The Straits Times, 12 February 1870

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
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  • 20 1 IHII V F.I'MIoN Wl IKI.V EDITION. v i" Per Alumni H4 23 Half Yearly Months 13 Quarterly
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  • 72 1 SATURDAY, FEB. 12, 1870. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, Febkuaky 12th, 1870 r $3.12| 7 to" Whit H>.50t010.75 &87| 28* to 291 l"< Mill.' twist 150 Shirtings ft, do .1.. -j-.o to j.v, t. ri..tiia „i.60 to 1.-: 1 1.5.1 to 1.82J 1 do do 2.10 Freight to London 2
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  • 856 1 liik Indian newspapers teem with aceroing the Suet Canal, iad ations of its future influence upon the trade and social condition of India. Bombay, above all other porta, ta to reap ;i golden harvest. And cpectation bids fair to be realized. Already a number of steamers that
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  • 1106 1 SiMi.u'OKK, we are afraid, must be charged with more or less of seltishne-s in its relation to the sister Settlements. We make a great deal out of anything sometimes even the smallest things atl'ecting ourselves alone, and leave the interests of our neighbours to look
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  • 817 1 From an occasional Correspondent. The Piuijaul) leaves immediately. I have very little news to give you. In the Argun of 20th January, there is a somewhat incorrect version of a meeting held in the Exchange to consider a proposal made by the Governor to lay a telegraphic wire from
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  • 2674 1 The BawaWaMaeToftiM 28th December seems again to have got out of its latitude, when quoting Bornean affairs, more particularly connected with Sarawak. The Batang Lupar is a large ri> ver belonging to Sarawak, and for a long time has been under the special charge of 11. 11. the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 NTS. TV r U known 1 int.) for long penoda i I sil.-.-rijitioiiH will mm Oflee; aleo in KIT. CoKXHll.l.. j Lombar 1 Street* city; in i i_v iii the copy the inaertioni required, els.- nil rt till iiiuntcrnianded, f..raee.,rdin<;ly. U»l) I lOBkl IPOV91 I •t'niiv requested bo aediat« intimation
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  • 1048 2 Tiik .lava papers give the following: The Hear-Admiral commander of the naval Forces, and chief of the Marine Department in Netherlands India, makes known t<> those whom il may concern, that the captain of the Dutch barque Lvctor et Emerge reported that his ship, sailing in the Caramata ]>asBBge, struck
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  • 1804 2 MiMTKs of proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday, the •20th day of January, IS7'>.1 S 7'>. 'niiiiiii-ixnuirrx Present. C. Woods, Esq., CsWrawa. A. T. Carmichael, Esq. The Ilon'blc C. J. Irving. C/minihiii. In the absence of the President, H. C. Woods, Esq., was appointed Chairman. Pra/rsM Basorlf.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 559 2 To the Editor of the Straits Timm." Dkau Sir TiSSt Saturday morninu', in company with two brother-sportsman. I sought the island of Hlakaiii,' Mati. After a not altogether unsatisfactory onslaught on the wild piu's with which that lovely isle abounds, we were returning to our sampan and
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  • 339 2 To the Editor of th* Daih/ I Sin: To my astonishment, I read in your yesterday's issue a reprint of the article of the hnili/ Xnrx about "the Dutch Kast Indies." I take the lilnrty of request imr you to reprint also in votir columns the
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  • 816 2 MONDAY, 7m PEBRYARy! Tin: 15. I. S. K. (Vs. steamer PuHJai, Captain Baxter, from Calcutta January, via Pod Blair, Camortha, and Penang, arrived here yesterday. Tiik Sarawak steamer Sofalitf,Cmtain Harris, from Sarawak 1 Ith inst., arrived here yesterday. FaaM Probyn, Mr. Ma farlane. Tiik Chief Justice left
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    • 201 3 Batnrdaj, sth Febmarj, barqae Onrust, 7 such commander, Ainoy i.iry. ni'i- Panjanb. Ton tona, Baxti r e mmander, Calcutta gneee Han ilt o, Ghm I M rria O ■mtuander, Sarawak h barqae Picard, 3J7 tons, Ginuilt, couiuiandcr, Cardiff i Monday. 7th February. rie liii)ht 207 Una, Tatein c unmander.
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    • 28 3 British barque Emulation 39J ton 3, Wardlc commander, Saigon Bth February. Saturday. 12th February. Britixh Bt.-am.r Nestor 1,414 tons. Drennin? commander, Hongkong 6th February, consii»uee V/alt'rr Mansfield.
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    • 242 3 Saturday, r >th Ft-l.ruary. P. 1 0. Btfai! eg Travaneora, Bastly, for China. Dutch steamer M. F. Van dor Putto, Emmcrseu, for B^tavia. British barque Henry Miller. nixo?i. for Whampoa. Britpiafa barqtu .'...n0/n. TV*s fwr LabwuL DnU-h 8 booner M::ry Goddard, Mrinlings for Bombay. l)»t"-li barque Annetta, Naoodah. Cor
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  • 780 3 Sam f.s. CAPTAim. Fijlo and Kig. Tons. 0* VV'heek From Consignees oh Agents. Destination AJUUYAX (,'AITAINS. DATK Fijlo and Bio. Tons. of U hi;rk From AKEIVAI. Consignees oh Agents. ;DeBTINATIO.\. 8 inabcrgea am Kits. Mubr 1 Ga] Ch< •> Phya W. Cora de Yriea Bangkok I
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  • 43 3 1 Tanjonj,' Pagar Wharf. 1 Victoria Dock. Jardine, Mulkmrm and Coinpauj >\ barf, ii P. Si 0. Wharf 7 Bon Accord Dock 4 Borneo Company's Wharf Government Wharf 5 Patent Slip and Dock Compaq V At Juhore.
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  • 230 4 Port Bud ■I tlie pplj expect- n bunker* for i home, and that I d< i- (team, inu- U [nuftiiii'l thence to Bnei in n 'I'll.' <lifthan the ilnu^M liich arrived here on the t Iki been <>f t he Brazilian tim< a the j 1 1 1. 1\ iiil'
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  • 83 4 steamer W. Cores de from Soorabaya here last night. employed as c Sarawak steamer some time during king with him $400, n m the captain's cabin. tin look out for him. our first page to-day, ted arrivals of Singapore during [< will be seen that commences here
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  • 581 4 •reamer Telegraph, Capt i 1 nang 6th and Malacca 1 here this morning. Mr. J. <i. .Mortimer, B tish ship Lamner--1 before the Marine rged with" wilfully disawful eommanda of the said ship on the 7th M., when Kin"; in SinThe disobedience of in smoking his pipe
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  • 681 4 In k V. and O. steamer OrMM, with the homeward mail. wa> to leave Honykong on the instant, and may be looked for here on Sunday afternoon or evening. Thk British steamer Bangkok, Captain IlaHenden, from Bangkok 7th instant, arrived here this mommg. -Dr. Hoogeretein. living
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  • 822 4 Th Ocean Steam-ship Complin's steamer Netior, Captain Dreaming, from Shanghai th Jan., and Hongkong Bth instant, arrived here tlii.s inornin<>-. The following is her list of passengers Pto Vtafaaers, J. Jacob. Per Ltmiou, Qantaia FHsroy, R. N.. Dr. Hulson. nV N.. Mi«s Price, Mr. and Mrs. Brown
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  • Domestic Occurrence.
    • 20 4 At Manila, on the Bth ultimo, John Wroughton. infant son of John IlalFenden, aged 6 months and 1H days.
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  • 1902 4 (Sjiecial correspondence of the Daily JRhm.J Portsmouth, Saturday. The remains of Mr. Peabody were removed from Westminster Abbey this morning, brought here br Rpeeial train and receiwd oi. hoard the Monarch this afternoon, and conveyed tin's evening to Spithead. where the ship now rides at anchor.
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  • 121 4 Holloway'sOin i mm \ni> Pills Xo uncertainty. Impure blood or imperfect action of sosoe organ begfcts disesse Purify the former and tmlsiHT the latter, the malady departs and good health returns. By exerting this corrective power HoUowajni rills haw earned world-wide reputation, and the correct >ie,s of the principle by
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  • 62 4 TEESDMANS SOOTHING POWDERS, for Children catting their teeth. Purchaser., are requested to BEWARE OF IMITATIONS of this Medicine, and to observe, in every case, that the words JOHN STEEDMAN, CHEMIST, WALWORTH, SURRKY," are enjjraved on the Government Stamp atlixcl to each packet, without which none are ijeiiuine. Sold l>y
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 At St. Andrew's Church, on the 11th instant, by the Revd. .1. A. Heckles, Mr. Reginald H. Smith, Engineer Tanjong I'at.'L'ar Dock Company, Limited, to Isabella, daughter of Captain Stronach, of the Belle of Southed: (No Cards.)
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    • 103 4 [Advertisement QOLDUUTM' U'oilK.- The pfOgP I fiae art liiaiiiii'iKtuic in tliis l.i-.iiuli oi trade is strikingly exemplified in a little work published by J. W. Benaon, of 25, Old Road Street, aadof theGitTBteun EWtoiy^aad •Jo. laidwtin Hill. It b enriohed and am-Ix-lliKhcil willi fkiaijlia I'V !t;ili.m. F'lfiiili. ami Kn^lish ;ir!
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    • 749 4 f Wat.-h and Ckek-matiaf. Those pamphlet! arc ml j«>Ht frc- fur two stamps <■.!■ li. and the? i;iiitiut bt loo strongly re- <-■ >tn rii< ii- 1«-<1 to tfcoM r.,nt.'iii|il.itiiiL: |M'ci;ill_v to Iliiliaill* in the country or :il. ro:i. 1, who an tkm •■11:1 ><!•■< 1 i any article they
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 773 5 i). (P. Companp. PENINSt I. \K AN I) OR] KNTA L \M NAVIGATION COMPANY. Offices D'Alme la Street. N. Harliour. M Ml, 1 LINKS. 1 date ..f arrival of one of the i ntrs Hail Steam Ships at pore in e. mn. ■•tion with the service f.,r the year 1870,
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    • 842 5 JJ. vV O. Company. )TICE. A Written Declaration of the contents and value of Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Transit Administration, and mu.t be delivered by the shipper to the 0 ■pany's Agaaa with the Bill of lading, or with t he Parcels and the
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    • 780 5 intdrrllanrousf. NEWEST GRAND STATE-LOAN-LOT-TERY. Guaranteed and Controlled by the Govern ment in the amount of: 12(> MILLION FLORINS OR 250 MILLION FRANCS WHICH IS TO BE REPAID BY 400.000 PREMIUM PRIZES. In yearly twelve drawings, in the manner that on thefirst of every month takes puce a great drawing, in
      780 words
    • 887 5 iHisfrrllanrotuf. THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND. HOLLOWATS OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties are known and recognised throughout the world. The number of years this in valuable Ointment has stood the test of public opinion and theloager known the better appreciated is a testimony of itself more convincing than anything that
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    • 822 5 iftigrrilnnroud. OAKEY Si SONS IMKKY <fc BLACK LEAD MILLS. Blackfairs Road, London, England. Oakey's Silversmith's Soat Duo-mer-curial), for Cleaning and PoUaUng Silver. Electroplate, Plate class, Marbles, &c, Tablets M. Oakey's Wellington Knife Polish. Packets 3d. each; Tins 6d., Is., 2s. 6d., and 4b. each. Oakey's Indiarubbeb Knife Boards from Is.
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    • 859 5 itttdcrllnnroutf. THK I'EKFKCTION OF PREPARED COCOA. MARAVILLA COCOA. Sole Proprietors— Taylor Br( I The Co. or Cacao of M;,ravill ;i i M t>.*» true Theobroma of Linneu-.. Cocoaisia digenous to South America, of which Mars' I villa is a favoured portion. Taylor Ie bavins secured the exclu rye rap] unrivalled
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