The Straits Times, 26 October 1861

Total Pages: 4
27 30 The Straits Times
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  • 2060 27 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, OCT. 26, 1861. Thk shipping ai«l ihe co nmercial inteiists ol' a country are so closi-ly allied uid so ue. trly ide itieil. ttiat any injii. y to the me is in almo-t the same measu c fell by tin* oth f, and ttioiigh t'e exist, nee
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  • 3817 27 We have had an opportunity of pei using Mr. Moneys work upon Java, or how to manage a colony and though eiftering in many points from the. wruet in the justice ut' bis deductions and in the accuracy ot his detail-, still the book is one, calcoluied very materially, to
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 303 27 AOVE»ri9EXBNTS. Trm. f.r Alverti,« m i, mole ki >wa at the elßrt. MS* enters I into f..r long i.eri.>.|* at nda- j er I rate*. vdi r I the our the num. I n iliss will he t«*«rt«<i ti.i JH charge,! far acoiHi B" .ituai.oe of .an si»*wsh Ailrrrtivrnu.ita «n
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  • 710 28 Lws Tueiday the 2fcid a rather no»e) ityle of Felony was committed within the limits of our Harbour, it the British ship Sagof commanded by Captain Jacob which lately put in here for the purpose of repairing her rudder, en-rout to China, waa without the knowledge ol her Captain
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  • 204 28 FBOM OUR OWN COBEESPONDENT. Batavia, 14M Oct., 18tft. News up to the 2nd lust, have been received per Telegraph via Souiabaya from the Southern and Eastern districts of Borneo. On the evening of the 2nd, news reached Bandjerniassin, that Demaug Lehman one of Antisari's chiefs, had given himself up with
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  • 466 28 lit PORTS. Rice 7.CJO From s)jagapoie. 800 Opium > <"iBM The Mtrkel r..te of GamlMer til i(U.I ».'3/per iieiil. 1.. 2nd d... 7,wr do IVpi-er (White) ,*U&f *> So (Klack) U.S2/ .io ■in d \lex. DolUr* Mf/task The Commandant ot the (wctle/i, had paid a visit to the viceroy
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  • 52 28 Wk subjoin a letter from Bangkok received by the Steaoier Aoai /'/<</<. When we icinar.i that our Curre-pon-deut is a Siamesu of some lank, ihe simplicity «»f the style is accounted tor, and a greater interest, lent to the letter, as significant of the good feeling id' (he Siamese Government
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  • 1038 28 TO TtlE EDITOR OF Til K STIIAITS TIMKS. Bangkok, October \iith, 18(51. The insertion of the following few remarks, regarding the pas-ing events in Bangkok, will doiihtle-s be ot interest to many of the leaders of the Straits Tinus, who from bu-itiess or other relations arc connected with the Kingdom
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  • 39 28 T K investigation M the case of alleged barratry of the B itish ship 8mK"ft'' ">' •'llicfis a crew, during the absence af the Captain, will he proceeded with to day. We shall publish a full repoit of the proceeding*.
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  • 252 28 Thk Comiiii-siomr of Police made a seizire. af a very large quantity of Gunpowder N hoard the B*gjjf which was brought back to harhour the other day. The powder it would appear had been shipped by one of our iik rcantile houses here, bu' was not entered upon the ship's
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  • 289 28 II I. M. meamer A 'v. aa*. Frauquet, arrived front 9oigon i»0 Than ddv aroning, halagisig dates t'i the 20th instant. |}y thi- oppin-t unity we have received the following intelligeiMM. The French mail steamer Qrwnoafa. Capt. Laingi ffO'il Singapore, reached S.ii^on on the l^th iust int. With regard to
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  • 180 28 T||K KAUkAHfI LAM) TIII.K C\-E, which ha* engaged tno attention ofthe Court of .lu.lica'ure l-'f the last four d.iy-, still continue- to drag its alow length along, and projuis s to occupy some days Vet hi lol'i- c iniplelioil. Il is ac- iii <(|iiity. in vvliich i lie \lalays are
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  • 85 28 Thk Hey.l l»r ->mytiie. I lie former Chaplain <»f Singapore, is now on his way limn England to ulentia. While in England ne received the degree of Doctor of Divinity, not iNtlj trom rinity College, Dublin, hut also from Oxford and Cambridge at which Utter pi mm he was a
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  • 105 28 Sir Junes Brunkr. K.C. 8., Rajah of^arawak, left Singapore on Tnemla jr, by tin 1 mail -teamer ('ulnuiliiun. on liireturn to England. Many af hifriend- among the Merchants a id Ke»^i ents ol Siogapore were present at the departure of tlie -teamer to hiil him probably Im«1 farewell. It i-
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  • 54 28 Mk. I.kvi the rhiionodist, who i« at (ire-ent here, has suhinilted to us the originani af the various te-timonials be ad\eiti»es, hesiles many Other*, and it BJM arc lokh%a of his abilit) by the rer mend itlons of tht very highest personages in Barooe, hie slay brie, PMMgh -hirt, will
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  • 64 28 Wk have lia I sent into us the weights: tor aj;e* in the Darbj btaee on the 14th proximo; they are us under. Two JMUS old Ul <-.irr\ <>-t. liilbs. Three ream old B>it. H lbs. Four ye. us old !>it. (illn Five years old 9st. 1 1 lbs S.x
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  • 31 28 A private letter by the mail brings news ol the loss of the bark Mulnkoff in a typhoon off Shanghai crew all tared, and taken into port by the schooner Sluing/me.
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  • 26 28 Thk P. steamer VpiumbiaH, dipt. Sk'ttowe, ai rived at New Marbour on Monday abont half past eight o'eloik, brin^in^ dates from HongUong to the I6m instant.
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  • 18 28 Thk French steamer Jl/ione, Captain I'ieard, arrived this BaOrßlnft Irom Baigon, with 473 iuvuluUon their way to iutz.
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  • 24 28 Thk Si. urn v itu i Captain 0 ron, in rive.l PlMratla] in-z rrotii lii i«kok, arliiea -he i* it IM| th.- 20th innl.
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  • 20 28 Thk vie ruei Lmmee/feld, Cuptain Hiiteliiiisou, .ii i -iveil on lue-ihty niornIm tViin Chi:ia briajfing dates to the iGth iust.
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    • 137 28 To thf K-litur nf thr S, 11/,,, h Dkar Sih, K i- an m tyi i opi-n groaad, n|i|ioaito tht -mil. \\\\i,*, taera liavtkoM tv\.i po«i««, g i n in llle Ins' >.!a«e <■( (il m. 1 i| Q ■jr. Un I urea! numb, r af bot in
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    • 521 28 To the Editor uf the S'mgapor* Straits T%mit. MR, I wa-> I nod <I<«1 Bimiuel at »ifin_', in vna isMie of Seuril.iv. n letter tiaiM V.K. V i i li V re .■< «i| my .urn .y v lliai atliiiuuli I .•nn mttmi 101 _v ili.i I, mynei. Un v
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  • 656 28 THK REG vIIA Tiu- batilia j Ilitj of Jm U-4 -> "i Tuui-J .y lim wul n-ii be en- i-h meuiuriej ol »be b»d lb.* gOO-i twrlinie Io Wiini- s tiii- i\iie and ncu ewi.l. > be.a^j a daaer fo no no l l<; > Pea u^ v- prwent!
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  • 1882 29 LORD PALMERSTON'S SPEECH AT DOVER. I. il I' ...u-r- 'I 1- >pecrli a Dt r La* h ill,- in M. Mi ii'-. Cli 1--11-r. I'll- 11 rue o! I 1:- i 1 I 11, ii a >m> 1 o iiitry, VI. ('be tit d n I iii 11, ail I
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  • 1120 29 The (J'V< ruiii.-Mi have ivp'ied to I lie memorial <t! ilie I'rml A B-0 1 .1 10 |>rnvm_' fur di-cjt lihUiiii< oi tin: iT.n-iii f <if ■rwliiip out tin- ii\i-rlaiiil mill mi Bwiidaja. Ihe (lcvonior (irinTii iii C<>in.< it coifi- <!• r- 111-' ritjiu-m p-. t'.-ned in
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  • 989 29 Sir Roderick I Murchison said he had fintliei in I'l.rf.d to real aI- Her tro Sir He rul. K ibms m F Boveraor of U<wg X.m |i, relitin.' to Th- ■legipiw, of Major Sur.l. Cap'uin lila< kistoii, a>.d others, who wi ie eiid-atoming to
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  • 111 29 We HiitKMince the arrival uftHn fol k*wing pn»wtug«r, per itttmnatt Chow Hliya, fntiii Uauukdk. Oct MU Mr. Kead.n. We annouiiirc Urn departure of the foHowiuf puawtHfam by the P. O. niitil Steamer Culitnthiun. Kmin Singapore ;Mr. Ficwsin lady and child. Mis Kii/u- n,,d 2 wrvants. Mr. Vanapnl and ■arvent; Mr.
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  • 436 29 y> v v' ♦■> ARRIVALS. S.i'ur lav, )9t'i (MobtP. Rarawa 1 »fejeer BaieboW) nk>, rl*» aie •omnaoder, Sarawak, 16th Oct. Suadey, 2« h Oct. P.riii-li st.a- Lmlniih g, :)16 to Taylor, .i.-r, a i-uti*. V I nt Uet. U'in'liiy, 21st Oct. R.i'isli 'liip [akander %tmw, bdO tons, Bho
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  • 610 29 Shipping in Singapore Harbour. Sims Namms. Captain. WHS OF- U AH I'lifiis Jaciimann BVMMRM Shanghai Skt-y Z«| byr Nnk I'n.j-hly Wright Mimni Bienngs Raiabow Hi-wett Chow I'hya jOrton Lily Franquet Merchant Va*>Ell Aliance Simpson Alrua '•niitli Albatross ATon.llm Cunningham 8.-sin SeaHght Humberts Hally Packet 'Perkins Ulac-> River Packet Conatanee ChrUtian
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 593 29 llolloicay* PiU*. Kiein*, pure air.— la nuuiMi-oin occupationa in wbiili |i.-rson* ar* daily nee j pied, tlieae tiwnllah to perfect health cannot poaaibljf buenjuyel. Hence ihe many maladie* »hich afflict the itudnnt, clerk nnd artiaaa. Let »ll «> mffuring try thete purifying Pill,. 1 hey will q.nclten the languid circulation,
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 604 30 INSURANCE. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, FOE Flfcß AND Uff ASSURANCES AT HOME AND ABROAD. ESTABLISHED IN 1836.-INCORPORATED »V SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL £L2s9 7«O. TaTi Twwty-fourth Annual M*etinp of toi* Company was held on the Bth instant, aud th* following is a ah^rt aUtract of the transactions of the year
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    • 781 30 LIVERPOOL ft LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE uadenigoad having bean appo>ot*d Aprt* for the r.bove Company ar* preparta to ■rant Policies on th« usual term*. BTMK CO. Singapore, 10th Sept., 1868. CALCUTTA MERCANTILE MARINE INSURANCE SOCIETY THK Undersigned, uanng been appointed Agents lor tbe above Company are prepared to take
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    • 1050 30 LEA AND PZRRINS CkXZBSATBD SAUCE. PRONOUNCED l»Y CONNOISSEURS, TO BB THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE AMD APPLICABLE TO EVERY VARIETY OF DISH. Extract Sf a Letter from a Medical Gent le men at Mailrat, to hi* brother at M'orcetter MsjtMM. ii rpELLLenand Perrins that their Sauoe is <■>> highly esteemed in
      1,050 words
    • 1070 30 CAUTION AGAINTB COUNTERFEITS. Sone are genuine unlett the t%gnatur* of H. and 1.. Perry and Co. it affixed to e<uh tapper awl blotrn oil the bottle and mtm bottle it p.otrrtrd by a patent captule, heating the proprteton name aud ad.lres, in full. Messrs R. LPkuby and Co. are only
      1,070 words
    • 1017 30 Mears. WHAMPOA ANDGO.S ADVEKTI^KMKN 1. IST'' miesirs. WHAMPOA Co. have slwitys on Sale an extensive and choice aniiortmrnt of the following goods, selected upccislly fur tlieir Stores. WHOLKSALK, HKTAILvV FOH H I'OkVAI K>S. <£t&* ani) tf-roccrn. Always on B".', leas of th'- choicest fln~ TOrs i-. mi j.r>~mc. ''Unpowdcr, I'ekoo,
      1,017 words
    • 760 30 |l|||lH|||HiH|^^ tar QEt ijjljji-jliijjljlijjiili urM^-. ■■■I::::::!::: El.i 1 1 i I if nn -■»I*H "iiiiNiiiiiiiMiinmi MmiDcti LEY'S AMMUNiTIo"j Or KVKHY DESCSimoa I SFORTINO OH MILITARY PUKPOSI4. DOf LI W iterpr....f Cswtral h Wa*Uiw|*ta Brers.** Wiie Cartridnes for KiUtßf O« .iivt.»mes, <reecb Las M or quality, »c. Suit t", t 'r,,ctnr
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