The Straits Times, 19 October 1861

Total Pages: 4
23 26 The Straits Times
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  • 1662 23 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, OCT. 19, 1861. t Thoi «,H every mail that arrives, ami every mouth that passes away, iinisl be actually bringing us nearer to the t .•r.nin.iM'iii of the iivi! war in kmcfioa, and nearer to the aiijti^t n| oti;»titu c Qovermaeot or Ooroia menls; y t v
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  • 1384 23 Ii ivi* pemncd tlic ill ft Act which it in propo» <1 to substitute fur that panted in ISM, in secure, iiiortciiircct r«-t i ius from the Ke^i-try <>t Imports anil Kxnoits, ami for the pievciitinn ot vessels Iraviltg ibese waters without :t IVnt Cle;ii<nice. Ii i- of c<Mi*iili-i i'>
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  • 995 23 Continued from the Straits Times, of 5th October. (commumcatkd) f In our introductory chapter we men- tinned the necessity for a common mediu n of exchange in other words, the necessity of a fixed rate for the dollar. Now the qualities possessed i hy "he pree oils metals, which fit
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  • 353 23 A forgery was on Tuesday discover- Ed to have been made upon two of the notes, or post hills, af taw f Tiartojsjd Bank of India, Austr.ilii ;in<l China Tin; ii tes, boi been paid in, himl een ived by Ike B.tnk on afternoon, wii liuut any suspicion, and it
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  • 303 23 Tiik Imp^riil i'Yench M.n. Ste l n-r Shanghai, Captain Shey, an iv il on Tiiuisilav afterm fnmi ahjon, biing i i ii.' Hates to \',U\\ Oetoli r, lieu ot ml IHgtnCfl front Saigon bj the iMeeaier \im jjmi, I* the ml lire of r. Jdin 11. Boi let, f..r
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  • 240 23 Mr. Amks the Deputy Commissioner of Police was robbed a few days since of 8 110. It appears that this sum was kept by him in his Cash Box at his house, which is the Police Station oil Sirangoon Road havi ng lost or mislaid the key for two days,
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 248 23 AOVERTI3G *BICT3. ka NN nt the die* t r« Inr .iUm. I v th- num. n.itiie« will tm an<i cli»rif»l r ih»" rti«contina»nt« of an Ad»rrti*em- I ed «i :r» ißa in 1,011. don, hv t, Stre.-t, city in rc*m mti Oi mi To Subscribers and Correspondents. i-tfiillv n-(|
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  • 1150 24 Ti'Krk perhaps never v;<s at any .me in the history of Great liii tain, a movement upon so groafl scale and opposed to all preconc ivi d 110--.■t with tl c *ame MO-i-tic adoption, as that ol the Voliint'-er Arming and training ol 'he people. Englishmen of all el i->»-IV*
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  • 939 24 Al.Tlinpi.ll the pieces pi far MM last night at the TaWU Hall »v«re not, in him opitiMi!, well selected tor an ur p. rfnrmancc, we inu-t give Mahal to MM actors «mh(jo«I > inir the different ihaiaultre in them. And line M would remark t li at, tor
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  • 155 24 Wiikn we advocated the adorn ment of the square, by a greater re so t t*> the advantages of nature in the shape ot gardening, we did not anticipate ihitt it would have been thought necessary to cut down any of the venerable trees which have so long remained its
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  • 108 24 Drill took pi; cc. last, evening at the usual place and hour. We are defied to call the attention ol the volunteers to the fact, that with this mouth will terminate tin; biweekly parade it is therefore desired that as large an attendance as possible will be afforded during the
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  • 103 24 It is reported, that the French Emperor, on receiving a copy of Mr. Moneys late work an Java, entitled How to manage a Colony" was so much imprcsse<Lby his perusal of the publication, thj| h referred it to a sperial Council, with reference to the management of the French Colony
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  • 32 24 Thk Steamer Frigate Feroze has been ordered from Bombay to Suez, to await there the arrival from England, of Lord Elgin, the new Governor-Ge-neral of India, and to convey him to Calcutta.
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  • 36 24 The Feroiev'xW rrturn with Lord Canning to Suez, OH Me" departure from India, which is not intended t-> take place before March next. Lord Canning le now making his farewell tour through the provinces of India.
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  • 107 24 Wr. have haea requested to call the attention of the residents at Tanglin, Orehurei Road, Uukit Tiniah Koad, and tlie lower part of Kiver Valley Roal that the bridge, assreaa Kirn Seng's SturaUM is now BOUipleted and tiie road pit in first class order. From the districts mentioned, the distant;
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  • 137 24 Java.— At B;n joenias, one of the rehels had committed sui.'ide hy hangintrliimselfin tiie Lampon^schedi-trict. The Rice crops are looking very favorahlv, the price of Ist quality rice was per pinr f~, 2nd quaiity/6.(i0 ami Bra* 4 1 ii tlity /*•> The troops an: not in very good health, in
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  • 90 24 On Saturduy a quantity of Com-inis-ai int Stores arrrivd l>y the .-fyr.shire, in a dec »mpweed state, were takenj up to the C 'ininiss uiit (iodoivns. and are aoei kept there pendiHir 'I"' artion of a Committee to ex. itniiie and condemn them. The disairiei-ahle stenrh aii-inir i'rom bWoj
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  • 61 24 His Excellency Baroa Slant Van de Beile with hi* Ladv, daughter, and suite arrived by the mni <<v IWaday, at noon, they wcie received hy the Secietary to the (i-.vernor. His excellency proceeded f>r a shot t time to Government llou-e. and in the evening, went on hoard 11. N.
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  • 27 24 His Kxccllriic\ Annon BurlingaajM, Envoy Extraordinary and Minuter Plenipotentiary to China, from the United states of America, proceeded to Hongkong by the Mail steamer Emtn on Monday.
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  • 49 24 Wk anderatand that great Inconvanience has boea caused t 1 MHwijTiieef of goods, per steamer h men, from their not having received information, that though producing bills of lading, < permit from the Import and Export Ofloa was necessary before the Good* could be delivered by the I*. O. Company.
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  • 54 24 King Oeear of Sweden, who ha< lat< ly visited the French Baiperor at Paris baa, it appears, given offence to some of bis subjictshv so doing, It being surmised from bis very impressionable character, thai LooJa Napoleon has .succeeded in Inducing him la pledge himself in some way detrimental tO
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  • 70 24 Admiral May is expected next tm nth from (101 l md tin Maraeil en by ihe I', ft (>. Mail Steamer. He M to take command ot the Naval forces ot Netherlands India. H. N. M. War Steamer Gedtk, which left on Tuesday for IVitavia with the new (iovcrnor General
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  • 45 24 By an arranicemeal between the French and Dutch Governments, lately made, Dutch paifngert through France M 101 ger rrfjain passpoits. This is a similar arr ngemeut to that of the recipe cal treaty helwe. 11 France and England by which passports mutually are not required.
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  • 17 24 H. I. M. Meainer Orenmdm, Capt Lainf, proceeded to Saigon, with the Mails, 011 the 13th in-tint.
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  • 23 24 Thk I. A Steamer Emeu, Capt. Rouualdsou, left tWr China, on the 14th instant, at 2 p. M. with the Mails fiom Europe.
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  • 18 24 Thk M raits Government Steamer Tonxe, Capt. Noyes, left on Wednesday for Malacca, the Mails closing at noon.
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  • 21 24 Thk Straits Government Steamer Ilooghft/, Capt. Wright, arrived on Tuesday morning from Hlnaag the 10th inst. and Malacca, the 13th inst.
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  • 26 24 H. N. M.War steamer Gedeh, with the new Governor General of Nether- lands India and suite, proceeded to Batavia on the 14th inst. at day light.
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  • 138 24 At a meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club Wednesday altcrnoon, a proposal to postpone the November Kac<>s for a month was negatived. In Bjaldag ihe proposal it had baem thought thai the delay ol another month would Bauble tie tie-h horses to be belter trained, and allow Borne af thwaa
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  • 56 24 Thk Straits (Jiverninent Steamer BwgMjft is now laid up for repair* at Taujong it, ,0. A new flue is to he Mib.titued for Ihe old one, and the hot, on 1 of the steamer is to be carefully examined as to the con liti ->n of the ooppe-. If foaaifed
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  • 49 24 Tmk Duaeh Mail Haaaaer Murnssur, Captain Itnrin^s, arrived yesterday from Batavia, In inking papers and the mail to the 1 5th instant. Tlie 1 1 1 of vessels passed Anjer, amon^ whici will lie found the Heather Hell, Halmersttm and the.V uiill t fiom Singapo'e, \> Liiv.-n in another column.
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  • 20 24 Thk Dutch Mail Steamer K. dtr Xederlander, f'apt. LeiTM, lett on Tuesday morning for Ratavia, with the Mails from Europe.
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  • 908 24 IfIWOTM of the pr< reeding* of the Municipal ('ommisMoners, on the 9th October, 1861. Couimissiimers I ri sent. Tll a Honorable Captain Macpliprmhi, President, C. H. Harrison, Esq., S. J. G. Jellicoe, Esq., W. 11. Read, Esq., K. B. S. Robertson, Boa. oaoji linil ng. The Commissioners refused
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  • 719 24 C. R. Rigt(, X-, Secret y to tbe Mvi LunmiMtoiiera. -r.-l H..V.. |m „,r of „l lllrli. hip Muiuei|.al touiius^:ontr» the 1 in.' i.p rt. I BH rosd has kt •-I is now in g I „r il (.r Hoot <iu^~ Requireg another Ma >c c.'iM|.l.-icil. H 4!l i,,.,, a»
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    • 126 24 To the Eiilor t Siigijture Strut .Mv I'c.r Sir. 1 hiw mm rieidtal Iwi* foi Ot'ay.Hr, hikl Until I rind ■iimi mi your* apoa the vebitcetarxl ({•pore, I iicv. r .ii.l « Hlid I uni 1 ii<- lt'«i .li g n 11..' inln of ihi roultl p ' Ixartnl t'-r.
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    • 144 25 i,-liair\ I then I »ary, ha 1 I .iM"g tU n af mm n 'Ye £unv oil al um,' ut 1 e.ili^h'.eno I in the kg gardaaa, 'iis bun 11 igi 1 kavaaaakaa itk nif, th it iii iU aiaaaM < I *rfeellv nee.: •if the avraoaaal »t wl.n h
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    • 300 25 lo tit 1 Time*. 1)«ar Sir. 1 hiu ame n bet «f ike S»ag- ,iii I ji t drill a« regnUi m I Priday. eoiaa in I c I I all p" -s« 1 .1 all ika -i taaara ka 1 s.irl of <• innl nit, Ijiii it i% 1
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  • 1185 25 Tin.— There can lie no daabt a-fMiarar x ci .h "i tka ti'i ilc -1 :i.e M.l I illf in the territory .1 P,-ra i it eI. llu--1 at on 1- 1 1 d i. tka frin'ol lin -U"l ia a thin I iyer 1 r eztanahrt iraatt of
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  • 538 25 The following with respect toth-Biik na le is lrom tht.- circular ol ile-ss. Duraai an 1 Co. We kavc hud BMtkcf im nth of>lv (|iiift attMOVM in H k with d-li\eriea. evrii finaller than in July, marking lhal maiiiil.iciureis b »tli here aad aa tin- tineni roiiiiiiiio
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  • 1508 25 Colonel Sykef, M. P., rta I pap*! mtiileil Not-s on tl.e I'lOjr-KM in 1 PlO--pects ot 'ka Tmde of E.ijlaiid wkk China HIM 183 V wl cl pr«'-<-nt 1111 abatiMQt Whfili'-r our paat \lo\U\ 1.--winds China hits b M Jaal <T n-'t, ihe px-'cn-i .11 ol
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  • 686 25 From Heenmi tv ill ti tgfmud for 10,0. X) Mtmrt. II -HUH. or S MX' OIU'.II his iil'llllf, IIBS fMroMad ihf fciUoiiig latter to tin; N YOl k Spirit of thr Ti me* Waidiiugui... Aagwot 15,1801. In consequence of certain 1 minks that II iv. r -mi i v
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  • 914 25 Mhafaa, &}tlemhcr 8The meeti igafthealaf Uaaal lUaraMihaa termi ulcl It hrn iiiiii|t.-.l n r.m.luti Ue.anfig th. Un.| |..\"i ul Ilif Npeaib* h e .nipilil Uwild, :iinl cuii'l.ll) tv iii>- BweJaa ut the Cnnstttntinoplt, tHptentber 9. Kiriri-li Puclii h»H u.wn named Uivcui.n of A<tllHH..| ie. Hie [imilarial laaa
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  • 134 25 The toHowuii; i> li»t irf I'iissin■era by t i; Muca**ar, iVoni Uut.i via |sth > it. i .1 Mrs. Daatha is »a t*« ebiklreii, Mr. SIIRHdI Muller. Mr i-vier', Mr. and Mn.Le«M«M tkroa ahiblrea, Air. Moses mi, i 'ii. Stalling. 1 I 1..|1..«uig I 1 HUen-iT" arrived by the It
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  • 279 25 -h -team.'i I. a i i , inhr, I. nn n\ l-i I oiii Adlcy, .ili'Ul I iolh Oil.* 1 U 'In i; rtuiidairi, loaai Nacodak I'.ti ii il o c i. r Bhan|hai, $<*'> tom, Earl, i .i. Snijron, 21»t s^pt. S|;l g Chm, ti>a* Nai. S uiu
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  • 97 25 FinUy, iliu Uaiobcr. Hanil PO hirijue Nin«ann li, R 18, i ihitm. Mritixh m h > .nor Young (J r-n, il.iuisii, iii Utitefa barqaeJ* ani, Mah«med, IT ilavia. MTadMeada) Itth i M (fonrg. biuju- Vin'iniui l'li-.tMi, Mad, Shanghai 1 h biir'ju.' Souvenir, l.\s.i-f. fur M iui it ii.'ii
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  • 12 25 ExPECTED AT SINGAPORE FROM SAIGON. \mi.mcih si.ip R .in 1 a re
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  • 545 25 Bhips' Namks. Captaim. Ships' Namkb. Captain. Flao and H.o Toni ta l Whbbb Faon. I Consionki or Aol ..i< Flao and Uio UF.BTISATIOII Men.op-Wab Tii etis Jachmann Stbamkr Sh ingliai Skey /epUyr Nxk Ho'> K hly Wright M KKI-lI4NT V|>SKLS Ailiancr Simpson Albatross AvomlliQ Cunningham Honiro
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 30 25 im \Vii!nfitihi\ ii. in«t»at. At id.. < l.urcii ot Urn >•■' .i JaWpbvrd, v .-i fnporo, .MIS 1. ll' ..lU, 1--,|. In .\IADI.LK A.MiKLI- i, AMU \li.N.n. 'I :ii ol iufJMpnm,
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    • 186 25 f Itmm areara if* nyi >« "> laankladrrem ih 'r;« Ml iv of t""'i' ihe cirouUii n It- no* th* pmalanee oftnn.v."i" drre.l dbwUoa at this aaaaon. 1 all this oataja .„< of aitmmta. Hollow., th rou'liiv twic ■■<■ rh.i'kin r, i" curnr; mcli i*nd ill, 1 1 ,s
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 583 26 INSUUANCK. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, It»Ii FIRE AND LIIK A>V.K\NCK-< AT HOME AND ABROAD. ESTVBLI9HKD IN 1- x.-ISt'OllfoU/iTEI) BY BPECIAL ALT Off PAKLIAMKNT. CAPITAL-£1.259 760. THf Twenty-fourth Annual Bbeehs] of this Company was held on th« Nth instant, and the followiog is a ihjrt abstract of the tranu the year *ndiu«
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    • 799 26 LIVERPOOL LONDON FIRE INSIRAXC E COMPANY. THK undersign >1 hav-n/heen ,-ppointed AfODtS for the l.ove t'ompany are preparf* to »r:mt I'o'icieM on the usual terms. Siaffmpore, lOlh Sept., 1858. CALCUTTA MERCANTILE MARINE INSURANCE tOCIETY rpHK Undersipicd. uavinj; been appointX ed AgeuU for the hoove Comp^uy are prepared to take n»ks
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    • 1187 26 LEA AND PZRRINS CBLI bn.vTsu \VORCEBTEK»HIKE SAUCE. PcU*IffODNCSU at CUxNOISSKUsU, ONLY COCiD SAUC£ AMU AiTl UABLB TO KVKRY VtfilKTt Off DISH. F.rtr,i,t of ,r I.rttf fro, it a Mr,tic,i'. Gent le is, to hi* H'orctmter Hay.lVL ii '|>KU. I. »nd IVrnn» tint iheir Sane.- i» highly estiem«l in IndM,
      1,187 words
    • 1086 26 CAUTION AC.AINTS COUNTKItH II a/Mea«WftSsOaM unlra the »ign«tnr, < I I'trrv Cc, U ujpsxl '•> f >" sad Uoirn on the bottle and MM* »»«<« M by a patent .apuile, beauny the proprietor,' ■oast imil adaWsj in full- Messrs It m I. Tkrhy 081 <o are only to be
      1,086 words
    • 954 26 Messrs. WHAIVIPOA ANDCO-S ADVERTISEMEN 1. •tlessrs. WHAMPOA Co. have always <vi Sali- ,in extensive and choice anuortment of the t)i.i\iu>; good*, selected i^pt'cially for their Stoic-. WHOLKSALR, RETAILS FOR KXI'UBTaTIO!*. (Tt.i« anb (frottrj. Alwayi on s.le, Pom tin- choicest flavors compriMiijj, <itinpowiU-r, IVkoo, tfyaaej, Souchong, Twankav. AVo. <>t' tin- tir^i
      954 words
    • 715 26 TARGET 8:::::::!:i;:::ffiJ **v~*i, :::::i:;!!;:J:i 'Tltf I" N' IMI FF- t it^f---f CAHTIIDtIt. LEY'S AMMUNITION OF KVKRT MaCBIFTtOI ■rORTING OR MILITARY PURPOSED DnxjßU \v Wwl.llM.'s to I Wiie Cartridges f..r Killing I iiataaeaa, Bomi Laaatag Cartridg 1 I'.iality, Sic. Aruit Ammn Jacob's Hill-- SI,. C.l"-.. A.1.n,., StWl R KNFILLD FIRE AMMUNITION
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