The Straits Times, 28 September 1861

Total Pages: 4
11 14 The Straits Times
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  • 14 11 VVjKLT KDITION. Annually l)n. 1« I!y i T%m •■<■"> .»< pay mit* immdmmm
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    • 16 11 A' Slnnj' ni BM !»umjnjr. th« 1 t fUpt IKi'.l Philip J ytmnti Jay«, deeply
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  • 1265 11 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1861. Thk pmyrtan which Fi:iiM-«' has made under tin- Mspirc af N tftew 111. M pester per ap«. than any other I* in „|m in power Inn attai < (I in a Minil.rly -lu». t period. IVoiu a stale ul n. i. i nal prostration
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  • 1459 11 Tmk tliiti -nl r i ivlreh li tv a»t nled all our efforts tit opfii u|> intercourse in Jrfpm, hive biw ny an I 1 1 1 m i- 1 ii i ift« but they a I? nil jjie.uer til. hi were expecu d i»y most men auri pic Itatad
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  • 955 11 Thh appe.irance »vhn-h Singipon pie I'nl- i- on the whole by i Mam un-'li-a i ir. bat Mrs i« more the result of its natural advantage-, than of an\ v,K cor attention h.-t.,\v.(l upon it I M its lahahitanti Ot tint pari ot ttit, t I'oivn which is ncc<ipied t&flhwlvah
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  • 448 11 Thk Steamer Thunder, Capt. Kowler, left Ho igkoaf «a Su il.iy, Mie lath instau\ at Ha. m. and arrived in in^apore on >atuii!ay, til- 21st instant, at I P. M. Making a capital passage iluui in six <l y« and §f« Ii in-, in spite of blowy "cither for tno
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  • 485 11 Thk Calendar for tha MSI term ot the Criini ial Sessions t<»c«i ii'iience on i Thur*'lay next, thu 'Ac I October is Iwe undersran.l a very light one. Only six cases have been sent up for trial by the magistrate. Daring the pre-ent year there has thus far been a
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  • 437 11 Thk Sariwak (iovernment Steamer <aiiibow, Caataia John Bairat, left on Frwlav last, the 20th instnnt, and ai rived yesterday, the 23rd instant, at Hnjrapore. Sir James Brooke, the Rajah of Sarawak, ha* returned by the Rainbriw, and will proceed to England, as we understand, by the next mail steamer. His
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 236 11 AOVCBTISE XEMI9. •mania mile kn.wn at the Ih long |-eriod« at v 'h» num. MtltM w II :ml, »nl cbar. i iha ,li»,'..ntinu»i.c« of an Ii I^. -,n I «ulMcript'rt..« willhe raatayr^ *d «t the ~t»*Ii« TIMH Omoi AtoWTTn. \{..\h. I >l"»rd Stre-t, cut :in I I ii. a
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  • 223 12 'Iii k \rt.n^ Deputy < '.oinuiissi-iiifir of I'olic mbe In* for •"••ne d ivs hack, in paread of I'.ih Kaati, and 81 \lii» the tw;» ahief leaders af the ft which infest the l«l«mls in our neighbourhood, returned on Monday last having succeeded in tahiac Si Ahhoo and his tullowers.
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  • 277 12 I'oLti —Al lhe rollee < >rtice on W ilm la«f, the eaaeei "t a >lis- which iiccurred itr one ufthe 1 1 Hoail were enquired md nae ot ibe paftien hound over in .iU) Rape** tn keep tlieaenee. large q« mtity M GMnpawaW »as f iiad on t'u' i>rt .ni-i
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  • 214 12 and rnnsequently is ditticult to ■roaatet. Tlie tinder trusts by fulPwaiag the direction of the seam t i enne ii|h.n it, at some point more acJ (Testable It llii> be done, and if the Coal pr ives ,i ajnnd (juality. and can be easily mined, it is iiapos^ible to overevtimatcthe
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  • 152 12 A eeec ol Laraeai and assault vat diepmc "I in \V'»'(iiie«-day la»t, h'-fore theHHting .Magistrate J. I) Vaufjhan, i.-i'ip nut of a Kong See <li*pule i I liim >c. There were three defendant*, v.ho wt-ie all Chinese of jesperliliility. The .M.i^i-frnte JtinilweJ the charge iy, hut Hid one of the
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  • 364 12 Wh BN Bdjad] to state tlnit tdc at ratine nif nt of ti.»'Cliurrli >i?iin-r-. o 1 ji-rtiil tv in our l.i»t, w.i- not tiimli' !•>' the 'Ii ii-tc s, hut <r.i»< tiMitiy ft f*t*4 l>v tin: K\rcut!vc as the must c-iive-iii-iit, not tiMtle nndci ui\ nairitea* t .ivoritixin. A
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  • 188 12 The Biitish hark Spirit nf the Nartk, <>7" 1 tons, CapCaia Witt one of tlie Mlack Ball Lino, beloaginff; to Jatne- Baaei To., of Lrverpool, aa the passage from M;ic,,o to Londni, struck on a Sunken Shoal on Saturday I ist, the 2Ut instant. This fine clipper vcssii wis con-.i^ii-e.)
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  • 71 12 Thf Singai'ohk rU.Vihw. It will be «een by an adveriisetiien* in our columns of Wednesday that the numbers to complete Vol. I. of tlie Sin gapore Keview.willbeissu^don Monday next, their publication having been delayed by the want of printing paper. A .Map of HlagapaN has been lithographed, la ;ic Miipany
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  • 117 12 Thk Singapore lUfleloipstt-incd out on Tuesday afternoon in full strenjrfh, bcinjr the first drill aieaiag with the new iiHc». (!olonel (.avenagh, the commanding Officer of the Corps, attended in person, and put them through their ex i(i-cs. The Company is to meet on dill every Tuesday and Friday for the
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  • 33 12 Thk Fiery Cross, will not leave for Hinifikon^ before .Monday, nor before the arrival nf the Mail i'n nn Europe which is expected to inormu, unU^s the mail slmuid be delayed beyond Monday.
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  • 16 12 Thb Steamer Fiery Cross, saw the Thuniltr, on the 2iih instant, just be yond i inang.
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  • 29 12 'i'n h death of the tal< nt. il and popular \ocalist Mad. in. c Cathcine Hayes took place on the evening o f the I Ith An^ii*t at >ydenha:n.
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  • 29 12 OaaAT flnods lave taken place in latlia lali ly from tie very heavy lams and gnat lisi- in tin* Kivers which is unprecedented for tl c last thiity tajta?
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  • 61 12 I.dkii Camvim will not leave India before .March next. He U now about to make a tour to All ihabad nnd the i teri. 1 to invr«t some ol the native princes 1 th the ">tar of India. Lady Caaaiag hud lift Celeatte for Partec lim;. nnil will ii'iuain there
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  • 157 12 Or. Andkkson. the Snpcriiitcndanl of the Kowl Hotamiii'ul Gaiden«, ciiita. I'r .fessn" of H tanj in the tne<iie;«l CaeVgje aad AmiC Margaea Ben gal Army is a passenper by the Fiery Cross from C.ili uttti. He pntceeds hy the next Steamer to Java, on a special mission to the
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  • 321 12 Tiik Steamer Fieri) Cross, Ciptain Crockett, arrived this morning at H o'clock having left Calcutta, tba 19th instant, aid l'inaug tie 2Gth install. By this opportunity we have received tue following intelligence. LATEST INTELLIGENCE. The. following intelligence was received b\ Telegraph at Calcutta on the i veninu ot the 18th
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  • 40 12 A Sk>sion af Oyi r aad Tei miner, and General Gaol Deliver), wi I h.held before the Court ol Judicature at Singapore, at Ihe Coin I llou-e on Thu.sday, the thud day of October next, at il o'tl.'ck a. m
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  • 18 12 Thk steamer Thunder, Capt. Fowler from ilnngUoiiiT, leave* 011 Monday last, at Jr. 1., for Calcutta via Pinang.
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  • 173 12 Cttteuttt, ISM S-),t., 1861. The 9th Opium Sale sjf i|,i s year «as held «»o ihe -Itli instant, wlion !,22() ■beatl I'.itiiit and clusrs Benares were sold at the fi<llouin^ rates lli:l.''t .l.<.w. »t .Vv.riL'e I'itni -.(.1d 1593 l.'iTo R«. ISBS. 4 3 IkiiKieo 1555 1570 H» 1076. 13 jj
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  • 19 12 Satpetre at Is2sd per bajj, Cotton at $'2 per bale. To Uombay, at Rs 10 per ton all round.
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  • 195 12 Wk un ler«rand thut it 11 )t the intention of the Trustees to h«dd the billot for the sitings in St. Andrew's^ Church, as .nijfinally |>roposed, when* the lists are closed on the Ist proximo. It has been resolved to open the Church for three a? four Sabbaths allowing the
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    • 481 12 To lh? Kititor of 'he Siithij'or' Si rats Times. 1 eon il I a (■■od 1 <-•• 1 ..t oaom«e, bat I am 1..1 qu I.' to a 1 olnmii ami a 1 :i!l nfwkat ,li- bat i" (luiibt r. ad s r I itroea i 1 .-Hicr i
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    • 314 12 To tub Kurriii oi- thk Sthut-i 'lives. My 'k'«r Sir, I h ive jus? tail down |.i. l,y\ pap r after a pi m— l ih Mr. Cobbrtt .lir.ior'» letter. It riki's me corf foicibK tlia' this Air. C.Uli t h-«a mii- i lian oaec mule use of your i
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    • 238 12 To the Fditor ot the Str,,,t.< Times. Sir,— l sliill P rnncli obliged if allow me by awawa of year Pap 1 bet'orr the Public uf Mngapore, ibe p scheme f the Lnrd ■iahop, f r the 1 mini of Public Bahaooi ia ibe iBeagol HU
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    • 1949 12 To\t'.e Editor of th« Singapore Straits Times *1B. 1 lie Question ilmcusi«-<l in j"iir Leading Aiticl of VVelntS'lay lmi. though **erlm|)«! daiil v one soiled for argument in >he cohinmn of a neu»*>a| er, i« yet 8" intimately connected «>ili tbe <lo.n<stie. relntioM of each of us. nnil bear-, such
      1,949 words
    • 653 12 It is an ob»iout c. afeaiaaoi to crowned head* that the hoii lay »c»".n xhnuld tafea puce pr. tly much nil ut 188 MOM time all <>vrr Kampa. Il enniiUi inoiarclii to co nbout ri lifoaT aad taatlag lik« the rc^tof the nrid, aad to b aa ]wi> :i
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    • 284 12 Tin- K 11 I i -1 1 i.inlon Batardajr, partly boia th* lattice** lb* Wcatkar. and partly i ■<■ I** «•>•» ladoced l>y tlie l<<\\ tr jlui- of ii OB*] i t •ji»i 1., i t"..r nm: ,v, .11 the acciiiiiii tbc but qu tioa aa* b*m
      284 words
    • 247 13 Eurnpevi n»»« i« blmbl »t ■•»nd utiM. A ..f Nll|>le« KllJ raaeia 11. k stated to I. H..w tti* IkM ."I npi^ar but ili« li«hit'u li e-n aaita r»|)«r»i n pro..f IdHt p!.<c» ..ii th 7th or k- p And it, 'lied line di', f l de. d, tack i*>
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    • 56 13 > I i »li ell I i tli .t in tli tpe»k, of ja *kat iHing uf I to a y lulo A c»»»lry i i the Ii araaa i »|.'.»in Mia* Pinkie iuto» kin'l nf onj ckal iii-ir uroHii laatch. ealea te 11,.1 r.1.1l lt> ■MBeel that, ii"'
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    • 25 13 T BariMi vert ..liun L.ntly MefJW U(t bat tri .mm Ii ving ■ i.t >l n mr >u,(ar, »itß tlighl for
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    • 52 13 ALS. Aug. I l w haaaaaa. la laa I at I'owti. Dfr»i Au. 1 It— L •i-li Rrnea, M [Inula, it, Kirn 0 NapUMC, Y-rey i 14 I'ruiiicwt, AlliT, J u nen I'rtlun, Al.i- I 111. 3 Edvti- .-un.l^rlund for Honfr Kaa#> pui un. i r.iui..uth. .Vugunt
      52 words
    • 72 13 i. IC.'A. 10 15 A. \n i trm ff mm and Kili< Ii i N i rest ivt- 1. \V r lan t r--: ii ■< 1 1 1 ii_; mvi h ..a i! iie in iH--1 b iv i i ■!<• to mvi rt aar, •ni
      72 words

  • 2304 13 of I a'ciitui to tic elerify and Im y <•/ h'.< I > far Lu r-'/iran iii.l i m children, unl on tke imii it Sj,,,/ 1 t AMf. uoiifCKPullF. chi, in. i < [860. 1 It is k'fii. rally known ?l i^huut i my 1
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  • 1865 13 ■vtiocitiks or rtiFcooi 11 num. (I'iom the lhiily Pr«»f, Sept. 14. W t ii f i- m- <! tmt n-"r« in cmr itMt cfllif Slat all. that a I'ni. cli i-ln, Vilh iTAgcn had yM inle this t-rt Iraki In I oust qU- me ka*ill|| etnirk upon ihe
    1,865 words
  • 238 13 What tbi> hmrt of th* young w jio»q Said to tha old iraid Tell in* not in idle jingle, M .rn-tue i% »n rmpty, Kur ilia i;irl ii mud tint 'a singl*, And men ate nut whit tbt-v leem. Life it rani. Life is etrneat
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  • Singapore shipping.
    • 231 13 Saur«l»>, Stlat Sei'temoer. BrkWi ajkaoaw Srvr Malaaoa, 12S tons, Muc -vlnli I'm .ii j lSih -eptember Untish ship Wide Aw.ik.-, 702 tan*. Sw.lll--snn, ciinm-uuhr, ('.ilcun 6 h Sep ember. ifitish steimer Tim iaVr a 3 '.1 tons, t'owler, c >iniii mdei, Hoagk'Haj 15th -ept. M 'ii .lay -.'Jr.l. S
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    • 196 13 tVrdnssdai, 2*tb S-i, u>n.b«r. "rpncli sinu Soiirc'in, ♦-< ton*, K-oiainf, rniii'in dr. Ss^.n, ifM ><-,!., cnusigaee*, Mnsinjf, "schr^ T <O. rush -hp C*>sMHaj 1106 U>ns, Cbristi.)'i. ronim'iiilfr, iaHjea VM OOUai^uecu, >ftn" to rkars .a". i».!i aaaal .1 mup Shan A.Hum, 411 tons, J. |\,|lo ir nro-Mider. L'acatt* l«t iept,
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    • 84 13 Tu-sdav., aitli September, 1801. Htitiih birqu* afaMaWi O'Sour., commander. HongNOnß-Wdn.-.Uy, 2:>h September, 18« l. Dud; ba<que lug Uj*i, Nacudah, Cln-rilion. itriiuli btique Uechnrd Tlioriitou, SuiclaJi, com aaada* '.aUru. mtiak br g Guyj'. Piia^ie, farS**n Rtrei. itrmsli ship SturtleJ X*w v Liwtber. fir Uonb if Thurslay. 26th Sep. British -idir.
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  • 153 13 The A'norica 1 ■'■!;> White Svillow w%s IS d»y« to limiululu, a ul 50 d y» trim aksaas to tins port. U,> to l.m^ 155 li ul lifM wi.nU ail ctltns. iv ihat loaf, leak tlie wm 1 fr 1 n the aaataoa*dL aad had <\ li.-.vy nal«
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  • 145 13 Wk amMMHMM tlie arrival ut' tin- fullowiti^ uass.MigTs ny tin- ianurak («i»-verii-iient steamer liainboir. Sir lanii-s li ».ike. Raj n "f s«iawak Vtr. John. C'iniu Hi aaral of .ioru.-o \lr. and Mt*. C*|' aia iim WeUtraJ -viid klr.aad Mrs. a. UL OraMnaaaba, Tiik fullokviii^ is a li^t af aaaMkJMrl by
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  • 140 13 tfJloioi/t PtlU Jj.ij.te luaiili.— lo th« dsbiluy, Inij.iui anl u-nrou-vna** genernted by cj»- ut aa] liadL tor awaes] or pliyaicil, ma eil.on ot tMM Pi i< ii M Uijlii-i' UtgrtM l)r»c. in^. iaa4aatag >>l restaniiM. fo« J.i»« from tli« SMsaa Hi) m >rj. I 0^ v oi lieatsOj re-ettib. has
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  • 613 13 >nii's p Sinn, I APT*!-.. Klao aitd Rio lUTB or To "'i Ab«it*ls FaoM ONSIO.Ntts OR AOEMS. UkstiraTun Meh.of-Wab Thetis Tonze Tackmann N0,,, Pmss. frizate H- M. steafflor 1538 lOOS.pI 16 'i lavia 2* Malacca Piimsixn Consul Gi>re>nment Bangkok STI AVER ■I ghly reins t.iii Oranje
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 561 14 INSURANCE. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, -NUANCES AT BOMI AND ABROAD. LIsHED IN IH3C.-INCOKIOHATEU I'ECIAL ACT UK i'AKLI A IE.NT. CAPITAL- £1.259 760. THt Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of this Company >H held on MM I e following is a sh^rt aosiract of the transactions of il endi.i* .ilst Jauuary MM, Uken fro.n
      561 words
    • 824 14 LIVERPOOL LONDON FIKK INSIRANCE COMPANY. THE oj)dersi(fn^d having Wen sppoiated Ap»ut» for the Mi.iw Cumpany are prepared to rxnt Pclicies Ml '.lie usual terms. SYME Jk CO aiaflwpore, 10th Sept, 1858. CALCUTTA MEKCANTILE MARINE INSURANCE SOCIETY 'II UK Uad^raiuneHt, 'uanng been apjHiintA ed Agent* for the above Comp uy ar«
      824 words
    • 1102 14 LEA AND PERKINS CkLTBHATBD \VORCESTEK>HIKE SAUCE. PHONOUNCUD i-Y O'nNOI-sKI'RS, to vi im ONLY GOOD SAUCe AKU APPLICABLE TO EVKRY YUUKTY OF DISH. Fxtntet of if Latter from a Medical Gentlemen at Madia*, to kit hrot/i rat ►> orcv*ttr, iV«y,lB5l. ii 'pELLL*»and Perrins that tl.eir Sauce ia liii-hly ••uemed in Indi.i,
      1,102 words
    • 1068 14 CAUTION AGAINTS COUNTERFEITS. Xqne art genuine unit** tht lianaturt of R and 1. and Oe. i* ujfixed to rack ic>app,r, m I HMM m MM buttle and MSC4 battle ,1 p patent IMMllll. kfaWMSf the proprietor, M*esm II L PtUI and Co are only to be •onsulted at their
      1,068 words
    • 947 14 Messrs. WHAMPOA ANDCO.S ADVERTISEMENT. Mewr*. WHAMPOA Co. have always on Sale an Mlafjajf* aajd rlimee anoortment of ihe following gooJs, sel. i'te.l (■pcfially f.'r tlieir Blat<a. WIIOLKSALK, RKTAIL FOR FXTOBTATION. €ta* «nb iL'iocci". Always on sxle. Teas af th>- choicest fl»TOrs comprisinj;, (iuii(>.'«ili'i, P< koo, iijMin. Souchong, Tuankay, Ar. of
      947 words
    • 825 14 TARGET ::^::tfffcjj: uran j: :::.::tt:;: trrrtn w m Sfcoolia,;. n S :;:::::::::^xn3 enfm,, r !i ll":'!-|' Z^3 CMTMMU. LEY'S AMMUIM i T I 0 i OF KVKKY MBUinoi SPORTIN(» on MILITARY PURPOBBS. DOUI'.LE Wataraeaaf Waddnurs t.. in. v. Nt tie Win Cartridges for Killing Omb di^l:inres, I'reech Loadii g Lnrtrid^e
      825 words