The Straits Times, 31 December 1870

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
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  • 91 1 SAT! RDAY, DECEMBEB 31, 1870. LATEST MAKKKT QUOTA TIOKB. Singapore. December :>lst 1-;u. Gambler 2.88 Black Pepper 9 1" to O.lJ| Wh:' 12 t 12JB t 2.52| to £55 2.96 to Tin 80 to 81 120 to 122 Bill j 2.55 t0 2.571 7 d.. do 2 10
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  • 1210 1 The following particulars of Wan- mi Banjermauen arc from a papers On the morning of the ~.">th November, news reached Banjermassing that Wankang was in the neighbourhood with a number of imated at from 500 to 600. alarm am! consternation prevailed thereupon in the town; the men of \\;ir
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  • 1018 1 Wiiii to-day, another year and another decade will have passed away, to be numbered with the ages that have gone before." The decade has been an eventful one has witnessed wonderful triumphs of science, which may exert a vast influence upon both the political and the commercial future of
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  • 17 1 Mi.nites of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Tuesday, the Cth December, 1870. Commisximi'Ts Present.
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  • 597 1 The Hon'blc W. 11. stead. R. C. Woods, 1> (1 The Hon'blc W. R. Scott. CAuinimn. In the absence of the Presideat, the Hon'ble W. H. Read was appointed Chairman. PrigrcM Remertt. The Daily Keports of the Engineer Ovetseer of Works, and Inspectors of Nuisances, were >u\<lnitteti. lltrkiie'i Carriage*. Read,
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  • 164 1 No. 7. Office of the Registrar of Hackney Carriages, > Singapore, 19th Noveml'.r. Wo To the Assistant Colonial Secretnnj, S. S. Sir T have the honour, by direction of the Municipal Commissioners, to forward for the information of His Excellency the Governor the accompanying Return of Oases tried by the
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  • 366 1 No. 2<m;:V Colonial Secretary's Ofi: Singapore, 21th November, 1870. Sir —I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge your letter of the ltith instant, forwarding by direction of the Municipal Commissioners a Return of fin< ini]n—-,1 by the Magistrate for offences under the Hackney Carriage Act. and submitting for His
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  • 443 1 No. 516. Municipal Commissioner's Office, > Singapore, *th DscembsTi I*7o. Sir: —I have the honour, by direction of the Municipal Commissioners, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No 2063, dated ths Msh ultimo, sahesittjag the Ha* gistmte's statement in reply to ti.. plaint made by the Commissioners with reference
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  • 513 1 Sing/ijimr, *th Dei-ember, 18<0. PusnT; His Excellency the Ckweraor. His Honor The Chief Ju The Hon. The Officer Comdg. H.M.s Troops. The Hon. The Attorney-General. Treasurer. \\iditor'i<»neral. VV. H. Read. T. Scott. W. R. Scott. W. Adamnon. Hoo Ah Kay Whampoa. The Minutes of
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  • 144 1 Btasajwfe, Ma V—mker, 1370 lajrii Hit Excellency the Governor. i Hi* Honor Tlio Ciief Jiutice. Tho Hnn.TheOffi, Troops. The Hon. Tli JLttomey-General. Auditor-General. Colonial Engineer. II H. T Scott. \V. K. Sott. \v Ho> Ah Cay Whampoa. The Minutes of the let Meetiug were
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 Ai iiifi'L- known int.. f.r long periods Will 1(0 i tfioe also in ''in: mi I 1.l Liombard Street, city; in r& Op. in t!i fv the it. '1 till countermanded, sii.l charged for accordingly. s COBRKBPOB DM •fully requested to give immfiliat.- intimation to the proprietors «.f lateness or
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 243 2 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Siit: Tin' tone and leaning of a late .vi ii i 1 1 appeared in your columns, on this new law, must have been acceptable to the opponent! of such legislation. It was a conciliatory article, and wise on
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    • 347 2 Jo the ll.litorofthr b,iil;i I Sin:- The audacity of some writ only equalled by their utter disregard lor truth, and the correspondent of the I Mail bean awaj the palm. Pity his name known: it nii^ht with propriety supersede the far-famed Mnnchanason I will ju>t note
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    • 434 2 To the Editor of//,, Doily Tiwut. Sih: -I have been in daily expectation of teeing the usual Circular for conVibutioni l'«r the New fear's Sports, during the last two weeks, but was under the imii that it was, nevertheless, going the rounds. I was greatlj surprised! therefore,
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  • News of the Week.
    • 26 2 MONDAY, gon DECEMBEB. Tin: British steamer Elgin, Capt. Iluttoii, from Shanghai 1 4-t li Deeenv her, arrived here yesterday, Bo route to London via Sue/ Canal.
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    • 19 2 Tut. British steamer Lord of the /.'A-*, Capt. Robinson, from Shanghai 15th ami Hongkong IMb inst., arrived hero esterdaj
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    • 15 2 Tin: British steamer UimJomtmm, Capt de Smidt, from Hongkong 20th December, arived here yesterday evening.
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    • 14 2 Tin: British stamer OleHarfnejf, Capt. Bolton, from Hongkong 20th inst., arrived hero last night. <*-
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    • 24 2 Thk now Colonial steamer PlmU was at Aden when the mail steamer left, and may be looked for hero a week or so hence.
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    • 65 2 Tbi neSt criminal session will be hold in the old Court House, and will open on Wednesday, the Ith proximo. Tiif B. I. s. N. Cos. steanter Penmm§, Captain Smart, from Calcutta 9th, Bangoon 15th, Moulmain 17th, Penang •li\u\, and Malacca 2 Ith inst., arrived here yestordav. Paswagws. From Calcutta:
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    • 200 2 11. M. steamer dtgerine, which left tliison the 1 7th to enquire into the piracy committed on board the schooner Sree went tir-t t i Malacca, where the found the schooner repairing. She then took the schooner in tow and proceeded to the mouth of the Salengore river the soone
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    • 75 2 TUESDAY, 27 l ii DECEMBER. Tiik British steamer Ada, Capt. Tatchell, from London 27th October, via Sue/ Canal, arrived here this mornmg, The Dutch steamer Koningen der Nederlaudeu, Capt. Kayser, from Batavia :l:l.n\ inst., arrived here yestonUv afternoon. Wi have been requested to call attention to the fact that the
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    • 119 2 I have been favoured by Mr. Fuller, the Manager of the Hriti.-di Indian Extension and other submarine telegraph Companies here, with the followino; message reeaVed by him this morning from Penang Penang, 17 ti December. Length, of cable paid out to tUMO yesterday, >>^ miles. This would make ship then
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    • 159 2 The new (};inTni<; Hoasee ordinance appears to l>o working very well. On Friday night, Deputy Commissioner Kvans, and a poaee ofpolioe broke i"'" barricaded gambling bxNwe, and meoeeded in seearing twentr-flTegnmbleie, who wore tried next ilay bdon the magistrate and fined ten dollars each. Eleven of them paid tlieir line,
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    • 370 2 The following items are from the Ti nifx of I/him of the Srd December: A fsbt painful occurreßoc is reported from from alawardeaabad (Bannoo), which took pmee soaae t<'u days ago. It appears that the As-Utaut .minis, i.mers and an officer of the garrisoa wen walking in the neighboarhood ><(
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    • 589 2 We do not know who the Singapore .orrespondent df the China Mai> is, bat wo are somewhat snrpiised. if, as hi asserts. large majority oftlie iCuropean residents of Singapore, are of the same mind as himself, they should not have given their opinion a local expression, instead of going all
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    • 42 2 WEDNESDAY, 2s T v DECEMBER. The Malay steamer Fair Singapore, Captain Langlois, from Kalaoea B7tfa instant, arrived 1 en to-day. Tub Band of the Singapore Volunteer Corps will play on the Esplanade to-morrow afternoon, weather permitting, at a quarter past live o'clock.
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    • 21 2 Tn British steamer China, Capt. Gardner, from Calcutta fcQth and l'enanj,' 2b" '.h mat, arrived here this morning. Passengers. Mr. Brown.
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    • 70 2 Tin: next homeward mail will be conveyed by the I. .S: O. steamer vaneort, which would leave Hongkong at noon to-day, and maybe looked for here on Tuesday next, the Srd inst. Wi: learn that 11. M. S. Atgefins bJtf returned t<> Malacca, having captured all the pirates who plundered
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    • 31 2 On Monday forenoon, the roof of house No. 4^7 North Bridge road fell in. There were two Chinese in the house at the time, who fortunately escaped with very slight injuries.
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    • 53 2 Wi: are in formed by the Commissioner of Police that the annual Hokien procession will be held on Tuesday next, the .'Jrd instant it will be a very long one, and will be forming and in motion throughont the entire day. Arrangements have been made not to obstruct the traflc
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    • 92 2 li will be seen by the P. O. Company's time table for thevear IS7I,1 S 71, that the day on which the homeward mail steamer from Hongkong will fall due here will be Tuesday, instead of Monday, as heretofore, making the day of departure Wednesday. This holds until May next,
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    • 78 2 Wi learn that the usual Now Year's sports will not be hold this year, owing to New Year's dny Calling on Sunday, and the preparation aeeessary for the mail, which falls due on Tuesday. This will no doubt be a sore disappointment to the natives, who have OOttM to look
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    • 75 2 Thk recent heavy rains, combined with the high tides, have caused extensive floods in the low-lying parts el the island. In the Buddoh districts, huts and a large number of boats have been carried away by the freshet, and the vegetable gardens have sutferod s'voroly. The bathing hones and boat
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    • 202 2 Wi are glad to find that the good service done to these Settlements during many years by Mr. Abraham Logan, and which have boon fully testified to in these columns, have also met a recognition from many of the old Straits people at home. The following is a copy of
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    • 24 2 THURSDAY, 89th DECEMBER. Wk learn that Mr. Nai Naitre, formerly Siamese Vice Consul at this port, has received the appointment of Governor of Paknam.
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    • 62 2 Tiik Manager of the Submarine Telegraph linos here informs us that he has just received a despatch, statin-,' that the Edinburgh has already paid out 1,324 miles of the cable between IVnaii"; and Madras, and expects to reach Madias to-night All going well, and oable perfect. The Mnnager hopes that
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    • 19 2 FRIDAY, .'s(ith DECEMBER. The British stammer WilUam Corf, Capt. Edington, from Penang 2Mb inst., arrived here this morning. I
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    • 46 2 Wi learn that the steamer OUron, which left London on the 30th October for the Straits and China Vli the Sue/ Canal, is merely an auxiliary screw steamer. The 01mm Rtprees received by the mail yesterday reports her arrival at Port Said on the 20th Nov.
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    • 85 2 Tiif. Ocean Company's steamer Nettor, Capt. Drenmng, from Liverpool 10th November, via Sue/ Canal and Penang ~7th in.-t., arrived here yesterday forenoon. The following is her list of passengers For Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. Ol Uiam. Mr. and Mrs. Sluiter and S children. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and '.i children,
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  • 20 2 Tnr. Colonial steamer Rainbow, Captain Bradberry, from Penang 28th and Malacca 30th instant, arrived here this morning.
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  • 70 2 Sarawak, under the Government of Rajah Charles Brooke, has within the past month been discovered to p a supply of coal, in a district easy of access and where native labour is readily obtainable. No opportunity has been yet afforded of ascertaining the extent of the scams or the value
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  • 358 2 The Sax FkaSCnOO Min>ii:i:i.s <rave their first performanoe at the Town Hall last night. The weather was very unfavourable, and consequently the audience was a slender one the company, however, were not disheartened at the abundance of empty seats, and went through the entire programme, Consisting oi a selection of
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  • 330 2 Tin: British steamer Sri Sarawak, Captain Howat, from Sarawak 2Mb instant, arrived lure yesterday afternoon. By her we have received the Sdnwa/: QoMttte of the 17th instant, from which we take the following items It is expected that the Government will shortly sell the steamer RoyaUsf in order to allow
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  • 93 2 Wi extract the following l.lea-e-l to appoint Mr. Mian M i from the Ist January 1871. Tn acoordai »with the pronsi tion 21 of Act XXVI] Jm lency the Governor is plea percent upon houses i -i Bi per cent upon Lands, the r by the Muni Settlements for the
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  • 46 2 With ref published sth August 1869, hi «rin of a dai miles from ipire bu y has fathoms a little to the w. southern extri in.< bearing w from the Kootuhdea Ligl A. BAR BANK. Chittagong Post Office,") The Btk 1 1870. I
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  • 106 2 NOTiriCATIOH. i»:o. Wo. 15 of 1870. -The followii received from the British ('■>uis published for general inform guidance NOTICE! ,il tht t, A pinnacle rock with onlj 13 feet water at L. \V. Bpring-tidi in the Fairway Channel a< Sue/. Boadstead fLight ship N. 7 E. 1-7 OF
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  • 1653 2 Pkpcn bid I nti Leg by Command ot ernur. Bth Dice* Report of the Seleol C palatire Council to iu location in I Your Committa in the first place to »ub >na \|-i -i 1 other gentlemen in tied to i\ valuable inf 1 1 subject Education in
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    • 414 3 Saturday, 24th December. British brig Pagatharas, J43 tons, Nacodah, Penang 13th Dec., British barque Gaadcrbu, 295 tons. Nacodah, Sainarang 4th Doc., Sunday, 25th December. Dutch barque Kirn Guan, 246 tons, Nacodah, Samarang 30th Nov., British steamer Penang, 472 tons, Smart commander, Calcutta sth Dec, consignees Hamilton, Gray 00. British
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    • 296 3 Friday, 23rd December. Colonial steamer Peiho, Fox, for Malacca and Penang. British steamer Japan, Cornelius, for Malacca and Penang. British barque Istapa. Richards, for Rangoon. British ship Lammoruiuir, Owen, for Rangoon. Saturday, 24th December. P. O. steamer Malacca, Bernard, for Hongkong. Dutch steamer Singapore, Bakkcr. for Batavia. British schooner
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  • 1007 3 Srfir's Namks. (AITAISB. and Rio. Tons ok lURIVAI Where From. C'ONBIUNKKR OR AMURS. Destinatiom MEN'-OF-WAK. a* Bavossa lloow H. M. steamer 17oONov. 15 Hongkong Senior Naval Officer. Station ST R\MK lit> Bat«nriM rVAlin.-.,Ui British I .VJ April H R. D' Almeida A Co. Tn«r AW.
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  • 43 3 1 Tanjong Pagar Wharf. 2 Victoria Dock. *> Jardine, Matheson and Company* Wharf. 3 P. AO. Wharf 7 Bon Accord Dock 4 Bornec Company's Wharf 8 Government Wharf 5 Patent Slip aud Dock Compamy S> At Johor*.
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  • 126 4 flbtt i I mi attd Pilh.— KW suf- ferera from sores, ulcers, soorbutio affecnd skin diseases may confidently commence the treatment of their several infirmities with these healing and nVamaing remedies. Under HoUoway*a well tried medicaments the worst eases will soon assame a more kindly aspect, and in the progr.--
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  • 124 4 i year adds almost innumerably to the list of Inventions. The fruitful »ga> nuity of thousands of intellects, thus contributes to the convenience, comfort, and Cr'tit of mankind. But amongst the numeric-- preparationafor improving the condition of the teeth and gums, there has yet been nothing to compare to those
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  • 192 4 [Adveutiskmknt. s. n:\. r am> Ai:t. A striking instance ..f the immense vaJne a small piece of steel n. .i\ acquire by the great power of skilled ii natural labour is the halamw b|h ing i»f ;i watch. From its evtr.nie mMBMBS and delicacy I,ooo Weigh not mere than one
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  • 134 4 M.miavii.i.a CoroA. Fur Breakfast. The Globe says Various importers and manufacturers have attempted to attain a reputation for their prepared Cocoas, !,ut we doobi whether any thorough sneoess has been achieved until He ITS. Taylor Brother., discovered the extraordinary qualities of Mannill.r Cocoa. Adapting their perfect system <>f preparation to
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  • 249 4 A Pocket Doctor Let ow readers imagine suiall, neatly made chain, al>«ut the si :e „f a ladle-,' neckla. c. that cm DS ].ut away in B jewel ca :c, and not look much out of pl.i.e. thai can be h.r.idlcd and tested with perfect impunity, and yet eonteins all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 810 4 ELE(Ti;icr/r a USB. PrtTnmtjmn't Patvjr GALVANIC CADT-BANDS, BH/TB, L AN Pocket Battbbi h, Thksk remarl<al>le and highly improved inventions render Electricity perfectly selfapplicable, and extremely emcaoioos in a mid contin form BO shock OT unploasant ion being experienced, whereby it 1 .cues a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily
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    • 737 4 intdrrllaiirouff. SARSAPARILLA. Wilkinson's (Late Bkidoes.) Jamaica Sarsatarilla. 01 F'l.riu Exi BACT 01 lit b I- appreciated for its purity and marked superiority, daily prescribed by the Faculty for Impuriti.-s of the Blood, AflectioOS of the Liv.-r. Constitutional Debility, Attenuation of body, as an All irtive Medicine at the changes of
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    • 844 4 iftitfttllanroiKf. Ill; M ILK. WARRANTKI) TO KKF.I- IN THE HOTTEST lI.IM The l by .1. A N'KW Vl l \M. AT Mai.i.ow. (ii i v ,ii:k, is guaranted to be pure, with the addition of refined sugar only. One i Condensed will make five pints of rich liquid Milk. >
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 714 5 v^: 0, Companp. PENINSULAR AMmi RIKN T A L STEAM NA\aG ATION COMPA N V Oh-i.-ks- D'Abneida Street. QODOWjn Harbour. MAIL LINES. Tm expected date ..f arrival of one of the atraet Mail Steam Hiii Singapore in connection with the service for approved by Ber ata--1 lenetnl will be as
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    • 908 5 €>. Companp. NOTICE. A Written Declaration of the contents and value of Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Transit Administration, and mv t he delivered by the shipper to the Company's Agent with the Bill of Lading, or with the Parcels; and the Company do not
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    • 791 5 iHterilanrotKf. NEWEST GRANI^TATE-LOAN-LOT-TE\T. (iUAßANTKED and CrLtrolled by the Government in the amouu of: 120 MILLION FrtfßiyS OR 250 MILLION FRANCS W'rllCH IS TO BE REPAID BY 4<>n,ooo PREMIUM PRIZES. In five y.ailv dntwiugSj in the manner that every second month a gr-at Drawing takes nlaee, at which will bedrawn 'pri/.
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    • 893 5 THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND. JHOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Unamhlng and Heabng Properties are known and recognised throughout the world. The number of years this in valuable Ointment has st 1 the hwt of public opinion (and the longer known the better appreciated- is a te.-timony of it -.lf more convincing than
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    • 829 5 iflisrfilnnfous OAKEY Si. SONS KMKKY BLACK LEAD MILLS. Blackfairs Road, London, England. Oakey's Silversmith's Soap (non-m. r eurial for Cleaning and Polishing Sih <t. Electroplate, Plate Glass, Marl.h Tablets 6d. Oaket's Wellington Knikk PoXim. Packets 3d. each: Tins *>d., Is., 2s. 6d., and 4s. each. Oakey's Indiarubber Knife Boards from
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    • 661 5 iYtidrrllanrousc. ■HIK PBBFBCTION OP PI MARAVII.I.a Tll; f MaraviU true I (1 !-f" I Which Mara, yilla us favoured portion. T ipply of thin skilful apI,",""" rinciple and elaborate n undeniably the perfection of] that it has not onlj of homoeopaths an but many wh., had hitherto not found any
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