The Straits Times, 17 April 1869

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 THE VOL. 25™ pubush ED EVE Rr SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. APRIL 17™ 1869. SATURDAY EVENING NO. 1,236
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  • 3 1 Domestic Occurrences. MARRIAGE
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    • 101 1 Sinoapoue, April ITtii 18G'J. Gambier 3.05 to 3.10 lilack I'epper 8.7«J White Pepper 10.-J2J Sago Flour -J.-tTi'to Pesri Sago 3.05 t03.t0 Tin .50 to 30j 30s Mule Twist 117$ to 120 -30s d<> do I3C 6j lb« Shirtings 2.85 to 2.87 7 do do „2.-J.7 6
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    • 775 1 Of it hist Overland Journal was dated the 30th ulto., and despatched the sane day. Sim- then the English mnii of the 20th-26th February has come to hand together with London telegrams to the I9th March. The French Homeward packet arrived from China on the 6th inst. oml
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  • 451 1 Tin: letter ot Api" which appeared in 'I iiursday's paper deserves some notice at our bands. It is a frit-rate, practical approach to a subject whicli lias occupied a good deal of attention here during the past six weeks. Tne exposition of tli c Fire Brigade system <>|
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  • 824 1 TO! Eng'is'i mail \vliic!i arrived yesterday, conveys la us two papers leading to bring (be affair* of these Settlements into more prominent notice at Home. One is llie priated copy of a letter dated 10th March, addressed by the Strait-! Association in London to Bar! Q
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  • 832 1 Wb were enabled to fulfil our promise and t.i lay before our reader*, yesterda}', tbe letter of the Straita Associn i > i in London whicli lias just been .1 dressed to Earl Her MajcutyV v, (it State for the Colonies. Our previous epitome of
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  • 704 1 The following is i f) f |fi« Strait a Association in London lv I cretary of State for the Col inies, on we commented v tierday. 21, 8 Swithin's I M i Lord, I have the bononr lo brin* onr LorJ»hi(i'« notice that, the Expend!^ ii ol
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 296 1 A l>\ II! MsKMEJITS. Terms for Advertisements made known at the Contracts entered into for lons periods at reAdvertisements and subscriptions will be reS lit* Tim-s Office; also in Lonv 1". A. Ai <■ mi, Lo!ii?>ar»l Stret, city in rs, apeaz and C >• rtSsers must specify in the copy
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 3100 2 Gt tral \z«tuujh'i Annual Ueputt, 1 805-60 J Rupees "iimls 7 l«and ltc*i uuo Cu«to»i 2 2*5&7 AdSinittMtioa an. l J'ublie Departmem* *****0 Law and Justice *J^' ?98 P? 11 6 165>58 ucaiion, Science, and Art gi»*J Medical Sertic u Stationery and Printing J uw allowances and
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  • 1197 2 Minutes of Proceedings of the i-ij)ul Commissioners on Ist April ISui). C'j mistionert President The lli)ii!)!e Col. Maepherson Pn R, C. Woods, Esq. Tlios. Danman, Es The Honble W, H. Read. Progress Rtforto. Read the fortnightly reports from ilie E. gineer overseer. Cavemagh Bridge, In consequeiu repeated interruptions
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  • 444 3 The Dake of Portland is owner of inagui< Boent estates in bloglaad and ia Sootlaod, ami is .-i\ty-tiiiio u-uts old. After what ibfl French delii'aviy term a ■toriny jonth," Lo bcciimc, i:i liis fftiber'i life'ime, :i rtclsse. It *M the laic duke's fancy lhal there was going
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  • 530 3 Tho supplometit to the British Burmah of the '.'tli instaut, contains an important correspoadenoo between tho Chiel commissioner the Telegraph Department and tbe Government ot India, on the subject of submarine telegraphic comtnuuicabetween tlut jiroviuce aud Bengal. The Bweotor Gcucral of Telegniphs, why .iiod, was in
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    • 313 3 April 10, British barque (>«Men Rosset, 408 ton*, Hull, Sonderlaad 22a<] October, Hamilton, (ir.iv Bad I'o. April 11, Biaaiese barqae Cmiznr, 463 tons, (fans i nun, Johore 10th April, 11, UiMM'ii ship Vesta, 677 tons, Oottlebea, fokohaou 7t!» March. 1 1, Dutch steamer Singapore Baker, Batavia. Preadi ■hip Suovoivuiec,
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    • 226 3 April 0, I!. I. M. itowir La Cruse. Sellier. for Saigon British rfrnanHtf Nik 1 (iainc, for Heagkong. !>. i, steamer Telegraph, Lc Came, for Malacca and Tcnang. April 10, Danish sclioonor Assent, Jepseti, for Bangkok. April J3. I. ami steamer Kan«;o >n, linker, for Bombay. 13,
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    • 625 3 i,jr or WAII Im »»-=el. hsjulm^; ,s»s«- •-newel Richards .M. M a 7"".i PaMM Senior Naval Mlk-er. Station TAvon FIM so'wSL«i \m Mar Jan, i,oi North German Consul. Hongkong D Medusa Simbw (l a «*«ner Austrian Consul. I Hangkok 1 s5" ?C-* r iss war:;::;;;;:^
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    • 40 3 *«HB>" Victoria Dock. g^f Tatijc>iiK PagarWhvl f Borneo I'ompany'ti r.imited. ;r. W'ni.ri I l*o ci I.- [i HiulD n (i')vcrninent WliaM. Bon Accord I 1 J.irJitic, M.iticjy.i -tul L'otnpany'l Wli?.r r l{ .-V
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 88 3 ~m—m—— f ADVEItTISBMENTS. Notice- Tim intM-eU and rsspouJbTtlly of Mr. Avdrf.w Si-oo.sru ia our firm teased on llip l«t .liicunrv In-f, Mf liwuakd t'oKsu lias ban admitted partner in our Brsaaal Saiao.. aad "^g^g^Jjfpj^o Sinsapore, 7tl., 18C9. Ojn. d. 3 m. w Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navaigtion Company. CoNMr.rtr.F.s
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    • 126 3 fAtittUmtou*. RIMMKI/S CHOKE PEFUMBAY. piitronised bj all the Woilil. Riasaaafs Ihlanuihlaag (the Flower of FTewertf). JoekejCinb, j Frangipanj. md other I'eifunnpa of exquisite j fragran c. Biauael's Lavender Water, diitillpd froai M Flower.'. Kimmers Toilet Vi- j nepnr, of world-wide eclcority for its useful and sanharj propertiee. RasameTsSxtraetof LinM
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    • 144 3 <Hisccl(ancous. lOR BALK. A pair or Marine Kn^im«, hi^ti nn>l Inw 'prfMiirr, wiih Mur:» saasaasi is. aaMti '>v Knntioipii RM< r an i Co., OlßSSjawj Ilicy are pal>nt compoiin.l Ki-.ti.-4 wliicli ar« well known for their SMMBf in IM. Tlie Kn^inc* are coinparHtivrly new, balasj ■••sin \6iii\, aid are in
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  • 1234 4 80 nncli attention has bee* directed to Java by that rather startling report of which we were the channel, lhal a stunnary of the blest news on lhat subject and others fiotn the .lava papers, repays us |he trouble of translation, ami will, no r'oubt, be welcome to our
    1,234 words
  • 1386 4 Paporo |:ti I* id,. L^nlative C»nncil liy Coniiuinul oi Hit Ive.i;. nevtheG >vtTuor. 91st March 18GU. Opinions of the Members nfthe Penan? R.»r relative lo ilif> inirtniouiinn of ihn In Penal Coda 'nto ihd Mr.iiis Selilemento. Ii is bow reeagnijhid in ibe o t ni. j
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  • 551 5 I{ c fat 0 ■''is Upon teat mrethoi i>' l 9 '.ha d, i c' nth tc n Utinmnt not bribing no lai ri gram* (LKAm amount of bnibess, consuU.u.' thelateuess of the Mason, has be«n branexport rtapl-J daring the p« SSSii Settlement of Green Taai «i T: L
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  • Correspondence.
    • 97 5 7,, //id Editor of the Daily Tom*. S,b.— ln yonrU rday, you have 1 have every reason to beliero, very much ex- I ihe rewltof tho f^^"<" From tho Lost iuforma Uoti I obtain two European., an A anftoUoo officer, and six native peons alone, i
      97 words
  • News of the Week.
    • 621 5 The news from Jav:i t > hand by tl^ Mail yesterday is of a a nre i ri >us nature than we have had to t ord for a time back. We ire aaabte to g•■ lie particulars, a» the Java p been restrained from publishing any
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    • 173 5 c: ,_i the2Dth m extract wa. given from ti»Bi Journal, unller the heading o Lnv j," del "liq V■] bitten by I with ifa war* attra t ,tioa of our In Bttea'ion of Endian ue.ded, a« ihey are in poßseMiou o. i equali; oerlaia and much mo«
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    • 280 5 Tun Brilisli steamer instant; th i ■"'<*' ?«< and the Lightning and 1 3 m. The la loading traits and I the M r sailed. Ti REG Companies of Ihe I M. N. I. con isting of 255 rank will embark today, ami proceed to V dr
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    • 633 5 ():l Maj ir I 'lny fair, lately I 0 on his in Hen.'al. Although never oißotally conD or twelvo i I nmi service Houncillor al Malacca, and he a ted as Coloni I ■o during Col. .M:v.-. i 1 Karope. His leaving is owingto the importation ol
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    • 773 4 THE.B. LS. K. Coat«a t« mer Oriental, is expected here from Calcutta and the injermediate ports -..n Suturday next, the By late Home papers to hand by last mail, \\> learn that the Bieamer Miranda, a 8 I i" Ibis port and Shanghai, mid would be despatched
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    • 505 4 FRIDAY, 16th A PRIL We observed ibat Bince .Monday last, European Artillerymen haye been placed on guard -it the House i.| Correction and 11. A.-. Treasury in lieu uf Sepoys, as foi merly. Tin: Marseille! Mail of the 20th March, will be brought on from Sues to this port by
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    • 262 4 Thbhe is nothing new in the Go eminent Gazelle nf last evening. ONE case only disposed nf yrstt j day by ihe Prttj Jury, \iz. thai ol .i gar robbery at Pyak Leber some few wonlK Bgn bj ten Cluinse. A veidirt el tiui* ty" was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 676 6 I). Companjj. PENINbULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANYOfficf.s.— D'Alnuiila Btlwst UoDow.vs. At New Harbour. MAii '{iL^pv)| LiHEs Tin- rxicrl..! <lat« of arrival of ono of tlio fomtfall Strain Ship, ai Sinßßpore in eonnrflinn withilic service for the year 18fi.», as approved In- Her Majesty's Tost Master General will be as
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    • 886 6 ©ompang. Notice. The following amended rates lrill be chnrpjed by the Tr:vn-it Administration for conveyance between Suez and Alexandria of passengers proceeding by ilie steamers of the l'eninsulnr and Oriental steam Navigation Company, viz; Pint Chat Passengers £4 10 0 Srroiid Class Passengers ,2 5 0 Children over ten years
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    • 983 6 ittiscellaimma~~b. NICHOLSON COMPANY. SILK, WOOLI.P.N, AND MANCHESTER WaUEIIOUSBMKN, COLONIAL k FORKIGN AGENTS. SO, 51, and 02, .ST. HAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LONDON. Invite the attention of Merchonts and Traders throuulinut ludia mil chsna to tlie fact that they have had M year*' experience as SHIPPERS Of GOODS to ilioh! Market*, nnd
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    • 845 6 fttimttantou*. liea Forxina Celebrated Worcestershire Sauce. Declared by Connoisseurs The Only Good Sauce. Caution Against Fraud. Tbc success of tins unrivalled Condiment having caused certain dealers to apply the name of Worcestershire Sauce to their own inferior compounds, the I'uUic arc hereby informed that the or'y way to secure
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    • 910 6 intsrcllaneoug. THE MOST RELIABLE PBIEKD. lIOI.LOWAY'S OINTMENT. Its Searching and Healing Properties arc known anil recognised throu.hout the world. The number of ya's this in valuable Ointment has stood the test of public opinion (ami the longer known the better appreciated ia a testimony of itself more convincing than anything
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