The Straits Times, 4 January 1862

Total Pages: 4
1 5 The Straits Times
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  • 9 1 s\ 11 kimV. .1 \v. i 1862.
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  • 474 1 mil li niM'-Ueil t- tu.n-e Iff tiie pr.'cct niti^s „t the Muni- ip:.' '/"iiiinis 1, which w.' piil)h>lii"i on Tues•lj) 1.-t fiat Mv kit -tivr hiil b-. 1 c nsi I- re 1,1 1) It, 1 oils lo: tlie New B nl;r than Bnavkani Street. Th iva- 1 KHsifl si
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  • 539 1 C« rued, for, weiiium l'»ok as much to the 11, ie side of tlie aVidgje afl to the other, to the locality to winch, as well ft- to tliat I .in allied it leads. N.m. though both Market Street and H inlimi Street may hi near the thick of business,
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  • 431 1 Thf lo .g exempt 01 which >iiat 1 ne has enjoyed t'roiii anything line curt i^i a i. m, while in it-elf crt«l blewing, m .v. at iha same tun*, reader us aareteae ami in liifetent to theet me his o| nrc'venti'io wliicli aejder othei «'ircu ntataajOM u-e ivmhl lie
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  • 688 1 be j'j>t to tiTm the i (aytaieag of the mo>t of us heic .is dihi-e^iiur. bii'it is at least true of Singapore that tlie climate though better than that poese* sed by MM ot the places an-und us, i«, nevertheless, < xh.iiiMing to the Eiiropean loiiMit .liun. Tlie >ame ho
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  • 275 1 Wk subjoin the following letter which we have received from a correspond n' in L as it may be iiitiTi-slif %to Mio-e who wish to Know of tl.e piugress ol the aff.irs iv that I-Und. Ihe prospects ol the Coal Company are spoken much more favoiuaiil) here 111.111 iv
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  • 792 1 1 iiiutit nutv tell y.i-i of th.' liapl- kh maie »r ii.c in, f^ariU iirDtecHon. We are r km liet-u Mil, lmni; iv the liei^lilHinrilond f I'i'aU'S. and tin rr liut 11 elf < t doulit ilnt m.i..y pi'Ht' h |>a\ us it <Wt, «lio ■1 1 tint C r'aiiilv
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  • 268 1 Thk Annual Sports which are usual here on New Years day, came off ye*teiday witn very t;ri.i RMM Tlie day ■M Ihmulilul, and every tbi;)<; coinhiued favoiably lor their cele >ra*iou Much credit is due to those who und- 1 t-ii k the management, for the S|ioit« yesterday weie decidedly
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  • 294 1 effotsof a great many to attain its summit the irr< a-in^ r had evidently b»en over done ur t l e pole nut well p> oporlitr.ed because none cf the competitors th >t r,e witnessed succeeded in (retting up more than a third of the height; an entei |tii«intj Kli
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  • 566 1 Wk puinis. d in y-fc day's p^|ipr to irive h .me iurcouu' 01 the Ue^.i'tu wliicti tiiok place on Ne«v Yrar's d y. W<do lii« now 10 f itii our [iiomise and at the s.ime time to d-> justice to v Siiort which iuFil to ami d<» s po»s:>s a
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  • 40 1 Thb period which mark» wle nation ot one year au4 t** coiniumicemeDt of another hat v v" a S es a"<l all places been o.^ 1 veti a of festivity and r-Ju>cluf« would that manY -aim al io»tinci it £T
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  • 673 1 ratlicr than to lament ovrr thnt pussine away «-f time which marks hit mn and all natures dr> ay. "We take no note of time but by* its loss, lo give it then as tongue is wise in mm" so «f| Young in his v Ni^liC Thought/ but man's wisdom
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  • 198 1 From ..i» we l.aui by the steamer Grm mi that Urn disi utic s bruimd BiCfl li a h \e extci ded over a luige p.nix. uf the Cochin--cli tin terrilory un.l report Hays that the F. tncii h.»ve tn>w gut an eunemy in the. ti-Id numbc ing over 3U,000
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 167 1 THK STRAITS TIMS. HOLT lllHll W^ tf .D| tl ON. •>« 4.1 T i),.. 18 M .if 'Jg O Tlir '•< Qi.-rlf ufciiuoa »t th« I nti> f>r \o;. .1. »t rrlu ,»r il, a ran--4 .i..itt- will .!i»r^-.l K.r T-.t.a Bf I r Im Mm .I»oo.i-" nc< .if in
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  • 227 2 Cowrie de Castillon, Frencli il rieiKTal lor Biam, arrived Irotn Baicun by the Granuda, ba waits tli 2 arrival of the European Mail after arMrh lie returns to lenume his otti-i-ial dutic«. We \mr that the threatened ioternption of fiiftidly relations l>< tween the Sinmese Kinir-< and the t, Autliorities
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  • 315 2 lilies that here appear he modestly puts in the mouth of a friend, but it is itnp BSJbte to deceive us the tme plai- tive tone runs through this as w.- remarked in tlie "Sailors Lamem" which formed the blight particular star of the last magazine. The" Children* roar and
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  • 70 2 The account of X<mv (iuinea is inteiestin; and useful. Tlie supposition as to the immigration from the Southern StaU-s America is new and rather st;irtlin^, but wild ana impos* dr. Or Hiiric and t'osaliiid we ban no less than IS p.iges, and th > tale pro Kreaaaa ueli, imt it
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  • 94 2 The Island of Caruicnbar" is well written and interesting, this and a m Mitli on the North C > ist of Flores are !)>th the relation of personal travel and adventure and would form iw-ca sionallyvcy inti-<*sting lontiibuti'ins to Mr. KlfglllMi'l pericdicil. The short poem llie >eh t)O\s prayer" is
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  • 53 2 We have not space to notice the other articles which appear s nne are go d and some are bad, but if the Journal is even maintained 10 t c standard of the Volume now bcfure us we may mfetj predict for it a greater measure of success than it
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  • 695 2 Wk hnverrreived a topy wi die Wis> Myajsv Jirrieic far Jamii^v !H(iJ. his journal it will !>•• ninemb -red stai ted uitb the lietrinnintr ol la>t year, and proposed lo appear ni.mtlily tin- of ni.itt'i ial howtner, and the wai-t of printing bcWHca, cciiipcllrd the Eili--lur to content himscli
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  • 30 2 MONDAY, J'ITH UKCKMBEIt The Magfaliata will try cases to day, but the sheet of charges does not contain any orfeuces uf a more than ordinary nature.
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  • 34 2 Th« Calendar for the approaching Sessi mi U Hghtj the only crime of any I'l.'iiCiiitudc j..-, ,vi uilj <urn-t-d onir from the L%<,'t^Sessioii, i id this will proljubjv. em| f<,vouriiuly faff t»e BOeUM^
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  • 96 2 Tmk ste;itner Giromandel arrived yeste.rd iv BaWfSjMM Iriviug left vladras on the i>th inst site brings 1 Lieut. 11 Kmope.itu and 2 cliildrcii, aUo I<>."> Native troops. Tne Coromiimlcl took the f.imilias of 11. M. #4MI Kegiinent, which passed through this a short time since under the comnund of Col
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  • 190 2 fUIHIMYi ni Di-.CK'.I KR, Thk schooner Syren w .icli left Singapore, for Saigon, was obliged to put in at Hancow an<l there discharge her cargo, which will be conveyed in b >ats to i'ochin China. The Syren after reloading will return to this port. On reference to our Police Rep
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  • 23 2 than here a bottle of the best claret being sold for 'Jo cents, and a bottle of draught claret for a few c«eh.
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  • 108 2 Ir sometimes liap|iens that Inspectors ot Puttee arc obliged to advance their own monvy for the detection of a prisoner or feuding up of a case, and tliis money i- not returned to tnem. As certain sums are debited in tlie i'olice Kxpenditure accounts nmler the lieadit-jj «>f secret si
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  • 109 2 Thk ill-feeling created in Malacca by the order of tie .Municipal C.ouimissioneis, that those onl) holding vaults in the old b rial git'iiud ylniuld be allowed to bin y their dead there, lus not ye» subsicU-d, and an appeal is to be iimilc to the llonlde. the Govcrnfoi tor bis
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  • 45 2 Thk Veiy Kevd. Bishop Bnucho, will hold a °->aci ainenl ol confir matioii to-nioii.iiVHt Hi.Uit liinah, in the Konian Catholic; Chuieh of M. .losepu, if the weather permits, ami a continuation in iln Cliiiich ..I the Gaud ">lnp-hc-rd" will m held on llie titb Proximo.
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  • 37 2 nuifti) tas jam:.\kv. Thk lloti'lilc ttie (iKvirnor e.nb.ukeil, under th- 1— ml —h||t. mi Hie 31st, ullin.u tui Aialucetaud lenun^. Tiie period ut Cdl. ttrmm glrtl t'js. net: is uncertain, but will prooably e\teml uver two uiontli*.
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  • 52 2 Thk Chiistmas vacation being over the l'uliccnd Miiail Cu^e Courts wid be opined for the general busiiit-ss behwgieg totheir diflerenl depai tinciits. The Ist Criminal S ssiou t.l dyer and leiiuiuei will assemble luiafiaw at IU a. m. for tne hearing ot all such MM as snail be vi ought,
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  • 169 2 Fivk men ewleaglag to the Ameiicin ship *\.ijj,,(c»u, are in custody lor having avoaulied and stabbed the Mute Vfcsj is now in Hospital. The. piisouers complain ot the- ill treatment ihey have reeeifed lonm both the Maatet ai.d UM .Mate of the \,ip:le,,n. who, they say, -re in the habit
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  • 5 2 FHili.vV. Jih US .L.VI hit,
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  • 109 2 Thk Meain.-r Chow I'hy w.ich it willb reni' inlnrnl to ttti port about a tiionth since with her seivw shalt Im,ken. BM now nt-arlv complet ed her repairs, and she will runic out ot Uuek on Weiluesday next. The shall ot the r\ O. < o.'v MtMMff Bombay, which
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  • 204 2 satukuay 4th January". 11. I. M. steamer Liiy, hound from this Port to Saigon, put back into harbour this morning. A Lieutenant Colonel of Artillery is expected to arrive shortly, be will be stationed here. The Artillery branch will likewise he strengthened. Th k following gentleman were sworn in yesterday
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  • 427 2 the I'ottinjer provided the E'nru did 1 ot arrive in time to take the berth but, by last mail, positive advitvs were forwarded to the agent of lie P. and Company here, that the Kmtm bavins; arrived in lime would be dispatched on the loth or 16th. Under these circumstances
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  • 141 2 LABUAN, 17'/< I>'C. IIS6I. There is BtrtMas; much «>tining liere, the iniuesheint* siillcl.iM-d. The miners occupied in si veyini; and boring in nil dir dions so that tli-v may he prepared, as »oon as a n -w matiagt-r witii lull .1 auti.oiity comes out, to
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  • 101 2 To the Editoi- S'ini/jj ure Daily Tune*. Poir S'r, I lieu h. .licit your li-l|i sn I ■MMtaaeS I- ohtaiu relief an. l irotert o-i frnm re. v uf' 1 1 ssshd evil with vhieh »c iire fl cteil on ibe a Ivent Of tfffjf N.w Ti rmill liich
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  • 89 2 1 tli not inii^ine ihe Hoii 1 I- the GoffTMOT, tin- Mon'blt? the KesiJi nt «'oiiaeil|or, or il c rion'l.le the can be aware f ihu |iiacti'-c or ilu-\ would a 1 ice tive or lers to privent r, not salj lo ti-ii nwnre<NM, bnt ttliem- ot't-ve'x ««ffi c
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  • 103 2 I'ireiiinstHin-'S pievent'-d me fr-m le.-iv uir my liciiim- ytslerday and I not only i. the amu~riiiiMllti on the Fl-.ln. but, the comtort •>! v h M»\ was ;ilnii>st enii'ely destroy ed by the vikits of IkeSS U.>vi-i-i.u-.ent pirate*. •icinj! iuin ot limited 1.1 mmm il aai imaoss*ble (or me i
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  • 76 2 The practice of vail* or irea.-rii to servants las become lvi .-t t-xtiuct in Hn u r 'aii i, and in msSfal i' i» inad<- a c im n ..f service tint no such ih'n^ shall be Hfcad or rxpecieil, ii- -t rvca if it Ma* h» aa aekMnileJa^aeM of
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  • 192 2 '1 here are Home pOT men who have been of Mime little use 18 me in luattt n ol" !> .-i..e-s io whom I bliould b-- «lad i<> give a rupee or two, and there sre many peon widows and di-trcKc i families 1 i uve nod-übt in the |4aas
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  • 21 2 |n*t A |> rrgylation, *nd I h p«- will r-ce.T<- your (aupo't mut t- coy. Your. Uithfully. 6'ink,'a|H>rp 2nd Jnn IRG2.
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  • 511 2 In my lan letter on tnia s bj it said I wciiill uive my tsaeoM fir befctotog ih*i ilie br.-et-ll l"n I«t Mimll coniil-li' v |*S lit niii'zlp-!n"der an the pRrMNI li >s the lli:it. L.<.;i<l itijj at ihf lirret-h liitli- eh ut the sh -i goa \>*»
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  • 461 2 I Ij et-oli-l i-iiiin^ il>ot gun in mineral U f 1 b I V>«. 11l- I.V<• I i f i K Fll ■lin.iii, ti.s i<m> j^ii* out in Cu^Uii 1 by L>ng. I 1... i. .1 -.M KMMMkcr, mil Mmcc t-a:|y nil- "V. il by lanliifc awlnn Iliiioi i latUi
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  • 526 2 I. ci me now k;it aomelhim of th- d flVrent liri i-i-h-l a ters bm ib y nn- no tiiini' ioim 'l it Iwil co fiio my u.u.iks •> i in- I d r t'lf b wliftlier as S|>.>riing, niili'arv, ur t t.' t r.flt*. Tin- two attawai ar.-, fi,«t.
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  • 1395 2 "at v& R ,l' U lUe 8 "Hi <j 1 1 dv B t muc ir tv utc< -.t llie S It, ,kll. R wi. Ii .v KMei 10 .gaiuat i|, e i.idi.ll. l.»w *'P «he bueswd 1- ti- 1 Ct.-h." Im* t youretJer*. 1 0 4 o i»er
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  • 159 3 a > Ed 1 r de tul, !e Oil 1 K IBt l« I (Mill IO -!i r th# .■in i,p- 1 1 r 1,1 lor 1. y •i .11.1- m ai tinI i .1 a hi »i im--111 !ia »> cnririJ.fmhuot I. a fn I .1 U t i.,i«
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  • 1869 3 TH E SUSP ENS ION OF THE BABEAS CORPUS ACT IS AMERICA I' ar n.o-t I. lo ur Ma4cf* «il ...-t tl 11 «I ll Will- ll We- h iv r ad ;he rarraaputtaVuM Ih-i-m 11 1.. l.\ no .1> 1 Mr. Mni liv' aaaMMa W.I in lnpmiHi.l one.
    1,869 words
  • 1699 3 THE CASE OF MISS JOL LY. Tin- (Bite of MmM J 1 1 y i* one which it iv praaiicallj inajiMaihla lor »n j'". v *-o < usicl. r c ilu.lx Etta Jot lit »>e uluidd ■he r-port ol i lie tiiul ki a distance it n citiiiuit enoiiuli to
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  • 847 3 ARRIVAL!. BvMMjrpSud Dec. Uniisli haique Lady Amlierst 4iO tons !i:i nH..n i-.imui..iid'-r moy 7i 1 De. ciasi^nr.« .10-e ii'Aln.eid.i Ac .-oni l.iin-h Mg Mmb 107 tons ImbUbl com. mmider l J iua"u fib Dec. Aii.n'ia> Oni Dei*. Bnti h I npi'ie fviflaara 9-6 t Hon coumaodw Saigoa Itlb
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  • 55 3 RATES OF EXCIIANU Loo too 6 inuoUu' ugbt it l\d do. 3 Uo U. c\j. do. 1 do.. 4*. ii^d. LleiunoU it. od. CalcutU 3 days'»igbt aJi. >«r #100 Buiuiuty .10 Mi. do do M SMI do ML do its do S per omit ditouuol I'aiii i.ju tu
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  • 24 3 I mnnth II per cant per annum hi .-"li I m0nth...12 per cent p«r aaoum >nitf-V jre, i<\, J nu:ir» 1862.
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  • 19 3 SiT«r<ign» 44. 73. ImMMM -'f>B p«r SIOO om;nni» Kiipee* 220 do. Singitpure, 4'h J•! u*ty 1P62.
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  • 122 3 P.itna S i,o';.| do. Bein»ri JS 7150 do. Turkey j$ ii'miinnl do. Sinn I 1""*, 4th J..f.ii<-.ry, 1862. Captitiu, arfcoaa lite be saved at me cv»» of liia own. Two otter mm were killed. The -<|u;ire kept its position bravely ami drove the enemy bark after killing
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  • 820 3 Shim' Nimki. CiPTAlK I Ml— Warn Lily Mulir Steam km Wanri k \!»r.ii< r Hr— i i riii.w Pliva Mbrchant Vk M Ai.nif Kihc Hirer Packet Hln.-K Diunood Hlutnli^ lo.ijoo Coi>K» Cn norticuk CorJoun Bmm Khsab«th K»'l ttM K in, 11 Mye Elbe Ecdio KK'.ii >r« K.mna
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 244 3 ADYEKNSE.MENT. |N the Slut 0.-'ol'er Util. I w s inforrnel x ilut I'" -KM bi|i» ot J.. il «hiflil>al teen roiidi-tniictl ny I smskiUar of Military usiarts w- re o'derrd 10 b«* tlir"wn iuo tliu *t-.i. Of tbi 1 40" '<ai£- O.IU w-ir tbr'.W'i ,'ito 'lie -erf »ii were remote-i
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    • 534 3 THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPAJTY LON1«>.\, LIYMPOOL M.4\CURSrMk, Cktrf OjK t. Qi'KEN lMHin»\rK i i. mo«. l,ivrnpoot CHAIRMAN, 'I HUM I- fokWOOC J£*H|. 'PBIS Cornpiny UkM Pill KI*KS of «rery drm.ri,.luni hi Ujo l>*e»t curren, to 1 r T !l l or l; «wtmn Haf be obtained from A«tnU at Min»;ap<>ie
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 669 5 I BaMArOBE DSUY TUB •abscription to tb« Daily Times. Tor on* y«»r S 40 six montbi' 23 tlirov h BiciiCopy— Oento mo W.ekly Eiitioi, of the g^jjj! TIMES, will be publUbed «Te-» mc:. I^.. to tw^"* *r» Annual 1 f Halfje^- 1 S One month M Each Copy AdrertiMmenta and
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    • 681 5 LIVERPOOL LONDON F"*£ INSURANCE COMPANY. THE undersign^ »Pl>ointed A^ for tbe nbo- Company ar. pr^ani to n«l,naa tbe usual terms, grant Pv>>™- SYMEACO. (HCgapore, 10th Sept., ISSB. CALCUTTA MERCANTILEMARINE INSURANCE SOCIETY rnHK Undersigned, having been appoint X ed AgenU for the above Comp.ny are prepared to take ri»ks and gn«nt
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    • 1070 5 LEA AND PERRINS IV VVORCESTEK.-.HIRE SAUCE. PRONOUNCED BY COsNOIsaEf Ri, TO BB THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE AMD APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. Extract of a lMtc*fron\ a Medical Gent le men at Ma'drat, to hi* brother at Worcester JttßjtMU. ft rpELL L«» »nd Perrins that their Sauce it I
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    • 1095 5 CAUTION AGAINTS COUNTERFEIT*. Xone are genuine unless the signature of H. and L. I'erry and Co. is affixed to each wm^r, and blou-n oh the bottle I and such bottle v p>otectcd by a patent capiule, beating the proprietor* name and address in full. Messrs U. He L Punk! and
      1,095 words
    • 920 5 Hen. WHAMPOA ANDCO.S ADVERTISEMENT. Itessrs. WHAMPOA 4 Co. liave alwnys mi Sale an esteiiMve and choice aniiortmrnt of the; Kood; selected specially f»r their Storei. WBOLKSALK, RKTAIL.V FOIt HI'OBTATION. Cta* ans C-toctrg. Always on s.l<-, lea» 'I i'» choicest flavors— comprising, iJunpowrler, Pi-koe, Bf—m, Souchong. Twankay. 4c. oTUm firm
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    • 1045 5 ffitHMlljlljliggg TARGET H till B«M. M r:::: ::::j:»mi ::3::ii::$:::H tko<>u"i" S i. ?X with HlllllllrtTtrr^-rr-i CAiTtneii LEY'S AMIVUNITION of »r«Bf pucßirnoa pob 8I*OKTIN(. OK MILITARY PURPOHB<4. DOUHLE WHterpr.,.f O.itr ,1 Rn Cps, Felt to pimni the Isßrtini „f Wiie Cartriiij-.s for Killing OaBBB, \c, st i,^ tli«taiue», I
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