The Straits Times, 3 November 1865

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 Singapore Daily Times. VOL. VI. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 3 BD 1865, No. 9783
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 633 1 SHIPPING. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM HAYIGITIOH COIPAHY. iifr.ce» at Aeu> Harbour, M>|! BB'wfifc!?!' UNKS OUTWARD MAILS. nk ol the P. A <>. N. Company 8 ,i,,,:.-,l at StPgwfO" en rovie \s, U-i^-k nil .boot the Uth i»nd2»th of each Monti. HO.MFNVARD MAILS. the Penioßolar and Oriental SteHin Naviuntion ("onninny'R Steam
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    • 680 1 SHIPPING. m j PENINSULAR AND ORIF.NTAL UTataVM I NAVIGATION COMPANY, of Car>;c> on the Company'i black P Bi'ln of Lading »ro particularly requited to note the terms and onnditions of theoe Hills of I.adinf; with reference to the transhipment ami forwarding of c«<yo, witii a view to the adequatenesit ol
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    • 595 1 INSURANCES. FIRE INSURANCE. RATE!* FOR EILOINQM AND THKIR COMENTBAT SINOAfORR. Not less than per Omt per Annum Krick nnil Stone Hnd cvered will: Tile*, Blar*» or Metal J Prick »n<l ath »nrl Flaater 1 V*e»teli> iv Hhrbotir J Short Period Bate*. ~Z I 1 1 S~ iIZ I e» _o_!_gi
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    • 682 1 INSURANCES CHURCH Or ENBLAO LITE ASSUHANPF IVSTITUTIOS. LOiSOON CAPITAL ONE MILLION STERLING. THE Vt\i\ r«i(fii>il. aa At'fnta for t'nn al<ov( Institution, are |>reparrd to rro>-ive applioationt for Ksaraasa, and t" transact ail ha^inrs* eonoecU-d therewith PATERSON, SIMOVB Co. Singapore, Ist Janmrv, 1864. lORTB BRITISH iHD IERCIHTILE IISURif CE GOEPiHTo LONDON
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    • 711 1 INSURANCES. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY. 156, LIIDIHBAIL STIIT, LohSON, R. C.| Qdiii l«ioai»ci BciLßinai, Litubfool. Capital Two Million Strrlino. TfJE GENERAL PROT.REIB OF THE fee. Ire. daring the last flve years is thua shown, vis. FIRK PRRMIUMQ, latyear £12,568 3 Ditto Jnd 24,998 14 2 Difo 3rl 38,482 16 Ditto
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    • 576 1 INSURANCES. bbbM^ D Albert Insurance Company (Ll M ITED.) For Fire and Marine Insurances •^lncorporated under tht Companies' AH, 1,863 Hhereby the Liability of each member U ItrimUy Limited to the amount of his shares. 0APIT"!. £1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 30,000 SHARES OF SO. EACH I>lKßcToa* J. B. Ccvmiho. E»q (toe-srs
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  • 79 2 FRIDAY, NOVR. 3, 1865. AUCTION SALES ADVERTISED THIS DAT Wk liniouiir" the ai rival of the following |iassen»ei>, per P, O. steHtiifr $mtattjs Fo Si'iynjmre— Col. fJr n' R. a. Liiut. Soiipi.r, ...iMir». Howa: J. Uikcr, fti»dpi ii-li s For Jlunykong.— Me srg. Brcwn, Palmer, (intis, Iv ly, vv'itii
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  • 21 2 Mails for Pcnang and Calcutta per steamer Arratoon A/Car, will closed at the I'Obt Oilier at 10 A. M. to day.
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  • 21 2 Mails for (ialle, \den and Suez per steamer &haltstbury, will be closed at the Post Office at tf p.m. to day.
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  • 20 2 A Mail for Bomlny per steamer ombti// tutte, will be closed at the Post tliee at 5 p. m. to-day.
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  • 22 2 A Mail for Bangkok per steamer how I'hi/a, will be closed the Cost oilici- at i, oon to-morrow, instead of this il.i\.
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  • 23 2 A Mail for Maiacca per steamer Fair Malaccu, will be clowd at the Post Office at 2 v. m to-morrow the ;{id instant.
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  • 32 2 Thk British steamer Shaftesbury CapUia AitWiii, from Yokohama iritii dates to the 15th ultimo, anohored In Hk: Harbour yesterday, and n ill pro o. Ed to Galle, Adeu, and Suez this afternoon.
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  • 22 2 H. N. M's stramn '< Elerto; Bernard," C.tptfiin Stoltc from IVitavh hHIi dates to the ,'^Hli ultimo, aimlior<d in the Harbour list opening.
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  • 20 2 Thr British steaniei "Fair Malacca," Cnptain Utanso, fritjii Malacca with tliiUs to ihe Isi instant arrived lure ji-tciday nt Noon.
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  • 45 2 Thk P. and 0. (\impanv'-< rtiawcr Salsette, Captain Renimldson f,om Mi'inbnv with datts to t!io 14th and Git'le the 2(Jtli ul'imo, having ,>n board the English Matin of ihe o,; tl| S>pt. arrived at N« w ILrli »ur at 30. A. M. yeste. rl iy.
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  • 36 2 Tup «iplay of t!if Sa/srtl« tTa« or. rn-ioned hy h#r having Ui aait M> tli«> Mnolran at (iiilh* iln»o was no lir ak don-n on •itlk r the M<>ol',,,i a. I a long pa>xag<> from >ue2
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  • 21 2 Tub 'alsette bin on board 1,660 rh'Sts „f Malwa Opium, nnd the ivt Rombay prices ranged about Rs. 1,510 per chfst.
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  • 25 2 The amount of bullion by the pn> srni mail i s in aUvkr, to Hoitgltonjr, £5,100; to Mmngfial, £9,()30; r 0, £*•->.« 6o.— Total £Hi,B9i).
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  • 30 2 CAPTAIN Sinclair n ic Biiiish Bt'que Kinnatrd, reports baflM 1 <>; n the (i/enaios from Amoy b. to London, 17 dnjs out, in Lat. 4 27' N lmm§t 106" B«sx.
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  • 34 2 Captain (Jmeliy of the Biitish barque Ma<jtjie, rep.irt-i having spoken the liiitUn »hi^ Jmnes Hussrll, Inm London bound to Hongkong i oi* «la\i out, itt Lat. 2 1 ID' N. i^otn;. 10J 3V lu>*t.
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  • 31 2 Caitain L.)ltu* of the Biiii^h shii. I'ciiril nt the Peak, rep >r';< li.tvinj; spoken tin' Kiiti>h ship JtttM on the 15th October, from llih Port boufid to Calcutta, ot)' I'ulo I. ;»»!<!»>.
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  • 24 2 Captain Kier of the Hmnbro' baiq>ie Ttk-Li, rep «tis having tipokeu the Ainrrieun ship ('aailda, Irinn PinaiiK boumi to Boston, on the KStli ultim >.
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  • 35 2 Captain Kunjer of the Hanibn bitque Koxmos reports having spoken mi the I'.iid uli. ii L:tt. (>0- 1(»' N. l. 'iig. 1"7- 50' X, the Biitish sliip James UuaatH fi tim London bound tv Hongkong.
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  • 37 2 Captain \V\>chliuruu of the llunoveiiiin liaiquc Lunddrnxt Hi aim, re|inrt<i having sitnkeu on ihe *t)tli Sep teni'itr in Lat. 3-v 42' S Long. 38--17' the Ru9»i>a >iii|i Amp/linn, fiom Suiulei land bounU tv Ceylon, DO days out.
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  • 69 2 CaPtain .1 ulius of the Dutch .v'lip Pitstdeiit Pl'ite, rtpiirm having sjxikeu a:ul exehaiutd BiguaU witli the folliiwihg vessel*. n the li)th October in Lat. 2 4.V S. Long. 107 E. the British ship Kelso. Oi- the 20th October in Lat. 2* S. Long. 10/ 7' E. the Biitinh afclf
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  • 73 2 By private ml vices received from I'cnang per Mail steamer Suhette yesterday, we learn that 11. M's steumcr Rifleman, would pi obably leave for thiii Port on the Ist instant, and tlie *tca:ner Pluto vii the following day\Vi also hear that a vessel named the whilst leaving Harbour o| I'euang
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  • 1008 2 EvfcRVTHiMi, if perhaps we rxcepl the arrival of the mail, combined to tuake yesterday's Kaces a pleusuic. Unlike the first d.iy of the meeting, the weather was splendid, the course was in good order, the horses were all up to their work and no were the. Stcwaidrf. No inc.unsid. rable
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  • 213 2 KkCKVKII AT (JAl.t.h PKR I N DOEUROPKAN INK. London, $<pt. 2Ht h. ~Fa\r l)\\ M,--ra 15|d. Discount 44 per cent. strong demand. Consols* 8!)^. Stock markets depressed. The ountes« de P.ori* has given Mirth to a Princess. Southern Stites are rapidly reK«foing their prosperity., ept. 29//*— Fair
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  • 535 2 From the Hmm.' Vettu rj>t. 2G.) The Eupeior of tuntria ban issued a man halo, dcdarlsig the leatlknn principle af bis gn.erniiietit lo he popular represent;iiioii, arknoivled-iiii> that he bus failed to conciliate certain portions of the empire, and atit:oiiin iig his intention to xubinii tin; lund imeaial
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  • 81 2 A pamphlet, opposed to be inspired by M. von liismaick, bus been j, lislied io P-.ii- in favour of the (;*st.iu Conventi'in. Mr. Disraeli 1.. H presided at the Central I.ticks Agriciltural Association A new (.urvcillauee of the press I,J the prefects of departments has b, ordered in Fiance by
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  • 48 2 /.irrrpool Cotton.— Middling Ne W <> leans, 20d per Ib. fair Breach I fair Dlndlera, 14? d. Market excited! Maneh enter Market.— <iie\ rtiirtitics t<M,,ch, 7 n». 1:;.. s; ii,viik .m; (U b£^|" HaniH, SS-loeti, 3 Ihy. as 9d. ule No. 40, best seconds, 23d. per 10. Market film.
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  • 52 2 Thk A-iatic ano (kntkal Ba\ k <. The refusal ot the Banks to sur. render shipping documents mi receipt of the amount of the hills has caused a hinder coire^pondence. Tiie P. and O. Company's new steamer Montpdia on her t"ii:.<\ made over twelve ki.ots; she is \u\\s\. td lor
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  • 406 2 The king, aecompanie'! \>\ the Crown Prii.c^, lelt Hrilin on lh« I7ii. September Km \Ui..hnrL', in Fu-m .1,, where lux aia|i»y «a» flonliaHv receive«l. l'|i c chiel peisona^xs wfall ih«- n*ighb towns proprwtois of estates in the pro- t viucf had come t> Mt-i-.-ibur^ to L-fet ihe
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  • 302 2 ARRIVALS. W.dnesiUy 111 Nov. Hanorerean barque Amriin, .'"2O ton*, Vfohn* huly commander, i onykonn 27th Sept. eon* ftKMM :>u»iinj Shmdei CO. Br hi ship Caibayn, 79<> torn, Stcavart commander, Hongkong 17ih Pcober. H<mb b.irqne Al«ca»sar, 40ti -on*, IVteraen commander, Hcngkonn 1/th udober, conoi.'neea Balm, irjrer A: co. British
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 703 2 Nh\V ADVBJtTWEMRNTU, FOR SHANUUaK. The A. I. Brt»»k Clipper Ship Solent," H. 0. Paige. will i, ioi the hove I'm. Apply to j* M1DPLETON, llAKlil-O.N .fCO. 18lh Sopl TO LET. ytXtS IMUKDIAIK KNTIIY. A^kgk '■>) 'AT c mi:.i liouH family g|U*i| i l, (M1M sitmiu'iii the Km n D,
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    • 522 2 NEW AI) V B R II SEM BNt«. ART-UNION OF LONDON, 1866. EVERY SUIISCKIHER OF FIVE DOLLARB WILL lilt 1.l VK, bo'idc* a ebanee o{ a ptize at the annual distiiimlion m April, H Volume of FORTY-TWO lI.LIbT RATIONS of llio of 5"l)t /tornwn ©onqtttjit. B '.iv undi'i the cui't-rinitiideiico
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  • 1742 3 miV \'«<m«. (.\pioa-i Klao md Kio. Tim* I nlfK 1 N'«<M«. If P I I 114 >ATBOr" I ABRITAI. <V[.|.R K p, 0M Fbom CotfNlG*»BH OK AtfKNTS. Drmtihatioms. i'"N-ihINH- OR Aakntn. DRMTIHATIoM*. «N-.. Vl. I ('nqiinto R>we li. M.fIMSMf 970 Wyoming ifankhead U. 3 steamer 1000
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 734 3 NEWCASTLE, N. S. W. NOTICK. THE undernißiieil, sttosessof lo Messrs. i'inolb Co. is prepared {•< ibip Coals from «n.v <»f the mines in New«;i"tl« to Iba any port in China direct, on the most favourable lerr.-.i". Order« Beoosipanied by a li.nk Credit, or sent through MR. JonK CaKKROV, SiiiL;npor», (from
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    • 770 3 BANKS. Manual ion. tINCOHI'iiUATED BY KOTAI. ll.\ I TKi: j h\lll> li K 80n AUtiL'B'l l»0l I'All) UP CAI'ITAL 1,5(JU,«.<;0 btSKRYE FUND i' -id 1,000. BULKS OF BUSINESS OIiKaBVKU AT TUB BINOAPOttK BKAMCH. EXCHANGEThe Corporation drafts m London at uny tern, not exceeding fi month* nij;lit HS fallows On
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    • 720 3 NOTICES OF FIKM& NOTICE. JV/fR WILLIAM MANI-OKO hatbtenad IVI mitted n (inner in our fi.jj from ami niter ihe lOtb Murcb, 18«6. rUMMIMG, i FAVKR CO. Sin^|K>r«, l'.'il, June 1865 NOTICE. R. (i. B. FRNTUM having removed to 11 Killinev Ki.hil. all orders left at the (Jndownsof Me** I*.1 Thomaon
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    • 34 3 for sale FOR SALE bx EAKLY DAWN ■bAss^BSk I WO Square I'inno Foiirt, l>y l^^^^y John IiaOADW.KJD and SOn dfettfiSH| m a spßci«llj fi.i mJia, sYME A Cr. Singapore, 23rd leby., 1865. "(u. o.)
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    • 41 3 NOTICE. lit R. Gbobok >hitk assumes fho manage. ment of this Branch of the Commbbcial Ham CobpobatuiN of Ihdia amd Tn« Hast from and after tins ila'e. ■y order of the Court of ."ireciors. B. STBVKNSON. Agtnt Singapore, 28tU July, 1865.
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    • 41 3 NOTICES LOST. |N the 28th of August last, near the Mas. w ter Attendant's Office. A Master Mariner's certificate No. 1 1,2*4. Any person ie turning it to the office of this Taper will be «uitably rewarded. Singapore, Vth Sept., 18SS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 630 4 INsriiANCK. THE CHINA TRADERS' MARINE INSURANCE StfHE TV OF HONGKONG, LIMITED. Capital 1.0n0.000. tei In 200 of .'..00U each 1.000 per bo iibare Paid up. Dv CoHSDt.TIKC CoMinTTtn. Wl William Nkiwon, Esq. (Measr*." Olyphint I Co.) J. W. Maclellan, E»q., (Manager Commer- la cial Bank Corporation Richakd L)«*ook, Ksq., (Messrs.
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    • 872 4 TO Lfc T to be lf:t. TWO HOUSES ON MOUNT PLEASANT THOMSON'S ROAD* ONE with utDing rornn, spacions Hall, four large Bed-rooitm, Lnfi, Ai &c, and exsnsive Out-offices. Tim other on a similar plan at of smaller dimermions. The lalter is partly furnished, and cao be let, n moderate teruia,
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    • 543 4 jaiifli littls co IMPORT EUS OK Wines, Spirits, Beer. FUESEKVED PKOVISI <) IN S Jewellery, Silver and Plated Ware. CuT%EKY, Hardware. Glassware, c kocJ^kywa re. JtIJJ JJJj jZJA £f% PERFUMERV-S T~A T r O N K R V Cloths Hats and Caps Hosiery Boots Shoes, HABERDASHERY. India, China, Manila and
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