The Straits Times, 13 January 1872

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 720 1 I in. decision of the Secretary of State' for the Colonies upon the Railway 1/.., that the Government si all undertake the' construction and maintenance of the long line' itself, ken 'he communit v bj surprise. übject of the' telegram si nt by Earl Kimberley to 11.
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  • 1202 1 The Java of the :2Jth December asserts, that notice has been officially ;;i\cn to those concerned, that the Turkish Government, to meet the cosi of the Sanitary Service in the Red Sea, had ordered the introduction forthwith, towards the end of September last, of a poll tax of ten
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  • 2981 1 (iiinii our Special Q ><■•; oudetil.) London, Ist Dec, 1871. SIX: St. Andrew is my favourite saint, and yesterday having been the Saint 'sown particular day, all true Scotsmen in London (Mr Gladstone by his own request excepted), celebrated the occasion, the Mar<)iiis of Lome in the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 A '1*,.,- made known ill be I ifl also in .i:\llll 1.. i 1 Street, city; in i t Co. fy in the copy the f the i isertions required, etoe all rie.l till countermanded. i !-es| tfully requested to intimation touiepropi ilarity in the delivery ol Timely n n
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 2473 2 LcnroOV, Mh December, 1871. Sik: During the weekvpublieinterest has been mainly centred in the condition of the Prince ot Wale§. At the i lose of last wick, much alarm and anxiety existed, and in fact, iv the city there was a semi-panic tor a short time when there were announced
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  • 92 2 Cm it// January, [iifltmooH). The (ierman Naval preparations for service in the IJrazils have been stopped. Lndon, In/// January. The Prince of Wales has left his room. Friday's Indian Mail passed through Mount Cnua Tunnel, effecting a saving of '1\ hi urs. The deaths in London in l
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  • Corrrespondence.
    • 80 2 < thr Editor tfthe Datig Time*. Sill: Some time ago YOU found it neeessarv to remark on the extreme inI convenience rswsotl to the public by the Stamp Ottiee being closed during the socalled riots. To-day, I went there to get a bill stamp at a quarter
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    • 415 2 To the Editor offhr D.ttly ItshM. Sik: Your article of yesterday seems to me one-sided, and not in keeping with the received hi'era! prim iplea ofthii ay. Bo far from the Community beinj !>v turprise by the Government undertaking the construction of the long line, the general opinion
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  • 17 2 MONDAY, 8TH JANUARY Tin; British steamer Canton, ('apt. Jaques, from P -how I>t December' arrived this morning.
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  • 16 2 Tin. British steamer Bharp*hooter, ('apt. Cowan, from Penang Ith and Malacca 7th instant, arrived this morning.
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  • 29 2 W'k regret to learn of the death of Mr. leorge !»*x, Acting Superintendent of Police at Penang. Mr. Coj was one ot' the ablest officers in the tone. 4»
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  • 32 2 K\ Governor General Myer arrived here from Batavia on Saturday afternoon, in 11. N. M. steamer Sveraiajfa, and landed yesterday morning. Me 1 will proceed home by the next French mail steamer.
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  • 79 2 CIBCI'LARS were .-,11! round this morning, to the Grand and Petty Jurors, notifying that their attendance at the Supreme Court would not be required before Monday next, the 15th instant, instead of this morning, as origiuull) notified. This is, of cours in consequence of the bite arrival of the Chief
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  • 191 2 l)i ring Saturday night, a quantity of >ilk- and valuables were stolen fro:n a house in Queen Street, used as a Jewish synagogue. T vices of Detective Inspector Miller w«re called in, and two Watchmen who lived on the premises wire taken into custody <>n suspicion of being implicated. As,
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  • 272 2 Thi Corps Dramatique gave a perfor* lnanec in the Theatre, on Saturday evening, under the patronage ofthe Administrator add Mis. Anson. The house was very '.veil HI ed, and we noticed tin- new Chief Justice and MrS. Sidgreaves accompanied Colonel Anson. The performance went off very sueilly. The entertainment commenced
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  • 20 2 TUESDAY, 9th JANU ARY. 11. M. s. lii.i li.ln, ('apt. Kobiiwon, from Peuang lt!i January, via Salangore, arrived yesterday afteruoon.
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  • 13 2 Tin. French transport Japan, from Toulon :27th November, via Malic, arrived yesterda) afternoon.
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  • 58 2 W i. learn that there was a disturb- aoou of some sort in Upper Circular Road last ni^'nt, and that there was I danger of its ripening into a serious <|uanv!. The Inspector G Police is olivi I the danger, and we understand i- taking the precauti in of having
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  • 144 2 Law night, an armed gang of about fifty Chinese, -aid to be Teo Chew?, i attack upon a pawnbroker's shop in Orchard road, opposite Oxley'a Hill they were resisted by the m»f the Bhop, but these were quickly overpowered an I badly wounded, win I, h op u;ls disabled by
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  • 72 2 i. extract the following notifications from the last Government G Account of the average amount of Notes of the I Hank Corporati for them .nth ending 90th December, 1871, rendered in accordan K. yal iiiiit r of In, orporation, issued The Bullion ii reserve ia in accordance with the terms
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  • 133 2 A.CCOUHI amount ol ich oJ the Charif India, Australia, and < bina, month ending D< a* 1 in accordance with the B Charter of Incorporation,— Notes issued i,025. 8j ie iii r SO.OOO. :.-d A. T. OARMIOHAEL, Chartered Bank of In lia, Australia, and China, ipore, Jnd January, 1878.
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  • 312 2 It is difficult to account for the bitter hostility towards the Hon'ble Mr. Birch, oar Colonial Secretary, that baa for tome time been manifested bj the Penang Arqut, which shows itself in veuomous paragraphs partaking stronglyofthe scurrilous. The sentiments that paper expresses .ml no echo at this end of the
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  • 14 2 WED NESDAY, 10TH JANUARY. British steamer v ■a Sarawak 7th intit., arrived esterday afternoon.
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  • 40 2 'I'm. M. .M. -learner Cupitole, Caj>t. Maunarino, from Batavia 6th mutant, arrived at the Borneo Company wharf t tii.— morning. Slu- brought the following passengers Ciiri-ti. l!' 'Lin. -c and Dal i I, .1 W, I': rua, and B I
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  • 58 2 The M. M. steam* t 1/ i !»pt. 11 lon, from Marseille* I her, si;i l'urt Said, 6 '•ul instant, with the French will have for Saigon and Hong ihe B (lowing i- h. t list ol .md harff. i II ran Daalen. Mr. and ad 2 cbili id Okada,
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  • 18 3 11. M. S. >j>t. Arthur, with Admiral Shadwell on hoard, arrived this morning from Penang.
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  • 12 3 11. M. S. Capt Blomfield, from Malacca luth instant, arrived this morning.
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  • 14 3 «•> 'I'm. llritish steamer Unitt v ...per, from Penang '.'th inst., arrivi d tins morning.
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  • 12 3 Ihi British st. amcr dead Paxton, from Mintoh Mh instant,arriv(l esteidav atlernoon.
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  • 52 3 r'oi h native seamen of the British brio; i were this morning brought before the Marine Magistrate, charged with absenting inemselvea from the ye— el without have. The time For which the nun shipped had no 1 \.i <\- pircd, hut the men desired t<> leave the vessel. They were
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  • 66 3 \i\\. four seamen of the Brill rge Me Dougall, I. vi- Yarrow, Patrick Campbell, and William Rice, were brought k-fore the Maritie Magistrate for being aba nt fi I ssel without leave, and sentenced to .-i\ weeks imprisonment with hard labour. This uorning, William Clark, another seanan of the same
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  • 93 3 Tin. M. M. steamer Captain from Hongkong lth and Ktli instant, with the homeward French mail, arrived at the Borneo Co's wharf early this morning, and will leave for Galle, Sue/, and Marseilles, at daj light to-morrow. P\I n Saigon 99 Chi- gkong: Messrs. d John Mol > ikohuma M
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  • 131 3 Dl KIM. the past few da\ s it has Keen difficult to obtain a hack, owing to the great number "t gharries undergoing repair in order to pass muster at the annual registration. The Registrar of Hackney Carriages has found many ot' the carriages detective, although they (•.me to him
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  • 138 3 Wi could call the attention of the to the crowd- of Portuguese and bo\ who may be seen at all hours of the day amusing themselves in t he streets in a species of pettj gamI I iii- has been ;r"in"; mi for some time, and has become nuisance. The
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  • 312 3 Tin. gang robbery in On-hard road during Monday night, though bad unougl had as represented to be gang, instead of being fifty strong, numbered as ncarh RS can be ascertained only eight men, of whom two are in the I and- of the police. The pawnhad si\ coolies in the
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  • 22 3 Tin. Siamese steamer Civw Phy<i, Captain Orton, IV in Bangkok 9th inst., anivi il this idoroing. Bandberg and Bsv
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  • 20 3 Tih. British steamer Eastern hie*, Captain Knig Hongkong 7th instant, arrived at Tanjoag Pagar this morning. Mr. Robert ion, 150
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  • 22 3 Tiik Ocean steam-ship oarpedon, Captain Perguson, lefl IVn.u X(> t,. r da) i vening, and maj be expected hen to-morrow at noon.
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  • 56 3 Oi k German residents will be gjad to learn that a service in German will be performed at 9 o'clock to-morrow mom ing, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Ifev. I. W. Ai'i. who is now pausing through from Sarawak, where he has been labouring as a missionary among thi
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  • 43 3 Tiik criminal aearioii opens on Monday next, before Mr. Sidgreavee, tie new Chief Jostiee. There are, we understand, upwards <>! sixty eases lor trial, some ot' which will probably lie loii"; .Hies, —and th. ■<> Ik 1 the moat protracted held here lor sc-veial yean.
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  • 59 3 'I'm. Hand <>!' the l'Jth Begiment M. N. 1., will play on the Regimental Parade Ground on If ooday sAetnooa, the 15th instant, at the usual hour. Proohammi:. 1. Quick March Cams seek to Brim Fau-t. •J. Waltz I.' I! In* dl Mi Selection Pwritam Bellini. 4. Quadrille IfeJViactSf e/IV*S
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  • 91 3 Wi understand a telegram lias Wen received bjr t lie Wing ot' the 10th Regiment stationed here, ordering them to he iii readiness to proceed bo Hongkong, and that iiistcul of the arnagemeat originally intended, the Mh fbegy meat) now on its way out From England in the transport Orontet,
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  • 341 3 'I'm: Penang GaeetU of the Oth instant publishes the report of a meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce on tin- 3rd, W. Oldiuua, Bag., in the chair, —in wnu-ii the following pal oooon "The Chairman remarked that the past year had been an eventful oat lor the Chamber, its
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  • 1401 3 Tim**, Dec, 8j .s MX.-SAGE. It is probably no I to be tak.n as literally true that. H. Thiers hail not finished writing his Mi mage si 1 resterday in-!-: t be admitted i bat its contents snow a desire tc stare off svury diaVutty to the last moawnt, which
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  • 224 3 France:' Men c.-m 1 me accustomed to sbnbsi any bunlen. an. l we do in.t that Fr i ii<-.- may Irani to an annual drain oi 1 1 millions liii L,-. besides the annual abstraction of !'<i.iiihi ii, ,n from productive industry. But th.- conditions oi lit*- sat*nfl the people.
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  • 100 3 Us •uecsssor a skilled army and an ignorant and over-burdi n people. Thiers k a patriot, and, if he suoceeds in inflicting unintentionally all the m which Ins plans prepare for Fran >• cannot be thrown wholly upon him; il unit l.c shared by all Frenchmen who hare any inflosace
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    • 436 3 bunday. 7th January. British barque Am0r, 235 tons, Cuthbert commander, fremaatis loth b'>\., consignees Bean, Meyer A. Co. British barqns Ocean Belle, •">.><• tons, Jartia oommansVar, Sun-il-'rlaiiU lilth Sept., eonsigni i Hamilton, Qray Co. Dutch barque Nederlanden Oraaje, 7">"> tons, Phaff oommaaaW, Bottecdam ~nd August, oonsignee* Bantenberg, Schmidt a.
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    • 216 3 Saturday, 6th January. British ntnamtir Diomed, Oromptoa, f..r l.*>ndon. British itfrnmnr Warrior, Tin. him.-, rot Limtlffii. British barque London, Wales, for rtftngmrn. British baraue Pathool Mbmbarrack, Schntze, for Rangoon. (miiii.ui ship rjadine, tfioholsen, for Rangoon. Dutch barque Triso, Holder, for Hamburg. Monday, ■••li January. British steamer Canton, Jaques, for
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    • 810 3 Ship's Names. DAlt Captains. FLM a.nk Rio. Tons. of WhekeFbom Consignees ob Agents. Destination. abuival MEN-OF-WAR. i Tt .l/.er KiimM" Iron Duke Blomfield iff M iti— 4l>i Nov. 27 iiangkuk Ldibuan Robinson 11. M. steamer I'-'.U .lan. l'.naiig Arthur H. M. steauier tt\fi Jan. 11 Penaug
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    • 46 3 1 2 Victoria Dock. i P.iO. Wharf 4 Borneo Company's Wharf 5 Patent Slip and Dock Gompi TanjonK 1 >any Pillar Wharf. 6 Jardiue, Mutheaon and Company* Y\ harl. 7 Bon Accord Dock 8 Government Wharf 9 At Jobort.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 itotirre. 6IINBI LAB \M> ORIENTAL ST K A MN a V 1 1 A T [ON COM I' AN Y. r.Mii. further notice, tiis i>t>-umersof this Ompany will jfo to Brindisi instead A MarHeilles.and Passengers will no longer be booked for t lie latter port. For Bates, \c.. to Brindisi,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 793 4 H. (P. Comuanp. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Offh-ks D* Almeida Street. Godowns At Hew Harbour. MAIL Ffcffiffl LINES. Timk Tahi.k. 1871 This has ao4 y<" reorfved the iaal > proval of the Postmaster General, but tbe f the P,e I ipore will be as foil Ootwabbs arrive Weinssday
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    • 896 4 fl. ft 0. Comuanp. NOTICE. All payments in Singapore for passage money and freight, must be made in Spanish. Mexican or Peruvian Dollars, of full weight, or Bank notes. J. B. CALDBECK, Agent. P. A 0. 8. N. Cos. Offi Singapore, 1-t July. 1887 SHIPPERS OF CARGO. NoTICK is hereby
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    • 734 4 ifltdrrllanroud. ENGLISH GOODS (Via Suez Canal) At Cheapest Rates D. NICHOLSON 4 COMPANY. Silk, Woollen and Manchester Warehousemen (Wholeßale and Retail) India, Colovial and Foreion OUTFITTI i 50, to VJ. ST. PAULS CHURCHYARD (Cormr of OVapsiiUi). London. Established lxi-t. LmtS the attention of Officers of both Detiiues, and FAMILIES residing
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    • 848 4 iffttcrllanrou& DHE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND. HOLLO WAYS OINTMENT. It- Bearokingand Hcalin..' Properties an known ;lll ,i mrio--niend throughoul the ■orid. The of years this in valualde nintment has stood the keel of pulilie opinion and theloaaer known the better appreciated) is a testimony of itself more oOBrindag than anything
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    • 755 4 iWtsrfllanrouS MESSRS. i; A URIEL'S CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS 'OE PBKBXBVIHO ANH UK A t I 1 KYIX'i THE TESTS A GUMS AND I'BKVI.M IV. TOOTB lbe sou- HY mi oinotn 1 1 in All. r.u:;.s i mi: vv..i:i.n i-i;i:i'.\KKl> "Xl. n MESSRS. GABB I)KN Lodoati Hh.i.. Loavoir, B. 0. Si i'
      755 words
    • 468 4 ittigrrllanrous. DOR." J" K supplies ot Fruil l visions, Sic, for Christina- „f Almonds, uitines of Game, h of Chicken' Pudding do (ll ,j Currants. Hani Candied Pel. Pfrk Cntleti sod Pi^ French Plum-. Nt Tomata Mincemeat, Turkej do do Fruits in Sytup. Bed French ProBrandy, Crj italliz. d FruiU,
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