The Straits Times, 11 May 1872

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XX'Vlll. PUBLISHED EVERY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY lira, 'lB72. •SATURDAY EVENING. X< >. 1,393
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  • 13 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. \r B»nda Illier. Mataeca, Mrs. William under Rodyk, of Daughter.
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  • 101 1 The Strait Times SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1872. LATBBT MAKKKT yroTM'loXS. Sinoai'okf, May 11th. 1-7::. Gambler 5?:!'." Black I'-jiiK-r 1:!. White Pepper ?I!'^. I lour Bingafi 1 t"iBoras* _■> 16}. 40t Mule twist 135 si lbs. Shirtings J „-J.-J-J',. T. Cloths 1.40 to L42f. »l do d<> 1.70. 1.90. Cambrii Loa
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  • 365 1 1 1 is l'.\icllcnc\ tin' Governor has now been back among us more than ;i month he is said to haw been immersed in work ever since his arrival, and barely allows himself time for liis meals, yet the public are quite in the dark a- to the
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  • 57 1 Tmk two new members of the Legislative Council, vice Messrs. Adamson and Hamsay Scott resigned, we learn, are l>r. Little and Mr. Thomas Slnlford oi' Messrs. Pateraon, Simons Co. In this selection His Excellency may be said to have displayed tlie judiciousness ofa Hooker, we do not
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  • 309 1 to have aimed at the happy mean wherein consists virtue according to the old heathen philosopher. Pot we have the lire and rashness of youth tempered by the wisdom and moderation ol' middle agl the experience acquired by loiilt residence under the old Indian regime and under the new, coopled
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  • 880 1 THE SaLAXGOU AfYAIB, us it is called, has been the subject of a good deal of comment at home ami abroad, and though there seems to he a ".rave misa)i|>reliensioii, in some cases a total ignorance of the facts, the action of the local Government has been
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  • 985 1 ■In. Ms from the Java pnpen translated for the Straits Hpsmic. The execution of arkeviseer, the murderer, took place en the 22nd April. Up to the last moment, efferti were made to prevail on tie (iovcrnor-( Jciienl to grant a reprieve; a gentleman at Batavia sent, in the name
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  • 1722 1 Pjnf of our readers may know where this place i>, -indeed, may never have heard of it. Vet it is perhaps the nm I flourishing Province inhabited by Malays. It is under Spanish rule, and by turniii"; to a map may be found about the centre of tlic*Far"v island
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 A i Terms for a^vwwsssaanai made known rad int.- lor long period! lit M.l: md iubscnptioßS will be >■ >MVe; bIM 111 HILL, 1. bard Street, city; is i lilvertisen must specifj in the copy the iusuitinaa nanired, atss ;.ll inserted till countermanoad. irgod for accordingly. SUBSCEIBBBS ASP <'oS
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2517 2 Thk following- is the Judgment delivered by His Honor T. Sidgreaves, Ks(|., Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, on the 30th April, |s7-2,in the matter of Ahaniado Hawa, a Mahofnedan from Ceylon, and an applicant for admission to pnw me at the Singapore Har. 1 had some doubt
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  • 704 2 MixiTKsof Proeeediagi of (he Municipal Commissioners on Monday, the l.'.tli April, 1^72. CoUMISSIONKRS 1'ltKSKSI. W. II. Road Ksq. H. Woods, L. J. Fraser, ('//■lin/htu. In tin- aiisenee of the President, \V. II. Read, Ks<j., iratappointed Chairman. Wimmtm.—tk» Miaatai of the last Meeting wore road and approved. Pttffmi rf/mrlx.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 68 2 To the Editor of the Daily Tiimx. Sin:—As we are to have a revival of mail work on Sundays, and the Hanks ham agreed to open their counters till V. M. on Saturdays. 1 hope the Government will f;tllow suit and allow the Stamp Office to !>e
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    • 321 2 To the Editor of the Daily Time* Sir: A |>erson signing InmssJf "It." and writing on this sul.ject m your paper, lias put himself forward as the champion of the Singaporeans, and a very poor one he ha* shown himself to be
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    • 744 2 To the Editor of the Daily Tinnx. Sir: The majerity of the BaMmgaa which now ply .for hire in the Streets arc in such •tila|>ul.)te<l state thai really it in time that particular notice should Intaken of them hy tlie powers t hat In. It is barely four
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  • MONDAY, 6th MAY.
    • 15 2 Tut British steamer IbawJ MeraAt Captain Darg, from Hongkong; 25th April, via Saigon, arrived yesterday.
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    • 14 2 TllE Siamese steamer Chuw J'/'y>', Cant. Ortoii, from Immgfcok Ist instaut, arrived this aaomicg.
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    • 17 2 Thk British steamer Bkarftk*Qter l Capt. Milne, from Penang 2nd and Malacca oth instant, arrived this morning.
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    • 23 2 The British steamer IWweW, Captain Dull", from Raagoaa ~Mh April, arrived at the Borneo Cos. wharf yesterday forenoon, M fsw/f to Hocujkong with
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    • 19 2 Thk French transport Tn-n, Captain Mar^ucssac, from Qaifa 27th April, arrived at the Borneo Cos. wharf oil Saturday afternoon.
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    • 19 2 Tut. British steamer Sem tinlf, CapL. Ridge, from Landon 21st March, arrivinl at the BomaO Co's, wharf ycbtenlav afternoon.
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    • 18 2 Tiik Dutch steamer tutmvia, ("apt. Van lick, ferns Bntnvm 50th April, arrived at Tanjong l'ajjar wharf yesterday afternoon.
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    • 21 2 Tiik British steamer Coquet, Captain Cook, from Rangoon, ~Mh April, arrived at Taajoug I'agar wharf yesterday forenoon, m route to Hongkong.
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    • 13 2 TllK British steamer I'ulrr, Captain Murray, from Samarang; :joth ult., arrived yesterday afternoon.
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    • 27 2 The Italian war steamer I'ettor J'ikuiii, Captain Lovero, arrived from Bangkok yesterday and saluted the British llao; shoitly after nnchorasg, the salute being returned from Fort rVmninar
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    • 28 2 Tat Ocean Compaay'a steamer .t/iil- /<■«, ('apt. Kussell, from laiverpool 2Mb March, via Suez Canal and. IVimag !rd instant, arrived at Tanjoiig; Pagai wharf at 1U a. m. yesterday.
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    • 15 2 1 j ABskn«;krs. Fto Besfwons. Mr. Hencke, v. n., Miss Tolman. fto SluiiKjltiii. Miss Madge.
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    • 247 2 Tbkuk is in rogue among Ageata of the rariotM steamers wliieli now take cargo lioinewanls via tlie Suez Canal, a practice wilicli, however useful it may DO in the interest of tlie steamers, is vi rv annoying to shippers and calls for general reprobation. It is to engage freight long
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    • 294 2 Tm; union of Labuan wit dements, bang the most interesting matter of jailitics before the public, it will ba satisfactory to our re;,,!,. rs know the real fails of the case am the question really stands. Well t|" it appears, and we are B uth make the statement on authority
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    • 21 2 Tiik I. O. steamer ifmdoita» n. ports having spoken, shortly 1»; tering Penaog, the barqne of und from Liverpool for Singapore.
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    • 10 2 We take tlie following n>>titic.iti-<ns from the last Government Gazette:—
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    • 38 2 His Excellency the Governor lias L pl.Msed to re o^nisc, pending < i I to Her Majesty'^ Government, th< ujout of Mr. 0. 0. Wigjt a> ting I for Franco at Pawing, daring I of Mr. J .1. Ventre.
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    • 52 2 The Bight Oon'bletbe Secretary ..f Star* for the .loni.-s has Im-cii pi prove of the following changei in t: of the Medical Officers of the Coloi The Colonial Borg i. to l>e Principal Civil Medic;-1 Officer. The Assistant Burgeons Sinj^ Penal. l.'. Bad Malacca, to i.c Colon geona" at those
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    • 25 2 His Excellency the Co crimr lias 1».-n pleased to grant twelve months' I aheaaee, on Medical Certificate, t.> H.I, Ranrtnll. Beqairn. PriocipaJ Civil U Officer.
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    • 36 2 His Excellency the Governor lias 1,.,: plaaaed t<> umke the loDowing nient: A. F. Ainerson. Eamure, H, D., i Acting l'riiicipal Civil Medical Offi ring the absence of H. L. Kandell. Eaquire, or till further orders.
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    • 40 2 The time at which the Homeward Fin: Mail leaves S i^'ll will, in future, tied By the following rignal: The Telegraph Pmg over the V rice Maiitimes Boaae^osgi «nth I rfgnsl useil for closing a Mail, t^ at the masthead.
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    • 354 2 Mu. Hkm.Kit's perlbrnianee at tin Town Hall last ajgttt was one of the most varied, and beyond question tlie best, that has ever lx-eii given gapore. As a conjuror, .Mr. Heller far superior to the so called wizard*, who require the aid of boxes and eH tables, fbt he does
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    • 426 2 Tiik Paaaog ftiaoioipal era, ulVr going to la»», !>' euso «4era2 ipiuat tbcn Saiidilands, Butter) iv Co. The ol the 27th April, says His Honor Sir William llackett g»Te ien( "ii Wcdriesdav last in t i SandilainU. Battery ill.- Municipal CoBUBIaaKMMn in of tin- I'l.iintitfs. It was an action t
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    • 14 3 Tiik British steamer United Sercice, Captain Roper, from Hongkong 80th April, arrigpd yesterday afternoon.
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    • 13 3 Tiik British steamer I'lnli Captain Gray, from Glasgow 30th March, arrived last night.
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    • 358 3 Tmk British steamer Sri B*r*K>mk, C.ipl. Ileuat, from Sarawak .">th inst., arrived yesterday afternoon. Ciii:i:K.xi'OXlih.\r writes from Malacca regarding the Chindrass Gold Min.s. that Mr. Allen, the Kttgineer, reports the shaft had been sunk to a depth of li Feel and that about •> Feet lower the quarts would be
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    • 395 3 Till. Town Hull was last nijfht crowded to the foil to witness tlie performance given Iv Mr. Heller, who gave U entertainment mk'li as it seldom falls to tlie lot of residents of Bia> gapore to emjoy. \> an illusionist, Mr. i Heller beau* olf the palm, the rapidity with
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    • 18 3 Tiik Ocean Company's steamer for, ('apt. Bewley, from Hongkong 2nd instant, arrived at Taajong Pagar wharf yesterday afternnoii.
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    • 47 3 Tiik B. I. 8. N. (Vs. steamer xhirc, ('apt. (lames, from Calcutta 22nd April, via Rangoon, afoulmein, Paaang, and Malacca, anchored in the roads at 1 0 ii'clock this Bsoniing. Mr. and Mrs Hose. Mrs. Hampshire. Messrs Smith. Bolton. Ifagler, Leash, Xohamon, and Lee Cheng Yean. m
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    • 205 3 It is the complaint of all visitors' and a gin*] many residents that the place is nnbearabte lor waatofsoaaething to enliven it. We always hail with pleasure the prospect of anything likely to entertain and amuse, and WC know of nothing which can produce more pleasure, and perhaps instruction. than
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    • 281 3 A Mkktinc of tlie Committee of the Agri-HorticattaraJ Society was held at the Exchange Room on Tuesday, the 7th May. L 872. PuMorr. Jaapei Yoanag, Esq., in the chair. 11. W. Wood, Esq. W. (i. (it.llaiul, Sep. Shirt, Hnn'ble J. Grrecaehielda. The Minutes of the last Ifeetiagheld mi tlie were
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  • 380 3 11. If. S. Ailrriihtii', from Bong* koiif,' 3rd instant, arrivwl yeskidav afternoon. \h the courtesy of Major Studer, the Amciiein Coasal, we have been furnishe<l wit! Copies of the following two letters which he lias received from the Depart ment of State, Washington, and from the Mayor
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    • 17 3 Tiik apaoiatajMai of Dr. Little and Tboa. Shelford, l.sij., as BMSabeci of the Legislative Council, is (Jazetted.
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    • 39 3 TilK M. M. steamer .\'v/</, Captain Mannarino, I'r.un Batavia !'th instant, arrived^this morniug'. PWaaafara,—Haaara. Jansscn, Blimmersteip. and Pecoult, 40 natives. Tiik British steamer MtMMtmtlH Otstit, Capt. Serpent, from QaUe 2nd instant, arrivcil at the BotBHH CVs. wharf Una moraiaaj
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    • 44 3 We learn that the P. i 0. st.anur Bi'/mr has been chartered t<» soavej native troops to Madras, the ddremtmrt having 1 been unable to take them all. The Hehur left Hosgkoag on the sth inst., and ttiiiv be expected here to- i morrow.
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    • 97 3 Both the P. and the Meaaageries Airents here have received letters from (ialle by the French mail, stating that fears were entertained for the 1\ A: steamer /'r.t/n/irt'r, form 'Calcutta and Madras, then overdue, and that the P. O. Agent at Galle intended despatehiug a steamer in search of her.
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  • 1169 3 A recent blue bo>jk gi«M interesting particulars of the aetioai of M. M. 8. MtmmUt with the piratical chief at flabnnorn. in the M.tlay.m I'eninsiila. Wt arc n .iv •i.iblcd to form a better judgment of the true state of affairs, and to form a bctteJ estiuute
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  • 124 3 HolUwaij* Pitts.— Pure Blood.— When the Blood s pure, its circulation perfect, and the nerves in good order, we are well. These Pills possess a marvellous power in securing Iheat gNal secrets of health by purifyin regulating, and strengthening tliiidr and rlids. Holloway's I'ills can )>c confidently recommended to all
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    • 543 3 Saturd.y. 4th May. French war steamer Tarn, It.'.too tons, Marquessae commander, Point de QaDe 27th April. unday, Mk May. British steamer Coquet, 7W tons, Kirk commander, Baaaooa 28th April. British BtaasMr Tweed,Bs2tons, Dnffooanaaaadari Bmhjoosi --th April, consignees Borneo ('..mpany Limited. Italian war steamer V.tir Pisana. 1,900 tollK. LkHlcio couiiuander.
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    • 172 3 Saturday, tth May. RuTrian iteaaMr I°ohihatohoa\ Halberg. lor Hongkong. British ship Florence, Houston, for Manila. British brig Woodbine. Campbell, for Rangoon. Sarawak -teamcr Roy list, Wareham, for Sarawak. Siamese barque Envoy, Dethlessen, for Bangkok. German brig Thorkidd, Anderson, for Amoy. Monday, tith May. steamer Achilles. Hussell. for Hongkong.
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  • 526 3 VESSELS IN DOCKS Olt LYING AT WHARVES. 1 Tanjony Pagar Wharf. •1 Victoria Dock. •> Jardine, Mathesou and (Jotnpauy't Wliarf. 3 P. Si O. Wharf 7 Bon Accord Dock I BgTMO Company's W'liarf 8 Governmuut Wharf 5 I'atcui flip and Dock Company 9 A.t Jobore, Ship's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 fiorfc*. the patent^lipvanlTdock cojTPANY, New Harbour. This Company exeeatea ships' rspaira of all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superintendence of Kuropean Shipwrights, Engineers, and Boiicrsaaksrs. No. 1 Graving Dock was opened stfl March. I- Length— 4ll feet, Depth of water from Ii feet to 151 feet. Width
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 601 4 4J. Companp. PENINSULAS AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION ()M lAN V d es—D'Almeida Street. s t OODOWNB-At New Harbour. t tthon a t Tyro f L^ES. g i t Thk proposed dstet of arrival of the a Company's Contract Mail Pteam Ships at C a vim.. HOMBWABB. WeAnesday feh. Uth Wednesday
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    • 663 4 p. 0i Companp, SHIPI'F.RS OF CARGO. k is h.r. l.y i;iven that from this ate shippers of Cargo hr the (om^ny's tssmsrs will hate the opfaon of oonsyung heir (roods to either London or Southamp- i on-the raU-s to London will be the same as e hitherto, harmedt..Southampton,and I deduction
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    • 587 4 ittisrfllancous. ENGLISH GOODS (Via Suez Canal) At Cheapest Rates j^ NICHOLSON A COMPANY. Silk, Woollen and Manch«lK« Warehousemen India Coloviai. and Foreion Outfitters. 50 _o 5 o ST PAUL'S CHURCHYARD 5U TO 7 r (Corner of Chea,.s,,le. LoNDON. f b Established \si:\. t lnvite attention to their Illustrated 120 X
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    • 570 4 iMidrfllaiifous. THE ROAD TO HEALTH. Se<-ur.-.l by HOLLOWAYS PILLS nuuwnniu a. x Impurities of Blood. lN*l<<tin^he most appopnatemedieine JC~* i"1""""-,"" V l' "B Im' SST one can be found to purify, egulaU-. and pnprove the quality of the lood. ihtM Pills possess and exert these hree mialifieatiom, man extraordinary de-
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    • 587 4 tpriRTING AMMUNITION. EatoblUbed 1820. FREDERICK JOYCE CO. Invite the attention of Sportsmen to the following Ammunition, of the best nnnlitv now in general use throughq out India, and the Colonies. Waterproof Central Fire PERCUSSION CAPS. prepared Cloth and Felt Gun t\u n ..llj-i iIM,.s (|f ierior "■^Sg for Breech-loading
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