The Straits Times, 24 October 1865

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 Singapore Daily Times. VOL. VI. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY OCTOBER 24,™ 1865 No. 9075
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 654 1 SHIPPING. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM HVIGATION COIPAHY. t>//.t« nl iNetc Harbour, m.ii. Sp^Si' UNES OUTWARD MAII-S. O** the P. O.S. N. Company. S wit* ths KimliM. M».l. »-y SifsjapON tn route to iI.tUKX about the Uth and 2»lh of each Viontt. HOMEWARD MAILS. the IViunstilHr and Oriental Steam Navigation Compaiiy'i
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    • 690 1 SHIPPING. AND ORIENTAL sTRAM Yjavioation company, CJUIPPERS of Cargo on tbe Company's hlack k' Bills of Lading are particularly requested to note the terms and conditions of these Hills of Tailing with reference to the trxnshipmont an<' forwarding of c»'a", with a view to tli i adequatene«M ol their Insurance
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    • 572 1 INSURANCES. FIBE INSURANCE. EAJES FOR HUII.DINOS AND THEIR CONTENTS AT SINGAPORE. Not let* than per Cent per Annum Brick and Stone «nd covered wlih Tiles, Blatr» or Metal f Brick and Lath and Plaster 1 VesseU in Hurhour 1 Short Period Fate*. I I i 1 T~ i 111 I
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    • 695 1 INSURANCES CHURCH OF FNBLAND LIFB ASSUBAI^F INSTITUTION. %A»M O O H CAPITAL ONE MILLIOIf STKKLINO. THE lTndriti|rnfd. as Aleuts for tim above Institution, are nrepmrd to receive applioatinns for Tnraranoe, and tn transact ail business oonnertfd therewith PATERSOS, SIMONS Co. Singapore, Ist Janasry, 1864. lORTH BRITISH 4RD lERCAITILE IRSURIICE GOEPiRTo
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    • 719 1 INSURANCES. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY. 150, LiinmiLL Srut, Lohdom E. C.| QoaiK Imituia Bdildikob, LintarooL. Capital Two Million Strrlino. THB (iKN'KRAI. PROGRESS OP THE ftc. *c. *c. daring tlie last five years is thus shown, vil. FlRii PRBMIUMB, lttyear £12.669 3 6 DiUo 2nd 21,996 14 2 Dli:o 3rl 38,482
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    • 556 1 INSURANCKS. i »"»a«i MnC^JvK^sW^^sf liHvSvVi^b^^bßbpsssbmi Ibert Insurance Company (Ll M ITED.) For Fire and Marine Insurances J*corpi,rat«l under the Companies Act, 1,862 Hhrrmby the Liability of each member it ttrictlp Limited to the amount of his Shorts. CAPITAL £1,000,000. DIVIDED INTO 30,000 SHARES OF 50, EACH I'IRBCTOk*. J. B. Cromiio.
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  • 35 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY. OCT. 24. 1865 k Chinese trsder reported at the D. StHtion on Saturday last, that his HyIhh Servant, decamped with one hundred and fifty dollars in silver, and various articles of value.
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  • 21 2 Thb British steamer Lightnin/t, Captain Rodger from Hongkong with Vith dates to the 16th instant anchored in the Harbour yesterday afternoon,
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  • 52 2 By the latest China Papers received per Lightning, we learn that the steamer Bombay Castle was to leave Hongkong for this Port and Bombay at '2 p. m. on the 21st instant, and the M. I. steamer (Jambodge, for Singagaptjrwt (iallc, Aden, and Suez, at 2 f m. on the
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  • 47 2 Thb Inspector of Nuisances brought up last week before tbe Hitting Magistrate, a number of Chinese charged with using false weights, Mad the cul- pi its were fined front Twenty to Pilty Rupees each. In some eases the weights were aa much as half a catty short.
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  • 50 2 A Macao Chinese named Tan Ah Sam, residing at Teluk Ayer, reported at the D. Station on Saturday last, that on his return from Serangoou where he had been selling bread,— when opposite the sixth mile stone, three Chinese seized him, threw pepper into his eyes, aud then robbed him.
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  • 111 2 A Chinese named Koo Soon Toll, reported at the D. station last Sunday at midnight, t hut heand another Cliiuaiiiun lett Jahore at 7 aY M. that day in a tampan fin Singapore, and when off Tanjong Kaloug at 11 P. M he was at-tarki-d by a boa' nmt. lining
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  • 810 2 There is no subject, perhaps, that has been written up<>n here more strongly, than the impropriety mil danger of permitting maimed and neaped pauperH to go nt large throughout the Town and by the exposure of their affections to invite Ihe charity of ]i.iss,. r > by. And the subject
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  • 422 2 hk following ii a summary of Java news brought by the Dutch steamer Koningen der Nrdtrlanden. The Industrial Exiilbliioti to be held at Ha. nu will be opened on Monday the 16th October by the Goveruor~Gener*|. Gieai preparation* are being nxde for the occaxiou. An exhibition of cattle was held
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  • 174 2 Before Lieut, 11. Burn J Marine Magistrate. Tuesday, 17th October. James Fogetly a European seaman was charged by Captain Jouanis of the barque Eleouore with refusal of duly, and wss sentenced to 4 week's imprisonment In the House of Correction with hard Übour, and to lie sent
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  • 504 2 ICE SUPPLY. To the Editor of the Daily Times. Sib. —1% am veiv sorry to be obliged t<> inform the public, that they will be deprived of their usual supply of ice for 2 oi 8 weeks to o me, owiug to a inialorlui.e of a totally unexpected nature.
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  • 1579 2 It i« impossible not to share the indigna. lion so loudly e»pr*»sed on ilie oilier tide of the Atlantic >t the continued lepred*. tions of the Skenandoak on the North west coast uf wueiiua. sWveral month* have now eUpsf 1
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  • 55 2 Satmdfty, 21st October. Dutch acliooucr Cooultasou Knrab ya, M toot, Naeodah Bally, Blb October. Sunday, Mod October. Bri Uh steamer CUa 4l|>in«, MOtoos. HuUln- v comiiui'dar, UougkouK lblfa Oct. cousin""** J Cr.ckelt French barge Kagtiie, 280 torn. I'iooh* commander, Swalaw lit Sept. British •teenier AUMrmlUu, 757 ton*. H*W'» tomman.lar,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 600 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SHANGHAE. The A. I. British Clipper Ship Solent,'* 72 i tons Register, Captain C. Paisk. will liuve uuick despatch for the above Port. Apply to MIDDLETON. HARKISOW it CO Singapore, 18th September, 1865. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. •I'llii BritUh A 1 lianjue NILE, Captain JoBN. sTOM, OSS
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    • 483 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. WE the underaignrd hare this dsv established oursrlvex aa Ship C han dlers, Sail Makers snd General Commission Agent* under Finn and Style of Barsoi, Jihsin ft Co. BAR^OS. JKMSIM. Singapore, 19th Oct IH««. [v. c NOTICE. TH F undersigned Have received es Button Yule, Ciuslied Lump
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  • 1021 3 -nit**' Nasa*. Capialh* Flaa a.iv Ria. <*TK o» TONS «BKl>' t I. 1 •♦urn* Kaon ConaisMfß- oa Askmtk. DaarisiaTiovs. ■m-of-Wab Coquette Wyoming do ilaJ > R-we Itankhead H. M. Stea.»er U. 8 iiearaer U »u»me' I •To ss e t 4 It**) Sep: -l>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 741 3 _,ilton Gray co. {)utch tarque Goao Zepbyr. 340 tooa, v»codab Saro»ran|{ I Oth Oct. nacu— Mon( l iy> 83rd October. BritWi ship Koreka, 180 toot, Hale eommanj, r I'enang lvtn October oonjigne«a Itoutlead Putch schooner Maaa Panden, 80 ton., Nacodab Hilhnuton 15th October. Sarawak .Warner Rainbow. 93 tons. HewaU
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    • 685 3 BANKS. Oriental i»ank ©oryoiatton. (INCOKroKATED BY Ifvff AL CIIAUTERj Dates thk sotu auuum lhii paid up capital i^oo.ouo KESKUVE FUND 444,000. :o: BULBS O*> BUSIRESS OBSKBVU) AT TH» ■IBQAPOBB BRANCH. :o: EXCHANGEThe Cori oration grants drafts on Londoh a( hiiy tent! not exceeding 6 months sight, as follows On the
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    • 715 3 NO'I ICLS OF FIKMS NOTICE. \/t R WILLIAM MA.VFOBD has beeniii L*l mitUd a partner In oar ftrss from*at.< after ibe 10th Atareb, 18Pi CUMMIAU. BKAV'£E«cCO. Sin X .pore, 13th Joae IS«S NOTICE. \1 R. G. B. FENTUM bavmg removed to f Killiney Boad. aU orders left at the Go.
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    • 199 3 I FOR BALE. FOR SALE mx EARLY DAWN ga^hjßßßßßv 'I Sqaare Piae* Fortss, by f^g^^^ 1 Jo«» ISaOASWwas) aa4 son ■■gfgfll Mada •P e<rf n y tar la4ia STMK CO Hingmpore, Strd Fsky., IIU. (v. o.). CHAMPAGNE. ULBS Mumm A Co»s. red aad Brown Wai I w pints and Quarts.
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    • 302 3 FCR SALE RECEIVED PER OVERLAND LATEST EDITIONS OP Lass Laws of Shipping, hteretisnl* and shipmasters Ready Calcula. tor. Hie Practice of Navigation, Lt. Katib, a. nNories NaviKati' n. tiourne on the titeam Engine. HO ''IN SON AOo. Singapore, Sth Jane 1866. V isiportirat sboilton ts tl)t JsUtt im lot (SltnuUf.
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    • 286 3 NonoEs nonet. 1' HI Race Coo rat is now open for Traiaing— 1 none bat Mssabsn and fjkrangsra will ba admitted be sttclosare of ths Grand SUjjd By order O. FBBGUBOK. H<mg. Jkcy, Singapore, Ist September. i»65. NOTICE. B. Gboboe Smith assumes the manage. ITI men i of this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 588 4 INSURANCE. THE CHINA rUADEUS' MAKI.NE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF HONGKONG, LIMITED. CiriTAi 8 1,000.000. In 200 Sfaam "f $MM eicli— s 1.000 par Snare I'aid up. Consulting Cojimittkk. William Nkiujon, Esq., (Mciw«.~ Olyphtot ft Co.) .1. W. MacleLLAn, !>,(., (Manager Commercial II nk t' irpnration ltuiiAßD Deacon, Ksq., [(Messrs. John Bard
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    • 739 4 TO LET I TO BE LET. TWO HOUSES ON MOUNT PLEASANT THOMSON'S ROAD. N E with i Minnj; room, spacious Hall, four large Bed-rooms, Loft, Ac. &c, and exttn>ive Out-offices. The other on a similar plan but of smaller dimensions. The latter is partly furnished, find can be let, »a
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    • 533 4 JOHN LITTLE C" I IMPOKTEKS OF Wines, Spirits, Beer. PKESEKVED PKOVISIOMS. Jewellery, Silver and Plated Ware. Cutlery, Hardware. Glassware, CHOC K E KYWaRE. PKRFUMERV-BTATIONBRT Cloths Hats and Caps Hosiery Boots Shoes. HABERDASHERY. India, Chira, Manila and Jap»n Curiosities CIGARS. HAVAL AMD MILITARY STORES R'»KI.H> I'IACK. SHIP-CHANDLERS, AUCTIONEERS HENKUAL COMMISSION AGENTS,
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