The Straits Times, 20 March 1875

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
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  • Doestic Occurrences.
    • 26 1 •be 16th in-tant at hU real dence, die, Robert Can "foods, aged M 1 Jakan, oi Urn 39th Deocaaher List, t Dysentery, William Wcoeaer, E-'j.,
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  • 96 1 SATURDAY, 1 1 THRURSDAY, MARCH 20,1879. LATEST QUOTATIONS SiNoA.roKE, Makch JOth, 1575--'irfinbuT 5.17 J. Pepper lo.Ut. White Pepper IS. 1 our. Sarawak t.\'\. 1*• iirl Sago 3.-JO. Bontrns -•">. I'm U.TU;,t 113, -i ll.s. Shirtinga -J^>. 7 do do 1.80. S dv T. CUI.s 1.11 do do IM\ 7 do
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  • 840 1 I •nii;i i.i>s our raaderi nut have Inn M.iiuwliat surprised, if nut amused, ppou reading tli>' extract from the which we published ■..i\> and which announced "a rumour to the effect that tlie Stivits rtil. inriiis will be brought again 11 tk 1 <-r the Mithority
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  • 331 1 ()t uautlioiities may not he aware how much the nowaamodation for miMeh«it slii|ipin^ in the Old Harbour is now circameeribed. First of all, i:i the very centre of the Harbour, in a liraight line with Dalhousie I'ier obelisk and the Fort Canning lagataaT, a boov is^ uiooieil
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  • 589 1 To know that a well established Government has existed for many years without having provided for a pension to the widows of ollicers who have lost their lives in and through service, is a^ painfolaa it is startling; and yet, at the present moment, it appears that
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  • 568 1 TliK Pcnany Gazelle, in the extract we published yesterday, takes exception to the refusal of this Government to ratify the leases of the Perak Opium and Spirit Farm, on terms agreed upon by the Resident or the Sultan, and says, We cannot sec how, when matters have
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  • 2510 1 M imtks of proceeding! of the Municipal Commissioners ou Tuesday the 10th March, 1575. Com m iuipmtn I'rcseu/. J. It. Mac Arthur, Bag I'reshleut. Capt. S. Dunlop, n. a. B. J. Wells, Esq. W. Old ham, Esq. Minnies. The minutes of the last moeting were read ami confirmed.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 224 1 AIiVKKTISF.MEKTS. Ten Shi made kn >wn I int.. for long parioia w ill Ih> i >:!!■ also in i: N 11 1 11.. i. nbard Btroi I I HI Jewry in Calrj in the e.'iy the leqaJred. else all 1 1. 1 t 111 eoimtermauded d for I'll' i I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1418 2 Tur Heagfaoaf Cofeainl Secretary, ft pre^i lit ieting QoveroOTj appears to have been again diatiagaiahing himself .1- a proataaar in the art or science of cireiunlocution. We append below BB extract from the Hongkong Daily PraM giving an ace unit of a recent scene in the Legislative
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  • 2910 2 Paris, Fkbiu'auv 13. Oto'a hair may be excused for atnndtag on end at the marvellous progress the A.-s.-ml.iv displays in constituting the Republic. The principle of the Senate— tlial the Senators shall U- elected by Universal Mill'r.ige has Imch voted more rapidly, and has prouueed greater astonishment than
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  • 112 2 London, \\t/i March. FItAXtK. Buffet's Ministerial programme disappoints the Republican party. EWLaJDX John Mitchell lias been Iw wlcwtad for Tippemrj over Moore by an overwhelming majority. Lmiilon, Id/// Jurat, France. Buffet has declared his policy to be conservative without vindictiveness An interview between the Austrian and Italian Sovereigns
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  • 365 2 MALACCA. .Malacca, Urn M.wtrn. (From an occasional Correspondent.) Tim 1). 1. s. K. Cos. steamer thm, Captain I low ell, from Calcutta, with dates to the Ul'nd ult., (via intermediate Ports.) arrived here last Thursday Boning, and sailed the same afternoon for Singapore. She may l>e exacted here on
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  • 29 2 MONDAY, 15n MAUCII. The N. I. S. N. Coy's steamer Bindoro, Capt. van Emmerick, from Batavia 9th inst., arrived at Tanjong Pngnl wharf yesterday morning.
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  • 16 2 The Sarawak steamer Jttfmtitt, Capt. Kirk, from Sarawak 12th inst., anchored in the roads yesterday forenoon. ♦>
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  • 20 2 The British steamer Omuhl' t—tl Capt. Cowie, from London 26th Jan. via Jeddah arrived at Tanjong Efagar wharf this morning.
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  • 18 2 The Austrian war steamer Wriedrick, anchored in the roaaa this morning, having hjtft Bangkok on the 2nd inst.
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  • 34 2 Wi an authorised to stnta that our paragraph of Saturday last, concerning the appointment of Mr. C. 11. Harrison Jr., to office in Perak, was incorrect. Mr. Harrison has boon given no appointment whatever.
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  • 39 2 The Go*, a fine new steamer of the British India S. N. Company, leaves at i o'clock this afternoon ror Calcutta via Pcnang and the Hurinali ports. Passengers. For Rnngnon. Mine. Louise, SMiaaionaries, 9 deck. For Culcutt'i. Archeacon Gray.
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  • 41 2 Saturday*! Oovtrumeni QtetU notiliestlie appointment of J. I). Vaughan, Ks<j., as teaaporary Puiane Judge, and the Hon'ble C. H. Phuket as a Magistrate and Justice of the IVace. The Note circulation ofthePinang Branch of the Chartered Hank during February WM SU.UUO.
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  • 39 2 11. 11. the Maharajah Johore has invited the Captain and officers of the German corvette Ilertka to visit him, with their vessel, at Johore Bahru next Thursday. This will be the first visit of a German man-of-war to Johore.
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  • 126 2 The If. M. steamer Peiho, Capt. Melizan, from Marseilles 11th February, via Port Said, Suez, Aden and (Jallc Bth iust., arrived at the Bon Co's wharf yesterday afternoon, and will leave, aid r the arrival of the Hatavia steamer, for Saigon, Hongkong, and Shanghai: Paaroama. ForSinaoporv. From Marseilles M Adams
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  • 105 2 H. M. S. C/taryUis, Capt. Smith, for some time the Senior Officer*! ship on this station, will, we learn, have on Thursday for Hongkong, t<> join the fleet ill the China waters. She will be followed short Iv nftcrwarls by H. M. S. Hart, which will be relieved on this
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  • 102 2 Wi hear the Post Office returns for I S 7 1- show a most encouraging result of reduced [HTttagT. nIH of the various postal conventions concluded within tin' year, the net profit of the Postal Department, alter piyi all expend and the Imperial nan tin 1 I'" amounting to mam
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  • 93 3 Kill.' Association, il organisation, held v- liftb monthly eompKitioa last i: ai the Race Coarse. was originally fixed far Urn Saturday, but Urn heavy ae> that aftemeen net enlj .jte.l the match, but speedily me into hike, through which the competitien had to aw. Right pi iam wen the amouiit
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  • 21 3 11 BSDAY, L6ni MARCH. H rteemer Rsa Tm§ flnw, Ciaik. from Renal ah Itta inst. •red in the roads this morniag.
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  • 21 3 British steamer Pmri, Capt. \|imk, ip'in Penang 1 Ith inst., anchore roadi tin- morning, and will r< ning for Hongkong ami
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  • 26 3 Spanish steamer Fniiliani', ('apt. Mcitdcxona, from Liverpool C'lnl Jan. lia and Barcelona, aiiiyed at the |> I' wharf tliis morning, and will leave tin- evening tut Manila.
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  • 46 3 'I'ii. i.i. i: \m has been meerved from rtlting that Sir Andrew Clarke's departure from this for India will be de■inti' the arrival of Sir William We learn that a telegram to ne etieet has reached the Caam- iiuiieiec, but that it is of a 'ire.
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  • 41 3 In telegram of the sth March, we published yesterday. The reported as |o>t I uden Island with jjh> pnraflna .il. must have been an Australian I 1 gland I\ im; in Bam*! in the fairway of Melbourne v dney bound si
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  • 48 3 A t. gram was received last evening Exchange announcing that the steamer with the next raid mail left Saigon at 1 v. m. that the will ii"t probabthil before Thursday. Hiee Bran ai $1.20 to 11.21 BJ |2.27. Preightafirm; '> to 26 cents per picul SO to ~1 cents.
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  • 113 3 Os Saturday's issue we mealled the th' 1 newly finished carriage rnment House had, daring nnder storm of the aay» become a complete wreck. If this wreck were by lightning, there is ttieead of the whole matter; but if, and the balance of probability lies this way, the destruction of
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  • 228 3 AMOHQR <>ur li^t of deaths tins morning will he found the name of Mr. R. Woods, one of our oldest European resident* which time and change had left us, and one whose 0 occasion aineere regret Mr. arrived hire boa Bombay now i| n rortj yean ago, i»"d from t
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  • 175 3 urn \..i I by the French mail >bo Europe, give some inU-l-erning taetomol theetfajn- r Hums which 1. t London <>n Urn -Ist Jauuan lor the Straits and Chi- disaster OOU«red in tin- Hod ibout U da\s MU pa* Aden, wlirt at o'ifock in tin- morning, tin' i suddenly struck
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  • 430 3 Tim; annual public meeting of the friends and subscribers of the Rallies Institution was held at noon to-day, in the Upper Room ef the Town Hail. The attendance was imt so numerous as could have been desired, but was jmgnr than at many previous meetings. His Kxcelleney Sir Andrew Clarke
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  • 1112 3 Tut following, which we find in the M.nlras Times, will be news to people here There is a rumour to the effect that the Straits Settlements will be brought ;ii.'ain under the authority of the Government of India, and we should not be surprised if it proves correct in fact.
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  • 18 3 WEDNESDAY, 1 7 rn MARCH. Tm. British steamer Ko'ma, Capt. Morrison, from Jeddah 12th ultimo, arrived yesterday afteruoon.
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  • 14 3 Tut British steamer Milton, Capt. Butch art, from Bwatow 9th inst., arrived this morning.
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  • 27 3 Tiik Spanish steamer Buenaventura, Capt. de Yspizua, from Manila lOth inst., arrived at the Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning, en route to Liverpool, via Cadiz and Barcelona.
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  • 24 3 Tiik London and China Express says that Mr. Charles Tremlett, formerly a resident of Singapore, has been gazetted as Her Majesty's Consul at Saigon.
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  • 89 3 It may be well to notice, both as an example worthy of commendation in itself, and as one to be imitated by our high ollieials here, that our latest files af the Hongkong papers contain the Annual Reports and Blue Book returns for 1874,01 two of the (Jovernment Departments, the
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  • 126 3 Yksteupay, a Chinaman named Lim Tong Kirn, represented as the proprietor of a Johore omnibus, was brought up before Capt. Douglas, Police Magistrate,ona summons issued at theinstauce of M r. C. Emmerson, for using a horse unfit for use. The horse was very lame, and suffering from paralysis. After hearing
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  • 529 3 "Tmi is no very important intelligeace from Aobeea says the I'ciimii/ (la:cllr in its last issue. "Since the cap 1 me ol Longhatta, which no doubt was a very severe blow to the Achiiiese, the Dutth have been gradually extending the range of their fortified posts, encountering much less resistance
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  • 1003 3 Tiik E. A. Company's steamer Brix'j mi' which Bailed from Brisbane on the JJrd March, is advised by telegram is having left Batavm at '6 t.M. yesterday and may be looked for early ou Saturday morning. The M. M. steamer Sera, Capt. Revin, from Batnvia 14th inst.,
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  • 27 3 Tiik K. I. S. N. Coy's steamer Sitmla, I Capt. Van Leuweii, from Rhio 18th inst., arrived this morning, en route to Ben kalis.
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  • 12 3 11. If. S. CkmrjUi; Capt. Smith, left yesterday for Labuan and Hongkong.
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  • 38 3 Wi are requested by the Clerk of the Course to draw attention to the additional prin of $56 which is to be given by the Committee to the second horse in the hurdle race for the City Plate.
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  • 36 3 town. Hr.vm.Y, of the 1 /Kith Regiment, has been appointed Assistant Superintendent of I'olice at Penang, and is at present acquainting himself with Police duties in the Singapore Police office previous to taking up his appointment.
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  • 74 3 With reference to the extract from the Morning Pott that appealed in our issue of the 12th instant, concerning the Malay States, the Secretary to H. 11. the Maharajah of Johon has called our attention to the fact that the word Joktrt is used in the article instead of Ju/iulc,
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  • 75 3 Till: following passengers took ttuir departure by the M. M. steamer this morning. flsita, Mr. C. Schloger, '1 natives. For Alinlrtix. Mr. I'arkes, 1 native. for ttdiekety. B aaiives. Far A-i.,l.— Sbetk Abdulhi Ucshraedand 3 eliildien. 3 natives. 0 Ftii- JfensiUsi. Messrs. nrkss, J. de VVigan, Gaae, M. MeSporrou, F.
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  • 109 3 Tin. examination of the prisoners charged with the murder of Mi. Dent, which has been -going on for some days before the Hon'ble C. li. l'luuket, Maf^etaatr, was eonehalal cc Wednes. day evening,'. Two more prisoners had been added to the numl er during the program si am e\,iinination, but
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  • 17 3 SATURDAY, 20th MARCH. Thk Danish steamer Kjo'ienkaren, Capt. 'form, from Hongkong 12th in»t. arrived during last night.
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  • 109 3 His ExceUeney the Governor has directed an inquiry to be made by the V isiting Justices into the circiim»tances attending the recent outbreak in the Criminal Prison. As the inquiry would be most conveniently conducted by a Committee of the Justices, the following gentlemen have been selected for the duty,
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  • 180 3 The E. A. mail, steamer ArMSMM, Capt. Balfour, from Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane 3rd March, via Northern ports of Queensland and Batavia, arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf yesterday afternoon, having made the run from Brisbane in a few hours over 16 days. Passengers For Singapore.— From MeHxmrn.-: Messr-.. R. Rutherford,
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  • 182 3 Wim.K Sir Harry Ord was Governor, it was mooted to place a Police station on or near the Alexandra Road, but the matter seems to have been allowed to drop, although from all accounts the necessity for more protection in that district exists as much as ever. More than one
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  • 175 3 A few days ago Malay named Toongal was detected carry ing two krisses on his person, and the corporal of police an charge of the nearest station took charge of the krisscs, the carrying of arms bj natives being prohibited, but alJpwed the man to go free, telling him be
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  • 115 3 TllK lloilijkomj Dmlj I' rent of the, 12th inst., gives the following notice of the departure of H. E. Sir Arthur Kennedy for Europe Sir Arthur Kennedy and Mi»», a.'.-ouipanied by Captain O'Oallaghan laid.-.te camp) left f.-r England by the M. M. steamer Ac* at uoou Natecda* Urn Excellency's
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  • 56 4 nd I gaav li. ii I ilu- party f .i---wi 11. I-- v- •I i rvod. Sir J< hn H infill. Boa. J. Ur VV. H Al< -''T de '.ister, i. Id, Dr. Ayies, Pykc,Mr. I irked ia >iint<- waa I tliera eaaela ia th.- jri naitj a pi all
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  • 72 4 Ihi a :ui the Bntrica og lodged with m uj) till Doun to-day Cir. MatThe Gotern. I Cv;\ A 1. The Cii Mllil Plate. A 1. -tone. <ah. I lI X Tai Mahaeajah '.i On. dry. ijh. A 1. The Tkcii m v (i r. Sy A 1. UiU.
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  • 469 4 Tiii investment ofFormosabyChiaaM qoenl upon the late Japanditioh, !ia> beta rather unfortunati for Chint-ae preatiga UMng tlie vi.>, thoogk eronfeeal bjr tbt ;.nr-e, find an eaMiT enemy to '.i in the Caineaa lines, and have made a eaeoeaaful attack that, by g tluiu, will re»der their subjugation more diflicult. W«
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  • 471 4 ENAMEL PAINTS ITS USES AND ECdNOMY. The high price of all materials used in the building, engineering and shipbuilding trad' 8, as well as the euormons increase in wages, render it absolutely neees-ary that the most •economical and effie -..•ions measures should be resorted to for tae purpose of making
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  • 502 4 We have received from our correspon- dent fuiiLt-r )>articulars of the affray bethe Aborigines and Chinese troop* on tin- l:>th ultimo. He writes as follows time in the month of January, two Chinese Military Officers, who were travelling down the coatt iv the
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  • 118 4 Hollottay't Pilh are the medicine most in repute for curing the multifarious maladies which attack humanity, when wet aud cold weather gives place to mo;e genial teaiperatarea, In short, these Pills never fail to afford relief in all the disturbances of circulation, digestion, and nervous energy, which at times oppress
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    • 508 4 Saturday, 13th March. British steamer Killarney, I.OGO tons Wish coamiiuder, JedJah 17th Feb British barque Ell.i Beatrice, 399 tons, Thompson commaudcr, Newcastle 18tn ept., consignees McAlister Co. Sunday, 14th March. Dutch steamer Sindaro, "40 tons, van Emmerick commander, Bataria 9th March, consignees Hamilton, Gray Ai Co. Italian barque Benedetto
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    • 207 4 Monday, IKth March. Spanish B^eamcr Paragua, Bliaaide, f-«r M BritUb ateamer Ki'::-.v.; v. Wi Birtiab atouner CUow Pbya, Ort in, for Bangkok. British steamer G.u, Howrll, f.>r Calcutta. Briti/u steamer Turn Morton, Webeter, for Baig >n. t TueedaT, Iflti Hkrch. S:->anii-!i steamer Emili mo. Mendel ma, for Manila Dutch
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    • 612 4 il.Ad AM) KlU.'i'ON".-. D.VTt. r a;^- Win::;:: Fbo> RJVAL. ktvsxoa i &kBtina;jion. >Hir's Names. 'ATTAINS. MEN-OF-WAR Hart Thistle Hertlin Fried rick 8 Lapwing STBAIIKtiS Martaban Wcaze'. Khi\a 5 Agnes 0 August i Singapore 1 Japan Fitzpatriek 1 Siud"io Milton Kromatah 5 P.mtie Kj >benliaven Brisbane SAILING
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  • 43 4 1 Tanjtfttg fagar nan. Victoria Dock 6 Jardine, Mathenon and Company s Wn»-rf. 3 P A O Wharf Bon Accord Dock 4 Borneo" Comply. Wharf Jj Government Wh»rf 5 FataW Slip »nd Dock Company At Johor*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1211 4 jVu&criianrmis C4OLIKG, REFRESHING INVIGORATIXO Are thei-ffectaof ROWLANDS" KALYDOR O:: t j of nil osed to the scorcliintf Sun. ami Buffering from i sunburn, fMeluea, i"ga of insects, spots I Mi.l cutaneous eruptions for which it is a complete cure. B ;U LANDS' MACASSAR OIL Prevents the hair falling otf or
      1,211 words
    • 145 4 ilUaWUmtaWtf, THF I e.mucida utt> i!y ruia tin i u.uin-1. I.m. 1 < rioiiu 1 trvrn BOWLArTD.V v Pie. If or turning grey, bail b.'jnti- ROWLANDS K and entail*- ■•i- < althy puriimulexion. R .'WL.\;< :M. 1', .1 in red or grey hair, whiskeraant] i v aad ten! brown bin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 726 5 U. Sc cempanp. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Offices— D'Almeida Street. Godowks— At New Harbour. MAIL fc^ij UlfE8 The proposed dates of arrival of the ■lupiny'* Contract Mail Steam Ships at Singapore, in connection with the service, ill be' as follows Ovtw/rd. Homeward < Tuesday 12th Jan. Wednesday 13th
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    • 882 5 iHiSrrllanrous. To the Queen and Royal Family To H. R. the Prince of Wales (Special Appointment) And to several Indian Potentates, Foreign Governments, and Railway Companies. Established 1749. J. W. BENSON, Watch and Clock Maker, Goldsmith Silver-Smith, and Artistic Metal Worker. Prize Medalist of the London, Dublin, and Paris Exhibitions.
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    • 913 5 irlisrrllanrouc. PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, Dissolved by OHLENDOBFF CO., at their Works, Plaistow. Victoria Dock, London. by virtue of a special conceBBion granted by THE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT Under Mess. J. Henry Schroder Co.'s Control. General Agents for and Sole Consignees of The Peruvian Government Guano in the United Kingdom. OCARANTSED TO
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    • 797 5 iHtirrilaiuoud. THE ROAD TO HEALTH. AND LONG LIFE. Secured by HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Impurities of Blood. In selecting the most appropriate medicine for a particular ailment, there may be some difficulty unless one can be found to purify, regulate, and improve tho quality of the Wood. These Pills possess and exert
      797 words
    • 1006 5 ittferrUanrotttf. Established in 1820. C. LAZARUS CO., Incorporated with Shearwood Co., Cabinet makers, Upholßterem. Billiard Table Manufacturers. Carvers, Gilders, Decokators, and General Furnishing Cohtkactors, By Appointment To His Excellency the Viceroy of India, H R. H. th<* Duke Edinburgh, 4c, Ac, House. Land and General Commission AGENTS, Appraisers and Importers,
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    • 835 5 iftidrrllanrotid. DR. J. COLLIS BBOWK CHLORODYNK Is the Original and only Genuine The Public are Cautioned unfounded statements (raqaeatly that "the composition of GSLOIODI known to Chomists and the M.di. il Prof eg. sion." The fact is, Chlorodynk was I) vered and Invented by Dr. J. Cm. i. is \\<
      835 words