The Straits Times, 14 May 1872

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 17 1 Ob the 2">th April. Is7^. Henriett i I sfeDo, I ■:,ra 3 montK. ..i,l IT ,!:ivm
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  • 83 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1972. LATK8T MAKKET (JUOT4TION& SmoAPOMt, Mat 1th, 187S. Gambier J &50 r 1:> _•">. ,,$21. i lour Singapore 2.09! -■>. do -1:111 \,U)\a> \.il\ I.70L 1.90. Cambrics 15 A L6a :U. t j- tkl. Opinm new ."*<>:tj. Do 1).. old nominal. v man.,k OB Lomooi
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  • 832 1 Di'EIXO the short interval siuce the departure of the last mail, there ha* been little genera] news to summarize. Considerable public interest has, bowever, been excited bj a paper written by Mr. .John Pope Hennoeay, late Goof Labuan, to the Colonial Office, <ii the Union of Labuan with
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  • 721 1 Tall ftifweMi QtsUe «i the :Mth instant, givee some interesting particulars of the \isit of Hajah Brooke to the Sultan of Hrunei. The (ioveriLmeiit steamers Hojalitt and //<•</ itxrase conveyed 11. 11. and stall' consisting of Messrs. Paul, Hough ton, Chapman, Sinclair and Quanta. Their arrival in the Brunei
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  • 1086 1 Signed and sealed betsniuu His Hisjnne«B the Sultan i>f Brunei and His Highlies.- the Hajah of Sarawak. April I^TJ. 1. That tin- Bruiiii (iovi-rntaeiit agrees to Open their coast and put to Sarawak traders. 2. That no extortionate eiistoin dutii'K ;n. t" 1" ileinanded t'roui their traders.
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  • 3135 1 l'uns. Max ii SO. Politics for the moment have, like the church bells, liecome silent. The Assembly takes three weeks holiday, being one more than M. Thief! was inclined to grant, and even one week' earlier than he was i prepared to concede. It will Im- a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 A i "^TS. Terms for Adv. m>-m.nts made known I into for long periods tcriptiona wiU be 1:'• e also in HIM.. nii.ard Street, city; in pear .V; Co. iDecify in tho oopy the insertions required, else all .1! be insiTted till countermanded, I for accordingly. CoKltKSl ribera are respectfully
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 1752 2 Til following items of China news are gathered from the papers to band by the mail PEKING. IV QntMn of the 7th and Hdi March disclose a very pretty bit of Huudcriiiu'. or sqneeaiaa^ near JehoL Bo far as we can make out the 1 OBOBi certain waste lands
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  • 137 2 Luuhm, i y M/i ApnL—'Y\u- reply of Seeratarj Pink ha* been reserved j it is lengthy and extremely amicable in«oiie; it >tate> that President (inint is favorable to the withdrawal of all the indirect claims provided Kngland agrees that neutrals shall be held UTeaponaiblc lor consequential damage., hereafter.
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 749 2 T,< ih, Editor if the /Wy ISmm Siii: Although I nay lx- given to "fashing to hasty ooneloeious 1 am by no nii'iiiis arxious, at tin 1 pnml moment, to eater into a lengthened ooneepondeaee upon ha ijucstion of tin- annexation of Lahti.m to tliis
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    • 158 2 To thr Editor of thr !St,;ii/x Time*. Sir. -In the Sarawak (Imittr of yesterday* date a Government Notification regarding Sales by Auction is published. Some, we presume Editorial, quotations from the English Law ap|ieax in the same paper, which are so evidently* intended to retlcct on an auction
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    • 351 2 LABUAN AND THE STRAITS SET. TLEMENTS. To the Editor of the ftVw«M BaSM. Sir: Are you not rather severe upon Sir Harry Ord, C. H. in your remarks upon the I'lu/o We have l>een so quiet since his return from Kngland, that I shook] regret to see the old angry
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    • 253 2 (From an ocnwiviitil Corrmjiondent.J SAII.nv. Ist li Ai'KIL. 1871. Stagnation in hiisiness as far as Kuro-iM-an- are concerned, and little OHM to think of here. A heavy fall in the price of rice in Hongkong is MM apparent cause of the present state of atlairs, but the secret is
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    • 157 2 Saiiion, I 7tii AiMtii., 1878. Little doing here. The late telee-nmis Stating the possibility of another rupture between France and (Jerinany has caused a little excitement. There is no doubt but that the Oenaaaa will be again expelled if the Powers come to blows even although some of them .(insider
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    • 292 2 SOMETHING WRONG Jo thr Editor of thr Daily ZMMS, Sir Where is the police, or the Legislative Council, or the Municipal Council or any one in authority P For. as I was taking my customary constitutional this morning, and lost in admiration of Governnient House, on turning suddenly round a
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    • 288 2 Malacca, 2«d Mai, \STI. Tut annual distribution of the prizes to the scholars of the Malacca Free School' 1 took place yesterday forenoon. The Lieute-nant-Governor and the Colonial Chaplain were among the visitors, and took a prominent part in the proceedings. The following pupils obtained l'rizes for various
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  • News of the week.
    • MONDAY, 29th, APRIL.
      • 19 2 Tiik Hritisb steamer (Juan Hin, from Penang 25th and laoca tBth instant, arrived t |,j s M rii ing.
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      • 27 2 Thb Oman Company"** steamer Hiriininii, ('apt. M iddli-ton, fr< pool Kith .March, ma Suez Canal Penang £sth instant, arrived at Tanjong Pagiir wharf on Saturday after. noon.
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      • 79 2 As all-c.oinei>' riHc match came uff at the rille butts, on the raee-coune, on Saturday afternoon. There were 13 tins ..nlv. Mr. Robert Dun man exceedingly well, carrying oil' the prize, being Id points abend of all the en,. petitors. The following are the three highest aoorat. fi »d».
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      • 193 2 A.UONG tho notifications extracted from the Government UazetU to-day, is one showing tlie number of officers and scale of pay for the police force, as sain. tioned by the Secretary of state for the Colonies. It will be seen that theof. tice of Assistant Superintendent of I'm. lice- at Penang
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      • 341 2 Oik correspondent R." returns to Uw charge agaia, and we have much pleasure in inserting bi> remarks regarding the onion with Labuan, ag it is a question ot' grave importance t.i these Settlements, and one therefore which cannot be too much veutilated. As we think that K." has the same
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      • 36 2 Thk following notification! w tractod from last Friday's <•■ His Excellency the ran pleased to RUB twelve months' leave absence to .Mr. W. B. .Max-:: I of Polioc and Commissioner of the L<>urt of Beqneata, Straits Settlements.
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      • 48 2 Hi« Excellency the Govern.. r pleased to approve of the foil.. in the station of the I'olice U and CouimiHßioiiers of the Courto o\ quest* Mr. \V. K. Maxwell, from Province Wellesley. Captain A. K. Ord, from P Malacca. CapUiu D. I Hateh.ll. from Pi Wellesdey to Penalig.
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      • 39 2 His Excellency the OovemOl appoint Mr. .ID I be Acting Magistrate ot Pol misaaloner of the Com-; nan-, during the ehoU. Mr. A. M. Skinner will continu< an Magistnitc of Police and < of the 0 i-I Request* K I
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      • 11 2 of Police, P.nan-. ha' the -"tn instant, duties on that date.
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      • 15 3 Hiit Kxcellencj the Oovemor baa been Nil K. W. Maxwill ag snperintondsnl of l'oli«-e at
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      • 95 3 !Bl .t.- baa l >«••-!» pi I tin- following alterations in per r Officers of the Polios Force. i ii tli.- amended -'-ale of Polios at laid 1. .10r. Ooaaoil on ith September, I*7l 1000 ll. lent. Do JIIH. I). PeAiig Jl<mi Do 11.I 1 W.-11.-sley. lslH. I Head ln-i
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    • TUESDAY, 30th APRIL
      • 220 3 Thi Ocean Company's steamer Primm, Butlin, from Hongkong 2-trd instant, arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf tin- morning, fn ronteio London via Penang and Sue/ Canal. A -lini:i time ago we took occasion to animadvert in plain language on the extraordinary negligence or want .if display ed by the military authorities
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      • 17 3 Thk Meesageriee steamer I'-Jm reporU having spoken the Italian barque from Cardiff for Singapore, near Pulo Hondo.
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      • 13 3 'I'm Sarawak steamer Rej/mliti, Capt Wareliani, from Sarawak 27th April, arrived this morning.
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      • 19 3 Tiu; M. M. su-ainer Newa, Capt. Mannarino, from Uatavia 28th April, arrived at the Horneo Cos. wharf this morning.
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      • 77 3 Tn k extreme sentence of the law WH this morning earned oat upon the two murderers, tin- convict Appoohanny, who killed the woman Mis. Qlcaton, and the Chinaman Tan Ah Seng, who cul a man's throat at Kallang I'ood.-n while committing a burglary to escape arrest. lloth ol the condemned
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      • 134 3 Wi. beg to remind the community that the Annual Meeting of the friendand Mibscriben of the Raffles Institution will he held in the Town Hall on Friday next, the Sid instant, at 1:2 o'clock. Rig Excellency the Governor will take the chair, and we venture to express the hope that
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      • 231 3 li it rumoured that the Pktto htm been ordered to l>e ready t<> take His Excellency the Governor ovef to Labuan. Now, if this it not "jnet like Roger," ii i- extremely like Sir Harry. Por we take it that the object of the trip is to see abotd the
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      • 271 3 MMcmrm, i'Mh M»rek. Parliament i- to meet qQ the 80th April. At a banquet given to Ministers at Castlemaine, Mr. DullY, the Chief Secrctarv, annnunoed the policy of the Government, lie promised some important improvement! in Mining legislation and a further extension of Railways. Arrangement-
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      • 23 3 THURSDAY, in MAN. Tiik Dutch steamer MimilUr •■m S/iiii/ /{■■'■/i,'x.\r,i, ('apt. Bays, from Batavia 29th April, arrived at Tanjong Paijar wharf thu morning.
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      • 18 3 T>| British steanid- Glemroj, ('apt. Auld, from Hongkong 25th April, arrived at Tanjong l'agar w hai cstcrdav afternoon.
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      • 21 3 TIIK Spanish -teamer MttrireUt, late the steamer holm* ("apt. Kli/.alde, from Manila 23rd April, arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf yesterday afternoon.
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      • 40 3 H. M S. ftlfH left the harbour early yesterday morning on a cruise to the eastward; she will, we learn, go to Labuaa, and hefore her return will visit Batavia. She will probably he absent a month or six week-.
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  • FRIDAY,3rd MAY.
    • 17 3 Thk Hntish -teamer R*i*to», ('apt. DeightOß, from Klang 50th April and Malacca :2nd, in.-t arrived this morning.
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    • 24 3 Thk Hussian steamer Tekikaltktf, Capt llalherg, from()des-a2ltii March, via Suez Canal, arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning, M roitle to Shanghai and Hankow.
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    • 40 3 A circular -ent round by the Manager of the Submarine Telegraph Coiupann- here, dated this morning, (-"srd April), Bars "A cvcloiicat Madras yesterday Hew down the Government land wires. Lines restored this morning. Slight delay on im ssaflfia in consequence,"
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    • 45 3 TIIK P. O. steami'i- Clinm, Capt. l'crrins, from Elongkoog ~7th April, with the homeward mail, arrived at the P. fcO. wharf at II a. m. to-day and will leave for Penang and (ialle at I p. m. to-morrow, the mails closing at I I. M.
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    • 43 3 TIIK homeward I'reiieh mail steamer 1),, ,i,i. a, Capt Varaagot, ftoei Shangliai l!Hh, Hongkong i->{\\, and Saigon •illth April, arrived at the Borneo Com]ianv's wharf early this morning, and leaves tor (ialle, Aden, and Marseilles via Suez Canal, at half-past live this afternoon.
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    • 148 3 I'Uom Saigon we learn thai the itcaincr France had arrived at that port from Rio Janeiro, bringing <>n tin- p;i>--■engen of the French atop POritmUU, which raasel Iwd been banted ;it >c;i, nil' the mouth of the Xi«« de la Plata, on ;i voyage from Boidawu t<> Tahiti and New
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    • 207 3 Thk China Mail of the 2.'irtl April says: We understand that the Viceroy of Canton has appointed au official S8 proceed to Hainan to make all aeeeasary arrangements for the opening of the port. The carrying trade of the We-t Coast is ver\ considerable, and we hope to see anew
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    • 462 3 Tiiosk who trust to the honesty of their servants, little know to what an extent they are robbed. Nothing is too small for servant- to endeavour to reap a profit out of. and they are one and all s<> determined to carry out their system of pilfering that it would
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    • 37 3 SATURDAY, 4th MAY. Thk next outward mail will bo brought by the I. O. steamer limdnttan. By a telegram reoeivsd here, we learn that she 'eaves IVnang t^-day, and may therefore lie expected here on Monday morning.
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    • 26 3 The following jiassengers take their departure In the sU'ainer China, today P«MMf.— Mrs. Walter, child *ud nt,-r--vant, Mr. R. Klcin.ler. For Brinditi. Mr. and Mrs. Ti.lman.
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    • 398 3 Thk following is the latest and most reliable account vet received of the collision between the l'Yencli mail steamer A>-,i and the lluiia. It is from the Hongkong />«"> frwMoftb*S7th iiltniKi We regret to report tin- loss on Sunday night, lltli instant, an. l ii'itlcr painful cireamatanoss, oftfce abate steaaMS«
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    • 125 3 Holli.wm/* Pith.— EnfeebledExisten.-e This medicine einbr ces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy it overturns the foundations of diaaass laid by defective food and impure air. In obstructions or congestions of the uVar, lun^s. bowels, "r any oilier organs, lln-e I 'ills are --p. i 1 1
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  • 359 3 Vessel S Expected from Europe. From London. koaUa Caatts Alexander 16th Feb. Al cent iB Richards 21st Jan. UMaeregor (str.) fCyakiMMs (str.) Dperhounri Carlin 3rd Jan. •Pasithea West Cth Mar. •J met Kerguson Kitchie 19th Mar. Star of the South TSea Gull (str.) 16th Mar. 'Russia (str.) Boutcovoy fgtr.) •"Drummond
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    • 390 3 BaawaaTi -7th April British ataaaer AflaaMasaoa, L.MO toaa, ktiddleton rnmnwiVr. LdTerpool 16th Han»;eoasignsus W, Manaftrid Sunday, v;li April. aaffaae Babol Obier, 852 ton*, Kenk rnmmsndrr. Baa,',M>ii 2Mb March, eoasigwss Said Arlimed. b Moii.lmv. 29tk April. British stiMin.r Japan, :>^l t.n-. Onarf Hi it uoßuaaader, Penaag j;ili Aoril. via
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    • 194 3 BtJNUIaVCi. Batnoay, -7th April. (Minian baiqac Kllen Ri.-kiii'Ts. Relim. for Bangkok. British >tcaimr China. Gardner, for Hongkong. British -teamer Historian. Tutton, f'.r Hongkong British st.'am.r Duni. Maun, for Saigon and Hongkong. Dutch schooner Kirn Chy Kengj Nac ulah, for Mintok. Monday. 2KB April. British steamer Again, •union. Miihlliton, for
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  • 447 3 I DAlt Ship's Names. Captains. Flag and Rig.; Tons. of Whkkk From* Consionkks o* Agents. Dkstination. VKRIVAL VKSSELS IN DOCKS OR LYING A T W H AItVKS. 1 Taujong Pagar Wharf. 5 Victoria DOOB. I Jardiue, Matin-sou uuil C.mpiiny'fc Wharf. P. AO. Wharf 1 Bon Accord
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 #otirts. PAVILION BOWLING AND BILLIARD SALOON, Nort;i Banwa Road. A. 11. Prkston, having taken over tho Kstal.lislmient from Mr. R Coaana, hopes that, hy strict attention to business, he will m. Tit a fair share of the public patronaga. Wines, Spirits, Ac, of the l<est quality. Bowling All.-ys best ill
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 706 4 c. Company. PBNINSULAB AND ORIBNTAI STEAM NAVIGATIONCOMPANI GODOW,-^ N., Harbour. t f" Si mail ibJ&y| lines. f c V \<^y t T. SE rf -nval ofthe Com, t Mail Ste.» Ships.a. Bingapore in ronnection «,ri, .1,.-seni.e f,,rthe year is, J. as approved by her Ma Port Master < .eneral. wOl
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    • 683 4 Companp. MIIiTKHS of CAKco. h(.r(ly ,n,.n fr.,,,, this lat,- shippers of Cargo i.y the < .imp»ny c issSisi^^itsa t^^tly^JCntX^^L hose hitherto charged to Southampton, and iSfSfSja'tS athiSf 1 rcin lis£ttSS££i fSwa^of m,.! snii.uei-K to Ton,' n ire re .v ted to V, 'IS "fift iXl"i! of he parti.ular^arehouse a, which
      683 words
    • 676 4 i^igrfllaurous. mm.lsii ***** (TkStftOM At Cheapest Rates d- ni(;holson company. SILK, WOOLL.K AND MANCHEBTW Warehousemen 'WLO1^1" IUIJ *t2 India- Co or;-iTTER8 D FoEEION OUTHTTERB. Wt P :>± ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD C.,,-,,,,'0f Cheapsid... LONDON. Estahlisiikd 15,,. ]mjt<. fc M^ u>n „f ()ffi,.(.rs of Bervioes.aadFAMlLlßßwaknaf ia laaia an,l China, to their Illustrated
      676 words
    • 737 4 iHidrrllanroud. THI MOST BBLIABLFBIBNBD. HOLLOWAY T S 7 OINTMENT. r &?^£2zt£sg£?& world. g of years tfiis bl yaluabh- S l>ri"i:iti>il tl iH ii **sr> itsi lf > rr E vineing than anything that could be writtc, praise of Hs truly wonderful healing properties. In the „,re of bad leg*. baS
      737 words
    • 683 4 iHrtrfllanroua JOYCE'S S^Jl^ IA,1 A,J I, MUNITION FREDERICK JOY( 7 K a CO. T _vif. attention of Sportsmen to the u^^:;;lij „f .,er out England India. Juvce's Treble'waterprook Central PErcu si To neaps. PIKOISM U« A v■♦ dm toM£mg** Wad*g«' for'SreShOoaduS SST \S Ortndgcs for killing <h» at long distances,
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