .T. POTT- r WT,OT?Onvvp' fel SsssaS V Hi.. Br,| i n.0,, r(lf •v.t been wMi,^ 'Vf>'r i'r V Wnon stated th:'.V'"n!' "<• 8ir W n wa u n .onUed, ytl Plnv n PFMFT>IAT, FfSpR Vi refresW* ,Wp, .3EJ g svotom. restores tn* d.>r,n, -nH stimulates heaJthv aoH.,n Z''" 1
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