The Straits Times, 8 May 1869

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
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  • 73 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY,8th ,MAY,1869. LATEST MARAKET QUATIONS. QUOTATIONS- SlNOAPORI. Mav 8TH 180f>. >S.O2} per 10.70 to 10. SO J.47'. -2.r,0 3.10 t 3 i; 31| to 32 1:20 do 1. 1*> rlingi 2-! d «-M I Clothl l.57Uo I GO do LW to 180 do -i-i to*- 13 London o
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  • 665 1 JusT nine days have elapsed since o f ar |««t Overland edition, dated the 27th ultimo— the nraFlomrward Mail steamer having left n n2 three days earlier than the i ,/the fortnight, in anticipation of in of the S. W. Honsooo. I'he Outward London Mail of the ZGtb
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  • 600 1 On Saturday al'tenoon, ''The London end China Express C.u>," Value 100, presentedbj th<: Proprietor* of that wrllknown journal, which was the last race on the programme of Friday, bat the postponement of which the lateness of the hour at which the horses couUl be brought to the post
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  • 1146 1 L ABU AN. Wu promised yestcnlay to give the i full particulars of tlie dost ruction of Hie I Lnmn piiate |>ralm on t lie coast of Bor--1 mo, oil' the Sarawak Territory, and we now lay before our readers an authentic account of the Matter. It appeari that .Air.
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  • 1999 1 T.n. WllOWing d«t«Ha relating 10 tin" mutiny un board the French coolie ship Tamaris, from Macao to Havanah and her subeequenl abandonment by the crew, we translate from the Batavia Handel*Had of the 24th ultimo. We :>lso append further an, a translation from the Sumatra papers which c,iws some
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  • 3061 2 Tub Rojal Batavia Opera Company g«ve the first o f Hie series o( their performances in the Town Ball yesterday tyrning. There was not to large an siu•liMxe «c hoped v, see, considering p extreme rarity of such an tntrr*«nnwnt in Singapore, bul the first
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  • 806 2 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. JAPAN. The following is the China news brought by the China. Tho last political news ia confirmed. Sat6uraa has received investiture as GoTcrnor of his province under iho central power, yielding' hia independent rank and lights. Many other Daimios havo giren iv their j adhesion to the new
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  • 2963 3 to the acting appointment pending reference Home. The Hon'ble Mr. Plunket lias so many claims, from long m i vice, from ability displayed, from Ins position as a member of the Irish bar, and, though least in the just estimate of any man yet very powerful as the world goes,
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  • 812 4 no less than thirteen Chinese petfy shopkeepers were charged by him, before the Sitting Magistrate, F. H. Gottlieb, Esq., for vstßg light weight*. They were accon'ingly mulcted from $2 to &5 each. 't is to je hoped tin* will have a salutary effect upon other fraudulent shopkeepers. The next Outward
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  • 369 4 Present. His Excellency the GoTernor. The Hon'ble the Officer Commanding H. M.'a Troops. The Hon'ble the Colonial Secretary. Acting Treasurer. Auditor-General. Thomas Scott. The Minutes of tie last Meeting were read and confirmed. Colonel Woolley atlendod the Council, and the usual oatlia having been
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  • 264 4 May 2, British steamer Nestor, 1,447 Drenning, Liverpool 2nd March. 2, >» steamer Fair Malacca, 56 tons, Lazaroo, Malacca Ist May. 2, ship Crimea, 478 tons, Barrow, Bangkok 14th April. 2, barque Hackmatae, 230 tons, John. Saigon 16th April. 2, barque Asia, 549 tons, Morrison, Bombay 22nd February. a,
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  • 248 4 May 1, British schooner Swee Wat, Naeoda, for Calantan. 2, Sarawak schooner Marian, Naeoda, for Sarawak. 2, barque Neptune, Buesuel, for Mauritius. 2, barque Zoe, Von Bergen, for Rangoon. 2, Siamese barque Advance, Tarns, (or Hangkok. 2, n barque Aurora, Plettner, for Bangkok. 3, British schooner New
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  • 677 4 {tun'i Nambs. Caraiks. FtAfl AND Rio. Tons. MEN-OF-WAR. Perseus Medusa STEAMERS. Sterent Struben A. M. steamer N. G. War steamer 995 95-2 Peuio §Mohr Enterprise jjohore Pilot Fish Chow Phya Telegraph Flying Scud. tg^-Capitole biuuanore SAILING VESSELS. Asia Asiatic Aurelia Amaranth Amoy Apenrade ♦iitrtha Brilliant Crimea
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  • 666 4 Victoria Dock. «a> Tanion<r Pa<»ar Wn^j' Borneo Company's Limited. M^ loWblvt Palcnt Sli P and Dock Company C?nnSnTviharf. I «»»«fteord Dock. Jardine, Mathcion and Company > hiirf At Johore tain an 1 interpreter on r:; li|.-r. Hti'am- despatched from liatavia rch of Ikt.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 ADVERTISEMENT. NoticeTub interest and responsibility o r Mr. Andrew Spoon kr in our firm ceased on tlie l«t January last. Mr. J-.douard Cornu lias been admitted partner in our firms of Saigon and Singapore since that date. ED. REVARD& CO. Singapore, 7th April, 18C9. (1 m. d. 3 m. w.)
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  • 1627 5 ir was our pleasing task to speak in \>ry favorable terms of the performance ol Xurma by the Italian Opera Company on Monday last. Hut we are able to speak in still more unqualified language of the performance of Douisetti's Opera ol Isucrczia
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  • Correspondence.
    • 359 5 POSTAL CKIEVANCES. Sib.—Allow me through tho medium of your columns to call the attention of tho proper authorities to a misapprehension on tho part of your Post Office. It may not lio generally known, but it U a hot for all that, that the Sarawak Government issued hist mouth a
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    • 217 5 NAVAL ETIQUETTE. To the Editor of the Sirails Tint*. Slit, I have tho honour to belong to tho Royal Naval Deserve, a force which I consider evory true British Seaman should be proud of. Well, Sir, I arrived in this port the other day, and on the first evening as
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    • 272 5 I To In- E lit ,r of UU Straits Times. Sut, I observed a letter signed B. N. R. in your paper .of yesterday, which evidently refers to this i> >at. perfectly recollect the incident to which he r.lludes, and lose no time in assuring him that my answer to
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    • 156 5 To (hi Editor uftlw Straits Times. Sir. Afier reading tho letter in ycur paper an i making enquiries on shore, I Bad that I have been all adrift a'«out ths llag gown by tho*' Picciola,* and therefore b«g to apologise to her owner, and no offence brine meant I hope
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    • 140 5 To ms Edit of (As Strata Tine.'. DiiAR Sin. I have scon in you* last two issues an extraordinary corresnondenco between two nautical pentlomon, a great part of which, has, owiu^ I presume to my ignorance of polito nautical conversation, been unintelligible to mo. A3 far as I can make
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    • 237 5 To the Editor of th Daibj TwiMS. Sir, 1 beg you w.ll bring to t'io nolico I of tho Municipali'y, the filthy an 1 dofoctivo stato 01 drainage- about Orchard, Killiuey and oilier Road* in Umi neighonr* hood. Notwithstanding iho lato heavy rains and large mantiiy of «a'er from tho
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    • 89 5 To the, Editor of the S trails Times Siu, Th" discussion about the JJIuo Ensign appoars to iuo much of'tlu nature of a sioim in a tea-cup but as tho subject Iia3 been mooted, 1 may mention lhat I havo ofaserrrd a much moro Mrioni matter in connection with tho
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  • 490 5 The Straits Times MONDAY, 3RD MAY. Tim British steamer Fair Mulao-a, Captain LssaTOO, Cross Malacca with dates to the Ist instant, auchortd iv ihe harbour yesterday morning. The Ocean Company's steamer Nestor, Captain Draining, from Liverpool with daUs to the Ist March, ai rived yesterday forenoon. The Nts'or lias on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 713 6 %9. $c CTompan]). peninsular and oriental steam navigation company- I>'.\ini. -ida Street GoDOWI At New Harbour. her />-,';,. V N*\ MAI I.'tcf >*Ihs*/l \< LINI'-W- Tnr. cxnectcl dfito of arrival of one of the Company 1 Contract Mall Bteam Ships at Sincapore in oonnectlon with the service for the year
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    • 859 6 ?J. Company. Notice. The following amended rate will bo cl.»r«r*<l by the Transit Administration for conveyance between Suez and Alexandria of P^V" proceeding by the steamers of the l'enmsulnr ami Oriental steam Navigation Company, viz;— First Clans Passengers r Second Class Passengers Children over ten years of age to be
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    • 956 6 Itttßcellaneoua. D. NICHOLSON COMPANY. PILK, WOOLLEN, AND MANCHESTER WAltlill OI'SKMKN, COLONIAL FOREIGN AGKNTS. 50, 51, and 52, ST. PAIlS CHURCH YaRD, LONDON. Invite the i.«tention of M.-relmnU anJ Trader* throuclwtr India and chs-a to the f.ict that they have had C year*' experirncn SMII'PKHs Op DOOM to thoi Markets, and
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    • 865 6 iJlisccUaneous, Lea FerrinsCelebrated Worcestershire Pance. Declared by Connoisseurs tin be The Only Good Sauce. Caution Against Fraud. Tbe success of this most delicious and unrivalled Condiment having caused certain dealers to apply the name of Worcestershire Sauce to their own inferior compounds, the Public are hereby informed that the only
      865 words
    • 899 6 THF MOST RELIABLE FRIEND. lIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Projierties arc known and rcconnised throu.hout the world. The number of years this in valuable Ointment has stood the test of public opinion (nnd the lon*;;..' known the better appreciated is a testimrn} of itself more convincing than anything that
      899 words