The Straits Times, 5 October 1861

Total Pages: 4
15 18 The Straits Times
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  • 933 15 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, OCT. 5, 1861. li would a|i}i.- it thai the Northern ••t An. r<• i, an 1 downed nor onlj ie contend a£aia»( 'I"' <li*.»dv;ui oil'- i. vi' w irfare und< I raNhip, bat will bare i :.ii dearewtioa i < ti e...|y and •uccc-sive dil ccmiiiiii tear
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  • 920 15 The (evolution which the pn-« t I disinption wti rrratf m tin- future character afth* Aiorhaaa ywrtfamant, is not ure iter than the change- which will result to the general eoaaatetce < t the World, r' distui hance- may in their effect* he coiitiued almo«t c*»« iirely to the country
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  • 1387 15 Thk fourth Criminal Session for thk \e.«r was open* d on Thursday be fw*v the Governor. He«ident CounrJHf»r, and Sir Richard Macausluid, Kaight, Reorder. The foilowinjj (len'letnen cnmpnsp the Oread Jury for the present Session Chart* Herci'M lUr- i TiVrt Hmml, E«.). riion, K«q. F.-r. nn I iv I«ol*nil4. .lo.quini
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  • 359 15 I'hk Collision cask hktwkkn thk I. 8t CoA Stkamkk Madkah, WD THK ..MKKICAN S||||» "ArGilN\tu." In this rase in which e*aa* actions were brought by the panic-, ronci rued, the deci-.ion of tin* CsJWfl Van given yesterday by Hi* Honor t'lf Keeorder. His H«»uor derided that tlie stiin was in
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  • 402 15 11l drawing of the number* for the I'Hiii" if sitings in St. Andrew's Cliui'i-li took |i!;ict' iit the.M laoaie Lodge mi Thursday ifiinHMl, and the t»e|ee> ti hi ot sf>.it.» »fts made in the Church mii Fri «'ay a' 4p. in Out nt .itJO ■.'niitifjs it was arranged ih it,
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  • 180 15 A orbat public inconvenience is now experienred from the closing, on Monday, ot Thomson's Bridge, which ciosse* tlie Singapore River, between North Bridge Koad and South Bridge Road. This great thoroughfare will sM be reopened until the completion of the new iron girder bridge, to be erected by Messrs. Lyon
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  • 835 15 CULTCBB OF I'OTTOX IS SIXOiPORK. I propose to uive few ob<erviil iOiH II mil tlie Cultivation af Cettaw in -^in, 1 .p >re. which ina\ possibly be of seivice to I who wish la )jro\v Ihe Bleat either ezpeii-int-iitall\, M with practii I results in ih)V. I have had the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 110 15 *OVBaTISE«BMIS. inrntn made kn-mn at the ■ly th» num. itiaaaaM nf an sj»rrli- ai at <l m I^>n. t, ci'y in i: a'i.l Co »ml in To Subscribers and Correspondents. qßMtod to i>iv« .<f I ite- Rsjoem I mvi, or will b« MUocii li ttfl in n nntui)oi utrtn tt.H
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  • 73 16 rise. Above all tilings let us not be misunderstood. Let us not be thought to advocate a iepartar* from pre-oMii iwd ideas, the fundamental doctrine ol aoeaaHghaj value, and the theory of Supply and demand are B»---t tb islied, up >n 100 sound a basis for as to wis i
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    • 1496 16 Oi'R new Gove nor General is expecled with the Mail of the 411 l Sept. ,\|oiii'\'< honk Java" has been tianltted in tin- Dutch language. ion li'i«iju-t published a small volume on the M y ciiculaiioii in India;" and a H> lection A Malay I antm.s,
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  • 156 16 Whfn the l'od» i»|vu abiut I.. if >v iuch. n* i. in »>n»ll gl i and air are eeaawl c tmnc* of i WI.I I M I tlie skin oi tho Pod, W1..-11 atod b> tlie rain ko pretnl.-ut in F >r the present, ■he Pule *'t^r ke,)t ii a
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  • 243 16 Tub allotment of seats in St. Aa> drfw*s Chinch took piny •oatordat aftc-rnoon. andtlitie was a Urge numi «ut)<.cri!)eis nreaeal, Considerablo ditrieu If «.i«. ce.isioned bj no nunil>er.- bavfaf titei attached to the sittings, awd a i slant r.t. r- i the pi in w i- aeeaaaai i M certain
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  • 416 16 TfiK New Org. for >'. Andrew's Charrti at Singapore, b«« b'-rii built by Mr. J W. Walk** ..f Lmij». The I nst iii uiei t p .■> t>* v complete Manual Omni, < .f»a-«s of each from Ci to M, So note*, ami ;t ii iinit*|)pn(lctit Pedal >ru::iii of 2
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  • 1012 16 (COMMUMCATKD.) liat is a Pound This is the question which was asked by that lamented Statesman, Sir Ro crt Feel with reference to a k»U\ coin of the Huvpositiou* value of twenty shillings, a. id ..nsw.-icil hy him in the oreseiu;.; of the esseinUed intellect of England. »t 4 tha
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  • 194 16 Thk French I Macrial s rice Steamer Pi nwrfi. 7 tons, Captain Jamm Laingi arrived here an W'-dnesday ft'c.ui 'lie >t h ultimo. Had vi'ry tiiii; wp'ther down. The llriii -h ship lint Vlinch and a Portuguese l.arqile w.'ic aiiteriag the part, when the (intwuiu left (.«ll that could he
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  • 146 16 Thk French Steamer Japan, 2(KK) ton*, Cant. Lihandiere, from muz August 17th, arrived on Monday having <>n board 354 French ttoops f or Saigon, and 17 Sitters of Charity, two of whom p ocei iled with the Kevd. J. M. Beiirtl, in the Straits Steamer Huoglihf, yesterday. «»ne to Malacca
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  • 49 16 Th« steamer Cknto /'/it/ft Capt. Orion, a- rived on Wednesday aftt"*noon, she bring dates to the 2:>th ultimo. The Chow P/u/a towed down the small steam* r Ze/'hyr which is to be pi -e-ente-l to the Kaj ih ot Qaeedah M a pit sent from the King of >iatn.
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  • 30 16 Thf. stetnier Fieri/ Cruft>« Captain ('rot kett, sailed for Honghong Alcridaj aftt Tii-.Min at 2.4*» i* m. It. is cxpeeted she will reach Hongkong two lavs be(:ir° the mail steamer.
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  • 27 16 Thk P. O. Cn.'s Mail steamer Pot thtgtr, Caataia Wright, hit New Barboar, on Tuesday nun ning at 1 1 o'clock with the fvirnpean mails for (Mima.
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  • 15 16 Tiik French steamer Japvn, 'ett tut Friday at noon, with the mails tor Saig >n.
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  • 25 16 Tiih Dutch Mail gteaaw Kew. der Xi drrlundcu. Captain Lewis, ai rived y>-teid.iy Iron |l>,navi<i, with the Mails ami intelli^cu <c up to the Istiust.
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  • 23 16 Tha (ininiiitii will remain at Singapore until the ai rival of the next mail troin Km ope. When she will return to SeJgoa.
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  • 41 16 Permi-sioii to carry specie Ins now been granted by the IVeni h Government to the French line -f steamers from Saigon, which pievioii-ly has not h ■en permitted. About S 00,000 for Hingapore waa broaghl d< wa by the steamer Grannda
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  • 98 16 Mu. S. Laville lor ily Band Master .it Singapore, but now Bind Mas. lei at Secanderabad, ha* we are Inl >; mcd Wiiltetl to >iiig.ipoi c, Stating th :t :is the band where be i- now engaged is to be brokea ap, he pfwpnm ,o re* turn to Singapore with
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  • 49 16 A verdict of (I -ath fr->'n nataral oaaw >" was returned by the Coroner's Jury assembled on Wednesday in il. AI. Jail, io enquire into Hi. death ot a Kling debtor. It beiag imperative upon toe Sheriff tv have an inqaeat held in allsncti casee uf death within the Jail.
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  • 62 16 In Ibe case <>l the Mai. <y, Bhukur against whom a vtr<liet of wilful nun der at Chang Cboo KangwaM rendered by the Coroners Jury. We uudeis and that ii eowweajaeaee of the severity of the treatment of those who treated him and the mv iner in which he wai
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  • 37 16 Thk Lady who was lued forty rupees for MMuUtiag Mr. i rane'.- i iiinesc a-.-i.-l.iiii iti.u .i Kling, ln.s we undo stand Ivdged the aniouut in uurt. suhj<-ci to an appeal tor some informality in the siinimoiis.
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  • 61 16 Last Friday there ware an Municipal summons eases for breaches ol the .wunieip..l lcgul .-.lions but we arc now informed there are u;>\\aid- ot toi ty ca-es lur h aiingon rVidaj la-t, which i- the regular day for -ndi eaaei la be tiied before ,1. V. Suiitli Ba^., Justice t
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  • 35 16 A true hill tor perjury has been brou::lii by the (irand Jury in the Matter ot the partial employed in the Caw Ml ssaiiat Departi. cut and the case has been sent up for trial
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  • 81 16 u *k are informed that a native tried before t!ie TuntOnfcOUg at Tailj ng l*iit i i List mtckli for Piracj a*aj cnndi'miU'd to he Kri-sc<l. In thircase of the A-sault by a 1 dv up n a ('hine-e and a KHng, the l>eti ndant appi ared in per-on, and
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  • 84 16 A colored Seaman betoagtag to the Grai/hnniid, has been sent lo i he Hoase of Correction for twelve weeks for having reiiiM (1 tv work under tin- j > l o t of sickness or disability. The Certificates ofth« French Doctor who attended bin at Saigon and subsequently IhoM of
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  • 20 16 Si. Andrew's ('lunch i- to he open, ed for Divine Servitc tc-morrow at 11 a. m. and i i*. m.
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  • 38 16 Thk contractor for filling up the Sea Wall between I)' Vlnieitl.t's pier and Johnstone's pier has been p rmitted to remove sand from thu beat- i between high and low water mark from I'iinjong Roo to Tinjong Katoag.
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    • 242 16 Tnjkt Editor of the Sinjapore Strinti Inn,, ■nv—] t..Ke the iih'rty sf illliaaaiau j_a on iln- above snhjeet, nn I have u-hs i loti- lh»t ilie Sin^..|'iirc 'i'unr, ;n> noted .lai y hy the Bred ill MOH, im fleet tl in Iv baik. war.!, lor the fuliowing rea*ea.
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  • 765 16 (South Aits! .;ili t,i Air i ji; i The ivonts ol ll.c ■■■ta nil I vrry rrawrlnhlr. irita tv« •leepnoo exlr-iOrdinHiy int-r.^' ih.,v petVadiM all t socle v uitn rrferraea lo ti »iarav v-.'i, iit-iii.i ai.d repu iiatioa of Urn 1»»- of tho proviae* by Mr. Juattea Uoothbr- Tk«
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  • 854 16 The PederalUt force* li»ve d'ltJVr.'ii tnotiler tieteat l:i y by thvir O*U c fission 10-i «iJit be dr^.l men kil wounded, and one vi their be*i genet tl«. i lyyultr ioldier, «hi)>.- abilnirw, ami wli death ai the h.-a,l uf hit iiit-ii duel not pre■trva
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  • 2596 17 Tli re are s.iiii .mln-. who a h-mmi n*: to i vii. ,i in-, ly or wij 8 l», that ili.-*o-ieu vi w 1 1 > it is p. ize I l>y Ol elili'.lti iii fend p Mii v ihau it v->•u ->• tl to be. 4a no
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  • 964 17 Tne death of his lalm'e-l an I p'ip-ilar V.M-.i.isl limi'' BMMsaNI 11. Ti'iiii i{ ..f die llUl in- 1., at .Sylenliain. 0. the pievtous Men ay ncr iniic.l ••tten rint M-. <! an .-I ,it Oierge trert, Man rer-aqßare, u- jm's'el by tclegr.i h 'oa'te .1 h'
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  • 789 17 (Fro -n our own Correspondent.) ■J.'tl/t .Jugust, irMil. Dear Sir, The a- tack upon the 1) tth Co.isiiUie, meotioix-d in your last nuiiibf, is entirely wrapt in mvst-rv ther.- nmv have been some truth in ih« ri p .rt Inn seeing thu the ;ifTiir was locked vi on
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  • 157 17 {From tit I'inanq Gazeftt, Sept. 2\*t) ■fa are i iat able u> eaett ika i-tniclmn af a lafp aifj r in the i.lmd It was uken alivr vi a t-itat Sungy liron b< two Jaf tnest and Ins been killad. It nei-nrel 8 It. i iche« from the BBM
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  • 74 17 V.-smtls drrivinu report having expeiienoed heavy we.ithor out>iilc. From the Malabar Coast 8 KMag eaßah) with 1,800 coolies have arrived anil 1 more with < <nu rants frum the same Coast are at:orUr ex-ie. ted. all ef whom will no donbt find iniuieoiaie em loynwnt in the pKuUtmn here and
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  • 81 17 In 'h i.iiii.n^ case further particulara have henu Ire t"l out The ra.iii6cit.oin of the confederacy ■eeeat to h,.v.- been ext', including Cliitlies and BMBss .if pUllt "iouii. A prau hii.jU airi'cd ytsierJay leporta that mi Acliuiiv; BBst *itii IS men on jo:irJ, bound from i aorta) Home piu-i u
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  • 120 17 Ha beg to csll tlie at ten urn of the Pinangitea to mime very ple.i^im tne..;ricil entert .inment> huve heeu givii by aMr and Mi«i Onitian. Tne at v eof their performances much resembles of Mr >in -I Mr< Howard Paul an. l altoxellier is thoroughly am'lsin^. They
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  • 283 17 Tl.o Malayan itl.nida da not appear to have attracio I miv nttentioii ai a field fro n which l»nj<mil plies of aaHM may b« drawn. Yet if climate, extent afaeeHaeli tea, iiu%»tity and cheapness of i-i igeaoej laeear a i.rnxiiniiy !n tlie gro»t eastern I ...Iv moket. an 1 facility
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  • 120 17 \Vk wvc to iuiutMiine the arrival <>f tlie ruHwwring passetger l»y tin- >t uintr Grewwaia. Capt I'iiont. Imperi»l OSatr, ea Diplomatic Service. Tmk folh>uintr is a liad -f passengers by Urn P. O St. Htnei fottinger, ;n rived af New Hariiour For Singapore -Mr. P:ckrord. Mr. Oudsr' Mi«s Oni^r Mr.
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  • Singapore Shipping.
    • 54 17 Sunday, 29t.1i Se^t. Hriti h »ci. o er Tee Joho.e, 7* ion§, Na. j C' Finally 1 s upt. Diii.'h haique Valparaiso, 35 tons, Kok, coiuuaiiuder, ot:eriam sih Jan. coLSigneos iii.oing, Sjluodei A co Dutch barque Ch>o -"ing, 144 ton* Nacodah De>omoyo 18ih :*ep.. Dutch barque Justiua, 310 tons,
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    • 255 17 ■Vaael stetrner Japan, »> urns, Libandierr. c>tnTtande', 7 iui(. Mon lay tob **ept Mih)h eteaaaer tS^<B»aer. I3<otona King c> ii'ii :n «r. Boto'iiy lflcli "*»pt. ronsigntee l». m 1 O. Co. .\w. «h'i> Rimco. 7*S ton*, G. P. Banett, eaejeaen4er, if.Uant, Maa aVpl* cMnigneea, U. V. Hssoctt. Hrn «h .-lifwnfp
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    • 88 17 TMaaay, Oetehcf Ist i8«l. H itisli Hii|{ Hrif>mart Lim Kenn, P'nani(. Dutch Itarqne Hr>n({ UoatJ DaapkeS, Araoy. Wednesday. October 9ml lflh'l. \f«lav seliooiier B. Triagaaao Lha Keanij I", Sainjora. Bi itisli banpir Lizzie aUhUI -fackv. Kits via Fiidiy. 4th Oetoh r. Dutch sehoonei A^nes Mavwawatha, Noojer M. K V
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  • 148 17 Wmmm. ,i' Z!; in *m .Va».v». SUf M Ev... A;.ril 2.'. Lilt"! H Al:i-rt Kot»if)M»j U[B«ndi-rian«l Moler ImtuGuwJiim Mtßoturdata 'V. d Ko*r Syren .Turn- 11 I ly.U- ..Ucwm Ty|.t,.Wtl.. ..J.H.C UtLniTJMM.I Welh Avoiuiuu I<iiy liav.-»ii(l .Cunningham Lr,, D July ...Cooper NHpo'run Juiy la .In. fhompsoo Amethaa
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  • 534 17 Snip*' Namks. Captain. Flao and Rro Tuni Date or j Arrival* Wiieri From. CONSIONEW OR Aof NTS. UfcSTIKATIOK I Men.op-Wab Thetis Steamer Chow Phya iiiiin-..1-i K. 'ler NederlanHen Merchant Vx-skl« Alliance Albatross i tnt 111:111:1 Theten Ayrshno Uornro If- River Packet H>ack l-'.a-n-Connt«nce Courier Energy F.l.ctrio
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 120 17 /followay'i Ointment and PUT* lodiiputtM« facts.— The merits of the* remadiM hara been and ara acknowledged in both hemiapberet, and few would presume to impugn the Ihe experience of the whole w.irld. Testimonial from all parti vouch for thvir efficiency m carati-re. The Ointment toua displays its virtues in overcoming
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 538 18 INSURANCE. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. FOR FIRK AND LIFr; AM'JtAMCEAT HUME AND ABROAD. ESTABLISHED IN WOTMrtMUTtO BY SPECIAL ACT Of PARLI A 4 EN f. rCAPITAL-£X.2S9 760. TH«" Twenty-fourth Annu»l Mesthaj of thia Company was bald M the (be sh^rt abntrnct of the ir .unction, of th* y«»r ending 31st Janu«.ry
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    • 787 18 LIVERPOOL LONDON FIXE INSURANCE company. Til I iiMlermyii.-J having U-en .-.ppoiuted AfWt'* for tl.r Ihi\«- OaWapeay »r« prepartd to grant I'olioien on tbe usual terms. STME A CO. Ssagapore, 10th St^t., 185 S. CALCUTTA MEKCANTILE MARINE INSURANCE SCCiETY 'lUIK Undersigned, uanng been appoint -1 ed Aftents for the aaswe t'otnp
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    • 1196 18 LEA AND PERKINS CkI_LBHATSI> \voucevh:k>hihe bauci. PIU'NUL'M BO UT CONNOI.-.^LURS, OKLY GOOD SAUCE AMI APPLICABLE TO 1 VI Rl TAKIETf «K DISH. Extract <>f a I e<te< from it Medical Ctntlemen at Madias, to his brother at H'orcv*ter, ISSI. H rp ELL Lea and Parrins that tbeir Sauce is liiiihly
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    • 1076 18 v Tfc^ jLi=- —^^'J t \cV^f\ CAUTION AGAINTS COUNTERFEITS. Xone are genuine BsWMI the *i,,natun of It. and Verry a,,d Co. m a/fixed M enrh wrapper, and hlo>cn on Mr bott'e nnd surh buttle is 6y a patent captnlt, heating the proprietors name and MM>SM M. fu'l. Mr»«ni K. A
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    • 965 18 Messrs. WHAMPOA ANDCO-S ADVKRTISEMKN 1. i) WSJ MeiiKra. WHAMPOA Co. Imve always <m Sii'i> an evtennive nnd ehoiee nnuortnirrit ot the following goods, selected hperially for their Siotei. WUOLKSALK, RKTMI, >V PM I M'ORTaTIOK. Ccas ani tfrottrn. Always on s^le. Teas af the choicest fl«T ,ii S comnr'Mnff, dunpowdcr, Pekoe,
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    • 760 18 THI TARGET 1 I j|li nti. i iT i i -ffir TF tT> "ttnttT r.J- RJT Rrps«s»iit« sr^rsw, EM IKtB -I CAHTPiDCIS. LEY'S AMMUN ITI 0 IM OK KVKKY I>l .Si IMPTIOW K.iR SPORTING Oil MILITARY PURPO6BH. DOVJBLI WeHfaieef Oeaeral the Ceae, Felt WhiMiiik to pievent the leailiti){ „f (Juiis,
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