The Straits Times, 27 January 1872

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times \()L. X\\ 111. PUBLISHED EVERY SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1872. SATURDAY EVENING. No. 1378
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  • 286 1 ADVERTISMENTS. ADVERTISMENTS. Terms for Advertisements made known I 'Slice. Con- 1 into for long periods ;it rc'lucci rates. Advertisement* sad suliseriptionH will be 1 nt tlie Sti-'iit* Time* Office; also in London, l>y Grßoam Stkkkt, Cobnhii.i.. rm.l F. A. Ai.iiAK. Lombard Street, city; in Calcutta. Hasan. Apesr I Advertisers must
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  • 90 1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 27,1872. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SixiiAJ-oKK. Jamaky 27th. 1-7 J. Quitter 8 3.>5 nominal. Black Pepper 10.77}. White P.j.i-r H/-o Sago Flour Singapore »&80< Do. Borneo IM. Pearl Sago 8 Tin 40b Mule twist 180. 8J lbs. Shirtings 255. 7 do do -i 17i--5 do T. Cloths 1.-W. 6
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  • 665 1 Having appropriated the New Court House for its own public offices, the Government ought to provide at least decent place for the Supreme Court and, bearing in mind its expensive outlay upon other public works, and the amount ol Convict labour it has at its disposal, it is
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  • 936 1 Thk Sumatra and Surinam treaties have Keen adopted by the Dutch First Chamber, which, we presume, means ratification. The treaty ec-ding (iiiinea to (ireat Britain has Ik-cii also signed. The Sumatra treaty cedes t<> the Netherlands the undisputed right of ■oieteignty or of oosjmmat over all Sumatra,
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  • 1035 1 I'iik loUowiaa? is tlu- ooneloding i>ort ion of the article on tlic Achinese pepper trade, translated from the Sumatra t'niiiiiii/ for the Straits Times. According to a custom introduced by t lie Americans, the pepper is weighed with two piculs at once for which rive weights are used, each
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  • 2027 1 (From our Special Correspondent.) London, M»Dm, 1871. SiX The last week has been a very quiet one 60 iar as public matters political or social are concerned. The Prince of Wales has continued to progress steadily and satisfactorily towards convalescence, and the extraordinary strain on the public
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2261 2 P.mus, Dm iran, Boia. Tiik Departments express very Strongly their discontent at the Assembly Wasting its time ever the personal ((tiestions of the Orleans princes and <x-Cominuni.-t Hane, and insist on BON attention being paid to the general interests of the oountry. They eadone the sage words of
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  • 134 2 Lioiiln i, 21*/ January. Replying to a deputation Thien has consented to remain n the service of his country. Lonilin, i\th January. The Prince takes alt**rnnon drives. Watson the Stoekwell murderer has been respited. Large subscriptions are being collected for the Livingstone .Expedition. Government has not given anything.
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 186 2 To the Editor offhr DsMf Time*. Sir Permit me, through your columns, on the part of myself and others, to inquire DOw it is that the money ohangen are permitted to lop off four rents lor every dollar tliev ahaagS for either silver or BOpper small'
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  • 124 2 To the Editor of the Daily Time*. Sir Would it not have been more correct to have said in your leader of yesterday that the New Court House was first objected to by the late Chief Justice. and that His Honor deliberately made ch#ice of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 81 2 To thr Editor of the Daily Times, Sill: BuppOßS We tried a lit tle of the accompanying to our Singapore Schools, what would Mr. Hullett ami the Christian Brother* sav'r There are plentvof Tunes to adopt, and with the talent poetic we have in the place,
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  • 26 2 Thk following is the list of passengers por steamer Gordon Quite, which arrived on Saturday Mrs. Barclay, Miss ArnoldTMessrs. Hawkins, Bateman, and Baig.
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  • 19 2 Tiik steamer ftaf<ini Ri>i/,ni Sree, Capt. Pinkham, from Ha vie sth October, via Suez Canal, arrived on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 20 2 Tiik Sarawak i—ar ßeymliat, Capt. Waretiatn, from Sarawak IMb inst., arrived yesterday, morning. Pattenijir*. Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Houghton.
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  • 23 2 The B. T. S. N. Cb*S steamer Oriental, Ca]>t. Dickinson, from Calcutta 4th inst,, via Rangoon, Moulmain, Penang, and Malacca, arrived yesterday afternoon.
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  • 15 2 The British" steamer Sh.irp.iJiooter, Capt. Cowan, from Penang 18th and Malacca ilstjjinst., arrived this morning.
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  • 59 2 Fko.m the (liHfnuii'iit diKttte we learn that the next criminal session at Malacca will open on the .">th proximo. We are not aware whether the Chief Justice will preside, or whether he will be assisted by Sir William Hackett, Judge of Penan^. At present it seems doubt t'u l it'
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  • 91 2 Ax All-cuinr-s Riflfl Match HUM off oil Saturday !;-t, at half-past -2 V. M., at the Kutts on tin' race-course. Tlie entrance fee m t£, and the prizes (■'iiili. ted for wit",— lll priasSSl.oo; 2nd -SI It. oil. Tlie weather was very favorable, but the eoni]H-tition was Do! very lively,
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  • 355 2 The following notice has been issued by the Postmaster (Jeneral Post Official Xotick. Tinier instructions lOUSiwd from Her Mgjenty's Postmaster-General tlie rates of Postage en Letters address.-. 1 to the United Kingdom, i-i'i .M.ii-Kcillc.s.liy French Packet, will until further notice b« as follows For a letter For a letter F..r
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  • 189 2 Tin: road repairs are not progressing very fast, nor very satisfactorily. The roads have for some years past been wearing down, until they lay between banks of earth. These banks have now been cut away and the earth removed, so that entire streets are fully a foot lower than they
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  • 22 2 The Sharpshooter, which arrived yesterday from Penang, had the following passengers Messrs. Andrews and Scrap, and 150 Chinese deck.
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  • 34 2 The British steamer Historian, Capt. Tutton, from sHongkong 17th inst., arrived at Jardiue, Matheson Cos. wharf early this morning. Passengers. Messrs. Pye, Monck, Blake, A. P. Sitna, N. H. Banoana. and 55t> Chinese deck.
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  • 27 2 The British steamer China,, Capt. Gardner, from Hongkong 17th inst., arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf early this morning. Passengers. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Agabeg, and 404 Chinese deck.
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  • 33 2 The British steamer Enterprise, Capt. Lobnitz, from Hongkong 17th inst., arrived at Tanjong Pagar wharf this morning. Pasxtngers. Capt. and Mrs. Ferries, Mrs. Woodward and child, Mrs. Kock and 2 children, Mr. Padday.
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  • 34 2 The B. I. S. N. Cos. steamer Oriental, which arrived on Sunday from Calcutta via ports, had the following passengers Hsssn. Stewart, Watson, Sfcurzeneg^er, Dunn and servant. 2 privates 19th V I, 10 Chinese.
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  • 51 2 The If. M. steamer Newa, Capt. Mannarino, from Batavia 20th Jan., arrived at the Borneo Company's wharf at 10 o'clock this morning. She brought the following passengers For Singapore. tfassn. Sutherland and Molxon, 4 seamen and t> natives. For Galle.—Mr. JoneB. For -Messrs. Boiwier, Hart, Greri, And>eweg, and Ramos and
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  • 99 2 The following cases were tried at the Supreme Court yesterday Reg. v. J. van iler Bosche embezzlement. Found guilty, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour. Keg. v. Lim Ah Jan and Tan Ah Joon larceny. No. 1 fouud guilty, and sentenced to six mouths imprisonment with hard
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  • 401 2 The telegram received yesterday, dated London, £oth January, reveals the fact that France has been for some time passing through an important Ministerial crisis. This, indeed, could have been gleaned from the home newspapers, but we out here have not been indebted to Reuter for any information concerning it, and
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  • 15 2 Tiik Russian War steamer aajfdamade, from Hongkuog loth instant, arrived yesterday evening.
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  • 20 2 Tiik British steamer Himdottam, Capt. Miller, from Calcutta 17th and Penang •l-lnd instant, arrived at Tanjong I'.tgar wharf this forenoon.
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  • 22 2 Tiik British steamer Glen Capt Hilton, from Calcutta 17th and Penang 2ind instant, arrived at Jardine Mathe.-oii U Co's wharf this forenoon.
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  • 127 2 Thk following eases were tried at the Supreme Court yesterday: Piugahniee and SurJill housebreaking and larceny, 2nd count for reoarins stolen goods. The jury r a venliet of guilty against Sunlil. and I guilty ■gainst Pingahmee. Snrdill was sen ten 1 to six months imprisonment with hard labour. Tan Ali
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  • 228 2 Wi take the following paragraphs from t'ue Penang Qezette of the 2(Jth instant At a Meeting of the Logan Memorial Committee held on Monday last announced that a telegram had been recei\e.l ttatSßjSj that the Monument is c >mplete. The form of inscription was upon, aud will lx? forwarded l.y
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  • 27 2 Thk Dutch steamer li mm Bent me k, Capt. kayser, from Sourabaya 17th January, via Mintok, arrived at Tan*. jong Pagar wharf this morning,
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  • 14 2 Thk Bsiwa Beuhnet reports having signaled the barOtßS bound to Singapore, in Banks Straits.
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  • 13 2 Tiik British steamer Bis/leeinry, Capt. Hutchison, from Ainoy 17th inst., arrived this morning.
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  • 12 2 The British steamer ('m-imj-i, Capt, Hansard, from BwSCOW 17lh January, arrived yesterday.
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  • 25 2 Tin: Ocean Company's steam. tor, Capt. Bynw, from Hongkong l'.tth insi., arrived at Tanjong Pngar wharf this morning, en route to London via Sues Canal.
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  • 46 2 Tin: French war steanu i I Pettier, from Saigon :llnd inst., arrived at the Borneo Company'- wliarl this niorniii The Glenartnej, which arrived terday from Calcutta, had the follower and Mrs Allen. Oo). MlHsiailll i. Anderson, Whitall. Lang ton, Whitney, and Warren. IV, from Calcutta, Mian.
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  • 51 3 The Spanish steam, r X 'apt. Tremayo, which left this on the £Oth instant with the mails for Manila, was obliged to put hack, having broken thi head of her cylinder, and arrived here day. The repairs are expected to apleted in five days, when she will go on to
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  • 89 3 Thi M. M. steamer t tmiodfe, Capt. Chanipcnois, from Shanghai l~lh, Hongkong lMh, and Saigon 2211(1 instant, with the homeward French mail, arrived at the Borneo Cos. wharf rday evening, and wil] leave for :!les at p. m. to-<lay. The following is her list of passengers Prom Bongjki i i
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  • 57 3 PeIVATI ailvices t'roin Saigon state Pere EU>y, a clerical speculator d diaappearedj leaving hahithe amoani of some J120.000, of which onl\ aliout #80,000 were secured, had been captured near the liontier, with, it is said, I*o,ooo in his n. He has been lodged in jail. Rice is quoted al f*.oo
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  • 705 3 THI Calcutta >t earners yesterday broaght particulars of the arrival and reception of Hia Majesty the ting of Siam there. The ceremonies are beat explained in a notification published in OatttU Bxtrmorditutty oa the L6th instant, which we copy hclow i femo NOTIFICATION. POLITICAL. Fort WUUam, the 16th Jwmuary, 1^72.
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  • 16 3 Ink British steamer nan§m>», ('apt. Craig, from Bangkok 21st inst., arriv- -ii yesterday afternoon.
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  • 19 3 Tii k Korth German frigate Hertha arrived this morning from China, and saluted the British flag immediately on anchoring.
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  • 269 3 A i the Supreme Curl, the following Icive been tried during the pa-t two days Wednesday, 24th Jaaaary. Pee, Ault f tag, and Lim Kirn Leang; indictment for murder. The prosecution failed for want of evidence, ami tin- jury relumed a verdict of i;ot guilty. There is, however, another
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  • 279 3 Oi It correspondent Fair l'lay »estetda\ drew attentimi t.> a matter of grcal importaaee to every penoa in the place. Four per cent, is really a heavy discount to pay for coppers or small silver, hut it may interest our readers to learn that at Pteassma; five pat cent, is
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  • 18 3 11. I. N. M. steamer Brimbeck, Capt. Everaan, passed through from the westward yesterday afternoon.
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  • 16 3 liv: British steamer Te/tfrapi, Ctft, Valberg, from Penan"; ftM and Malacca 20th in»t., arrived this niorniti";.
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  • 25 3 The Colonial steamer t'/uto, Capt. liradl.ery, from PircisUgfith and Malacca 2Gth mst., arrived this morning 1 j Fasa rm, Capt. Palmer, Messrs. Keuible and Moore.
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  • 38 3 The next homeward mail will be conveyed bj the I. steamer Emeu, which was to leave Hongkong B at noon on Thursday last, the 20 th inst., and may l)c looked for here on Wednesday next, the olst.
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  • 40 3 Till: next outward mail will be brought on hy the P. O. steamer (itnliitig, lonnerly on the Australian rout*-, which left Bombay on the l>Sth ami (Jallc on the 20th instant, and should arrive here about the 2nd nroxi- mo.
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  • 48 3 The Band of the liHli BegnMßt M. Ni 1. will jilay a.t the Itejjiuiental I'arade Ground, on Monday next, the-2'Jth instant, at the usual hour. I'UO'iKAM.MK. 1. Quick March Zouenm Kuhner. Waltz BUUaCoUu Maancn. ;>. Overture MeutttUtßo Auber. I. Quadrills IHnoruh Mayerbeer. Qalof y-i'/i/'i.-ci Hertel. dod sa\e the (jin-en.
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  • 93 3 Wl learn tbat the Australian mail service from Guile will now be performed by the P. O. steamers Ban- I I', li. The \g ilnre, we hear, left Bombay on the Imli I'ieamber to relieve the (ieelong, and the linrmlti was to relieve the Bf/mr, which was temporarily placed cm
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  • 173 3 THI Supreme Court yesterday was engaged daring tin- whole day with tlie following can Tan 'l'yc ll "f* 6 Bens Kenjr chow, and 'fan Kong Let Tan 'I've Knu t«o iiidietm. Nt- for BOUSebreaking ami larceny, second count for receiving stolen property. On the first indictment they were found not
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  • 154 3 THI lend between the Say Litns and Qhee Holes breaks out every now and thea). About a week ago, several Say Limb wire arrested lor fighting in the street, and were lined ten dollars each l>\ the magistrate. Out of this lias arisen a been oaase "i ill-feeUag, The Say
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  • 1200 3 Thl BmtmmJt OamUe of the 16th instant gives the foaWiag account of a pnblio iliiiner given by 11.11. the Uajuii in hom>r of Urn Borneo Com- j>aii\ Limited On Thursday evening the Ith of January an eiitertafhincnt was given by H. H. the Rajah to all the geiitieuicii in Sarawak.
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  • 54 3 '■„1 Liver be long 'Hi the effects isili].- on (he Pilh ;,t once remore bi ppetite iod with the in- -unlit tinimitation in the j I• I action from our rarer all of which ti rtingatan ge of the in porify- laxative PUls, the dyspeptic is 1 to health ami
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    • 586 3 Saturday, 30th January. Aaitcinaa ship Tanjcee, t,aO tons, Cobb oonusaadea; Cardiff Oth Bepl c "f'g^f n M< i c* Maritimes. Gernian barque Aiat>. 9H ton*. Hoist oommandar, Awoy lltb January. British barque Charlie Palmer, 367 tuns. flaahwliili oonunaadar, Swatow 11th. I. .11.. ngnees K..:i_- Hap Ling, British rhtaaiar Batata
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    • 213 3 S.i i: January, user 800 Poo, < aatle, for Hongkong. -!i barque John Brightman, Loretuen, for Moulmain. ii brig Alert. i. V ,-i. fi r Penang. Di.tjli ship Dttolina, Onwehand, for Bang l Dutch schooner Wah Liang Bng, Naoodah, for Rhio. Monday, J:!iid January. i barque Nil Deaperandam, Griffin,
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    • 600 3 Ship's Nisies. Captains. Flag and Km. Tons. of VVhkrk Fkom -ok -Auwj ation. AEKIVAL MEN-OF-WAR. Zebra Denis. >a> H. M. >t.;uur »t'ii> Jan. I4i Hongkong Hajdamaok Kotolswant Russian war str. 1000 J.m. 24, Hongkong Coetlogon Pottfar French war str. :;."i Jan. 25j3aigon Hertba K«'ehler Qermaa frigate
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    • 45 3 1 lulijOUtf i 2 Victoria Dock. 3 P. 0. Wharf 4 Borneo ('oiupiiny's Wharf 5 Patent Slip aud Dock Company PuKar V> li;ui. ti Jardiac -iu<i Cauipuny'i Wl.arf. 7 Bon Accord Dock 8 Government Wharf 9 At Jr.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 792 4 4J. 0. Comuanp. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Offices D'Alm Godowns At »w Harbour. MAIL |^n|| LINES. Tiik prop arrival of the Company's Contract Mail Fleam Shipß at Singapore in connection with the for the year n- approrMl l y her HaMaster General, will be m follows Outwahi>. Homeward.
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    • 916 4 }J. (P. Companp. NOTICE. All payments in Singapore for passage money and freight, must be made in Spanish. Mexican or Peruvian Dollars, of full weight, or Bank notes. J. B. CALDBECK, Agent. P. A O. 8. N. (Vs. Office*, Singapore, Ist July, 1867. SHIPPERS OF CARGO. Notice is hereby given
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    • 755 4 4Hi«frrManrouo. ENGLIBH GOODS (Via Suez Canal) At Cheapest Rates D. NICHOLSON A COMPANY. Silk, Woollen and Manchester Warehousemen (Wholesale and Retail) India, Colovial and Foreign Outfitters, 50 to 52. ST. PAUL'S CHURCIfYARD (Corner of Cbeapsidefc London. Established 1843. Invite the attention of Officers of both Services and FAMILIES residing in
      755 words
    • 821 4 iHirtrllanrou*. THE MOBT RELIABLE FRIEND. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known and recognised throughout the world. The number of years this in valuable Ointment has stood the tost of public opinion (and the longer known tho better appreciated) is a testimony of itself more convincing than anything
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    • 576 4 ittiscrllanrousi. CAUTION. STEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS for Children cutting their tooth. Purchasers are requested to BEWARE OF IMITATIONS of this Medicine, and to observe, in every case, that the words JOHN BTKEDMAN, CHEMIST, WALWORTH SURREY," are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet, without which none are genuine. Sold
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